Member Interview : Tanzeel


PPCL Hall of Famer
Mar 21, 2012
This week in the PakPassion Member Interview, we have a fascinating account from someone who shares his political views extensively, how the future of Pakistan can be shaped and improved from it's current state. He also speaks about his favourite cricket captain as well as his most cherished childhood memory.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Tanzeel. As someone who holds a degree in Electrical Engineering, what future do you see for Engineering graduates in Pakistan? Do they stick to core branches or move to software?

Tanzeel: The trend of engineering graduates moving to software is a lot less prevalent in Pakistan than it is in India. Most people tend to stick to their respective fields. As it is, there’s a glut of Computer Science graduates so firms prefer to hire them instead of graduates in other disciplines and train them from scratch. Engineering also happens to be one of the highest paying profession and someone with 3-5 years of high quality work experience can easily make twice what someone with a similar amount of experience would writing software or working in a bank. Amongst the people I know who have graduated with an engineering degree recently, around a quarter are working at local universities, mainly in research, quite a few are in the power sector (a lot of work going on there behind the scenes that most people don’t ever get to hear about) and quite a few get into engineering consultancy. As for the future, I can’t really say much since that depends on how the economy shapes up but this particular sector seems to be doing fairly well compared to the rest of the economy so fingers crossed. Who has been your greatest political influence and your all-time favourite liberal thinker?

Tanzeel: Greatest political influence would have to be one of Ataturk and Park Chung Hee, and favorite thinker would be Kant. The way Park and Attaturk managed to take their nations from ruins in the aftermath of devastating wars and turn them around into major global players is remarkable and something that has not been done too often. Pakistan currently could use someone like them, more so Park than Attaturk because you need a strong hand to deal with the people of Pakistan and also because his approach proved to be the more successful one in the long run. You are one of the more secular posters on PakPassion - how can religious extremism be combated not only in Pakistan but in the Muslim world?

Tanzeel: Can’t speak about the greater Muslim world since it’s incredibly large and diverse so there’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution here. For Pakistan, to combat extremism, a lot of simple sounding but extremely hard to implement steps will have to be taken on an urgent basis. The first thing that needs to be done is to educate the people. Universal education needs to be provided free of cost to everyone in order to allow them to develop critical reasoning skills and prevent them from falling under the influence of religious hardliners. A Singapore style law needs to be implemented where any parents/guardians preventing their children from attending school be charged with a crime and face harsh penalties including heavy fines and potential jail time for repeat offenders. The next step would be to use this educated population to develop a strong economy. Widespread economic prosperity is poison for religious extremism and religion in general as evidenced by the strong correlation between the level of development in a country and the level of apathy towards religion there, the US being the only highly developed country where religion is still a strong political force and even there, the highly religious bible belt states rank near the bottom on economic and development indicators compared to the liberal northeastern states that rank near the top.

This should largely take care of the problem, leaving extremism on the fringes of society compared to the mainstream force that it is today. Once that is achieved, it should cease to be much of an issue since it only poses a credible threat when it is endorsed by a majority of the people. What are your views on the future of Pakistan (economically, socially, politically, religiously, etc)? Do you think there's a realistic chance of a revolution being brought? What do you think is the best governing model for Pakistan to follow? Do you think a 'secular' governing model (or 'neutrality' of sorts) could work?

Tanzeel: This is complicated. I don’t really see much changing for Pakistan economically, socially or politically any time in the near future. The economy is woefully underdeveloped for a country of 200 million people and for the next five years at least, it shall continue this trend of growing just enough to stay afloat without any major advancement. The key reason for that is that the economy doesn’t have a platform to launch itself off of. After 65 years of independence, the country’s largest industrial export is textiles followed by agricultural products. You need to develop your local industries for your economy to progress past the lower middle income stage and that takes 25-30 years at the very least even with the most exceptional cases (South Korea, Taiwan). This is a process that Pakistan will have to start from zero. Socially and politically, things will continue to get worse until someone takes charge of the situation and brings about extensive reforms to deal with the plethora of problems facing the country. You need a strong leader to take the status quo on (no, Imran Khan isn’t it despite him claiming to be just that), use whatever means are necessary including lethal force to tackle the issue of religious extremism, enforce mandatory universal education whether the people like it or not and establish a firm rule of law where all are equal before it.

