"One Day and T20 defeats were incredible" : Mohsin Khan


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Jun 1, 2001
From the heady heights of being labelled as Pakistan's saviour to being sidelined by the appointment of a new coach - Pakistan's ex Coach Mohsin Hasan Khan has seen it all.

A swashbuckling opening batsmen in his playing days, Mohsin Khan was thrust in the limelight in his most recent role as Pakistan's coach deemed responsible for an incredible 3-0 victory against the Worlds No 1 Test side England. However, his period of fame did not last long as he was replaced by the new Head Coach Dav Whatmore within weeks of the Pakistani victory in the UAE.

In an exclusive and frank chat with PakPassion.net, Mohsin Khan spoke about his role as Pakistan's coach and also shared his disappointment at the events leading to his removal from that post.

PakPassion.net : You were head coach of the Pakistan team during series wins over Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and an impressive record breaking Test series whitewash over England. How would you sum up your tenure as coach?

Mohsin Khan : There's one thing that I would firstly like to make clear to everybody and that is that I was only supposed to be the interim coach for the Sri Lanka series which was my first series as head coach.

Towards the end of the series against Sri Lanka in the UAE where we had done pretty well, I was asked by the PCB before we departed from UAE directly to Bangladesh, that they wanted me to continue for the series in Bangladesh. The PCB Chairman Zaka Ashraf when he was in the UAE during the series against Sri Lanka was very complimentary and very appreciative of the efforts of everyone in the squad and gave very complimentary remarks to the team and to myself and the backroom staff.

Mr Ashraf then said to me that he would like me to go to Bangladesh as coach. I said to him that I felt uncomfortable because there has to be a relationship between the players and the coach where mutual parties know that they are going to be working together for at least a year or two, instead of an uncertain tenure. I also said to the Chairman that the coach needs some sort of assurance and timescales so that he can plan his future strategies, rather than just being appointed on a series by series basis which is never ideal or comfortable for the players or the coach.

The Chairman agreed with what I had to say to him and asked me to proceed as the coach to Bangladesh and told me that we would finalize our plans on our return from Bangladesh when there was a gap before the series against England.

I thought about what the Chairman had stated and decided that if my cricket board wants me to carry on then I would continue offering my services, so I carried on for the tour of Bangladesh.

The series against Bangladesh went very well and we won all of the matches there. Then the announcement was made that the PCB would be advertising the role of coach and were asking for applicants to come forward.

Once the announcement was made that the job would be advertised, I thought that was that and my services as coach would no longer be needed. I reflected on what we had achieved and thanked the Almighty that everything had gone well in a high pressured and very challenging role.

But even after the announcement of the vacancy there was uncertainty surrounding the appointment and whether I would be given the role on a permanent basis or whether another individual would be appointed.

Then the PCB asked me to continue for the series against England in the UAE. I responded by stating to the Board that it's not ideal for someone to be appointed on a series by series basis, especially against tough opposition like England and after the disappointing events and controversial series of 2010 in England. I stated to the Board that if you want to appoint me for the extremely tough series against England, then why not appoint me on a long term basis. The PCB responded by telling me that they had not yet finalized their plans regarding a permanent appointment, despite mine and the team's success, and they said to me that they wanted me to continue for the series against England.

I gave a lot of thought to what the PCB had suggested for the series against England. Many of my friends, family and well wishers suggested to me to not take on the series against England without a long term contract. Anyway after a lot of thought I took on the challenge and I said to my friends and family that if my cricket board wants me to coach the team for the series against England and that they are suggesting that I might be the coach for the series against England, then I am ready to do the job for my country. So even though it was a very difficult decision to make, I took on the challenge and I mentally prepared myself for the series against Engalnd for the sake of my country.

The England Test series was just incredible. The team took off like a supersonic jet. Nobody anywhere expected us to defeat England 3-0 in the Test series. All the players gave everything, they were so determined, they were so motivated. All the pre Test series planning with the captain went so well. Our main focus was to make it clear to the boys that Pakistan cricket had gone through some very tough times recently and that it was our duty to portray Pakistan cricket and Pakistanis in a positive light. We reiterated to all of the players that the PCB were doing their utmost off the field to bring cricket back to Pakistan and that it was our duty to perform well on the field and show the world that Pakistan cricket cannot be ignored. Let's show the world that the mistakes made by some of the players in 2010 in England do not reflect all Pakistanis and does not accurately reflect Pakistan cricket. The message was clear to the team, let's do something for Pakistan.

