Member Interview: Technics 1210


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Many thanks to [MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION] for very detailed answers to our questions.

Enjoy:) Why did you pick this nickname?

Technics 1210:
When I was 6 or 7, my father had a number of LPs he wanted converted to Spool. He borrowed a turntable from his friend, that turntable turned out to be the Technics SL-1200. It was a heavy beast, direct drive, built like a tank – which was the main reason for its success, because unlike belt driven turntables, the vinyl would not jump on the SL-1200 while people were dancing!

The DMC (Disco Mixing Championship) was born, and it was only a matter of time before I came across Grand Wizard Theodore, the inventor of scratching. I was mesmerised by the turntablism. [Q-Bert and Mix Master Mike remain my favourites].

People do not realise how influential the SL-1200 really was, not only did it usher in turntablism, but also gave birth to Hip-Hop/Rap scene and culture, multiple EDM genres like, Disco, Techno, Trance, Rave; revolutionised the audio recording industry, the DMC mixing championship, Vinyl production, Artists, DJs, and of course the clubbing scene.

If you were a DJ between the 70s and 00s, Technics 1200/1210 were the decks to have. The decks never let you down and were 100% reliable with 100% precision, rain, sleet or shine.

So influential the SL1200/1210s were, that if you ever visit the science museum in London, there is a section on the most influential inventions in humanity. There are only 3 – Charles’s Babbage Mechanical Computer, Apple iPhone, and yes, the Technics SL-1200.

So, when I joined PP, I wanted to pick a username which defined my persona, passion, and principles; Trustworthy, Resilient, Reliable, and Loyal - all of these are characteristics of the Technics 1210. What brings you to PakPassion?

Technics 1210:
I remember it like yesterday! I was searching for Waqar Younis videos and Google yielded a link to PP link. Naturally I clicked on the link and I was hooked! I loved the Time Pass section, and I remember thinking at the time that the subjects discussed on TP were very different to the subjects discussed on dance forums. It was refreshing to have an insight into another demographic with live debate, so I decided to sign up based on what I read on TP, not the Cricket forum!

To be honest though, I learn more from the cricket forum, and contribute more in the TP, none-the-less, the experience at PP is unforgettable. Some fantastic users, great knowledge, and I just love the passionate debates regardless of topic/forum. It’s great to see users stand up for what they believe in; as I say, no passion, no life. Who is your favorite batter? Who is your favorite cricket bowler?

Technics 1210:
Before I answer this I need to clarify my rule base for determining my favourite batter and bowler. The rule is simple, I have to have seen the player debut, then retire; only then can I really judge the player.

While I grew up watching some of the most awesome batsmen in the game - Viv Richards, Sunil Gavaskar, & Javid Miandad, sadly I never followed their entire career, so these greats do not comply with my prerequisites.

As such, there is only one all-time favourite batsmen for me, Rahul Sharad Dravid. He owned the #3 position like a Technics 1210 owned vinyl.

As for favourite bowler, this is super easy question to answer, Waqar Younis. You had to see him to believe him, especially before his injury, and when he mastered reverse-swing, it was a work of art, like 3 deck mixing! Do you think T20 format is bad for cricket?

Technics 1210:
Personally I am not a fan of T20, but I understand the appeal, and that appeal is not based on commercials, or franchises or entertainment, but the one thing money can never buy – time.

By reducing the time of a cricket match it certainly appeals to more people, and players to some extent, but does widen the scope for expansion of cricket. For example, Test/ODI ricket within the Olympics or Common Wealth games would not be possible, but we are already seeing the inclusion of cricket with T20 format.

However, given Cricket has always been a thinking man’s game offering both strategical and tactical thinking; T20 offers very little of this. T20 is truly an entertainment format, but you are not going to find future Test prospects developing their technical skills playing T20. Will PSL die a death due to the UAE based ITL20?

Technics 1210:
With BCCI now buying T20 franchises in UAE leagues et al, I doubt Pakistani players will have the opportunity to play in BCCI owned franchises. This could be exactly the impetus PSL needs, however, I am being very optimistic here. Money and scheduling obviously plays a role in the success of a T20 competition, and until the PSL can offer the same level of earnings that the IPL does, then there’s very little hope of disrupting the schedule, thus, PSL could already be in decline.