The best governing model, in my personal opinion, would the South Korean and Japanese model from the 1950s and 1960s, particularly Korea under Park Chung Hee (Japan’s situation was a little different while Korea’s was almost exactly the same as Pakistan’s today). Park was a dictator who oversaw the industrialization of South Korea from scratch between 1961 and 1979. Massive incentives were offered to industrial groups to develop their brands and market them worldwide, education was given top priority (Korea in the late 50s was even more illiterate than Pakistan is today). There were blatant human rights violations but in the long run, things evened themselves out and democracy was established in 1987 and it has been fairly smooth sailing ever since bar the 1997 financial crisis. If Pakistan can do even half of what the Koreans did, things will improve drastically in the decades to come. As far as whether or not secularism could work, the answer at this point would be no. The public isn’t ready for it and it does not understand the concept. In the long run, once the population is sufficiently educated and developed, it would be easier to transition into it. Till then, all the focus needs to be on developing the economy. Once that is accomplished, the other social issues will sort themselves out. Following on the from the previous questions, what does the Pakistani community need to address/change in order to prosper in the long term? How can people be made to carry out their citizen responsibilities of paying taxes, etc, like in other countries?

Tanzeel: First and foremost is education. Currently, education is not being given its due importance not just by the government but the people too. There’s a trend amongst the rural population of Pakistan to have a lot of children with the intent to have them enter the unskilled workforce when they turn 12-13 and live off of them in your later years or to marry them off early if they’re girls. This creates two very serious problems. One, the population grows at an alarming and unsustainable rate and most of the new entrants to the population turn out to be a burden on the nation instead of an asset due to their lack of any skills that might be useful to the economy, and two, this massive population, by virtue of the very reason of its existence, is largely uneducated and surrounded by a culture of intolerance and corruption, which creates a very volatile environment for the future. In order for Pakistan to prosper, a concerted effort needs to be made to create awareness among the people of these issues and to point them in the right direction. The people too, much more so than the authorities, need to take responsibilities for their actions. A certain amount of effort will be required by the authorities to make people take responsibility since Pakistanis are not renowned for their sense of civic duty. You need a setup where there are strong laws in place against elements that cause harm to the society at large e.g. tax evasion, withholding education from children under your charge, promoting violence against certain segments of society for whatever reason. There’s a very popular phrase in Urdu, ‘danday ki zabaan samjhna’ and you need a very big ‘danda’ (cane) here to do a lot of talking. It’s been noticed at times that you have a less than esteemed opinion about British Pakistani’s. What developed that opinion?

Tanzeel: To me, this particular community represents the very worst traits of Pakistani culture all rolled up into one package. This is one of the most poorly educated and least successful communities in the country despite having 50 years and three generations to adapt to the new environment, religious extremism is at levels comparable to Pakistan, not a day goes by when a member of the community isn’t in the news for the wrong reasons and there seems to be an obsession with preserving an archaic culture that was obsolete 30 years ago. The main reason however is their insistence on associating with Pakistan and a sense of entitlement with regards to Pakistan. I can understand the immigrants wishing to maintain ties and have a say in matters pertaining to their homeland but when the second/third/fourth generation (and each generation for some reason tends to get progressively worse) British Pakistanis, most of whom have inherited their Pakistani citizenship from their parents/grandparents courtesy Pakistan’s ridiculous nationality law, go around claiming to ‘represent’ Pakistan, I take exception. Pakistan is for Pakistanis and for someone to have a sense of entitlement, demanding the right to vote for instance, is offensive to a lot of Pakistanis when these very same people would never in a million years choose to live in Pakistan. Why do you choose to stay in Pakistan instead of moving abroad, to more economically viable and secular countries? What places would you like to visit, that you haven't been to yet?

