Pakistani beggars plague Middle East, raising trust concerns


Test Debutant
Feb 25, 2013
ISLAMABAD: The issue of gangs of professional beggars, once notorious on the streets and squares of Pakistan, has now crossed international borders and become a growing concern in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and beyond.

According to a report shared with the senators, a staggering 90% of professional beggars arrested in Middle Eastern nations hail from Pakistan, and Pakistani nationals are disproportionately involved in petty crimes such as pickpocketing around the revered Grand Mosque in Saudi Arabia.

During a heated meeting of the Standing Committee of Overseas Pakistanis chaired by Senator Manzoor Kakar on Wednesday, Secretary Overseas Pakistanis Zulfikar Haider vented his frustration and raised alarm over the lack of action taken to address this escalating issue. Haider disclosed startling details about the extent of the problem and its impact on the reputation of overseas Pakistanis.

"Beggars are leaving Pakistan en masse, often traveling by boatloads, and then exploiting Umrah and visit visas to beg from pilgrims abroad," Haider revealed. He went on to express his deep concern that prisons in Iraq and Saudi Arabia are now housing a significant number of Pakistani beggars, further tarnishing the image of Pakistanis abroad.

One of the most alarming aspects of this phenomenon is the erosion of trust in overseas Pakistanis. Haider lamented that Pakistanis are increasingly viewed with suspicion abroad, leading to a rising number of deportations. "Iraq and Saudi Arabia continuously complain that we are sending criminals to their countries, and their jails are overcrowded with Pakistani beggars. This is a serious issue of human trafficking," he asserted.

In the same meeting, Senator Rana Mehmoodul Hassan highlighted another issue – the underrepresentation of Pakistani skilled labour abroad. Hassan compared Pakistan's performance in sending skilled professionals to countries like Japan, where neighbouring nations like India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka have made significant contributions. Pakistan, in contrast, has sent a mere 200 individuals to Japan.

Hassan emphasised the urgent need for Pakistan to step up its efforts in providing skilled labour, especially since Saudi Arabia now demands more than simple labour but highly skilled professionals. "We have 50 thousand unemployed engineers in Pakistan. It's time we focus on sending skilled labour abroad," Hassan urged.

Secretary Overseas Pakistanis informed the committee about the establishment of a Skilled Center in Saudi Arabia and highlighted the presence of 1,600,000 Pakistanis in the UAE and 200,000 in Qatar. He stressed that Pakistan must send skilled professionals such as engineers, nurses, IT experts, and individuals from the paramedical and pharmaceutical sectors to enhance the country's reputation abroad.

"If we send professionals overseas, our remuneration will rise, and our trustworthiness will improve," Haider explained.

My word. What's Pakistan coming to?
I can understand the begging bit. Poor people resort to it sometimes. It is sad. But the petty crimes like pickpocketing are unforgivable.
My word. What's Pakistan coming to?
I can understand the begging bit. Poor people resort to it sometimes. It is sad. But the petty crimes like pickpocketing are unforgivable.
That too around the Grand Mosque in Saudi Arabia.
My word. What's Pakistan coming to?
I can understand the begging bit. Poor people resort to it sometimes. It is sad. But the petty crimes like pickpocketing are unforgivable.
India too has almost equal Muslim population as Pakistan. Yet you don't hear Indian Muslims doing such cheap things.
90pc beggars arrested abroad are Pakistanis, Senate body told

ISLAMABAD: The Senate Standing Committee on Overseas Pakistanis was informed that a significant number of beggars travel abroad through human trafficking channel

Zulfikar Haider, Overseas Ministry Secretary, made this disclosure during a discussion in the Senate panel on the issue of skilled and unskilled labor leaving the country.

“90 percent of beggars arrested in foreign countries are Pakistanis. The Iraqi and Saudi ambassadors have reported that their jails were overcrowded due to these arrests,” he told the Senate committee.

During the discussion, Haider also noted that Japan had emerged as a new destination for such visitors.

Senator Rana Mehmoodul Hasan highlighted Japan’s demand for skilled workers from different countries, with India, Nepal, and Pakistan sending varying numbers of individuals.

