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First Class Star
Aug 10, 2011
Just watched the last episode of Sherlock and all i have to say is this is probably the finest piece of television the bbc has produced but perhaps the greatest tv show ever.

Everything about it is pitch perfect. Better than the horrible movies staring iron man - which would make Doyle roll in his grave ( cross dressing...really?)

The British make the best tv and movies and i think this is their Concorde moment.
Man o man It was the best tv series ever. Just finished season 2 and still have goosebumps. Nothing comes close to this.
Sorry, but The Wire = Greatest TV show ever.
oh Season 2 started? will definitely catch it.
I only know about the movie, is there a TV series as well? Never heard of it if there is...
Sorry, but The Wire = Greatest TV show ever.

Yes the wire had a great narrative. But Sherlock is the complete package man. Writing, directing, acting all top notch. Cinematography actually made you wanna go and live in london!
'The British make the best TV'

lol wut? British actors and directors are wonderful but more 'good' or 'great' TV shows come out of America. The Wire is the greatest show ever. Whilst at least two of the most popular actors (McNulty and Stringer) are British, it's the American setting (Baltimore) that makes the show what it is.

I haven't seen Sherlock but highly doubt it's better then The Wire, Breaking Bad, Sopranos, Lost, first few seasons of Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, or even the British Doctor Who.
^ i watched all of the ones you just mentioned man (except cons of anarchy motorcycle gangs aint my thing) just give sherlock a go and then respond. Trust me you'll be surprised.
The best TV show EVER!!! All through the week I look forward to Sunday 9.00 PM just for this show!!

The best of British is not quite as good as the best of the States, which is inconceivably brilliant. Comes down to individual taste too, of course.

The Street is IMO the best show to come from these shores, with State of Play running it close, and Life on Mars in third. Boys from the Blackstuff, Edge of Darkness and the original Office are seminal, with Cracker and Accused also set to stand the test of time. The wonderful Jimmy McGovern is behind a few of these shows, and anything else he's written is worth a look.

The Wire, 24, the Sopranos, Six Feet Under and oddly enough The Simpsons are going to be hard for anyone to match, though. It's difficult to imagine how mere humans could write stuff as good as this.
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Just watched the last episode of Sherlock and all i have to say is this is probably the finest piece of television the bbc has produced but perhaps the greatest tv show ever.

I have seen three episodes.

The first I switched off halfway through due to boredom.

Then I watched the one with the girl from Spooks and thought that it was standard Moffat - trying to impress everyone with how clever he is, rather than write a gripping story.

However, I liked their take on the Hound of the Baskervilles.
Surely one of the best Television work ever done. Just Brilliant!!
Sorry, but The Wire = Greatest TV show ever.

Never understood all the hype about this one.

Watched all of series one but I couldn't follow what was happening. That Baltimore accent was hard for me to understand.
Never understood all the hype about this one.

Watched all of series one but I couldn't follow what was happening. That Baltimore accent was hard for me to understand.

Subtitle it. It'll be worth it. Trust.

It does take getting used to. Thing is I have been attuned to hip hop music since the early 90s and have cousins in Baltimore so was easy enough for me.
Add X Files to the list of great American tv shows.
Add X Files to the list of great American tv shows.

not quite le creme de la creme IMO, missing that something really special.

Six Feet Under/The Sopranos - the dreamlike fusion of brilliant ensemble casting, endlessly layered writing and beautiful direction. most productions are lucky to achieve one of these.
24 - the ticking clock. none of us have any idea how hard it is to convincingly produce a filmed narrative to a sense of real time. and the pleasure (and pain) of seeing one man forever define himself against a fascinating and tortured fictional role.
The Wire - it's The Wire.

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fact of the matter is that British tv at its best is based upon subtlety and innuendo, whilst American tv, in general, is more hard hitting and in your face.

Whilst the British do watch American comedy, in contrast, the American's don't really comprehend British comedy, which is why successful British comedy series usually have to be remade with American actors and made more slap-stick before being transmitted for American audiences. A classic example of this being 'The Office' with Ricky Gervais
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not quite le creme de la creme IMO, missing that something really special.

Six Feet Under/The Sopranos - the dreamlike fusion of brilliant ensemble casting, endlessly layered writing and beautiful direction. most productions are lucky to achieve one of these.
24 - the ticking clock. none of us have any idea how hard it is to convincingly produce a filmed narrative to a sense of real time. and the pleasure (and pain) of seeing one man forever define himself against a fascinating and tortured fictional role.
The Wire - it's The Wire.


You forgot to mention The West Wing.

