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The UFC/MMA Thread

Who is saying that Lesnar is better then those guys? i think you guys are just butt hurt about what lesnar achieved despite all the odds stacked against him. Jon Jones did not start out so late nor was he chucked in at the deep end with limited experience in the world of MMA, nor did he have diverticulitis and nor did he go to the WWE or some other place his career has always been in the MMA thats a significant advantage over someone like Lesnar who got in the sport so late with little experience, you should learn to give credit where it's due instead of coming out with nonsensical examples thinking you know more then a fake wrestling guy who's opinions don't matter right just like how you guys look down on lesnar after he made you eat some humble pie

Lol you're messed. Jon Jones started at 19 and cleared the division at 22. He was fighting guys with 10-20 years experience within MMA and beat everyone in the most competitive division in arguably MMA history. He didn't start late, he was just so talented that he could learn what was required to be successful in the same amount of time that it took Brook and was unbelievably more successful. Anderson Silva has fought fights with broken ribs, Rich Franklin KO'ed someone after he broke his hand WITHIN THE FIGHT. I think that's a lot worse than diverticulitis, you need to relax because you're making these extremely biased statements and you're discrediting how people have done more impressive things than Brook but you focus on the fact that Brook won like 4 fights in the UFC. One against a guy who's career went down after he got into a motorcycle accident, one against a guy who almost KO'ed him and should've won if the ref had stopped it (which he should've), one against a 45 year old and one against a no name. Relax, its 4 fights against a weak division. Did you even see how Velasquez and Overeem made a mockery of his life, don't speak about the UFC you know nothing.
You game examples which still had significant advantages over Lesnar :facepalm: and there is less risk actually training in a safe environment with your coach and team then being on the road 7 days a week having match night after night for a year, pro wrestling bodys get banged up pretty bad and because of the culture there often injuries are further aggravated when those guys are forced to work matches throughout the pain.

Sure they do but they get time to heal up you don't in pro wrestling. Am not downplaying the risks that come in the octagon but if you know little about the risks with pro wrestling then you can't really make a point can you

Training in a safe environment? They're fighting! Guys get hurt on a daily basis when training at that high level in MMA. They're trained to break each other's arms, legs, chest. You clearly are underestimating as to what these athletes are capable of doing. When they're fighting it's like two guys fighting with a gun in their hand, that's how destructive these athletes are.
Lol you're messed. Jon Jones started at 19 and cleared the division at 22. He was fighting guys with 10-20 years experience within MMA and beat everyone in the most competitive division in arguably MMA history. He didn't start late, he was just so talented that he could learn what was required to be successful in the same amount of time that it took Brook and was unbelievably more successful. Anderson Silva has fought fights with broken ribs, Rich Franklin KO'ed someone after he broke his hand WITHIN THE FIGHT. I think that's a lot worse than diverticulitis, you need to relax because you're making these extremely biased statements and you're discrediting how people have done more impressive things than Brook but you focus on the fact that Brook won like 4 fights in the UFC. One against a guy who's career went down after he got into a motorcycle accident, one against a guy who almost KO'ed him and should've won if the ref had stopped it (which he should've), one against a 45 year old and one against a no name. Relax, its 4 fights against a weak division. Did you even see how Velasquez and Overeem made a mockery of his life, don't speak about the UFC you know nothing.

You’re just a biased UFC fan that can’t see beyond his abject views , if you really were a true fan of the sport you wouldn’t display a lack of objectivity and so much bias. All you have done thus far is attempt to be little Lesnars acheivements when in fact his run was incredible given the circumstances he was faced with, Lesnar was not 19 years young was he? The Jon Jones argument is complete bs, and no disrespect to the fighters that continue on through broken ribs etc but was it diverticulitis?!! A career ending injury? Lesnar fought through a life threatening injury which he wasn’t aware of yet achieved considerable success. No one is saying that he compares to the UFC greats but no one has made an impact like him in the same circumstances and nor will they
One thing I have to admit is how impressive Vince McMahon is in playing with poor WWE fans emotions. He has these fans wrapped around his fingers like soldiers heading to battlefield with noway back. One thing CM Punk will bring to UFC is extremely high PPV numbers because of the WWE foot soldiers who are so emotionally attached to a fictional fighter that they will sell their belonging, starve themselves beg their parents just to watch their "hero" get punked :)))
Training in a safe environment? They're fighting! Guys get hurt on a daily basis when training at that high level in MMA. They're trained to break each other's arms, legs, chest. You clearly are underestimating as to what these athletes are capable of doing. When they're fighting it's like two guys fighting with a gun in their hand, that's how destructive these athletes are.

Are you insane! are you telling me they will intentionally try and injure themselves before a fight in training :))) Coming from the "I KNOW IT ALL ABOUT UFC" guy that's basic stuff bro or didn't you realize that, or even during sparring in boxing why don't they just take of the head gear right these tough SOB's :)))

MMA training is intense, i take regular sessions and although my training is obviously different to the rigors actual fighters go through no way do they try and kill each other during training!! it would be retarded
One thing I have to admit is how impressive Vince McMahon is in playing with poor WWE fans emotions. He has these fans wrapped around his fingers like soldiers heading to battlefield with noway back. One thing CM Punk will bring to UFC is extremely high PPV numbers because of the WWE foot soldiers who are so emotionally attached to a fictional fighter that they will sell their belonging, starve themselves beg their parents just to watch their "hero" get punked :)))

You will tune in to watch Punk just like the rest of you arrogant MMATards :))) he will make money of your abject hatred, Dana whites understands the bums on his roster are not worth a dime so he's never hesitant in signing the fake wrestling guys, the last one made a mockery of all of you self proclaimed tough guys :))) Dana White has bent you guys over in the most senile of ways, so delusional :))) If UFC fans are so true to themselves they should walk out during Punks fight otherwise you are no different to the WWE fans that will tune into see Punk. Only u guys are expecting him to have a succesful run not us i think deep down you are just concerned if this fake wrestling guy ends up doing well

And what a narrow minded view typical coming from an Indian though :))) you're telling me you don't pay to buy PPVs or see your favorite UFC fighters :))) so much for being a fan of the sport right you low grade thief probably streams the fights like a tramp just like the rest of the online ufc fan base that claim to be true fans of the sport :)))
[MENTION=78395]BlackThunder[/MENTION] you better go apply some sudo cream up your sore bum because regardless of what happens to Punk during his UFC tenure he will make you his royal biatch and make money in the sport despite the abject hatred from you MMAtards :))) that must hurt real bad right :))) The same was going to happen with Brock but too bad that one didn't work out too well for you dd it he bent all you overs by making a mockery of HW division :)))
You’re just a biased UFC fan that can’t see beyond his abject views , if you really were a true fan of the sport you wouldn’t display a lack of objectivity and so much bias. All you have done thus far is attempt to be little Lesnars acheivements when in fact his run was incredible given the circumstances he was faced with, Lesnar was not 19 years young was he? The Jon Jones argument is complete bs, and no disrespect to the fighters that continue on through broken ribs etc but was it diverticulitis?!! A career ending injury? Lesnar fought through a life threatening injury which he wasn’t aware of yet achieved considerable success. No one is saying that he compares to the UFC greats but no one has made an impact like him in the same circumstances and nor will they

He'd been going through diverticulitis but it was a serious problem without question but everyone's dealing with major issues. Freaking Anderson Silva is come back from a broken leg within a fight and you're talking to me about diverticulitis. Breaking legs, tearing MCLs/ACLs, ribs, hands, arms, knees etc. Every fighter goes through major injuries, relax and stop acting being a Brock-lover he was an above-average fighter at best who was lucky to be in the situations they put him in.

Jon Jones started at 19 yes but like I said before he started at 20 in the UFC. He had 1 year of MMA experience prior to the UFC, same for Lesnar. Lesnar was 4-3 in the UFC, JJ is 12-1 with a DQ. No bs argument, you just can't understand my point.
Are you insane! are you telling me they will intentionally try and injure themselves before a fight in training :))) Coming from the "I KNOW IT ALL ABOUT UFC" guy that's basic stuff bro or didn't you realize that, or even during sparring in boxing why don't they just take of the head gear right these tough SOB's :)))

MMA training is intense, i take regular sessions and although my training is obviously different to the rigors actual fighters go through no way do they try and kill each other during training!! it would be retarded

Again, point over your head. I never said they're trying to kill each other, I'm saying they're training has allowed them to be capable of killing one another. I'm not saying they're intentionally trying to injure themselves, I'm saying they're extremely capable of injuring one another based on the skills that they have, again point over your ahead. Don't assume you know what I mean and taking my points out of context.