Hasan also mentioned that as many as 50,000 engineers in Pakistan were unemployed.

Regarding the Middle East, the senator mentioned that approximately three million people were in Saudi Arabia, 1.5m Pakistanis were in the UAE, while 0.2m were in Qatar.

It is pertinent to mention that rackets of beggars also use minor kids in sweltering and freezing weather for their personal interest.

They have invented several new methods to get money from people. According to a report, the number of beggars has doubled in three years.
I have sadly seen this with my own eyes in the haram shareef.

At the time I wondered how they could afford Umrah tickets but now it makes sense that they are being trafficked.
India too has almost equal Muslim population as Pakistan. Yet you don't hear Indian Muslims doing such cheap things.
Indian hindus traffic a lot of women in the middle east for massage parlours etc.

Its uncommon for Pakistani women to be able to travel alone so this gap is filled by Indians.

Thugs will find any way to exploit the poor.

These people that you mention doing cheap things arent voluntarily begging. If the articles are true they are victims of gangsters and traffickers. Our sympathies should be with them.
Beggars cannot cross international borders. There is obviously some beggar mafia doing this to innocent Pakistani beggars.
India too has almost equal Muslim population as Pakistan. Yet you don't hear Indian Muslims doing such cheap things.
What has it got to do with it, Indonesia has more Muslims than India?

It has everything to do with economy not religion. lol
If they are beggars, than how do they reach abroad? Is there any mafia behind them who is certainly sponsoring these beggers worldwide and making money out of them
Sorry aren't they copying the Pakistan government when it comes to begging for IMF handouts?

Give them some airpods, an ipod and some tunes for them to get started with their new life in the ME. That's all you need to put on a show with whatever skills they might have with their moves. This is a good alternative to begging.
India too has almost equal Muslim population as Pakistan. Yet you don't hear Indian Muslims doing such cheap things.
I dont know about other countries, but in the UAE a significant number of Desi beggars are Hyderabadis. Other Indian ethnicities dont beg generally
16 Pakistani beggars trying to travel to Saudi Arabia for begging arrested in Multan

Sixteen alleged Pakistani beggars disguised as pilgrims were offloaded from a Saudi Arabia-bound flight and arrested for trying to travel to the Gulf Kingdom to indulge in begging, according to a media report on Sunday.

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) offloaded the beggars from the Saudi-bound flight in Multan in Punjab province two days back, the Dawn newspaper reported. According to the FIA, the group comprising 16 persons, including a child, 11 women and 4 men, was travelling on Umrah visas. The Umrah is an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca that can be undertaken at any time of the year. The FIA officials during the immigration process questioned the passengers who confessed that they were going to
going to Saudi Arabia to seek alms, the paper said.

They also told the FIA that they would have to give half of their earnings from begging to the agents involved in their travel arrangements, it said.

They were to return to Pakistan after the expiry of their Umrah visas.

The FIA Multan circle arrested the passengers for further interrogation and legal action.

The arrests came a day after the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development disclosed to the Senate Committee on Overseas Pakistanis that a significant proportion of beggars are trafficked abroad through illegal channels.

The ministry’s secretary revealed to the Senate panel that a staggering 90 per cent of beggars apprehended in foreign countries belong to Pakistan.

“Pakistani beggars travel to the Middle East under the guise of ziyarat (pilgrimage). Most people visit Saudi Arabia on Umrah visas and then indulge in begging-related activities,” Secretary Overseas Pakistanis Zeeshan Khanzada told a meeting of the
Senate's standing committee last month.

“Both the Iraqi and Saudi ambassadors have reported overcrowded jails due to these arrests,” he had said.

A majority of the pickpockets arrested from within Mecca's grand mosque are Pakistani nationals, The International News daily had quoted Khanzada as saying.

Beggars cannot cross international borders. There is obviously some beggar mafia doing this to innocent Pakistani beggars.
It is a beggar mafia in India and Pakistan . They make a lot of money . These people also involved in human trafficking
Govt initiates passport blocks for 2,000 Pakistani beggars abroad

The federal government announced on Sunday plans to block the passports of over 2,000 individuals caught engaging in begging abroad.

