So is Modi and the BJP fascists?
Fascism, as a generic term, is of course an intellectual construct, and therefore there can be no objective factual definition. Working definitions instead are to be judged on whether they are useful and shed light.
The one I find most useful is from the historian, Roger Griffin, which has proved to be very influential. For Griffin, fascists were populist ultra-nationalists, seeking to lead revolutionary movements that sought to destroy the existing system and inaugurate in its place a new order, involving the creation of a new culture, and the production of a new ‘type of man’. Ultimately, they aimed at the rebirth of the national community. Indeed Ian Kershaw, the justly acclaimed historian of Nazi Germany, wrote, “the quest for national rebirth lay, of course, at the heart of all fascist movements.” Modris Eksteins wrote too in his brilliant book, Rites of Spring, with respect to the Nazi party:
“The intention of the movement was to create a new type of human being from whom would spring a new morality, a new social system, and eventually a new international order…Hitler talked in these terms endlessly. National Socialism was more than a political movement, he said; it was more than a faith; it was a desire to create mankind anew.”
In the case of Modi and the BJP, there is no denying the elements of populist ultra-nationalism and a vision of a regenerated national community. But I don’t see this as enough for them to qualify as fascists when applying Griffin’s definition, because they are not truly revolutionary. They are not seeking to forcibly overthrow and destroy the existing system of government and democracy in order to create a radically different new order.
Of course, this is not to deny that Modi’s regime is a very real threat to liberal democracy. Under Modi, India’s democracy has indeed become more illiberal and more authoritarian as amply demonstrated in Christophe Jaffrelot’s recent work, Modi’s India. That it has been done so subtly illustrates the problem of confusing today’s demons with those of the past.