New domestic cricket system: 6 provincial teams in QeA, 6 HPCs, NCA to be rebranded to National HPC


T20I Captain
Apr 16, 2013
This is from Wasim Khan's TV interview which has been posted in full here but the changes to domestic cricket deserve a separate thread.

New first-class cricket system in sync with Pakistan's international commitments

"The new PCB constitution is sitting in the PM's office, once he approves it we're ready to roll it out. There are 6 provinces with 2nd XIs, so your 66 best players are playing FC cricket. We're doing a big programme around wickets at the moment, if your wickets aren't great, it doesn't matter how much training you do. We had 25 scores of under 100 in the last 3 years, you're not going to get great players, guys who can bat time and bowlers who work hard for their wickets. We need to get the wickets right. There's a 2nd XI inter-city competition underneath and then club cricket"

"When you speak to people, they say there's too many players in the game which is why we don't have competition. When you start to address the FC game, they say what about all the people who will lose out? When you say you'll look after them, but no, you can't do that, you have to get cricket right. So we don't want anyone to lose out. That's why it's important. Players will get paid, there will be contracts, you can earn up to maybe 2 million rupees playing for the province sides, players will get paid for 2nd XI city cricket as well and then we'll have 6 high performance centres. So there will be a psychologist, nutritionist, physio and trainer sitting at all of those. And whatever we do at international level, the support staff will be responsible for delegating the same tasks to the HP centres. The same programmes will be run there as international level. When players come to the FC level, they need to understand what's required, you don't educate them about that when they play international cricket, it's too late"

"We need to look at our coaching as always. It's not always about techniques, it's about what goes on in the head. Why do people keep saying we bolt under pressure? It's not a good thing when people say our international team is unpredictable, mercurial. Is that a tag that we're proud of? Of course not. Sports psychology isn't a taboo anymore, many sportsmen and sportswomen use them now. We need to get them in at a young age, from 16, we need to look at the methods so we don't have an all or nothing approach"

"There's 2 or 3 models you can have with a Chief Selector. One thing you can have is 3-4 selectors and they go out every now and again. If we go with 6 provinces, why can't we have a system where the Chief Selector uses those 6 head coaches as his eyes and ears? So you don't have a formal selection committee. Coaches will write reports about oppositions' players, they don't write about their own players so there's no pressure from above. There's different models we can use. Why can't we do things differently, why do we have to stick with the structure? Think outside the box sometimes"

"There's a lot of work that people within the PCB have done on the regions' constitution so as soon as we get the approval from the PM, we'll start. We're looking to start the season on 12th September so we have 6 weeks, everything is ready to hit the road. One thing that I'll say is that your schedule of first-class cricket has to support international cricket. End of September, we have 2 Tests against Sri Lanka so we'll have 4 4 rounds of FC matches leading into that. Middle of October, we'll have the domestic T20 league for 2 reasons. One is for the PSL draft, second is for the T20 series in Australia in November. The QEA Trophy will be split up. We need guys going into Tests having played some red-ball cricket. Going into T20 series having played T20. You might have a guy who hits 3 80s in the T20 league and then he can be selected for the national team for the upcoming series. There's a narrative for everything we're going to do going forward"

"The way the constitutions are set up, nepotism is going to be very difficult. The PCB have looked very hard at how we create something so we don't have that. We know some of the issues that we've had with clubs in days gone by. We're never going to eradicate everything but we've got to take most of it away. There will be independent people sitting on some of these boards, business people who can run it as a business. You have your impartial selection committees sitting there, so there aren't people with vested interests"

"When you go down from 16 to 6, there will be competition. For merit, we need to make sure that the people running the cricket are the right type of people, so we'll have a criteria in place. It may take 2 years for the system to be properly up and running, I believe it can work for us but we've gotta make it work"

"We need to use the clubs that are already performing and where there are already facilities. We are investing a lot in infrastructure. Even in FC grounds, like Pindi, Multan - we're looking to have the full PSL in Pakistan so we're looking at 4 venues. We know the clubs that operate and we know the ones that don't do anything. There's 3000 clubs registered across the country. There's probably 1400-1500 who actually operate how they should so we've identified them in terms of their structure, coaching, match pay etc. Those who haven't been doing anything will be removed from the system"

Sending players overseas early to prepare for tours

"We go to Australia in November. What happens is that we get caught short as soon as we go to Australia, so we're sending our batsmen 4 weeks early to go and practice at the WACA. We'll sort out the facilities. We're planning 12 months ahead for all of our tours. The batting coach will be with them. We're playing in England in Jul/Aug next year, so we need to get as many guys playing County Cricket as possible. We might have to invest in the top 3-4 guys, we'll say to a county that this player will only cost you this much and we'll subsidise the rest. It's an investment for us, you'll get the likes of Imam, Shan, Babar playing County Cricket for 3-4 months. When the England series comes, they'll be ready for it"