I said to the team that winning or losing wasn't something that they should worry about. What I wanted from them was a fighting spirit and for them to give their all from the first ball of the Test match to the last delivery. The other motivation for all of us was that we were up against the number one ranked team and it was our chance to gauge ourselves against them. The way the captain and all of the players responded in the Test series against England was just outstanding. It was fantastic to see the players so charged up and motivated!

The bonding during the Test series against England was superb. Whether it was team meetings or informal chats or team meals, the spirit was just magnificent and that clearly shone through during the 3 Test matches. There were no disciplinary problems off the field throughout the tour and credit has to go to the players and the management for that, particularly the team manager Naveed Akram Cheema. On the field discipline was my domain and once again there were no problems at all.

It was a special moment when we wrapped up the Test series 3-0. It was a historic moment for Pakistan cricket and the cricketing world was totally shocked. Our team which had a few stars, had beaten a team full of stars.

I'm very proud of my achievements as the coach and I thank the Almighty for this. I achieved so much as the coach in the 3-4 months that I was in charge.

Coming to the one day and Twenty20 series against England, it was beyond my imagination as to how badly it went. I still cannot believe what went wrong during those matches. The spirit, the body language, the killer instinct, it all just disappeared in a matter of a few days. It was incredible! It was the same venues, almost the same group of players, almost the same opposition. The same team that was flying high a few days earlier, was just so deflated. When we lost the first One Day International (ODI), I thought it happens and put it down to the players adjusting to the format and no doubt the opposition was very good. That first defeat was, in my view, a good wakeup call and I thought we would bounce back, but then things just got worse.

I actually thought we had a stronger combination in the shorter formats than in the Test series compared to England. After each defeat against England I was just getting more and more depressed as I could not understand why the body language and performances were so poor in the one day internationals and the Twenty20 matches.

Overall regarding my tenure as coach I speak with you as a very proud man and I'm thankful to the Almighty and all the supporters of Pakistan cricket who prayed for us, and of course I am very thankful to the players who responded tremendously and worked so hard with me, it has been a dream come true to have worked with such talented boys. It was also a dream come true for me to be their head coach.

PakPassion.net : How difficult was it for you and the team to maintain their focus during the series against England, with all the stories coming out regarding you being replaced as the coach?

Mohsin Khan : It was a very difficult time. First of all you are up against the number one team and then during the Test series all the stories regarding the new coach started to come out. We of course all had access to the Pakistani television channels in our hotel rooms and it was very disturbing in the sense that it was killing the joy of winning against the number one team. It wasn't like that just for me, it was like that for the whole unit, all 25 people, the support staff, players and management.

We had a great atmosphere between all of us and we were all very close and these stories were not helping in any way at all. It was not heartening at all.

We were watching the stories of me being replaced as head coach on the television and that the PCB were opting for a different head coach. On the other hand there were stories on the television that I would see that the PCB had not finalized the position of head coach. It felt like it was a cat and mouse game being played.

In the end I tried my best to blank out the rumors and concentrate on the cricket. I just thought about giving my best to the role and not to think about whether I was going to be offered the role on a permanent basis and just concentrated on giving my all to the job that I was asked to perform by the cricket board.

We turned it around and the rumors actually acted as a motivation for myself and the team during the Test series, but it was far from ideal and was not easy.

PakPassion.net : During the discussions you had with the Chairman Zaka Ashraf, what was said to you regarding the role of coach and your chances to get the job on a permanent basis?

Mohsin Khan : Mr Ashraf asked me in a convincing manner to go to Bangladesh with the team after the series against Sri Lanka. I was honored by the fact that the Chairman had asked me and he was also very appreciative of mine and the team's efforts in the UAE during the series against England. It was all very encouraging and his words of appreciation gave me a lot of energy to put more effort towards the job.