Tanzeel: Things were pretty good in Pakistan when I was planning all this stuff out. The country was less conservative compared to today, there was a greater degree of personal freedom and the economy was doing alright. That is obviously no longer the case. I haven’t ruled out moving abroad, mostly for social reasons rather than economic ones. I’m doing alright for myself here financially, it’s the social environment that I don’t like. I would not want to raise a family in a country where the religious right exercises the kind of power that it does in Pakistan. The culture and social norms here can be pretty stifling for someone who doesn’t think the way the rest of society does and I happen to be that kind of person. I don’t particularly like the ‘Islamic way of life’ as it exists in Pakistan and if things continue to go the way they are, I would seriously consider relocating somewhere more tolerant to my way of life.
The places on top of my ‘to visit’ list are, in no particular order, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, the US and most of Latin America. Suggest 5 must read books on Pakistan.

Tanzeel: Moth Smoke by Mohsin Hamid.
Blasphemy by Tehmina Durrani
Shame by Salman Rushdie
Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortensen
From Jinnah to Zia by Mohammad Munir After posting on this forum, have any of your worldly views changed?

Tanzeel: No, not really. Most of what I’ve come across here has been in line with what I already knew and believed in. The British Pakistani contingent is especially conservative, the Pakistani Americans are doing better for themselves than their counterparts elsewhere, Indians love to troll. What do you mean when you say you're not a practicing Muslim?

Tanzeel: Means that I believe in the Islamic God along with all the history including the revelations and the Prophets along with the fact that Mohammad (PBUH) was the last prophet but I don’t necessarily agree with everything about the religion. I don’t pray, I don’t abstain from alcohol or non-Halal meat among other things, and I don’t believe that it is a religion for all times in it’s original form. I see the Muslim world refusing to let it evolve and I see them at the bottom of the barrel in terms of social and economic conditions so clearly something is not right. Moving on to cricket now, who do you feel is the best Pakistani captain in recent times? What did you admire about him?

Tanzeel: Misbah. What he’s done with the team over the last year and a half has been amazing. He inherited a team that was low on confidence, hadn’t won much in a while and was plagued by all sorts of locker room issues. He took responsibility where very few others would have and proceeded to turn it into one of the most successful Pakistani teams in recent memory. The best thing about him is that unlike his predecessor, one Shahid Khan Afridi, he’s all about the team with very little consideration for personal accolades (at the team’s expense). He has kept his head down all this time, stayed out of the spotlight all the while producing results that very few Pakistani captains have been able to produce. In your opinion, is test cricket (the only) real form of cricket?

Tanzeel: Not at all. Every format has its place; it’s just that I don’t see T20 as a legitimate format of cricket. It’s like comparing the WWE to UFC. They both involve physical combat but one is the real deal whilst the other is all show. For all their glitz and glamor, in a legitimate brawl, a WWE guy would have his rear end handed to him on a platter by an MMA guy. Similarly, there’s very little genuine cricket skill involved in T20s compared to test cricket and the 50 over format, my personal favorite. It speaks volumes about a format when you’re more concerned with the result than you’d much rather get the result from Cricinfo than watch the game itself. What are your top 3 favourite memories relating to Pakistan cricket?

Tanzeel: 1 – Madras test against India in 1999. Absolutely amazing game that could’ve gone either way till the last wicket. What made it all the more special was Tendulkar failing to get past the fence after getting so close.
2 – Umar Gul’s five wicket haul against India in Lahore, back in 2004. I watched most of the game alone in my hospital bed and Gul’s been my favorite cricketer ever since. The first guy from my hometown to really make it big on the international circuit.
3 – India vs Pakistan, Champions Trophy 2009. We were watching the game in our university’s bar with the Indians who outnumbered us 3 to 1 and all through the game the atmosphere was electric. When Amir came on to bowl, an Indian made some less than flattering remarks about him and when he got Tendulkar a couple deliveries later, the whole place erupted. If you could be reborn in another era (in the past) - which one would you choose and why?

Tanzeel: If I could be reborn in another era, I’d probably pick the 1940s. This way I could get to live in the Pakistan that I wish existed today, the tolerant and progressive Pakistan of the 60s and 70s. You have Opeth's logo as your avatar, suggesting you're partial to a spot of metal? What other music/bands do you like?

