Pakistan slides 16 spots on corruption perceptions index, now ranks 140 out of 180 countries: report


ODI Debutant
Nov 2, 2011
Pakistan dropped 16 places in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2021 compared to the previous year, ranking 140 out of 180 countries, Transparency International said in a report on Tuesday.

The CPI, which measures how corrupt a country's public sector is perceived to be by its experts and businesspeople, uses a scale of zero to 100 where zero is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean.

The 2021 edition of the CPI ranked 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, drawing on 13 expert assessments and surveys of business executives.

In 2020, Pakistan's CPI was 31 and it was ranked 124 out of 180 countries. According to Transparency International, the country's corruption score has now deteriorated to 28 while it is ranked 140 out of the total countries on the index.

In contrast, India's corruption score stood at 40 while Bangladesh's CPI was 26. The two countries ranked 85 and 147, respectively.

While the corruption levels remain at a standstill worldwide, with 86 per cent of the countries making little to no progress in the last 10 years, Transparency International in its Index revealed that the absence of "rule of law" and "state capture" has resulted in substantial low CPI score of Pakistan.

Vice Chair of Transparency International Pakistan, Justice (retd) Nasira Iqbal, while commenting on the report said that there was no change in CPI 2021 scores of India and Bangladesh from last year.

Under the PTI government, the ranking of Pakistan has gradually slid. In 2019, it was 120 out of 180 countries, in 2020, it was 124 and in 2021 it worsened further to 140. In 2018, during the PML-N government, the ranking was 117 out of 180 countries.

In its report, Transparency International found countries that violate civil liberties consistently score lower on the CPI. Complacency in fighting corruption exacerbates human rights abuses and undermines democracy, setting off a vicious spiral. As these rights and freedoms erode and democracy declines, authoritarianism takes its place, contributing to even higher levels of corruption.

According to Transparency International, the top-performing countries were Denmark, Finland and New Zealand — all having a corruption perceptions score of 88 — followed by Norway, Singapore and Sweden, all of them scoring 85.

In contrast, the worst-performing countries were South Sudan with a corruption perceptions score of 11, followed by Syria (13), Somalia (13, Venezuela (14) and Afghanistan (16).

Under PTI government, the ranking of Pakistan has gradually slid. In 2019, it was 120 out of 180 countries. In 2020, it was 124 out of 180 and in 2021 it has worsened further to 140.

In 2018, during the PML-N government, the ranking was 117 out of 180.
Under PTI government, the ranking of Pakistan has gradually slid. In 2019, it was 120 out of 180 countries. In 2020, it was 124 out of 180 and in 2021 it has worsened further to 140.

In 2018, during the PML-N government, the ranking was 117 out of 180.
Zardari and Nawaz to be blamed for this tabdeeli 😂
It is interesting to note that PTI and IK were constantly referring to the bad score in this index itself prior to being in power as an affront to God and used it as a tool to highlight the corruption under PML-N (which was massive). However, as many journalists and analysts have noted, corruption under PTI remains the same if not increased in Punjab.
Its really sad but the PML and PPP mafia are ramping up the corruption to survive.
Using every contact they have a spreading corruption throughout society which makes covid look like a common cold.
Its really sad but the PML and PPP mafia are ramping up the corruption to survive.
Using every contact they have a spreading corruption throughout society which makes covid look like a common cold.

wow. lol. Please tell me you're joking. This can't be real.
Its really sad but the PML and PPP mafia are ramping up the corruption to survive.
Using every contact they have a spreading corruption throughout society which makes covid look like a common cold.

Surprising! Why can't Imran Khan and the PTI come down heavily on the PPP and PML mafia then? Do they still command so much clout?
Pakistan Muslim League-N President Shehbaz Sharif said on Tuesday that corruption was rampant in Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI)'s ‘Naya’ Pakistan, slamming the government over the country’s dismal ranking on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI).

The Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly stated that “according to Transparency International, [the] PTI government has broken all records of corruption in the last 20 years”.

Shehbaz highlighted that among the Asia-pacific region, Pakistan has “unfortunately” been ranked as the fifth most corrupt country, deriding PM Imran as the “anti-corruption Muhajid”.

He further stated that during Nawaz Sharif's government, “corruption decreased despite the massive development,” which he claimed was the result of “transparency, good governance and legal reforms”.

He emphasised that under the current government corruption had hit “an all-time high despite the fact that no worthwhile development has taken place”.

In a major blow to the PTI accountability narrative, Transparency International, a global corruption watchdog, placed Pakistan at the 140th position out of 180 countries on its CPI for 2021.

The CPI is an index published annually by the global watchdog, which ranks countries "by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys."

The PTI that came to power with a slogan to eradicate corruption has seen the graft level surge throughout the country during its three-year rule.

