The surprising transformation of Bilawal Bhutto into leader of Pakistan's anti-Taliban

chacha kashmiri

ODI Debutant
May 31, 2008
Post of the Week
The Afghan Taliban and the Pakistani Taliban are two very different things. The Afghan Taliban, who have stubbornly resisted the worst that the US and Britain could throw at them for the past 12 years, brought a measure of peace and stability to their war-racked country during the late 1990s. Sons of the Pashtun soil, they gained widespread support with their claims to being pious and honest, even though their version of Islam was brutally reductive. That helps to explain why they are still such a force to reckon with today.

The situation is completely different in Pakistan, west of the Indus River, where the shaggy-bearded, bloodthirsty Islamists of the Pakistani Taliban are seen in the same light as ancient Romans regarded the Visigoths – as terrifying barbarian invaders. For all its failings and contradictions, Pakistan enjoys a measure of civilisation unknown in Afghanistan beyond the watering-holes of Kabul. The Pakistani Taliban are a direct threat to all that.

That’s one reason why the decision by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, the 25-year-old son of Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari, Pakistan’s recently retired President, to call for decisive military action against the Pakistani Taliban is going down very well far beyond the Bhutto family’s strongholds in Karachi and rural Sindh.

In an interview with the BBC’s Lyse Doucet this week, Bhutto said: “Dialogue is always an option but we have to have a position of strength. How do you talk from a position of strength? You have to beat them on the battlefield. They are fighting us. It’s not only confined to North Waziristan. They are attacking us in Karachi. We would like to eradicate the Taliban from Pakistan.”

This fiery declaration comes after a long series of unprovoked, murderous attacks by Pakistani Taliban against Christians, Shias, Sufis, Hazaras – the typically diverse enemies of the totalitarian Islam they want to impose. They have also killed schoolchildren and paramedics struggling to inoculate the poorest people in the country against polio, as well as many soldiers.

For all its corruption, the Pakistani state enjoys a degree of democratic legitimacy that is the envy of countries like Libya and Iraq, let alone Syria or Somalia. The Pakistani Taliban would love to put a bomb under all that; yet the chief beneficiaries of the ballot box, Imran Khan and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, balk at confronting the fundamentalist menace. On Wednesday Sharif backtracked from a planned army offensive, explaining: “Since the other side has shown intent to negotiate, we also wish to give peace another chance.”

Bilawal looks like the real deal

Two week festival in Sindh is really what the province needs at the moment
Bilawal (as much as I don't rate him etc) has been very vocal against the Taliban BUT tweets sat inside Bilawal house aren't anything special. Regarding the Sindh festival, I have to admit, it's a good 'soft image' festival BUT

1. All that money spent when the situation in Sindh is PITIFUL (worse than KPK, Punjab)
2. Conducting a festival which promoted the beautiful culture of Sindh by practically/threatening to ruin the main cultural sign if Sindh, Monjo Daro.

Bilawal is no way (IMO) the real deal, no where near (he can't even speak the language properly, and yes I am saying this I wasborn here yet can speak Urdu (with the accent) fluently)...can't give a speech. The only thing in his favour is he changed his name.

Btw all these people/papers talking of 'these guys just wanna talk/too scared etc...there WILL be an operation IMO, in March/April (when conditions in Waziristan are conducive) regardless of what happens with talks. Then the tones will change.
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I can't blame him for what his Daddy did as he was too young to understand. I quite liked his last speech and appreciate what he is doing to promote Sindhi culture. Ultimately, its focus on our rich regional culture and heritage and promotion of arts and music that is going to keep our people away from religious extremism.
Bilawal (as much as I don't rate him etc) has been very vocal against the Taliban BUT tweets sat inside Bilawal house aren't anything special. Regarding the Sindh festival, I have to admit, it's a good 'soft image' festival BUT

1. All that money spent when the situation in Sindh is PITIFUL (worse than KPK, Punjab)
2. Conducting a festival which promoted the beautiful culture of Sindh by practically/threatening to ruin the main cultural sign if Sindh, Monjo Daro.

It's a change from him hiding in dubai though isn't it

Bilawal needs to launch an effective oppostion against peace talks and focus his efforts on getting into parliament so he can rally the opposition into doing so

The soft image will definitely come into handy for this
It's a change from him hiding in dubai though isn't it

Bilawal needs to launch an effective oppostion against peace talks and focus his efforts on getting into parliament so he can rally the opposition into doing so

The soft image will definitely come into handy for this

True BUT is the only reason he's not in Dubai only because Zardari isn't President anymore so he NEEDED to launch his political career now as Zardari cant (publically) do anything now/following the election massacre? More of a 'need' rather than 'main Watan waapas zaroor abhi aana chahta houn aur asal khudmat karna chahta houn' type thing.

But even some of the Sunni/Shia religious leaders (who are AGAINST talks) said it/summed it up today by saying/questioning that Bilawal says he's against talks yet Khursheed Shah ((PPP) leader of the opposition) officially at least, supports them.
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Probably trying to make more jiyaly so he can make more bungalows from haram ki kamai.
The surprising transformation of Bilawal Bhutto into leader of Pakistan's ant...

The PTI Burger-Maulvi crowd from Defence Karachi, the ones who voted en masse for that Jamaatia dentist, is up in arms on Facebook over Baby Bhutto's ad for the festival:

I thought it was nicely done, tongue-in-cheek, self-deprecating, with a nod to popular culture (the Ali Gul Pir song) and Daddy's mustaches. But they just don't like it.
True BUT is the only reason he's not in Dubai only because Zardari isn't Preseident anymore so he NEEDED to launch his political career now as Zardari cant (publically) do anything now? More of a 'need' rather than 'main Watan waapas aaoo ga zaroor' type thing.

