Music during the month of Ramadan

Awesome Anjum

T20I Debutant
Feb 5, 2002
Usually I listen to music during Ramadan and have never thought of it to be a sin of any sort. However, today I was told it was haram!!!

Can anyone offer any clarification ?
sounds like it's haraam

look forward to meeting you in the hell fire

hopefully i won't be meeting any of the holier than thous!
Yeah, if something is haram in Ramadan its haram all year round

A few weeks ago there was a kudba'a in Juma'a highlighting the evils of music

I didnt completely agree with him but I understood where he was coming from. Adultery isnt just haram, its all roads leading to it. You get a lot of songs that glorify adultery as well as alcohol and other illegal substances. The vast majority of the songs that I listen to dont glorify these haram activities but he also said that the rare songs that dont, use haram instruments.

However swearing when fasting is said to break your fast so make your own conclusions about songs with swearing.
As far as my understanding goes, music is not haraam per se, however the lyrics of the songs or the videos can potentially make it haraam. I dont know of any haraam music instruments.
depends on the music (and its lyrics)
The Prophet SAW said, `There will be people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful fornication, wine-drinking and the use of ma`aazif ( musical instruments ).`
"And of mankind he who purchases idle talks to mislead (people) from the path of Allah without knowledge and takes it to be ath of Allah by way of mockery, for such there will be a humiliating torment." [Quran 31:6].

Tafsir scholars, including Al-Wahidi, Ibn Abbas, Ibn Masud, Mujahid and Ikrimah swore that 'idle talk' means singing.

Hazrath Abdullah bin Masood (R.A.), Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) and Jaabir RA also emphatically stated that the verse was revealed regarding singing and music.

I don't see ANY scholar of Islam ever saying music is allowed.

Anyway, use your own brains.
Awesome Anjum said:
Usually I listen to music during Ramadan and have never thought of it to be a sin of any sort. However, today I was told it was haram!!!

Can anyone offer any clarification ?

Busy yourself with what this month was intended for. Rememberance of Allah, studying (as opposed to mere reading) the Qura'an and standing long into the nights asking for Allah's forgiveness.

We can debate the Haraam/Halaal issue after Ramadaan.
Ace Base said:
Busy yourself with what this month was intended for. Rememberance of Allah, studying (as opposed to mere reading) the Qura'an and standing long into the nights asking for Allah's forgiveness.

We can debate the Haraam/Halaal issue after Ramadaan.

totally agree - sometimes we can get stuck with the trivialities of issues and forget the greater goal !

Ramadan is a special month to be closer to ALLAH, why would you want to do anything to dilute that objective ?

At the end of the day, do what your heart tells you - no one can tell you otherwise.
Since this issue is a see-saw, and in accordance with Ace Base..its best to just give up music for this month in order to make time for the more important things.

Even if it turns out certain music is haram whilst certain is halal, its better to be safe than sorry.
Personally i think its wrong listening to music whilst fasting but ok afterwards. Its just my own opinion.
Its haram Ramadan or not. Rather than listening to this crap try listening to Qura'an. There is nothing better than listening to Telawat-e-Qura'an
i dont understand the point of this thread.. i am trying to avoid listening to music where i can though during ramadhan as i am trying to avoid a form of pleasure.

I have already wrote about this last week:

The limitations:

1. The subject matter of songs should not be against the teachings of Islam. For example, if the song is in praise of wine, and it invites people to drink, singing or listening to it is haram.

2. Although the subject matter itself may not be against the Islamic teachings, the manner of singing may render it haram; this would be the case, for example, if the singing were accompanied by suggestive sexual movement.

3. Islam fights against excess and extravagance in anything, even in worship; how, then, can it tolerate excessive involvement with entertainment? Too much time should not be wasted in such activities; after all, what is time but life itself? One cannot dispute the fact that spending time in permissible activities consumes time which ought to be resaved for carrying out religious obligations and doing good deeds. It is aptly said, "There is no excess except at the expense of a neglected duty."

4. Each individual is the best judge of himself. If a certain type of singing arouses one's passions, leads him towards sin, excites the animal instincts, and dulls spirituality, he must avoid it, thus closing the door to temptations.