"Our U19s just went to SA and won 7-0 against a good SA team so we have a few stars. The draft system for the FC teams, we have to make sure those U19 guys are given opportunities. They have to be in that system. If they're playing for Pakistan U19s, they're our very best U19 cricketers. If they go away and don't play FC cricket, they get lost in the system and that happens a lot, we have to make sure that doesn't happen. U13s, U16s at the club level, making sure with trainers and physios, they should filter down in the province and go out to the U13 and U16 camps. We have to look at coaching as well, are we coaching the modern way?"

"If you go to England, Australia or India, the Under-16s aren't selected on the basis of open trials. We acknowledge that there needs to be a system for these age levels. We need to monitor the clubs but when you have so many, it's hard. When you have fewer clubs, you can monitor the activities"

From NCA to HPC and succession planning

"The NCA will be rebranded as a National High-Performance Centre. If you've got 6 Performances Centres, you need that HPC. We're looking at the food, we'll bring in sports nutritionists to make sure that every bit of food that's served is what athletes should be having, not biryani, daal chawal. It's got to be difficult to get into the HPC, you go to Australia and you can't get in, you have to make an appointment. We go to ours and it's difficult because there's ex-players who come and use it etc. We have to get people to think differently, there's a lot of work ahead"

"One thing we haven't been good at is succession planning. People are saying get rid of Mickey, bring Pakistani coaches etc. but you look at India's system. They have physios, assistant coaches working with the main coaches for 3-4 years, getting an opportunity. When Greg Chappell and Gary Kirsten were there, they'd bring their best coaches to work with them. Their vision was that their whole system should be their own players in different roles. We need to do that with our people. The 6 coaches who work with the provinces should have this in their mind that they'll get opportunities if they work hard"

"We had Bob Woolmer as coach, Waqar Younis, Richard Pybus, Dav Whatmore. How many coaches have we gone through? Fundamentally, the issues haven't gone away and that's due to the system. You can have 10 of the most brilliant coaches but if the system isn't right in terms of how the players prepare, look after themselves as professional athletes, it doesn't matter who you have. You lose a series and everybody wants to call for people's heads"

Mandatory participation in domestic cricket + threat from T20 leagues

"The players playing in England etc. will have to come back to play in the FC games before the SL series. We had one or two requests from players asking whether they can stay in England, we told them no, there's a new system in place and you need to play to be available for selection in September. Why can't we create three-dimensional cricketers instead of red-ball or white-ball specialists? With T20s, children don't want to play red-ball cricket. T20 is a wonderful product but it's also a threat to Test cricket. We want red-ball cricket to matter, it's where people remember you and the health check of a nation is how you perform in Test cricket. The Championship is starting and we want to be in the final at Lord's, but it's not going to just happen. We need to improve our performances"

"Our players play in the PSL and two other tournaments which is standard for the other countries as well. What we don't what to do is to get into a situation where you have freelance cricketers, the de Villiers and the Chris Gayles of this world. Their countries have lost them, why should I play 35 weeks a year, I can play 15 weeks a year and earn. Good luck to them, it's good money. But we need to look at managing workloads, looking at better pay so that it makes it less attractive for them to go. I want our guys to play the best and to earn their value"

"The reason why it's important to get sponsors for the provinces is because it means it's less money we spend on FC cricket so we can invest it in players' salaries. That's the business plan of the Chairman and myself. If we get a sponsor who covers the cost of running FC cricket in Central Punjab for a season, that's money we were going to spend, we can pull it away and include it in the budget and include more training camps etc. We're sending our coaches every year to England and Australia, umpires as well, to go and learn from the academies and the different environments. This is investment in the future of our game. We want to send our young players to academies, the best 17 or 18 year-olds, go and train at Warwickshire for 4 weeks, go and live on your own, learn about life, that's education for them"
I think this will be a very successful system. The results may not show for the first 2-3 years, but when they do, they will be really good. There should be less bias and nepotism, and domestic players will actually get a chance if they perform.

Our test cricket should also improve as our current test cricketers aren't playing any first class cricket, apart from Asad Shafiq, Azhar Ali (who's career is over with this new system), Abbas and Yasir. Only the best will be playing first class and it will no longer be a joke.