Sure when they're sparring they have equipment but when they're wrestling, doing BJJ they're gonna be trying to submit their opponents. Injuries happen all the time. Maybe not as much as in the WWE but they happen all the time, every athlete has wear and tear in the UFC. So you're point is obsolete. Many people can go look back on the things that Lesnar did and realize that he was so over-hyped and what he did wasn't really that good. He was 4-3 and he beat weak fighters except for Carwin who basically TKO'ed him.
He'd been going through diverticulitis but it was a serious problem without question but everyone's dealing with major issues. Freaking Anderson Silva is come back from a broken leg within a fight and you're talking to me about diverticulitis. Breaking legs, tearing MCLs/ACLs, ribs, hands, arms, knees etc. Every fighter goes through major injuries, relax and stop acting being a Brock-lover he was an above-average fighter at best who was lucky to be in the situations they put him in.

Jon Jones started at 19 yes but like I said before he started at 20 in the UFC. He had 1 year of MMA experience prior to the UFC, same for Lesnar. Lesnar was 4-3 in the UFC, JJ is 12-1 with a DQ. No bs argument, you just can't understand my point.

Who said those injuries are minor? you are making diverticulitis seem like a minor thing though.

I do understand your point in terms of lack of experience Jon Jones still did better then Lesnar but you're not looking beyond your biased nature, Lesnar never started at 19 did he? nor was MMA his main career, he had an illness to and started his MMA quest on the back of a pro-wrestling run
You will tune in to watch Punk just like the rest of you arrogant MMATards :))) he will make money of your abject hatred, Dana whites understands the bums on his roster are not worth a dime so he's never hesitant in signing the fake wrestling guys, the last one made a mockery of all of you self proclaimed tough guys :))) Dana White has bent you guys over in the most senile of ways, so delusional :))) If UFC fans are so true to themselves they should walk out during Punks fight otherwise you are no different to the WWE fans that will tune into see Punk. Only u guys are expecting him to have a succesful run not us i think deep down you are just concerned if this fake wrestling guy ends up doing well

And what a narrow minded view typical coming from an Indian though :))) you're telling me you don't pay to buy PPVs or see your favorite UFC fighters :))) so much for being a fan of the sport right you low grade thief probably streams the fights like a tramp just like the rest of the online ufc fan base that claim to be true fans of the sport :)))

I enjoy it at a local bar with a few pints of heineken and a couple shots of vodka like a real man lol. Anyways the test match is starting I will get back to you WWE fans soon :winks #youhavebeenpunked :)))
Who said those injuries are minor? you are making diverticulitis seem like a minor thing though.

I do understand your point in terms of lack of experience Jon Jones still did better then Lesnar but you're not looking beyond your biased nature, Lesnar never started at 19 did he? nor was MMA his main career, he had an illness to and started his MMA quest on the back of a pro-wrestling run

But he did have a wrestling background and he was an athlete still working out, and keeping active. Whereas Franklin was a teacher, who became champion and a UFC HOF. And Carwin was a engineer who went to nearly KO Lesnar, and can make the argument that the fight should've been stopped. Relax there are people who've done a lot more impressive than the dude with a 4-3 record in the UFC.
Again, point over your head. I never said they're trying to kill each other, I'm saying they're training has allowed them to be capable of killing one another. I'm not saying they're intentionally trying to injure themselves, I'm saying they're extremely capable of injuring one another based on the skills that they have, again point over your ahead. Don't assume you know what I mean and taking my points out of context.

Sure when they're sparring they have equipment but when they're wrestling, doing BJJ they're gonna be trying to submit their opponents. Injuries happen all the time. Maybe not as much as in the WWE but they happen all the time, every athlete has wear and tear in the UFC. So you're point is obsolete. Many people can go look back on the things that Lesnar did and realize that he was so over-hyped and what he did wasn't really that good. He was 4-3 and he beat weak fighters except for Carwin who basically TKO'ed him.

Sorry but you were talking as if training in the same as fighting in the Octagon :))) Injuries happen there's wear and tear they get time to heal up and go again, it's not so easy in the WWE

Nah when the real MMA fans wake up they will realize how underrated Lesnar was there is not one fighter you've named who was in the exact same position as Lesnar and achieved more then him
Who said those injuries are minor? you are making diverticulitis seem like a minor thing though.

I do understand your point in terms of lack of experience Jon Jones still did better then Lesnar but you're not looking beyond your biased nature, Lesnar never started at 19 did he? nor was MMA his main career, he had an illness to and started his MMA quest on the back of a pro-wrestling run

No I'm saying every fighter has to go through major injuries within MMA, it's not an excuse for losing nor is it adding to any of their greatness because they're all going through that. Like I said get off the Lesnar bandwagon, what he did was whatever.
But he did have a wrestling background and he was an athlete still working out, and keeping active. Whereas Franklin was a teacher, who became champion and a UFC HOF. And Carwin was a engineer who went to nearly KO Lesnar, and can make the argument that the fight should've been stopped. Relax there are people who've done a lot more impressive than the dude with a 4-3 record in the UFC.

He was working out he was an athlete and keeping active yes but he was a "pro-wrestler" his grounding in wrestling from the NCAAA days was a very long time ago yes it was beneficial but he wasn't an active wrestler he was an active pro wrestler. Sure they have am not denying that but they did not face the same hurdles as lesnar am afraid
No I'm saying every fighter has to go through major injuries within MMA, it's not an excuse for losing nor is it adding to any of their greatness because they're all going through that. Like I said get off the Lesnar bandwagon, what he did was whatever.

If you were a true fan of the sport you wouldn't diminish his achievements in such a way, there are fans with better objective perspectives to be honest so your view is not universally accepted although the whole thing on Lesnars run is very polarizing. Am not on his bandwagon i think you just can't digest what this fake wrestling guy achieved, no one has replicated the same feats in his unique circumstances.
Sorry but you were talking as if training in the same as fighting in the Octagon :))) Injuries happen there's wear and tear they get time to heal up and go again, it's not so easy in the WWE

Nah when the real MMA fans wake up they will realize how underrated Lesnar was there is not one fighter you've named who was in the exact same position as Lesnar and achieved more then him

Well I guess the three examples of people who clearly were better than him, had the same amount of time to train prior to their entry to the UFC doesn't matter then. You haven't disputed any of my three examples, MMA wasn't going to be Jone's main career he just came in and wrecked 100x worse than Lesnar ever did. I'm not gonna give anyone credit because they had to go through major injury problems, every MMA fighter has had to deal with the same. Sure he had little experience, but JJ, Carwin and Franklin had less experience. The whole main career argument is bs, because its about the experience prior that was what you're point was. That no one had that little experience and did what he did. I showed you three guys who did that and much more, in Jon Jones example A LOT MORE.
Well I guess the three examples of people who clearly were better than him, had the same amount of time to train prior to their entry to the UFC doesn't matter then. You haven't disputed any of my three examples, MMA wasn't going to be Jone's main career he just came in and wrecked 100x worse than Lesnar ever did. I'm not gonna give anyone credit because they had to go through major injury problems, every MMA fighter has had to deal with the same. Sure he had little experience, but JJ, Carwin and Franklin had less experience. The whole main career argument is bs, because its about the experience prior that was what you're point was. That no one had that little experience and did what he did. I showed you three guys who did that and much more, in Jon Jones example A LOT MORE.

I did dispute them and i agree with your side of the argument that these guys did well for themselves despite having little experience just like Lesnar but that's about it did they face similar hurdles to him other then lack of experience? no, they still had a significant advantages over him
Your're just sticking to this Jon Jones example while being unable to counter the other points which i have made you are downplaying the significant advantages they have over Lesnar tbh hence why you are a biased UFC fan that thinks he knows so much, if you did you'd have the decency to be objective
If you were a true fan of the sport you wouldn't diminish his achievements in such a way, there are fans with better objective perspectives to be honest so your view is not universally accepted although the whole thing on Lesnars run is very polarizing. Am not on his bandwagon i think you just can't digest what this fake wrestling guy achieved, no one has replicated the same feats in his unique circumstances.

He didn't have unique circumstances, all fighters come from no where and start MMA late. Many of them go through major injuries and still succeed. You continue to ignore my examples and continue to back a guy with a 4-3 record in the UFC saying that's extremely impressive. In comparison to Franklin and Jon Jones, what Lesnar did was nothing. MMA fans know this, watch MMA and you'll know that Lesnar was just a marketing scheme that worked perfectly. Other than the fact that he brought so many fans to the UFC, he didn't really achieve anything special. He won a title in one of the weakest divisions in the UFC and once real competitors enter the division he ran because he knew he was gonna be seen as a joke. Nothing special, get off his bandwagon.
He didn't have unique circumstances, all fighters come from no where and start MMA late. Many of them go through major injuries and still succeed. You continue to ignore my examples and continue to back a guy with a 4-3 record in the UFC saying that's extremely impressive. In comparison to Franklin and Jon Jones, what Lesnar did was nothing. MMA fans know this, watch MMA and you'll know that Lesnar was just a marketing scheme that worked perfectly. Other than the fact that he brought so many fans to the UFC, he didn't really achieve anything special. He won a title in one of the weakest divisions in the UFC and once real competitors enter the division he ran because he knew he was gonna be seen as a joke. Nothing special, get off his bandwagon.

