SC issues a contempt notice to Imran Khan


Tape Ball Star
Dec 21, 2010

The Supreme Court on Wednesday issued a contempt of court notice to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan for his remarks against the court in his July26 press conference, PTI officials confirmed.

The PTI Chairman has been summoned before a three-member judge bench of the apex court on Friday. The hearing will be presided over by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.

In a press conference on Tuesday, Imran Khan had criticised the Supreme Court and the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) for failing to address rigging allegations of the general elections.

PTI officials said that if Imran Khan was charged by the apex court then he could face disqualification as a member of the Parliament.

Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has been directed to produce before the court a record of Imran Khan’s press conference.

The Supreme Court also issued a notice to Attorney General of Pakistan to come up with relevant records related to Imran Khan’s press conference.

PTI leader Hamid Khan is expected to appear before the court for the hearing

These Noora courts finally expose themselves for what they are.
^^^ No country in the world allows its citizen to question supreme court
Oh really? Then why doesnt it go after kiani who put the SC to its place. And imran khan is no ordinary citizen. He is the leader of a party ruling a province. Has every right to question the sc. These suo moto judges are not descended from heaven.

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^^^ No country in the world allows its citizen to question supreme court

You have no idea of what previous people have said of the supreme court in public and gotten away with it. Please don't butt in with your uninformed opinions.

For the record N-League physically attacked supreme court in 1997. Look it up on Youtuube.
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The same Kana Dajjal who Immy Bhai supported so openly .

When Gilani was issued this notice :
PTI chief Imran Khan, holding a press conference stated that Gilani, in light of the Supreme Court order, is no longer the prime minister of Pakistan. “He has lost all moral authority, so he should quit office from today.”

If Gilani doesn’t resign, the PTI will bring out a ‘tsunami march’ which will be the biggest show in the history of Pakistan, the party leaders threatened and added that the media will be briefed about the march after the completion of the legal process in the Supreme Court.

So , since he has also lost all moral authority , why can`t he resign ? Who is stopping him ? :zardari

Tou Tsunamiers , lao lao tsunami march le kar aao Immy Bhai ke khilaf
Immy Bhai ka Chief Justice , Immy Bhai ko hi miaoN

IK will apologize and all will be well :)

It's amusing how the SC is suddenly labeled 'biased' when PTI is on the receiving end.
The SC should have looked into the shenanigans that went into the Nooras rigging the Polls but they didn`t. Whereas the PPP are and will always be crooked as they come, the PTI have always backed the SC but the SC has not been an honest broker and I am beginning to lose respect for them.
IK will apologize and all will be well :)

It's amusing how the SC is suddenly labeled 'biased' when PTI is on the receiving end.

Its not just that. The SC has done jack about rigging in the elections. Anyone can see that. PTI's petitions have been ignored. Is any of that not true? That's all Imran said
You have no idea of what previous people have said of the supreme court in public and gotten away with it. Please don't butt in with your uninformed opinions.

For the record N-League physically attacked supreme court in 1997. Look it up on Youtuube.

Let me rephrase that. No self-respecting country allows it's supreme court to be questioned. In India even Prime Minister or the President cannot question the court in public. Just because something happened in the past, doesn't make it right
Let me rephrase that. No self-respecting country allows it's supreme court to be questioned. In India even Prime Minister or the President cannot question the court in public. Just because something happened in the past, doesn't make it right

Okay firstly Imran Khan did not mention the Supreme Court explicitly in his speech. He questioned the role of adiala (which is a broader term for judiciary and within the context of this speech was referring to the role of local and session court judges who were in supervision of the elections process) and the role of the Election Commission in the elections day rigging.

PTI's demands have been fairly decent to have fingerprint verification in order of confirm the authenticity of the votes casted in ONLY 4 constituencies. N-League will never do this as if suspicions are correct then they will stand on very flimsy moral ground.

