Member Interview : big_gamer007


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Many thanks to [MENTION=141093]big_gamer007[/MENTION] for taking the time to answer these questions and providing some insightful responses. : What brought you to and why do you like posting here?

big_gamer007: To be honest, one day after the 2015 World Cup, I was searching online for cricket forums and PakPassion was the first forum which showed up. So, I visited it and lurked for a few years on and off. The way this forum is maintained is really commendable, most of the discussions are very civil and whenever anyone crosses a line the post gets deleted. That was the reason I signed up to post in Cricket section.

Also, I have a soft corner for Pakistani people because of my ancestral Home and growing up I used to play pool on Yahoo Games (good times) and there in a room called Kashmir (ironically the room name was based on Led Zeppelin Songs) Indians and Pakistanis used to fight daily. But I met a lot of Pakistani people over there and became good friends, then in my stay in UK I met a quite a few Pakistani people who were very friendly, so I liked interacting with them and understanding their viewpoint. That is why I started posting in Time Pass & Sports section to understand things from alternate viewpoint. : Given Virat Kohli's failures in 50 over World Cup events, do you think he can ever surpass Sachin Tendulkar in stature just based on his domination of bilateral 50 over series?

big_gamer007: Even if Virat Kohli had a brilliant World Cup he would never have surpassed Sachin Tendulkar in stature. People not growing up in India do not realize the importance of Sachin. In 90's our economy was messed up, crime was at an all-time high, not many people had cable TV, not many could afford to go to movies (movie theatres were few in number), we sucked at mostly every sport and other sports were not popular. Even in cricket our team was not that good, however, we had one world class player who carried the entire nation on his shoulder. Cricket became religion because of Sachin, he gave us hope and happiness in times of despair and sadness.

Kohli is playing in current era where India does not face all those problems. So Kohli does not have the emotional attachment which Tendulkar had for the above reasons. Sachin can only be surpassed once my generation becomes irrelevant.

In cricketing career Sachin is still ahead of Kohli especially in Tests. : How do you see the political future of India?

big_gamer007: I think the political future of India depends on various reasons. Growing up in 90's I have seen the worst kind of politics (my mother’s side family is involved in politics). So, compared to 90s we are seeing an improvement. However, it is always dangerous to involve religion in politics. When BJP/ first came into power, his entire 2014 campaign was based on three points: Anti-corruption, Development and Black money. But after coming into power, slowly the focus changed to irrelevant and dangerous issues like beef ban.

The worst part is there is no competition to BJP. Regional parties are the worst and they along with congress are the reason for communalism on which BJP is feeding. Congress does not have any good face to challenge Modi.

So, I see BJP being in power for at least 10 years. With the ever so over exploding population, focus on automation and the diminishing natural resources, BJP need to focus on long term future issues rather than short term benefits. If they don't tackle these issues, then political future can be in turmoil. If they can tackle these core issues, then no one can stop them from being in power for a long time.

It will be interesting times ahead, with chance of going both ways. : What's gone wrong with Hasan Ali and Faheem Ashraf?

big_gamer007: Faheem Ashraf, I think was over-rated from the start. He lacked the skillset to reach the top level. If he does work really hard then he can be a decent player, but in my opinion, his ceiling is to be a decent player and that’s about it.

Hasan Ali needs to hide his weaknesses. He is a skittish type of bowler who lacks height. He is not express like Waqar Younis either. If the conditions are not favorable, his pace and bounce is perfect to get tonked. He needs to work on his variations and develop an out-swinger. Playing in UAE takes a massive toll on bowlers both physically and mentally, PCB need to shift their home matches away from UAE otherwise more fast bowlers will suffer the way Mohammad Amir and Hasan have suffered. : What changes would you recommend for Pakistan's Test side ahead of the Test Championship?

big_gamer007: Pakistan team is at the right phase of transition and hopefully it works out well for them this time around. They have a good core of young players who are at the right age, however, you guys need to find a good captain and wicket keeper. Sarfaraz Ahmed is a massive liability. I would replace Sarfaraz with the best wicket keeper batsmen in Pakistan right now, and make Babar Azam the captain with Azhar Ali as vice-captain who guides him for next 2 years till he is groomed.

