The Ummah at war with itself


ODI Debutant
Jan 29, 2003
Post of the Week
The ummah is at war with itself. What other way is there to describe the brutal bloodletting by Muslims of Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Turkey, and, of course, Pakistan.

To be fair, the ummah has not mattered for a long time to the governments or peoples of Muslim lands. State-to-state relations among Muslim countries have been astonishingly independent of religious identity. They have depended instead upon perceived self-interest, domestic politics and the whims of rulers. Just look at the evidence.

Pakistan was created on a religious premise. But, in the days of the Suez Crisis of 1956, Pakistan’s position was ambiguous. It refused to side with Gamal Abdel Nasser after he nationalised the Suez Canal and threw out the British. On the other hand, India was active in the Non-Aligned Movement, fully pro-Arab, and loud in support of liberating Palestine. To show gratitude, King Saud bin Abdul Aziz paid a state visit to India and declared that Indian Muslims were being treated well. There was outrage across Pakistan. Newspapers exploded in anger when Jawaharlal Nehru, on his return visit to Riyadh, was greeted by the king and with street banners in Riyadh bearing the slogan rasul-ul-salam (messenger of peace).

It is time to give the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation a decent burial.

Dawn’s editorial of Dec 1, 1956, bitterly criticised the Arabs and “Nasser’s hatred of Pakistan, and love of Bharat and its Nehru”. It went on to suggest that such sensate bias and blind prejudice “may well be examined by psychiatrists”. In other words, the Arab world’s greatest hero of the moment was denounced as crazy.

Today, Pakistan has disputes with both its Muslim neighbours, Afghanistan and Iran. Iran occasionally lobs artillery shells over to Pakistan, as does Afghanistan. Pakistan has reciprocated with its artillery, while PAF jets brought down an Iranian drone last month. Ironically, Pakistan has excellent relations with one of its neighbours — China, a communist state that has banned the beard and burqa in its only Muslim-dominated province. India has good relations with both Iran and Afghanistan. And, India’s trade with China far exceeds Pakistan’s trade with China.

It is not just Pakistan. The Muslim monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, both Wahabi, are practically at war with each other now. Teeny tiny Qatar, say the Saudis, is acting too big for its boots and cannot conduct its own foreign policy. Qatar has dismissed the Saudi-UAE demand to close down Al Jazeera, the Arab world’s only independent news source. In response, all Qataris and their families, as well as 15,000 dancing Qatari camels, have been expelled from Saudi Arabia.

Last year, Saudi Arabia’s highest civilian award was conferred upon Hindu fundamentalist Narendra Modi by King Salman. The Saudi king left Kashmir and pellet guns unmentioned.

Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen shows the emptiness of the ummah notion. Directed against one of the world’s poorest Muslim countries, it has so far has killed 7,600 and wounded 42,000 Muslims. Most casualties have resulted from air strikes of the Saudi-led multinational coalition. Pakistan has shown little concern. I have yet to see a single TV news report or evening talk show discussing the Yemen war.

Ending Israeli occupation of Palestine was once the ummah’s grandest cause that cut through the Shia-Sunni divide. But now, Saudi Arabia is fast nearing rapprochement with Israel. Both countries see Iran as the greater enemy. After the failed Arab Spring, Sisi’s Egypt and the Gulf’s monarchies fear Iran as an insurrectionary power and prefer to work with Israel. Palestine is unmentioned.

Where does this leave the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), whose job is to bring together and represent the ummah? Based in Saudi Araba, it has 57 member states and calls itself “the collective voice of the Muslim world.” The OIC has had nothing to say about wars that have consumed Syria, Iraq, Libya, or Yemen. Nor is it relevant to any other conflict between Muslim states or that within them. It has yet to give a single cent to desperate refugees who, instead, must rely on the West.

Pakistan bought into the OIC fantasy early on. But the euphoria of the 1974 Lahore meeting organised by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto has gone with the wind. What is left is the magnificent flag-adorned building on Constitution Avenue in Islamabad that serves as the headquarters of Comstech, the highest scientific body of the OIC, for which Pakistan pays the lion’s share of its operating expenses.