All the hype of independent judiciary has gone to waste as this Supreme Court just does not have the balls to make strong decisions in light of major problems affecting the country.
Let me rephrase that. No self-respecting country allows it's supreme court to be questioned. In India even Prime Minister or the President cannot question the court in public. Just because something happened in the past, doesn't make it right

And no self-respecting supreme court takes suo moto notice on increase in the price of chicken, but does not move an inch on clear proofs of rigging being shows on TV on every channel and petitions filed against rigging in the elections. And when someone questions them, they suddenly spring into action and send them a notice.
Supreme Court, more specifically Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry, has recently given a decision which is against the Constitution of Pakistan and therefore opened itself to criticism.

The Presidential elections are void since Supreme Court has no authority to give a schedule, the authority solely lies with the Chief Election Commissioner, who resigned today after this fiasco!

Furthermore Imran Khan is a Parliamentarian and "Parliament represents the conscience of the nation. Judges, however eminent, do not." What Imran Khan said is a view shared by many and as our representative he has the right to express this view.

Him saying that the Supreme Court erred and the way it was done makes it looks like they are in bed with PMLN is a fact.
^ Correct. The SC gave a decision without even listening to both sides. They just heard PMLN and issued a verdict. I used to be one of the biggest supporters of CJ, but his role is suspect to say the least. He is in bed with PMLN, and judiciary has been fully involved in rigging, and backing PMLN in everything.

The SC has no constitutional right to overrule the EC on election dates. Yet they did.

Even the Lahore High Court Bar Association is going to file a petition in front of the supreme judicial council against the CJ and other SC judges. Goes to show that those who used to back the CJ, are now against him
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If SC issue noticce to Gillani, Raja Pervez Ashraf or Babr Awan then SC zindabad.

When give notice to IK then murdabad and biased.

If IK didn't say anything against SC then go to court and clear himself.
Faisal Raza Abidi has been challenging SC to send him notice after openly abusing them and Aitzaz Ahsan etc have used worse language than Imran but got away.

Imran Khan always supported judiciary and came out on streets many times to support them. There has been many incidents in recent elections where PTI's request for re count was declined whereas PMLN's request accepted. In one case (NA 53 i think), PTI candidates request for recount was accepted by EC but PMLN candidate acquired stay order from courts so stop re count? If you really believe you won the election, what's wrong with re count?? There are many other examples so Imran has lost his trust in these courts.

Having said above, i think Imran Khan should have been careful with words as we need to resolve much bigger problems than these stupid cases which is likely to cause disruptions.
1. A Democracy is when there is separation of power between the Executive (PML-N Government) Legislature (Parliament) and Judiciary (Supreme Court).

2. The Legislature makes laws and judiciary give them effect. Another important role of the judiciary is to make sure that the Constitution of Pakistan is upheld.

3. So that the judiciary is not subjected to political pressure and is independent, judges appointments are secure, they can give just decisions without having to worry about losing their jobs.

4. However, where a Judge becomes politicised (which the CJP has) then who is to stop him from breaching the constitution of Pakistan? The answer it: legislature ,the ultimate body in the country.

5. Imran Khan is part of that body. He is elected by the people of Pakistan and that alone gives him a higher status than the President, Governors and Judges including CJP.

6. He is our voice and therefore him expressing his views should not amount to contempt of court otherwise the Supreme Court will be free do do as it pleases, there will be no check on its powers.

44 (4)Election to the office of President shall be held not earlier than sixty days and not later than thirty days before the expiration of the term of the President in office.

and please read Schedule 2 of the Constitution:

It is clear that the Supreme Court has given a decision which is against the constitution of Pakistan. They had no right to set the date, (they set the date and gave the guideline to the whole process) the power solely lies with the Election Commissioner.
If SC issue noticce to Gillani, Raja Pervez Ashraf or Babr Awan then SC zindabad.

When give notice to IK then murdabad and biased.

If IK didn't say anything against SC then go to court and clear himself.

This. And it is contempt of court. May have been intentional or otherwise. I think Immy bhai would show more grace and accept his mistake or take it up further. Can't say the same for fanboyzz.
Supreme Court, more specifically Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry, has recently given a decision which is against the Constitution of Pakistan and therefore opened itself to criticism.