So much bias its unbelievable here. Those are all general arguments and your examples are not specific to Lesnars unique circumstances, talk about being a UFC Mark you epitomize one.

Which fighter was the same age as Lesnar when he started out n being inexperienced at the same time?

Which fighter had diverticulitis a light threatening disease?

Which fighter didn't even start out in MMA?

These are all significant disadvantages which the fighters you speak did not face simultaneously. Am not on his bandwagon am just appreciating his run for what it was, if he started out like any other fighter then sure you can say those things but even then he still became a world champion. Lesnar has earned respect which is not being given by people that are still hurt over their weird and abject hatred/views
Your're just sticking to this Jon Jones example while being unable to counter the other points which i have made you are downplaying the significant advantages they have over Lesnar tbh hence why you are a biased UFC fan that thinks he knows so much, if you did you'd have the decency to be objective

What advantages? They didn't have any advantages, he was a world class wrestler before he entered the UFC. These guys were a teacher, a student in school and an engineer. But that's nothing because Lesnar came from the WWE way more impressive? I don't get you're point, you clearly don't have one. Keep grasping onto straws when you don't have any argument. Jones, Franklin and Carwin did far more impressive feats within the UFC, and they weren't even athletes prior to the UFC. They weren't all-american wrestlers or capable of being olympic athletes before starting to train.

Believe it or not wrestling is one of the most effective methods of being a successful MMA fighter. And it's called on as "the best foundation that a MMA fighter could have to work around" - Joe Rogan (color commentator). You don't have any other points, you have 2 points and I've decimated both of them with ease. All MMA athletes deal with major injuries, Brock isn't some exception. Many MMA athletes were into MMA as children actually started training within their mid 20s - Brock isn't some exception.

However many of those MMA fighters also never got the privilege of training wrestling as a child up until the end of college. He trained 10+ years in wrestling, relax it's not like the guy went in blindfolded. He had a skill set that was semi-effective. But others have done more impressive things within a shorter period of time going through major injuries as well. It also goes to show how he got KO'ed twice and left the sport immediately after. Like I said 4-3, not that impressive.
What advantages? They didn't have any advantages, he was a world class wrestler before he entered the UFC. These guys were a teacher, a student in school and an engineer. But that's nothing because Lesnar came from the WWE way more impressive? I don't get you're point, you clearly don't have one. Keep grasping onto straws when you don't have any argument. Jones, Franklin and Carwin did far more impressive feats within the UFC, and they weren't even athletes prior to the UFC. They weren't all-american wrestlers or capable of being olympic athletes before starting to train.

Believe it or not wrestling is one of the most effective methods of being a successful MMA fighter. And it's called on as "the best foundation that a MMA fighter could have to work around" - Joe Rogan (color commentator). You don't have any other points, you have 2 points and I've decimated both of them with ease. All MMA athletes deal with major injuries, Brock isn't some exception. Many MMA athletes were into MMA as children actually started training within their mid 20s - Brock isn't some exception.

However many of those MMA fighters also never got the privilege of training wrestling as a child up until the end of college. He trained 10+ years in wrestling, relax it's not like the guy went in blindfolded. He had a skill set that was semi-effective. But others have done more impressive things within a shorter period of time going through major injuries as well. It also goes to show how he got KO'ed twice and left the sport immediately after. Like I said 4-3, not that impressive.

Lesnar was highly inactive wrestler given that he pursued a career in the WWE! Who cares what those guys did none of them faced the issues Lesnar did simultaneously, so those examples you provide are extremely poor and the point you made is completely nonsensical. Lesnar never started out in MMA like those guys did nor did he have youth on his side and then you are downplaying the significance of his disease given your insensitive nature you either don't want to accept or believe how a fighter could achieve what he did in such adverse circumstances and condition

Yes wrestling is one of the most important facets of MMA yet you downplayed it's significance you are just contradicting yourself now, you did say that it's important to be versatile and am afraid the only grounding lesnar had was in wrestling you can't be succesful just based off that style you'd have to be extremely special to pull it off. The only thing you are good at decimating is your own narrow minded egotistical perspectives which you can't seem to get out your backside tbh
So much bias its unbelievable here. Those are all general arguments and your examples are not specific to Lesnars unique circumstances, talk about being a UFC Mark you epitomize one.

Which fighter was the same age as Lesnar when he started out n being inexperienced at the same time?

Which fighter had diverticulitis a light threatening disease?

Which fighter didn't even start out in MMA?

These are all significant disadvantages which the fighters you speak did not face simultaneously. Am not on his bandwagon am just appreciating his run for what it was, if he started out like any other fighter then sure you can say those things but even then he still became a world champion. Lesnar has earned respect which is not being given by people that are still hurt over their weird and abject hatred/views

What do you mean didn't start out in MMA? Like just because he was a WWE wrestler doesn't mean he had some major disadvantage come into the UFC because he was in WWE which somehow makes it impossible to win. Ken Shamrock and Frank Shamrock were in the WWE as well, were successful and are both better than him as a fighter.

And again, age is irrelevant because what difference would it make if you start 19 or 26. JJ had no experience of fighting prior to the training at 19. Brock was a trained COLLEGE WRESTLING CHAMPION! Like I think you're understating that, anyone who's a D1 wrestling champion who was an all-american wrestler means he's an elite level wrestler. The guy had training, if you think that's no training for MMA you know nothing again. The JJ vs Lesnar comparison is extremely valid. Carwin had the same situation exact situation and was 4-2 in the UFC and deserved a win against Lesnar if the ref was smart enough to end the fight. But whatever things happen.

And if the diverticulitis was so life-threatening, Dana White would never let him fight in the UFC. The UFC has never had a death for a reason, they check their fighters to make sure there's no chance of death. Even if there was a 1% chance that it could happen, they wouldn't let him fight.
Lesnar was highly inactive wrestler given that he pursued a career in the WWE! Who cares what those guys did none of them faced the issues Lesnar did simultaneously, so those examples you provide are extremely poor and the point you made is completely nonsensical. Lesnar never started out in MMA like those guys did nor did he have youth on his side and then you are downplaying the significance of his disease given your insensitive nature you either don't want to accept or believe how a fighter could achieve what he did in such adverse circumstances and condition

Yes wrestling is one of the most important facets of MMA yet you downplayed it's significance you are just contradicting yourself now, you did say that it's important to be versatile and am afraid the only grounding lesnar had was in wrestling you can't be succesful just based off that style you'd have to be extremely special to pull it off. The only thing you are good at decimating is your own narrow minded egotistical perspectives which you can't seem to get out your backside tbh

Strike three, yer' out! I never downplayed it's significance, I said being too one-dimensional will cause you to get decimated, and...it did. But my point about being an extremely successful collegiate wrestler is that you can take people down easily and just sit on them for rounds but against elite level talent like Velasquez he was made a mockery of. Overeem for example is considered a gateway fighter for potential champions now in the HW division and he put brock on the floor easily. You're overhyping a guy with wins against unimpressive opponents. NONE OF WHICH ARE IN THE UFC ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!

You're acting like being in the WWE made it unbelievably difficult to be a UFC fighter and I don't understand why.....guys went from being engineers, students and teachers to going to the UFC. That's not impressive, clearly more impressive to be an actual professional athlete who was an elite level college wrestler lmao, stop this nonsense.
What do you mean didn't start out in MMA? Like just because he was a WWE wrestler doesn't mean he had some major disadvantage come into the UFC because he was in WWE which somehow makes it impossible to win. Ken Shamrock and Frank Shamrock were in the WWE as well, were successful and are both better than him as a fighter.

And again, age is irrelevant because what difference would it make if you start 19 or 26. JJ had no experience of fighting prior to the training at 19. Brock was a trained COLLEGE WRESTLING CHAMPION! Like I think you're understating that, anyone who's a D1 wrestling champion who was an all-american wrestler means he's an elite level wrestler. The guy had training, if you think that's no training for MMA you know nothing again. The JJ vs Lesnar comparison is extremely valid. Carwin had the same situation exact situation and was 4-2 in the UFC and deserved a win against Lesnar if the ref was smart enough to end the fight. But whatever things happen.

And if the diverticulitis was so life-threatening, Dana White would never let him fight in the UFC. The UFC has never had a death for a reason, they check their fighters to make sure there's no chance of death. Even if there was a 1% chance that it could happen, they wouldn't let him fight.

You must be extremely stupid to think that you can just jump into MMA or boxing or any sport just like that and expect to do well at it! This whole wrestling argument is stupid as well because it's not wrestling it's MMA of course it's going to aid him but not like he was active wrestler during the entire period before he fought in MMA. Shamrock did not make the jump from the WWE to MMA, he started out as an MMA fighter did you not know that?