But even some of the Sunni/Shia religious leaders (who are AGAINST talks) said it/summed it up today by saying/questioning that Bilawal says he's against talks yet Khursheed Shah ((PPP) leader of the opposition) officially at least, supports them.

Has zardari passed the buck to bilawal then or is bilawal setting up his own identity
He looks more assured than i have seen him before, maybe he's in his zone now

Bilawal still has to sell himself to the ppp who probably see him as some aristocrat who has spent most of his life abroad

But if he wants to change pakistan through culture and harmony like the recent pakistan idol tried to do and do it through festivals rather than bogging himself down in parliament, then it's no different to what junoon did in the 90s and they did transform pakistan
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The surprising transformation of Bilawal Bhutto into leader of Pakistan's ant...

:))):))):))) :43::43:How did you found this video?

Posted en masse by the same PTI burger maulvis from Defence Karachi, the same ones who voted for that Jamaatia dentist.

They're busy disparaging it.
Never liked him before and I'm not a PPP fan at all, but I have to admit, this whole Sindh Festival is extremely well organized and his last speech was really good. Finally a breath of fresh air after the HUGE disappointment PTI has been. Let's just hope and pray the Mullah's and extremists don't kill him.
I'm glad he's taking a stand against the TTP. It needs to transpire into the practical arena. The sooner the better because the legitimacy of the State is being eroded on a daily basis.
Bilawal (as much as I don't rate him etc) has been very vocal against the Taliban BUT tweets sat inside Bilawal house aren't anything special. Regarding the Sindh festival, I have to admit, it's a good 'soft image' festival BUT

1. All that money spent when the situation in Sindh is PITIFUL (worse than KPK, Punjab)
2. Conducting a festival which promoted the beautiful culture of Sindh by practically/threatening to ruin the main cultural sign if Sindh, Monjo Daro.

Bilawal is no way (IMO) the real deal, no where near (he can't even speak the language properly, and yes I am saying this I wasborn here yet can speak Urdu (with the accent) fluently)...can't give a speech. The only thing in his favour is he changed his name.

Btw all these people/papers talking of 'these guys just wanna talk/too scared etc...there WILL be an operation IMO, in March/April (when conditions in Waziristan are conducive) regardless of what happens with talks. Then the tones will change.

There was another person that led Pakistan who could not speak urdu, yet you worship him. Double standards Mohsin. Imran Khan has not done anything to combat the taliban either? The only party to openly defy the Taliban are ANP and we all know what keeps happening to them.
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Bilawal (as much as I don't rate him etc) has been very vocal against the Taliban BUT tweets sat inside Bilawal house aren't anything special. Regarding the Sindh festival, I have to admit, it's a good 'soft image' festival BUT

1. All that money spent when the situation in Sindh is PITIFUL (worse than KPK, Punjab)
2. Conducting a festival which promoted the beautiful culture of Sindh by practically/threatening to ruin the main cultural sign if Sindh, Monjo Daro.

Bilawal is no way (IMO) the real deal, no where near (he can't even speak the language properly, and yes I am saying this I wasborn here yet can speak Urdu (with the accent) fluently)...can't give a speech. The only thing in his favour is he changed his name.

Btw all these people/papers talking of 'these guys just wanna talk/too scared etc...there WILL be an operation IMO, in March/April (when conditions in Waziristan are conducive) regardless of what happens with talks. Then the tones will change.

I don't know what you expect from Bilawal? To pick arms personally and fight TTP? Imran Khan also never lived in KPK let alone FATA.
A fake Bhutto over a mullah , any day

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

Exactly. Love your avatar! Even though Bilawal has spoken some harsh words towards Musharraf in the past and recently, I still salute his bravery to stand up and take a stand against the extremists like TTP. Without a a doubt, this Sindh Festival is a great slap in the extremists face and I'm glad and extremely happy to see so many people from our Film/TV/Music Industry supporting this festival. Hats off to Bilawal and everyone who made this Festival possible!
It saddens me that Pakistanis cannot look past these political families. It really does. Every time one is voted out I expect their spell to be broken, but no. We have very short memories.

PPP's recent 5 years were shambolic. That's too polite a word really to describe how badly the Bhutto's have screwed Pakistan for many many years, especially since Zardari arrived on the scene. Couple that with the Sharifs and it's no wonder Pakistan is bleeding dry.

But no, forget their chaotic, corrupt and disastrous histories and let's celebrate because Baby Bhutto, who is reaping the benefits of his father's corruption, organized some LED lights and gave some tough statements from his bunker.


The day the TTP is eradicated will be one of the happiest in my life, but the day the PPP is back in power, if that day arrives, I will be disappointed to say the least.
The surprising transformation of Bilawal Bhutto into leader of Pakistan's antiTaliban

When days of loot are over for PPP they start building face with these burger kids and soon as they are in-power zardaris will takeover.
Zardari kids are living in a world of their own, irrelevant and out of touch with the masses.

let's see how they progress in 3 to 4 years' time, for now they are simply a caricature of the Bhutto dynasty.
Well all these statements are very brave sitting thousands of kilometers away or in Pakistan bunkers but why no such statements while his dad was looting the country fir 5 years? Weren't Talibans killing innocents back then? His dad was least interested in these issues as he had better things to do and uncle Rehman Malik was busy spending anti terrorism funds to buy gifts for PPP leadership. Bilalwal was enjoying his life in UK when same Talibans were blowing up thousands of people but all of a sudden he has become biggest hater of Talibans after his dad announced his official launching?
Sure, we believe these crooks.
But no, forget their chaotic, corrupt and disastrous histories and let's celebrate because Baby Bhutto, who is reaping the benefits of his father's corruption, organized some LED lights and gave some tough statements from his bunker.

