Nawaz Sharif calls for warmer ties with India

Sorry but Pakistan would rather have horrible ties with India then this gunda for another 5 years.

Hotter ties?
Contrary to what he says in his jalsas- 'hum ne hindustan k 5 atmy dhamako ka jawaab 6 dhamako se kiya'
Yahan bhi Ghapla.He doesnt tell people that India had exploded 5 devices in 1972 also.

yeah, but smiling buddha was a supposedly 'peaceful' test. plus only 1 device was tested in smiling buddha, that too in 1974 not 1972
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Speaks a lot of sense. If he does become PM again one would think him and Manmohan Singh could achieve quite a lot together when it comes to improving bilateral relations.

It's a good move but the problem with the likes of Nawaz Sharif and Zardari is that they lack backbone and conviction, so they can easily be swayed by political considerations or money to say something totally opposite if under pressure from issues arising day to day.

This is why I would put far more weight behind such a statement from Imran Khan, who we have seen throughout his political life is a man of principle, for me that is what any country in the SC needs above all else.
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He should start with improving lahore's ties with the rest of Punjab first. India isn't important
ghaddar NS. its not pml of qaud e azam. its noora league. acting as indian agent in pak.
yeah, but smiling buddha was a supposedly 'peaceful' test. plus only 1 device was tested in smiling buddha, that too in 1974 not 1972

Yes thanks for the correction.

And the device 74 was a Implosion device with the design similar to USA Fat Man design.Though weaponisation didnt take place until late 80s when CIA estimated India to.have 10-12 warheads i dont think it was a peaceful explosion.

Still India exploded its Fusion Hydrogen bomb in 1998 while Pakistan exploded it Fission device 2 weeks later.
Indian media hail Sher-e-Punjab's Pakistan poll win

India's media has hailed former Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif's win in general elections and said it was good for the peace process with India.

The media said Mr Sharif's open support for stronger ties between the two countries was reason for hope.

Unofficial results suggest a big lead for Mr Sharif's Muslim League (PML-N), though he may need support to govern.

Indian PM Manmohan Singh has congratulated Mr Sharif for his win and invited him to visit India.

The Hindu newspaper said the election had been "Pakistan's vote for change".

"Where he [Mr Sharif} gives most hope is in his strong and unambiguous articulation of better India-Pakistan relations, though this will depend on his stated determination to correct the civil-military imbalance, and reclaim the national agenda from the security establishment," the newspaper said.

"Whether he can succeed is another question, but India will be hoping he will."

The Indian Express said Mr Sharif has "persuasively presented himself as a peacemaker, pointing to his previous stints in government to give confidence that he will pick up the threads of dialogue with India".

Hindustan Times said "India has genuine reason to be pleased" by the results of the election.
Nawaz Sharif waves to supporters in Lahore - 11 May Indian papers say Mr Sharif's win is a 'reason for hope'

The newspaper described Mr Sharif as the "co-author of the Lahore bus peace process" and one who "has been far more willing to walk the India talk - even in the teeth of strong military opposition".

"Stronger Sharif bodes well for India", said The Times of India newspaper.

"India's best bet would be for the new Pakistan government to focus on opening up trade and economy," the newspaper said.

Mint newspaper said Mr Sharif's win was "likely to boost economic ties with India, but improving diplomatic relations will mainly depend on the stance of the country's armed forces".

Ties between the two countries came under strain earlier this year following military tensions in the disputed region of Kashmir.

Claimed by both countries, Kashmir has been a flashpoint for over 60 years and two wars have been fought over it.

Peace negotiations resumed last February after a four-year break following attacks by Pakistan-based militants in Mumbai in 2008.

