People's hobbies?


Test Debutant
Oct 19, 2010
Post of the Week
Apart from sport, what other hobbies do people have and what do they like doing in their free time??

I like playing games, watching tv and movies, going out with friends, going on youtube and much more stuff. Will be interesting to see what other pakpassioners do in their life
trying out restaurants... i barely have a handful restaurants in my area and surrounding area's that i have not visited at least once... (halal based)
Watching cricket, fishing, reading, spending time with and cooking for friends and family(trying out different recipe's from my collection of cook books of over 400).
Breaks my heart to read about hobbies on the 2nd successive Sunday(and all the Sundays in June and the non Ramzan part of July) where I got home from work after 10pm.
Bump! Come on guys, not a lot of replies, I'm curious to see what other people do in their life, right now I am extremely bored
Painting, golf, writing stories and books etc, trolling people :kapil
Playing cricket,spending time with family ,watching documentries and web surfing.
Another bump. Keep talking, this is an interesting thread
Reading, running after my nephew, photography, kick boxing, doing whatever my mood dictates.
Playing football , playing beach volley ball :D , reading novels ,playing games , searching pakpassion, and sleepingg.. :)
Well obviously, posting upon PakPassion can be regarded as a hobby and I certainly devote a lot of time to doing so.

Apart from this act, I also read quite frequently (though not as regularly as I desire to), play tape-ball cricket (a large amount - possibly around 2-4 hours everyday), spend precious time with my family (especially playing with my younger brother and annoying my sister with the random facts I tell her and the very eccentric person I can be - trying my hardest to irritate her by never agreeing with her opinions), watch cricket matches live and on YouTube (the latter possibly to a larger extent than the former), eating and sleeping.
In addition, in the past I used to do Kyokushin (a form of karate) but left because of unfortunate circumstances.
Well obviously, posting upon PakPassion can be regarded as a hobby and I certainly devote a lot of time to doing so.

Apart from this act, I also read quite frequently (though not as regularly as I desire to), play tape-ball cricket (a large amount - possibly around 2-4 hours everyday), spend precious time with my family (especially playing with my younger brother and annoying my sister with the random facts I tell her and the very eccentric person I can be - trying my hardest to irritate her by never agreeing with her opinions), watch cricket matches live and on YouTube (the latter possibly to a larger extent than the former), eating and sleeping.
how many siblings do you have? and also if you don't mind, what are their ages?
if you don't want to answer this then you don't have to but if you could, may you tell me the circumstances?

No problem at all.

The circumstances weren't as harmful and menacing as I made them to sound. Basically, I missed a month of Kyokushin due to Ramadan (the sessions were also closed as all of the members were Muslim, around about seven people including me) and afterwards I also didn't attend around about 2 sessions. My father declared that I was just wasting his money (because of money needed to acquire a karate license etc) and told me that I should leave, because - as he stated - I was unable to follow anything through. Despite my plea, I never attended karate again. :(
how many siblings do you have? and also if you don't mind, what are their ages?

3 (although one is unfortunately gone from the world, which occurred when she was aged merely 1-2 years old) - with my brother being under 4, my sister a few years older than me.
1. I have keeda of benchmarking computer hardware, I have managed to kill many components, and have invested alot in this shounk but it is too addictive. It requires courage, bravery and skills.

2. I am also a cleanoholic, I can't tolerate dirty car/room etc. You should see the interiors of my car, maintained brand new factory look even after clocking 50000 KMs. Gloss on exteriors is out of this world.

3. I also love to cook, gardening.
Well given that my main hobby is racing motorbikes which I can't do at the moment due to a broken collarbone and sprained wrist I will be video gaming instead, old Sega and Nintendo 16-bit games.
Reading, following cricket (on tv, online on Pakpassion), playing games on a console, watching tv and films, going out and night clubs.

ps. the last one was made up.
Scuba Diving....especially with sharks....just come back from South Africa..