Fast bowling stocks are pretty good, just need to groom someone to replace Yasir Shah eventually. : Do you think Virat Kohli is actually good as captain?

big_gamer007: Virat Kohli is a decent captain. People underrate him because they compare him with MS Dhoni or Sourav Ganguly. He is not as good as his predecessors but that does not mean he is a bad captain. He has his issues and plays his favorites but every captain does that. His main quality is the passion he brings in every time he sets foot on the field. You can see it in his body language which shows how passionate he is for his team/country. If a player does not get motivated by seeing such a passionate captain, then nothing can motivate him.

He knows how important fast bowlers are and backs them always which is the first time we see in Indian cricket.

However, he lacks the street smartness and quick thinking of Dhoni. : Tell us a bit about your background, why the name ‘big_gamer007’ ? What do you do as a profession?

big_gamer007: Growing up I used to play computer games and was thinking of a name to use, my sister suggested to use this and ever since then I use this name everywhere even though I do not play games anymore for a long time.

I work as a pre-sales consultant for a MNC. I studied engineering and slowly moved from technical line into techno-functional role now which is better paying :) : If you were given a choice to meet any three cricketers who will they be? And what will you ask them?

big_gamer007: The three cricketers would be:

1. Imran Khan - I want to hear his entire story about the struggles to reach where he is. It's a fascinating story and I think you should make a movie out of his entire life.

2. Mohammad Azharuddin - How many matches did he fix in the 90's and cost us how many games.

3. Lance Klusener - What did he say after the 1999 World Cup semi-final to Allan Donald in dressing room. : Growing up, who was your favorite international foreign and Indian player to watch?

big_gamer007: Well my favorite has to be Sachin Tendulkar for obvious reasons. However, at different stages I had different favorites, I will try to list a few I remember in order:

1. Aravinda DeSilva
2. Lance Klusener
3. Shoaib Akhtar
4. Shane Bond
5. Jimmy Anderson
6. AB de Villiers

Currently I don't have favorite per se but I enjoy watching Mitchell Starc bowl when fully fit. : What is your take on spot fixing? Do you think that people involved in the crime deserve to play again once their punishment period is over?

big_gamer007: I think there should be zero tolerance on any form of fixing. At international level most teams pay their players well enough to not get involved in such acts.

Whoever is caught should be banned for life.

At grassroots/domestic level you can have a few years punishment with a proper rehabilitation program. : Which has been your most memorable cricket game to attend and why?

big_gamer007: To be honest I haven't attended many matches, but I attended few games in IPL in corporate box. So, I enjoyed those games mostly due to non-cricketing reasons. From international matches, I have only attended like 3-4 and most of them were quite boring. I have a short attention span and can't watch an entire match for 8 hours so I avoid going to stadium.

I would love to watch India vs Pakistan in England though. That is the one match I wish I get a chance to watch. : Why do fans call Rohit Sharma out despite him performing so well for India and how do you feel about his career and future in Indian limited overs team till the year 2023?

big_gamer007: Rohit Sharma had a bad start to his career and was backed a lot by team management. However, people criticize him because of his play style. He looks so lazy and when he gets out people think he does not try hard enough. But truth is that is how he plays, it's his natural game. Another reason is his lack of success in Test matches, and getting plenty of chances overseas when there are more deserving Test players who don’t get any chance.

I think by 2023 he will be 36 or 37 years old so IMO he will be somewhat of a liability in the team. He has 2-3 years left at top level after that he will start declining as a batsman. And seeing the lack of work ethic he will decline rapidly compared to others. : How do you feel about Mohammad Shami not being picked in semi-final of the 2019 World Cup, given that he had played well in the tournament and he was man of the series in India versus New Zealand series?

big_gamer007: In hindsight we can say Mohammad Shami could have played, but in my opinion the playing X1 was perfect. Indian bowlers did a great job in restricting the Kiwis. The match itself was kind of ruined by rain, but there are no excuses for our batting to collapse like the way it did. We all knew there will be a match where the top order fails and all of us fans were hoping it would not be in knockouts.

I don't think Shami would have done anything better than the other bowlers, so I don't mind him not playing. : How do you rate India's chances in the Test championship?

big_gamer007: India will obviously be the favourites to win. India at home is just too strong and all other countries currently are susceptible at home. Outside home, India have a good chance of winning in almost every country now. So, unless someone lifts their game considerably or if we suffer from a massive off series (at home) we are firm favourites to win. : T20I, ODI or Test - which format do you prefer and why?

big_gamer007: I don't have any specific format. I am a fan of high-quality fast bowling especially in swinging/seaming conditions, so I prefer to watch Test matches in England the most. Second would be to watch Test matches in South Africa.