In 2018, Pakistan ranked at 117 out of 180 on the CPI, but over the three years, it slipped every year to reach 140 in 2021. In 2020, Pakistan ranked at 126 on the index.
Transparency International Pakistan is led by Adil Najam a second hand man of Nawaz Sharif. This also a perception based index meaning how the people of the country perceive the level of corruption in the country and can be easily altered if one wants to.
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This report is just rubbish. For the 1st time in decades we have a honest PM and there has been no major scandal since he took over. There is an agenda here and its bleeding obvious.
Transparency International Pakistan is led by Adil Najam a second hand man of Nawaz Sharif. This also a perception based index meaning how the people of the country perceive the level of corruption in the country and can be easily altered if one wants to.

Corruption can not and will not be curbed until countries economy gets better.

As have said before, IK can not and will not micro-manage, the goal is to improve the economy despite inheriting everything that is and was wrong with Pakistan.

PTI and IK supporters elected IK for not the proception of being not corrupt but we all knew with absolutely certainty that he is not corrupt nor compromised because unlike NS and Zardari, IK does not need to compromise to protect his stolen wealth from Pakistanis.

But let few jump up and down only on perception, enjoy while it last, lol
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This report is just rubbish. For the 1st time in decades we have a honest PM and there has been no major scandal since he took over. There is an agenda here and its bleeding obvious.

It is not rubbish. It exposes the nonsensical rhetoric about PTI being a less corrupt party.

PTI are more corrupt but worse of all more incompetent.
It is not rubbish. It exposes the nonsensical rhetoric about PTI being a less corrupt party.

PTI are more corrupt but worse of all more incompetent.

Give example otherwise it is assumed you are repeated what you have heard on your TV
It is not rubbish. It exposes the nonsensical rhetoric about PTI being a less corrupt party.

PTI are more corrupt but worse of all more incompetent.

Do you have any proof of "more corrupt and incompetent" or just mouthing off.

Likewise I can say you are corrupt and suck at your job. I do not have any proof of it, but since I said it, it must be true.

Can't have your cake and eat it too.

Bring proof or :rabada :shh :shhh
Corruption is there in some form or other, competency is what matters.

I would say South Asia should legalize corruption in form lobbying and also gambling and betting, stocks do that anyway in today’s age.

As they say “sin is always in”.
Transparency International Pakistan is led by Adil Najam a second hand man of Nawaz Sharif. This also a perception based index meaning how the people of the country perceive the level of corruption in the country and can be easily altered if one wants to.

This report is just rubbish. For the 1st time in decades we have a honest PM and there has been no major scandal since he took over. There is an agenda here and its bleeding obvious.

This is why it's better not to take sides in 21st century politics. The truth is the politicians of today are no better than the politicians of the pre-Internet/social-media age and they make the same moves that leave you in the lurch to do mental gymnastics like the ones above.

Applies in both directions, mind.
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Transparency International Pakistan is led by Adil Najam a second hand man of Nawaz Sharif. This also a perception based index meaning how the people of the country perceive the level of corruption in the country and can be easily altered if one wants to.

Very interesting - challo whatever credibility they had is gone now.
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This is why it's better not to take sides in 21st century politics. The truth is the politicians of today are no better than the politicians of the pre-Internet/social-media age and they make the same moves that leave you in the lurch to do mental gymnastics like the ones above.

Applies in both directions, mind.

Look up the TI guy in PK and you realise that the guy is just as crooked as the Nooras and PPP.
Look up the TI guy in PK and you realise that the guy is just as crooked as the Nooras and PPP.

Did you have the same opinions ready when the rankings were put out during the previous government's reign?
Look up the TI guy in PK and you realise that the guy is just as crooked as the Nooras and PPP.

IK I have no doubts is an honest guy with good intentions for Pakistan but remember in 1992 it took Inzamam,Wasim etc to contribute majorly to win him the cup.

A captain is only as good as the team.

I think the whole blaming on corruption runs it’s due course. I am not commenting on Pakistan but from what I have seen in India, some of Indias best economic growth took place amidst some of the biggest financial scams in India.

Again at what point is the previous government was wrong will run its course? Trust me on a few things even BJP and Modi have been called out if they blame congress rule.
Ironically, this was the same ranking that had been used by Imran Khan to target the man whose position he would take over.
IK I have no doubts is an honest guy with good intentions for Pakistan but remember in 1992 it took Inzamam,Wasim etc to contribute majorly to win him the cup.

A captain is only as good as the team.

I think the whole blaming on corruption runs it’s due course. I am not commenting on Pakistan but from what I have seen in India, some of Indias best economic growth took place amidst some of the biggest financial scams in India.

Again at what point is the previous government was wrong will run its course? Trust me on a few things even BJP and Modi have been called out if they blame congress rule.

PK corruption as far as the top layers in the govt is very low, but problems remain with low layers. The PK judiciary is corrupt and judges are corrupt. We have a future CJP that couldn't even provide hid own money trail, and from next year he won't ask for anyone's else's either. The rot and mafia infiltration is deep and it needs more than one guy fighting this.
Apparently the Accountability Minister Shahzad Akbar was let go because there was evidence that he was playing a double game with the PTI and IK, giving fake reports to the PM and he was actually secretly helping the PML N, PPP and the Mafia's, Malik Riaz and co get out of their corruption cases.

