Orya Maqbool's vision for Pakistan


Tape Ball Regular
Oct 20, 2013
For all those who are wondering what this guy's ideology is. He is not merely a conservative or a mere Taliban apologist. He is a full fledged Taliban advocate. It wouldn't even be hyperbole to say that a lot of his pieces are subversive pieces of Talib propaganda. Like this one:


An open letter to the Taliban, barely concealing his admiration for them and offering them advice on what to negotiate on.

If you can read Urdu, please read as this is a very surreal piece of blatant propaganda. This is a guy who wants the same thing the Taliban do. He probably wouldn't mind seeing the likes of Hakeemullah in government.

Some highlights from this piece include:

  1. The initial dua that the taliban can help in the recovery of the nation
  2. Displays admiration and pride at Mullah Omar on a pick-up truck wearing the green robes, i.e. mark of the caliph. Seems moved by such scenes..
  3. Only solution to the conflict and civil war is Sharia
  4. Reminisces about the 5 years of Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Sees it is a golden period in Afghan history.
  5. All but praises the martyrs of the Taliban. States to us why they they were fighting(to establish Allah ka nizam on Allah ki zameen) and who they they are fighting against(Amreeka aur us ke wafadar). Its clear what he wants to say

This guy then proceeds to put forth recommendations to the government that he believes will appease the Taliban and be acceptable to all sects of Islam(how nice of him)

  1. Abolish Interest. He believes it can be done within 3 months
  2. Make the learning of Arabic language and Quranic education mandatory. This applies to all schools in the country, government run or otherwise.
  3. Abolish English language education immediately. He says study in this language makes people forget traditional values. Hitler Orya then says all alternate certifications should be banned. Only one system of education should prevail
  4. Fahash content to be censored. He calls for tv dramas, advertisements and societal issue discussion to be strictly monitored by the government
  5. The Council of Islamic Ideology's recommendations should be applied within one year.

And the coup de grace comes in the final paragraph as he reveals that these suggestions are not the extent of the reform he is envisioning. No, that will come in five years time once these initial changes are passed. Because you see with these changes society will itself unanimously call for Sharia in 5 years time.

People who support him over the Malala issue should realise his true way of thinking. He is a religious fascist through and through.
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For all those who are wondering what this guy's ideology is. He is not merely a conservative or a mere Taliban apologist. He is a full fledged Taliban advocate. It wouldn't even be hyperbole to say that a lot of his pieces are subversive pieces of Talib propaganda. Like this one:


An open letter to the Taliban, barely concealing his admiration for them and offering them advice on what to negotiate on.

If you can read Urdu, please read as this is a very surreal piece of blatant propaganda. This is a guy who wants the same thing the Taliban do. He probably wouldn't mind seeing the likes of Hakeemullah in government.

Some highlights from this piece include:

  1. The initial dua that the taliban can help in the recovery of the nation
  2. Displays admiration and pride at Mullah Omar on a pick-up truck wearing the green robes, i.e. mark of the caliph. Seems moved by such scenes..
  3. Only solution to the conflict and civil war is Sharia
  4. Reminisces about the 5 years of Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Sees it is a golden period in Afghan history.
  5. All but praises the martyrs of the Taliban. States to us why they they were fighting(to establish Allah ka nizam on Allah ki zameen) and who they they are fighting against(Amreeka aur us ke wafadar). Its clear what he wants to say

This guy then proceeds to put forth recommendations to the government that he believes will appease the Taliban and be acceptable to all sects of Islam(how nice of him)

  1. Abolish Interest. He believes it can be done within 3 months
  2. Make the learning of Arabic language and Quranic education mandatory. This applies to all schools in the country, government run or otherwise.
  3. Abolish English language education immediately. He says study in this language makes people forget traditional values. Hitler Orya then says all alternate certifications should be banned. Only one system of education should prevail
  4. Fahash content to be censored. He calls for tv dramas, advertisements and societal issue discussion to be strictly monitored by the government
  5. The Council of Islamic Ideology's recommendations should be applied within one year.

And the coup de grace comes in the final paragraph as he reveals that these suggestions are not the extent of the reform he is envisioning. No, that will come in five years time once these initial changes are passed. Because you see with these changes society will itself unanimously call for Sharia in 5 years time.

People who support him over the Malala issue should realise his true way of thinking. He is religious fascist through and through.

What a sick person.The TTP beheads our soldiers on video and this so called analyst is praising them.Disgusting.

