Ramadan Mubarak to everyone


Aug 9, 2010
Ramadan Moon Sighted in Saudi Arabia.

Ramadan Mubarik to everyone.

I know it is not a cricket topic but i am so Happy that is why i Posted this thread.:14:
MUbarak to all ! MAy ALLAH Accept our prayers in this month
I have really lost my way in last one year. I hope this Ramadan will give me strength to get back to right path. Please pray for me
Ramzan Mubarak everyone!

Thankfully here in Boston no moon sighting was required. We follow the Fiqh Council of North America, which announced the Ramzan and Eid schedule well in advance. As it stands:

Ramzan will start tomorrow, Wednesday, August 11th
Eid-ul-Fitr will be on Friday, September 10th
Ramadan Mubarak to all our brothers and sisters.

A really really happy feeling. May Allah have mercy on all of us and guide us on the right path.
Ramdhan Mubarak. May Allah Almighty help us to do good deeds in the Holy month and may he accept all our prayers.
Ramzan Mubarak to all my brothers and sisters May Allah have mercy on all of us and guide us on the right path...Aameen
Ramadan Mubarak to everyone and there families. May ALLAH (SWT) give us every opportunity to worship him.
Ramadan Mubarak to all!

Yes, that is what I was wondering.

I don't think that's 100% accurate because its happened a few times. Last year the graph said that the moon would not be visible in Saudi when the clearly sighted it.

Oh well...
Ramadan Mubarak to all - May Allah (SWT) our prayers during this blessed month. Also lets keep our brothers and sisters that are suffering throughout the world in our prayers
^^ asslamualikum brother where is your evidence for this and do you know which day the ahle hadith masjids are beginning ramadan?
Ramzaan mubarik to all.

May Alllah bless us all, forgive our sins and ease the lives of those less fortunate than us.
we all keeping roza tomorrow(wed) in Glasgow inshallah. Just came back from taravih :)
Ramadan Mubarak to all.

I really really hate the fact people will be fasting on different days and celebrating Eid on different days. Many years, some of my mates and I have not celeberated on the same day. :(

No unity = No Ummah.
Ramzan mubarak to all my friend here at PakPassion, Mat Allah (SWT) almighty have mercy on all of us and forgive our sins and accept all of our prayer in this blessed month, To all please pray for all of the Humanity to ease everyone's suffering and pain. Ameen.

Please Make Dua that almighty Allah (SWT) give all of us strenght to follow the Islam in a correct way and be all of us to be an example of a good muslim to eachother and to rest of the world.
Ramzan Mubarak everyone!

Thankfully here in Boston no moon sighting was required. We follow the Fiqh Council of North America, which announced the Ramzan and Eid schedule well in advance. As it stands:

Ramzan will start tomorrow, Wednesday, August 11th
Eid-ul-Fitr will be on Friday, September 10th


Ramadan Mubarak anyways.
Ramadan mubarak.

Every mosque (bar 1) in our area is starting first fast today, read taravih yesterday

1 mosque will keep first fast on thursday

Its the same every year. that one mosque starts 1 day later then all the others everytime. i remember once they kept 31 fasts
What did you find funny about that?

Well no offence, but as far as I know the Islamic calendar is based on movements of the moon. Thus its pretty impossible to predict accurately when the month of Ramadan begins without sighting the moon.

I personally don't really care when people start fasting, in the end its the intention that counts and insha'Allah God will accept all our fasts.
Well no offence, but as far as I know the Islamic calendar is based on movements of the moon. Thus its pretty impossible to predict accurately when the month of Ramadan begins without sighting the moon.
Ah okay, thanks for clarifying.

You are absolutely right that the calendar is based on the movements of the moon. So the question then becomes: what is the best way of determining the movements of the moon, of predicting where the moon will be on such and such date.

There is a school of thought on this that says that an actual sighting is not required to be certain of where the moon is at any particular time. And that in fact, using calculations is a much more accurate method of predicting the moon's movement.

The methodology is explained here: http://www.fiqhcouncil.org/
I personally don't really care when people start fasting, in the end its the intention that counts and insha'Allah God will accept all our fasts.
True. There also has to be room for difference of opinion and respect for people's beliefs.
Well no offence, but as far as I know the Islamic calendar is based on movements of the moon. Thus its pretty impossible to predict accurately when the month of Ramadan begins without sighting the moon.

I personally don't really care when people start fasting, in the end its the intention that counts and insha'Allah God will accept all our fasts.