Nawaz Sharif to invite Manmohan Singh to swearing-in ceremony in Pak
I was very impressed by Maryam Nawaz. Seemed like somebody with balanced head on her shoulders.
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^he once said vajpayee and he were ready to resolve the Kashmir issue in 1999 but musharraf did the misadventure in Kargil.
^he once said vajpayee and he were ready to resolve the Kashmir issue in 1999 but musharraf did the misadventure in Kargil.

lol I dont buy it, rumours were that Shariff was well aware of Kargil and he had given Mushy the green light...Ahhh well who cares Pakistan is going to go backwards anyway with Shariff at helm and India would be finished if Rahul Gandhi becomes PM.... Thank god I dont have to live in either one of these countries..
Hizbul commander warns Nawaz Sharif over India

Hizbul Mujahideen commander Syed Salahuddin has said that no government would be able to survivein Islamabad, if it abandons the"Kashmir cause" and warned the new regime not to make the"mistake" of pursuing friendship with New Delhi at the cost of Kashmir.
"No government in Pakistan, whether it is Nawaz Sharif or anybody else, will remain in the chairif it abandons the Kashmir cause," Syed Salahuddin, head of the United Jihad Council and leader of the Hizbul Mujahideen, told The Indian Express during an interview in Islamabad.
Salahuddin advised the incoming government "not to repeat the mistake of putting Kashmir on the back burner and try to foster friendship with New Delhi through trade, cultural exchanges and tourism". Because the PML (N) has won a strong mandate, ‘we will expect them to follow Pakistan's traditional policy on Kashmir, which is to resolve the issue in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of the people of Kashmir through UN resolutions’, he said.
"Nawaz Sharif and his party's leadership must understand that till the time Kashmir is under India's occupation, the national security of Pakistan, the safety and security of its borders, and its economic stabilityis at stake," Salahuddin said.
Salahuddin said: “Pakistan's agriculture and energy needs depend on the waters that flow down from Kashmir. So our expectation from Nawaz Sharif's government is that hewill make this the first priority and give it central place in the Indo-Pak relationship. Otherwise, it will be lethal to the interests of Pakistan andthat of the Kashmir struggle in the same way that it proved to be duringthe regimes of Musharraf sahib and Zardari sahib.
"In the name of confidence building measures, in the name of friendship, in the name of trade and culture, moving ahead to establish a relationship with India, and going fora one-sided surrender on Kashmir, would hurt the feelings of the Kashmiri people and do irreparable damage to their confidence," Salahuddin said.
"If Pakistan is not able to help us militarily, it must continue to help us in diplomatic and political forums. If Government shows one-sided flexibility, extends an unreciprocatedhand of friendship towards India like Musharraf, it will be suicidal. What did Pakistan get out of Musharraf's policies?"
He challenged Pakistan to stop advocating Kashmir's cause if it feels that doing so would harm it. "But it must not stay silent on one pretext or the other, sometimes it is trade, sometimes it is culture. If Pakistan abandons Kashmir, Kashmiris would sustain the movement on their own. In 2001 there was a ceasefire between India and Pakistan and a fence was erected across the border, but the mujahideen continued their activity. We can sustain our armed struggle without any foreign supportfor a hundred years, the topography of Kashmir is very favourable."
Salahuddin said he disagreed with the broad political consensus in Pakistan that Kashmir was not the immediate priority.
He said: "We told Musharraf that if you want to take any measures on the diplomatic or political front, please do, but the militant infrastructure on the ground is your basic leverage and provides you bargaining power. If you get anything, it is only because of that. And when your bargaining power is gone, what will you go to the table with? What have the weak ever achieved through negotiations?"
Salahuddin added: "I can tell you with authority that when Musharraf showed an apologetic approach and came up with a policy of retreat, he inflicted irreversible damage on our movement. India felt relaxed after his retreat, and started infiltrating into Balochistan."
Asked about the impact of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan on Kashmir, Salahuddin said: "It will have a positive impact. It will send an invigorating message to Kashmiri mujahideen; when America and Nato's 26 countries with latest war technology and massive budgets were running away after being defeated in Afghanistan, why could the same not happen in Kashmir?"
Hizbul Mujahideen commander Syed Salahuddin has said that no government would be able to survivein Islamabad, if it abandons the"Kashmir cause"

lol yes because the Musharraf and Zardari's governments were really passionate about the 'Kashmir cause' weren't they.
I think the only way bilateral ties between India and Pakistan will improve is through better trading relations, rather than the traditional talks about Kashmir and other disputed areas which breaks down every time.