The extent to which the PPP and PML N and the mafias have their tentacles in each and every fabric of Pakistani society and how easily they can buy off people is unbelievable. IK blundered by not going after these guys Stalin style from day one.
. IK blundered by not going after these guys Stalin style from day one.

I don’t think that is possible in a democracy. Just FYI Stalin was a communist dictator.

Even someone like Modi who got one of the biggest mandates ever in the history of India cannot take such drastic steps.

Imran Khan’s PTI reminds me of some regional parties in South India like TDP and AIDMK etc. these parties were started or propped up by huge film stars in the 70’s,80’s before social media when they were literally worshipped by the common public. They won a huge mandate because public thought of them as alternatives to existing political parties.
The stars themselves had good intentions and thought they could translate their box office stature to politics. In the end even the successful ones had to make compromises and hire defectors and other shady characters because that’s how political parties work. In the end over time they became no different from any other political party.

In India BJP is a juggernaut because it has 6-7 popular leaders who all can be PM candidates one day.
Whether it is 120 or 140, I don't think it really matters as these are terrible numbers.

Until poverty etc is brought down and there is a seismic shift in the mentality of the quam, corruption will remain rampant in all segments of society.
I feel imran is an honest guy surrounded by crooks. I also feel he's unable to do anything about it.

Sure yeah honest guy surrounded by crooks.... So let's replace him with a crook surrounded by crooks. Logic check karo noon league supporters

If honest guy surrounded by crooks is managing to fix 70 years of malaise I wonder what he would do if he had clean people with him
And then this nation wants a messiah.

Guess what's our ranking in Hajj attendance?

#2 in the world.

There may be 5% honest and good people left, but I guess, we are perhaps the biggest Munafiqs for a nation.

Blame Imran and blame Nawaz and blame Zardari - but make sure to attend Hajj and Umra, and watch the world rank you among the top corrupt people.
I feel imran is an honest guy surrounded by crooks. I also feel he's unable to do anything about it.

Apparently one reason for the fall in rankings was "state capture". This is not illegal, but just shows that the government has put the people it favors in firms/organizations that belong in the private sector (for example the PIA being run by retired air force officers who do not have commercial experience). TI says that "state capture" is a form of corruption as the military and political elite monopolize top positions in the economy pushing out better qualified and capable people.
But wasnt pti there to clean corruption? They even slid us down us more...

Anyways as expected the pti overseas chapter are already blaming it on The mafia. Funny that the govt in power blames everything on The mafia, so do the pti fans admit that imran is just a puppet and has no control? Never have i ever seen every thing get blamed on a made up mafia and that to by someone who is in power but still acts as if this is D chowk dharna on a container.

As usual, knew it that the pti fan boys will try to doubt the creadibility of the report. Had the corruption reduced and the numbers been better the same lot would had done a bhangra...

Anyways, for those of you who do not know, CPI report is published based on a survey that is done and reports of other institutions. It doesnt matter who leads it

Based on some search, you can see how cpi makes its report:

CPI takes into account 16 different surveys and assessments from 12 different institutions.The 13 surveys/assessments are either business people opinion surveys or performance assessments from a group of analysts
ce assessments from a group of analysts.Early CPIs used public opinion surveys.The institutions are:

African Development Bank (based in Côte d'Ivoire)
Bertelsmann Foundation (based in Germany)
Economist Intelligence Unit (based in the UK)
Freedom House (based in the US)
Global Insight (based in US)
International Institute for Management Development (based in Switzerland)
Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (based in Hong Kong)
The PRS Group, Inc., (based in the US)
World Economic Forum
World Bank
World Justice Project (based in US)
Countries need to be evaluated by at least three sources to appear in the CPI


Thus before saying that flana is the leading the group in pakistan so they must be lieing(even though being overseas) why not just research on the cpi reporting procedure
Apparently the Accountability Minister Shahzad Akbar was let go because there was evidence that he was playing a double game with the PTI and IK, giving fake reports to the PM and he was actually secretly helping the PML N, PPP and the Mafia's, Malik Riaz and co get out of their corruption cases.

The extent to which the PPP and PML N and the mafias have their tentacles in each and every fabric of Pakistani society and how easily they can buy off people is unbelievable. IK blundered by not going after these guys Stalin style from day one.

Againm how can you overseas make such claims when the ones living here never heard about the so called mafia that overseas keep us reminding about.

Malik riaz is working with pti now. Alot of state projects that were done, malik riaz did them for the govt.

I live in this country and by living here i know for a fact that last one or two year ago when punjab govt wanted to clean the nulleh leh to make sure their aint any urbannflooding they went begging towards malik riaz to provide machinery which he did..

Over the last few months the same pti has been kept mummed on malik riaz and it was dawn that did investigative journalism to expose about the amount sgiven and the cases that happened in the uk
This report is just rubbish. For the 1st time in decades we have a honest PM and there has been no major scandal since he took over. There is an agenda here and its bleeding obvious.

Rawalpindi ring road scream hello.. the project is again not gonna start because of what happened earlier.

The hawala and hundi system keeps on thriving.

Plus corruption doesnt mean you need a major scandel to happen. Corruption is common people face everyday.