Nobody expects to be coach forever ! If the PCB had said to me that this is your last series as coach and they would be appointing somebody else regardless of whether we win or lose the England series, I would have said great, no problem. But instead it was always a case of statements from the PCB that nothing had been decided yet.

PakPassion.net : You were eventually overlooked for the role of coach, despite your great rapport with the team and the very good results. How do you feel about being overlooked and how the matter was dealt with?

Mohsin Khan : After the wins against Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and then the tremendous Test series victory over England, I started to feel that probably my cricket board might appoint me as head coach on a permanent basis.

I had some wonderful plans for the future because I knew that this team needs a few changes. Not only the personnel, but on the technical side also. My plans when I returned to Pakistan after the series against England were to speak to the PCB about appointing a South African or Australian fielding coach and to appoint a South African or Australian trainer, because I felt that those areas had let us down and would continue to let us down in the future. I felt that we had some problems with the fitness of some of the players and some serious fielding problems that needed sorting out.

I felt that we needed to induct fresh blood into the squad, 6 to 8 players in or around the squad, players with good levels of fitness. Sadly from a young age our boys do not focus on their fielding too much.

I wanted to speak with the Chairman about the aforementioned and to suggest a long term plan for the improvement of the fitness levels of the Pakistani cricketers and the fielding standards. The plans also involved some of the Pakistan Cricket Board's trainers and fielding coaches going overseas and working with the best trainers and coaches or vice versa if possible, to enhance their skills and spread their knowledge to other fitness trainers and fielding coaches in Pakistan. That way the knowledge would spread and we would not have to rely upon overseas fitness trainers and coaches in future.

Let me make it clear to everyone that I would be the last person to run after the job of head coach until my cricket board willingly wants me to do the job and if they feel that somebody else will do a good job on behalf of Pakistan cricket then I welcome that and I wish the Pakistani players and the new coach and the selection committee, the very best for the future. I hope that they do a tremendous job for Pakistan cricket.

PakPassion.net : You touched upon earlier in the interview your shock of the below par performances in the one day and twenty20 series. What do you put those poor performances and the poor body language down to?

Mohsin Khan : The people who understand the game of cricket and were watching what was happening can judge it for themselves. They probably know!

PakPassion.net : What are your plans for the future. Have the PCB been in touch, have they offered you any other role?

Mohsin Khan : So far, nobody from the PCB has been in touch with me. I've heard a few rumors that the PCB has got some plans for me in mind, so let's wait and see. My services are always there for my country and it's cricket, but it has to be with honor and dignity at the right place.

I passed on a message to the PCB that I did not want to be Chief Selector or be involved on the selection side any longer. Now it's down to the PCB to see what plans they have for me. My theory is simple, I think that you should only do a job if you enjoy it and that way it means that you work with sincerity and you give it your full efforts. I would not want to be in a role that I do not enjoy and therefore do not give it my all.
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Some very interesting and rather worrying messages in this interview.
He said that people who watch cricket will know what was going on?

What does he mean by that??
"PakPassion.net : You touched upon earlier in the interview your shock of the below par performances in the one day and twenty20 series. What do you put those poor performances and the poor body language down to?

Mohsin Khan : The people who understand the game of cricket and were watching what was happening can judge it for themselves. They probably know!"

??????????!!!!!!!!!!!! :/ :butt
"PakPassion.net : You touched upon earlier in the interview your shock of the below par performances in the one day and twenty20 series. What do you put those poor performances and the poor body language down to?

Mohsin Khan : The people who understand the game of cricket and were watching what was happening can judge it for themselves. They probably know!"

??????????!!!!!!!!!!!! :/ :butt

what on earth does he mean by this?!

this is not good
I don't know what he means there. A frankly open statement, does he mean that the players were losing on purpose as they wanted him as coach?

Or is he saying fixing?
He basically means the players after seeing Whatmore would be made coach, had their shoulders slumped and heads down as he wasn't in the running to be made coach.

I'd garner that's what he meant.

Rather pathetic really.
He basically means the players after seeing Whatmore would be made coach, had their shoulders slumped and heads down as he wasn't in the running to be made coach.