Comstech is charged with promoting science within the ummah. This is a futile and misplaced effort because science does not have a religion. Add to this the abysmal quality of science in Muslim countries (with Turkey and Iran only partly excluded). Prime minister Suhrawardy once famously remarked, “zero plus zero plus zero is after all still zero”. While he said this of the Arab bloc during the Suez crisis, it’s still truer about scientific cooperation.

It is time to give the OIC a decent burial and end the fantasy that Comstech can serve as the centre of Muslim science. Among the benefits, Comstech’s staff could be put to good use promoting science in Pakistan with the building turned into a public science library or science exploratorium where Pakistani children could be introduced to the wonders of science.

If Muslim states have paid no attention to the ummah, non-state actors have paid even less. They have slaughtered tens of thousands of co-religionists. The Afghan Taliban and the Pakistani Taliban are like two wings of the same bird. One kills Afghan Muslims, the other kills Pakistani Muslims. One finds shelter in Pakistan, the other in Afghanistan. The militant Islamic State group seems to be everywhere and kills with even less concern. There is no sign any of them will fade away soon.

There is a way for Muslim states and peoples to move forward. This will require creating strong democratic institutions based on equal rights for all citizens, encouraging the participation of women in public life, and respecting equally all Muslim sects as well as other religions, providing space and freedom to individuals and education for all based on science and reason.

Very decent article by Pervez Hoodbhoy, no need for others to conspire against ummah when it's at war with itself!
If i may say so here because such things can only be said in forums & not in public, otherwise my own people will give me a beatdown.

I think dr saheb is being too lenient to the so called muslim rulers/politicians of the present & past as the Ummah has never mattered to any muslim government after the First four Khalifa's (May god bless them). People should study the ummah's history starting from the 8th century onwards especially when there were at one time in history many muslim empires in the world. Just study their individual history and you will know why muslims have been in such bad shape since the last millenia.

Stop believing false facts things told to us by social studies curriculum or religious zealots. Study for yourself, analyze the facts from neutral point of view and then independently form opinions. You will see clearly see lot of difference between what you are spoonfed and what actually happens.
Don't include Pakistan with the mess that is the Middle East. We may have problems but terrorism has greatly reduced over the years. We are not officially at war with any country neither will anyone ever dare to invade us. There is no comparison of Pak with places like Yemen, Syria and Iraq.
Nice to see that someone accepts that this problem is not all caused by the West, Zionism etc.
In past 100 years Muslims lost their ideology ... Islam was forged in innovation and strengthened tbt empire but world changed after WW1 and America and Europe, including Russia propelled themselves in to the 20tg century with Muslim countries falling rapidly behind. Turkey being a major example.
To be fair, the ummah has not mattered for a long time to the governments or peoples of Muslim lands. State-to-state relations among Muslim countries have been astonishingly independent of religious identity. They have depended instead upon perceived self-interest, domestic politics and the whims of rulers. Just look at the evidence.

So then why do we keep getting articles from authors like Pervez Hoodbhoy about the ummah? He says it himself that it's been decades since this concept has mattered, yet he's one of the writers who constantly keep bringing this up and we see it's echo from some posters on forums like this. I think the ummah concept is clearly still something which exasperates the intellectuals of Pakistan and I can understand why. The western version of the ummah which is in effect NATO and the UN has proven far more effective and co-operative but that's because it's built on practicality rather than idealism rooted in traditions from another century.
The muslim countries are a mess because we have corrupt,dishonest elites who use islam as a means of suppression. They are opposed by Jehadi types who are even more violent and backward than the corrupt elites. How i long for leaders who care for their populace.
There has never been anything called the Ummah or Ummat at all. Historically, Muslim's have never been one entity at all. There has never been any NATO like organisation worth it salt that unites the Muslim family. Organisation of Islamic Cooperation etc are only dates for the most corrupt officials and politicians to have a party. It is the Arab's and African's that are killing each other more then anyone else. Malaysia, Indonesia, Maldives, Turkey, Morocco, Algeria and now even Pakistan to name a few Muslim countries are fine. The west is behind all this chaos in the Arab world that simply can't defend itself itself from the never ending onslaught.
the whole worldwide ummah thing is something that has spread with the rise of modernity globalisation and technology where muslims from all around the world can interact with each other. Before this wasnt the case.

under the rashidun the ummah was a small community consisting mostly of arabs, that didnt stop the first fitna breaking out with companions of the prophet fighting and killing each other during the time of Ali ibn Abi Talib.