The mentality that dunyawee taleem is useless has ruined us.No wonder we have no achievements in science in the last 150 years.

This person should be banned from propagating his stone-age ideologies.

Excellent suggestions by Orya.
What a sick person.The TTP beheads our soldiers on video and this so called analyst is praising them.Disgusting.

The mentality that dunyawee taleem is useless has ruined us.No wonder we have no achievements in science in the last 150 years.

This person should be banned from propagating his stone-age ideologies.

I don't know much about this guy but after years on PP surely you have figured out the TTP are not the same as the Afghan Taliban? The Afghan Taliban is just an umbrella name of over 100 resistance groups fighting occupation.

I don't see the issue of people putting forward their personal political views on how a nation should be run whether it be religious based or secular based. Why do you want to stifle such type of free speech?

My personal view it's upto the Afghans to decide on who they live but they have every right to defend their lands against invaders and their puppets.
From what I've seen of Pakistan television channels they mostly seems aimed at imbeciles. Not my cup of tea but hey, to each their own.
From what I've seen of Pakistan television channels they mostly seems aimed at imbeciles. Not my cup of tea but hey, to each their own.
Based on a lifetime spent in Pakistan, I can confirm that that is indeed the case. The fact that someone like Orya Maqbool Jan, a man who should be a laughing stock at best, is one of the most respected journalists in the country says a lot about the intelligence of this nation.
For all those who are wondering what this guy's ideology is. He is not merely a conservative or a mere Taliban apologist. He is a full fledged Taliban advocate. It wouldn't even be hyperbole to say that a lot of his pieces are subversive pieces of Talib propaganda. Like this one:


An open letter to the Taliban, barely concealing his admiration for them and offering them advice on what to negotiate on.

If you can read Urdu, please read as this is a very surreal piece of blatant propaganda. This is a guy who wants the same thing the Taliban do. He probably wouldn't mind seeing the likes of Hakeemullah in government.

Some highlights from this piece include:

  1. The initial dua that the taliban can help in the recovery of the nation
  2. Displays admiration and pride at Mullah Omar on a pick-up truck wearing the green robes, i.e. mark of the caliph. Seems moved by such scenes..
  3. Only solution to the conflict and civil war is Sharia
  4. Reminisces about the 5 years of Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Sees it is a golden period in Afghan history.
  5. All but praises the martyrs of the Taliban. States to us why they they were fighting(to establish Allah ka nizam on Allah ki zameen) and who they they are fighting against(Amreeka aur us ke wafadar). Its clear what he wants to say

This guy then proceeds to put forth recommendations to the government that he believes will appease the Taliban and be acceptable to all sects of Islam(how nice of him)

  1. Abolish Interest. He believes it can be done within 3 months
  2. Make the learning of Arabic language and Quranic education mandatory. This applies to all schools in the country, government run or otherwise.
  3. Abolish English language education immediately. He says study in this language makes people forget traditional values. Hitler Orya then says all alternate certifications should be banned. Only one system of education should prevail
  4. Fahash content to be censored. He calls for tv dramas, advertisements and societal issue discussion to be strictly monitored by the government
  5. The Council of Islamic Ideology's recommendations should be applied within one year.

And the coup de grace comes in the final paragraph as he reveals that these suggestions are not the extent of the reform he is envisioning. No, that will come in five years time once these initial changes are passed. Because you see with these changes society will itself unanimously call for Sharia in 5 years time.

People who support him over the Malala issue should realise his true way of thinking. He is a religious fascist through and through.

Please go through some highlights which you have done are wrong specially the starting, please read it again and try to do the correction.
I dont have time now but will try to do it and reply soon.

This column is written after the the strong signs that table talks are starting between Pakistan government and TTP

About the dua which you have translated in your highlights as

"The initial dua that the taliban can help in the recovery of the nation"

The dua he made is not for TTP is for the suggestions (which he says he is giving from his heart) in this column. He prays that if these suggestions take this nation to any betterment then these words get recognition and Allah give ability to the TTP leadership to consider these suggestions as the talks are starting and if these words are result of wrong thinking then these words to be erase from the minds of the readers.

About views of Afghan Taliban then yes he has spend more than 20 years in bureaucracy in Balochistan as DC and was commissioned near Afghan border and has seen from the Russia occupation to war within warlords in Afghan and then the rise of Afghan Taliban so he has first hand experience of the situation and and about the interaction with the Afghan Taliban leaders at that time.
Please go through some highlights which you have done are wrong specially the starting, please read it again and try to do the correction.
I dont have time now but will try to do it and reply soon.