After that I prefer ICC tournaments, and after that T20 format games. I don't enjoy bilateral ODIs unless they are in bowling friendly conditions.

To me beauty of cricket is when a batsman is facing unplayable conditions and still surviving through sheer grit. I rate Kohli's 47 odd runs against South Africa in third Test last year as one of the best high-quality innings from him in recent times. I would rather re-watch that innings than any of his centuries in batting friendly conditions.
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[MENTION=141093]big_gamer007[/MENTION] Good interview and thanks for answering my question. My question was

If you were given a choice to meet any three cricketers who will they be? And what will you ask them?
Nice interview. Enjoyable
Nice interview, how did you get into pre sales and what does pre sales job involve if you dont mind me asking?
Just seen this never got around to asking my Q's :facepalm

Great interview mate, my least favourite poster on PP :broad
Thanks pp for taking my question and
Thanks big gamer for answering that question.
Great interview
Nice interview, how did you get into pre sales and what does pre sales job involve if you dont mind me asking?

I worked in technical line for a few years in my previous company, I was on good terms with senior management and asked them to change my role to pre-sales and they opened a movement to pre-sales for me.

Regarding work, when sales team gets a lead have to visit client locations and propose/present a solution and explain benefits of our solution from technical point of view. Can involve core technical team for help on specific products if needed.

If the deal goes through then if client requires support in deploying the solution then have to provide him support if not then move on to next client.
Nice interview [MENTION=141093]big_gamer007[/MENTION]. One of the most balanced Indian posters.
Thanks all :)
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] you can still answer your question, I will answer you Jabroni :moyo2


What are your origins when it comes to birthplace etc and what is life like currently in the hood :yk3

Why do you think Jinder Mahal is a great rasler :mv

Your favourite video games ?

Any experience(s) to share with us which may benefit all the younger jobbers on PP :afridi

What have you learned about life itself so far and are you a spiritual molvi saab or a non believer ?

What are your origins when it comes to birthplace etc and what is life like currently in the hood :yk3

Why do you think Jinder Mahal is a great rasler :mv

Your favourite video games ?

Any experience(s) to share with us which may benefit all the younger jobbers on PP :afridi

What have you learned about life itself so far and are you a spiritual molvi saab or a non believer ?

What are your origins when it comes to birthplace etc and what is life like currently in the hood

I was born in a place called Noida which is near Delhi and part of Delhi NCR region. Technically it does not come under Delhi but is part of one of the most corrupt states of India (Uttar Pradesh). However, being so closed to Delhi it is one of the most developed cities of India.

Life in the hood, has changed over the years, not just personally but in other ways as well. While growing up my city was full of natural beauty and full of greenery all around, however, in 2007 a corrupt regime came who sold all land to builders and not has turned the entire city into a concrete jungle. The charm of living in this city has been lost, for us who have been here since the beginning. Few industries and IT companies have come however the population has crossed the threshold. Traffic conditions have worsened and as shown by recent surveys pollution level of Delhi NCR have been the highest in the world.

Even with a high paying job and being able to afford most luxuries I don't feel the satisfaction of a quality life. I would have rather earned less but prefered better quality air, organic and un-adulterated food, no hours long traffic jams etc.

Other than the above points being born and brought up here I have my childhood friends who are my neighbors. We have our entire gang from childhood who is still together and our families are close with each other so from emotional and relation POV it couldn't be any better. That is why I am in constant dilemma on whether to leave India or not (I got my Australian PR few months back).

Why do you think Jinder Mahal is a great rasler

I am a 90's kid, for me wrestling was only 10% technical wrestling. Rest 90% of wrestling was based on Gimmicks and larger than life personality. Even top quality wrestlers like Macho man or Shawn Michaels were loved and revered because of their gimmicks/larger than life personality. Then you had legends like Hulk Hogan, warrior, post steroid Steiner who were pretty poor wrestlers, however, they were revered and loved because of the aura. That is what wrestling is for me. If I want to watch proper fighting, I would watch UFC any day. Wrestling for me is entertainment in form of story line and gimmick.

Jinder Mahals run as a heel champion was very entertaining. Fans these days crave for high flying wrestling or technical wrestling. Even that is based on the rise of Internet. The opinion of most people get get formed or changes due to critics posting negative online. A popular Youtuber who does not like any particular wrestler creates a short 5 minute video on YouTube criticizing a wrestler and suddenly you have thousands of people who start hating the wrestler. Due to rise of Internet, sheep-herd mentality has grown ten-folds.