Go to lahore and outside state bank currency notes are being sold while in state bank they complain of not having currency notes.

Go to a kacheri area, its the biggest area of corruption that happens infront of everyone...
There are videos of pre-2018 Imran citing CPI ranking to vilify Nawaz Sharif and co for country’s longstanding and deep-rooted corruption. Now that the tables have turned, the same CPI is unreliable and non-credible. The mental gymnastics on display for PTI followers are mind-numbing!

Also, who stopping Imran from taking out corrupt people and making an example of them. The thing is Imran is a coward who lacks any principle and courage. The whole country was waiting for him to hang corrupt politicians but he bailed out and instead escorted the most corrupt politician to a London-bound plane. This man is gutless and he always bottles it!
Sure yeah honest guy surrounded by crooks.... So let's replace him with a crook surrounded by crooks. Logic check karo noon league supporters

If honest guy surrounded by crooks is managing to fix 70 years of malaise I wonder what he would do if he had clean people with him

If he had clean people to work with then the opposition will be bigger.

Can’t eliminate corruption from South Asia, it’ll take generational shift with better economy and education.

He, himself is not corrupt, at times, particularly in country such as Pakistan with almost every politician is corrupt you’ll have to compromise with few for the better good - that is the nature of politics which tells you how previous PM encouraged to be corrupt to destroy every institution from within - some of them thought IK is a Bollywood actor who would change everything with in 3 hours of getting elected just as it happens in Bollywood movies, lol.
There are videos of pre-2018 Imran citing CPI ranking to vilify Nawaz Sharif and co for country’s longstanding and deep-rooted corruption. Now that the tables have turned, the same CPI is unreliable and non-credible. The mental gymnastics on display for PTI followers are mind-numbing!

Also, who stopping Imran from taking out corrupt people and making an example of them. The thing is Imran is a coward who lacks any principle and courage. The whole country was waiting for him to hang corrupt politicians but he bailed out and instead escorted the most corrupt politician to a London-bound plane. This man is gutless and he always bottles it!

No one need a video evidence to vilify either NS or Zardari, their name itself does it for them.

You say NS and it always end with corrupt, same goes with Zardari, the 10%. - it is almost a muscle memory of a tongue of almost every Pakistani , can’t help it.

Imran lack principle and courage - lol

Still glad NS is in London.
And then this nation wants a messiah.

Guess what's our ranking in Hajj attendance?

#2 in the world.

There may be 5% honest and good people left, but I guess, we are perhaps the biggest Munafiqs for a nation.

Blame Imran and blame Nawaz and blame Zardari - but make sure to attend Hajj and Umra, and watch the world rank you among the top corrupt people.

Who's #1? Saudi Arabia?

Leaving them aside (Mecca and Medina are in KSA after all), you are the rightful #1.
Transparency International Pakistan is led by *Adil Najam* a second hand man of Nawaz Sharif. This also a perception based index meaning how the people of the country perceive the level of corruption in the country and can be easily altered if one wants to.

*Adil Gillani. Adil Najam is someone else & doesn’t have to do anything with TI.

While I agree with that its perception based index but then the same perception based index was used in the past to term the previous governments to be corrupt.
Very interesting - challo whatever credibility they had is gone now.

This may increase TI credibility now.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr">🤭 <a href=""></a></p>— Syed Talat Hussain (@TalatHussain12) <a href="">January 25, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Minister for Information Fawad Chaudhry has said that the country's depreciation in the corruption index wasn't because of monetary corruption but due to 'political corruption' and lack of the rule of law.

In a major blow to the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's (PTI) accountability narrative, Transparency International, a global corruption watchdog, has placed Pakistan at the 140th position out of 180 countries on its Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for 2021.

Speaking to the media following the Cabinet's meeting on Tuesday, the minister insisted there had been no increase in the "financial corruption" in the country.

Fawad, however, admitted that there was a need to work on the "rule of law", saying: "We need to rid of the notion that there are separate laws for the rich and the poor in Pakistan."

He went on to say that the report had been prepared on the basis of [input from] various institutions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

"All institutions retained the ranking; the depreciation is only by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)."

He then added, "If you find out who is the chief of that unit in Pakistan, you'll find out why the ranking plunged."

Meanwhile, addressing a presser, Minister of State Farrukh Habib claimed that no corruption case "has so far come to light during the incumbent government's rule.

According to him, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) was misinterpreting the report of Transparency International, as "no financial corruption has been pointed out".

The CPI is an index published annually by the global watchdog, which ranks countries "by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys."

The PTI that came to power with a slogan to eradicate corruption has seen the graft level surge throughout the country during its three-year rule.
And then this nation wants a messiah.

Guess what's our ranking in Hajj attendance?

#2 in the world.

There may be 5% honest and good people left, but I guess, we are perhaps the biggest Munafiqs for a nation.

Blame Imran and blame Nawaz and blame Zardari - but make sure to attend Hajj and Umra, and watch the world rank you among the top corrupt people.

Basically this.

We as a nation have become very corrupt. Take any example from Judiciary to Police to Army Generals to businessmen to bureaucrats to common shop keeper to government servants, corruption is too deep rooted in Pakistan.

