Musharraf Calls Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan "A Characterless Man"

There were threads a few weeks ago basically saying Musharaff was a messiah coming back to lead Pakistan out of darkness. Lets see where those posters are today after his two ridiculous statements
lol what the hell is Musharaff on? Is this how politics works? Taking cheap shots at other politicians and people. Maybe the guy should look at himself and what he did in those years he was in power. Not exactly a success, was it?
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sir bushi because of this " characterless" man there is a country called pakistan today ..without his help we would have been wiped offed the map of the world...if it was up t u u would have sold pakistan for almighty $$$$ ...where r all the bushi suporters now i wonder? ....bushi knows he has no future in pak politics and is ferstruted now ..hes like a mad dog who will keep barking from uk for rest of his life . i hope hes killed soon for his crimes freaking low life
Dr. Qadeer Khan I am afraid is just a scientist at the end of the day and we all know how he virtually stole atrmoic bomb formula/papers etc in a boat with the help of notorious smuggler Saith Abid!

I don't know why we have this tendency of making Gods out of famous people just because they are our people!.. Make Imran khan P.M/ P.C. B head just because he was relatively successful while captaining a cricket team, Paint Qadeer Khan's picture on national flag just because he like many other unknown scientist of different countries helped us make our dirty bomb!

Having said that, Let me admit that Musharraf has no right to attack people personally and that too publicly ...though it seems that whenever it comes to Qadeer Khan He suddenly has all the negative things to talk about..I remember once he said that according to him the biggest embarrasement he had to face in his whole life was when the C.I.A chief exposed all the shenanigans of Mr. Qadeer in front of him in a hotel in the U.S!

God knows but it seems that apparently he knows a lot about the guy which goes against the mainstream perception of Mr. Qadeer among our emotional nation and therefore he had to keep his mouth shut on his antics!
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I find it hard to believe that Dr. AQ Khan would operate independently and no one from Pak Fauj not knowing anything.
Haan lekin jab pakre gaye to maqsad Pakistan ko bachana tha ab agar AQ Khan ka naam liya to poore Pakistan ka naam to nai laga na? sirf aik banda

Yep. and More reasons not to call that "one man" characterless. It takes a lot of character and courage to take all blame on Your shoulders for the mistakes of whole country.
Another statement by the american poodle to please his masters.

Keep up the BS mush
I find it hard to believe that Dr. AQ Khan would operate independently and no one from Pak Fauj not knowing anything.

AQ Khan acted with the complete support of the army, intelligence and the govt. Those who think otherwise are naive.

Pakistan had the bomb, but no delivery system. N. Korea had the Nudong missile, which was capable of carrying nukes. Nudong is what ghauri was based on.

They needed the bomb, we needed a delivery system. Fair trade.
Dr. Qadeer Khan I am afraid is just a scientist at the end of the day and we all know how he virtually stole atrmoic bomb formula/papers etc in a boat with the help of notorious smuggler Saith Abid!

I don't know why we have this tendency of making Gods out of famous people just because they are our people!.. Make Imran khan P.M/ P.C. B head just because he was relatively successful while captaining a cricket team, Paint Qadeer Khan's picture on national flag just because he like many other unknown scientist of different countries helped us make our dirty bomb!

Having said that, Let me admit that Musharraf has no right to attack people personally and that too publicly ...though it seems that whenever it comes to Qadeer Khan He suddenly has all the negative things to talk about..I remember once he said that according to him the biggest embarrasement he had to face in his whole life was when the C.I.A chief exposed all the shenanigans of Mr. Qadeer in front of him in a hotel in the U.S!

God knows but it seems that apparently he knows a lot about the guy which goes against the mainstream perception of Mr. Qadeer among our emotional nation and therefore he had to keep his mouth shut on his antics!

Get your context of the facts right. Yes, Dr Qadeer khan did smuggle the nuclear literature in Pakistan but without a nuclear bomb, Pakistan will simply not have been in existence today. India would not have thought twice before attacking Pakistan after Mumbai attacks. Our nuclear armory acts as a huge deterrent against an attack and an invasion and to that, we must remain thankful to Qadeer Khan for our entire lives.