5. There is unanimous agreement that if singing is done in conjunction with haram activities—for example, at a drinking party, or if it is mixed with obscenity and sin—it is haram. The Prophet (peace be on him) warned of a severe punishment for people who sing or listen to singing in such a situation when he said, Some people of my ummah will drink wine, calling it by another name, while they listen to singers accompanied by musical instruments. Allah will cause the earth to swallow them and will turn some of them into monkeys and swine. (Reported by Ibn Majah.) This does not mean that they will be physically transformed into the bodies and outward form of monkeys and swine but rather in heart and soul, carrying the heart of a monkey and the soul of a pig in their human bodies.
It's quite simple really, if you don't think there's anything wrong with music (Islamically), then it's just as acceptable to listen to it during Ramadhan as it is outside Ramadhan.

If however you feel music is the rhythm of the Devil then you shouldn't listen to it in Ramadhan or outside Ramadhan either.

Personally, I don't have a problem with music and I only really listen to it on my way into work and on my way back from work. I will continue to do that throughout Ramadhan just as I always have!!
To be honest the permissibility of music is the least of this Ummah's concerns but as usual scholars and mullahs concentrate on things like music and avoid the big issues.
Mercenary said:
It's quite simple really, if you don't think there's anything wrong with music (Islamically), then it's just as acceptable to listen to it during Ramadhan as it is outside Ramadhan.

If however you feel music is the rhythm of the Devil then you shouldn't listen to it in Ramadhan or outside Ramadhan either.

Personally, I don't have a problem with music and I only really listen to it on my way into work and on my way back from work. I will continue to do that throughout Ramadhan just as I always have!!

Knowing what we know of the barakaat of this month, would you not busy yourself with listening/Reading Quraan then to some meaningless song? Ramadhan IS different from the rest of the months of the year - if it werent, then it wouldnt be called a holy month - this is a chance to renew our devotion to ALLAH - why miss this chance ? After all, its just another month ? Just 29/30 days of NOT listening to music wont kill us - or will it ?
MIG said:
Knowing what we know of the barakaat of this month, would you not busy yourself with listening/Reading Quraan then to some meaningless song? Ramadhan IS different from the rest of the months of the year - if it werent, then it wouldnt be called a holy month - this is a chance to renew our devotion to ALLAH - why miss this chance ? After all, its just another month ? Just 29/30 days of NOT listening to music wont kill us - or will it ?

I agree. This month should be for introspection and reflection but the point i was answering was 'can' we listen to music doing Ramadhan.
Naats and Qawalli are also a form of music..but they r in praise of Allah..but its music none the less.

music is not haram....believing in the lyrics of a song is Haram
Vegitto1 said:
Naats and Qawalli are also a form of music..but they r in praise of Allah..but its music none the less.

music is not haram....believing in the lyrics of a song is Haram

:20: ... is this an "approved statement" - or just something madeup by another maulvi?
HoMeR said:
:20: ... is this an "approved statement" - or just something madeup by another maulvi?
Exactly. What if for example the song is about a historical event or about some injustices committed by various regimes around the world
All i know is Music aint Haram..its very spiritual..
Toony™® said:
i dont understand the point of this thread.. i am trying to avoid listening to music where i can though during ramadhan as i am trying to avoid a form of pleasure.

I have already wrote about this last week:

3. Islam fights against excess and extravagance in anything, even in worship; how, then, can it tolerate excessive involvement with entertainment? Too much time should not be wasted in such activities; after all, what is time but life itself? One cannot dispute the fact that spending time in permissible activities consumes time which ought to be resaved for carrying out religious obligations and doing good deeds. It is aptly said, "There is no excess except at the expense of a neglected duty."

but you can take your point 3 and apply it to cricket. the amount of time you spend watching a test, or even a odi or playing and then spending hours on a internet forum discussing it.
man how can anyone think of debating music when we still have the use of tooth paste controversy rampant during ramadan.
Big Daddy said:
man how can anyone think of debating music when we still have the use of tooth paste controversy rampant during ramadan.

I was actually going to make a topic on that.

Might aswell discuss it here. I think its ok aslong as you dont swallow any of it.
Uzzy said:
I was actually going to make a topic on that.

Might aswell discuss it here. I think its ok aslong as you dont swallow any of it.
I've spoken to some knowledgable people and they seem fine with it, as long as you dont swallow. The thing is, is it considered swallowing when you swallow your spit when there is still some taste left
Daoud said:
I've spoken to some knowledgable people and they seem fine with it, as long as you dont swallow. The thing is, is it considered swallowing when you swallow your spit when there is still some taste left

i think mini-details like these should be ignored.. as long as you dont swallow anything that is considered food or a breathmint, you should be OK. Common sense, coz sometimes there are some acids inside the mouth that contain many kinds of vitamins or whatnot that MIGHT be considered food - does that mean we have to eject that out of our system as well?.. no, right. We should try to live in the world with logical solutions to these minor religious issues... instead of going to a maulvi, use common sense.