Wow are you serious not everyone is a Bernard Hopkins, age is irrelevant :facepalm: surely youth ought to have it's advantages lmao You first contradict yourself by downplaying the significance of wrestling and then go on to tell me i don't know this that blahaahhh blaaaah decimated etc clearly you are not really making any points here to counter me hence the need to use such garbage in your arguments. He had training from 7 years before he had his first MMA fight :))) stop shoving those words down my throat when the hell did i say that it's meaningless i've have specifically stated that it's an advantage but not before reminding you of your very own words that being a wrestler is just not enough to survive in MMA and it's true you need to be a versatile fighter or else it wouldn't be known as MMA would it? so much for being so knowledgeable you're making yourself look like a fool bro, the JJ v Lesnar is not valid given the age of the competitors and the fact that one of them was not starting out in MMA with a serious disease he was carrying in addition to his lack of experience, JJJ had youth on his side side despite his inexperience and he started out in MMA was a fresh competitor and never had any particular health issues actually so its not valid sorry. You are only looking at recrods which you must have just looked up on wikipidia or sherdog now in your bid to try and convince me that your point is correct just based on these fight records and experience levels exposes you for your obvious bias and the fact that you don't look at fighters beyond statistics etc so much for being a fan that knws so much about the sport

Lesnar did not know he had diverticulitis
Strike three, yer' out! I never downplayed it's significance, I said being too one-dimensional will cause you to get decimated, and...it did. But my point about being an extremely successful collegiate wrestler is that you can take people down easily and just sit on them for rounds but against elite level talent like Velasquez he was made a mockery of. Overeem for example is considered a gateway fighter for potential champions now in the HW division and he put brock on the floor easily. You're overhyping a guy with wins against unimpressive opponents. NONE OF WHICH ARE IN THE UFC ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!

You're acting like being in the WWE made it unbelievably difficult to be a UFC fighter and I don't understand why.....guys went from being engineers, students and teachers to going to the UFC. That's not impressive, clearly more impressive to be an actual professional athlete who was an elite level college wrestler lmao, stop this nonsense.

Am not over hyping him you are underrating him! you called a UFC world champions tenure "whatever" so much for trying to pose as the one who respects his achievements, you are a biased fan that can't bare what this fake wrestling guy which MMA fans are supposed to hate achieved. Not once have i claimed him to be superior then various HW in the UFC i merely appreciated his run for what it was and you are vindicating my points by repeatedly downplaying his achievements by bringing up nonsensical arguments which make no sense in the context of the matter. You agree that just being a good wrestler can make one one dimensional right? what else did lesnar have going for him prior to his 7 years ago training :)))

Not really "unbelievably" is a strong word which proves you feel like his work in the WWE had absolute no impact on the stresses/strains of his body of work and that going into MMA was walk in the park for him. It's impressive who said it's not you are just busy downplaying Lesnar and using these examples to make it look like i disagree with the achievements of those engineers etc when that's not the case, you just can't digest what he achieved in the circumstances that he did.
You must be extremely stupid to think that you can just jump into MMA or boxing or any sport just like that and expect to do well at it! This whole wrestling argument is stupid as well because it's not wrestling it's MMA of course it's going to aid him but not like he was active wrestler during the entire period before he fought in MMA. Shamrock did not make the jump from the WWE to MMA, he started out as an MMA fighter did you not know that?

Wow are you serious not everyone is a Bernard Hopkins, age is irrelevant :facepalm: surely youth ought to have it's advantages lmao You first contradict yourself by downplaying the significance of wrestling and then go on to tell me i don't know this that blahaahhh blaaaah decimated etc clearly you are not really making any points here to counter me hence the need to use such garbage in your arguments. He had training from 7 years before he had his first MMA fight :))) stop shoving those words down my throat when the hell did i say that it's meaningless i've have specifically stated that it's an advantage but not before reminding you of your very own words that being a wrestler is just not enough to survive in MMA and it's true you need to be a versatile fighter or else it wouldn't be known as MMA would it? so much for being so knowledgeable you're making yourself look like a fool bro, the JJ v Lesnar is not valid given the age of the competitors and the fact that one of them was not starting out in MMA with a serious disease he was carrying in addition to his lack of experience, JJJ had youth on his side side despite his inexperience and he started out in MMA was a fresh competitor and never had any particular health issues actually so its not valid sorry. You are only looking at recrods which you must have just looked up on wikipidia or sherdog now in your bid to try and convince me that your point is correct just based on these fight records and experience levels exposes you for your obvious bias and the fact that you don't look at fighters beyond statistics etc so much for being a fan that knws so much about the sport

Lesnar did not know he had diverticulitis

Lol this is one of the worst posts I've read for days. You just take away everything I said, forget about Carwin and Franklin their irrelevant. Oh and obviously if a guy's 19 and starts MMA he has this advantages as you say, "surely youth has its advantages".....that's your point...youth has its advantages. You call me extremely stupid and you say that, surely you know nothing about MMA. Lesnar was a one-dimensional fighter but he had a great base to work off, however he never learned to do anything other than fighting on the ground and working on his wrestling game. He also was just not talented at anything other than wrestling, he wasn't good on the ground, he was horrible with stand up. Jon Jones was horrible at stand-up as well but he learned very quickly which is my point, he was just an all-around much more talented. Same for Franklin and Carwin. Every athlete has to work with re-occurring injuries, including all three of those fighters. Lesnar knew after his title win that he had diverticulitis, so after 2 fights he knew that and both of the fights prior were horrible fighters. The guy won 4 fights like calm down, he's nothing special. People have done a lot better. Anderson Silva's coming back from a broken leg at the age of 40 and I could still see him winning the title and continuing his legacy, talk about that over Brock Lesnar's 4-3 record AGAINST GARBAGE FIGHTERS. Once he went against anyone good, he got KO'ed. After one year of training JJ was already a better fighter than Brock. Get off the man, what he did was good but nothing that I need to spend an hour of my day arguing about.
Am not over hyping him you are underrating him! you called a UFC world champions tenure "whatever" so much for trying to pose as the one who respects his achievements, you are a biased fan that can't bare what this fake wrestling guy which MMA fans are supposed to hate achieved. Not once have i claimed him to be superior then various HW in the UFC i merely appreciated his run for what it was and you are vindicating my points by repeatedly downplaying his achievements by bringing up nonsensical arguments which make no sense in the context of the matter. You agree that just being a good wrestler can make one one dimensional right? what else did lesnar have going for him prior to his 7 years ago training :)))

Not really "unbelievably" is a strong word which proves you feel like his work in the WWE had absolute no impact on the stresses/strains of his body of work and that going into MMA was walk in the park for him. It's impressive who said it's not you are just busy downplaying Lesnar and using these examples to make it look like i disagree with the achievements of those engineers etc when that's not the case, you just can't digest what he achieved in the circumstances that he did.

If you knew anything about the heavyweight division you'd know that any champion prior to Cain Velasquez in the modern day UFC is considered to be whatever because of the extreme raise in competition level. Tim Sylvia was 2 HW champion and had 3 defenses like Lesnar, no one considers him a great fighter by any means, not even a good fighter. He was just an average fighter who won in a weak era for HW fighters. Lesnar didn't beat anyone special, actually if he was apart of any other division, he wouldn't be able to last. Precisely why I said you don't understand MMA, the HW division has historically been the weakest with no one being seen as a top 10-20 fighter in the world prior to Cain and JDS, but you wouldn't know that would you? Lesnar was lucky that he was a HW, he was actually by far the weakest of all champions at the time. If he had fought in LHW, he probably wouldn't have cracked the top 15.
No use arguing with a retard that thinks he is an MMA fan :))) digest this Lesnar the fake wrestler became UFC world champ while leeching all you MMAtards dry :))) if you made any objective points you wouldnt need to repeatedly attempt to emphasise tht you are decimating this and that after being owned i got you writing long angry garbage post like rants for the past hour because you cant accept the truth it must hurt real bad

Let the jimmies continue to be rustled :)))

Those guys are not fit to tie Lesnars shoe laces whom you mention
Comparing JJ to lesnar :))) you are right you are a fan of the UFC diehard and blind but not MMA
Lmao the fool again over hypes lesnar himself and then underrates him :))) wow yh you are so knowledgeable about MMA :)))
No use arguing with a retard that thinks he is an MMA fan :))) digest this Lesnar the fake wrestler became UFC world champ while leeching all you MMAtards dry :))) if you made any objective points you wouldnt need to repeatedly attempt to emphasise tht you are decimating this and that after being owned i got you writing long angry garbage post like rants for the past hour because you cant accept the truth it must hurt real bad

Let the jimmies continue to be rustled :)))

Those guys are not fit to tie Lesnars shoe laces whom you mention

You clearly can't reply to my statement and have to resort to laughing on the floor to support your stupidity. Keep on supporting the guy with a 4-3 record in the UFC, with wins against guys who've been forced to retire or leave because they're incapable of keeping a job in the UFC today. Oh but he had an injury like everyone had, and he didn't have experience in MMA prior to fighting like many others have. Like you don't have a point, Lesnar's nothing. The fact that you don't understand the JJ to Lesnar comparison means you're just mentally incapable of understanding any concept. Which I can see by your responses is obvious.

