UK Opposition Labour Party’s Leader Keir Starmer Says Determined To Fight ‘Hinduphobia’


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
In its first direct reference to the term "Hinduphobia", the UK's Opposition Labour Party committed itself to fight against hate crimes of all kinds following communal clashes in Leicester and Birmingham in the wake of an India-Pakistan cricket match.

Addressing one of Europe's largest Navratri celebrations here on Wednesday evening, Labour Leader Keir Starmer told a gathering of hundreds of British Indians that he was determined to put an end to “divisive politics” and extremist elements exploiting social media to spread hatred within communities. Some diaspora organisations in the UK have claimed the disorder in Leicester last month reflected Hinduphobia, or hate crimes targeted at Hindus, intensified by social media disinformation.

"Hinduphobia has absolutely no place in our society anywhere and we must all fight this together," said Starmer, amid cheers.

"I know that many people are targeted based on their religion and there's been a rise in hate crimes in recent years. I'm so tired of our divisive politics. I'm saddened by the division we have seen on the streets of Leicester and Birmingham in recent weeks; violence and hatred spread by extremists exploiting social media. We must all together stand firm against all attempts to spread hate," he said.

"Nor will we tolerate the far right attempting to exploit grievances. We have more that unites us than divides us. Our religion, places and symbols of worship must and will be respected. A Labour government will bring people back together and end this divisive politics," he added.

The Opposition leader, who has been quite obviously attempting to reverse predecessor Jeremy Corbyn’s stance towards India and its diaspora perceived as less India-friendly, noted that it was his first time attending Dussehra celebrations in London and spoke of the deeper significance of Navratri as embodied in Goddess Durga's resilience and strength, which signifies the importance of the female divine and women’s empowerment.

"I’m particularly honoured to join you on Vijayadashami celebrations. The fires that burn effigies of Ravana all over the world serve as a reminder of our need to extinguish the evil that’s facing our society – the need to defeat poverty, injustice, hate and to attack our own shadows and bad habits,” he said.

Starmer took aim at the governing Conservative Party for dragging the country into the midst of a crisis and declared that after “12 long years”, the Labour Party would be the government on the people’s side. The Opposition party has been positioning itself for the UK's next general election, due around 2024, and hoping to capitalise on the recent bounce in opinion polls amid declining Tory popularity over an ongoing economic crisis.
The word Hinduphobia is itself cringe..also Labour should let it go ,I doubt Hindus would be voting for them.

Fight on economy and inflation and you would stand more chance to win.
The word Hinduphobia is itself cringe..also Labour should let it go ,I doubt Hindus would be voting for them.

Fight on economy and inflation and you would stand more chance to win.

Why is it a cringe?

Labour is trying to do damage control. Hindus/ British Indians have been big donors and voters of labour. That is shifting to conservative.

The recent happenings in Birmingham and Leicester has further solidified the belief among the Hindu and Indian community that they must move to a political spectrum opposite of what pakistanis support. The sheer lack of law enforcement in these labour controlled cities because of apparent vote banking has made the hindu/Indian community rethink its support towards the labour party.

These things followed the attack on the Indian High commission in 2019 by a mob of pakistanis in which labour party MPs were present.
If Hindus feel that they are threatened or discriminated against because of their religious beliefs then I'm glad Starmer has mentioned it.

Is there a full transcript from his speech available as I can only see it picked up by the Indian media?

Traditionally Hindus have voted Conservative, so if Sir Keir can get them onside to help boot out Truss plus the Patels and Sunaks from Parliament I will support him 100%
If Hindus feel that they are threatened or discriminated against because of their religious beliefs then I'm glad Starmer has mentioned it.

Is there a full transcript from his speech available as I can only see it picked up by the Indian media?

Traditionally Hindus have voted Conservative, so if Sir Keir can get them onside to help boot out Truss plus the Patels and Sunaks from Parliament I will support him 100%

Traditionally Hindus and Indians have voted labour.
So Hindus are Putting a premium on their vote. Politicians should always be kept guessing and on their toes.
If Hindus feel that they are threatened or discriminated against because of their religious beliefs then I'm glad Starmer has mentioned it.