The Presidential elections are void since Supreme Court has no authority to give a schedule, the authority solely lies with the Chief Election Commissioner, who resigned today after this fiasco!

Furthermore Imran Khan is a Parliamentarian and "Parliament represents the conscience of the nation. Judges, however eminent, do not." What Imran Khan said is a view shared by many and as our representative he has the right to express this view.

Him saying that the Supreme Court erred and the way it was done makes it looks like they are in bed with PMLN is a fact.

I have to look up definition of "fact" again.

But your reading of his comment makes it even more clear that this is clear cut contempt of court. Yes, you "might" just "might" get away with the "erring" comment against the highest body but no decent self respecting nation with a reasonable judiciary will accept the part that followed.
They have time and again proved that they are biased towards one party.

The first scandals against the PML-N government such as the Nandipur power project are not even talked about and are being brushed under the table but whenever there was slightly any whiff or wrongdoing when PPP was in power these sham people would butt in even before the matter was in the courts

Similarly the whole fiasco of Malik riaz and chaudhry sahabs son is brushed under the table and no punishment or retribution was announced for the corrupt son of our dear CJ. People cannot even bring it up publicly otherwise they are handed a contempt of court notice
They have time and again proved that they are biased towards one party.

The first scandals against the PML-N government such as the Nandipur power project are not even talked about and are being brushed under the table but whenever there was slightly any whiff or wrongdoing when PPP was in power these sham people would butt in even before the matter was in the courts

Similarly the whole fiasco of Malik riaz and chaudhry sahabs son is brushed under the table and no punishment or retribution was announced for the corrupt son of our dear CJ. People cannot even bring it up publicly otherwise they are handed a contempt of court notice
To add to that, there were reports on TV regarding another mega scandal involving energy savers. But nothing from the SC.
A Parliamentarian cannot be charged with contempt on expressing his views otherwise their would be no limit to the Judiciary's power!
^ Well, that's not fair. You can't let parliamentarians express their views like that. Otherwise there will be no end to it.

What the SC needs to look at is the background. Imran said the SC has turned a blind to evidence of rigging on call TV channels. Is this not true? SC issued a verdict about the presidential elections without even listening to the other party. Is this not true? SC can't overrule the EC on this. Is this not true? SC has not done anything about a petition by Imran about rigging for 2 months. Is this not true?

Compare this with the drivel that came out of Faisal Raza Abdi's mouth.

So everything needs to be put into context. SC shouldnt be above everything, that it can't be criticized for not doing its job, which is exactly what Imran did
Aren't most of the parties criticizing the rigging in the elections?

All of a sudden CJ wakes up when Imran Khan starts lamenting the court's role?

For the record, I've never been a CJ fan so I haven't changed my stance or anything.
Situation looks bad, If Imran is convicted there will be rioting in the streets.

If Imran is convicted, I hope there are riots and I hope these judges are dragged out on the streets by the people and beaten up. They have been involved in rigging and plotting this drama with PMLN and EC. And now when someone files a petition, they ignore it and call him for contempt?

Imran said that he will not back down from his stance. And he shouldn't. I dont think opponents realize PTI's street power. Imran made a mistake by not using it right after the elections. I'm sure he wont make the same mistake again
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Imran will defend his stance and rightly so. With this election commission and election process , enforcement of true democratic set up is not possible in Pakistan.

He has the services of Hamid Khan and Salman Akram Raja. Aitzaz Ahsan has also offered to present his case .

CJ, has been Politicised . Arsalan Iftikhar case left a bad mark on his reputation .

I don't think PTI's burger bachas will riot on the streets though.
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Imran will defend his stance and rightly so. With this election commission and election process , enforcement of true democratic set up is not possible in Pakistan.

He has the services of Hamid Khan and Salman Akram Raja. Aitzaz Ahsan has also offered to present his case .

CJ, has been Politicised . Arsalan Iftikhar case left a bad mark on his reputation .

I don't think PTI's burger bachas will riot on the streets though.

They were the only ones who came out of their homes of Lahore and Karachi post-elections, in the smearing heat of May.
Imran deserved this...