Yes, Dr Qadeer may not have been the scientist who led the effort to building the bomb, he may not have been as intellectually bright as other scientists working on the project but the bomb would never have been created had we not found the literature that Dr Khan brought to Pakistan
Get your context of the facts right. Yes, Dr Qadeer khan did smuggle the nuclear literature in Pakistan but without a nuclear bomb, Pakistan will simply not have been in existence today. India would not have thought twice before attacking Pakistan after Mumbai attacks. Our nuclear armory acts as a huge deterrent against an attack and an invasion and to that, we must remain thankful to Qadeer Khan for our entire lives.

Yes, Dr Qadeer may not have been the scientist who led the effort to building the bomb, he may not have been as intellectually bright as other scientists working on the project but the bomb would never have been created had we not found the literature that Dr Khan brought to Pakistan

you are about .001% correct in these comments
Get your facts straight guys. Dr. AQ Khan is NOT the father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb. To give such a credit to one man is denying the contribution of thousands upon thousands of scientists and engineers who have tirelessly worked their butts off in Pakistan nuclear facilities over the years.

Both KRL (AQ Khan's Lab) and PAEC (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission) ran parallel nuclear and missile programs, but the difference was KRL relied mostly on imported/stolen/smuggled technologies (nothing wrong with it at all in national interest). On the other hand PAEC used indigenous technical knowhow and research in its programs. After Indian nuclear tests of 1998 there was intense competition between KRL and PAEC to conduct the Pakistan nuclear tests, but in the end Nawaz Sharif chose PAEC over KRL. KRL did indeed produce (or import shall we say) liquid-fuelled missle technology named Ghauri series. This is being replaced by solid-fuelled Shaheen series indigenously produced by PAEC which is much more reliable.

And finally it is Allah SWT due to HIS grace Pakistan is still here, not AQ Khan, not Pervez Musharraf, not AA Zardari etc. etc. etc.......

Good read on Pakistan nuclear timeline:
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@ gollumbird


selling nuclear secret to other states is an unforgivable/unforgettable offense in my opinion...equivalent to match fixing in sport....if this was any other country, he would have been hanged or at least put under solitary forever, so 'A CHARACTERLESS MAN' phrase is an euphemism when describing AQ
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selling nuclear secret to other states is an unforgivable/unforgettable offense in my opinion...equivalent to match fixing in sport....if this was any other country, he would have been hanged or at least put under solitary forever, so 'A CHARACTERLESS MAN' phrase is an euphemism when describing AQ

On the contrary, all these nuclear armed countries Germany France etc etc .... do you think each one of them created the nuclear tech totally independently and formed a nuclear club ?? OR may be they have shared some knowledge and know how with each other?
musharraf needs to realise that this man has done more for pakistan in one lifetime than he could in a 1000.
Another statement by the american poodle to please his masters.

Keep up the BS mush

Although i don't agree with what Musharaff said but your statement clearly shows that you want to blame him for every damn thing on earth.
If Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan says that "Pakistani army monitored and organized deals with countries like North Korea and Iran" and Musharaff denies it then tell me whose statement will please Americans the most?????

As i said, Musharaff didn't need to call Qadeer a characterless man but it's funny how you want to associate him with America at every cost.
musharraf needs to realise that this man has done more for pakistan in one lifetime than he could in a 1000.
Hmmmm, yes and no.

He did give the greatest armour to Pakista. But at the same time gave a lot of trouble by getting invoved in smuggling of that to other countries.
Hmmmm, yes and no.

He did give the greatest armour to Pakista. But at the same time gave a lot of trouble by getting invoved in smuggling of that to other countries.

that's what they accuse him of anyway
that's what they accuse him of anyway
So he has done wrong to Pakistan too. Due to his this activity Pakistan nuclear program may not get that much support from other countries and would always be seen with doubt.