Is there a full transcript from his speech available as I can only see it picked up by the Indian media?

Traditionally Hindus have voted Conservative, so if Sir Keir can get them onside to help boot out Truss plus the Patels and Sunaks from Parliament I will support him 100%

What are you on about? They have been labour supporters. All 3 Leicester MPs are Labour. So is Brent (Wembley) and Harrow.

Your posts have lately been poor and Ignorant. You questioned India abstaining on voting against china‘s Uyghurs crime, without even questioning Pakistans No.
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There are more sikhs who vote for Labour then Hindus.

Hindus mainly do the bidding of the white elites, mostly their naukar.
What are you on about? They have been labour supporters. All 3 Leicester MPs are Labour. So is Brent (Wembley) and Harrow.

Your posts have lately been poor and Ignorant. You questioned India abstaining on voting against china‘s Uyghurs crime, without even questioning Pakistans No.

Because that has been done all the time by India supporters. That is not a new thing.

Stick to the topic of this thread
Don't remember him saying this about islamophobia or sikhphobia.
A joke of an opposition leader.
What are you on about? They have been labour supporters. All 3 Leicester MPs are Labour. So is Brent (Wembley) and Harrow.

Your posts have lately been poor and Ignorant. You questioned India abstaining on voting against china‘s Uyghurs crime, without even questioning Pakistans No.

Having MPs from a particular community isn't necessarily an indication of support.

Perhaps my use of the word traditionally could have been replaced with 'in recent history'. We've had so many elections in the space of a few years that it's easy to forget when they took place.

But the Hindu lurch to the tories in previous elections has been well documented. Labour are obviously looking to reverse that and if helping Hindus overcome any percieved discrimination/intolerance then I'm all for the party taking such a stand.

I'm sorry you found my post about India/China ignorant. It was generally through lack of knowledge why I questioned them abstaining.

We all knew how Pakistan would vote before the vote anyway so there was no need to question it :))
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There are more sikhs who vote for Labour then Hindus.

Hindus mainly do the bidding of the white elites, mostly their naukar.

The median household income will tell you which community has been naukars.
Why is it a cringe?

Labour is trying to do damage control. Hindus/ British Indians have been big donors and voters of labour. That is shifting to conservative.

The recent happenings in Birmingham and Leicester has further solidified the belief among the Hindu and Indian community that they must move to a political spectrum opposite of what pakistanis support. The sheer lack of law enforcement in these labour controlled cities because of apparent vote banking has made the hindu/Indian community rethink its support towards the labour party.

These things followed the attack on the Indian High commission in 2019 by a mob of pakistanis in which labour party MPs were present.

Exactly my point this reaching out to them is of no use, they don't stand to win.
There are more sikhs who vote for Labour then Hindus.

Hindus mainly do the bidding of the white elites, mostly their naukar.

Yeah that was proved when Labour leaks happened and the true racist party actually got exposed, Labour is all talk their actions only prove they consider outsiders to be beneath them.

Many Sikhs don't vote for them either but the Boris screw up is what many again stopped voting for them.

Historically Indian Hindus voted for them as well , only recently did it get changed. Only Indian Christians voted for Conservatives historically and even now.
Yeah that was proved when Labour leaks happened and the true racist party actually got exposed, Labour is all talk their actions only prove they consider outsiders to be beneath them.

Many Sikhs don't vote for them either but the Boris screw up is what many again stopped voting for them.

Historically Indian Hindus voted for them as well , only recently did it get changed. Only Indian Christians voted for Conservatives historically and even now.

Historically they did but then switched when they wanted to do the bidding of the elites

Sikhs have been huge labour supporters, majority of the areas with a big sikh diaspora vote Labour.