Sums up my thoughts pretty well. In his recent interview, my favorite bit was where he described his father as a "political prisoner."
It saddens me that Pakistanis cannot look past these political families. It really does. Every time one is voted out I expect their spell to be broken, but no. We have very short memories.

PPP's recent 5 years were shambolic. That's too polite a word really to describe how badly the Bhutto's have screwed Pakistan for many many years, especially since Zardari arrived on the scene. Couple that with the Sharifs and it's no wonder Pakistan is bleeding dry.

But no, forget their chaotic, corrupt and disastrous histories and let's celebrate because Baby Bhutto, who is reaping the benefits of his father's corruption, organized some LED lights and gave some tough statements from his bunker.


The day the TTP is eradicated will be one of the happiest in my life, but the day the PPP is back in power, if that day arrives, I will be disappointed to say the least.

This. Excellent post!
Honestly some of you posters have memory of a goldfish. It's no wonder Pakistan is in such a mess.

PPP the party officially supports peace talks, his father and the entire party did jack to combat terrorism, and suddenly he's a hero for making "brave" tweets? The kid doesn't even have any idea where his party stands on all those issues, just desperately and aggressively trying to market himself in cyber world. Rampant corruption was carried out in anti terrorism funds under his father's rule, his mother was actively involved in creating and using Taliban and suddenly this rich little kid is a hero and saviour for Pakistan? Exactly what has he done? Judging by the evil past of his parents, and the party he represents, why should he be trusted? Has he apologised on behalf of PPP for letting down the people and causing deaths of hundreds of innocent people by the hands of Taliban beacause they did nada to curb terrorism and provide security to the civilians? Yet naive and hopeless Pakistanis are falling for his charade...

As with his Sindh festival PR campaign, I can very much see Punjab government taking the lead in promoting 'culture and ethnic pride', it really wouldn't be a difficult task for PMLN and Punjab.

What were will this kid hide his face or which hole he'll disapear if by any miracle Pakistan finds peace? Like it or not, but the idea of war and vioelnce really favours some of the biggest party in Pakistan. If there are no Taliban, these parties will out of business, will Billoo talks about prividing education, health, infrastructure, justice and employment to people of Sindh? It's very easy to make 30 words long anti Taliban rebuke on twitter and have people believe you are the next idol to be bowed.

Yeah please don't act so hopeless and depressed, you may very well have him as your leader for in four years time for full next five years. These feudal kings are not going anywhere, so have some patience.
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What did the PPP do in its 5 years in power except the usual thing the all PPP govts do-loot and plunder. For this moron to pretend that his govt had nothing to do with it, deserves a big slap.
There was another person that led Pakistan who could not speak urdu, yet you worship him. Double standards Mohsin. Imran Khan has not done anything to combat the taliban either? The only party to openly defy the Taliban are ANP and we all know what keeps happening to them.

I knew someone was gonna mention Quaid e Azam(ra)...but are you really trying ti compare the main who LED the struggle to form a seperate Nation and give freedom/independence to the masses to someone who lived outside the country and only came back after an election mauling/his father was done with the Presidency?
Quaid e Azam(ra) never tried to lead a nation on the basis of a family name (which was changed btw) nor did he grow up thinking 'im gonna lead independence/be a politician when im older. I seriously find it amusing/weird when people always bring up Quaid whenever the issue of speaking the language is brought up. Its absolutely no comparison.

MQM, PPP would disagree with your view that ANP is the 'only' party to defy the Taliban, though of course they have paid the price. Bashir Bilour Shaheed was buried in the Pak flag, as was Mian Iftikhar's only not gonna dispute this (though even they were involved the peace agreements remember).

I dont hate Bilawal, the Sindh festival, the message (saqaafat per naaz karo, Pakistan se pyaar karo) is a great initiative/message (its like something id do if inhis position) BUT considering its PPP government in Sindh, surely they gotta concentrate on improving Sindh's pitiful state and then spend money on those type of things.

I don't know what you expect from Bilawal? To pick arms personally and fight TTP? Imran Khan also never lived in KPK let alone FATA.

My issue is with the thought process (that it seems only the peoples of the Sub-Continent have) that 'Bilawal is suddenly GREAT because he's taking on the Taliban'. What has he achieved really? Yet (even here) people are suddenly saying 'Bilawal is the future, what a guy'. Its the same old merry go round of the same old damn political dynasty. I wont be surprised if people are suddenly thinking to vote for PPP/Bilawal in 2018 to loot and plunder Pakistan ONCE AGAAAAIN JUST because of his tweets against the Taliban.
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Hardly a big deal , when you consider the recent performance of PPP and infamous family hostage the party has been (Bilawal is trying to gather traditional left wing support of PPP). If you consider present resources than in ideal case for fast positive& liberal change parties(with structure) like MQM and PTI should be in the driver seat of left wing in the country but sadly one has bad reputation/no vote bank(outside strong hold) while top leadership of the other is too conservative/right wing for the task.

Now for Sindh festival, every thing that encourage/provide awaam for entertainment other than Roti is great and it seems like on the way he has wrecked some Mullah nerves which is always commendable.
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O how naive and innocent of him. Even a teenager understands what zardari did. But bilwal is too young to understand that.

