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[VIDEO] Ex-Indian Army officer Major General SP Sinha justifies rape of Kashmiris as a tool of war

Hermoine Green

First Class Star
Oct 13, 2017
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">INDIA: <br><br>This is unbecoming of any professional army. <br><br>Ex Indian Army officer Major General SP Sinha justifies rape of Kashmiris as a tool of war on LIVE tv. <br><br>I hope he knows there are international laws against that. <a href="https://t.co/aVEibuVynO">pic.twitter.com/aVEibuVynO</a></p>— FJ (@Natsecjeff) <a href="https://twitter.com/Natsecjeff/status/1196018029890543617?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 17, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
"Mowth key badley mowth, balatkaar key badley balatkaar !"

I couldn't believe what I heard ! This ex-army officer got carried away with his rubbish slogans and how can he justify violence against people by quoting another violence ? How can one even say that ?!

I know for the fact on how kashmiri pandits were raped, murdered and thrown away over night from their houses but it doesn't mean indian army or any other person justify his/her violence but using kashmiri pandits as excuse ! Shocking to hear from him.
He should have been kicked out of the show then and there. He should never be allowed media space again and case must be filed for hate speech. Army isn't a holy cow because recruits are from the very same Indian society. Disgusting human being, BJP attracts a lot of people like him.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Search Google ,Shameless bigot <a href="https://twitter.com/MajGen_SPsinha?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MajGen_SPsinha</a> is one of the 2 Army officers accused of corruption in purchase and then he joined BJP <a href="https://t.co/xXGMerQ3fh">pic.twitter.com/xXGMerQ3fh</a></p>— Harjndersingh (Nehruvian ) (@Hajindersingh2) <a href="https://twitter.com/Hajindersingh2/status/1196015106850574337?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 17, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Must be RSS/BJP member, I’ve seen them justify other crimes on multiple occasions.
He's only saying what most Indian troops already think. Kashmir's population are the enemy for most Indians. You only have to look at one of the replies above where a poster had to try to link something about pandits in an attempt to deflect from the officer's statement.
Hindi news debates are so low quality, hateful, chaotic and moronic. Same is true for many English channels but Hindi news media is next level. From my basic observation at least, am I generalizing [MENTION=147527]MP2011[/MENTION] bro?
[MENTION=137142]JaDed[/MENTION] our Tamil media may be largely DMK controlled but not uncivilized like this.
What's the difference between him and leaders of kangaroo courts in SC who orders for revenge rapes
Nothing surprising Indian Army is known for such crimes.
Nothing surprising Indian Army is known for such crimes.

Slaam brother welcome back have you finally got net in Kashmir? Haven't heard from you or any of the other Kashmiri posters. How's things there right now. Maybe open a thread so you can tell us how your experience has been for the last three months.
Do they not have a law in india for hate crimes ?
This guys needs to be in jail!
I would also want a thorough investigation of all the past assignments this man has been in charge of, to see if any crimes against humanity were committed under his watch.
Is this a surprise? These are war crimes and next time anyone calls the Kashmiris as terrorists, remember who are the real terrorists. This is evil.
People can come here to claim otherwise but this man right there is representing majority of hindu Indians today who are sadly full of hate for muslims. They would not care if tomorrow there is a muslim genocide in India anywhere just like they didn't care for all the riots amd mob lynchings that happened right under their nose.

I grew up in a better India you wouldn't agree but things were not this bad when i was growing up. Maybe this was all brewing inside a lot of these people and Modi's rise to power gave them the opening they seeked to vent their hate. But honestly through most of the 1990s and 2000s the hindu muslim tensions remained local occurences with national TV drawing no conclusions unlike today when one random allegation of a hindu being beaten or killed somewhere makes national headlines in most of our media where fear mongering anchors and leaders make their best efforts to portray muslims for everything bad happening in India ot about to happen.

As a country we are going through our worst phase in decades.

Modi has killed the very foundation and idea India was built on.

PS, this post in no way makes me a Pakistani agent in disguise in India. They have their flaws and in most things they are worse. So my request to BJP IT cell please don't put me in jail. Thanks in advance.

People can come here to claim otherwise but this man right there is representing majority of hindu Indians today who are sadly full of hate for muslims. They would not care if tomorrow there is a muslim genocide in India anywhere just like they didn't care for all the riots amd mob lynchings that happened right under their nose.

I grew up in a better India you wouldn't agree but things were not this bad when i was growing up. Maybe this was all brewing inside a lot of these people and Modi's rise to power gave them the opening they seeked to vent their hate. But honestly through most of the 1990s and 2000s the hindu muslim tensions remained local occurences with national TV drawing no conclusions unlike today when one random allegation of a hindu being beaten or killed somewhere makes national headlines in most of our media where fear mongering anchors and leaders make their best efforts to portray muslims for everything bad happening in India ot about to happen.

As a country we are going through our worst phase in decades.

Modi has killed the very foundation and idea India was built on.

PS, this post in no way makes me a Pakistani agent in disguise in India. They have their flaws and in most things they are worse. So my request to BJP IT cell please don't put me in jail. Thanks in advance.