Tanzeel: Mainly metal, prog rock, the occasional dose of trance and when I’m in the mood, rap but not the crap you get these days, old school rap (NWA, Eric B and Rakim, Nas etc.). Favorite bands would be Opeth obviously, Gordian Knot, Dream Theater, Cynic, Katatonia, Symphony X, Porcupine Tree, Judas Priest, Megadeth and In Flames among others. What's the one memory from your childhood that will forever remain etched in your mind?

Tanzeel: One childhood memory I’ll never forget would have to be my fifth birthday. I know it’s not something dramatic or life changing but it’s the first thing that came to mind when I tried to think of a childhood memory. It was in Karachi, we lived in an old colonial era house in Malir and it was my last birthday there (the next one was in Peshawar). There were easily 200 people there, most of whom I haven’t met in a good 15 years but I still remember. I had this giant chocolate cake shaped like a guitar that was almost as big as me and bigger than my sister with the fret board done in dark chocolate. I remember tasting some of the dark chocolate bit after everyone had left and puking my guts out.
a poster who has a grip on reality and doesn't act like an enraged keyboard warrior, good stuff.
Fantastic interview, Tanzeel:14:! Thanks for answering my question:19:.
Nice interview, I think you understand the ground realities of economic development, it is a very slow process and will take decades to improve assuming someone has the vision make it happen. What are the industries that can move forward if given the push?
Brit Pakistanis may have a few things to say :)

Apart from that, some excellent answers in there.
What a load of generalist crap about British Pakistanis and I'm not even one of them.

Especially when coming from a person not from there. You have a go at them for what you feel is misplaced entitlement because they are not in Pakistan. Yet you group them all with one foul stroke sitting in another country yourself?
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Other than that is a poster that ill go out of my way to read on occasion. But the veiled derogatory ways you refer to those who find solace in their religion is concerning. Ok you are someone who believes in a more progressive world view. That still doesn't mean you view all of us sticking to our fundamentals in religion as backward. Atleast that's the feeling I get you try to bring across whenever you post.
I believe in the Islamic God along with all the history including the revelations and the Prophets along with the fact that Mohammad (PBUH) was the last prophet but I don’t necessarily agree with everything about the religion. I don’t pray, I don’t abstain from alcohol or non-Halal meat among other things, and I don’t believe that it is a religion for all times in it’s original form.

Interesting. You believe in Islamic God yet you want to act on your own laws are conditions.
Well its just like saying That Yes I agree with the ruler of My country but I will not follow his orders or that I respect my employers but I will not follow the instructions of the office.

This is contradictory.
When I initially read the comments about British Pakistan's by Tanzeel, I literally sat forward in shock. Then I thought it through for a few moments and realised he's somewhat right, but only about some of the British Pakistani's, I would say a minority. The negatives you see in the news about them is only a small portion of British Pakistan's, the majority are not like that. Want to see the views of other British Pakistan's on this who are on this forum.
A lot of generalist talk there about British Pakistanis, clearly you haven't seen/experienced enough to be making such negative comments. There are many British Pakistanis that don't fall in that category, plenty actually.
Truly a fascinating interview sirs, there are some really eye-opening answers in there. Solid work.
was really looking forward to your interview tanzeel and you didnt disappoint, the parallels you draw between south korean development and possible future for pakistan are very apt.

one primary problem with that analogy how i see it is that south korea pre park altho terribly under developed was a fairly homogeneous and a politically weak nation, pakistan on the other hand is a heterogeneous federation with factions upon factions and intra institutional politcal agendas which make it almost impregnable to complete dictatorial rule. despite being afflicted by many dictators, none has quite revolutionised the country towards one ideology or the other completely. Do you believe that given the right person such obstacles can be overcome, and if so how?


as someone whos lived in pak in the nineties i also totally relate to your account of the changing social attitudes and increasing conservatism making it less desirable for you to want to live in pak. if i was living in pak today, id pretty much write the same thing pbly.


i think the picture you have painted of brit paks, whilst it may contain some truth, is painted with far too broad a brush, if you get my drift.
Very good interview Tanzeel straight forward answers and speaking up your mind may be a little offending to BritPakistanis but I am not one of them so let them talk about it :afridi.
Very nice read......some good insights. I persoanally happy to see that Engg graduates in Pakistan are sticking to core branches.