My preference would be keep PSL as a domestic competition, and have Pakistan T20 prospects play in England. Have you played any competitive cricket yourself?

Technics 1210:
Unless you count playing for your school as competitive, then no. What is your most memorable cricket memory?

Technics 1210:
Here are my top 5.

  1. April 18, 1986 – Miandad Last Ball Six, vs India, Sharjah cup final 1986
  2. March 25 1992 – Pakistan win the World Cup Final in Melbourne, defeating England.
  3. February 16 1999 – Pakistan vs India Test, Kolkata, Shoaib Akhtar handing Tendulkar his first ever Golden Duck
  4. June 21 2009 – Pakistan win T20 World Cup, defeating Sri Lanka, at Lord’s.
  5. 18 June, 2017 – Pakistan win Champions Trophy Final, at the Oval, defeating India.
It’s a tough list to choose from, every one of the memories above triggers a raft of emotions, but if I had to pick one, then it has to be, 1992 World Cup win. For the next few years after the win, every Pakistani I ever met, Family, Friends, School, Teachers, you name it, all they could talk about was the WC win, in particular Inzi’s innings in both SF and Final, and Akram’s 2 wickets in 2 balls. Favourite place to watch live cricket, and why?

Technics 1210:
The Oval. It is 6 stops from where I live in London, I have witnessed some epic games at the ground, in all formats and competitions, and there’s a certain character with the ground, hard to pin point, but just seems fun overall, certainly better than Lord’s IMO. My favourite spot within the Oval ground, is the Corinthian Roof Terrace – what great memories, including 14th August 2016, when Pakistan levelled the Test series against England.

But the best part of the entire ground? When all is said and done, it’s a 25 minute train ride home. It is the closest there is to door to door service! Do you like the way modern day cricket is going (oversaturation of cricket, identity politics etc.)?

Technics 1210:
This is a really good question.

In 2019 I remember my friends and I thinking that we had seen too much cricket. The year was packed. England vs Pakistan series, World Cup ODI – we had tickets to watch the matches], Ashes, Pak tour of Australia, England tour of New Zealand, and a few Indian games added in for good measure.

We were literally exhausted by the end of 2019 and basically said there was too much cricket on in 2019. Then Covid happened in 2020, lock downs kicked in, and naturally we were reminiscing about the cricket schedule in 2019!

I think the trick is scheduling, finding the right balance between format and series is what is needed. Naturally there will be an overlap, and players will need to make the call, but thankfully, the majority of players have their heads screwed on, and would not dare to even bail on the Ashes for an IPL, well at least I hope not! Your top 5 all-time best cricketers?

Technics 1210:

  • Imran Khan
  • Waqar Younis
  • Rahul Dravid
  • Shane Warne
  • Kumar Sangakarra Best memories of being a Brentford FC supporter?

Technics 1210:
I cannot remember the year, but it was Brentford vs Preston at Griffin park. It was the most memorable because it was my first ever experience at a football match! I was standing behind the Goalkeeper, total 2 hours, and I was knackered! But the experience with my friends, the cheers, the excitement, all a new experiences for me, and have never been trumped since. I still cannot get over the verbal abuse the away goalkeeper was facing, to which my friend responded, “That’s what he’s paid for!”

Brentford won 2-1.

Then it had to be Brentford vs Swansea Playoff at Wembley 2021. Oh. My. God. I lost my voice for a week, the stadium was packed, and I started crying because Brentford had qualified for the Premier League. Now, I could contribute to the football banter at work! But what made me more proud was the fact that I was supporting my local team, while boys at work were supporting teams they had no affiliation with, the usual Man U, Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal – but here I was, proud of my local boys! What are your thoughts on British Indians?

Technics 1210:
My best friends from childhood are a British Indian Hindu, and a British Indian Sikh. They are like brothers to me.