Have you ever heard any other scientist been accused of that. There is something wrong with his transactions. Even Pakistan govt kept him on house arrest for long.
So he has done wrong to Pakistan too. Due to his this activity Pakistan nuclear program may not get that much support from other countries and would always be seen with doubt.

Have you ever heard any other scientist been accused of that. There is something wrong with his transactions. Even Pakistan govt kept him on house arrest for long.

That is a story for those that believe that he was the only one involved and no one else knew anything about it.
That is a story for those that believe that he was the only one involved and no one else knew anything about it.
well could be but atleast what everyone is sure that he was under house arrest and definitely some sort of involvement. Now whoelse were there and to what degree that will be always there.

But atleast this much is fact that he not only gave pak its nuclear arsenal but also gave the trouble too.
well could be but atleast what everyone is sure that he was under house arrest and definitely some sort of involvement. Now whoelse were there and to what degree that will be always there.

But atleast this much is fact that he not only gave pak its nuclear arsenal but also gave the trouble too.

I don't know much about our nuclear history but as waqar_ahmad put in his post # 11 that if the trade was a bomb for a delivery system. I'm all for it. What we have on our hands is bits and pieces of news and we can't connect all the dots with those stories.
I don't know much about our nuclear history but as waqar_ahmad put in his post # 11 that if the trade was a bomb for a delivery system. I'm all for it. What we have on our hands is bits and pieces of news and we can't connect all the dots with those stories.
That may look good only if you look at India as your only worry.

Pakistan would have got its delivery missile sooner of later with US or China support. But in a hurry to get it ready just looking at India, they took a route that was seen as more illegal by other nations. That step actually created more distrust towards the scientist and organisation.

Now you may have to calculate the gains vs loss to see if that decision was wise.
That may look good only if you look at India as your only worry.

Pakistan would have got its delivery missile sooner of later with US or China support. But in a hurry to get it ready just looking at India, they took a route that was seen as more illegal by other nations. That step actually created more distrust towards the scientist and organisation.

Now you may have to calculate the gains vs loss to see if that decision was wise.

You also have to remember that till 1998, pakistan's had only india to worry about. there was no war on terror, no 33 groups of talibans. not every country involved in Afghanistan. I think it was a good move by pakistanis at that time.

I don't believe in America giving us any strategic technology and I wouldn't be surprised if North Korea was ordered to provide this technology to pakistan by china.
You also have to remember that till 1998, pakistan's had only india to worry about. there was no war on terror, no 33 groups of talibans. not every country involved in Afghanistan. I think it was a good move by pakistanis at that time.

I don't believe in America giving us any strategic technology and I wouldn't be surprised if North Korea was ordered to provide this technology to pakistan by china.
Exactly what I said. It was a decision taken just looking at that time.

Not sure anyone thought about long term effect. As a country you have to deal with whole world and not just with India.

So yes, it was a short term decision which will cost more in long term.
Exactly what I said. It was a decision taken just looking at that time.

Not sure anyone thought about long term effect. As a country you have to deal with whole world and not just with India.

So yes, it was a short term decision which will cost more in long term.

No one could have predicted 9/11.

And China is still putting pressure on nuclear supplier group to give pakistanis the same deal indians got. I'm pretty sure we will get the same deal in next 5-10 years. we have leverage in what happens in Afghanistan and a little competent leadership should be able to get that from USA.

The real question is will we have the competent leadership ruling the country in next 5 years.
No one could have predicted 9/11.

And China is still putting pressure on nuclear supplier group to give pakistanis the same deal indians got. I'm pretty sure we will get the same deal in next 5-10 years. we have leverage in what happens in Afghanistan and a little competent leadership should be able to get that from USA.

The real question is will we have the competent leadership ruling the country in next 5 years.
Well, thats your opinion. But I feel it was a shortsighted decision.

5-10 years is not a small time. With this time when things are moving so fast. Can you imagine 10 years where BRIC countries will be. The gap will just increase and they would have more say in world politics.