Good to see you posting back Waqar :)

Good to see all the insafians coming out from their hibernation post elections and defending their leader.
Honestly some of you posters have memory of a goldfish. It's no wonder Pakistan is in such a mess.

PPP the party officially supports peace talks, his father and the entire party did jack to combat terrorism, and suddenly he's a hero for making "brave" tweets? The kid doesn't even have any idea where his party stands on all those issues, just desperately and aggressively trying to market himself in cyber world. Rampant corruption was carried out in anti terrorism funds under his father's rule, his mother was actively involved in creating and using Taliban and suddenly this rich little kid is a hero and saviour for Pakistan? Exactly what has he done? Judging by the evil past of his parents, and the party he represents, why should he be trusted? Has he apologised on behalf of PPP for letting down the people and causing deaths of hundreds of innocent people by the hands of Taliban beacause they did nada to curb terrorism and provide security to the civilians? Yet naive and hopeless Pakistanis are falling for his charade...

As with his Sindh festival PR campaign, I can very much see Punjab government taking the lead in promoting 'culture and ethnic pride', it really wouldn't be a difficult task for PMLN and Punjab.

What were will this kid hide his face or which hole he'll disapear if by any miracle Pakistan finds peace? Like it or not, but the idea of war and vioelnce really favours some of the biggest party in Pakistan. If there are no Taliban, these parties will out of business, will Billoo talks about prividing education, health, infrastructure, justice and employment to people of Sindh? It's very easy to make 30 words long anti Taliban rebuke on twitter and have people believe you are the next idol to be bowed.

Yeah please don't act so hopeless and depressed, you may very well have him as your leader for in four years time for full next five years. These feudal kings are not going anywhere, so have some patience.

excellent post.

its quite astonishing that anyone has even mentioned this let alone championed him as a reborn saviour.

but lets give him the benefit of the doubt. if all the fickle anti conservatives are indeed jumping ship in search of a progressive leader who will stamp out the radicals with an iron foot - how exactly does bhutto (and his supporters) propose this is done?

whats the precedent for force having worked against these types of people in the past? words are cheap. whats the plan? other than just telling everyone we should kill everyone.
Jiyalas spotted. Must appreciate the gall to come out and start lionizing their fake bhutto hiding behind bunkers and thinking he's some force against Taliban. That too, when it hasn't even been a year since last elections.
How pathetic he's been allowed to launch himself at the cost of Mohen jo daro ruins.


ISLAMABAD: The Sindh Cultural Festival took off amid dazzling lights, but the din continues that it threatens Moenjodaro, the inaugural place of the festival listed with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) as a world heritage site.

About a week before the launch of the two-week festival at Moenjodaro on Friday, the director of Unesco’s world heritage sites had described it as an ‘improper’ activity which could threaten its universal values.

But adviser to the Sindh chief minister on culture Sharmila Farooqi said all precautions had been taken during the inaugural ceremony at the ancient site.

Conservationists at the department of archaeology and museum said any human activity within 200 feet of any national heritage protected under the Antiquities Act 1975 was illegal.

“The act states that not even an electric wire can pass above a national heritage, let alone installing floodlights and setting up stage on a site protected under the law,” said a senior archaeologist in Islamabad.

The technical consultative committee of National Fund for Moenjodaro had also warned that the decision to hold inaugural ceremony at the site could cause irreparable damage to the fragile remains of Moenjodaro.

Unesco official Jawad Aziz said the organisation’s world heritage sites director had contacted Pakistan’s permanent delegate to investigate the matter and take steps to prevent the site from any harm. “About five days ago we passed on this message to the Sindh government to safeguard the universal value of Moenjodaro,” he said, adding that they were still waiting for a response from the departments concerned.

Asma Ibrahim, director museum of the State Bank and member of the Heritage Management Board, criticised the holding of the ceremony at Moenjodaro and said no-one had been allowed to enter the site for three days and access to it was blocked by hundreds of policemen.

“More than 500 guests were invited to the event which continued till late night. There is no way to tell the extent of damage caused to the site. The remains of Moenjodaro are already fragile. Salinity has weakened the walls to an extent that they can collapse by even loud sound,” she said, adding that the mud-brick remains required extra care.

Ms Ibrahim said she had tried in vain to convince Sharmila Farooqi to hold the ceremony outside the 200-foot protected area. The event had been held without obtaining a no-objection certificate from the Sindh department of archaeology, she said, adding that cases should be registered for violating the law.

Kaleemullah Lashari, Member National Fund for Moenjodaro, wrote two back-to-back letters to the Sindh secretary for culture, tourism and antiquities warning of the damage to be caused to the ruins by the opening ceremony.

In a letter written on Jan 30, a copy of which is available with Dawn, Mr Lashari urged the secretary to use vast lawns of the museum and offices for the ceremony, instead of protected areas of the site. “The world community does not endorse such improper activity and it will be an embarrassment if a wall of the remains collapses or any other fragile section of the remains is damaged,” the letter said.

No conservation efforts have been undertaken at Moenjodaro for over 10 years. A better sense prevailed in 2010 when the government stopped the construction of a highway through the ancient remains believed to be as old as 4,000 BC.

Sharmila Farooqi claimed that no harm was caused to the world heritage site. “Arrangements for the event were meticulous. All the officials concerned and Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari (PPP patron-in-chief) personally visited the site before the opening ceremony,” she added.

But Asma Ibrahim said the damage could be assessed only after the government allowed access to the site which was still closed to outsiders and its caretakers.