Authorities have requested comprehensive details from the Ministry of External Affairs regarding these individuals, with lists being compiled from Pakistani missions worldwide.

According to official sources, the passports of those involved in begging overseas will be rendered invalid for a period of seven years.

Highlighting the rationale behind this stringent measure, government officials emphasised that the act of begging in foreign lands not only reflects poorly on Pakistan but also violates the dignity of its citizens.

"Beggars travelling abroad bring disgrace to the nation," stated a spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, underlining the need for decisive action.

Furthermore, the government has resolved to block the passports of agents involved in facilitating individuals to beg in foreign countries.

It has come to light that a considerable number of beggars travel to countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq under the guise of pilgrimage or Umrah, subsequently resorting to begging.

Efforts are underway to formulate a coordinated policy by the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of External Affairs to address this issue comprehensively.

The collection of data pertaining to individuals engaged in begging abroad marks a critical first step towards implementing effective measures.

Samaa TV
Govt initiates passport blocks for 2,000 Pakistani beggars abroad

The federal government announced on Sunday plans to block the passports of over 2,000 individuals caught engaging in begging abroad.

Authorities have requested comprehensive details from the Ministry of External Affairs regarding these individuals, with lists being compiled from Pakistani missions worldwide.

According to official sources, the passports of those involved in begging overseas will be rendered invalid for a period of seven years.

Highlighting the rationale behind this stringent measure, government officials emphasised that the act of begging in foreign lands not only reflects poorly on Pakistan but also violates the dignity of its citizens.

"Beggars travelling abroad bring disgrace to the nation," stated a spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, underlining the need for decisive action.

Furthermore, the government has resolved to block the passports of agents involved in facilitating individuals to beg in foreign countries.

It has come to light that a considerable number of beggars travel to countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq under the guise of pilgrimage or Umrah, subsequently resorting to begging.

Efforts are underway to formulate a coordinated policy by the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of External Affairs to address this issue comprehensively.

The collection of data pertaining to individuals engaged in begging abroad marks a critical first step towards implementing effective measures.

Samaa TV

Good that the GoP has taken action on this. It’s hard to believe but we have generational beggars in our parts of the world. It’s not always because there’s lack of work but they just don’t want to work. I bet if you take all the beggars from the streets of the Bharatiya Subcontinent and have them jobs, 90% of them would still go back to their begging ways in a dew days time.
From my trips to the Middle East, I never came across Pakistani beggars. In Saudi, a lot of Pakistanis work in good positions and then there are the rest who do blue collared respectable jobs. Also extremely nice people. Much more down to earth and kind natured as compared to the Pakistanis i met in Europe who were also fun people but a lot more street smart compared to the generous and quiet Middle East based Pakistanis
These guys have adopted this begging as a profession now. they cannot live without it. Easy money. No real work has to be done. No wonder why Pakistan is slipping down and down every passing day.

We say Gov is corrupt, Nope, the corruption has made the roots of this country hollow and these kind of people are the main cause for this destruction.
These guys have adopted this begging as a profession now. they cannot live without it. Easy money. No real work has to be done. No wonder why Pakistan is slipping down and down every passing day.

We say Gov is corrupt, Nope, the corruption has made the roots of this country hollow and these kind of people are the main cause for this destruction.

That is why you have a govt, to lead by example and root out corruption. If the govt is not going to do it then what is their purpose?
Good that the GoP has taken action on this. It’s hard to believe but we have generational beggars in our parts of the world. It’s not always because there’s lack of work but they just don’t want to work. I bet if you take all the beggars from the streets of the Bharatiya Subcontinent and have them jobs, 90% of them would still go back to their begging ways in a dew days time.

