In 2015 Yogi Adityanath said, "If given a chance, we will install statues of Goddess Gauri, Ganesh and Nandi” — Hindu deities — “in every mosque." He also once said, “If one Hindu girl marries a Muslim man, then we will take 100 Muslim girls in return … If they [Muslims] kill one Hindu man, then we will kill 100 Muslim men.”
So people justifying and backing him for these statements grow up from this hate mentality. Imagine a Pakistan CM making such statement you all would sent mad.
This is what is happening in India thanks to your lovely ideology. Any querrel between a Muslim and Hindu you will see mobs of Hindus gather in hundreds and thousands and attack Muslims even though they not done anything.
If one Muslim kills a Hindu what's that to do with the other hundred Muslims. I thought the ideology was India first before any religion but how comes when a Muslim is involved then your CM say kill hundred Muslims and if a Hindu girl married a Muslim then we will take 100 Muslim girls in return.
Can't believe you lot justify such ideology. This is pathetic.
If a Pakistan CM said anything like this or was on stage and his men and follower said dig up graves and rape I will never justify such CM and I am sure others won't to. But you lot will do anything to justify and back your CM up. Can see by your comments how the rise of Hindu Extremism is growing when people like you lot are backing these ideologies.
So people justifying and backing him for these statements grow up from this hate mentality. Imagine a Pakistan CM making such statement you all would sent mad.
This is what is happening in India thanks to your lovely ideology. Any querrel between a Muslim and Hindu you will see mobs of Hindus gather in hundreds and thousands and attack Muslims even though they not done anything.
If one Muslim kills a Hindu what's that to do with the other hundred Muslims. I thought the ideology was India first before any religion but how comes when a Muslim is involved then your CM say kill hundred Muslims and if a Hindu girl married a Muslim then we will take 100 Muslim girls in return.
Can't believe you lot justify such ideology. This is pathetic.
If a Pakistan CM said anything like this or was on stage and his men and follower said dig up graves and rape I will never justify such CM and I am sure others won't to. But you lot will do anything to justify and back your CM up. Can see by your comments how the rise of Hindu Extremism is growing when people like you lot are backing these ideologies.