Pace vs Line and Length


Local Club Regular
Feb 10, 2011
which one do you guys chose when bowling in club cricket? do you go for :akhtar or :nehra and why?
at club cricket level, bowling short and quick is usually enough.
At club level, pace edges it (no pun intended). Pace is certainly more important at club level than at county or international level.
at club cricket level, bowling short and quick is usually enough.

I want to come play in your league AZ! The quicker the better I say ;)

In all seriousness, it doesn't matter how fast you bowl if you can't put it in the right areas. Have you seen Mitchell Johnson lately?
Forget Johnson see Asif he didn't have pace but his line and length made him a good bowler - another is McGrath.
Forget Johnson see Asif he didn't have pace but his line and length made him a good bowler - another is McGrath.

Yup, McGrath wasn't very intimidating but he took a bagful of wickets by building pressure. In all fairness though, he did get a lot of bounce by way of his height.
OK. How bout for someone like me would you push me to bowl faster or would you tell me to keep it on line and length ? the reason I'm asking is because my coach doesn't know anything about fast bowling apart from that straight front leg theory.
In England hit the length on or just outside off. Kiss the surface at good length.
Line and length matter more then pace. Especially these days when bowling machine has become common and even at club level players can practice/get used to play balls bowled at 90+.
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Do not have enough pace to disturb any sort of batsman. Some times keeping it very full really helps.
I absolutely love batting against fast bowlers; the more the pace the more it’s easy for me to play effortless shots ... whereas with less pace but accurate line n length bowlers make me work for my shots. In my opinion Line n Length edges out sheer pace; if you have pace with accuracy then it’s lethal
the most important thing once you are playing at a decent level is movement from the ball followed by line and legnth and then pace
At club level pace is really important.... you can easily cast fear into batsman and he would not be using his feet ... that's when the nicks would come easily.
Length of a ball is much more important than the line... if the length is good length , the batsman is tentative whether to play back or forward that is when he is confused.
Club cricket in England you have to ball line and length. Pace alone will get you wickets but you will leak a lot of runs. I have seen some pretty quick bowlers getting smashed because they just run up and bowl short. Overall a bowler who bowls line length will be a much better.
Ideally you want both however I do think line and length is more important so I would substitute some pace for line and length.