It always is better in long run to do what you know, rather than simply going into a field, which you know nothing about.

In India, almost all software companies used to hire graduates (no matter what their branch) into IT, most of them were not happy with work and went off to other field.
Good interview. Agree with most of your take on issues plaguing Pakistan.

However, I didn't see you mention anything about Feudal/Tribal setup holding the country back. In my mind, that is one of the fundamental reasons for depravity, leading to intolerance, divisions, and extremism in Pakistan. That seems to be biggest obstacle in the path of progress to overcome all the other issues.

Don't entirely share the same views as you on religion, however I do think Pakistan seriously needs a break from overt expression of religion (ala Ataturk & Turkey) until they can learn to behave and respect the differences in people's understanding of faith. Islam of Quran is very different from the Islam we see today, especially in Pakistan. As someone once wrote, "May Allah save Islam from Pakistan"
Ah, British Pakistanis, the world's favourite punch bag.

The people described in the OP no doubt exist, but they are as much a part of Britain as anyone else and the derogatory ways in which they are described is unfair, misguided and downright disrespectful. There are plenty of hard-working and/or well-educated Pakistanis in Britain too. I'm not sure who you met, or what your Pakistani family / friends were like, but your experiences are somewhat different to quite a few of us English (British) guys on PP. Perhaps broadening your horizons and circle of Pakistani acquaintances may have helped.

That’s not to belittle those communities that ‘represents the very worst traits of Pakistani culture.’ In a free society, British citizens are allowed to believe and act in a manner which suits them, as long as their actions are within the laws of the country. It's one of the things I find most amusing - the very people who hark on about enjoying the freedoms of the country are the same who preach integration more forcefully than the very freedoms they extol the virtues of should conceivably allow for.

A collection of very poor generalisations in that answer, perhaps in itself representing ‘the very worst traits of Pakistani culture’.
When I initially read the comments about British Pakistan's by Tanzeel, I literally sat forward in shock. Then I thought it through for a few moments and realised he's somewhat right, but only about some of the British Pakistani's, I would say a minority. The negatives you see in the news about them is only a small portion of British Pakistan's, the majority are not like that. Want to see the views of other British Pakistan's on this who are on this forum.

Good, sensible post. I think good ones exist amongst bad ones and vice versa of course.
was really looking forward to your interview tanzeel and you didnt disappoint, the parallels you draw between south korean development and possible future for pakistan are very apt.

one primary problem with that analogy how i see it is that south korea pre park altho terribly under developed was a fairly homogeneous and a politically weak nation, pakistan on the other hand is a heterogeneous federation with factions upon factions and intra institutional politcal agendas which make it almost impregnable to complete dictatorial rule. despite being afflicted by many dictators, none has quite revolutionised the country towards one ideology or the other completely. Do you believe that given the right person such obstacles can be overcome, and if so how?
This bit requires a very long, drawn out response that I can't really type right now(on my phone). Will get back to it tomorrow.

i think the picture you have painted of brit paks, whilst it may contain some truth, is painted with far too broad a brush, if you get my drift.

That seems to be the general consensus. I simply stated what I consider to be the facts based on my personal experiences and of those close to me which, collectively, is a fairly large sample size over a considerable amount of time. With that said, I concede that there are exceptions and a lot of them but in my opinion, things as they are now leave a lot to be desired.
It's interesting the poster claims British Pakistani's don't know anything about Pakistan but he himself thinks he knows everything about Britain and the Pakistani community. lol

The second hypocritical stance is on Islam. Islam is not a pick and choose way of life and especially not when it comes to major principles such as drinking of alcohol and eating of haram meat.

The good news is most Pakistani's in Pakistan don't hold these views at all. On the contrary most would love to move to the UK and most respect their religion and uphold it with dignity.

Some good answers on cricket though, would have been nice to read more of these views than the rest of the claptrap. :)
It's interesting the poster claims British Pakistani's don't know anything about Pakistan but he himself thinks he knows everything about Britain and the Pakistani community. lol

The second hypocritical stance is on Islam. Islam is not a pick and choose way of life and especially not when it comes to major principles such as drinking of alcohol and eating of haram meat.