He should not have supported PCO judges first place..

PCO CJ is the most corrupt judge in pakistan's history..

Imran as usual learnt the lesson soo late...

He was punished in PU
He was used by Mush
and now this..
After the mass rigging at elections, Imran gave the statement that he now accepts Dr TuQ was right when he said change cant come through polls under this system

Maybe after Imran gets convicted by CJP he will now accept that Musharraf was right about this guy

Proves that he is still naive when it comes to politics
justice Jawad s khwaja: adlia ko "shramanak" jesi gaali di
Imran khan:Mujhy tou pehli dafa pata chala hy k sharamnak bhi aik gaali hy

:)) owned

On a side note, Hamid khan is an incompetent lawyer. Imran would have been better off with someone else
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justice Jawad s khwaja: adlia ko "shramanak" jesi gaali di
Imran khan:Mujhy tou pehli dafa pata chala hy k sharamnak bhi aik gaali hy

:)) owned

On a side note, Hamid khan is an incompetent lawyer. Imran would have been better off with someone else

Same Aadliya use worse language than that.
I never liked this CJ. Always supported Musharraf's action against these sold out judges.
How time has changed. Mushy try to shut CJ when CJ was fighting for transparency, democracy and people rights. Now IK is fighting for the same through the right channels and CJ is trying to shut him.

CJ tu nikala sheera lahore ka langotia yaar
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How time has changed. Mushy try to shut CJ when CJ was fighting for transparency, democracy and people rights. Now IK is fighting for the same through the right channels and CJ is trying to shut him.

CJ tu nikala sheera lahore ka langotia yaar

CJ never fought for democracy or people...he was a PCO judge...

Only respectable person in PTI is Justice Wajeeh ...
what is PCO?

PCO 1999 (General Pervez Musharraf First Martial Law)[edit source | editbeta]
The second PCO in the history of Pakistan was declared by General Pervez Musharraf on 14 October 1999.[6] When the PCO was proclaimed, at first the judiciary was not asked to take an oath.[clarification needed] On 26 January 2000 Musharraf issued an order "Oath of Office (Judges) Order, 2000" that required the judiciary to take oath of office under the PCO. The then Chief Justice Saeeduzzaman Siddiqui and 5 other judges of the Supreme Court refused to take any oath in contravention to the oath they took under the 1973 Constitution, when they became judges. Majority of the judges had more than 3 years remaining in their office. Refusing to take oath deprived them from continuing as judges, which was later termed as un-constitutional move by General Musharraf.
Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary, the present chief justice of the Supreme Court, although took oath under the PCO, but the senior judges refused to take oath.[citation needed]
see Pakistani coup d'état 1999

pco= Provisional Constitutional Order
How time has changed. Mushy try to shut CJ when CJ was fighting for transparency, democracy and people rights. Now IK is fighting for the same through the right channels and CJ is trying to shut him.

CJ tu nikala sheera lahore ka langotia yaar

lol if this cj was fighting for anything was his own seat.
ALL rise, the Court of Chaudhry is in session. Now prostrate yourself before the court and beg its forgiveness, for the CJ is nothing if not kind and benevolent. Sinners everywhere, repent!

The following is the column from Dawn News, written by notable lawyer Babar Sattar, the same Babar Sattar who was used to write for The News but this article has been published in Dawn News today as the court had sent a warning to The News and Babar Sattar on his previous so called derogatory column :))

Down to shameful?

WHEN the US Supreme Court decided the outcome of their 2000 presidential election in Bush vs. Gore through a five-four majority, there was widespread outrage across the country.

Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law School professor, wrote that the “decision in the Florida election case may be ranked as the single most corrupt decision in Supreme Court history, because it is the only one that I know of where the majority justices decided as they did because of the personal identity and political affiliation of the litigants. This was cheating, and a violation of the judicial oath.”

In dissent Justice Stevens himself observed, that “time will one day heal the wound to the confidence that will be inflicted with today’s decision. One thing however is certain. Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year’s presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the nation’s confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the rule of law”. Judges were criticised for conflict of interest, partisanship and intellectual dishonesty. But no contempt notices were issued to uphold the court’s dignity or muzzle critics.