But what value do these ruins hold for this wadere ka beta? Let him have some party and enjoyment on his new dance floor! :zardari
Jahils will remain jahils, this thread is good example.
If Billo Rani is sincere in defeating Taliban then he should join the Army and
help the soldiers defeat this menace. If prince Harry can fight in Afghanistan
then I think the politicians should send their kids into the Army.

Billo Rani and Hamza Showbaz should be made to join the Army and take bullets
from the Taliban instead of hiding in their bunkers and calling other people cowards.
This will never happen though, these 2 guys are getting groomed to be
the next generations of leaders of Pakistan. They have been living of the
plundered wealth of the nation and at the same time getting promoted
by their parents with the tax payers money.

Only Allah can save Pakistan, I have lost hope with the jahil awaam of

But what value do these ruins hold for this wadere ka beta? Let him have some party and enjoyment on his new dance floor! :zardari

They want to "preserve" Pakistan's ancient history, just listen...

<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /><a href="" target="_blank">Bakhtawar Bhutto Sings A Western Style Song...</a> <i>par <a href="" target="_blank">PakSocialMediaOfYouth</a></i>
how is milad ul bilawal going

Has the debate over music kicked off in pakistan or does everyone still listen to nusrat fateh
I am surprize that some of guyz here actually like him... they should kill themselves for liking baby zardari
Surprised to learn that we have some cartoon supporters here :)))

The guy is forgetting that his party absolutely slaughtered Pakistan from 2008-2013. What is he barking about now?
One thing Bilawal has done really well (as per Zardari's plan) is launching of "Jyala Retention Campaign". Zardari showed middle finger to everyone and looted like no tomorrow, didn't even bother to get Bilawal to get involved in election campaign or issue anti Taliban statements because he knew "Agli baari is NOT Zardari".
After the election, Zardari has started preparations for next elections and hence launched his son to win back all those supporters and he is surely doing it well.
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The PTI Burger-Maulvi crowd from Defence Karachi, the ones who voted en masse for that Jamaatia dentist, is up in arms on Facebook over Baby Bhutto's ad for the festival:

I thought it was nicely done, tongue-in-cheek, self-deprecating, with a nod to popular culture (the Ali Gul Pir song) and Daddy's mustaches. But they just don't like it.

Lol someone is really hurt so must throw words like mullahs and jammatia to feel better. Bilawal probably doesn't deserve all the mocking and i do feel sorry for him because he is just a remote control of evil daddy.
The surprising transformation of Bilawal Bhutto into leader of Pakistan's ant...

Lol someone is really hurt so must throw words like mullahs and jammatia to feel better. Bilawal probably doesn't deserve all the mocking and i do feel sorry for him because he is just a remote control of evil daddy.

But it's true isn't it? Those rich kids have fortunes spent on their educations and in the end they vote for a Jamaatia. Might as well have gone to Mansoora and saved a buck or two.
It saddens me that Pakistanis cannot look past these political families. It really does. Every time one is voted out I expect their spell to be broken, but no. We have very short memories.

PPP's recent 5 years were shambolic. That's too polite a word really to describe how badly the Bhutto's have screwed Pakistan for many many years, especially since Zardari arrived on the scene. Couple that with the Sharifs and it's no wonder Pakistan is bleeding dry.

But no, forget their chaotic, corrupt and disastrous histories and let's celebrate because Baby Bhutto, who is reaping the benefits of his father's corruption, organized some LED lights and gave some tough statements from his bunker.


The day the TTP is eradicated will be one of the happiest in my life, but the day the PPP is back in power, if that day arrives, I will be disappointed to say the least.

1 - These political families are rich , having the money to and know how to carry out campaigns . The Sindh festival was also done to garner votes of the Sindhis .

2 - Someone ' new ' from a non political family was given a chance . Turned out to be a Taliban / criminal supporter .

3 - It will take someone from the middle class to rise to the top and fight these criminals . Anyone who is trying to do their bit to change things around happens to belong to the middle class . In Sindh , MQM happens to be the party of the middle class .

On paper , we may have lots of options , but no choice :

JUI A to Z , MMA , PTI , PML N : too conservative / religious for my liking
PPP A to Z : too elitist / feudal lords / the kind of people who created Pakistan and Pakistan was created for in reality

Leaves me with no choice but to vote MQM or ANP . MQM is the stronger party in Karachi , I`ll go with the stronger evil . :danish
Exactly. Love your avatar! Even though Bilawal has spoken some harsh words towards Musharraf in the past and recently, I still salute his bravery to stand up and take a stand against the extremists like TTP. Without a a doubt, this Sindh Festival is a great slap in the extremists face and I'm glad and extremely happy to see so many people from our Film/TV/Music Industry supporting this festival. Hats off to Bilawal and everyone who made this Festival possible!

Thanks , bro . Our fickle minded showbiz industry also supported Immy Bhai only until last year , posting pictures wearing Imran Khan kurtas :))




And some more :

Makes you wonder if negotiations with Taliban were ' successful ' ( what their leader wants ) these celebrities would be found wearing burqas and sporting huge beards :))) At least the singers can say naats and hamds for some kamaayee , actors and directors will be left unemployed :)))
1 - These political families are rich , having the money to and know how to carry out campaigns . The Sindh festival was also done to garner votes of the Sindhis .

2 - Someone ' new ' from a non political family was given a chance . Turned out to be a Taliban / criminal supporter .

