The Official Homework Help Thread


First Class Captain
Mar 25, 2007
Ok guys, I'm not sure if there is already a thread like this, but this if the thread for anyone who need a little help with their homework.

Looking at the amount of people on Pakpassion, I'm sure someone will be able to help you out.

and i did start this thread for a reason, i need help some help as well.
I have this economics assignment and i couldn't find all the information needed for it. I have to compare two countries economic systems. United States and England. Since there are alot of people here from the UK i thought you might help me out.
i needed help with these three things:

• examples of privatization, if any
• types of economic problems that currently exist
• what the country's leaders are doing to encourage economic growth

i have a couple for the first point, but if anyone else could suggest some, they might be better.
and, England has a mixed economy right?

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There's a reason why there won't be any more coursework in a couple of years. :D
I guess you could research inflation as a problem. This was fairly recent although it's been fixed.

A month or two ago inflation rate was 2.7% which was above the gvnt guidlined rate of 2.5%. Gvnt put up intrest rates to 5.75 i think and IR has dropped to 1.9% now
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Hey guys I was just wondering if any of you can help me with my A-level work. Basically it’s about the Weimer Republic. And the essay is
“Fortunate to survive so many enemies for so long” - Discuss this verdict on the Weimer Republic from 1919 to 1924.
I'm just stuck on where to start and what to really include in this piece. If anyone can help I’ll be very thankful.
Thanks guys!
Start with the world War I
The identity crisis of the Deutch/German nation
The return of the demoralised soldiers who turned to crime
The risk of America taking over
Bruning's flawed belief that less public expenditure would sprout the economy
also talk about german hyperinflation and then the poor investment options taken with usa loans, which at the start of great depression caused the bottom to fall out of the economy much heavier than it may have otherwise been.
Yeah thanks guys :19: , i know to talk about the hyperinflation issue, and the threats from the left/right, and the Kapp Putsch and also Ebert's role alog with the reperation problems, its just how to start it off and also putting the really relevent info in. Its only suppose to be max 5 pages. :)
Break it down into

Intro : World War I and what happened You need two paragraphs

Options for the German Empire : See the winners take over or accept their demands

Social : Break down of culture, soldiers turning to crime, break up of the police

Economical : Wrong decisions taken, Loans used improperly, Ignorant application of the monetary policy

Thanks very much Wazeeri, that's made it much more clearer, thanks mate. :19: :)
ok guys needed help...

I have to write an essay comparing the lives of laborers (factory worker, construction workers etc...) of the second Industrial Revolution and today, in the United States.

like an example, back then they worked long hours, poor wages, bad working conditions, bad lighting.

I need a few more example, thanks!
check if there was worker's comp (injury), vacation or sick days (working at 7-11 might not give you these now but then you are not talking about these jobs) , overtime pay (you mentioned low wage and there might not be a minimum wage then), health hazard at job (you mentioned bad working conditions but there are different things in there including environment, ergonomics, protection gear etc).

expand on what you have and these. If you need more material than you can start adding things that technology has brought like cold beverages
12thMan said:
check if there was worker's comp (injury), vacation or sick days (working at 7-11 might not give you these now but then you are not talking about these jobs) , overtime pay (you mentioned low wage and there might not be a minimum wage then), health hazard at job (you mentioned bad working conditions but there are different things in there including environment, ergonomics, protection gear etc).

expand on what you have and these. If you need more material than you can start adding things that technology has brought like cold beverages

thanks! i will do so.

I forgot to mention before, i also needed similarities. can you think on any?
needed a little more help guys

I needed to interview an America adult, for something, not very long though. It about American Government

this is the question,

"In his 1982 State-of-the-Union address, President Ronald Reagan said, "The growth in federal programs has . . . made the federal government more pervasive, more intrusive, more unmanageable, more ineffective and costly, and above all, more unaccountable."1 In a minimum of one paragraph, please explain whether you agree or disagree with Reagan's statement. Use examples to support your response. Then interview a teacher or other adult. Summarize their position and then compare it to yours."

So could someone living in the US help me out?

Ronald Regan said all of that - without any help? Wow!
Ok needed some help again guys.