The Ummayads were deposed violently by the Abbasids who massacred them.

The Mughals conquered india by deposing of the Lodhi dynasty which was Muslim. As was the previous 3 or 4 dynasties that controlled Delhi.

Ottoman-Safavid wars.

its only groups like Hizb that have this imagined land where all the muslims of the world will live peacefully together under one govt.

historically just hasnt been the case.
Nice to see that someone accepts that this problem is not all caused by the West, Zionism etc.
Uh....every muslim is aware that the ummah (Muslim fraternity/community) is very weak and divided and many Muslims are of the view that it no longer exists (if it ever did), colonialism obviously played a huge role in it. There's something called divide and rule.
the whole worldwide ummah thing is something that has spread with the rise of modernity globalisation and technology where muslims from all around the world can interact with each other. Before this wasnt the case.

under the rashidun the ummah was a small community consisting mostly of arabs, that didnt stop the first fitna breaking out with companions of the prophet fighting and killing each other during the time of Ali ibn Abi Talib.

The Ummayads were deposed violently by the Abbasids who massacred them.

The Mughals conquered india by deposing of the Lodhi dynasty which was Muslim. As was the previous 3 or 4 dynasties that controlled Delhi.

Ottoman-Safavid wars.

its only groups like Hizb that have this imagined land where all the muslims of the world will live peacefully together under one govt.

historically just hasnt been the case.

Yeah the only time Muslims were united as a whole was during the Prophets lifetime and the only time Muslims will ever be united is when Jesus returns. All of the current turmoil was always prophesized, the script is just playing itself out.
Yeah the only time Muslims were united as a whole was during the Prophets lifetime and the only time Muslims will ever be united is when Jesus returns. All of the current turmoil was always prophesized, the script is just playing itself out.

Please elaborate on these prophecies so the rest of us can learn. Where will the Middle East be in 2025? Will the Kashmir crisis be resolved by 2050? What about the orphans of China and Myanmar? Will they have found a home by 2075?

Hope it isn't too vague so we can at least peg a date on the calendars to look forward to, rather than say "One will all be fine!"
Please elaborate on these prophecies so the rest of us can learn. Where will the Middle East be in 2025? Will the Kashmir crisis be resolved by 2050? What about the orphans of China and Myanmar? Will they have found a home by 2075?

Hope it isn't too vague so we can at least peg a date on the calendars to look forward to, rather than say "One will all be fine!"

It's all in the Qur'an and Hadiths, if you've ever read Islamic scripture you'd know that just pretty much every muslim here is aware that the Muslims will only be united and the turmoil in the world will end once Jesus returns for 40 years. That's a religious belief Muslims have held even before modern times, I'm not saying you have to believe it as you don't believe in the religion or the book but it's just a matter of belief just like Christians believe that Jesus will return once all Jews around the world return to Israel.
It's all in the Qur'an and Hadiths, if you've ever read Islamic scripture you'd know that just pretty much every muslim here is aware that the Muslims will only be united and the turmoil in the world will end once Jesus returns for 40 years. That's a religious belief Muslims have held even before modern times, I'm not saying you have to believe it as you don't believe in the religion or the book but it's just a matter of belief just like Christians believe that Jesus will return once all Jews around the world return to Israel.

Answer my questions though, there were three of them. With solid timelines.
Answer my questions though, there were three of them. With solid timelines.

Already did. Those timelines have nothing to do with the Quran, your question is so dumb. I already mentioned that it's a matter of faith, the Quran, Hadiths or even bibles won't mention specific years like "2050" or specific ethnic groups. All the prophecies are about the end of times and Muslims believe that peace will return to the whole world once Jesus returns and unites all Muslims. You don't have to believe it cause you aren't Muslim, just like I don't believe that the Jews are the chosen people or that Israel is the promised land or that believing in the trinity would send me to heaven :)) That's what religion is.
Already did. Those timelines have nothing to do with the Quran, your question is so dumb. I already mentioned that it's a matter of faith, the Quran, Hadiths or even bibles won't mention specific years like "2050" or specific ethnic groups. All the prophecies are about the end of times and Muslims believe that peace will return to the whole world once Jesus returns and unites all Muslims. You don't have to believe it cause you aren't Muslim, just like I don't believe that the Jews are the chosen people or that Israel is the promised land or that believing in the trinity would send me to heaven :)) That's what religion is.