We have shared interest in supporting and strengthening an independent judiciary that creates a level playing field between citizens and the state as well as amongst citizens themselves by acting as a neutral arbiter of the law. The Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to equal protection and enjoyment of the law. Amongst corresponding duties, in relation to courts that are obliged to ensure equal enjoyment of law for all citizens, is the duty not to scandalise the courts. What this means is that while judicial decisions can be criticised, no motives be attributed to judges.

In Regina vs. Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, Lord Denning had observed about contempt of court that, this “is a jurisdiction which undoubtedly belongs to us but which we will most sparingly exercise: more particularly as we ourselves have an interest in the matter. Let me say at once that we will never use this jurisdiction as a means to uphold our own dignity. That must rest on surer foundations. Nor will we use it to suppress those who speak against us. We do not fear criticism not do we resent it. For there is something far more important at stake.

“It is no less than the freedom of speech itself. It is the right of every man, in parliament or out of it, in the press or over the broadcast, to make fair comment, even outspoken comment on matters of public interest. They can say we are mistaken and our decisions erroneous, whether they are subject to appeal or not. All we ask is that those who criticise us will remember that, from the nature or our office, we cannot reply to those criticisms. We cannot enter into public controversy, still less political controversy. We must rely on our conduct itself to be its vindication.”

The use of contempt law is almost extinct in the civilised world, except in two respects: one, to maintain order in court to prevent disruption of proceedings; and two, to seek implementation of court orders and enforce the writ of law. Use of contempt jurisdiction to assert the dignity of judges thus raises obvious problems: there exists a tension between independence of judges and their accountability; in determining themselves who has undermined their dignity with vile intent, judges suffer from an inherent conflict of interest; and at stake most importantly is the right to free speech.

Imran Khan’s case is different from that of Yousuf Raza Gilani or Altaf Hussain. In the former the issue related to the implementation of a final and binding Supreme Court order. The court repeatedly beseeched the former prime minister to implement the order assuring that the issue of contempt would wither away with such implementation. Mr Hussain’s case related to threats hurled at judges, which, if left unchecked, could interfere with the ability of judges stationed in Karachi to discharge their functions without considerations of fear.

Imran Khan’s case seems to have boiled down to the use of term ‘shameful’ in expressing his perception that his party has not been treated fairly and equally by arbiters of the law — the Election Commission and judiciary — mandated to ensure a level playing field in national elections 2013. Khan’s theory of rigging might be completely misplaced and so might his expectation from the Supreme Court to take suo motu notice of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s perceived grievances. But is the purpose of contempt law really to punish politicians for choice of words seemingly offensive to judges?

Khan is between a rock and a hard place. He can apologise to the court, admit that he committed contempt and throw himself at the court’s mercy. Or he can tell the court that he expected the judiciary to measure up to a higher standard in dispensing justice. That even if his remarks were harsh or misplaced, they reflect genuine disappointment as opposed to a conspiracy to attack the court’s legitimacy. Such candour can lead to a conviction. But it is settled law that to convict the mighty lords will have to find in view of evidence that Khan’s intent to scandalise the court is established beyond doubt.

But is Court 1 between a rock and a hard place too? One cannot comment on the outcome of a sub judice matter. But contempt jurisprudence is a matter of public importance that impacts our fundamental rights, notions of accountability and democracy. Should courts hide behind judicial independence and use contempt law as a whip to shun accountability and public criticism? Should antiquated conceptions of court’s dignity trump citizen’s right to free speech? Should use of contempt law be allowed to chill public debate on the desirable role and conduct of judges?

Justice Aharon Barak reflecting on his role as a judge had famously noted, “as I sit at trial, I stand on trial”. Let us hope all concerned conduct themselves in a manner that makes their grandkids proud reading about these proceedings in law books
In the end it was all topi drama by SC to distract public from their decision of holding presidential elections early. Pathetic that all the media and people end up falling for this.
^ I dont think it was a drama at all.