Anyway, it depends on what kind of leaders rule Pakistan for next 10 years and how do they maintain the relationship with others.
AQ is totaly overrated, he was just tool like a thousand others used by the ISI to build a nuclear programe, saying had it not been for AQ we would not be a nuclear power is totaly absurd and ridiculus, if it was not AQ then it would have been someone else and it was not just one there were thousands of scientists all over the world which contributed, credit goes to ISI for putting a massive team togeher and making it a reality, also Zia ul haq gets credit for heavily funding the nuclear programe.
AQ is totaly overrated, he was just tool like a thousand others used by the ISI to build a nuclear programe, saying had it not been for AQ we would not be a nuclear power is totaly absurd and ridiculus, if it was not AQ then it would have been someone else and it was not just one there were thousands of scientists all over the world which contributed, credit goes to ISI for putting a massive team togeher and making it a reality, also Zia ul haq gets credit for heavily funding the nuclear programe.
Exactly. Khan didn't do anything as a scientist. Anyone else would have done the same thing what he did.

The bad part was he later used this to gain some personal profit. (As per different reports) So can't say all that he did was good for the country.

Proliferation was not a choice, not for Pakistan and not for India. Both got their technology in the same way, however speaking of Pakistan proliferation serves the purpose of some countries where as keeping quiet about India helps make money.

You can't catch up on a century of advancements in technology without making compromises.
agree with wazeeri and others..some countries prefer to turn a blind eye to others proliferation for strategic reasons..everyone has country is innocent..for us it was an existential choice...remember teh Indians didnt (as revisionist western media sources now ignore) explode its first device in 1998..thats was its second device..their first one was in 1974!! we had no choice..our threat environement is completley dictated according to waht India does..and this includes the war on terror!! that context it was the right thing to do..

as for AQ khan he is a hero..end of story...and Mush is a traitor who should stay in edgware with his quaid!!

Proliferation was not a choice, not for Pakistan and not for India. Both got their technology in the same way, however speaking of Pakistan proliferation serves the purpose of some countries where as keeping quiet about India helps make money.

You can't catch up on a century of advancements in technology without making compromises.
No one can deny what you are saying.

if you take a look at my posts, I said the same thing that it was need of that hour.

But somehow it has done some damage to Pakistan's image too and it may take few years to get that trust back.

Where as even if India might have got it in same way, but they didn't get into any such accusitions and hence got no issues from other nuclear nations.

Isn't it?
Garuda said:
Where as even if India might have got it in same way, but they didn't get into any such accusitions and hence got no issues from other nuclear nations.

Isn't it?
It isn't.

India also has been heavily involved in proliferation but India now is a big market offering growth opportunities, that is why some countries with pressure from big corporates turn a blind eye.
It isn't.

India also has been heavily involved in proliferation but India now is a big market offering growth opportunities, that is why some countries with pressure from big corporates turn a blind eye.
Where have you came across stories that Indian scientists were involved in smuggling nuclear bomb design ?

I am talking about that. India whatever ways it got the technology was never accused of what Khan and Pakistan went through. And I am saying that has hurt the country some where.
And Jinnah was British agent. Kuttey Bhoonktey hain Aur qafley lout"they hain.:inti
Where have you came across stories that Indian scientists were involved in smuggling nuclear bomb design ?

I am talking about that. India whatever ways it got the technology was never accused of what Khan and Pakistan went through. And I am saying that has hurt the country some where.

Read through the link provided, India has done worst by supplying materials to "rogue" states and India is the first country to use nuclear material and technology which they promised to use for civillian purposes to build nuclear weapons.

Pakistan provided detailed diagrams and examples of devices which were already in the public domain. [ALLEGEDLY]
Mush used to defend him to the core but evidence provided by big power America was so overwhelming that he had to back off his support and trust from the scientist's back.

The scientist was provided with a lot of ameneties by the govt yet he earned black money so i am sure he is a characterless man. just like the majority.

why can't we be honest and corruption-free like mush? How hard is it?
Abdul Qadeer Khan, who made international headlines in 2004 after publicly confessing his role in global nuclear proliferation, has petitioned Pakistan's top court to say he is being "kept prisoner" by government agencies and not allowed to plead his case for freedom of movement.