What beggars belief - pardon the pun - is that we are talking about blocking passports of beggars. Imagine the sheer front of booking a flight ticket in order to beg on the streets of a foreign country. I wonder if they book 5 star hotels for the first week just to chill in comfort before they get down to business? :unsure:
What beggars belief - pardon the pun - is that we are talking about blocking passports of beggars. Imagine the sheer front of booking a flight ticket in order to beg on the streets of a foreign country. I wonder if they book 5 star hotels for the first week just to chill in comfort before they get down to business? :unsure:
They are trafficked
That is not how it is being presented in the Pakistan govt press briefing.
"Furthermore, the government has resolved to block the passports of agents involved in facilitating individuals to beg in foreign countries."

I'm not sure of the specifics although I have seen it and can assume they are being trafficked because they don't seem to be doing that voluntarily. The text above is from the briefing. I think they are implying the agents are trafficking them.

My guess is they are getting promises of 'sponsored' Umrah but then made to work to make the money back. It seems like a coordinated movement.
"Furthermore, the government has resolved to block the passports of agents involved in facilitating individuals to beg in foreign countries."

I'm not sure of the specifics although I have seen it and can assume they are being trafficked because they don't seem to be doing that voluntarily. The text above is from the briefing. I think they are implying the agents are trafficking them.

My guess is they are getting promises of 'sponsored' Umrah but then made to work to make the money back. It seems like a coordinated movement.

I did see that addendum near the end of the press brief, but that still doesn't imply trafficking. I think if what you are suggesting is true then the govt should be addressing it directly without any room for ambiguity since human trafficking is quite a serious crime. Or at least I assume it is in Pakistan.
I did see that addendum near the end of the press brief, but that still doesn't imply trafficking. I think if what you are suggesting is true then the govt should be addressing it directly without any room for ambiguity since human trafficking is quite a serious crime. Or at least I assume it is in Pakistan.
Blaming individual makes it the problem of those individuals.

Acknowledgement of traffic makes it a problem for the government. They will do the usual Pakistani thing and just blame it on individual people. It's easier that way.
This begging mentality is embedded in our genes now. Everyone begs even the government for bail outs. Only matter of decades we will be like those some african nations.
Just recently visited kabba and from experience I can say the beggar prob is big. Most are pakistanies

Are they counting on the rich Arabs walking around the venue, willing to loosen their pursestrings?
FIA arrests four agents for sending citizens abroad for begging

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) conducted operations during various areas of Multan and arrested four travel agents involved in sending citizens to Saudi Arabia for begging, ARY News reported on Sunday.

According to an FIA spokesperson, the arrested agents, identified as Sadiq Hussain, Mohammad Ejaz, Ghulam, and Ghulam Yaseen.

The spokesperson explained that these arrests were made based on information provided by previously detained individuals.

The agents were allegedly sending citizens to Saudi Arabia with the purpose of begging and then collecting a share of the money earned through begging.

This crackdown follows the arrest of nine passengers yesterday who were caught begging in Saudi Arabia.

ARY News
This hurts the image of Pakistanis in the middle east and fuels more contempt and hatred :facepalm:
It’s an enterprise earning roughly $42 billion dollars annually.

Foreign governments must check if some of that money is being wired back to Pakistan army. Seems like a network.
Can Pakistani posters here clarify how bad is the situation and do they face beggars regularly in airports and flights. Was surprised to see a Pakistani beggar asking for money mid flight. Apparently it’s very common.

Pakistani beggars are clever, they knows their country in financial trouble and their countryman will not give any money… so they adopted this way.

Since they afford ticket and visas, the pak government must probe them, they must be holding properties like land, apartment and bungalow
It’s an enterprise earning roughly $42 billion dollars annually.

Foreign governments must check if some of that money is being wired back to Pakistan army. Seems like a network.
$42 billion per year? That's insane.
These are professionals now. Begging is not just any random thing, it is a complete booming industry with a lot of profit and no real investment. You just have to kill your conscience and self respect and you can be part of this industry. These guys are living of the money of real needy people.
Pakistani beggars are clever, they knows their country in financial trouble and their countryman will not give any money… so they adopted this way.