The good news is most Pakistani's in Pakistan don't hold these views at all. On the contrary most would love to move to the UK and most respect their religion and uphold it with dignity.

Some good answers on cricket though, would have been nice to read more of these views than the rest of the claptrap. :)

Exactly my take on it which I raised in my earlier post. I'm finding it hard to see how you can have such contradictory opinions and double standards.

And agreed the cricket responses were a lot more interesting. Next time more cricket questions from PP members would be more welcome.
It's interesting the poster claims British Pakistani's don't know anything about Pakistan but he himself thinks he knows everything about Britain and the Pakistani community. lol

The second hypocritical stance is on Islam. Islam is not a pick and choose way of life and especially not when it comes to major principles such as drinking of alcohol and eating of haram meat.

The good news is most Pakistani's in Pakistan don't hold these views at all. On the contrary most would love to move to the UK and most respect their religion and uphold it with dignity.

Some good answers on cricket though, would have been nice to read more of these views than the rest of the claptrap. :)

And where has that gotten them?
And where has that gotten them?

It's hardly their fault. The ones to blame are the secular, whiskey drinking, corrupt elitists who have been in power on and off in the last couple of decades. Imran Khan is the only true representative of the majority of Pakistani's, a true Muslim and a true patriot which is what Pakistan needs as a leader.
Some truly controversial stuff about Brit Pakistanis and Islamic beliefs and their application, probably better not to comment on that :)) On the whole, great interview.
I believe in the Islamic God along with all the history including the revelations and the Prophets along with the fact that Mohammad (PBUH) was the last prophet but I don’t necessarily agree with everything about the religion. I don’t pray, I don’t abstain from alcohol or non-Halal meat among other things, and I don’t believe that it is a religion for all times in it’s original form.

Interesting. You believe in Islamic God yet you want to act on your own laws are conditions.
Well its just like saying That Yes I agree with the ruler of My country but I will not follow his orders or that I respect my employers but I will not follow the instructions of the office.

This is contradictory.

For someone who believes 'in all the history and revelations', he seems to have missed the parts in the Quran that talk about how the All-mighty has said that He will protect the holy book.
Believing in the message and the Almighty and being able to follow the practices are 2 different things.

At times we all struggle with that.
Some very good answers there. :14:

But praying 5 times a day is Fard, and one who doesn't do it, will get sent to hell (unless he/she is sick or is mentally disturbed).
Believing in the message and the Almighty and being able to follow the practices are 2 different things.

At times we all struggle with that.

Being able to and refusing to are two very different things also.
Some very good answers there. :14:

But praying 5 times a day is Fard, and one who doesn't do it, will get sent to hell (unless he/she is sick or is mentally disturbed).

from the 1.5 billion muslims, how many do you think pray 5 times a day?
from the 1.5 billion muslims, how many do you think pray 5 times a day?

Well most of those who do not pray at least eat Halal. My friend Tanzeel doesn't pray 5 times a day, plus he doesn't abstain from Alcohol and non-Halal foods. I mean, it's very sad to see Muslims like these.

Note to Tanzeel: Yes Muslims aren't doing all that good in the world right now, but this is a sign of the world ending. This is our test. We must sty good Muslims, unlike all those other bad Muslims. Just a piece of advice buddy. :)
Believing in the message and the Almighty and being able to follow the practices are 2 different things.

At times we all struggle with that.

We're all human and we all have weaknesses and make mistakes. We should however realise our weaknesses and not defend them.
as much as i despise/disagree with Tanzeel's view on various things, but i do enjoy reading em ...:moyo
from the 1.5 billion muslims, how many do you think pray 5 times a day?

i think that's Not what Tanzeel is saying...

Tanzeel basically doesn't believe in that part of Islam.....unlike most others who are too lazy to pray 5x a day.........there's the difference

i think Tanzeel can clarify that here, himself
Being able to and refusing to are two very different things also.

true, I meant in the sense being able to resolve and agree with what is stipulated, there are aspects that I definitely and am sure others have questioned about religion.
About 5-10% do. Disgustingly low number and then people expect to get the divine help that the Sahaba got.