I rarely see any Tories with a Turban, its more a Hindu thing to cosy up with the imperial masters
Easy with the insults.

I can't spend my time cleaning up everyone's mess.
I wonder which genius propaganda wing dreamed up the term Hinduphobia? Starmer is either uninformed, or playing to the gallery here, there is no hinduphobia in Britain. No one had even considered such a phrase until the immigrant led Hindutva hooliganism in Leicester. Why would Muslims have any issue with Hindus in England unless they were forced to fight back?
I wonder which genius propaganda wing dreamed up the term Hinduphobia? Starmer is either uninformed, or playing to the gallery here, there is no hinduphobia in Britain. No one had even considered such a phrase until the immigrant led Hindutva hooliganism in Leicester. Why would Muslims have any issue with Hindus in England unless they were forced to fight back?

It is done simply to appease.
I wonder which genius propaganda wing dreamed up the term Hinduphobia? Starmer is either uninformed, or playing to the gallery here, there is no hinduphobia in Britain. No one had even considered such a phrase until the immigrant led Hindutva hooliganism in Leicester. Why would Muslims have any issue with Hindus in England unless they were forced to fight back?

If hindus feel there is hinduphobia that is enough for it become a term, and we must fight it together.

It's not for outsiders to tell communities how to feel.
If hindus feel there is hinduphobia that is enough for it become a term, and we must fight it together.

It's not for outsiders to tell communities how to feel.

It isn't even a case of fighting anything, I just would like to know what has led to this term being bandied about in the UK. What is it based on?
Yeah that was proved when Labour leaks happened and the true racist party actually got exposed, Labour is all talk their actions only prove they consider outsiders to be beneath them.

Many Sikhs don't vote for them either but the Boris screw up is what many again stopped voting for them.

Historically Indian Hindus voted for them as well , only recently did it get changed. Only Indian Christians voted for Conservatives historically and even now.

Was Rishi Sunak not on the cusp of the premiership??
It isn't even a case of fighting anything, I just would like to know what has led to this term being bandied about in the UK. What is it based on?

From what I have read - many hindus seem to be living in fear as a result of the leicester incidents and have all been tarred with the hindutva brush ( perhaps similar to our community post terrorist attacks).

Some feel the media has wrongly painted them as criminals rather than victims. Others are frightened that what they saw outside of their temple in Birmingham may be replicated elsewhere.

We have posters on this forum who genuinely believe Labour MPs joined a mob outside the Indian embassy.

In all honesty I can't comment too much perhaps a hindu living in England like [MENTION=152021]Rajdeep[/MENTION] may offer his thoughts.

My stance is that if Hindus genuinley feel there is Hinduphobia in this country, then thats enough of a basis for the term.

Now that the term is recognised its up to the Hindu community to provide examples so we can collectively call it out.
From what I have read - many hindus seem to be living in fear as a result of the leicester incidents and have all been tarred with the hindutva brush

Let me stop you right there. There is no hindutva brush, the only place hindutva is even discussed is on Indian sites, or those where hindutvas are active in significant numbers.

Why don't we hear of Buddhophobia, or Sikhophobia? Be honest, if you walk into your local bank or petrol station in Glasgow or Perth and ask them " hey what about Hinduphobia? Isn't it terrible?" Would they even understand what you said?
Let me stop you right there. There is no hindutva brush, the only place hindutva is even discussed is on Indian sites, or those where hindutvas are active in significant numbers.

Why don't we hear of Buddhophobia, or Sikhophobia? Be honest, if you walk into your local bank or petrol station in Glasgow or Perth and ask them " hey what about Hinduphobia? Isn't it terrible?" Would they even understand what you said?
They would say the same about Islamophobia tbh Cpt in my bank or petrol station.

If Hindus feel it exists then we can't just brush it away because you or I haven't experienced it or witnessed it.

I post regularly on reddit and the Hindu forums there are filled with allegations of Hinduphobia. I think a university in New York published a research topic and US Congress man spoke about it.