Snow Boarding...gotta be the best sport out there......

obviously cricket and squash..
I used to make lot of short movies with my handy cam. It wasn't great when I started, but gradually it became a nice hobby. Made lot of friends doing that.
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surprised to see not many replies, come on guys,
In my free time, I just surf up on PakPassion, maybe watch Youtube videos and sometimes play cricket captain.

Going out with friends and bowling is also what I usually do.
So hard to get anytime now a days... But books a lot of books can spent hours reading.
I have some of the most ridiculous and needless collection of books and videos on gazzilion different topics, and I hardly use any of those.
Sometimes I find it hard to sleep unless I have updated them all to the latest and greatest versions available. It's an obsession for the last 5 years. :sachin
Play cricket,read millions of books, do something online, play some games. And I must tell you my favorite hobby is to just sit and not eve move to take a glass of water.;-)
1. I have keeda of benchmarking computer hardware, I have managed to kill many components, and have invested alot in this shounk but it is too addictive. It requires courage, bravery and skills.

what is the game that requires the most from the grpahics card? i am interested in this.

on thread, i play acoustic guitar.
3 (although one is unfortunately gone from the world, which occurred when she was aged merely 1-2 years old) - with my brother being under 4, my sister a few years older than me.

This made me sad. :(

I know forums shouldn't be used to talk about personal issues, but was it natural or was it caused by something, like an accident?

Again it's very sad hearing news such as this. :(
Hobbies....where is the time these days !!!! But whatever time I get now, I spend on two things - playing with my kids and cooking. The second hobby is what I picked up around 2 yrs ago and it's a great stress buster, especially with our food - experimenting with different combination of dry spices.

When I was a kid, used to collect matchbox last I counted more than 6000 matchboxes, gifted it to a younger guy in my locality, who also had same passion.
What is your favorite time pass ??

What is your favourite time pass?'
at times you have to spend some time and every person spend it in a different way..
i spend it on web(mostly pakpassion,facebook etc)
how did you spend your time infact what is your favourite timepass?? :D
oh, so sorry to hear that

Thank you for the support. Although it doesn't afflict me as much nowadays (the reason why it doesn't is because I was relatively young when she passed away), in the past (possibly when I was aged 9/10) I cried myself to sleep thinking about what could've been if Allah had provided her with life.
This made me sad. :(

Thinking about such occurrences makes me contemplate how fortunate I am to be living in this world and also makes me feel extremely upset (which is why I try to refrain from thinking about her death in a great depth).

I know forums shouldn't be used to talk about personal issues, but was it natural or was it caused by something, like an accident?

That's perfectly fine because as I've stated before, I am willing to answer any queries and respond to all opinions unless they are offensive/produced in a pernicious, unpolite and impertinent manner.

Regarding the question, unfortunately she was ill from birth (I've never asked my mother what the condition was - I will ask tomorrow, but I have an inkling that the reason for her death/illness was unknown by doctors as I'm sure it was an incurable disease) and her health never improved to a great extent. In addition, I am open to declaring that a severe effect of her death upon my mother was the fact that she claims she suffered a loss of focus on life and following religion, so much so that she allegedly didn't recite the Qur'an/pray for an incredibly lengthy time (a year). Furthermore, my mother declares that to this day she is still not comfortable (in fact she claims that she becomes extremely uneasy) with visiting my aunt's house in Birmingham, and is completely against staying at the location - for my sister was rushed to hospital whilst staying at the location, which unfortunately wasn't enough to keep her away from being vanquished by death. As a result, my mother states that she has no doubts that if she stayed there, a lot of upsetting and terrifying memories regarding that night would become existent in her mind.

P.S: When I was transcribing that last part and began to think of sister's face, I began to feel extreme amounts of sadness which I have no regrets in saying brought some tears to my eyes.
My hobbies are:

1) Chess.
2) Cricket.
3) Soccer.
4) Basketball.
5) Video games.
6) Coding.
My hobby is saltwater reef fish tank, I raise both hard AND soft corals. I also raise Gouldian Finches and homer pigeons.
Apart from the usual I like to play the piano, get involved in target shooting and skiing