I'd garner that's what he meant.

Rather pathetic really.

Why would they underperform just because Watmore was taking over? if they had performed well under Mohsin in the ODI's/t20's don't you think that would have done more good than bad for his case as head coach
There should be a full and open enquiry regarding what Mohsin Khan is saying.

Not sure if it falls in the domain of the ICC or the PCB, but he needs to elaborate on what he has said.
Well the players seem to enjoy themselfs under whatmore, did anyone else see Umar Gul and Whatmore today?!
Sorry dont buy it..our people always do this..its a game..we lost..enough of this innuendo crap.
Its difficuly to believe anything nowadays - lets put it down to his unhapiness at being chucked out.
Its difficuly to believe anything nowadays - lets put it down to his unhapiness at being chucked out.

Couldn't agree more!! Just a case of being bitter at being over looked for the main job.
There should be a full and open inquiry regarding what Mohsin Khan is saying.

Not sure if it falls in the domain of the ICC or the PCB, but he needs to elaborate on what he has said.

No offense Saj bhai but, you should've pressed him on what he meant.
I feel a bit awkward watching the men in green, firstly it was after reading the article on the mohali semi final and now this :/......looks like there could be more to everything than what our eyes see
There should be a full and open enquiry regarding what Mohsin Khan is saying.

Not sure if it falls in the domain of the ICC or the PCB, but he needs to elaborate on what he has said.

I think the guy is just bitter about losing the coaching job. I mean he has no reason to be agrieved. From the onsett he was told this was an interim appointment. The PCB gave him 3-4 innings way more than necessary but someone else might have not made such a big deal out of this like Mohsin is doing.

For e.g. the team manager keeps changing almost every tours, i dont see them crying/complaining. India has had some makeshit temprory coaches in the past, dont see them and have never heard of them complaining about it.

It was alleged Mohsin was trying to lobby for support for the coaching position with help from the players. But then the PCB appointed Whatmore mind you the players were taken on board if some news articles are to be believed.

Is Mohsin making these sly insinuations because of a feeling of betrayal and anger at both the PCB and certain players?
I have been saying it all along... due to Shoaib Malik... team started to perform bad... since Shoaib malik is gone... now our team is much better... performing.
But if Mohsin has anything to say its better he inform PCB instead of saying it in open...
I would also add some serious comment to add in relation to MHK interview as it sends out some alarming messages that require some comprehension and investigation.

With the issue of his excellent work during the Test series and becoming a serious contender to take the coaches post, it put the recruitment of Dav Whatmore under a microscope as far as am concerned. The high profile comemtns around it, the high profile PCB officials going out of their way to source a 'qualified appointment', must have demoralised MHK.

Regardless of this, he went on about his work under the best he could.

What is alarming to me was the results after the test series and the manner of some of the games.

With such team work ethics, focus and dedication in achieving a great series result, I have been hearing strong waves that' pressure was applied by' the hierarchy to the players in not performing as well as they could.

This in turn, would erase some of the gloss of the incumbent coach and also lay rise to confirm the post of the new coach in waiting.

Now if there is any iota of truth in this, there should be a serious consideration to investigate by the governing body. Who will have the guts to speak up. If anything untoward has happened, the surely the ex coach should be spoken to.

I was disappointed, personally like many others no doubt to see the odi and t20 series slip away when within our grasp.

Not great reading between the lines, and a big match vs India round the corner, all pressure will be on to beat them.....chances are an India v Pak final could happen too.....What a betting mans delight.
It has nothing to do with under performing we were outclassed and it was mainly our batsmen to blame

England were the better team and had the more hunger to win

Mohsin khan is no coach and when team was on Backfoot especially batting wise which he is expert he was clueless in rectifying the problem so tuk tuk mindset killed everything along with out of form openers.

Last t20 is proof of our pathetic batting chasing a nothing target which we failed to do.
He did a decent jog but was never the right man long term. He steadied the ship and had it ready for someone of calibre to take it on.