"Why have the Democratic and Republican parties been composed of a cross section of the nation's population?"

call be dumb but i don't understand that question. Does anybody understand it?
now i need help..

we're going to have an in-class essay but I thought I might get a headstart.. the question is: compare and contrast the political and governmental systems of the Bourbon Kings of France with the Japanese feudal system (the shogunates).

what should i base the essay on and what main similarities and differences should i discuss? (5 paragraph format)
ps - urgent help required! :D

thanks in advance.
Why you all studying history? You should study a real man's subject like wife beating.

If you need help with maths or chemistry then i'm your man :19:
1. define political and governmental systems of the Bourbon Kings of France
2. define political and governmental systems with the Japanese feudal system (the shogunates)
3. compare the similarities between the two
4. explain the difference between the two
"Why have the Democratic and Republican parties been composed of a cross section of the nation's population?"

why have the political parties been made up of a mixture of the countries different cultured population?
^^ What??

But i have already handed that assignment in, got an A!
"The growth in federal programs has . . . made the federal government more pervasive, more intrusive, more unmanageable, more ineffective and costly, and above all, more unaccountable"

2 words... Gulf War.. who was accountable for attacking this country? Who had the secret information about WOMD? Who changed the reports?

ITs all unnaccountability and its the way western politicians use to escape via a loop hole to avoid responsibility and punishment.
SameerM said:
1. define political and governmental systems of the Bourbon Kings of France
2. define political and governmental systems with the Japanese feudal system (the shogunates)
3. compare the similarities between the two
4. explain the difference between the two
well, what are the similarities and differences of the two political systems?
Can someone please help me with my law homework? I have to do a presentation on judicial precedent, and I’m having trouble finding cases regarding 'Stare decisis' and 'Obiter dicta'. So this is to say cases where these two forms of judicial precedent have been used.
Any ideas? Thanks guys :)
Not homework but...

I need a brief history on the state of Palestine, from the very beginning of time to present day. I'm looking towards Wazeeri here...
Jordan went to fight with Isreal and Isreal took over their area which is Palestine.
Easa said:
Not homework but...

I need a brief history on the state of Palestine, from the very beginning of time to present day. I'm looking towards Wazeeri here...

Oh right this is not homework, clearly you are interested in the history of Palestine and just happened to bring it up randomly, that too in the homework help thread! It’s a good thing you told me it’s not homework or otherwise I would have been fooled into thinking it is!

Mods this should seriously be a place where people are guided in the right direction, i.e. relevant links and brief explanations if people are stuck rather than a place to help people cheat. Easa, with all due respect, if you want a detailed response, then perhaps you would be better of doing some research? Use the internet, google it or use wikipedia! You can not seriously tell me that a state such as Palestine does not have much written about it!
Usman said:
Oh right this is not homework, clearly you are interested in the history of Palestine and just happened to bring it up randomly, that too in the homework help thread! It’s a good thing you told me it’s not homework or otherwise I would have been fooled into thinking it is!

Mods this should seriously be a place where people are guided in the right direction, i.e. relevant links and brief explanations if people are stuck rather than a place to help people cheat. Easa, with all due respect, if you want a detailed response, then perhaps you would be better of doing some research? Use the internet, google it or use wikipedia! You can not seriously tell me that a state such as Palestine does not have much written about it!
Firstly, I am not forcing anyone to help me at all. Secondly, I frankly do not care too much about whether or not you believe me or not, but just to get the record straight, this is not homework. I need to do this for a deen class that my mom and one of her auntie friends organizes, for young kids.

What makes you think I am not going to do research? I just wanted a heads up before hand to make my life easier - its not easy translating pages and pages of information into something that is relatively simple for young kids, but still heavy with detail.
Hey guys!

Can anyone recommend any good books on Dr AQ Khan and his role in Pakistan's nuclear proliferation? I'd be most thankful :)
Mohsin_Pak786 said:
Hey guys!

Can anyone recommend any good books on Dr AQ Khan and his role in Pakistan's nuclear proliferation? I'd be most thankful :)
Shahidur Rehman's 'Long road to Chaghi' has everything you asked for mentioned.
Momo, you are a legend. Such unbelievable, in depth knowledge on all things Pakistani politics. Brilliant.

Easa said:
Momo, you are a legend. Such unbelievable, in depth knowledge on all things Pakistani politics. Brilliant.

:))) :))) :)))

Aadaab arz hai!
Ahhh this is all economic/business/politic related (which i hate), wheres the science??? Doesn't anybody do anything 2 do with science??
princess_of_punjab said:
Ahhh this is all economic/business/politic related (which i hate), wheres the science??? Doesn't anybody do anything 2 do with science??
By science, can you be more specific? I.e. Math, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, etc. These all fall under science.
Momo said:
Shahidur Rehman's 'Long road to Chaghi' has everything you asked for mentioned.

