Misbah-ul-Haq returning to Pakistan due to father-in-law's demise

Deewana Mastana

Test Star
Jun 8, 2008
LAHORE November 20, 2016: Pakistan Test Captain Misbah-ul-Haq is returning back home from New Zealand due to the death of his father in law.

In his place Chairman PCB has announced Azhar Ali to lead the team.
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Right thing to do. Hope he's back for the Aussie tour.
Azhar Ali talked about it in post match ceremony.
Hope all is well for Misbah and his father-in-law.
I would respect my captain's decision whatever it is.

May Allah grant his Father in law health. Aameen.
Hope Allah heals Misbah's father-in-law as quickly as possible.

Whether it's a right thing to leave or not, I think we should respect Misbah's decision. Career isn't the only priority people have in their lives, family is also one of the top priorities.
That's one long-haul flight, I guess we can assume Misbah won't play the next test.
Inalilahi Wa Ina Ilaeehi Raji'un
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Not easy to replace a player like Misbah and that too in alien conditions like NZ.
Discussion pertaining to the cricketing aspect of this, i.e. captaincy and potential replacements belong in the Pre-Match thread, not here.

Condolences to the family for this huge loss and may Allah grant them patience in this time of distress.
Very sad - condolensces to Misbah and his wife's family....
Pakistan Test Captain Misbah ul Haq is returning back home from New Zealand due to the death of his father in law.

Media Department
I don't know if country comes first or family... good for pakistan cricket though sharjeel will open along with azhar ali.

Inna lillahi wa inna illahi raji'oon
Condolences and of course it's the right thing to do.

Cricket/career comes ten rungs below family.
Condolences to all involved. It must be a very trying time.
Innah lillahey wa inns Ilahy rajeun.

Condolences to the family. May All Mighty bless the departed soul.
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His father in law was also his mamoo aswell
Heard he was very ill didn't realise it he had passed.

Inna Lillahi Wa Inallah-E-Raji'oon
Sad news, RIP, his father in law. Misbah should stay with family a bit longer.