Since they afford ticket and visas, the pak government must probe them, they must be holding properties like land, apartment and bungalow

They didn’t afford the tickets bro, they begged their way to a flight to the gulf countries.
These are professionals now. Begging is not just any random thing, it is a complete booming industry with a lot of profit and no real investment. You just have to kill your conscience and self respect and you can be part of this industry. These guys are living of the money of real needy people.

To be honest, how is this form of begging any different from woke students asking you to make a kind donation on the streets of Bharatiya cities. Later we all know they do party with that money. Is this not begging?
To be honest, how is this form of begging any different from woke students asking you to make a kind donation on the streets of Bharatiya cities. Later we all know they do party with that money. Is this not begging?
Begging has different shapes. When you are asking for donation for a good cause and using it for the same cause then is not begin TBH.
Naqvi assures strict action against beggars in meeting with Saudi ambassador

Federal Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control Mohsin Naqvi met Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki on Friday.

Mr. Naqvi visited the Saudi Embassy in the Diplomatic Enclave where the Saudi ambassador welcomed him.

Duo discussed matters of mutual interest including Pak-Saudi relations.

During the meeting, Naqvi assured the ambassador of complete crackdown against professional Pakistani beggars in Saudi Arabia and ordered the Federal Investigation Agency to start action against them.

He said that beggars’ mafia was tarnishing the image of Pakistan, adding that Pakistan had deep-seated connection with Saudi Arabia which was based on love and respect.

The Saudi ambassador thanked the Interior Minister for visiting him by saying that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were brothers.

Dunya News
From the title, I thought this was about Pakistan's deficit and debt :O
Yep. It is not about debts and loans from IMF or other countries but about the people who go abroad on some visit visa or to visit HOLY places and start begging there. These people need to be dealt with strict actions.
Can't these beggars just apply for refugee status in Arab countries? At least they can work there and earn an honest living.

If they can travel to Europe as refugees, they can definitely travel a few hundred miles and end up in one of the Arab countries. Then claim refugee status.
Prevent beggars from entering under Umrah visas, Saudi Arabia urges Pak

Saudi Arabia has raised concerns about the growing number of Pakistani beggars arriving in the Kingdom under the guise of religious pilgrimage and asked Islamabad to take action to prevent them from entering the Gulf country, a media report said on Tuesday.

Citing sources from Pakistan's Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Express Tribune newspaper reported that the Saudi authorities have also warned that if the situation is not controlled, it could negatively affect Pakistani Umrah and Hajj pilgrims.

"The Saudi Ministry of Hajj has issued a warning to Pakistan's Ministry of Religious Affairs, urging action to prevent Pakistani beggars from entering the kingdom under Umrah visas," the paper said.

In response, Pakistan's Ministry of Religious Affairs has decided to introduce an "Umrah Act," which aims to regulate travel agencies facilitating Umrah trips, bringing them under legal oversight, it said.

Additionally, the ministry has asked the Pakistani government to find ways to prevent beggars from travelling to Saudi Arabia under the guise of religious pilgrimage.

Why blame these people when our goverment and establishment are the biggest beggers around going from one country to another with kashkol.

SHC seeks FIA response on beggars going to Saudi Arabia under Umrah cover​

The Sindh High Court has issued notices to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and others in response to a travel agent’s plea to dismiss a case accusing him of sending beggars to Saudi Arabia under the pretext of performing Umrah.

A two-member bench, led by Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto, heard the plea from a Multan-based travel agent, Muhammad Atta, who sought to have the case against him dismissed.

The court asked what charges had been brought against the petitioner.

The petitioner’s lawyer argued that the FIA had filed a case against Muhammad Atta, alleging that he sent individuals to Saudi Arabia not for Umrah but for begging.

The travel agent has been accused of arranging visas for five beggars.

The lawyer contended that while Muhammad Atta could book tickets, it was not his responsibility to secure visas.

Two cases were registered against him in Multan, from which he was acquitted. He is now seeking the dismissal of the case registered in Karachi.

The court has issued notices to the FIA and other parties, requesting a response.

