The Official PP Landmark Thread

No Fireworks thats ur secret not mine i be companied with u on the word game and intro threads well u just got to welcome people and match commentary i rarely post but if Pak play well doesnt every Pak fan and the landmarks thread i congrat others on thier achievements and sometimes mentiion my own!!Lol :)) :))
Just saying...nothing wrong with that. :)

Look at my career, I post in nearly every thread in any forum. :akhtar
Congratulation to both of ya lol
Senior and younster beauty lol

Njamal when are you retiring? Lol
Lol @ P_R ... good observation bro.

Congrats SAR, NJamal, USIND & SA123.

Solid progress. :2gunsfiri
Good Going USIND, you're flying.

Are you related to Fireworks ?:asif
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Lol @ chaiwala...


Didn't know this thread existed, will certainly post here again in some months when I reach 3000 posts.
Thanks dude! Still nowhere near yours, and you joined a month after me :(

Also, it seems I'm an ODI star now! :11: :dhoni
@Chaiwala Congrats :) (500/1000 = Teasing :p )

@Shahidafridi123 Congrats :)