Afterall, you ARE fasting out of a good heart with good intention, so as long as you dont eat anything edible, you're good to go.
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HoMeR said:
i think mini-details like these should be ignored.. as long as you dont swallow anything that is considered food or a breathmint, you should be OK. Common sense, coz sometimes there are some acids inside the mouth that contain many kinds of vitamins or whatnot that MIGHT be considered food - does that mean we have to eject that out of our system as well?.. no, right. We should try to live in the world with logical solutions to these minor religious issues... instead of going to a maulvi, use common sense.

Afterall, you ARE fasting out of a good heart with good intention, so as long as you dont eat anything edible, you're good to go.
I know, I still brush my teeth, but thats what people who dont while fasting say
The funniest situation is when girls decide to take hijab for one month out of the entire year!
the_game said:
The funniest situation is when girls decide to take hijab for one month out of the entire year!

And boys decide to grow a stubble.
In my opinion, music is only termed "haram" if it leads one away from Allah. Same thing with video games and any other activities (playing a sport, watching tv, etc...". Also, this bashing of "maullas" has to stop. I understand some are too extreme and could at times be a bit senseless but most are not like that.
ABSOLUTELY disagree with " concentrate on major issues, ignore minor ones".

1) 6.5 million dollar ExxonMobil project shutdown for a week, not too long after its starting/ opening/ inauguration. Reason? Cuz of a valve worth 80 bucks, that didn't comply with NACE requirements. Some would say an $80 worth thing practically stands no where in a grand scheme of $ 6.5 million, but the loss incurred?.... well, the plant shutting down for a week......go figure.

2) Mars Climate orbiter launched jointly by US & Europe in 1999. Billions of dollars spent, bunch of experienced engineers and other experts contributed. But the mission failed miserably. Why? Well, cuz of ignoring something as minor as "unit conversion". Unit conversion what? Something that can be found in Maths & physics books of a 9th grader. Loss? Ummm, $327.6 million. Doesn't sound much, does it?

3) etc ...
Haram or not, why can't we stop listening to music just for one month ? is that so hard thing to do ?

1st we are unable to give max 1 hour to God every day (for 5 prayers)
and now we can't give God 30 days from 365 days ?

Try to offer your prayers and recite Quran as much as possible. this is month of forgiveness. why would u like to listen music when u r fasting ? and why not Naats or Tilawat-e-Quran ?
Singing is ok but the drums and other musical instrument is the real problem. Thats what is forbidden in Islam. Isn't it?
ShowStopper said:
Singing is ok but the drums and other musical instrument is the real problem. Thats what is forbidden in Islam. Isn't it?

So how about nasheeds??? they contain instruments such as drums :13:
Asim2Good said:
Haram or not, why can't we stop listening to music just for one month ? is that so hard thing to do ?

1st we are unable to give max 1 hour to God every day (for 5 prayers)
and now we can't give God 30 days from 365 days ?

Try to offer your prayers and recite Quran as much as possible. this is month of forgiveness. why would u like to listen music when u r fasting ? and why not Naats or Tilawat-e-Quran ?

why cant we stop u say

? imo if u listen to music throughout the year, why stop for a month? if u dont listen to music during ramadan u shouldn't at all
why cant we stop u say

? imo if u listen to music throughout the year, why stop for a month? if u dont listen to music during ramadan u shouldn't at all

Bhai, if we listen to music whole year, it doesn't mean we should listen it in this month as well which ismonth for forgiveness.
We can use this month to get rid of our habit of listening music.

just like one of my freind who stopped smoking coz of Ramdan and slowly decreased his smoking after month as well and finally got rid of smoking.
cinderella said:
"And of mankind he who purchases idle talks to mislead (people) from the path of Allah without knowledge and takes it to be ath of Allah by way of mockery, for such there will be a humiliating torment." [Quran 31:6].

Tafsir scholars, including Al-Wahidi, Ibn Abbas, Ibn Masud, Mujahid and Ikrimah swore that 'idle talk' means singing.

Hazrath Abdullah bin Masood (R.A.), Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) and Jaabir RA also emphatically stated that the verse was revealed regarding singing and music.

I don't see ANY scholar of Islam ever saying music is allowed.

Anyway, use your own brains.

