Member Interview : Theo_14


PPCL Hall of Famer
Mar 21, 2012
Today we get an insight on someone who has been a member of PakPassion for more than two and a half years and has gained lots of respect from his peers. He talks about his love both Cricket and Football, as well as his beloved Arsenal. Ladies and Gentlemen, Theo_14. Being a resident of Netherlands, how popular is cricket there? The Dutch have a decent side, but how much of a fan following is there?

Theo_14: Before I left in 2004, cricket was not popular at all. It was all about football and surprisingly hockey.

After I moved to UK in 2004, cricket’s popularity and interest in cricket improved dramatically. More facilities were built for indoor cricket training, more grounds were discovered which were then utilised for cricket games and also more youth cricket training started to happen.

I think credit must also be given to people in Netherlands, especially Afghanis. They are the ones who attracted and persuaded more people to play cricket, after they launched leagues where it all began.

Fan following is still the same, it has indeed improved in terms of numbers but not much, however cricket is played more often now which is good to see. How do you feel about Pakistan's chances in the T20 World Cup this year?

Theo_14: Like Oxy I’m from Cardiff and like Oxy, I also have lost my ‘passion’ towards cricket.

I do try and follow Pakistan cricket now and again, and still do have an interest in cricket, I’m a keen follower on the “future of Pakistan” (ie Azhar Ali, Junaid Khan etc).

I believe Pakistan have a very good chance in capturing the T20 World cup trophy. It’s a well selected 15 man squad, a mix of talented youths and experienced players.

I think Razzaq could be a very good selection IF utilised properly. Using him as an opener with the bat could prove to be a good tactic. Also think, he bowls best when he is bowling with the old cherry, remember his recent performance vs Australlia during the World cup? Imagine an opening partnership of Nazir and Razzaq. Deadly.

I think if Pakistan plays as a unit, and shows sharpness when it comes to batting and fielding, then Pakistan indeed do have a very good chance. Are you still playing cricket and how is your bowling getting on?

Theo_14: I haven’t played much this year because of AS level exams and Ramadan. I don’t think I’ll be playing at all this season.

Played 3 games last year for Cardiff county U17s, managed to take 4 wickets in total. Did not get much game time, as a lot of my cricket fixtures clashed with my football fixtures, and in the end I decided to give more time towards football than cricket.

Bowling has improved, before I was keen to be recognised as a pace bowler however since training with Cardiff County, I’ve changed my whole approach. The coaches are much disciplined, and are absolutely world class when it comes to training their players.

I’m more of an artistic bowler, who tends to bowl during the latter stages of the game. I’d compare my style of bowling, or approach to Vaas or the great Polllock. If you were given the opportunity to meet any cricket player in the entire world, who would you choose and why?

Theo_14: I would love to meet Salman Butt. Not because I’m a fan of him or anything. It’s just I would love to sit down with him and ask him few questions.

For instance, I would love to know, Why do something so shameful when everything was going so well for you personally and the team?

I mean, he was named the captain of Pakistan which is a dream come true for any player. He was part of the “new era” where the likes of Aamer, Azhar Ali etc were starting to show their potential on the pitch. Also, Butt was part of a side which was showing promising signs for the future, considering what they achieved against Australia during the test series in Summer 2010 but then despite all of this… Why choose the dark path and do something which ended everything? Why?

He impressed me during his interviews, he looked mature and gave very clever and well thought answers after the series draw vs Australia but then he mocked everything by committing something which will never be forgotten. Who's your favourite footballer?

Theo_14: Cesc Fabregas.

A world class midfielder. Since he left Arsenal, we’ve lost the spark in the midfield which shows how vital he was to us. He had a wonderful Euro 2012 campaign, which again shows why I’m such a big fan of the playmaker. Arsenal are playing in the Champions League Final and Pakistan are playing in the World Cup final at the same time. Which do you pick?

Theo_14: Arsenal playing in the Champions league final. Only because, I’ve already witnessed Pakistan lift two major trophies already (T20 & Asia cup), where with Arsenal I’m yet to see them lift a trophy. If you had too chose between Football and Cricket, which would you choose?

Theo_14: If you asked me this a few years ago, I would have said Cricket no doubt. However since the spot fixing issue back in 2010, my passion has faded away and now I only have passion for football. I’d choose football ahead of cricket, definitely. How do you explain Holland's atrocious performance in the Euros?

Theo_14: What’s there to explain?
A footballing side who has players with big egos, individuals with poor attitude, and who don’t work as a team will never perform at a major tournament. Has a team with those disadvantages ever performed? I don’t think so. What next for Robin van Persie?

Theo_14: He wants to leave, but Arsenal want to keep him. Why should we keep a player who wants to leave? What example does that set out to youngsters at Arsenal?

He will not move to a Premiership side. His future lies at Juventus or he may even do a U turn like Rooney did, and decide to stay at Arsenal. Who knows? What made you register on PakPassion?

Theo_14: I remember I registered as an 11 year old. I honestly can’t remember what made me join it, perhaps it was the colourful banner which attracted me back then, who knows?

Whatever it was, I’m thankful. It has developed my knowledge, has improved my debating skills and discussing with other members always give you more confidence in person. What did you like the most about being a staff member of PakPassion in the past?

Theo_14: Has to be getting to know the moderators more personally, it was an honour getting to know them, and I got on with them all.

It was a great team, possibly the best. We were like a family, and Alhamdulillah I’m still in touch with some of them.

I think what made it more special was being the youngest Moderator ever on PakPassion. What are your dreams and ambitions in life?

Theo_14: Ambition is the usual, like anyone else. Reach my goals, live my life with peace and die in peace.

Dreams are to achieve a degree in Law or History and find a well-established job. Then shaadi of course! That’s where the nightmare will begin. Do you still (and I quote) 'hate' pigs or have you now realised that they are pretty harmless animals?

Theo_14: Haha. If there’s something which is a threat to my health or life, then yes of course I will automatically hate them. Why show love to something which won’t show love, but potential threat? Blondes or Brunnettes?

Theo_14: None. Hijabis all the way.
Interesting that you chose Salman Butt. He would just deny everything though.
Great Interview

but very sad to hear your interest from cricket has diminished after Spot Fixing Saga
Good read.

I can understand fans losing some interest in cricket after the spot fixing but imo we should see it as a positive now, the chances of our cricketers indulging in such corrupt acts has been minimised.
Great interview King_Rizzy also Theo_14 your interests are really cool!
Unfortunately for many, the passion for Pakistan cricket diminished after that Lord's Test.