Having said the above, my reasons for liking Jinder, was that his whole gimmick was awesome. He was passionate and always had fierce anger on his face. Singh brother gimmick complimented him perfectly and brought in little bit of comedy as well. I would rate his entire gimmick/story as 1 level above JBL gimmick back in 2000's. However, the modern fans expect more from modern wrestlers so it did not reach the popularity as it should have.

Your favourite video games ?

Growing up I played a lot of video games and got a lot of beatings as well :)). Chappal and Belt was the most common tool with "Belan" and "Thuppi" being close second :))

Growing up, my favorite games include: Mario, Contra and Ninja Turtles.
Once we got computer then the games became different. Roadrash, Carmageddon, Need for speed and finally went onto my favorite of all time Coutner Strike and DOTA 1.

I also used to play online games like Pool on Yahoo games, The Mafia Boss, Perfect World International, Clash of clans and Lords Mobile.

Any experience(s) to share with us which may benefit all the younger jobbers on PP

Not an experience but an advice I would like to share with everyone. When I first started using Internet, I used to read comments posted online and it made me turn towards the dark side. I used to think every Pakistani is anti-Indian and started developing hatred towards the entire nation/community.

If I hadn't met the good people whom I became friends with later on, my opinion on Pakistan would be totally different and be the same as many misinformed Indians.

So my advice is if you actually care about your country, never spread hatred. Even if you are trolling online you do not know who is reading your comment. A young impressionable mind reads those comments and develops his perception of the entire nation based on such comments. There is enough hatred in the world which gets exploited by the people in power, no point spreading more and turning more and more people to the dark side just for 5 minutes of laughs and giggles.

I did some bad trolling in my time as well, but with time I understand it is not something which one should do and it only increases the hatred in the world.

What have you learned about life itself so far and are you a spiritual molvi saab or a non believer ?

I am kind of in between, I believe in God, however, I believe God gave us brains to use so that we can decide between right and wrong ourselves. So, I do not believe in what any Pandit or any so called God men has to say, I think and decide for myself. God knows everything and I believe if he wanted us to follow a set of scriptures blindly without using our own mind he would not have given us a brain.

I do get into arguments about it with my friends who are a bit hardcore towards their religious beliefs but those arguments are mostly over a drink so the next day we forget about it :)
What are your origins when it comes to birthplace etc and what is life like currently in the hood

I was born in a place called Noida which is near Delhi and part of Delhi NCR region. Technically it does not come under Delhi but is part of one of the most corrupt states of India (Uttar Pradesh). However, being so closed to Delhi it is one of the most developed cities of India.

Life in the hood, has changed over the years, not just personally but in other ways as well. While growing up my city was full of natural beauty and full of greenery all around, however, in 2007 a corrupt regime came who sold all land to builders and not has turned the entire city into a concrete jungle. The charm of living in this city has been lost, for us who have been here since the beginning. Few industries and IT companies have come however the population has crossed the threshold. Traffic conditions have worsened and as shown by recent surveys pollution level of Delhi NCR have been the highest in the world.

Even with a high paying job and being able to afford most luxuries I don't feel the satisfaction of a quality life. I would have rather earned less but prefered better quality air, organic and un-adulterated food, no hours long traffic jams etc.

Other than the above points being born and brought up here I have my childhood friends who are my neighbors. We have our entire gang from childhood who is still together and our families are close with each other so from emotional and relation POV it couldn't be any better. That is why I am in constant dilemma on whether to leave India or not (I got my Australian PR few months back).

Why do you think Jinder Mahal is a great rasler

I am a 90's kid, for me wrestling was only 10% technical wrestling. Rest 90% of wrestling was based on Gimmicks and larger than life personality. Even top quality wrestlers like Macho man or Shawn Michaels were loved and revered because of their gimmicks/larger than life personality. Then you had legends like Hulk Hogan, warrior, post steroid Steiner who were pretty poor wrestlers, however, they were revered and loved because of the aura. That is what wrestling is for me. If I want to watch proper fighting, I would watch UFC any day. Wrestling for me is entertainment in form of story line and gimmick.

Jinder Mahals run as a heel champion was very entertaining. Fans these days crave for high flying wrestling or technical wrestling. Even that is based on the rise of Internet. The opinion of most people get get formed or changes due to critics posting negative online. A popular Youtuber who does not like any particular wrestler creates a short 5 minute video on YouTube criticizing a wrestler and suddenly you have thousands of people who start hating the wrestler. Due to rise of Internet, sheep-herd mentality has grown ten-folds.