But it's alright keep backing the guy with a 4-3 record because he's so good. Or continue to try because if you quit now and decide not to argue, you simply lose the argument retard.
If this guy was such a big fan of MMA he wouldnt need to convince me with such desperation :))) not one point did this mentally challenged faker sucessfully counter with objectivity all be does is divert from my points and give weak examples while shoving words down my throat like a coward. You overhyped lesnar no one else and you refuse to look beyond his record when it comes to his ufc tenure which exposes you for the biased fraud you are that thinks be is an mma fan :)))
You act as though he had no skills that were capable of making him a good fighter. Like you think he was just a random dude he walked into a gym and a year later he was champ, clearly wasn't the case. Guy had elite wrestler skills, not like you lose these skills because you stop wrestling (which we can't say that he did because we don't know that for sure, could've been training) he obviously still had all those skills. Hence why he was effective taking people down, he wasn't anything special, he came in when the HW division was weak that's all and beat weak fighters. Once he fought a real champ or even a top 10 guy in today's MMA he looked scared for his life.
If this guy was such a big fan of MMA he wouldnt need to convince me with such desperation :))) not one point did this mentally challenged faker sucessfully counter with objectivity all be does is divert from my points and give weak examples while shoving words down my throat like a coward. You overhyped lesnar no one else and you refuse to look beyond his record when it comes to his ufc tenure which exposes you for the biased fraud you are that thinks be is an mma fan :)))

Desperation? I think putting in laughing emos because you have no point when I've countered all you're points because they were weak points to begin with, seems pretty desperate. You actually stopped arguing because you couldn't keep up with the knowledge, it's unbelievable how you know absolutely nothing about MMA or the UFC.
But I guess mentally deranged lesnar lovers are incapable of reading and understanding other peoples points and like to make statements like, "surely youth has it's advantages". Keep using assumptions as points, and keep assuming no one's like Lesnar when I've provided with 3 examples of guys who had it MUCH worse actually, retard. You clearly have a mental deficiency of logic though.
Pro eva you are completely retarded so i rather not bother with someone that is so mentally challenged you are yet to prove any of my points wrong you just shove words down my throat to prove your non sensical views you just ignore all i say and come out with irrelevant garbage to conceal your bias

Youth being an advantage is not assumption and you must be the most retarded self proclaimed combat sport fan in history to think otherwise

I aint a lesnar lover you are just a hater pretends to give him credit before contradicting himself. You overhyped him and argued your own views :))) if u think you are an mma fan then am afraid u just derailed all it stands for

Lesnar is no legend but no fighter had to face his adverse circumstances and you are yet to prove otherwise this is not overrating him its being objectiv and using logic which u hv failed to do so
Anyone can use sherdog and wiki this guy thinks he knows all about mma lmao those fighters you speak of have different circumstances to lesnar no ones derailing them or their acheivements but lesnars woes were greater in comparison. All u do is belittle him shows the only thing u knw bwt mma is my foot
Find u go on to give your lover boys credit but not lesnar who had to ensure greater obstacles shows you have an agenda against him. I agree with the weak division n fighters he fought but thats irrelevant because i established already that i dnt consider him a great but u continue with your small people agendas because you cant digest what he acheived despite all odds he exceeded all expectations during mma career the fact u refuse to accept that or give him credit exposes you for the faker you are
Lesnar was a bag of potato used by UFC to gain viewers and once the job was done he was not only beaten and humiliated but also thrown out like dirty laundry. Since UFC's ppv numbers are declining they are using this punk to throw a bone at gullible WWE fans and once they fill their pockets they will feed Punk to the wolves and watch him scrable for life before breaching his contract and running away like a true punk.
Anyone can use sherdog and wiki this guy thinks he knows all about mma lmao those fighters you speak of have different circumstances to lesnar no ones derailing them or their acheivements but lesnars woes were greater in comparison. All u do is belittle him shows the only thing u knw bwt mma is my foot

LOL like I haven't watched all of those fights, do you even remember how big UFC 100 was? Oh yeah you don't even know who was main eventing the fight with Lesnar without wiki'ing it. I posted two fights where he didn't just lose, he got dominated. Actually even when he won, he was sometimes on the verge of losing. The guy's lucky, I don't give a damn about his woes and neither should I. i don't value an injury in a sport where everyone get's injured. But it's impossible to speak to someone who doesn't know anything about MMA. But keep getting on your knees for your man.

LOL and just keep making bogus statements that don't make sense. I didn't contradict myself, the guys a damn good wrestler and against weak competition anyone can look like a champion but when he goes against someone who can stuff a takedown and box, he gets knocked. You ignore the fact he'd get owned by everyone in the division today and just oh you're contradicting yourself. You clearly know nothing about MMA. The fact that you're talking about Lesnar's adversities means you don't know anything about MMA or the UFC for that matter because no one today even talks about the irrelevant Lesnar.

Like you can't even spell my name correctly and I'm having a damn argument with you. Like god you make posts but they don't have any meaning you just say I don't know anything about the UFC to be quiet honest, Lesnar heavily disappointed me. I had a lot higher expectation and a lot of people who were Lesnar fans like myself thought he could have been a good champion. Ignore all my posts like the competition of the HW division.

I'm gonna say names like Mir, Couture, Sylvia but what does that mean to you? You can't read because you're just mentally as capable as Umar Amin.
Find u go on to give your lover boys credit but not lesnar who had to ensure greater obstacles shows you have an agenda against him. I agree with the weak division n fighters he fought but thats irrelevant because i established already that i dnt consider him a great but u continue with your small people agendas because you cant digest what he acheived despite all odds he exceeded all expectations during mma career the fact u refuse to accept that or give him credit exposes you for the faker you are

Booo hooo he had an injury as a UFC fighter

Booo hooo he came in from the WWE which means it so hard to fight

Booo hooo he had it so hard

LOL its the UFC the fact that you're crying about Lesnar in a sport where guys fight with broken hands, jaws and ribs. Watch Anderson Silva vs Chael Sonnen or Gilbert Melendez vs Diego Sanchez. That's fighting through adversity, not a guy who's beaten scrubs. But you avoid that because you don't know those guys were scrubs, because you don't watch MMA, i'm done commentating retard, never speak about MMA until you learn 20 names within the sport and stop being a lesnar nut hugger you might learn something. Clearly you no nothing.
Booo hooo he had an injury as a UFC fighter

Booo hooo he came in from the WWE which means it so hard to fight

Booo hooo he had it so hard

LOL its the UFC the fact that you're crying about Lesnar in a sport where guys fight with broken hands, jaws and ribs. Watch Anderson Silva vs Chael Sonnen or Gilbert Melendez vs Diego Sanchez. That's fighting through adversity, not a guy who's beaten scrubs. But you avoid that because you don't know those guys were scrubs, because you don't watch MMA, i'm done commentating retard, never speak about MMA until you learn 20 names within the sport and stop being a lesnar nut hugger you might learn something. Clearly you no nothing.