But he has, IMVHO, ruined his work with this interview. It does nothing but serve to undermine the new coach and sew seeds of doubt. I feel very let down by him.
Its funny how he takes all the credit for Waqar's hardwork and passess it off as his own!

I guess no free chai for him now. Will miss it
Pakistan won during his tenure - thats how we measure his success. In that way we can never credit anyone with any success or failure.
I must say, there's some potentially worrying comments in there from MHK!
Do you know the things he didnt want printing...

Yes, because I was doing the interview.

At the end of the day it's up to Mohsin as to whether he wants to say those things on record in the future.
The whole body-language during that series was unsettling and worrying, nothing untoward otherwise.

I feel he thought he would be made the coach after the Tests series but got upset after knowing otherwise.
Very poor stuff from Mohsin.. These comments were totally uncalled for. Either he should ask the PCB to conduct a full fledged inquiry into this or keep quiet. Personally, I agree with Sherlock. Mohsin should have been pressed more because there is no point keeping people in a limbo with such unclear and rather teasing allegations.
Mohsin should have been pressed more

Thats easy for you to say sat behind your laptop.

As I said before, I know what he said. If I agree not to print something then I have to stand by that.

It's up to him if he discloses what he said to me in future.
Saj, just to give us a hint. Whatever Misbah told you off the record explaining that ambigious answer, was it really severe and serious?

My position is that Mohsin should either say it or not insinuate things and then not have the guts to come out in public. He clearly looks bitter about losing the coaching job
Thats easy for you to say sat behind your laptop.

As I said before, I know what he said. If I agree not to print something then I have to stand by that.

It's up to him if he discloses what he said to me in future.

It is isn't about how easy it is for me. The reason I said it is because his statements (half printed or whatever) create unnecessary suspicion and do not answer any questions.

You knowing or not knowing does not make any difference. If he is saying something in public, it should be clear and not half cooked for the reasons I stated above. If he can't do that (which is understandable too), then its better to keep mum all together.
You just cant take the bollywood out of this man can you.
In all honesty I think he is just making up sh!t to get back at the board maybe some players.

The people who understand the game of cricket and were watching what was happening can judge it for themselves. They probably know!

And wth is this suppose to mean. Either spit out MHK or don't say anything at all. After everything our cricket has been through this guy gives these half assed statements implying that the players deliberately under performed...unbelievable!

It was a very difficult time. First of all you are up against the number one team and then during the Test series all the stories regarding the new coach started to come out. We of course all had access to the Pakistani television channels in our hotel rooms and it was very disturbing in the sense that it was killing the joy of winning against the number one team. It wasn't like that just for me, it was like that for the whole unit, all 25 people, the support staff, players and management.

Poor souls. How did they even survive these difficult times....news of an interim coach being replaced....the horror!
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What is this nonsense? Here we go again with the underperforming and fixing. Saj, honestly speaking, if there were things he said to you 'off the record', well, either he shouldn't have said them at all, or said them completely on the record so we can all get to the bottom of it.

One thing is clear though, Shoaib Malik should never have been in the ODI and T20 teams and his last minute inclusion raised some serious questions for me. I have a feeling we haven't heard the last of this.
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The people who understand the game of cricket and were watching what was happening can judge it for themselves. They probably know!

He's obv tryna say he had litle effect on the team after the tests and that our guess is as good as his or that the players felt goodwill for the opposition and didn't want them to leave empty handed
Saj, just to give us a hint. Whatever Misbah told you off the record explaining that ambigious answer, was it really severe and serious?

Stop thinking about Misbah, he seems to be taking over your life. It was Mohsin I was speaking with :)

As for what he said. I'm sure one day he will make public his allegations, but it's down to him as to when he does that.
Stop thinking about Misbah, he seems to be taking over your life. It was Mohsin I was speaking with :)

As for what he said. I'm sure one day he will make public his allegations, but it's down to him as to when he does that.

Sorry typo
Stop Pressing Saj, the scenario is very clear in my mind. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out as to what Mohsin has said.
Stop Pressing Saj, the scenario is very clear in my mind. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out as to what Mohsin has said.