Apart from the
"in most things they are worse",
bit, i respect what you have written.
Need more people like you, before the light will shine on india once more!
Apart from the
"in most things they are worse",
bit, i respect what you have written.
Need more people like you, before the light will shine on india once more!

It is important to call a spade a spade. I don't give two hoots to delusional Indians and Pakistanis living in their glass homes indulging in these mud slinging discussions when there is so much to be corrected back home.

Two Words : Indian media.
they are the biggest culprit and tool for brainwashing of common indian people. not knowing what will be the future of this hate mongering....
It is important to call a spade a spade. I don't give two hoots to delusional Indians and Pakistanis living in their glass homes indulging in these mud slinging discussions when there is so much to be corrected back home.


Well said!
Like i said, india and pakistan need more well adjusted folk like yourself, then maybe, we can end these decades of violence and stupidity!
Slaam brother welcome back have you finally got net in Kashmir? Haven't heard from you or any of the other Kashmiri posters. How's things there right now. Maybe open a thread so you can tell us how your experience has been for the last three months.
W/A Thanks bro. There is still no net in Kashmir even prepaid mobile connectivity has not been restored. There is still curfews in many places and shut down. However some markets open in the morning or evening to buy necessary items.
To simply put it kashmir has become a collective jail for its people by snatching every right.
Everyone is dejected and if anyone tries to raise the voice he is thrown behind the bars and tortured. It is a scary feeling for everyone.
W/A Thanks bro. There is still no net in Kashmir even prepaid mobile connectivity has not been restored. There is still curfews in many places and shut down. However some markets open in the morning or evening to buy necessary items.
To simply put it kashmir has become a collective jail for its people by snatching every right.
Everyone is dejected and if anyone tries to raise the voice he is thrown behind the bars and tortured. It is a scary feeling for everyone.

Allah aapki sab mushkil ko aasaan kare.
Not surprised at all. Also I would like to hear [MENTION=76058]cricketjoshila[/MENTION] 's opinion on this. :inti
Rape is never justified.

Anyone who harms an innocent woman is a coward.

Classless comment.
An ex Major General saying this on T.V pretty much proves Imran Khan saying you cant talk to these people.

Every Kashmiri has the right to defend his mother/sister/niece/auntie or any female kashmiri with any means. Those that to are freedom fighters, not only for freedom but protecting the freedom of their females.
Hindi news debates are so low quality, hateful, chaotic and moronic. Same is true for many English channels but Hindi news media is next level. From my basic observation at least, am I generalizing [MENTION=147527]MP2011[/MENTION] bro?
[MENTION=137142]JaDed[/MENTION] our Tamil media may be largely DMK controlled but not uncivilized like this.

Because of consequences Tamil society will be shocked, have to say society is gone to Dogs up north, just recently had argument with my family over Babri Masjid decision and all I said was no more politics over it so am glad and that too got em triggered guess one has to be religious/political now, its just tiring, I miss the 90's when life to me was simpler, everyone is agitated everywhere now.

Anything to get views though, I feel i was wrong about censorship, and have been rethinking my idea of censorship and freedom of speech, maybe these things are required, problem is who decides what.
He should have been kicked out of the show then and there. He should never be allowed media space again and case must be filed for hate speech. Army isn't a holy cow because recruits are from the very same Indian society. Disgusting human being, BJP attracts a lot of people like him.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Search Google ,Shameless bigot <a href="https://twitter.com/MajGen_SPsinha?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MajGen_SPsinha</a> is one of the 2 Army officers accused of corruption in purchase and then he joined BJP <a href="https://t.co/xXGMerQ3fh">pic.twitter.com/xXGMerQ3fh</a></p>— Harjndersingh (Nehruvian ) (@Hajindersingh2) <a href="https://twitter.com/Hajindersingh2/status/1196015106850574337?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 17, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Many Army veterans are demanding removal of his rank as well but I feel this is what will happen, he will go into silence for 2-3 years and if alive probably come back again as you can see in the corruption news.
He's only saying what most Indian troops already think. Kashmir's population are the enemy for most Indians. You only have to look at one of the replies above where a poster had to try to link something about pandits in an attempt to deflect from the officer's statement.

hit the nail on the head
Kashmiris know there is nothing shocking in what this BJP cartoon said (99.9% BJP/RSS leaders are tools).

Also, their history usually starts and ends with suffering of Kashmiri pundits, fact is they have been murdering, torturing and raping Kashmiris for many decades. Those who harmed Pundits deserve death sentence but what do these terrorists in uniform deserve?

On a side note, is there ONE person in BJP who is not a hatemonger, extremist, criminal?? That Tulsi lady (from Indian drama) is the only decent person who doesn't come across as extremist hatemonger.
Indian nationalists will feign outrage over the 1971 genocide and rapes of bengalis yet support their troops doing the same in Kashmir. It's called virtue signalling - they don't care about human rights, just their national interests.
In that case this officer should be raped then see how he likes it. How about his female relatives who are attacked as a form of revenge after all he believes in the "eye for an eye" philosophy. His Gandhi said "an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind". He will now be a target for many freedom fighters as well then their people ask why do Kashmiris hate us so much?.
A nasty, nasty man, downright evil in fact!
How can he look his mother or daughters in the eye, after condoning rape ?
Shameful and disgusting creature!