Thanks Momo but thats a book i know of already

Any others? :)

And ditto to what Easa said! Kya baat hai!
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hussein said:
mohsin, u might like this website

itell me what u thinkl

Thanks hussain, but it doesn't really have what i'm looking for :)

Its got info on personalties etc but nothing on AQ Khan's role in nuclear proliferation as well as Z.A.B's role.

Thanks anyway :)
Hey, can any of you help me find all the literacy devices used in this poem, i know that metaphors are used but are there any others as well?

To be whimless, o monks of melancholy,
to be continents completely
colonized, to stand
humped and immune, digesting,
redigesting our domestication, to be too too
solid flesh making its slow
progress towards fast food.
To feel our heavy heads becoming knock-knock jokes,
who’s there,
kabonk, Big Mac, to know our knees
are filled-in ampersands, things to fall on,
not run with.
To put all this to music – a bellow
which extinguishes the wolf, the long arc of its howl
reduced to gravity and spread,
ghostless, flatulent,
over the overgrazed acres.
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Hey, can any of you help me find all the literacy devices used in this poem, i know that metaphors are used but are there any others as well?

To be whimless, o monks of melancholy,
to be continents completely
, to stand
humped and immune, digesting,
redigesting our domestication,
to be too too
solid flesh making its slow
progress towards fast food.
To feel our heavy heads becoming knock-knock jokes,
who’s there,
kabonk, Big Mac, to know our knees
are filled-in ampersands, things to fall on,
not run with.
To put all this to music – a bellow
which extinguishes the wolf, the long arc of its howl
reduced to gravity and spread,
ghostless, flatulent,
over the overgrazed acres.

The first one I've bolded is repetition and the second is assonance.
Accounts MCQ: Which of the following may result in an under-absorption of fixed overhead?

A absorption based on actual expenditure and actual activity

B activity above budget

C activity below budget

D expenditure below budge

The answer is C- help me with the reason please.
I'm weak in maths so help needed here

This is the kind of formula i'm trying to use

     P         O-Q
I= ----  *  --------
     Q        U-P

      P           600-500
1.5=----   *   --------------
    500         15-P

Show me all the steps plz

Can we cross multiply between those two fractions? Or is it only done if there was an = sign
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i got an answer of 273.89, is it right, then it means i did the steps right.
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I think it would be something like: (just multiply the top with the top and bottom with the bottom)

/ = divide

1.5 = 100P/ (500(15-p))

(times both sides by 500(15-p))

750(15-p) = 100p

15 - p = (2/15)p

15 = (17/15)p

Therefore P = 225/17 = 13.235...
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Here's one part of a question I can't solve. I don't think the others are quite relevant to this so I'll only put this down:
"Find the smallest positive integer, n, such that 168n is a square number."

If you ask me I'll give you the other parts but I honestly don't think it'll help.
What I did was that I broke it into prime factors so 168 = 2x2x2x3x7, coz all these factors appear an odd number of times, you just times them, so 2x3x7 = 42.
So if the question was 84n, you'd do 84 = 2x2x3x7, but coz 2 appears an even number of times you would just do 3x7 = 21 (I don't know if my method is right as well :p).
What I did was that I broke it into prime factors so 168 = 2x2x2x3x7, coz all these factors appear an odd number of times, you just times them, so 2x3x7 = 42.
So if the question was 84n, you'd do 84 = 2x2x3x7, but coz 2 appears an even number of times you would just do 3x7 = 21 (I don't know if my method is right as well :p).

I don't know if your method's right, but the answer sure is. Both times.

What I did was multiply the prime factors over again so they each became a square, as in (for 168), 2*2*2*3*7*(2*3*7), and so they all became square numbers. I divided the product of all this by 168 and got the answer.
I have to do some research work and I can't really find appropriate answers on the internet.

The question is:
1)Explain some applications of electrostatic force in real life.

Please help if you can and do give the reasons. Thanks.:)
Economics question

Demand of a currency is in the hand of importers or exporters?
isnt supply in the hands of local importers?

i'm talking bout currency demand and supply not product
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Importers because if they want to import your products (your exports) they would have to by your currency in order to do so, hence increasing demand for your currency.

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