We're all human and we all have weaknesses and make mistakes. We should however realise our weaknesses and not defend them.


I wonder if you do....

For your information, yes, Alhamdulillah I've been prsying 5 times a day (daily) from when I was 7 years old. However, I admit that there is still room for improvement in my Salah, and I am working on that.
not a surprising interview. Obviously i disagree with most of it. Quite a Right wing interview actually! What are your top 3 favourite memories relating to Pakistan cricket?

Tanzeel: 1 – Madras test against India in 1999. Absolutely amazing game that could’ve gone either way till the last wicket. What made it all the more special was Tendulkar failing to get past the fence after getting so close.
2 – Umar Gul’s five wicket haul against India in Lahore, back in 2004. I watched most of the game alone in my hospital bed and Gul’s been my favorite cricketer ever since. The first guy from my hometown to really make it big on the international circuit.
3 – India vs Pakistan, Champions Trophy 2009. We were watching the game in our university’s bar with the Indians who outnumbered us 3 to 1 and all through the game the atmosphere was electric. When Amir came on to bowl, an Indian made some less than flattering remarks about him and when he got Tendulkar a couple deliveries later, the whole place erupted.

Im glad u mentioned something about Cardiff. That was an amazing day.
But praying 5 times a day is Fard, and one who doesn't do it, will get sent to hell (unless he/she is sick or is mentally disturbed).

Oh well. Hopefully I'm mentally disturbed then.
(I doubt God is a sadist, mate, to be honest.)

The comments from Tanzeel about British Pakistanis are pretty mean, and in my opinion untrue. No group can be generalised like that; it's just not going to hold. I've met plenty of British Asians who take thir studies seriously and work hard. And for every slack British Asian there is at least one piece of scrounging white trash that I certainly wouldn't be happy to be equated with.

The rest of the interview was interesting.
Insightful interview. So a metalhead who lives in Pakistan with an alternative view to what we normally hear on the news here (UK). I guess you should never generalise about a whole Community :p
Oh well. Hopefully I'm mentally disturbed then.
(I doubt God is a sadist, mate, to be honest.)

The comments from Tanzeel about British Pakistanis are pretty mean, and in my opinion untrue. No group can be generalised like that; it's just not going to hold. I've met plenty of British Asians who take thir studies seriously and work hard. And for every slack British Asian there is at least one piece of scrounging white trash that I certainly wouldn't be happy to be equated with.

The rest of the interview was interesting.

I meant it's necessary for every Muslim to pray 5 times a day.
Maybe becoming an Alevi would suit you more, Tanzeel.

And there is no 'Islamic God', for He is universal.
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Exactly my take on it which I raised in my earlier post. I'm finding it hard to see how you can have such contradictory opinions and double standards.

And agreed the cricket responses were a lot more interesting. Next time more cricket questions from PP members would be more welcome.

I second that. I was wondering that by mistake I have visited any political forum or what

PS: Didn't liked the interview at all.
What do you think of Free Hit in Cricket and on PakPassion? :afridi

isit worth having :ahmed
One of PP's top posters and a true Pakistani patriot. Really enjoyed reading the interview.
It's hardly their fault. The ones to blame are the secular, whiskey drinking, corrupt elitists who have been in power on and off in the last couple of decades. Imran Khan is the only true representative of the majority of Pakistani's, a true Muslim and a true patriot which is what Pakistan needs as a leader.

A true Muslim? I like Imran but he definitely is not a true muslim, a guy wjo works with my Dad who is a huge financial benefaftor of PTI and a ck
lse friend of Imran let it slip that he still is very much a womaniser, which can also be backed up by my friends cousin whk was a paryty worker, and recieved some ightly harassing texts inviting her to his home at night etc. Point being dont let someons outwards actiobs fool you, especially when that person is a politician :). On topic, while I may not agree with a lot of your opinions, very insightful interview! As a soon to be electrical graduate myself, with interests in power as well as telecom, wish sector woukd you recommend in Pakistan based on its potentialnfor growth and current strength?
Very enjoyable interview. I agree that education is the key to tackling extremism - our nation has its priorities all wrong.