PCB finally seems like it knows what it's doing, it has a clear plan for the future and seems to be prioritising test cricket, which was slowly dying in Pakistan.
I think this will be a very successful system. The results may not show for the first 2-3 years, but when they do, they will be really good. There should be less bias and nepotism, and domestic players will actually get a chance if they perform.

Our test cricket should also improve as our current test cricketers aren't playing any first class cricket, apart from Asad Shafiq, Azhar Ali (who's career is over with this new system), Abbas and Yasir. Only the best will be playing first class and it will no longer be a joke.

PCB finally seems like it knows what it's doing, it has a clear plan for the future and seems to be prioritising test cricket, which was slowly dying in Pakistan.


oh bhai how is Azhar career over ?

You guys think first class and international are both same thing.
I think lets try Wasim khan's system for 1 year and lets see who plays and who doesnt.

I am still skeptical about the 6 teams, but ready to see it being trialed.

We are coping the Australian system here. But remember India system and English system has multiple teams.
I think lets try Wasim khan's system for 1 year and lets see who plays and who doesnt.

I am still skeptical about the 6 teams, but ready to see it being trialed.

We are coping the Australian system here. But remember India system and English system has multiple teams.

There are twelve teams, essentially. Splitting in two tiers allows for more players to get paid while avoiding dilution at the top.
Sending players overseas early to prepare for tours

"We go to Australia in November. What happens is that we get caught short as soon as we go to Australia, so we're sending our batsmen 4 weeks early to go and practice at the WACA. We'll sort out the facilities. We're planning 12 months ahead for all of our tours. The batting coach will be with them. We're playing in England in Jul/Aug next year, so we need to get as many guys playing County Cricket as possible. We might have to invest in the top 3-4 guys, we'll say to a county that this player will only cost you this much and we'll subsidise the rest. It's an investment for us, you'll get the likes of Imam, Shan, Babar playing County Cricket for 3-4 months. When the England series comes, they'll be ready for it"

You need to send the bowlers first. They have the most trouble adjusting to the Australian length.

oh bhai how is Azhar career over ?

You guys think first class and international are both same thing.

Maybe I exaggerated a bit, but it is very likely a better replacement will be found. Azhar has not been performing for the last year or year and a half, he is not the player he used to be. He is also failing in the County championship. I hope he regains form as he is a class player in tests.

I also think he will fail in Australia as he struggles against bounce, which he should have worked on in his 10 year career.

With Shan Masood and Haris Sohail in the team, Azhar will be under a lot of pressure because, on merit, Shan Masood (based off the SA tour), and Haris Sohail deserve to be in the side more than him. Also Imam is young and they will keep him in the team because of his potential.
When will they announce the squad? Does anyone know?
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lol, I can't wait to see all the washed-up players over 30 dominating the makeup of the 6 teams and young players won't get a look in and will be lost to the game over time.
lol, I can't wait to see all the washed-up players over 30 dominating the makeup of the 6 teams and young players won't get a look in and will be lost to the game over time.

I fear the same!!!!! We will see same Kamran, Gul, Shaki Ansari, M Sami, F Iqbal, Shehzad..... fill up the squad.
I highly doubt about Wasim Khan's success in Pakistan cricket which mainly run by crook officials with shameless/TTF old players.
He will do great in NZ and S Africa.
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You need to send the bowlers first. They have the most trouble adjusting to the Australian length.

Comparatively i believe adjusting to the pace and bounce for the batsmen is more difficult than the bowlers adjusting to the lengths...

We have seen in the past the bowlers even though not arrived early they did made the ball talking...
I fear the same!!!!! We will see same Kamran, Gul, Shaki Ansari, M Sami, F Iqbal, Shehzad..... fill up the squad.

This is where we need to see how this revamp takes place...

They should have a rule of only 4 players of over 30 years max and can be played in the first 11, remaining 7 should be under 30 years...
This is where we need to see how this revamp takes place...

They should have a rule of only 4 players of over 30 years max and can be played in the first 11, remaining 7 should be under 30 years...

4 players overs 30 is too many plus lots of rubbish players are also under 30 (Around 28-30). Still it can fill up around 75%-80% of the squad.
This is where we need to see how this revamp takes place...

They should have a rule of only 4 players of over 30 years max and can be played in the first 11, remaining 7 should be under 30 years...

I don't think these type of limitations are feasible and will lead to further mistrust and apprehension.

We need to let the system function. It may take a year or two for the TTFs to be removed, they may be selected and then exposed with the stronger level of competition which will naturally bring their value down. Eventually, the teams will move on.