3 - It will take someone from the middle class to rise to the top and fight these criminals . Anyone who is trying to do their bit to change things around happens to belong to the middle class . In Sindh , MQM happens to be the party of the middle class .

On paper , we may have lots of options , but no choice :

JUI A to Z , MMA , PTI , PML N : too conservative / religious for my liking
PPP A to Z : too elitist / feudal lords / the kind of people who created Pakistan and Pakistan was created for in reality

Leaves me with no choice but to vote MQM or ANP . MQM is the stronger party in Karachi , I`ll go with the stronger evil . :danish

That is the key, most people try to somehow link Imran Khan to talibans so they can justify their support for their own terrorists, crooks or incompetent fools.
Don't want to say much about why Altaf is a terrorist (most know he is 1) but all of a sudden a man directly/indirectly responsible for hundreds of deaths becomes messiah.
Jyalay come out after being embarrassed by the king of corrupts Zardari saying look Imran is not the best option, we may not have done anything against Talibans in 5 years except spending anti terror funds and condemnation statements but forget all our sins, we are better than Imran.
And off course our confused PMLN friends who say one thing in APCs and do something else have come alive as well and want to blame Imran Khan for all the terrorism problem.

ANP??...less said better
Thanks , bro . Our fickle minded showbiz industry also supported Immy Bhai only until last year , posting pictures wearing Imran Khan kurtas :))




And some more :

Makes you wonder if negotiations with Taliban were ' successful ' ( what their leader wants ) these celebrities would be found wearing burqas and sporting huge beards :))) At least the singers can say naats and hamds for some kamaayee , actors and directors will be left unemployed :)))[/QUOTE

A lot of people, including my group of friends and family actually thought Imran Khan would bring a breath of fresh air to Pakistani politics and if he gets a chance, even at the provincial level, he will prove his worth.

I was always skeptical about him due to his spineless and cowardly stance against extremism and terrorists. People always claimed he is not a politician but he, himself being a moderate/liberal person, always played to the gallery by being Anti USA and pro Taliban. This led me to believe that he will be a disaster if he comes to power.

The performance of the KPK government has proved me right. The government there has so far failed miserably and I don't see them improving one bit in the near future. They have no sense of direction nor any strategy to combat their biggest issue, terrorism.

Imran Khan has ALWAYS maintained that we must TALK and negotiate with the Taliban. He refused the government's offer to be on their committee for talks and refused to be in the Taliban's committee. What a joke he has made himself to be. If you are such a staunch supporter of peace talks with such animals, then pick a side and help the country get out of this mess! But no, he wants to be on neither side yet always supports the Taliban by feeding Anti American poison into people's heads. Pathetic to say the least.

People are slowly, but surely beginning to realize what a HUGE mistake it was to support Imran Khan.
People are slowly, but surely beginning to realize what a HUGE mistake it was to support Imran Khan.

Imran Khan hasn't changed his stance on this issue so don't understand "Oh my god he is a huge disappointment". He was known for his honesty and determination and i can give you countless examples of how he is already making a big difference in KPK?
And if he has disappointed you beyond imagination, surely time to go back to Zardari, Altaf Hussain, Asfandyar Wali and Nawaz Sharif then?? If you don't believe in democracy then maybe a military coup or revolution through likes of Qadri??
If you have a problem, you need solution for that, you can't say i hate all politicians and hope for all to be resolved? So let's say Imran Khan is surely not solution to our problems, please come up with solution.
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Re: The surprising transformation of Bilawal Bhutto into leader of Pakistan's antiTal

Imran Khan hasn't changed his stance on this issue so don't understand "Oh my god he is a huge disappointment". He was known for his honesty and determination and i can give you countless examples of how he is already making a big difference in KPK?
And if he has disappointed you beyond imagination, surely time to go back to Zardari, Altaf Hussain, Asfandyar Wali and Nawaz Sharif then?? If you don't believe in democracy then maybe a military coup or revolution through likes of Qadri??
If you have a problem, you need solution for that, you can't say i hate all politicians and hope for all to be resolved? So let's say Imran Khan is surely not solution to our problems, please come up with solution.

Imran khan has also supported a coup , sir .

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Re: The surprising transformation of Bilawal Bhutto into leader of Pakistan's antiTal

Thanks , bro . Our fickle minded showbiz industry also supported Immy Bhai only until last year , posting pictures wearing Imran Khan kurtas :))




And some more :

Makes you wonder if negotiations with Taliban were ' successful ' ( what their leader wants ) these celebrities would be found wearing burqas and sporting huge beards :))) At least the singers can say naats and hamds for some kamaayee , actors and directors will be left unemployed :)))[/QUOTE

A lot of people, including my group of friends and family actually thought Imran Khan would bring a breath of fresh air to Pakistani politics and if he gets a chance, even at the provincial level, he will prove his worth.

I was always skeptical about him due to his spineless and cowardly stance against extremism and terrorists. People always claimed he is not a politician but he, himself being a moderate/liberal person, always played to the gallery by being Anti USA and pro Taliban. This led me to believe that he will be a disaster if he comes to power.

The performance of the KPK government has proved me right. The government there has so far failed miserably and I don't see them improving one bit in the near future. They have no sense of direction nor any strategy to combat their biggest issue, terrorism.

Imran Khan has ALWAYS maintained that we must TALK and negotiate with the Taliban. He refused the government's offer to be on their committee for talks and refused to be in the Taliban's committee. What a joke he has made himself to be. If you are such a staunch supporter of peace talks with such animals, then pick a side and help the country get out of this mess! But no, he wants to be on neither side yet always supports the Taliban by feeding Anti American poison into people's heads. Pathetic to say the least.