We have a huge defence budget, eating up a sizeable portion of our GDP and yet suicide bombings are still occurring, army bases being attacked and markets being blown up. Pakistanis feel no safer despite the billions being poured into these military toys.

Radicalism cannot be tackled only by military operations, a wide-ranging programme of social reform needs to be carried out and education and socio-economic development is the key to that. The guns and tanks must be phased out for the books and the investment in schools and universities. We have subsidised our fatcat, sell-out generals who tag along with drone strikes and perpetuate the myth of foreign bogeymen in order to stay in their high offices, for too long. With corruption rife in government and in the public sector, and with illiteracy rife, we then wonder why our youth become radicalised !

Regarding British Pakistanis, there is a minority that belongs to this underclass in society that is concerning. They have low educational standards and poor employment prospects - however I can assure that this is not the majority.
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Great interview, enjoyed it.

In my personal experience, people carrying excessive religious baggage with them have always disappointed me, specially with their narrow interpretation of their faith, lack of tolerance to different ideas, rigidity in their stand, and most of them seems to have placed themselves on a higher plane merely by belonging to a particular faith/community.
^^ @ Above two posts

At least someone is understanding Tanzeel's point of view.

I mean how can one not disagree with Education should be the prime target for Pak's think tank to revive the country.

Those crying about hard answers by Tanzeel are probably sitting happily and safely somewhere away from Pakistan. And any educated Pakistani may think the way Tanzeel is thinking. It's easy to make claims and ridicule sitting away from country. Tanzeel understands that Islam is not only one religion, it's also one of the philosophy out of many others around the world. And he thinks it's time for Pakistanis to accept it and put their main focus on Education.

Better education overall in general destroy the ignorance and people become more rational. Poverty decreases and even if it doesn't people remain sane! They look to earn money more rational way. Even God wouldn't want to help people who lose their rationality and goes on to destructive path. And when there is no food on table for family, people lose their rationality. People don't eliminate their hunger by praying.
Tanzeel writes a whole load about his ideological and political viewpoints, and answers one question about his interpretation about religion and how he practices it personally and that becomes the discussion of the whole thread, disappointingly predictable....

Anyhoo, still waiting for your reply re the korean analogy Tanzeel, would be interesting to read :)
Interesting interview though naive in many parts.

Agree with Farazzaidi - tribal/feudal system has been the bane of the country from the start.
Interesting interview. Not all British Pakistanis are like the way Tanzeel is describing, certainly not any majority. Though there are many Pakistani chavs especially in London and Bham, too many for my liking actually.

The same way you wouldn't generalise at blacks being loud gangsters, you shouldn't do the same here.

Apart from that, very interesting political and religious views and many other things that I agree with.

The whole interview was a treat to read like most of his other posts even if I don't agree with him

About 5-10% do. Disgustingly low number and then people expect to get the divine help that the Sahaba got.

Got should at least give divine help to us normal folk, or at least the ones who pray. Pretty convenient of him not to do so. :yk
Missed out on this!
Great interview mostly.
Makes a lot of sense and has hard truths even if most wouldnt like to agree with it
brit pakistani section made me laugh, have cousins there,to an extent over here in ireland we tend to mock some of their habits aswell. alot of chavs, scum and lowlifes present which give everybody a bad name and this is true of many afghan aswell
but not all of them are as you described

islamic bit, not religious but i will never touch any type of intoxicant. im curious, does all that stuff come easily in pakistan? like i know it isnt really available in KPK but is it in islo?

good interview
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Things were pretty good in Pakistan when I was planning all this stuff out. The country was less conservative compared to today, there was a greater degree of personal freedom and the economy was doing alright. That is obviously no longer the case. I haven’t ruled out moving abroad, mostly for social reasons rather than economic ones. I’m doing alright for myself here financially, it’s the social environment that I don’t like. I would not want to raise a family in a country where the religious right exercises the kind of power that it does in Pakistan.

Well at least the Brit Pakistanis can't be blamed for that lot.