Any talk of using this system for 1 year or whatever is ridiculous, you have to give it time to mature. The last thing we need is yet another system next year.
I don't think these type of limitations are feasible and will lead to further mistrust and apprehension.

We need to let the system function. It may take a year or two for the TTFs to be removed, they may be selected and then exposed with the stronger level of competition which will naturally bring their value down. Eventually, the teams will move on.

Any talk of using this system for 1 year or whatever is ridiculous, you have to give it time to mature. The last thing we need is yet another system next year.

If they select both inferior batsmen and bowlers, then both will be successful.
If they select both inferior batsmen and bowlers, then both will be successful.

Even if they fail, they will have their connections to keep them holding on to their past glory..

Just like how rashid latif vociferously cry to play MYK despite series of failures abroad during the twilight of his career
I don't think these type of limitations are feasible and will lead to further mistrust and apprehension.

We need to let the system function. It may take a year or two for the TTFs to be removed, they may be selected and then exposed with the
stronger level of competition
which will naturally bring their value down. Eventually, the teams will move on.

Any talk of using this system for 1 year or whatever is ridiculous, you have to give it time to mature. The last thing we need is yet another system next year.

can be established only when u restrict mediocrity otherwise you will tend to see a bowlers bunch of sami, tanvir, asad rauf, asad ali, irfan bowling to kamran, salman butt, shakil ansari, f.iqbal, fawad alam etc...

The likes of Zeeshan, saud shakeel, ahsan ali, haider ali, will be either sitting in the bench or be in the 2nd 11 not playing at all...
Crook people know how to manipulate the system when they have backing from players like Latif, Miandad, Sarfraz, Qadir, Sohail.....
For the sake of eye wash they will select few younger players but then they will send a opener to no. 7-8 with few balls to spare while play a new fast bowler in the death overs just like PSL.
The TTfs buddies will score on flat pitches from comfort zone and get wickets on bowling pitches. Win win situation or the crooks.
I believe it's a two-division system. Six teams in first and six in second.

I believe, if it’s 2nd XI cricket then there won’t be any division, rather a 2nd set (back-up) squad will pay a similar tournament simultaneously. This is exactly what County cricket is run (used to till 2000s, not sure now), and Shield cricket as well (till 1990s).

The idea is each of these 6 squads will have lots of players under roster (say 25, could be even 35). May be top 15-20 under some sort of central (regional) contract, rest on different (pay as you play or practice) pay scale. On a given round, top 12 players will be picked for the FC games and a 2nd set will play exactly similar 4 day game, but this one not FC status. This gives the chance to test younger players and also keeps the starting 11 (for FC) honest. If any regular starter (s) are struggling after 1-2 rounds, while a youngster is performing in 2nd XI games, squad could be rotated.

It’ll take couple of years to filter out Saad Altafs, but this is the best (read only) way to get rid of obsolete players. If it’s applied properly, within 2 season average age of 6 FC teams will reduce by at least 3 years, if not 6.

More or less guy has hit every nail - last two was focus on wickets and to my surprise he actually has mentioned that the NCA Lahore needs to be High Performance Centre. If there are 6 functional academies (may be more), then it’s a must that there will be one special centre for the top of the cream and also to set an operational guideline for the academies across country. Otherwise, few years time every such academy will run as their wish (short term or regional focus) and bigger picture will be lost.
Do you really believe Wasim Khan can get rid of useless oldies and TTFs (Have good back up from both media and influential corrupt formers) from the domestic system and give opportunities to young talent players when there is only 6 teams which may be filled with them by regional useless selectors?
I dont understand how will the best only play, sifarish will still play a hand.

I fear it will be worse. Now less opportunities for younger players. The whole system and 95% of our selectors are corrupt. Wasim Khan cannot for the selectors to do right thing.
So my understanding:

Tier 1 -----> 6 provincial sides with the cream of the crop


Tier 1.5 ---> 6 second XI sides playing on the same schedule as Tier 1 simultaneously


Tier 2 -----> 16(?) intercity sides, best performers from here graduate to Tier 1/Tier 1.5


Tier 3 -----> 1500+ club sides

Is the same structure going to be used for FC and List A? Wasim Khan in the interview kept mentioning first class cricket but no mention of limited overs List A which is the most important :smith
I dont understand how will the best only play, sifarish will still play a hand.

Go back and see the sides of the first couple of editions of PSL. Heck Babar Azam spent 90% of the season on the bench. Then check the squads and sides of the latest PSL season. Initially teams will be selected on reputation and experience but the real talent will shine through and TTFs will be pushed to the edges. We should give the new system atleast 2-3 years to get upto speed. Some "experts" are recommending to give the new system one year as trial, as if their opinion even matters :)))
Do you really believe Wasim Khan can get rid of useless oldies and TTFs (Have good back up from both media and influential corrupt formers) from the domestic system and give opportunities to young talent players when there is only 6 teams which may be filled with them by regional useless selectors?