By my thoughts on British Indians is two-sided. First side, the British Indians of my generation are absolutely sound. Contrary to popular belief, the political posturing between Pakistan and India, or Hindu vs Muslims, never really existed among the British born Indians/Pakistanis of my generation, even during Pakistan vs India matches. Plus, the British Indians of my generation were united by two common themes, racism in the UK, and the partition of 1947 – and our generation could share a few stories! Importantly we didn’t have social media back then, so our minds were safe from MSM pollution!

Second side, the new age British Indians (I would say post 2000), well, they are a totally different breed, especially since the Indian economy has been rising in, the Indian Cricket team have been consistent, but more so, since Modi came to power. They have a sense the world owes everything to them. Social media has made it far worse, and this generation of British Indians (in fact British Asians), just cannot think for themselves. The added embarrassment is they cannot speak their native language! From your posts it comes across like you are very anti-West. Which country would you like to live in, given the choice?

Technics 1210:
Ahh this chestnut. Well, describing how something looks doesn’t explain how something works. Just because I am critical of the UK government and its foreign policy doesn’t mean I hate the West. Does a child hate their parents if they are critical of their parents? No.

If one has been living long enough as I have in the UK (nearly 50 years), then one will realise that regardless of government, nothing ever changes, in particular foreign policy, and, the realisation of how MSM manipulate the news hits home. Then of course there are the special rules for one set of society and another set of rules for the other. Where would I live?

Technics 1210:
If I could clear up the hypocrisy, the corruption, the MSM stranglehold in the UK, then I would live in the UK. Otherwise, it would be UAE. What programming languages do you use in your day-to-day IT work?

Technics 1210:
It was either Visual Basic, or C++. The majority of the time it was Visual Basic, but times have changed, and programming is virtually zero these days for me. Would you consider living in Pakistan?

Technics 1210:
Absolutely, but only if there’s law and order, low corruption levels, a currency backed by Silver, and zero maulvis. Science or Religion?

Technics 1210:
I believe both have a place in human society. Religion teaches us morals and provides divine guidance, while science is a method of discovery bringing us closer to God. Both religion and science require faith, more so science which is limited to our observation, but both religion and science compliment each other.

Science does not disprove religion, in fact, science is endorsing God day-by-day as new data and facts are discovered.
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Thanks for answering my Science v Religion question :D
I think as a Brentford supporter - [MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION] will be smiling.
that is the best answer to why did u pick ur username ever

also good to know another fellow londoner, i dont really follow football so had no idea who u supported. as far as the lords vs oval debate goes, ill just say as londoners we are lucky to have both. lol.

would like to hear some more of your opininos regarding music too, our tastes are pbly polar opposite given i grew up in 00s east london, but always interested in discovering more music.

very interesting poster, given the vitality with which he argues online, had no idea he was nearing his pension age :ashwin
Another fantastic interview :)

Good searching questions, and direct but detailed answers.
An interesting read with informative and detailed answers.

Well done.
Who knew, the poster who finds zionist conspiracy in everything, loves disco :)
Good read.

Very genuine poster with a lot of knowledge.

I used to have pioneer decks but agree Technics were better! Although I did have a Technics stack system with a high powered amp, the quality of sound was incredible.

My only question, are you surprised with Brentford's start to the season esp the hammering you gave to Utd? Where do you think you'll finish this season?
Thank you PP!
[MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION] I am not entirely surprised by Brentford's performance. They've been a solid team, made the play offs and lost more times than any team, so consistency is there.

My heart wants Brentford to pull a Leicester City, but my mind says it will not happen. So I expect Brentford to finish mid table, which a few shock wins like 4-0 vs Man U, though I would be over the moon for a top 6 finish! Your top 5 all-time best cricketers?

Technics 1210:

Imran Khan
Waqar Younis
Rahul Dravid
Shane Warne
Kumar Sangakarra


Was this in order of greatness?
Really good interview.

Interesting insights on the way modern day cricket is going. Scheduling really needs to be better and tours should be better planned.
Story of usernames is always interesting, quite a few non-regular name ones around have a history associated with them. :)
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