If the two countries can establish a good economic partnership, then they will see that it is in their joint interests to resolve their remaining issues.

Take Europe for example, France and Germany had been through decades of conflict, but after the Second World War established such close economic ties that war/breaking off diplomatic relations became impossible.
Take Europe for example, France and Germany had been through decades of conflict, but after the Second World War established such close economic ties that war/breaking off diplomatic relations became impossible.

Neither of those countries was occupying the territory of the other as India is doing with Kashmir.
Neither of those countries was occupying the territory of the other as India is doing with Kashmir.

They were, Germany had occupied Alsace-Lorraine up until the end of the First World War, and France had their quarter in occupied Berlin.
They were, Germany had occupied Alsace-Lorraine up until the end of the First World War, and France had their quarter in occupied Berlin.

So they had good relations during those times of occupation? Germany was decimated after WW2 so had to establish ties with other nations. It was the only way they could survive such a change and it was essentially a new nation.

The Pakistan and India situation is completely about an occupied territory. No amount of trading will improve the situation. It is all about Kashmir and Kashmir needs to have a solution before anything improves. Unfortunately there is to much stubbornness on the Indian side that stops the Kashmiris getting their freedom.
Neither of those countries was occupying the territory of the other as India is doing with Kashmir.

Kashmir is not Pakistan's territory.The dispute or whatever is between Kashmiris and Indians.Kashmir was never Pakistan's territory.
I think the only way bilateral ties between India and Pakistan will improve is through better trading relations, rather than the traditional talks about Kashmir and other disputed areas which breaks down every time.

If the two countries can establish a good economic partnership, then they will see that it is in their joint interests to resolve their remaining issues.

Take Europe for example, France and Germany had been through decades of conflict, but after the Second World War established such close economic ties that war/breaking off diplomatic relations became impossible.

There are two major differences.

1.These militant group get their bread and butter from the enemity if India and Pakistan.So they will make sure that no dispute is resolved.

2.A certain section of Pakistan is flourishing and enjoys luxury and power because it creates war hysteria againist India.India will attack and destroy Pakistan is the notion which is keeping these people in power.And everyone believes these are the people who run Islamabad from Rawalpindi.
Sure I'm not saying there is an exact extrapolation to be made but the point is that two neighbours can overcome decades of animosity if by establishing such a close trading partnership, you essentially make war pointless, as it damages the interests of both nations, that was the point of the European Union.

It has happened before, in the early 2000s both Pakistan and India began to improve economic ties and gradually relations began to thaw. Even the PTI member, previously Foreign Minister under Musharraf - Khurshid Kasuri said they were a 'signature away' from settling the Kashmir issue - they had agreed Kashmir would remain within India, but they would be granted significant autonomy, with its own Parliament, Executive and police force, and so on - kinda similar to the set up we have in Northern Ireland, if I may make another foreign comparison. Then came the Mumbai attacks, Musharraf went to war with his own judiciary and everything fell apart.

One of the reasons for such hatred of each other is due to this bogeyman image that both countries' media creates of one another - its driven by this insecurity - India is trying to be a superpower yet has to come to terms with the fact that it has massive inequality and other social problems, Pakistan is also economically insecure.

People always look for a convenient enemy or someone to blame, and the Pakistani military does that with India to justify its huge defence budget and deployment on the western border, and India tries to blame all of its militancy problems on Pakistan when there are still social problems affecting minority communities who have little economic opportunities and are not benefiting from the growth.

A trust relationship has to happen somewhere, and it sure as heck won't be through playing cricket matches, but something far more tangible like investment opportunities, liberalising trade agreements and allowing jobs to be created.

Once that trust deficit is bridged one way or another, then all the territorial disputes can be settled.
There are two major differences.

1.These militant group get their bread and butter from the enemity if India and Pakistan.So they will make sure that no dispute is resolved.

2.A certain section of Pakistan is flourishing and enjoys luxury and power because it creates war hysteria againist India.India will attack and destroy Pakistan is the notion which is keeping these people in power.And everyone believes these are the people who run Islamabad from Rawalpindi.