Riyadh warns Pakistani beggars could disrupt Hajj and Umrah pilgrims

Earlier this month, the Saudi Ministry of Hajj raised alarms regarding the increasing number of Pakistani beggars entering Saudi Arabia under Umrah visas, warning that this issue could disrupt the experience for genuine Umrah and Hajj pilgrims.

Riyadh communicated these concerns to Pakistan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs, urging immediate action to curb the practice.

In response, Pakistani authorities proposed introducing an "Umrah Act" to regulate travel agencies involved in Umrah trips, ensuring stricter oversight and legal accountability.

In a meeting between Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi and Saudi Ambassador Nawaf bin Said Ahmed Al-Malki, the Pakistani government pledged to take serious measures against the networks sending beggars to Saudi Arabia under the guise of religious pilgrimage.

Mohsin assured the Saudi envoy that the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) would crack down on these mafias, which were tarnishing Pakistan’s international image.

The FIA has since been actively involved in targeting these groups, making several arrests related to this illegal activity.

Earlier, the Federal Investigation Agency had offloaded 11 alleged beggars from a Saudi-bound flight at Karachi airport.

During interrogation, these individuals admitted that they were traveling to Saudi Arabia with the intent of begging.

The increasing involvement of Pakistani beggars in such activities had already led Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, to voice concerns about the behaviour and ethics of overseas Pakistanis, which was impacting the country’s reputation abroad.

Source: The Express Tribune

SHC seeks FIA response on beggars going to Saudi Arabia under Umrah cover​

The Sindh High Court has issued notices to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and others in response to a travel agent’s plea to dismiss a case accusing him of sending beggars to Saudi Arabia under the pretext of performing Umrah.

A two-member bench, led by Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto, heard the plea from a Multan-based travel agent, Muhammad Atta, who sought to have the case against him dismissed.

The court asked what charges had been brought against the petitioner.

The petitioner’s lawyer argued that the FIA had filed a case against Muhammad Atta, alleging that he sent individuals to Saudi Arabia not for Umrah but for begging.

The travel agent has been accused of arranging visas for five beggars.

The lawyer contended that while Muhammad Atta could book tickets, it was not his responsibility to secure visas.

Two cases were registered against him in Multan, from which he was acquitted. He is now seeking the dismissal of the case registered in Karachi.

The court has issued notices to the FIA and other parties, requesting a response.

Riyadh warns Pakistani beggars could disrupt Hajj and Umrah pilgrims

Earlier this month, the Saudi Ministry of Hajj raised alarms regarding the increasing number of Pakistani beggars entering Saudi Arabia under Umrah visas, warning that this issue could disrupt the experience for genuine Umrah and Hajj pilgrims.

Riyadh communicated these concerns to Pakistan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs, urging immediate action to curb the practice.

In response, Pakistani authorities proposed introducing an "Umrah Act" to regulate travel agencies involved in Umrah trips, ensuring stricter oversight and legal accountability.

In a meeting between Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi and Saudi Ambassador Nawaf bin Said Ahmed Al-Malki, the Pakistani government pledged to take serious measures against the networks sending beggars to Saudi Arabia under the guise of religious pilgrimage.

Mohsin assured the Saudi envoy that the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) would crack down on these mafias, which were tarnishing Pakistan’s international image.

The FIA has since been actively involved in targeting these groups, making several arrests related to this illegal activity.

Earlier, the Federal Investigation Agency had offloaded 11 alleged beggars from a Saudi-bound flight at Karachi airport.

During interrogation, these individuals admitted that they were traveling to Saudi Arabia with the intent of begging.

The increasing involvement of Pakistani beggars in such activities had already led Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, to voice concerns about the behaviour and ethics of overseas Pakistanis, which was impacting the country’s reputation abroad.

Source: The Express Tribune
LOL, and we have some Pakistani posters over here who speak about 'poverty' in India.
What beggars belief - pardon the pun - is that we are talking about blocking passports of beggars. Imagine the sheer front of booking a flight ticket in order to beg on the streets of a foreign country. I wonder if they book 5 star hotels for the first week just to chill in comfort before they get down to business? :unsure:
They probably live in that 5 star hotel