South Africa: The new Zimbabwe!!


First Class Captain
Aug 4, 2008
Post of the Week
For those that have followed my posts regarding my "in laws" perhaps might just find this funny. I know I do!!!

My wife, after visiting her parents on Saturday, returned home on Saturday evening with the news that her parents want all the family to "band together" and provided finances in order to buy food in bulk.

The reason was that when Mr. Jacob Zuma becomes president (elections will be held on 22 April - public holiday declared) SA will become another zimbabwe with chronic food supply shortages, large scale looting and plundering of all "white owned properties and businesses". The infrastructure will collapse and hospitals / clinincs etc. will close.

Oddly enough I heard the same in 1994 when our 1st democratic elections were held!!

What was that about a leopard and its spots? If there was any doubt about me letting my daughter see her grandfather, without me being present, there ain't no doubt anymore!!!!
keith it is much worse than pre-94.. Jacob Zuma is a disgrace and Id recommend anyone who wants to enjoy a holiday to visit South Africa now because in 10-15 years time it will be another zimbabwe..South Africa truly is a stunning place and Id have been tempted to buy a home there had it not been for all the problems.. Its not because the rulers are black its because they are illiterate..

As for plundering of white owned properties.. its already happening... people forget the boer genocide which is happening and the burglary and rape of white south african girls..

Almost 1 million whites have left and there is a reason for that which you know better
hmm interesting advice from you mate, considering that you are outside shankly gate, and Keith lives in South Africa
madaboutlfc said:
keith it is much worse than pre-94.. Jacob Zuma is a disgrace and Id recommend anyone who wants to enjoy a holiday to visit South Africa now because in 10-15 years time it will be another zimbabwe..South Africa truly is a stunning place and Id have been tempted to buy a home there had it not been for all the problems.. Its not because the rulers are black its because they are illiterate..

As for plundering of white owned properties.. its already happening... people forget the boer genocide which is happening and the burglary and rape of white south african girls..

Almost 1 million whites have left and there is a reason for that which you know better

Worse than pre-1994?

SA have come away from this global economic meltdown relatively unscathed, compared to many other regions in the world. I am aware of the "white girls" being raped and the burglaries. What about the black, coloured, indian, chinese etc. girls that are raped and whose homes are burgalled? Mean nothing? I have a problem with any girl being raped in my country, and i do not care what the colour of her skin is. I am sure "white girls" are raped in other parts of thre world as well and their houses burgaled?

As for JZ (Zuma). Yep, agreed, he is an idiot. There is no argument from me. We have an upcoming election where the people of SA will determine who will be the next president. If he is elected, then it is the will of the people. I may not respect Zuma but I will respect the decision of the voters. I do not have to like the president but I will respect the processes that got him elected.

Please remember that our previous president's have all been highly educated (all 3 of them) so the uneducated statements are a bit naive. If you actually listen to Zuma, the "gentleman" is well spoken. His views may be distorted on a number of issues and he may be downright dumb with other issues but he does remain well spoken. He has also surrounded himself with very well educated people and excellent backers (T Sexwale is 1, but not the only 1) and they are all business, highly successful, and will not back somebody that will make them lose everything.

The boers? An old term to signify the afrikaners. They are being attacked on their farms for their possessions (money, guns) then again so are all other farmers of different racegroups, but their farms have not been "forcibly" taken from them and "given" to somebody else. A major difference to zimbabwe.

From the sound of your email (i sincerely hope that i am wrong here) there is no subtance to your argument other than the people in charge are black and hence these problems, it has nothing to do with "their" education or literacy.

If that be the case then it would be better for you to not buy a house in SA but perhaps actually leave the place as well, if you are here anyway.
madaboutlfc said:
keith it is much worse than pre-94.. Jacob Zuma is a disgrace and Id recommend anyone who wants to enjoy a holiday to visit South Africa now because in 10-15 years time it will be another zimbabwe..South Africa truly is a stunning place and Id have been tempted to buy a home there had it not been for all the problems.. Its not because the rulers are black its because they are illiterate..

As for plundering of white owned properties.. its already happening... people forget the boer genocide which is happening and the burglary and rape of white south african girls..

Almost 1 million whites have left and there is a reason for that which you know better

I am perturbed by your quote: it is much worse than pre-94.

How can it be worse than pre 94? Millions of my countrymen and women were not allowed to vote, purely based on the colour of their skin. Nothing can be worse than that.
Keith Im not based in South Africa.. ive been there a few times.. its a beautiful country and i love it.. Im no racist and I actually think madiba was the best thing to happen to the country but every subsequent leader seems to be getting worse.. You know about the thickos who dominate the ANC and with the future being people like malema i really do fear for the country.. I think if you have incharge like Zuma you would ruin the country..Perhaps a legislation which makes atleast graduation the minimum requirement to be passed is required because when you have people like Zuma who are absolutely clueless with no formal education the country would head in the wrong direction.. And democracy works in progressive educated countries like the UK but third world countries like Pakistan its nothing but a popularity contest with no emphasis on future planning or legislation.. I doubt many of the leaders of the future ANC would not know their demand from their supplies..
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Holy thread resurrection batman etc. SA is not another Zimbabwe however under Zuma things don't look too great right now.

The value of the currency is dropping like a stone, debt-to-GDP is at an all time high, S&P is the first credit ratings agency to downgrade South Africa to junk status and Zuma has installed a finance minister (and Zuma loyalist) who knows nothing about economics or business.

Where next for Zuma and South Africa?
Holy thread resurrection batman etc. SA is not another Zimbabwe however under Zuma things don't look too great right now.

The value of the currency is dropping like a stone, debt-to-GDP is at an all time high, S&P is the first credit ratings agency to downgrade South Africa to junk status and Zuma has installed a finance minister (and Zuma loyalist) who knows nothing about economics or business.

Where next for Zuma and South Africa?

Is there democracy in that country? Zuma has been the leader for God knows how long. The crime and every other stat is out of control