Then we are hypocrites of highest level. You would listen our people talking about Khatam-e-nabuwat, Ashq-e-rasool, deedar-e-mustafa, Ghazwa-e-hind, Sar tan se juda, Islami Khaliafat (Saad Rizvi as our khalifa) etc. in a counrty where even 5 years old kids are not safe in the streets.

Blaming Nawaz, Zardari or Imran will not resolve our issues.
This may increase TI credibility now.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr">🤭 <a href=""></a></p>— Syed Talat Hussain (@TalatHussain12) <a href="">January 25, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

That's quite brutal
Sure yeah honest guy surrounded by crooks.... So let's replace him with a crook surrounded by crooks. Logic check karo noon league supporters

If honest guy surrounded by crooks is managing to fix 70 years of malaise I wonder what he would do if he had clean people with him

Being honest isn’t enough. One needs to be competent as well to lead a country.
Look at the excuses that are pouring in, in support of a man that has lead a corrupt government. When it comes to IK they will never accept the fact that he built a team of corrupt people around him and the fact that corruption has not only not decreased but increased in his tenure speaks volumes.

Now, fact of the matter is that PTI government is as corrupt, if not worse, than previous governments. If all political parties are corrupt might as well select one that isn't incompetent.
Look at the excuses that are pouring in, in support of a man that has lead a corrupt government. When it comes to IK they will never accept the fact that he built a team of corrupt people around him and the fact that corruption has not only not decreased but increased in his tenure speaks volumes.

Now, fact of the matter is that PTI government is as corrupt, if not worse, than previous governments. If all political parties are corrupt might as well select one that isn't incompetent.

Hit nail on the head. The bolded part is actually far more important than corruption. If the nation is lead by a nincompoop, the country is bound to be in a free fall thanks to bereft of ideas.
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday defended his party's anti-corruption drive in the wake of the country's dismal ranking on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) as he expressed resolve to become more aggressive with his push for speedy disposal of pending corruption cases.

The global graft ranking has been viewed as a major blow to the ruling party’s rallying narrative – a central campaign promise of his party to restore a steady hand to governance, particularly on the issue of corruption.

The development came as a shot in the arm for the opposition that seized on the index's ranking to lambast PM Imran over his government's "record-breaking" corruption.

Alarmed by the ranking and the anti-government narrative it helped generate, the prime minister took his cabinet into confidence over the “numerous steps” the ruling party has taken to eradicate graft during its rule

In the federal cabinet meeting, the prime minister while apprising the cabinet about various steps taken to reduce corruption in the country lashed out at political rivals, saying that “those who committed corruption were now staying abroad instead of facing corruption cases in Pakistan.”

In the past, the prime minister used to blast the governments over CPI rankings, accused them of corruption and asserted that the nation was paying the price of rulers’ corruption in the form of increased taxes, He vowed to eradicate corruption within 90 days after coming into power.

Ironically, in order to form the government in 2018, PM Imran had to take help from those whom he used to call the biggest ‘thieves’ in the past. For a long time, Imran Khan has been putting corruption as the single biggest issue of the country yet his own government had no dearth of corruption scandals in the last three-and-a-half-year and the country went further down on the global watchdog’s perception list.

In the post-cabinet press briefing, Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Chaudhry Fawad Hussain emphasized that Transparency International's report does not mention financial corruption, saying the country’s ranking on CPI was dropped due to weak implementation of law and ‘state capture’.

In its defence, the government’s spokesperson said that the complete report has yet to come and the current score of 140 out of the total 180 was based on different indicators, including financial corruption, accountability, rule of law and state capture.

The information minister reiterated in the press conference that Pakistan got further down on the index, not because of financial corruption but weak rule of law and state capture. “The report did not include any kind of financial corruption,” he said.

The minister said that the report was prepared on the basis of the reports of various organizations and NGOs, adding that all the institutions maintained Pakistan’s ranking but only the Economist Intelligence Country Unit has dropped the rankings. “Check who is its head in Pakistan and then you will know why the ranking was dropped,” Fawad said.

The minister clarified that he did not want to get into any controversy about whether the report was correct or not. Undoubtedly, he said, there is a need to take steps for strengthening rule of law in Pakistan and that’s what the Prime Minister has stressed time and again.

“No doubt a lot of work needs to be done in the area of rule of law,” Fawad said while explaining how different systems for the rich and the poor were going on. Urging the judiciary to play its role, he emphasized that all the institutions needed to work collectively for establishing the rule of law in letter and spirit.

“Judiciary should think about it … there is no harm in showing trials of corruption cases,” Fawad said, adding the government was also working on bringing in reforms in this regard. His statement came after he reiterated the government’s request to the country’s chief justices to live broadcast trials of Sharif and Zardari families by installing cameras inside the courtrooms.

He believed that such steps would improve Pakistan's perception at the international level, adding a comprehensive response would be given once Transparency International releases its complete report.
Rawalpindi ring road scream hello.. the project is again not gonna start because of what happened earlier.

The hawala and hundi system keeps on thriving.