This column is written after the the strong signs that table talks are starting between Pakistan government and TTP

About the dua which you have translated in your highlights as

"The initial dua that the taliban can help in the recovery of the nation"

The dua he made is not for TTP is for the suggestions (which he says he is giving from his heart) in this column. He prays that if these suggestions take this nation to any betterment then these words get recognition and Allah give ability to the TTP leadership to consider these suggestions as the talks are starting and if these words are result of wrong thinking then these words to be erase from the minds of the readers.

About views of Afghan Taliban then yes he has spend more than 20 years in bureaucracy in Balochistan as DC and was commissioned near Afghan border and has seen from the Russia occupation to war within warlords in Afghan and then the rise of Afghan Taliban so he has first hand experience of the situation and and about the interaction with the Afghan Taliban leaders at that time.

I didn't have time to fully translate the article. You're right in that he did add a sort of disclaimer to his dua. However my point still stands as that was the overall gist of his statement.

There is nothing to admire about the Afghan Taliban. In the absence of war, they oppressed women and were thoroughly incompetent anyways. They would have been civil war in any scenario after a few years. And glamorising Mulla Omar wearing the green claok is just strange. He wasn't wearing the actual real green cloak, it was most likely a fake and just proved that he knew how to manipulate his people. Nothing to admire about that.

Also if I have taken some things out of context, then I'm only doing what Jan saab did to Malala;s book. :yk
As far as his opinion on how a country should be run, I don't agree. But because he is a Taliban supporter then he should be tried and punished. Just like denying the holocaust is a crime, Pakistan should make lending support to TTP a crime so the likes of Imran Khan and those of his ilk can rot in jail. TTP daily numerous people. They've persecuted Shias, Christians and Ahmadis. Anyone that lends support to them should not be in open society because they technically preach hate and condone violence.
I don't know much about this guy but after years on PP surely you have figured out the TTP are not the same as the Afghan Taliban? The Afghan Taliban is just an umbrella name of over 100 resistance groups fighting occupation.

I don't see the issue of people putting forward their personal political views on how a nation should be run whether it be religious based or secular based. Why do you want to stifle such type of free speech?

My personal view it's upto the Afghans to decide on who they live but they have every right to defend their lands against invaders and their puppets.

I misread the article,thought he was talking about the TTP.
People need to understand different between Afghan Taliban and TTP. Both are not the same, and even, Afghan Taliban has officially denied any association with TTP. TTP is not trustworthy based on several cases in bombing Mosques, buildings, schools and more. I don't know about Orya Maqbool, but it's important to understand that Afghan Taliban has nothing to do with Pakistan except their links to ISI and Pakistani Armies, Allahu Alim. But TTP is paid handsomely by foreign elements to play its role in Pakistan.
I don't know much about this guy but after years on PP surely you have figured out the TTP are not the same as the Afghan Taliban? The Afghan Taliban is just an umbrella name of over 100 resistance groups fighting occupation.


Yep, the Afghan Taliban just wants to behead Afghanis for the length of their trousers so that's all fine

Can you tell me what the ideology of the Afghan Taliban is? To spread world peace? Oh wait, they want to spread their version of Islam across the world. But hey, they are merely freedom fighters. For now. Good luck if you think they will stop with that
I am flabbergasted by this romanticization of the Afghan Taliban. It seems to be everywhere. Ask the Hazaras what it felt like to live under their supposed Sharia-based utopia.
I am flabbergasted by this romanticization of the Afghan Taliban. It seems to be everywhere. Ask the Hazaras what it felt like to live under their supposed Sharia-based utopia.

Brave Islamic warriors fighting evil western imperialists, and the people of Pakistan, the fort of Islam. The love story pretty much writes itself.
Based on a lifetime spent in Pakistan, I can confirm that that is indeed the case. The fact that someone like Orya Maqbool Jan, a man who should be a laughing stock at best, is one of the most respected journalists in the country says a lot about the intelligence of this nation.

They are not aimed at imbeciles, they are demagogic. If they come across as being aimed at imbeciles, it is only a consequence of both the nation's intelligence and the fact that journalists/anchors come from this population.
Yup, and the irony is that our people cry hoarse about foreign "agents," and foreign invaders and governments backed by the elusive foreign hand, yet foisting a gang of ruthless, unlettered maulvis on another country, which is what our establishment did, doesn't elicit as much as a squeak of reaction.