IMO its probably got to be "The PCB officials secretly told the players to underperform so that it would be easier to sack me as coach or some players in the team were against my presence and they deliberately undermined me to get rid of me".
If what Mohsin is saying and if he believes it to be the truth and if he can back up his claims then why doesnt he have the guts to make public whatever he has in his heart, system, mind?
If what Mohsin is saying and if he believes it to be the truth and if he can back up his claims then why doesnt he have the guts to make public whatever he has in his heart, system, mind?

Cos he is playing the audience....

Could also have something to do with Malik's inclusion or the struggle for power between Afridi, Misbah in team, could be Farhat's inclusion, Umar Akmal's unexplained brain farts.
Yes, because I was doing the interview.

At the end of the day it's up to Mohsin as to whether he wants to say those things on record in the future.

What about the possibility that you were being "played"...

Ie get people second guessing?

Only reason I say that is that after watching him in the media... He only ever thinks about number 1...
Could also have something to do with Malik's inclusion or the struggle for power between Afridi, Misbah in team, could be Farhat's inclusion, Umar Akmal's unexplained brain farts.

I dont think its something with afridi and misbah since it seems clearly that they are on good terms.. I think he got angry after PCB got the players on their side regarding the appointment of Dav Whatmore.
Saj;4689670 [B said:
PakPassion.net :[/B] You touched upon earlier in the interview your shock of the below par performances in the one day and twenty20 series. What do you put those poor performances and the poor body language down to? [/B]

Mohsin Khan : The people who understand the game of cricket and were watching what was happening can judge it for themselves. They probably know!

Watching how Pakistan bowled today and how the fielders were placed to allow the batsmen to get settled and thrashes our bowlers, makes me wonder something! Whether I'm correct or not, is a different thing but my doubt is getting very suspicious!

I wouldn't mind Pakistan going down with a fight and losing the game but this is just totally rubbish and makes you think where does this honesty of players lies!
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Mohsins, success wasnt that he won a series against bangladesh even though a lot of hard work was put in by waqar. His success wasnt even that he won a series against sri lanka. Nor could one say that his success was that he beat England. No, these were by products of his real success that he was able to make a team of rather ordinary players, gel together and play with belief and determination in a style that was a complete departure from their usual flashy past. I think his passion and emotional input was entirely pakistani and as much as it gave him joy to win the series above, to be cast aside so quickly is also deeply hurtful in a very pakistani way. the guy wears his heart on his sleeve and isnt afraid to show emotion and speak out of turn. No doubt, the board used him as an insurance policy to get the best international coach they could, and they succeeded. But knowing the revolving door that is the pakistani coaches job, mhk would be better advised to professionalise himself, get a coaching qualification and recognise that he had the respect of the world through all that he acieved, there is absolutely nothing to be upset about and no doubt whent he managementm administrative selectorial set up is in dissary its bound to affect the players
talk about sour grapes, he'll never come out with this allegation because its nonsense

A few people totally on the wrong track.

Ok people take the hint here and stop coming up with random theories of Zaka Ashraf entering secret negotiations to get the players to underperform. :facepalm:

This issue here is a familiar one - Mohsin is saying that Pakistan were fixing. To me the man is an utter fool because if he had any actual proof, he would have presented it to the board. He is bitter at losing the position of 'interim' coach (perhaps someone should give him a dictionary) and in the land of inflated egos in which he lives, he is too good to coach the team to a 4-0 defeat.

If he had the balls he would name and shame. Unfortunately for him, you can get sued for making baseless allegations. With his dramatsation skills, its no wonder he ran away from cricket to join Bollywood. We don't need your services in any capacity Mohsin. Shockingly, Pakistani cricket can survive just fine without you.
Ab cricket mein bhi pahelian shuru hou gai hain. I think Zulqarnain started this thing and now everyone is following in his mouthsteps.