Plus corruption doesnt mean you need a major scandel to happen. Corruption is common people face everyday.

Go to lahore and outside state bank currency notes are being sold while in state bank they complain of not having currency notes.

Go to a kacheri area, its the biggest area of corruption that happens infront of everyone...

You do know that the scam was caught before it could take foot( and the govt has started to recover the losses. Its normally the courts that do that( but they are awful) and a few days ago the ring road project was rebudgeted. That has to be a 1st in PK. I am not claiming that IK has stopped corruption but he has stopped corruption at the top and slowly, it will start to filter through. This Gilani is a friend of NS- that says it all. How can the head of an NGO be a friend of a guy on the run?
And you think the Nooras that bankrupted the country are competent. You think a govt led by a bhagora will be competent- My head hurts arguing with such tripe.

The feelings are mutual. How people are still supporting this government is beyond me. Typical rhetoric, zero brains and negative results.
Being honest isn’t enough. One needs to be competent as well to lead a country.

Yeah he is incompetent that is why exports are breaking records, growth is 5.5%, SOEs are turning around, reserves are at their highest level and majority of population has health insurance.

For you competent are those during whose time exports actually fell and country nearly defaulted.
Look at the excuses that are pouring in, in support of a man that has lead a corrupt government. When it comes to IK they will never accept the fact that he built a team of corrupt people around him and the fact that corruption has not only not decreased but increased in his tenure speaks volumes.

Now, fact of the matter is that PTI government is as corrupt, if not worse, than previous governments. If all political parties are corrupt might as well select one that isn't incompetent.

So you are saying PML-N is competent but they nearly lead to default twice in 1998 and 2018. Exports actually fell from 2013 to 2018. If they were so competent then why did their finance minister run away to London in 2017 during their own government.
The feelings are mutual. How people are still supporting this government is beyond me. Typical rhetoric, zero brains and negative results.

The bits you moan about were created by the very people you support. Is there any greater incompetency than bankruptcy? PK was insolvent when IK took over, and today it isnt. The levels of illiteracy amongst immoral Nooras is frightening
Basically this.

We as a nation have become very corrupt. Take any example from Judiciary to Police to Army Generals to businessmen to bureaucrats to common shop keeper to government servants, corruption is too deep rooted in Pakistan.

Then we are hypocrites of highest level. You would listen our people talking about Khatam-e-nabuwat, Ashq-e-rasool, deedar-e-mustafa, Ghazwa-e-hind, Sar tan se juda, Islami Khaliafat (Saad Rizvi as our khalifa) etc. in a counrty where even 5 years old kids are not safe in the streets.

Blaming Nawaz, Zardari or Imran will not resolve our issues.

It does resolve our issues by deciding who we elect as a PM.

He isn't hoarding wealth in overseas accounts.
He isn't compromise in order to protect his stolen wealth.
You can't say that about the remaining two.

Can't change the mindset of the people unless you provide them better opportunity and education, out of 3, which one do you believe will be better at it?

Now the word, "incompetent" is conveniently thrown around without putting any thought behind it because some of them heard from their fav anchor.

IK isn't incompetent, far from it, IK and as others with little bit sense, want Pakistan economy to be on 'merit", which mean, not throwing dollars in the circulation to keep the dollar artificially low, this has impact in a long term. If he were to follow the same ways of Nawas Sharifs, it may get him easily elected again but in the long term the Pakistani will pay for it.

There are many other programs that PTI initiated, programs that were over due to improve the quality of life of the common man, human developing programs, the significant one out of all them were, "health card' - this has monumental impact on a common life. No other government will do that in Pakistan, other mostly opt for optics, bridge, roads and that too only in where they are assure to get the fetch most votes.

He as a PM, standing up for Pakistan, not just in Pakistan but on every world forum - none of the any other politician can think nor put on a appearance of standing up for Pakistan.

Pakistan has to go through this tough period and so far PTI has done well considering how he has to deal with members of his own Party and opposition.
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Let's say the supposedly stolen wealth is brought back into Pakistan. The government will run with that money instead of asking IMF or Saudis or China for another loan. What when that money runs out? What is the government doing to increase the wealth in the country?
Let's say the supposedly stolen wealth is brought back into Pakistan. The government will run with that money instead of asking IMF or Saudis or China for another loan. What when that money runs out? What is the government doing to increase the wealth in the country?

Absolute nothing if one were to ask someone who willy nilly throw around the word "incompetent" just for the sake of the criticism.

And no government in Pakistan will be able to bring back the money, you need international government support to do that, it won't happen.
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Absolute nothing if one were to ask someone who willy nilly throw around the word "incompetent" just for the sake of the criticism.

And no government in Pakistan will be able to bring back the money, you need international government support to do that, it won't happen.

Pakistani exports at all time high.... increasing more than 20% in both FY21 and FY22
noon league supporter: "What has this government done to increase wealth" :inti

This is the mental level that allows incompetent and corrupt people like Nawaz Sharif to rule with impunity and get elected three times and fail three times, still these Nooras want to him a fourth chance. I mean Einstein described such behavior as insanity.
Absolute nothing if one were to ask someone who willy nilly throw around the word "incompetent" just for the sake of the criticism.

