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The Official PP Landmark Thread

Crossed 1000 today. Finally


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    999 Runs.JPG
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  • 1000 Runs.JPG
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congrats Runner Up :19:

f_c.. u r faster than anyone else here, even scoring at a SR better than AJ. :(
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/444mHfKow7Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Its difficult to compete with f_c. :|
he is active in all the threads :(

Except politics and religion, i am too straightforward + controversial for those :23:

Thanks NAF and Cindy
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Congrats Hassan. Forget what haters have to say. :P

Honest critics are your best friends :afridi
I have been in awful run scoring form ever since the spot fixing saga

But nevertheless, nearing 9000 :D
4,007 by the legend that is me :bow: in 1 years

if i dont play any rash shots and get banned i can break sachins record :D
congrats NJamal and UAF :14:

SA_R - USIND already gave up :)))
No1AF - SA_R crossed ur runs long back , be proactive.. :D
:14: Congrats UAF :14:

Velu - I didn't give up.It's just all the games are happening at the wrong times.:(
Let the Aus. series start.:16: (There,I'm going to miss the most important part of the game - ending.:facepalm:)
Australian series has no ODIs ( source N_H ) :)).
I might miss the whole series, cos when i get up at and goto office 11am it might be over. :(
Guess you wont be interested in it. :)))

But note it down, i will overtake you before sachin scores his next 100. :P
It has ODIs,it's a tri-series with SL joining.:P Why on earth is,N_H always wrong?:)))

That's ok.Serious people don't mind these small things.:D