SC issued the notice, and then saw the response of the public against this decision. I dont think they realized the repercussions of their action when they issued the notice. But now they saved face.
Waste of everyone's time when we had much bigger issues to resolve..........
Imran fails to submit response to ECP in contempt of court case

Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan on Tuesday failed to submit his reply to a contempt of court case filed against him before the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

Last week, the ECP had rejected Khan's response to the case and gave him another chance to submit a fresh reply within the week.

Representing the PTI chief, Shahid Gondal told the ECP that Khan has also changed his counsel and will now be represented by Advocate Babar Awan.

"A new response has been prepared and will be submitted before the ECP by Awan," Gondal said.


He added that Khan had failed to appear before the ECP because he was in Chitral.

"Sometimes he [Imran Khan] is in Chitral, sometimes he is in Nathia Gali,"
chief election commissioner (CEC), retired justice Sardar Muhammad Raza remarked.

"He is a national leader," Gondal said in response.

The CEC told the lawyer that the ECP did not need Imran Khan's response and would pass a verdict without it.

The hearing was adjourned till July 10 and the ECP announced it would give its verdict in the next hearing.
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Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan on Tuesday failed to submit his reply to a contempt of court case filed against him before the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

Last week, the ECP had rejected Khan's response to the case and gave him another chance to submit a fresh reply within the week.

Representing the PTI chief, Shahid Gondal told the ECP that Khan has also changed his counsel and will now be represented by Advocate Babar Awan.

"A new response has been prepared and will be submitted before the ECP by Awan," Gondal said.

View attachment 75371

He added that Khan had failed to appear before the ECP because he was in Chitral.

"Sometimes he [Imran Khan] is in Chitral, sometimes he is in Nathia Gali,"
chief election commissioner (CEC), retired justice Sardar Muhammad Raza remarked.

"He is a national leader," Gondal said in response.

The CEC told the lawyer that the ECP did not need Imran Khan's response and would pass a verdict without it.

The hearing was adjourned till July 10 and the ECP announced it would give its verdict in the next hearing.

What do you make of this?
What do you make of this?

As a Imran follower and supporter I hope He gets cleared from this aswell as other 4-5 cases but I disgaree with his delaying tactics.

As far as accusations are concerned He should only accuse Institutes once he has hardcore evidence otherwise He should remain quiet. Polotical accusations are part of our culture so that is fine for point scoring but even that is not Ok from religious point of view.

I don't believe that Imran Khan ordered his people to storm PTV head quarters. Some believe those were establishment sent goons, some say they were N league goons, some say they were PAT goons and some say they were PTI goons. I don't believe IK was behind that so He should have appeared infront of Court as a Pakistani Citizen but He did not.

From last 2-3 years Imran's Political opponents aswell as Courts call him " Ishtehaari " " Absconder " which doesn't go down well with a National Leader of major opposition Party.

I am against delaying tactics and stay orders and whether it is this case or PTI's foreign funding or SKMH case of investments in Gulf states that's what they have been doing sadly.

IK needs to be not only cleared from all these cases but get cleared in next few months.

In this case the best option is APOLOGY just like he Apologised to Iftikhar Chaudhry. Hope He can get away with an apology.

Lol according to this Mariam Nawaz has given false documents to the supreme court

This Guy has made Imran Khan and all of Us Bewaqoof. We all got ridiculed because of this Stooge.

Ask him to wear a uniform, have those badges & don't forget his Cap because iss ne humein khoob Topi pehnai hai.

یہ ہے پرائی شادی میں عبداللہ دیوانہ

This guy took books as evidence in Courts.

These guys are Behroopiye who dance on tunes.
Now Opposition including PPP & PML N will call Imran Khan Absconder/Ishtehaari in Election campaigns.

God knows who the idiot advisors IK has who are drowning him.

Imran Khan should appear in all the hearings personally from now on whether it's PTV case or foreign funding or ECP or Banigala Case. Otherwise legally & politically He will suffer massively.

From now on his opponents will play on the front foot.