Despite the obstacles against him he achieved great success but that’s what you can’t bear like most of the biased haters can’t take how his natural gifts were able to ensure he had a great UFC tenure. Not many of you cowards and keyboard warriors will have the guts to stand across the octagon from a guy with more than 20 MMA fights with years in training and fight him. Sure on Paper his record is not great but he did become a UFC world champion and you need to be objective when analysing his achievements’ but you have failed to look beyond a record, the funny thing is you big up these so called wrestlers that faced adversity yet fail to give Lesnar credit which exposes your bias. Lesnars record is not spectacular he got beat up he beat some fighters to but the keyword that will hang over his legacy is “potential”, what would happen if he had gone straight into the world of MMA after the University of Minnesota? As a 23 year old college wrestling champion, had he done so he’d have learned to strike and gained significant experience before joining the UFC. And as far as his box office appeal is concerned no one can deny he is UFC’s biggest star, thanks to him new fans were able to witness Silvas greatness in his prime, George st pieer wouldn’t have been payed so well and

Throwing in names like sanchez doesn't really help you sure he's a true underdog of mma an exciting contender that leaves it all in the octagon and i got respect for all the fighters that fight through adversity but the fact remains you are downplaying the significance of Lesnars significant disadvantages which proves you either no nothing about the sport or you're just a hater, no one enters the sport at the age of 30 with diverticulitits (read up about it) and a pro-wrestling banged up body and achieve what he did, and the last time Lesnar was actually wrestling was 7 years before he stepped in the octagon you're telling me that gap had no bearing on his impact as an MMA fighter. Knowing a bunch of UFC fighters doesn't take away from your inability to understand these factors

Most UFC fans like yourself just hate Lesnar because they can't bear that this fake guy became their biggest star.
Despite the obstacles against him he achieved great success but that’s what you can’t bear like most of the biased haters can’t take how his natural gifts were able to ensure he had a great UFC tenure. Not many of you cowards and keyboard warriors will have the guts to stand across the octagon from a guy with more than 20 MMA fights with years in training and fight him. Sure on Paper his record is not great but he did become a UFC world champion and you need to be objective when analysing his achievements’ but you have failed to look beyond a record, the funny thing is you big up these so called wrestlers that faced adversity yet fail to give Lesnar credit which exposes your bias. Lesnars record is not spectacular he got beat up he beat some fighters to but the keyword that will hang over his legacy is “potential”, what would happen if he had gone straight into the world of MMA after the University of Minnesota? As a 23 year old college wrestling champion, had he done so he’d have learned to strike and gained significant experience before joining the UFC. And as far as his box office appeal is concerned no one can deny he is UFC’s biggest star, thanks to him new fans were able to witness Silvas greatness in his prime, George st pieer wouldn’t have been payed so well and

Throwing in names like sanchez doesn't really help you sure he's a true underdog of mma an exciting contender that leaves it all in the octagon and i got respect for all the fighters that fight through adversity but the fact remains you are downplaying the significance of Lesnars significant disadvantages which proves you either no nothing about the sport or you're just a hater, no one enters the sport at the age of 30 with diverticulitits (read up about it) and a pro-wrestling banged up body and achieve what he did, and the last time Lesnar was actually wrestling was 7 years before he stepped in the octagon you're telling me that gap had no bearing on his impact as an MMA fighter. Knowing a bunch of UFC fighters doesn't take away from your inability to understand these factors

Most UFC fans like yourself just hate Lesnar because they can't bear that this fake guy became their biggest star.

This is a waste of a post because I said that in my first post in terms of marketing and the image of the UFC he had a big impact. He was their most popular star because he was a household name already, but you wouldn't know also the impact that Forrest Griffin and Stephen Bonnar had on the sport as well. TUF season finale 1 is still the most watched and hyped fight in the UFC's history. The reason we dislike Brock is because of the things he said and the way he acted as well as the overhype he received unnecessarily. He was an above average fighter who fought at a time where all the fighters were considered to be the weakest champions as well as the weakest division in the UFC. None of those guys fighting for championships would have even got a shot in today's MMA. But you obviously avoid that point...I've said it like 6000 times but you cannot dispute it.

Let me repeat this because your numb skull is incapable of taking information and storing it inside. He....won.....a.......weak......title. Actually the weakest, in the least stacked division the UFC has seen in over a decade. He fought Randy Couture at age 44 for the title for christ's sake like come on. I don't care that a WWE fighter won a title, it's not hard to win a title in the worst division in the UFC where Couture was champion at 265 when he was weighing in at 220. Plus he's a wrestler so he's looking to take the fight to the ground as well. It was a good match up for him, regardless, he never deserved the title shot that he received and he was lucky the UFC gave him a couple of easy fights so he could be overhyped. Other than that, once he went against a real challenge he either almost got KO'ed or got KO'ed. That's my point he went against weak fighters, anyone with elite level wrestling can take these guys down and sit on them for 3 rounds, not difficult for them. Especially when you beat the likes of an injured Mir, old Couture (who should be fighting as a LHW mind you) and Heath Herring. Every fight I can explain to you how and why he won, you're overrating his championship like it was the greatest accomplishment the UFC's ever seen. Relax, stop nut hugging the crap outta him. Go post what you have to say on an MMA forum and see the response you get but hey, I don't know anything about the sport and neither do us fans because we're so heavily biased against him.....yeah like I didn't previously state that I was a fan of his and wanted him to succeed. But I could see with my eyes that he was a coward who went he fought against REAL TALENT, got KO'ed and ran for his life, FACT.
This is a waste of a post because I said that in my first post in terms of marketing and the image of the UFC he had a big impact. He was their most popular star because he was a household name already, but you wouldn't know also the impact that Forrest Griffin and Stephen Bonnar had on the sport as well. TUF season finale 1 is still the most watched and hyped fight in the UFC's history. The reason we dislike Brock is because of the things he said and the way he acted as well as the overhype he received unnecessarily. He was an above average fighter who fought at a time where all the fighters were considered to be the weakest champions as well as the weakest division in the UFC. None of those guys fighting for championships would have even got a shot in today's MMA. But you obviously avoid that point...I've said it like 6000 times but you cannot dispute it.

Let me repeat this because your numb skull is incapable of taking information and storing it inside. He....won.....a.......weak......title. Actually the weakest, in the least stacked division the UFC has seen in over a decade. He fought Randy Couture at age 44 for the title for christ's sake like come on. I don't care that a WWE fighter won a title, it's not hard to win a title in the worst division in the UFC where Couture was champion at 265 when he was weighing in at 220. Plus he's a wrestler so he's looking to take the fight to the ground as well. It was a good match up for him, regardless, he never deserved the title shot that he received and he was lucky the UFC gave him a couple of easy fights so he could be overhyped. Other than that, once he went against a real challenge he either almost got KO'ed or got KO'ed. That's my point he went against weak fighters, anyone with elite level wrestling can take these guys down and sit on them for 3 rounds, not difficult for them. Especially when you beat the likes of an injured Mir, old Couture (who should be fighting as a LHW mind you) and Heath Herring. Every fight I can explain to you how and why he won, you're overrating his championship like it was the greatest accomplishment the UFC's ever seen. Relax, stop nut hugging the crap outta him. Go post what you have to say on an MMA forum and see the response you get but hey, I don't know anything about the sport and neither do us fans because we're so heavily biased against him.....yeah like I didn't previously state that I was a fan of his and wanted him to succeed. But I could see with my eyes that he was a coward who went he fought against REAL TALENT, got KO'ed and ran for his life, FACT.

I didn't dispute the points you make about the division being weak etc and just because i understand the nature of the circumstances prior to Brock's UFC run so much better then someone consumed by hatred that doesn't make me overrating him i've spoken of facts, if Brock was a spring chicken at the age of 23 years young you had been training to be an MMA fighter all his life completely healthy and 100% then your points about his achievements being nothing would have more impact, and yes the division is weak does that make the feats of all the fighters mealiness as well then? i understand he's not likeable but try and be objective. No man that steps in the Octagon is a coward you could see it in his eyes wtff yeah sure despite everything surrounding his run to the octagon in addition to the diverticulitis he was a coward :facepalm: again your throwing words in my mouth and pushing this idea that am overrating him when it's you who's coming out with that garbage just to defend your own points it's like you're ignoring my points and arguing with yourself
Go on MMA forums give me a break 99% of you guys are gullible and biased it's shocking really, you go on like your views are universally accepted by the MMA community which is false. I could do a little digging right now and find articles from MMA sites by respectable writers that don't have such a narrow mind and don't hold such a biased view of Lesnar, sure there will be some that disregard what he achieved but not how you're making it seem as if all you internet experts hold a view point on him which is agreed by all of the MMA fans.
I didn't dispute the points you make about the division being weak etc and just because i understand the nature of the circumstances prior to Brock's UFC run so much better then someone consumed by hatred that doesn't make me overrating him i've spoken of facts, if Brock was a spring chicken at the age of 23 years young you had been training to be an MMA fighter all his life completely healthy and 100% then your points about his achievements being nothing would have more impact, and yes the division is weak does that make the feats of all the fighters mealiness as well then? i understand he's not likeable but try and be objective. No man that steps in the Octagon is a coward you could see it in his eyes wtff yeah sure despite everything surrounding his run to the octagon in addition to the diverticulitis he was a coward :facepalm: again your throwing words in my mouth and pushing this idea that am overrating him when it's you who's coming out with that garbage just to defend your own points it's like you're ignoring my points and arguing with yourself

If you know so much you'd know that the HW division has been trash until Cain became champion lmfao, clearly again you know nothing about the UFC and the MMA. Leaving the UFC after getting KO'ed twice, is called being a coward. There's a reason why all these mma fans think they way they do man. It's pointless talking to someone who doesn't understand anything about MMA, if you understand the circumstances prior you wouldn't be arguing with me.
If you know so much you'd know that the HW division has been trash until Cain became champion lmfao, clearly again you know nothing about the UFC and the MMA. Leaving the UFC after getting KO'ed twice, is called being a coward. There's a reason why all these mma fans think they way they do man. It's pointless talking to someone who doesn't understand anything about MMA, if you understand the circumstances prior you wouldn't be arguing with me.