When ever you want some attention you come up with a controversial statement and then say when the time is right I'll thell the world everything. Heard it so many times before..
As I said, the ball is in his court as to when and where or if he wants to make the allegations public.
MHK on Geo. Is laying into Umar Akmal. Feels he is not a team player and plays for himself unlike Azhar Ali and Asad Shafiq. Runs are made on the field, not in the dressing room. Talent alone is useless and irrelevant if you dont produce consistent results.
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Wahab Riaz is an old ball bowler, cannot bowl with the new ball. Given 2 new balls in ODI cricket, he has got to pick up his game. He is an experienced bowler not a 16-18 year old nervous player representing his country. No excuse for a poor bowling performance yesterday.
Blames Waqar Younis, the then manager for the likes of Usman Sallahuddin, Hammad Azam, Sadar Hussein not getting a game on the tours they were selected. Strongly believes the coach and captain should have equal selection powers.
Blames Ijaz Butt for his retarded rules/regulations, media restrictive policies. Says he wanted to announce the WC team via press conference but Ijaz Butt was admanent it be done solely by Press Release only.
Afridi, Younis, Malik praised MHK for the wonderful atmosphere, team spirit he helped created and wished he was the coach previously as well.
Says he himself is in disbelief over the ODI and T-20 results. He and the team agreed to plans in the dressingroom but says for some reason the team couldnt implement them on the field. Refuses to go into whether there was a conspiracy theory says the nation is very intelligent and knows the game well.
Praises Zaka Ashraf, says he really backed him as coach and supported him.
Feels Misbah is a very cool calm individual doesnt wear his heart on his sleeve, says he was constantly passing messages to him during the drinks break. Defends Misbah by saying cricket is a team game, a game of 11 players, wrong to blame just one player for the defeat.
Feels a coaches role is not to teach players how to hold a bat, ball but to only make the players mentally tough. Justifies his sitting on the chair and resting as compared to Waqar who was more hands on, active by saying the doctor has advised him not to stand for long periods of time.
Doesnt agree a coach needs certificates, coaching. If cricket could be taught and learnt by reading books, we would have had 1000 international cricketers right now, not 208 who have represented Pakistan so far. No substitute for experience. Coaches job is to unite the team, provide a game plan.
Azhar Ali, Asad Shafiq put a price on their wicket. You need to bowl a good delivery to get them out. Which is why they have cemented their places in the team. Younis Khan is the fittest man in the team and most professional thorough in his game preperation.
Huge difference in a coach's effectiveness if he is given a 2 year tenure as opposed to a series to series tenure.
MHK says he will accept any PCB assignment provided his self respect, dignity is not compromised and if he can actually make a difference in the assignment. His services to the country will always be available.
Says he adopted a carrot stick approach with all the seniors and juniors. Advised Afridi to reverse his retirement and come back to the team "you have 5 more years of cricket left in you please serve your country".
Iqbal Qasim and Saleem Jaffar are men of high integrity. Admits a fallout with Ilyas over Farhats selection. Says he ordered Ilyas to tell his sol to go back to domestic cricket and perform.
Wishes Pakistan finds another Rashid Latif like cricketer, Kamran Akmal has a disciplinary problem with the PCB which he doesnt want to go into details. Says Misbah wanted Umar to keep and it was his duty as coach to support him. Says wont go into blame game.
Credits selection of Tanvir Ahmed and Aizaz Cheema. Defends Tanvir dropping saying better options in Junaid, Aizaz, Wahab came along.
Misbah blames bowlers and field placements of yesterdays defeat. Says you cannot be wayward on a batting paradise. Credits India for a fabulous batting performance. Gives his best and sincere wishes to the new coaching staff, Pakistani team, selectors (whom he admits have a very tough job) and the PCB administration.
Blames Waqar Younis, the then manager for the likes of Usman Sallahuddin, Hammad Azam, Sadar Hussein not getting a game on the tours they were selected. Strongly believes the coach and captain should have equal selection powers.

Agree with that though usman got some matches
That's sad Mohsin had been left job less by PCB after working selections and then for the team on temporary bases.. But he should realize that he is not a proper coach..
Mohsin saying that same again in latest interview...

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/h05sLgXVPJU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
His attitude is becoming cancerous.

If he cares for Pakistani cricket, he will stop undermining the current coach.

He needs to grow up and fast.
Yeah watching him now on TV, and if he sispects anyone of something murky then open your gob and say it, either say it or bloody shut up.