Photos of Orya's daughter wearing knee-length jeans in the U.S. where she is receiving higher education have gone viral on social media.

According to Oreo, Pakistani women should not leaves their houses and this whole science and Western education is a ploy by the West to spread vulgarity.

According to Oreo, Pakistani women should not leaves their houses and this whole science and Western education is a ploy by the West to spread vulgarity.


He didn't just say that, he went as far as to ask them to emulate bitc..., sorry, Canines of the Female Persuation, because the Big Bad Wolf will eat the baby canines if mama canine were to venture out of the canine dwelling.
An absolute hypocrite. I have no problem with women wearing what they want, they have the right to and it's wrong to criticize young girls for their choice if clothing. But this man is such an extremist the mere sound of his name infuriates me. It is men like him who are the filth of this beautiful country. They sugar-coat lies and manipulate people into hate.
An absolute hypocrite. I have no problem with women wearing what they want, they have the right to and it's wrong to criticize young girls for their choice if clothing. But this man is such an extremist the mere sound of his name infuriates me. It is men like him who are the filth of this beautiful country. They sugar-coat lies and manipulate people into hate.

Pakistani Donald Trump?

Photos of Orya's daughter wearing knee-length jeans in the U.S. where she is receiving higher education have gone viral on social media.

According to Oreo, Pakistani women should not leaves their houses and this whole science and Western education is a ploy by the West to spread vulgarity.


Haven't come across such pictures but won't be surprised. I have no issue what she wears but don't like hypocrites who issue fatwas against even sports woman simply playing sports wearing proper clothing.
Recently saw a video of him praising Mumtaz Qadri. He is an absolute gutter of a person.
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He didn't just say that, he went as far as to ask them to emulate bitc..., sorry, Canines of the Female Persuation, because the Big Bad Wolf will eat the baby canines if mama canine were to venture out of the canine dwelling.

Yes, he said that on camera.

His name should be Oreo Fahashi Maqbool. His sole aim of life is to find vulgarity in Pakistan.



I despise this man the most in the world.

Another gem.

Recently, the CJ Saqib Nisar has been calling for family planning and the need for family planning education.

In a show on Neo TV, Oreo had called family planning and contraceptives as a CIA conspiracy to decrease Muslim population. He called on the CJ to stop advocating family planning as it would be playing god. He further said population is a nation’s strength and the more, the better.

He said Allah will provide ‘Anaaj’.

The state of affair of our country can be summed up by reading the comments below the video. He is being called a real Muslim.

I despise this man the most in the world.

Another gem.

Recently, the CJ Saqib Nisar has been calling for family planning and the need for family planning education.

In a show on Neo TV, Oreo had called family planning and contraceptives as a CIA conspiracy to decrease Muslim population. He called on the CJ to stop advocating family planning as it would be playing god. He further said population is a nation’s strength and the more, the better.

He said Allah will provide ‘Anaaj’.

The state of affair of our country can be summed up by reading the comments below the video. He is being called a real Muslim.


He's disgusting. I was glad that Norway and the US barred him from entering.

I despise this man the most in the world.

Another gem.

Recently, the CJ Saqib Nisar has been calling for family planning and the need for family planning education.

In a show on Neo TV, Oreo had called family planning and contraceptives as a CIA conspiracy to decrease Muslim population. He called on the CJ to stop advocating family planning as it would be playing god. He further said population is a nation’s strength and the more, the better.

He said Allah will provide ‘Anaaj’.

The state of affair of our country can be summed up by reading the comments below the video. He is being called a real Muslim.


Recently, he was defending TLY's protests and their acts of burning public property. It is sad to see that so many people support his ideology.
The fact that ppl like him find work on tv channels is indicative of the amount of ignorance and bigotry that has seeped into our society.
There is a huge number of Desi Uncles who have very similar beliefs...they even look more liberal than Orya Maqbool

Particularly the Taliban bit, there are many who believe US attacked Taliban after 9-11 because they had established a successful society based on Sharia; of course there were geopolitical reasons but Sharia is probably not one of them....
This clown has been banned for 30 days from TV for inviting Taliban spokesman to give his views on Pakistan’s current foreign policy.

Hope he is banned forever.