Probably the best piece of writing to come out of the USA.
Six Feet Under/The Sopranos - the dreamlike fusion of brilliant ensemble casting, endlessly layered writing and beautiful direction. most productions are lucky to achieve one of these.

My two favourite shows of the last decade.

The last five minutes of 6FU were jaw-dropping. I was bawling my eyes out.
I watches Season 1 first episode of Sherlock yesterday after a friend recommended it...It was awesome!!!!
Just finished watching Sherlock, loved it. Thought it was well directed and the acting by both Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman was very good. Also liked how it was done in a modern setting
Brilliant and addictive already saw 2 episodes watching 3rd.
Did anyone see the Great Expectations episodes on the BBC? they were fantastic must see!..... other then that i think i need to see sherlock if it really is that good, have missed season 1 need to see them first will take ages grrrr....
freeman and cumberbatch were class in it. Was just reading somewhere that they have a season 3 in the pipeline too, but maybe a bit late due to actor's tight schedule
downton abbey is good too along with sherlock
Cant wait for season 3 bloody ending but I think we had to wait a year it was confirmed via twitter that season 3 will be there but dont know when.
I want to know how he survived that fall. He asked for the lab girls help just before he went to the roof top. I also hope moriorty is not dead - the show needs an evil genius.
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I also can't wait to see how he faked his death

Also there is no chance Moriarty has survived, though I was bloody shocked when he did that

He could have really been an actor ( a crazy one though). Moriarty in the books used people to speak for him and was also a master of disguise.
I was trying to think about a logical reason how he survived I am sure he talk to the lab lady and asked for her help so it should be related to her but really how and they even buried him coz the grave and everything was there and even Dr.Watson is not informed that he lives.

On the other hand I cant see any reason for Moriarty to survive he shot him self right in the mouth so no chance really, if he is alive that it kills actually the realism of the show which is really really important in my opinion.

Just finished watching all the episodes. Brilliant show, everything just clicks.

If anyone has doubts about watching it, please take a leap of faith and watch an episode.
Really awesome adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories about the legendary character. Holmes is a bit of a douche in this one. But the story is interesting with more emphasis on characters and crime-solving.

Finished Season 1 in a day. Will watch Season 2 tomorrow.
Really awesome adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories about the legendary character. Holmes is a bit of a douche in this one. But the story is interesting with more emphasis on characters and crime-solving.

Finished Season 1 in a day. Will watch Season 2 tomorrow.

Season 2 is even better then season 1.
Brilliant yet again but still the whole how he did it mystery remains open and yet to be confirmed by him.
Watched the first episode a couple hours ago, thoroughly loved it!
Next episode is on this Sunday. Loved Watson's reaction. Apparently, Watson's girl friend in the episode is his real partner in life.
Have not watched it got the book though, how does this TV series compare to GOT, breaking bad and californicaton

Recently read an Interview of the director. Apparently we wouldn't see to much of Moriarty in the near future.
WoW every episode is more brilliant really loved it.

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WoW every episode is more brilliant really loved it.

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I though this episode was rather boring...stretched it a bit, I eventually lost interest and changed the channel!
I though this episode was rather boring...stretched it a bit, I eventually lost interest and changed the channel!

You missed everything feel sorry for you. You should have watched it till the end.

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I really enjoyed this episode.

This is what I would call a slow burner but a great episode.
I didn't understand one thing...What did molly do with that brain?


Ever tried it ???
I find it OK.

I don't much like this show as it revolves around complex plotting and not character development. All brains and no heart, if you like. The New Year's Day episode was probably my favourite, though I switched off an episode of season one after giving up on the hope that something interesting would happen.
I am liking this season too. Both the episodes were well done and were alot more humourous than the previous ones.
So weird. I was living on Leinster Gardens about 6 months ago. Hehe.
Brilliant brilliant brilliant... Moriarty is back.. He never went away of course.
This season ranged from genius to mediocre. Very inconsistent.

I think that Moriarty is actually Stamford. Would be a nice plot twist IMO. Mike blackmailed Jim into committing suicide after playing him as an actor.
This season was special and totally was there to show the character development and to show Sherlock lighter and caring side, I loved it but nothing beats the episode with Irine Adler and I love to see that brilliance yet again in season 4 and 5.

Hats off brilliant cast brilliant writing 5 out of 5.
Glad to hear it. Am thinking of giving it a second watch soon.
Just finished season 4, it was rubbish. Must have taken some effort to water down a brilliantly intelligent show into a generic action series.
Just finished season 4, it was rubbish. Must have taken some effort to water down a brilliantly intelligent show into a generic action series.
It has been the same since season 3.Seems as if they have completely ran out of the ideas and turned it into a British soap opera.