And no government in Pakistan will be able to bring back the money, you need international government support to do that, it won't happen.

Even if the money were brought in and once that money gets exhausted, what's next for us? Back to loans? What is this government doing to build self sustainability?
Politicians are least corrupt when compared with bureaucrats and businessmen in the country, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) told the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on Wednesday.

The NAB data pertaining to the recoveries made through voluntary return and plea bargain submitted to PAC revealed that the recoveries made from politicians were the lowest among bureaucrats, businessmen and others.

The data states that the amount recovered by the anti-graft watchdog amounted to a total of Rs54.63 billion, out of which only Rs0.47 billion belonged to politicians. The bureau recovered Rs8.17 billion from bureaucrats, Rs24.31 billion from businessmen and Rs21.68 billion from others.

The total amount includes Rs19.12 billion recovered through voluntary return and Rs35.51 billion via plea bargain. Out of Rs0.47 billion, the politicians returned only Rs0.05 billion voluntarily and Rs0.42 as a plea bargain.

In addition, bureaucrats returned Rs3.96 voluntarily while Rs4.21 was recovered from them through a plea bargain. Businessmen plea bargained the most with Rs17.16 billion and returned Rs7.15 voluntarily to NAB.

Responding to a question by committee members, the NAB officials clarified that the only difference between voluntary return and a plea bargain was of conviction.

“Plea bargain carries conviction,” they said. PPP’s Sherry Rehman wondered “who could be these angels who voluntarily returned the money to NAB”.

Meanwhile, NAB Chairman Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal once again skipped the PAC hearing on account of being tested positive for Covid-19.

However, neither PAC chairman Rana Tanveer Hussain nor the committee members made any hue and cry over DG NAB Hasnain Ahmed giving a briefing.

Last time, PAC had refused to take briefing over chairman NAB’s absence and a letter from NAB stating that Prime Minister Imran Khan had barred the anti-graft chairman from appearing before parliamentary committees, including PAC.

The committee had summoned chairman NAB on January 26 to quiz him on the appropriation of accounts as well total recoveries made by the anti-graft body from politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen and other entities including the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).

The highest accountability forum of parliament had also directed him to bring details pertaining to book adjustments, cash recoveries and the total embezzled amount from government treasury and private entities, individuals and banks.

Also read: Three accused handed over to NAB on transit remand

When the PAC meeting started on Wednesday, Tanveer informed the committee members that chairman NAB had contracted Covid-19, adding that he had asked the DG to come and let the committee decide if it wants to go ahead or not. The members did not raise any objection to this.

DG NAB informed the panel that NAB had approached the finance division and was told that the excess amount was taken as a grant and the supplementary grant would be approved in due course.

To an objection from PPP’s Naveed Qamar over the timeframe, Tanveer directed NAB to regularise the amount in the next session of the National Assembly.

To PML-N’s Sardar Ayaz Sadiq’s question what would happen if the amount was not regularized and got rejected, Tanveer said that in that case “the amount would be recovered; very simple.” While addressing Sadiq, Tanveer, however, quipped that he should think positive.

As DG NAB started the presentation, PAC members asked so many questions that it couldn’t be completed and Tanveer had to ask NAB officials to come back with answers later on.

The questions were about the timeframe of NAB inquiries; internal accountability system; results of Broadsheet inquiry; reasons of delay in Khursheed Shah case; why very little goes to the federal consolidated fund.

Naveed Qamar had wondered how only Rs17 million went to the federal consolidated fund out of the over Rs8 billion recoveries so far.
Even if the money were brought in and once that money gets exhausted, what's next for us? Back to loans? What is this government doing to build self sustainability?

No disrespect at all, but your question display your lack of understanding how economy, loan, and servicing loan payments work.
Even if the money were brought in and once that money gets exhausted, what's next for us? Back to loans? What is this government doing to build self sustainability?

Increasing exports, import substitution, increased tax collection, IT parks to name a few. Why did exports drop under Nooras, surely a child would have realised that lower exports will lead to bankruptcy.
Politicians are least corrupt when compared with bureaucrats and businessmen in the country, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) told the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on Wednesday.

The NAB data pertaining to the recoveries made through voluntary return and plea bargain submitted to PAC revealed that the recoveries made from politicians were the lowest among bureaucrats, businessmen and others.

The data states that the amount recovered by the anti-graft watchdog amounted to a total of Rs54.63 billion, out of which only Rs0.47 billion belonged to politicians. The bureau recovered Rs8.17 billion from bureaucrats, Rs24.31 billion from businessmen and Rs21.68 billion from others.

The total amount includes Rs19.12 billion recovered through voluntary return and Rs35.51 billion via plea bargain. Out of Rs0.47 billion, the politicians returned only Rs0.05 billion voluntarily and Rs0.42 as a plea bargain.

In addition, bureaucrats returned Rs3.96 voluntarily while Rs4.21 was recovered from them through a plea bargain. Businessmen plea bargained the most with Rs17.16 billion and returned Rs7.15 voluntarily to NAB.