Now if Hindus feel it, universities are researching it, US politicians comment on it and our future PM speaks about it then its irrelevant what the guy scanning my card when I buy petrol thinks.
^ But of course it would be good to get some perspective from our Hindu friends on the forum.
Hate against any religion, race and culture should be condemned. As such the use of Hinduphobia is perfectly fine as Hindus have also had their fair share of hate.

It is a shame though when politicians step into this just for their gain. They really don’t give a toss, do they?
Hinduphobia? It is only far that Hindu right winh hate groups are punished for creating trouble in the UK. If that is Hinduphobia then so be it.
Islamophobia exists and became a thing because Muslims failed to eradicate or marginalise, a term that ultimately exists and has meaning, Islamists.

Hindus have become empowered and are acting unduly aggressively, they'll get their comeuppance in Muslim lands in they keep this up. They really are buying the hand that feeds them.

For the suggestion they don't need the Middle East, yeah right.
Hinduphobia? No such thing exists as majority doesn't hate Hinduismm and you can pick it up even through social media where detest is against Hindudva fanatic extremist elements only. While Islamophpbia is real where Muslims and Islam is targeted all the time, even by a large Hindu population on social media.

Fanatic Hindudva couldn't handle the loss against Pakistan and had to do the act in UK to lay out their frustration. I hope Pak beats India badly again so these losers can learn to act humble or perhaps will do a bigger drama to gain for zionist types sympathy there. Its also sad how fanatic Hindus constantly target peaceful Hindus and call them with all sorts of disgust, low life trolls is all what they are.
It is done simply to appease.

Naa. It's been an effort for a while now. I'm surprised myself that it stuck finally. This is straight out of Jewish playbook. With India going on an offensive diplomatically, this will act as a shield. There is a big effort in US too and I'm sure some politician in Texas will utter it soon enough. Elections are coming and I know for fact that a lot Hindus with deep pockets donated heavily to republicans. If someone says anything against Hindus or Modi or India, it will be convenient to blame them of Hinduphobia. There was a discussion about antihinduism, similar to antisemitism but Hindu orgs decided to take a leaf out of Muslims and termed it Hinduphobia, similar to islamophobia.
Naa. It's been an effort for a while now. I'm surprised myself that it stuck finally. This is straight out of Jewish playbook. With India going on an offensive diplomatically, this will act as a shield. There is a big effort in US too and I'm sure some politician in Texas will utter it soon enough. Elections are coming and I know for fact that a lot Hindus with deep pockets donated heavily to republicans. If someone says anything against Hindus or Modi or India, it will be convenient to blame them of Hinduphobia. There was a discussion about antihinduism, similar to antisemitism but Hindu orgs decided to take a leaf out of Muslims and termed it Hinduphobia, similar to islamophobia.

Jews had a reason to call for protection from anti-semitism. What reason do Hindus have in Britain?
Jews had a reason to call for protection from anti-semitism. What reason do Hindus have in Britain?

It's a shield. A restraining order if you will. Nobody cares about 5 different isolated incidents. But when you club them together under one umbrella, it becomes political. There is an anticipation that skirmishes with Hindus will continue until BJP is in power. Khalistani Sikhs, Indopak Muslims, west Dalits have joined neo liberals in anti India propaganda online and in the media. They project BJP as Hindu nationalist, which they are. However, a lot of falsehoods are peddled along with partial truths. Hindu orgs decided that it is essential to equate India with Hindu. So any anti India stance can be seen as an anti Hindu stance as anti religion gets more eye balls. Hinduphobia has a nice ring to it.
I wonder which genius propaganda wing dreamed up the term Hinduphobia? Starmer is either uninformed, or playing to the gallery here, there is no hinduphobia in Britain. No one had even considered such a phrase until the immigrant led Hindutva hooliganism in Leicester. Why would Muslims have any issue with Hindus in England unless they were forced to fight back?
Peaceful community never had problem with anybody, isn't it obvious . Such innocent people.