Whether that's true or not, there will always be a suspicion that a military with too much authority will want to put it's own interests first and the nation's second. That's one of the reasons it's important that a civilian government is ensured through the firm establishment of democracy. Military dictatorships can be beneficial sometimes but in Pakistan it just hasn't worked.
lol it's amazing.
They don't give a rat's rear end about your country and you keep browning your nose in the name of warmer ties and Aman ki asha.

The relationship with India should be a graceful, respectful, pro-peaceful and solid one. You don't start messing up with them and don't let them mess with you. If they extend a hand of friendship you should cautiously welcome it. If they instigate messing up with you then eent Ka jawaab Pathar sey.

There is no point being in this disgraceful act of approaching them with a begging bowl and keep receiving a cold shoulder. Let's earn some respect for once. India is not the end of the world. There are many other venues. Perhaps we can do more collaboration with China in the fields of defense, industry and energy sector? What India is going to give you? Paan leaves? Ileychi? Garam masala?
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Whether that's true or not, there will always be a suspicion that a military with too much authority will want to put it's own interests first and the nation's second. That's one of the reasons it's important that a civilian government is ensured through the firm establishment of democracy. Military dictatorships can be beneficial sometimes but in Pakistan it just hasn't worked.

So do you agree with me that once Civilian supremacy is established in Pakistan,there will be more chances of peace?
Sure I'm not saying there is an exact extrapolation to be made but the point is that two neighbours can overcome decades of animosity if by establishing such a close trading partnership, you essentially make war pointless, as it damages the interests of both nations, that was the point of the European Union.

It has happened before, in the early 2000s both Pakistan and India began to improve economic ties and gradually relations began to thaw. Even the PTI member, previously Foreign Minister under Musharraf - Khurshid Kasuri said they were a 'signature away' from settling the Kashmir issue - they had agreed Kashmir would remain within India, but they would be granted significant autonomy, with its own Parliament, Executive and police force, and so on - kinda similar to the set up we have in Northern Ireland, if I may make another foreign comparison. Then came the Mumbai attacks, Musharraf went to war with his own judiciary and everything fell apart.

One of the reasons for such hatred of each other is due to this bogeyman image that both countries' media creates of one another - its driven by this insecurity - India is trying to be a superpower yet has to come to terms with the fact that it has massive inequality and other social problems, Pakistan is also economically insecure.

People always look for a convenient enemy or someone to blame, and the Pakistani military does that with India to justify its huge defence budget and deployment on the western border, and India tries to blame all of its militancy problems on Pakistan when there are still social problems affecting minority communities who have little economic opportunities and are not benefiting from the growth.

A trust relationship has to happen somewhere, and it sure as heck won't be through playing cricket matches, but something far more tangible like investment opportunities, liberalising trade agreements and allowing jobs to be created.

Once that trust deficit is bridged one way or another, then all the territorial disputes can be settled.

Do you wonder,how whenever the KAshmir dispute is about to be solved something happens.Coincidence?
just saw this for the first time

lol what a joke.. agrees to everything the interviewer wants to happen and never debates...

might aswell hand the PM house to india
just saw this for the first time

lol what a joke.. agrees to everything the interviewer wants to happen and never debates...

might aswell hand the PM house to india

But why debate for sake of it. I think interviewer actually asks some predictable questions. On Kargil and all, he has already said everything in the past.
All pretty soundbites from the media but nobody in India is going to bat an eyelid till the pakistan army dismantles the Kashmir industrial complex.Nawaz Sharif should stop pretending he has any control over India - Pak relations.
All pretty soundbites from the media but nobody in India is going to bat an eyelid till the pakistan army dismantles the Kashmir industrial complex.Nawaz Sharif should stop pretending he has any control over India - Pak relations.

Once the Indian government dismantles the Indian army industrial rape complex you have in Kashmir then we will take about us dismantling Kashmir industrial complex.
Neither of those countries was occupying the territory of the other as India is doing with Kashmir.

So they had good relations during those times of occupation? Germany was decimated after WW2 so had to establish ties with other nations. It was the only way they could survive such a change and it was essentially a new nation.