Khan, widely described as the architect of the nuclear weapons programme in Pakistan that tested its first atomic bomb in 1998 to rival that of neighbouring India, was sacked from his official position after his confession, but granted clemency by then-President Pervez Musharraf.

He has since lived a heavily guarded and mostly secluded life in an upscale Islamabad neighbourhood. Authorities say he is under guard for security reasons.

"I had been kept as a prisoner having no free movement or meeting with anybody," Khan said in a handwritten note submitted to the Supreme Court on Thursday.

The 84-year-old is said to have helped supply designs, hardware and materials to make enriched uranium for atomic bombs to Iran, Libya and North Korea.

A global nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, had said Khan was an important part of the nuclear black market and had help from people in many different countries.

In a televised statement in 2004 after meeting Musharraf, who was also the chief of Pakistan's powerful army, Khan stressed he acted independently and the government had not authorised his activities.

Western diplomats have long doubted whether he could have acted alone. Talking to The Guardian newspaper in 2008, Khan had said the confession "was handed into my hand".

'Physical harm'

Khan filed a petition last year saying that, despite earlier court orders allowing him freedom of movement under agreed terms, he was still kept under restraint and in fear of "physical harm".

On Thursday, he sent a note to the judges hearing his case saying he was to appear before them the day before, but agents of the Strategic Plans Division (SPD) did not take him to the courtroom despite bringing him into the court building.

The SPD is headed by the Pakistani military and responsible for handling the country's secretive nuclear weapons programme.

The government of Pakistan, which has been made respondent in the case, did not reply to Reuters news agency's requests for comment.

The court has directed the government to respond to Khan's petition.

"We haven’t received notice yet but it will come," Pakistan's Attorney General Khalid Jawed Khan told Reuters through a text message, adding the court has to decide if it will accept the petition for regular hearing.

Khan also said in his note to the Supreme Court that he was being forced to withdraw his petition to that court and take it to a lower court.

Even though i admire Musharaf’s honesty and loyalty to the country, I am afraid he’s wrong here. AQ Khan couldnt ve been running the nuclear parts smuggling racket w/o the knowledge and backing of some army generals (atleast). Pak Army has a tight grip on the country and is present on every seaport and aiport etc. So its impossible to hide it from them.
Only God knows the real story but most likely he was made scapegoat under pressure of the Uncle sam. Anyway a sad sad saga.
Even though i admire Musharaf’s honesty and loyalty to the country, I am afraid he’s wrong here. AQ Khan couldnt ve been running the nuclear parts smuggling racket w/o the knowledge and backing of some army generals (atleast). Pak Army has a tight grip on the country and is present on every seaport and aiport etc. So its impossible to hide it from them.
Not so sure about loyalty I saw a video of him drinking like a fish and asking the US lobbyists for support in a "covert" manner while scaring tham by saying that his fall will lead to distabalization and potential nuclear fallout so yeah loyalty my a**

Personally I think people should never talk about a millitary dictator in a positive light even if they brought down angels with tham to testify for their honestly cause thier regime always results in long term Damage but that's just MO
Don’t wanna kick the long debate again but Pakistan did well in Musharaf’s time, than during the time of any other military and civilian government. Still to this date no major corruption and illegal assets of his are found. I regard him highly.
Don’t wanna kick the long debate again but Pakistan did well in Musharaf’s time, than during the time of any other military and civilian government. Still to this date no major corruption and illegal assets of his are found. I regard him highly.

Musharraf was a God sent compared to governments who ruled from 2008 onwards
Only God knows the real story but most likely he was made scapegoat under pressure of the Uncle sam. Anyway a sad sad saga.

AQ is an idiot. I've heard many times from many sources that he's too stupid to see he's been kept under house arrest for his own safety. He knows too much about our nukes and would be snatched by the Americans with no problem.