Having said the above, my reasons for liking Jinder, was that his whole gimmick was awesome. He was passionate and always had fierce anger on his face. Singh brother gimmick complimented him perfectly and brought in little bit of comedy as well. I would rate his entire gimmick/story as 1 level above JBL gimmick back in 2000's. However, the modern fans expect more from modern wrestlers so it did not reach the popularity as it should have.

Your favourite video games ?

Growing up I played a lot of video games and got a lot of beatings as well :)). Chappal and Belt was the most common tool with "Belan" and "Thuppi" being close second :))

Growing up, my favorite games include: Mario, Contra and Ninja Turtles.
Once we got computer then the games became different. Roadrash, Carmageddon, Need for speed and finally went onto my favorite of all time Coutner Strike and DOTA 1.

I also used to play online games like Pool on Yahoo games, The Mafia Boss, Perfect World International, Clash of clans and Lords Mobile.

Any experience(s) to share with us which may benefit all the younger jobbers on PP

Not an experience but an advice I would like to share with everyone. When I first started using Internet, I used to read comments posted online and it made me turn towards the dark side. I used to think every Pakistani is anti-Indian and started developing hatred towards the entire nation/community.

If I hadn't met the good people whom I became friends with later on, my opinion on Pakistan would be totally different and be the same as many misinformed Indians.

So my advice is if you actually care about your country, never spread hatred. Even if you are trolling online you do not know who is reading your comment. A young impressionable mind reads those comments and develops his perception of the entire nation based on such comments. There is enough hatred in the world which gets exploited by the people in power, no point spreading more and turning more and more people to the dark side just for 5 minutes of laughs and giggles.

I did some bad trolling in my time as well, but with time I understand it is not something which one should do and it only increases the hatred in the world.

What have you learned about life itself so far and are you a spiritual molvi saab or a non believer ?

I am kind of in between, I believe in God, however, I believe God gave us brains to use so that we can decide between right and wrong ourselves. So, I do not believe in what any Pandit or any so called God men has to say, I think and decide for myself. God knows everything and I believe if he wanted us to follow a set of scriptures blindly without using our own mind he would not have given us a brain.

I do get into arguments about it with my friends who are a bit hardcore towards their religious beliefs but those arguments are mostly over a drink so the next day we forget about it :)

The run with the belt was decent and I respect him tbh for what he overcame in general and he also did as well as he could have and got a little too much criticism at times. Thank you for the detailed responses and I agree about the stuff you said about reading comments online, never take this as the be and end all, also diverse relationships are encouraged only way to end fascism, racism and intolerance in general.

I use to love the N64, for me the GOAT console
The run with the belt was decent and I respect him tbh for what he overcame in general and he also did as well as he could have and got a little too much criticism at times. Thank you for the detailed responses and I agree about the stuff you said about reading comments online, never take this as the be and end all, also diverse relationships are encouraged only way to end fascism, racism and intolerance in general.

I use to love the N64, for me the GOAT console

Agreed with respect to intolerance.

Yea I used to love Nintendo too, big part of our lives growing up. Which was your favourite game?
big_gamer007: Well my favorite has to be Sachin Tendulkar for obvious reasons. However, at different stages I had different favorites, I will try to list a few I remember in order:

1. Aravinda DeSilva
2. Lance Klusener
3. Shoaib Akhtar
4. Shane Bond
5. Jimmy Anderson
6. AB de Villiers

Gun players all of them. Imagine all of them sitting on a table discussing their heroics :yk

Regarding test championship: It was always an India vs Aus final.

Let's see tho!
An excellent interview from a wonderful poster!
Good interview bro, and oooh corporate box!!

An excellent interview from a wonderful poster!

Gun players all of them. Imagine all of them sitting on a table discussing their heroics :yk

Regarding test championship: It was always an India vs Aus final.

Let's see tho!

Very nice and sensible comments.A great read.

Thanks guys.
[MENTION=139649]WhenSultansBowled[/MENTION] : Yes, I believe it will be India vs Australia as well. Will be a fascinating final if it happens.
[MENTION=137142]JaDed[/MENTION]: Haha yea, a friend of mines Dad was GM in GMR group so he got us tickets in first few seasons. But haven't watched a live match for 4-5 years now.