The Pakistan and India situation is completely about an occupied territory. No amount of trading will improve the situation. It is all about Kashmir and Kashmir needs to have a solution before anything improves. Unfortunately there is to much stubbornness on the Indian side that stops the Kashmiris getting their freedom.

DV - China claims India is occupying it's territory and India claims China is occupying theirs.

Despite this business goes on - India-China trade has risen exponentially over the past decade and is set to touch $100b in a year or two. And despite the odd chest thumping incident at the border, things are pretty peaceful between these neighbours.

If China and India can form such a relationship then I don't see why Pakistan and India can't.

To those that say there should be no business done with India until the Kashmir issue is solved, well what has this policy actually achieved for the Kashmiris over the past few decades?
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lol it's amazing.
They don't give a rat's rear end about your country and you keep browning your nose in the name of warmer ties and Aman ki asha.

The relationship with India should be a graceful, respectful, pro-peaceful and solid one. You don't start messing up with them and don't let them mess with you. If they extend a hand of friendship you should cautiously welcome it. If they instigate messing up with you then eent Ka jawaab Pathar sey.

There is no point being in this disgraceful act of approaching them with a begging bowl and keep receiving a cold shoulder. Let's earn some respect for once. India is not the end of the world. There are many other venues. Perhaps we can do more collaboration with China in the fields of defense, industry and energy sector? What India is going to give you? Paan leaves? Ileychi? Garam masala?
youve hit the nail on the head
The Sher and Manmohan Singh to hold their first meeting - at the UN building in New York.

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday said he was looking forward to his meeting with his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh as he hoped to build on progress made in bilateral ties during his last stint as premier.

Related: Ban Ki-moon welcomes PM-Sharif meeting

"I will be very happy to meet him (Singh) and we hope to pick up the threads from where we left in 1999," Sharif told reporters inside the UN building in New York.

Sharif was referring to his historic meeting with then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who travelled to Lahore by bus in 1999 for bilateral talks.

Manmohan confirms meeting with Sharif at UN

He spoke after emerging from a meeting held adjacent to a room where External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid was holding talks with a Palestinian delegation.

Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Singh confirmed he would meet Sharif on the margins of the UN General Assembly.

Pak keen to have comprehensive dialogue with India: Nawaz Sharif

In a statement issued before his departure for the US, Singh said: "I also look forward to bilateral meetings with the leaders of some of our neighbouring countries, including Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan."

Singh and Sharif are expected to meet in New York on September 29.

The issue of terrorism emanating from Pakistan is expected to figure prominently in the meeting. India has maintained that terrorism from Pakistan soil and territories under its control are a matter of concern.

India puts conditions to Pak for possible talks at UN meet

India has also expressed concern at the lack of progress in to Pakistan's efforts to prosecute those responsible for the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Despite a downturn in bilateral ties after five Indian soldiers were killed in an attack by Pakistani troops on the Line of Control in August, Sharif has been pushing for a meeting with Singh in New York.
Wise words by Sharif.

India-Pakistan arms race ‘massive waste’, says Nawaz

UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan and India have wasted “massive resources” on a nuclear arms race, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said Friday ahead of a landmark meeting with his Indian counterpart.

Sharif said he was looking forward to meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to “make a new beginning” in the relationship between the South Asian nuclear rivals.

“Our two countries have wasted massive resources in an arms race,” the premier told the UN General Assembly. “We could have used those resources for the economic well-being of our people,” he added.

Despite clashes in disputed Kashmir this week, Sharif is expected to meet with Singh on Sunday, on the sidelines of the annual gathering of world leaders at the UN.

Both sides have spent huge amounts on developing a nuclear bomb over the past three decades.

It will be their first meeting since Sharif was re-elected in May – his third term as premier, but first since he was ousted in a 1999 coup.

Sharif told the General Assembly it was a ''new dawn'' for Pakistan.

“We still have that opportunity. Pakistan and India can prosper together; and the entire region would benefit from our cooperation.”

Sharif said: “We stand ready to re-engage with India in a substantive and purposeful dialogue.”