People are slowly, but surely beginning to realize what a HUGE mistake it was to support Imran Khan.

Absolutely , I have friends and relatives too and they were disappointed Imran did not do well in Karachi . MQM must have rigged to win against him . Now they are embarrassed every time I remind them who they voted for .

I give him credit for bringing the masses to come and vote , but the younger lot learned the hard way during the floods in Karachi last year . MQM was also more active because they had to show they ' own ' Karachi .

I would like a good leader too , someone whose actions go well with what he says . Unfortunately , Imran is not that leader for me . Neither is anyone else in the current political set up right now .

So until I see someone else , I'll go with the liberal choices we have left .

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Re: The surprising transformation of Bilawal Bhutto into leader of Pakistan's antiTal

That is the key, most people try to somehow link Imran Khan to talibans so they can justify their support for their own terrorists, crooks or incompetent fools.
Don't want to say much about why Altaf is a terrorist (most know he is 1) but all of a sudden a man directly/indirectly responsible for hundreds of deaths becomes messiah.
Jyalay come out after being embarrassed by the king of corrupts Zardari saying look Imran is not the best option, we may not have done anything against Talibans in 5 years except spending anti terror funds and condemnation statements but forget all our sins, we are better than Imran.
And off course our confused PMLN friends who say one thing in APCs and do something else have come alive as well and want to blame Imran Khan for all the terrorism problem.

ANP??...less said better

Imran linked himself with the Taliban . no one else has to try . they even consider Imran's party to be their political wing ! :)))

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Absolutely , I have friends and relatives too and they were disappointed Imran did not do well in Karachi . MQM must have rigged to win against him . Now they are embarrassed every time I remind them who they voted for .

I give him credit for bringing the masses to come and vote , but the younger lot learned the hard way during the floods in Karachi last year . MQM was also more active because they had to show they ' own ' Karachi .

I would like a good leader too , someone whose actions go well with what he says . Unfortunately , Imran is not that leader for me . Neither is anyone else in the current political set up right now .

So until I see someone else , I'll go with the liberal choices we have left .

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Because you dislike religious extremists/terrorists, you decide to support liberal terrorists, makes lot of sense.
Terrorists and murderers are completely fine for you if their motivation isn't their religious belief :)
Re: The surprising transformation of Bilawal Bhutto into leader of Pakistan's antiTal

Because you dislike religious extremists/terrorists, you decide to support liberal terrorists, makes lot of sense.
Terrorists and murderers are completely fine for you if their motivation isn't their religious belief :)

Because the religious extremists are not only a threat to the country but to the religion as well . The non religious criminals or terrorists exist in every country , and at least they do accept the constitution of the country , even if they are not abiding by it . If you have a case against them , take them to the court . Unlike the people you are defending , I do accept and support the constitution , laws and the judiciary .
Because the religious extremists are not only a threat to the country but to the religion as well . The non religious criminals or terrorists exist in every country , and at least they do accept the constitution of the country , even if they are not abiding by it . If you have a case against them , take them to the court . Unlike the people you are defending , I do accept and support the constitution , laws and the judiciary .

Good try but i have NEVER defended them, wouldn't have called them religious extremists otherwise so keep trying. As for your support for criminals which you have admitted, i don't see any difference as the results last year reveal that number of target killings in Karachi was actually more than people died in terrorist activities.
Re: The surprising transformation of Bilawal Bhutto into leader of Pakistan's antiTal

Good try but i have NEVER defended them, wouldn't have called them religious extremists otherwise so keep trying. As for your support for criminals which you have admitted, i don't see any difference as the results last year reveal that number of target killings in Karachi was actually more than people died in terrorist activities.

Not defending them ? Cool story bro
Because the religious extremists are not only a threat to the country but to the religion as well . The non religious criminals or terrorists exist in every country , and at least they do accept the constitution of the country , even if they are not abiding by it . If you have a case against them , take them to the court . Unlike the people you are defending , I do accept and support the constitution , laws and the judiciary .

You support a party which has caused countless deaths, caused suffering and pain, caused loss of family and loved ones.

They operate on a system of chaos, threats and violence.

That sounds a lot like TTP doesn't it? You support a 'liberal' TTP.

I agree that PTI supporters expect a miracle from Imran Khan, something that won't happen. After the JI alliance, I no longer hold much hope for that party. The JI Mullah's don't like progress, and they don't like letting others progress either. But to support criminals, rapists and murderers? I don't think so.

It's better to not support evil itself, rather than settling for one of the 'evil' parties (your words) in Karachi and Pakistan.

Your support for MQM perplexes me further because the leader of the party has openly threatened Pakistanis... with death... many times.

Also, he regularly talks about separating Karachi. Not to mention the fact that they've had Karachi as a stronghold for 20 odd years now, and the result has been hell. With the kind of resume that they have only an insane person would support them.

No offense, of course.
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Political parties in Pakistan know very well that they can't accuse Imran Khan of corruption, dishonesty, cheating, fooling people etc. The people of Pakistan know Imran well over 35+ years and no doubt he has the personality and charisma to influence people. The only way for parties like PPP, PML, MQM, ANP etc is to blame him for everything from a failed politican, a coward (according to Mr. Baby Bhutto) supporter of Taliban to responsible for the failing of talks. To them these are the tactics to make people turn away from PTI.
Political parties in Pakistan know very well that they can't accuse Imran Khan of corruption, dishonesty, cheating, fooling people etc. The people of Pakistan know Imran well over 35+ years and no doubt he has the personality and charisma to influence people. The only way for parties like PPP, PML, MQM, ANP etc is to blame him for everything from a failed politican, a coward (according to Mr. Baby Bhutto) supporter of Taliban to responsible for the failing of talks. To them these are the tactics to make people turn away from PTI.