Hardly a prophecy then. More like a feel good thing to help one cope with the various travails of everyday life.
An Indian Muslim was brutally raped and murdered for dating an Arab Muslim guy and dishonouring her family. This atrocity was committed by a bearded religious looking guy. That says it all. Culture is much more important to Muslims.

Furthermore, Muslim south Asians are treated like filth in rich Arab countries. Culture is superior. Culture is king.
Hardly a prophecy then. More like a feel good thing to help one cope with the various travails of everyday life.

You're a non-believer, so of course you think it's false. Just like Hindu practices or Jewish prophecies make no sense to me cause I don't believe them, these prophecies will only make sense to people who believe in the religion.
An Indian Muslim was brutally raped and murdered for dating an Arab Muslim guy and dishonouring her family. This atrocity was committed by a bearded religious looking guy. That says it all. Culture is much more important to Muslims.

Furthermore, Muslim south Asians are treated like filth in rich Arab countries. Culture is superior. Culture is king.

Arabs treat other Arabs like filth, South Asians treat other South Asians like filth. I don't see what your point is.
You're a non-believer, so of course you think it's false. Just like Hindu practices or Jewish prophecies make no sense to me cause I don't believe them, these prophecies will only make sense to people who believe in the religion.

I don't think any prophecies are false, they're all 50:50. Toss a coin - they may be equally right or wrong.
I don't even know what the Hindu prophecy is. Is there one?
I said "Hindu practices" not prophecies, you're trying real hard to be smart but are failing at it. Typical lol.

Not quite - reading online about it now, there's someone called Kalki who is going to come save us all come the 'Kali Yuga'. Tenth avatar of Vishnu and all that. Obviously no time specified so a bit dumb.
Not quite - reading online about it now, there's someone called Kalki who is going to come save us all come the 'Kali Yuga'. Tenth avatar of Vishnu and all that. Obviously no time specified so a bit dumb.

You're a non-believer, so of course you think it's false. Just like Hindu practices or Jewish prophecies make no sense to me cause I don't believe them, these prophecies will only make sense to people who believe in the religion.

Okay? I never even mentioned "Hindu prophecies" lol.
An Indian Muslim was brutally raped and murdered for dating an Arab Muslim guy and dishonouring her family. This atrocity was committed by a bearded religious looking guy. That says it all. Culture is much more important to Muslims.

Furthermore, Muslim south Asians are treated like filth in rich Arab countries. Culture is superior. Culture is king.

What a strange example to make your point. From the religious POV an Indian marrying an Arab wouldn't have been an issue. It seems more likely that it was the girl's Indian cultural background which was the driving force for the murder, we see violence against women is highly prevalent in India.

Your comment that south Asians are treated like filth in rich Arab countries isn't really relevant either. It was the Indian who has committed the honour killing in your example, the Arab was innocent.
Organisations like the Arab League and OIC are just a talking shop. I cannot recall anything of substance these organisations have achieved, and national governments will make decisions in their own interest anyway so there is little collective deciaion making from these bodies that are itself divided.

Even the African Union plays a more constructive role in its region in resolving conflicts, monitoring elections and providing mediation.
[MENTION=142256]Pakistanian[/MENTION] yeah i suppose if u believe in all that type of stuff then this is fulfilling some sort of apocalyptic prophecy.
Hardly a prophecy then. More like a feel good thing to help one cope with the various travails of everyday life.

pretty much this. Muslims like to think that things will all be fine automatically one day without ever realizing that every conflict related to Muslims is one they created for themselves. I consider myself Muslim but to think we or the ummah have been victims is laughable..we have created all these different sects within our religion by being intolerant towards anything that doesn't match what we believe in.
Already did. Those timelines have nothing to do with the Quran, your question is so dumb. I already mentioned that it's a matter of faith, the Quran, Hadiths or even bibles won't mention specific years like "2050" or specific ethnic groups. All the prophecies are about the end of times and Muslims believe that peace will return to the whole world once Jesus returns and unites all Muslims. You don't have to believe it cause you aren't Muslim, just like I don't believe that the Jews are the chosen people or that Israel is the promised land or that believing in the trinity would send me to heaven :)) That's what religion is.

but Israel is the promised land as mentioned clearly in the Quran...