Responding to a question by committee members, the NAB officials clarified that the only difference between voluntary return and a plea bargain was of conviction.

“Plea bargain carries conviction,” they said. PPP’s Sherry Rehman wondered “who could be these angels who voluntarily returned the money to NAB”.

Meanwhile, NAB Chairman Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal once again skipped the PAC hearing on account of being tested positive for Covid-19.

However, neither PAC chairman Rana Tanveer Hussain nor the committee members made any hue and cry over DG NAB Hasnain Ahmed giving a briefing.

Last time, PAC had refused to take briefing over chairman NAB’s absence and a letter from NAB stating that Prime Minister Imran Khan had barred the anti-graft chairman from appearing before parliamentary committees, including PAC.

The committee had summoned chairman NAB on January 26 to quiz him on the appropriation of accounts as well total recoveries made by the anti-graft body from politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen and other entities including the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).

The highest accountability forum of parliament had also directed him to bring details pertaining to book adjustments, cash recoveries and the total embezzled amount from government treasury and private entities, individuals and banks.

Also read: Three accused handed over to NAB on transit remand

When the PAC meeting started on Wednesday, Tanveer informed the committee members that chairman NAB had contracted Covid-19, adding that he had asked the DG to come and let the committee decide if it wants to go ahead or not. The members did not raise any objection to this.

DG NAB informed the panel that NAB had approached the finance division and was told that the excess amount was taken as a grant and the supplementary grant would be approved in due course.

To an objection from PPP’s Naveed Qamar over the timeframe, Tanveer directed NAB to regularise the amount in the next session of the National Assembly.

To PML-N’s Sardar Ayaz Sadiq’s question what would happen if the amount was not regularized and got rejected, Tanveer said that in that case “the amount would be recovered; very simple.” While addressing Sadiq, Tanveer, however, quipped that he should think positive.

As DG NAB started the presentation, PAC members asked so many questions that it couldn’t be completed and Tanveer had to ask NAB officials to come back with answers later on.

The questions were about the timeframe of NAB inquiries; internal accountability system; results of Broadsheet inquiry; reasons of delay in Khursheed Shah case; why very little goes to the federal consolidated fund.

Naveed Qamar had wondered how only Rs17 million went to the federal consolidated fund out of the over Rs8 billion recoveries so far.

Crooks asking about how NAB works. Beghairat
Just watch IK explain to us that to end corruption we must let it first flourish and reach the highest level. Only then will it come down.
Even if the money were brought in and once that money gets exhausted, what's next for us? Back to loans? What is this government doing to build self sustainability?

They are implementing reforms so that IMF, world bank etc never ever turn down our loan requests. :Dah
Pakistani exports at all time high.... increasing more than 20% in both FY21 and FY22
noon league supporter: "What has this government done to increase wealth" :inti

This is the mental level that allows incompetent and corrupt people like Nawaz Sharif to rule with impunity and get elected three times and fail three times, still these Nooras want to him a fourth chance. I mean Einstein described such behavior as insanity.

Pakistan's exports in FY18 - $28.22 billion
Pakistan's exports in FY21 - $25.630 billion
Pakistan's exports in FY22 (1st 5 months) - $12.365 billion

How are exports at all time high? Its declining compared to previous govt.
FYI 20% increase means increase as compared to last year, not as compared to previous all time high.
They are implementing reforms so that IMF, world bank etc never ever turn down our loan requests. :Dah


Elaborate on such reforms.

While you are at it, how much loan has PTI acquired from current allotted IMF loan.
Pakistan's exports in FY18 - $28.22 billion
Pakistan's exports in FY21 - $25.630 billion
Pakistan's exports in FY22 (1st 5 months) - $12.365 billion

How are exports at all time high? Its declining compared to previous govt.
FYI 20% increase means increase as compared to last year, not as compared to previous all time high.

Noon league supporters are never known for their intelligence, combining goods and services for FY18 but stating only goods for FY21 and FY22 :jimmy

Munnay aap rehnay do aap se nahi ho payega :smith

In FY21 Pakistan exported $31.5b of goods and services, in first six months of FY22 Pakistan exported $18.6b of goods and services.

If you do not believe me you can go to this link yourself: and get data directly from State Bank of Pakistan.
Pakistan's exports in FY18 - $28.22 billion
Pakistan's exports in FY21 - $25.630 billion
Pakistan's exports in FY22 (1st 5 months) - $12.365 billion

How are exports at all time high? Its declining compared to previous govt.
FYI 20% increase means increase as compared to last year, not as compared to previous all time high.

It's a shame that you don't have even the basic knowledge of the difference between goods and services. No wonder you guys are simple enough to support a criminal family.
Noon league supporters are never known for their intelligence, combining goods and services for FY18 but stating only goods for FY21 and FY22 :jimmy

Munnay aap rehnay do aap se nahi ho payega :smith

In FY21 Pakistan exported $31.5b of goods and services, in first six months of FY22 Pakistan exported $18.6b of goods and services.

If you do not believe me you can go to this link yourself: and get data directly from State Bank of Pakistan.

FY18 goods+services - $30.5 billion according to your own link.