He said he was looking forward to the chance “to make a new beginning” and added “we have a solid basis to do that”. Sharif said Pakistan and India must build on a 1999 accord which called for the resolution of all differences through negotiations.

“I am committed to working for a peaceful and economically prosperous region. This is what our people want and this is what I have long aspired for,” Sharif said.
These talks of peace will only come from pakistan. Manmohan is only going to be around for a few more months anyway so they'll be futile
These talks of peace will only come from pakistan. Manmohan is only going to be around for a few more months anyway so they'll be futile

True that!!

There is a lot of hate mongering amongst Indian media and politicians regarding Pakistan. Almost all peace talks from the last few years have been initiated by Pakistan :(
Quite alot of Indian Pp brothers like our Prime Minister and expect good from him wrt their homeland India.

Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif also most probably wants good friendly relationships with India. Which is absolutely fine.

But Indians do not understand Pakistan politics and Pakistan Establishment.

Nawaz Sharif wanting it doesn't help India. Mango and Shawl diplomacy aswell as Sharif's business or prospective business with India also won't help at all.

Why ?

Because Nawaz Sharif cannot ever take foreign affairs and foreign ministry away from Pakistan Establishment.

This PM, Nawaz Sharif sahib does enjoy quite alot support of Pakistan's Punjab mainly Rural but he does come on the shoulders of Establishment where his support is hushed up by them.

Why do they do it ? They do it when they want to throw away PPP and want a weak Opposition as stronger opposition means pressure on Nawaz Sharif to do things which which eat not only the Politicians but the Establishment aswell through Accountability. Whenever they see Sharif sahib developing muscles they than again befriend the Bhutto clan and welcome them to the throne. This Musical Shows continues.

Since the start of Sharif's Politics or even before that the Establishment has got all the secrets of the Sharif family. Sharif senior was an industrialist who did face Bhutto's wrath due to Nationalisation. He in those days and age moved Millions out of Pakistan through certain channels to evade Taxes. He wasn't in Politics than. Somebody Yeah this ISI had an Eye. Oh they are smart. They know what was happening through a front man Sheikh former employ of Pakistan Consulate in USA. Silently the Establishment was making those files. Later Zia ul Haq the dictator launched Sharif's Son into politics. Again whether or not the Sharif's earned illegal money they did transfer money abroad through illegal means in order to but properties and the same establishment was aware of it. When Musharaff took over and Ishaq Dar was questioned He also spilled the beans perfectly in an Affidavit submitted in NAB Pakistan. A confession of Money laundering.

This Establishment has all the weak links of PM. Since our PM has no financial credibility hence He cannot either control the establishment nor reform them. He cannot do their financial accountability aswell. It would take only 1 random nobody Lawyer to go to SC with all the Evidence to start a Case again Sharif Family and all the evidences be it be related to tax evasions of earnings, Hudaibya Paper Mill Scam, Loans defaults, Money laundering, Ittefaq foundary scam everything will be on Media and government will be over in No time.

But these people with No financial integrity massively Suit the Establishment and they want them to be in Power since their Empire of last 52 years won't be endanger and they will dominate.

Whether it's Asli or Naqli Bhutto they will never be able to Cut the Establishment in size.

Even wrt India irrespective of Pakistan's involvement in IOK or no involvement these people can only show their
" Beybussy Laachaargee " ie Helplessness to India that's it. They can neither dictate the Establishment nor they will listen to them.

In Pakistan only a Leader with clean hands financially can reform Institutions and do their accountability. Financial Integrity can give that massive position of Strength to the PM to get back the Foreign Ministry and the entire department from Establishment and to give Gov's policy to establishment to follow in letter and spirit.

Such a person whose hands are clean will do financial accountability of politicians, bureaucrats aswell as Institutes which is again not acceptable at any cost.

So keeps your hopes alive and keep on saying Jiye Nawaz Sharif or Jiye Zardari and enjoy on and off Jaadu ki Jhappi's, invitations, Mangoes, Shawls, strong hanshakes and good intensions. Nothing good will happen. Unfortunately.