I don't think that i know any less then you, i think you just feel like you know more then you really do. Again what garbage so typical of you to shove words down my throat and sayy ahh u dnt know anything blah blah when you don't know what else to say why you keep chatting the same garbage for i never denied the HW division being weak, but you are making it look like it's a walk in the park for any fighter to do well in that division while downplaying the significant disadvantages Lesnar had to face before joining the UFC, a true MMA fan of the sport would understand that a 30 year guy that had not been training in MMA for his entire life is no spring chicken, in addition it had been 7 years since he had wrestled (and eve if he was an active wrestler no way is it enough to beat fighters that have a versatile arsenal with years of experience) and he also had diverticulitis which he was unaware of and even in a weak HW division his achievements are remarkable when you take that into account, Lesnar is just a legit beast he almost made the NFL with no experience at all as well.
I don't think that i know any less then you, i think you just feel like you know more then you really do. Again what garbage so typical of you to shove words down my throat and sayy ahh u dnt know anything blah blah when you don't know what else to say why you keep chatting the same garbage for i never denied the HW division being weak, but you are making it look like it's a walk in the park for any fighter to do well in that division while downplaying the significant disadvantages Lesnar had to face before joining the UFC, a true MMA fan of the sport would understand that a 30 year guy that had not been training in MMA for his entire life is no spring chicken, in addition it had been 7 years since he had wrestled (and eve if he was an active wrestler no way is it enough to beat fighters that have a versatile arsenal with years of experience) and he also had diverticulitis which he was unaware of and even in a weak HW division his achievements are remarkable when you take that into account, Lesnar is just a legit beast he almost made the NFL with no experience at all as well.

See that's ignorance. When you say that he didn't have enough wrestling to beat weak fighters like Couture, Herring and a injured Mir you are clearly wrong. Do you know what it means to be an all-American wrestler? It means he was one of the best collegiate wrestlers in the US. Now even though he was doing professional wrestling, it's not like he'll lose all the skills and abilities he's learned from his career as a collegiate wrestler. After training wrestling and MMA for over a year, he'd be able to easily take guys like Couture, Mir and Herring down like it was nothing man. This guy had a friggen record of 106-5 in college, 33-0 in his senior year winning the Division 1 heavyweight in his senior year. He was the best heavyweight wrestler in college during his senior year, clearly you're not understanding how great of a wrestler he was, when you go up against stylistic match-ups which you're going to dominate like guys like Herring and Mir who can't stuff a take down, you're gonna easily beat them. And when you're an elite wrestler with a 50 pound advantage on Randy Couture, pretty easy to be capable of taking him down. You think I'm being a hypocrite, I'm not. When he went against real competitors who weren't injured, garbage, or 44+ years old, he got wrecked.

You gotta realize, he's been wrestling since he was a kid. He's trained 10+ years in wrestling which is a discipline that's under MMA, so it's not like he went in without knowing nothing. And considering who he beat, and the fact he only won 4 fights in the UFC, it's whatever.

He was also pepped up on roids and wouldn't be allowed to play in the NFL, also after 2 wins he realized he had diverticulitis.
See that's ignorance. When you say that he didn't have enough wrestling to beat weak fighters like Couture, Herring and a injured Mir you are clearly wrong. Do you know what it means to be an all-American wrestler? It means he was one of the best collegiate wrestlers in the US. Now even though he was doing professional wrestling, it's not like he'll lose all the skills and abilities he's learned from his career as a collegiate wrestler. After training wrestling and MMA for over a year, he'd be able to easily take guys like Couture, Mir and Herring down like it was nothing man. This guy had a friggen record of 106-5 in college, 33-0 in his senior year winning the Division 1 heavyweight in his senior year. He was the best heavyweight wrestler in college during his senior year, clearly you're not understanding how great of a wrestler he was, when you go up against stylistic match-ups which you're going to dominate like guys like Herring and Mir who can't stuff a take down, you're gonna easily beat them. And when you're an elite wrestler with a 50 pound advantage on Randy Couture, pretty easy to be capable of taking him down. You think I'm being a hypocrite, I'm not. When he went against real competitors who weren't injured, garbage, or 44+ years old, he got wrecked.

You gotta realize, he's been wrestling since he was a kid. He's trained 10+ years in wrestling which is a discipline that's under MMA, so it's not like he went in without knowing nothing. And considering who he beat, and the fact he only won 4 fights in the UFC, it's whatever.

He was also pepped up on roids and wouldn't be allowed to play in the NFL, also after 2 wins he realized he had diverticulitis.

Looks like you don't have enough respect for Couture and Mir. Regardless Mir went into that fight with Lesnar with the knowledge that he was going to beat him in that condition so you're only making excuses am afraid no one mentions that crap before a fight only when they are humbled we're talking about one of the best submission fighters in the HW division that had the perfect style to make a wrestler tap out from his back in a rear naked choke or some kind of armbar/kimura lock . It's weak argument am afraid given that he had not been wrestling for 7 years heck MMA experts have emphasize that fact I'd take their word on it, it's like saying if sachin took a 7 year break from cricket he'd be expected to be the same player when he returned :facepalm: and it's quiet shocking really how you are trying to make it seem as if it's the only skill set a fighter would require to dominate in the world of MMA it doesn't matter what size you are if you can only wrestle you are supposed to struggle significantly in the Octagon. And the funny thing is you also don't take into to account the age Lesnar got into the UFC and that too on the back of a few MMA fights that's it he wasn't training in MMA his whole life with the goal of one day getting into the UFC another factor which didn't favor him. Wait a second so the logic behind Coture being weak is given that he is 44 years old but you just have been emphasizing the fact that you feel " MMA experience" is more important yet you downplay the age Lesnar got into the sport lol don't you understand the significant advantage a fresh and healthy Lesnar would have as a 23 year old All American NCAA champion going into the world of MMA learning the art of striking and other multidimensional skill sets and abilities which would help him in the Octagon.

Lmao Lesnar on roids do you even know anything about him, the dudes a legit genetic freak. He's always been an athlete from a young age. Yeah diverticulitis is no joke, its not like any injury your average MMA fighter will have to fight through in training or fights.
In all honestly, the likes of Mir and Couture should have destroyed Lesnar given the condition he was in and circumstances he faced. Twist it how you want it with the HW division being weak and all etc which is true but they weren't up against a master of his craft, they were up against a 30 year old guy that was just starting out in the world of MMA with the only thing going for him his wrestling background from 7 years ago.
In all honestly, the likes of Mir and Couture should have destroyed Lesnar given the condition he was in and circumstances he faced. Twist it how you want it with the HW division being weak and all etc which is true but they weren't up against a master of his craft, they were up against a 30 year old guy that was just starting out in the world of MMA with the only thing going for him his wrestling background from 7 years ago.

Can't wait for your boy Punk to step in to the Octagon. He will recieve worse physical beating than Lesnar got against Velasquez. Destruction awaits you gullible WWE fans.
Some good fights on Tomorrow night's card. Dos Santos vs Miocic and Overreem against Struve. Dos Santos and Struve should both prevail.
Can't wait for your boy Punk to step in to the Octagon. He will recieve worse physical beating than Lesnar got against Velasquez. Destruction awaits you gullible WWE fans.

Retarded ignaramus only MMA fans are guilble evidently and no wwe fan expects him to do well you idiot. Am sure you are all happy that UFC fighters will receive a descent pay day for once thanks to a pro wrestling dude
Retarded ignaramus only MMA fans are guilble evidently and no wwe fan expects him to do well you idiot. Am sure you are all happy that UFC fighters will receive a descent pay day for once thanks to a pro wrestling dude

Your boy Punk will get his @ss whopped in the UFC by third grade fighters than run back to papa McMahon begging for a WWE contract. Have some shame, at least idolize someone who is not a drama queen but a actual fighter.
Decent UFC event overall. Overreem won a first round TKO. Nate Diaz got dominated by Dos Anjos and Dos Santos won a very close fight by the way of decision.

Next is the big one: Jon Jones vs Danial Cormier Jan 3.
Your boy Punk will get his @ss whopped in the UFC by third grade fighters than run back to papa McMahon begging for a WWE contract. Have some shame, at least idolize someone who is not a drama queen but a actual fighter.

Again retarded ignaramus have some shame and use your brain if you have one, resorts to low grade garbage when he dont know how to make a point. Why are you crying about Punk lmao did he bend you over? And yeah he is expected to get his ass whopped but will jump ahead of the pecking order given the business he will bring given how all your MMAtards lack of support for the UFC, i think you should be very ashamed that dana had to resort to this when your actual fighters fail to capture the imagination of casuals.
Punk being in the UFC is humiliating for all of you :))) UFC is no big deal various pro wrestlers could walk in there and get signed tommorow. Try and let that sink in retarded indian troll
Again retarded ignaramus have some shame and use your brain if you have one, resorts to low grade garbage when he dont know how to make a point. Why are you crying about Punk lmao did he bend you over? And yeah he is expected to get his ass whopped but will jump ahead of the pecking order given the business he will bring given how all your MMAtards lack of support for the UFC, i think you should be very ashamed that dana had to resort to this when your actual fighters fail to capture the imagination of casuals.