Actually it can be predicted, however, where the FCNA has good intentions, some will perceive them to ignore a critical requirement to sight the moon. Best of both worlds would be that you can accurately predict where the moon will first be visible, have someone see it and declare the new month.

Having said that it is entirely possible to have two different starting points. For example, the moon after being born, may not be visible in say Pakistan but is then visible in say California. What's the problem here? Well by the time people in California have seen the moon and declared the new month, people in Pakistan would have started their day (assuming the moon is sighted at say 8:30pm in California) - it's 8:30 am in Pakistan and they've already declared that the new month will start a day later.

So the ultimate goal of having a single day of Eid/start of Ramadan across the world is not possible if you want to see the moon. If you want to go by pure calculations based on when the moon first becomes visible in any part of the world and then start the month based on that (which is what FCNA does), then all you need is for everyone to follow suit which I doubt is ever going to happen, hence the dream of a unified Eid/start of Ramadan is also shattered.
Having said that it is entirely possible to have two different starting points. For example, the moon after being born, may not be visible in say Pakistan but is then visible in say California. What's the problem here? Well by the time people in California have seen the moon and declared the new month, people in Pakistan would have started their day (assuming the moon is sighted at say 8:30pm in California) - it's 8:30 am in Pakistan and they've already declared that the new month will start a day later.
Quite right. And the FCNA at least deals with this problem by using Makkah as their point of reference i.e. Ramzan starts with the astronomical new moon in Makkah, and not the US, Canada, or anywhere else.
Quite right. And the FCNA at least deals with this problem by using Makkah as their point of reference i.e. Ramzan starts with the astronomical new moon in Makkah, and not the US, Canada, or anywhere else.

Yes they've introduced consistency which in itself is a good thing, however, the traditionalist has been left out in this picture.
Thanks for the link to that site doGers and the insightful post aashiqmizaaj, the site has pretty in depth discussion about the moon sighting issue, will be sure to look into it soon.
Happy ramadan everyone! I live in manchester and nearly everyone i know is starting fasting tommrow (thursady) while the mosque i follow is fasting today hence im fasting now. If the moon has been spotted arnt we meant to fast today ?does anyone have the clarification of this
Saudi moon not good enough for them?

It never is.

Anyways, first roza is going well, alhamdulillah. Just need to get used to it in the first few days and then things get easier. :)
Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslim PPer's...In India first Ramadan is from today....:)

PLz remember me in ur prayers ......"Aise hi kehte hai na"...:D

and PLz remember India n Team India too in ur prayers .....:D....;-) ;-)
Ramadhan Mubarik everybody. May Allah grant us the taufeeq to make the most of this blessed month and transform our lives for the better, here and hereafter. Ameen.
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Ramadhan Mubarak to all of my Muslim brothers and sisters!!!
Ramzaan mubarak!! - so far so good, had a few stomach cramps but its all good...
Had a beautiful text I would like to share.

"Once Moosa(AS) asked Allah Subhaana'O'Tala:

O Allah! You have granted me the honor and privilege of talking to you directly, Have you given this privilege to any other person?

Allah Ta'ala replied, O! Moosa during the last period I am going to send an Ummat, who will be the Ummat of Muhammed(saw) with dry lips, parched tongues, emaciated body with eyes sunken deep into their sockets, with livers dry and stomachs suffering the pangs of hunger, they will call out to me(in dua) they will be much closer to me than you O Moosa! While you speak to me there are 70000 veils between you and me but at the time of iftaar there will not be a single veil between me and the fasting Ummati of Muhammed(saw) O! Moosa I have taken upon myself the responsibility that at the time of iftaar I will never refuse the dua of a fasting person."
Had a beautiful text I would like to share.

"Once Moosa(AS) asked Allah Subhaana'O'Tala:

O Allah! You have granted me the honor and privilege of talking to you directly, Have you given this privilege to any other person?

Allah Ta'ala replied, O! Moosa during the last period I am going to send an Ummat, who will be the Ummat of Muhammed(saw) with dry lips, parched tongues, emaciated body with eyes sunken deep into their sockets, with livers dry and stomachs suffering the pangs of hunger, they will call out to me(in dua) they will be much closer to me than you O Moosa! While you speak to me there are 70000 veils between you and me but at the time of iftaar there will not be a single veil between me and the fasting Ummati of Muhammed(saw) O! Moosa I have taken upon myself the responsibility that at the time of iftaar I will never refuse the dua of a fasting person."

Brother, any reference to this:)?
The first fast is on saturday here in Norway in sha Allah. The fast here will be around 21 hours. May Allah give us strength to fast and do good deeds (which we should allways do)in sha Allah.