I know you want the best for Pakistan but you can't make players financially insecure by such measures. You just can't stop anyone from playing cricket.

The only way to make Pakistan cricket prosper is by making finanical incentives for domestic cricketers. PCB long term planning should have plans for cricketers that can't make it to province teams by findng jobs for them by linking with federal and provincial goverments, also private sectors. Ex cricketers that don't do any punditry, commentatory or any related to cricket to earn something. That is where the PCB needs to come in, help them become part of cricket or guide them for the future.

I know it requires money but we are the second biggest market after India and nowhere near earning close to the potiental.
Do you really believe Wasim Khan can get rid of useless oldies and TTFs (Have good back up from both media and influential corrupt formers) from the domestic system and give opportunities to young talent players when there is only 6 teams which may be filled with them by regional useless selectors?

Some sell wine to buy milk, some milk to buy wine. So, I can’t say if it’ll work or not, but I can say that this is the ultimate solution for PAK cricket - if it’s not successful, then it’ll be because of application (implementation), but not for the system itself.

Filtering best talents & at right age is not the responsibility of any system - it’s the responsibility of the people operating the system. I have read the excitement many times here in PP for 25 years old young man’s talent at U19 level, therefore it’s not only system’s fault to be honest. PCB could have made it work with previous (existing) system as well, if the motive was right. But, in this system, I see a check & balance for which ideally system itself should filter out the best - a Category A (Regional) contracted player also can be benched and sent to 2nd XI games if he is not performing, which should keep everyone on toes regarding fitness & performance.

Also, instead of 12 weeks compact FC season, they are planning to expand it for longer span - which will allow PAK internationals to participate in domestics and competition for FC/List A should be much higher. And, what I have read from his tv interview - they are planning to change the role of CS, from a worthless but extremely powerful position who is like Godfather of players, they are trying to make it like CS chasing players to keep his job (no wonder Inzi decided to leave before he was sacked).

Having said that, yes as you said, if Saad Altaf to bowl & Zohaib Ahmed to bat, then obviously both will perform even more n a two team competition and PAK will be sinking deeper into minnow territory.
I really hope they apply the same fitness standards required for international cricket in the domestic setup. Anyone not able to hit 17.5 in the yo-yo Test shouldn’t be able to make a side. This if applied properly, will in itself do away with many of the oldies and TTFs like Kamran, Farhat, Butt etc.
I dont understand how will the best only play, sifarish will still play a hand.

PCB is funding the provinces for the first few years right ? That'll be significant leverage to ensure the provinces have their act together.
In this system nepotistic undeserved selections will be blatantly obvious. Regional owners and selectors will not escape scrutiny for long
I really hope they apply the same fitness standards required for international cricket in the domestic setup. Anyone not able to hit 17.5 in the yo-yo Test shouldn’t be able to make a side. This if applied properly, will in itself do away with many of the oldies and TTFs like Kamran, Farhat, Butt etc.

This is a MUST for First Class tier 1 & 2 players which will introduce fitness and ensure to cull useless players like Kamran, Faisal, etc.
Really loved the bit about scrapping the selection committee and letting coaches send their recommendations to the chief selector. I think that is going to work a lot better than the current system in place.
And, what I have read from his tv interview - they are planning to change the role of CS, from a worthless but extremely powerful position who is like Godfather of players, they are trying to make it like CS chasing players to keep his job (no wonder Inzi decided to leave before he was sacked).

Wow great analysis!!!!! Can you please explain the highlight part little it more. Inzi had potential but he gave away to his laziness and moral.
I know you want the best for Pakistan but you can't make players financially insecure by such measures. You just can't stop anyone from playing cricket.

The only way to make Pakistan cricket prosper is by making finanical incentives for domestic cricketers. PCB long term planning should have plans for cricketers that can't make it to province teams by findng jobs for them by linking with federal and provincial goverments, also private sectors. Ex cricketers that don't do any punditry, commentatory or any related to cricket to earn something. That is where the PCB needs to come in, help them become part of cricket or guide them for the future.

I know it requires money but we are the second biggest market after India and nowhere near earning close to the potiental.

I hope it works. Lets see who is our CS. It will explain lots of things.
Now oldies/ patchiest will cry to media and people like Miandad for fitness test. And surprisingly Our formers will complain against it.