Do you think McMahon will take back Punk after he gets humiliated and shamed in the UFC by C grade fighters and predictably runs back to his puppet master with his tail between his leg begging for a WWE contract?
Do you think McMahon will take back Punk after he gets humiliated and shamed in the UFC by C grade fighters and predictably runs back to his puppet master with his tail between his leg begging for a WWE contract?

Well he wasn't happy being there and doesn't plan on returning to the pro-wrestling world anytime soon but despite that vince hopes to be on business terms with him again, regardless of how Punks UFC runs turns out Vince would welcome him back with open arms given that his stock would have elevated by just being a UFC fighter.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] who you picking between Cormier vs Jones. I am putting some money on Cormier I think he has a serious shot at dethroning Jones.
Punk being in the UFC is humiliating for all of you :))) UFC is no big deal various pro wrestlers could walk in there and get signed tommorow. Try and let that sink in retarded indian troll

hunh? brock lesnar 19 secs. The man was a disgrace. Lets see how Punk does.
The UFC has done some serious work in hyping the Cormier/Jones fight. I'm psyched for it and I firmly believe Jones will get repeatedly slammed on his head for 5 rounds by the Black Fedor.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] who you picking between Cormier vs Jones. I am putting some money on Cormier I think he has a serious shot at dethroning Jones.

Jones, are you buying the event? I only do if Ronda Rousey is fighting love her. Is there anyone credible out there to challenge her or are they gonna try to ensure she keeps that perfect "0" her drawing ability might decline if she loses it.
Jones, are you buying the event? I only do if Ronda Rousey is fighting love her. Is there anyone credible out there to challenge her or are they gonna try to ensure she keeps that perfect "0" her drawing ability might decline if she loses it.

I will be watching it at a sports bar, its turns into quite a frenzy during big events. I honestly don't think there is anyone out there who can seriously challenge Rousey (she will be fighting on Jan 19 if I remember correctly) fighters with Olympic backgrounds are at a completely different level that just regular UFC fighters unless they get another Olympic medalist to challege her the record safe, heck even men in this case Melendes spares with her to improve his ground game.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cRu_5aHZjk8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I will be watching it at a sports bar, its turns into quite a frenzy during big events. I honestly don't think there is anyone out there who can seriously challenge Rousey (she will be fighting on Jan 19 if I remember correctly) fighters with Olympic backgrounds are at a completely different level that just regular UFC fighters unless they get another Olympic medalist to challege her the record safe, heck even men in this case Melendes spares with her to improve his ground game.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cRu_5aHZjk8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

She's just on another level compared to all the women MMA fighters and i don't think there's enough competition as it is Rousey is like the first of her kind, women MMA fighting has always been in decline but she will hopefully change that in the long run. lol he was barely putting effort in there, Rousey looked like she wanted to kill him. Btw the video kinda dodgy bro :))) sparring all about learning moves though, rolling with a judo olympian benefitial for him. Yeah Olympic Athletes are insane, Kurt Angle would have been a star in the UFC i wish he had chosen it over pro-wrestling. UFC offered him contract after he won the medal but WWE beat the offer, then in 2003 he realised UFC was going to be big but suffered a neck injury so he couldn't jump ship.
She's just on another level compared to all the women MMA fighters and i don't think there's enough competition as it is Rousey is like the first of her kind, women MMA fighting has always been in decline but she will hopefully change that in the long run. lol he was barely putting effort in there, Rousey looked like she wanted to kill him. Btw the video kinda dodgy bro :))) sparring all about learning moves though, rolling with a judo olympian benefitial for him. Yeah Olympic Athletes are insane, Kurt Angle would have been a star in the UFC i wish he had chosen it over pro-wrestling. UFC offered him contract after he won the medal but WWE beat the offer, then in 2003 he realised UFC was going to be big but suffered a neck injury so he couldn't jump ship.

Yeah bro I had second thoughts after posting the video :)) Too bad we can't edit posts. She is a very impressive athlete nonetheless. I remember seeing Kurt Angle on WWE, too bad he got injured he would have been a beast in the UFC.
Yeah bro I had second thoughts after posting the video :)) Too bad we can't edit posts. She is a very impressive athlete nonetheless. I remember seeing Kurt Angle on WWE, too bad he got injured he would have been a beast in the UFC.

Nah Nah it's good you posted it :yk Not all Olympians are beastly though never forget Fraudley Harrison :facepalm: he's that one anomaly though, Kurt is insane wanted to train for London Olympics in 2012 to but injuries held him down once again. Lesnar might return to the UFC in 2015/16 lol do you think Diego Sanchez will ever win a world title?
Brock Lesnar came into an extremely weak Heavyweight division with a near 50 year old light heavyweight as the current champion. The UFC pushed him into an early title shot to take advantage of his popularity. He was an exceptional athlete with a fantastic wrestling pedegree which is the most dominant MMA fighting base but he was never a great fighter by any means. Even Alister Overoid beat him easily.
Brock Lesnar came into an extremely weak Heavyweight division with a near 50 year old light heavyweight as the current champion. The UFC pushed him into an early title shot to take advantage of his popularity. He was an exceptional athlete with a fantastic wrestling pedegree which is the most dominant MMA fighting base but he was never a great fighter by any means. Even Alister Overoid beat him easily.

He was in experienced, banged up from pro wrestling and had not wrestled for 7 years and was also 30 years old so no spring chicken, never mind the diverticulitis plus the fact that he never set out to be an MMA fighter. These factors should count for something when looking at his UFC run, given those circumstances he achieved considerable success. It will always be the case of what if with him, what if a fresh and healthy Lesnar as a 23 year old All American NCAA champion going into the world of MMA learning the art of striking and other multidimensional skill sets and abilities which would help him in the Octagon.
Nah Nah it's good you posted it :yk Not all Olympians are beastly though never forget Fraudley Harrison :facepalm: he's that one anomaly though, Kurt is insane wanted to train for London Olympics in 2012 to but injuries held him down once again. Lesnar might return to the UFC in 2015/16 lol do you think Diego Sanchez will ever win a world title?

I don't think so bro. Sanchez is too loose of a fighter to become world champ. To be quite frank with Sanchez makes for a good viewing because of his willingness to go all out and administer and also recieve severe punishment but his fighting style is too wild and out of control to accomplish anything significant. Plus unfortunately imo he will have a lot physical and mental issues later in life with how reckless he is in the octagon.
I don't think so bro. Sanchez is too loose of a fighter to become world champ. To be quite frank with Sanchez makes for a good viewing because of his willingness to go all out and administer and also recieve severe punishment but his fighting style is too wild and out of control to accomplish anything significant. Plus unfortunately imo he will have a lot physical and mental issues later in life with how reckless he is in the octagon.

It's like he steps in the octagon every time with a death wish :facepalm: surely some kind of psychological therapy and coaching will get him to change his style? i don't know about his personal issues but i do believe one can change their style even if its in their nature to be reckless/aggressive. I'll cry if he won wins a world title :)) couldn't happen to a nicer bloke
Machida won in 30 secs :/ with a kick to dolloways ribs, tough fighter but he got hit in the sweet spot. He will give Weidman a tougher fight if they meet again
Machida won in 30 secs :/ with a kick to dolloways ribs, tough fighter but he got hit in the sweet spot. He will give Weidman a tougher fight if they meet again

I don't think so tbh. Weidman vs Machida was a perfect match-up which doesn't even need a rematch unless there's absolutely no other reason. I think even Machida believes that on that night, he showed up in prime condition, and just got beat by a better fighter. I see absolutely no reason for the result to be any different if they meet again. Rockhold vs Machida is the fight to make and it has been made, chuffed for that!
I don't think so tbh. Weidman vs Machida was a perfect match-up which doesn't even need a rematch unless there's absolutely no other reason. I think even Machida believes that on that night, he showed up in prime condition, and just got beat by a better fighter. I see absolutely no reason for the result to be any different if they meet again. Rockhold vs Machida is the fight to make and it has been made, chuffed for that!

Is there anyone that can defeat Weidman? would be epic if Silva was the one to do so
Is there anyone that can defeat Weidman? would be epic if Silva was the one to do so

I don't see Jacare, Romero and Vitor beating him. Machida was the only one who I thought had the TDD to stop Weidman's takedowns and he failed. I think Rockhold has the best chance if he can stop the threat of the takedown and land some of his own but it's a long shot. The Chris is a special kind of beast.