If we replace idle talk with singing and music in the above verse, it will reveal the absurdity of the interpretation!
garbage_can2003 said:
If we replace idle talk with singing and music in the above verse, it will reveal the absurdity of the interpretation!

exactly, the verse is not talking about music at all but scholars have their own agenda's to pursue!!
i personally thinkv that you should stop listening to music in the month of ramanda atleast, and concentrate on becomng closer to ALLAH, i mean there are the rest of the 11 months to listen to music. i listen to music but not during ramadan i mean its not medicaton were if i miss it it will effect me.
princess afridi said:
i personally thinkv that you should stop listening to music in the month of ramanda atleast, and concentrate on becomng closer to ALLAH, i mean there are the rest of the 11 months to listen to music. i listen to music but not during ramadan i mean its not medicaton were if i miss it it will effect me.

And how are we 'moving away from Allah' by listening to decent music?
princess afridi said:
i personally thinkv that you should stop listening to music in the month of ramanda atleast, and concentrate on becomng closer to ALLAH, i mean there are the rest of the 11 months to listen to music. i listen to music but not during ramadan i mean its not medicaton were if i miss it it will effect me.

If you listen to music the other 11 months why not just continue listening through Ramadan?

I know some people who will be holier than thou during Ramadan but once over will retort back to their usual ways.

I say if you listen to music the other 11 months continue through Ramadan if you dont listen to music at all dont bother to start in Ramadan.
again, personal preference should be applied here.. over-doing of anything is a bad thing, just keep that in mind. :21:
Here is my two cents:

I listen to music the whole year. All kinds of music and I am not ashamed of this. If I do listen to music for the whole year, why stop for Ramadhan? Whatever is Haram in Ramadan, is Haram for the rest of the year as well.
Easa said:
Here is my two cents:

I listen to music the whole year. All kinds of music and I am not ashamed of this. If I do listen to music for the whole year, why stop for Ramadhan? Whatever is Haram in Ramadan, is Haram for the rest of the year as well.

True but isn't Ramadan a month of retrospection, rejuvenation and remorse?

I drink alcohol throughout the year so why should I stop during Ramadan?

I lie throughout the year so why should I stop during Ramadan?

As for those who don't believe music to be Haraam, then they should ask themselves this: Am I doing enough during the month of Ramadan to make my fasting worth the while?

Otherwise, as Rasool Allah has informed us, we earn nothing from our fast except hunger and thirst.
Easa said:
Here is my two cents:

I listen to music the whole year. All kinds of music and I am not ashamed of this. If I do listen to music for the whole year, why stop for Ramadhan? Whatever is Haram in Ramadan, is Haram for the rest of the year as well.
atleast we can try...i mean if we get bad grades in a term exam we try working hard to get better grades next why not try... maybe there will be a ray of hope shining inside you & u might never listen to music again or make it at a minimal.... Ramzan is the month where v can look inside ourselves & point out our wrongs & gives us another chance to ammend our ways.... my frend till last year didnt even bothered to fast coz of the same thinking...but we all told him to try & think...Mashallah he totally changed...not only he fasts in Ramzan but as well as in Shabaan, Shawwal & Muharram
Easa said:
Here is my two cents:

I listen to music the whole year. All kinds of music and I am not ashamed of this. If I do listen to music for the whole year, why stop for Ramadhan? Whatever is Haram in Ramadan, is Haram for the rest of the year as well.
u also eat in those 11months, so y stop eating during Ramadhan?
"Permitted to you, on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives. They are your garments and ye are their garments. Allah knoweth what ye used to do secretly among yourselves; but He turned to you and forgave you; so now associate with them, and seek what Allah Hath ordained for you, and eat and drink, until the white thread of dawn appear to you distinct from its black thread; then complete your fast Till the night appears; but do not associate with your wives while ye are in retreat in the mosques. Those are Limits (set by) Allah: Approach not nigh thereto. Thus doth Allah make clear His Signs to men: that they may learn self-restraint." [2:187]

The only things Allah asks us is to not eat and drink during a fast. Also sex during this period is forbidden but allowed on the night of the fasts.

Allah does not say that we must become 'more moral' during this month but instead stresses the need to remain consistent with doing good deeds through out the year.

Calling anything haram without any Quranic backing is a serious issue. Even the Prophet was'nt allowed to do so (Read Surah 66:1)

While music and singing have not been mentioned in the Quran, drinking alcohol for pleasure is explicitly censured. Hence equating the two in this argument would be plain wrong.