Well said , it was the same in cricket Imran made sure whilst he was in charge Pakistan team was under control, it's same in politics he's Honest anddeffo not corrupt, money never been a issue for him, imrans solo mission is a corrupt free and a booming Pakistan, he's the only answer
lol not surprised to see the usual suspects on PP supporting this loser. Please I follow him on twitter and I have never seen a bigger hypocrite and flip flopper. The boy should stick to showing off his fat belly to the media and having a good time. FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP!!
Political parties in Pakistan know very well that they can't accuse Imran Khan of corruption, dishonesty, cheating, fooling people etc. The people of Pakistan know Imran well over 35+ years and no doubt he has the personality and charisma to influence people. The only way for parties like PPP, PML, MQM, ANP etc is to blame him for everything from a failed politican, a coward (according to Mr. Baby Bhutto) supporter of Taliban to responsible for the failing of talks. To them these are the tactics to make people turn away from PTI.

excellent post.
It saddens me that Pakistanis cannot look past these political families. It really does. Every time one is voted out I expect their spell to be broken, but no. We have very short memories.

PPP's recent 5 years were shambolic. That's too polite a word really to describe how badly the Bhutto's have screwed Pakistan for many many years, especially since Zardari arrived on the scene. Couple that with the Sharifs and it's no wonder Pakistan is bleeding dry.

But no, forget their chaotic, corrupt and disastrous histories and let's celebrate because Baby Bhutto, who is reaping the benefits of his father's corruption, organized some LED lights and gave some tough statements from his bunker.


The day the TTP is eradicated will be one of the happiest in my life, but the day the PPP is back in power, if that day arrives, I will be disappointed to say the least.

Honestly some of you posters have memory of a goldfish. It's no wonder Pakistan is in such a mess.

PPP the party officially supports peace talks, his father and the entire party did jack to combat terrorism, and suddenly he's a hero for making "brave" tweets? The kid doesn't even have any idea where his party stands on all those issues, just desperately and aggressively trying to market himself in cyber world. Rampant corruption was carried out in anti terrorism funds under his father's rule, his mother was actively involved in creating and using Taliban and suddenly this rich little kid is a hero and saviour for Pakistan? Exactly what has he done? Judging by the evil past of his parents, and the party he represents, why should he be trusted? Has he apologised on behalf of PPP for letting down the people and causing deaths of hundreds of innocent people by the hands of Taliban beacause they did nada to curb terrorism and provide security to the civilians? Yet naive and hopeless Pakistanis are falling for his charade...

As with his Sindh festival PR campaign, I can very much see Punjab government taking the lead in promoting 'culture and ethnic pride', it really wouldn't be a difficult task for PMLN and Punjab.

What were will this kid hide his face or which hole he'll disapear if by any miracle Pakistan finds peace? Like it or not, but the idea of war and vioelnce really favours some of the biggest party in Pakistan. If there are no Taliban, these parties will out of business, will Billoo talks about prividing education, health, infrastructure, justice and employment to people of Sindh? It's very easy to make 30 words long anti Taliban rebuke on twitter and have people believe you are the next idol to be bowed.

Yeah please don't act so hopeless and depressed, you may very well have him as your leader for in four years time for full next five years. These feudal kings are not going anywhere, so have some patience.

Thank you gentlemen.

But what value do these ruins hold for this wadere ka beta? Let him have some party and enjoyment on his new dance floor! :zardari

What a joke Bilawal is. A man who can't obey the laws himself trying to bring law to the land.

Bilawal knows he doesn't have anything to stand on thanks to his corrupt party so then make a common enemy your only priority, and as we can see here, the pigeons come flocking in.
Political parties in Pakistan know very well that they can't accuse Imran Khan of corruption, dishonesty, cheating, fooling people etc. The people of Pakistan know Imran well over 35+ years and no doubt he has the personality and charisma to influence people. The only way for parties like PPP, PML, MQM, ANP etc is to blame him for everything from a failed politican, a coward (according to Mr. Baby Bhutto) supporter of Taliban to responsible for the failing of talks. To them these are the tactics to make people turn away from PTI.

Perfectly put !
excellent reponses here near the end. i see the supporters have vanished. Typical, they lack the courage of their convictions when confronted with the obvious truth.
People are being taken for a ride yet again ... Status quo will always be subservient to the elite. Get off the Ferriss wheel folks, reject this system and stop pinning your hopes on cosmetic change !!
excerpt from this article on BBZ's impending visit to Lahore:

Bilawal, who is scheduled to arrive in the provincial capital within a month or so, may not visit the new secretariat because of security concerns. He usually stays in the bomb-proof Bilawal House at Bahria Town. Property tycoon Malik Riaz had got it built for Mr Zardari and members of his family. Zardari claims he had bought the Bilawal House (from Riaz).

I still don't like his party but my respect for Bhutto Babies has increased many folds.

their strong clear anti-extremist/terrorist stance and their launching of cultural festival in sindh has won me over. Let's hope they will not be a disappointment as imran khan and PTI was.
I still don't like his party but my respect for Bhutto Babies has increased many folds.

their strong clear anti-extremist/terrorist stance and their launching of cultural festival in sindh has won me over. Let's hope they will not be a disappointment as imran khan and PTI was.

your being sarcastic right?