Quran does not promote an ascetic way of life!
garbage_can2003 said:
"Permitted to you, on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives. They are your garments and ye are their garments. Allah knoweth what ye used to do secretly among yourselves; but He turned to you and forgave you; so now associate with them, and seek what Allah Hath ordained for you, and eat and drink, until the white thread of dawn appear to you distinct from its black thread; then complete your fast Till the night appears; but do not associate with your wives while ye are in retreat in the mosques. Those are Limits (set by) Allah: Approach not nigh thereto. Thus doth Allah make clear His Signs to men: that they may learn self-restraint." [2:187]

The only things Allah asks us is to not eat and drink during a fast. Also sex during this period is forbidden but allowed on the night of the fasts.

Allah does not say that we must become 'more moral' during this month but instead stresses the need to remain consistent with doing good deeds through out the year.

Calling anything haram without any Quranic backing is a serious issue. Even the Prophet was'nt allowed to do so (Read Surah 66:1)

While music and singing have not been mentioned in the Quran, drinking alcohol for pleasure is explicitly censured. Hence equating the two in this argument would be plain wrong.

Quran does not promote an ascetic way of life!

Jazaak Allah khairun my brother for the comments.

I must say though, akhi, that there are several verses in the Quraan where Allah recommends the Muslims to increase in their worship.

By the way, in which month was the Quraan revealed?

In several ahadiths, Rasool Allah forbade us from faahishaa especially while fasting.
Ace Base said:
True but isn't Ramadan a month of retrospection, rejuvenation and remorse?

I drink alcohol throughout the year so why should I stop during Ramadan?

I lie throughout the year so why should I stop during Ramadan?

As for those who don't believe music to be Haraam, then they should ask themselves this: Am I doing enough during the month of Ramadan to make my fasting worth the while?

Otherwise, as Rasool Allah has informed us, we earn nothing from our fast except hunger and thirst.

If your intention is to quit alcohol or stop lying after ramadan than yes but if you are going to just stop drinking alcohol for one month and stop lying for one month but do it the rest of the year than really there isnt much point to it might as well do it in the month of ramadan also.
Pathan007 said:
u also eat in those 11months, so y stop eating during Ramadhan?

That is a completely irrelavant and useless comment.
ShowStopper said:
Its Haram. Musical Instruments are used here.
As far as I know drums of that variety has been deemed permissable. What has been made halal shouldnt be made haram, and while there is debate about certain instruments, that type of drum hasnt been labelled haram by anyone
Ace Base said:
Jazaak Allah khairun my brother for the comments.

I must say though, akhi, that there are several verses in the Quraan where Allah recommends the Muslims to increase in their worship.

By the way, in which month was the Quraan revealed?

In several ahadiths, Rasool Allah forbade us from faahishaa especially while fasting.

Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (Should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful. [2:185]

One of the reasons the jews were punished by Allah was because their religious leaders were falsely forbidding stuff in the name of God. I will quote one of many verses from the Quran here

And they say that such and such cattle and crops are taboo, and none should eat of them except those whom - so they say - We wish; further, there are cattle forbidden to yoke or burden, and cattle on which, (at slaughter), the name of Allah is not pronounced; - inventions against Allah's name: soon will He requite them for their inventions.[6:138]

Chapter 6 has more details.

A good way of "increasing our worship" in the month of Ramadan would be to start an intellectual study of the Quran instead of relying on other peoples opinions. There are now numerous sources available on the web. One only has to find them. :)

May Allah guide us all to the right path.
garbage_can2003 said:
Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (Should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful. [2:185]

One of the reasons the jews were punished by Allah was because their religious leaders were falsely forbidding stuff in the name of God. I will quote one of many verses from the Quran here

And they say that such and such cattle and crops are taboo, and none should eat of them except those whom - so they say - We wish; further, there are cattle forbidden to yoke or burden, and cattle on which, (at slaughter), the name of Allah is not pronounced; - inventions against Allah's name: soon will He requite them for their inventions.[6:138]

Chapter 6 has more details.

A good way of "increasing our worship" in the month of Ramadan would be to start an intellectual study of the Quran instead of relying on other peoples opinions. There are now numerous sources available on the web. One only has to find them. :)

May Allah guide us all to the right path.

Akhi, thanks once again.

I must say, if you read my posts again, carefully, you'll realise that we are in agreement here!
if it comes on PTV (including commercials, promos, starting of a show etc) then it is probably okay otherwise not good