[VIDEOS] The Palestinian and Israeli conflict


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
So the result of this peace deal with rest of Gulf States?


Israeli police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades towards rock-hurling Palestinian youth at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday amid growing anger over the potential eviction of Palestinians from homes on land claimed by Jewish settlers.

At least 205 Palestinians and 17 officers were injured in the night-time clashes at Islam's third-holiest site and around East Jerusalem, Palestinian medics and Israeli police said, as thousands of Palestinians faced off with several hundred Israeli police in riot gear.

Tension has mounted in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, with nightly clashes in East Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah - a neighbourhood where numerous Palestinian families face eviction in a long-running legal case. read more

Calls for calm and restraint poured in on Friday from the United States and the United Nations, with others including the European Union and Jordan voicing alarm at the possible evictions.

Tens of thousands of Palestinians packed into the hilltop compound surrounding the mosque earlier on Friday for prayers. Many stayed on to protest against the evictions in the city at the core of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

But following the evening meal that breaks the Ramadan fast, clashes broke out at Al-Aqsa with smaller scuffles near Sheikh Jarrah, which sits near the walled Old City's famous Damascus Gate.

Police used water cannon mounted on armoured vehicles to disperse several hundred protesters gathered near the homes of families facing potential eviction.

"If we don't stand with this group of people here, (evictions) will (come) to my house, her house, his house and to every Palestinian who lives here," said protester Bashar Mahmoud, 23, from the nearby Palestinian neighbourhood of Issawiya.

'Calm down and be quiet'

An Aqsa official appealed for calm on the compound through the mosque's loudspeakers. "Police must immediately stop firing stun grenades at worshippers, and the youth must calm down and be quiet!"

Israel's Supreme Court will hold a hearing on the Sheikh Jarrah evictions on Monday, the same day that Israel marks Jerusalem Day - its annual celebration of its capture of East Jerusalem during the 1967 Middle East war.

The Palestine Red Crescent ambulance service said 108 of the Palestinians injured were taken to hospital, with many hit with rubber-coated metal bullets.

One of the injured lost an eye, two suffered serious head wounds and two had their jaws fractured, the Red Crescent said. Most of the rest of the injuries were minor, it added.

A police spokeswoman said Palestinians had thrown rocks, fireworks and other objects towards officers, with about half of the 17 injured requiring medical treatment in hospital.

"We will respond with a heavy hand to any violent disturbance, rioting or harm to our officers, and will work to find those responsible and bring them to justice," the spokeswoman said.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he "held (Israel) responsible for the dangerous developments and sinful attacks taking place in the holy city" and called on the U.N. Security Council to hold an urgent session on the issue.

Violence has also increased in the occupied West Bank, where two Palestinian gunmen were killed and a third critically injured on Friday after they opened fire at an Israeli base, police said. read more After that incident, Israel's military said it would send additional combat troops to the West Bank.

'Playing with fire'

Sheikh Jarrah's residents are overwhelmingly Palestinian, but the neighbourhood also contains a site revered by religious Jews as the tomb of an ancient high priest, Simon the Just.

The spokesman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights said the evictions, "if ordered and implemented, would violate Israel's obligations under international law" on East Jerusalem territory it captured and occupied, along with the West Bank, from neighbouring Jordan in 1967.

"We call on Israel to immediately halt all forced evictions, including those in Sheikh Jarrah, and to cease any activity that would further contribute to a coercive environment and lead to a risk of forcible transfer," spokesman Rupert Colville said on Friday.

Washington was "deeply concerned about the heightened tensions in Jerusalem," said U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jalina Porter.

"As we head into a sensitive period in the days ahead, it will be critical for all sides to ensure calm and act responsibly to deescalate tensions and avoid violent confrontation," Porter said.

The European Union, Jordan and the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council have expressed alarm at the potential evictions.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said Jordan had given the Palestinian Authority documents that he said showed the Sheikh Jarrah Palestinians were the "legitimate owners" of their homes.

Israel's "provocative steps in occupied Jerusalem and violation of Palestinian rights, including the rights of the people of Sheikh Jarrah in their homes, is playing with fire," Safadi said in a foreign ministry statement on Twitter.

Israel's foreign ministry said on Friday that Palestinians were "presenting a real-estate dispute between private parties as a nationalist cause, in order to incite violence in Jerusalem." Palestinians rejected the allegation.

Express Tribune
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Absolutely horrendous scenes from inside Al-Aqsa Mosque compound where Israeli forces attacked peaceful worshippers holding night prayers

<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 100%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/e/j0pbk2" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>
More than 170 Palestinians have been injured after Israeli police stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque and dispersed worshippers elsewhere in occupied East Jerusalem, as weeks-long tensions between Israel and the Palestinians over Jerusalem soared again.

Earlier in the day, tens of thousands of Palestinian worshippers packed into the mosque on the final Friday of Ramadan and many stayed on to protest in support of Palestinians facing eviction from their homes on Israeli-occupied land claimed by Jewish settlers.

During the past week, residents of Sheikh Jarrah, as well as Palestinian and international solidarity activists, have attended nightly vigils to support the Palestinian families under threat of forced displacement.

Israeli border police and forces have attacked the sit-ins using skunk water, tear gas, rubber-coated bullets and shock grenades over the past few days. Dozens of Palestinians have been arrested.

Al Jazeera
Where is the uproar from world community? If this was a synagogue or a church, we would see hashtags and celebrities starting a support trend. This is blatant racism by Israeli forces in the occupied Palestine.

Nothing can justify these actions.
But hey Islam calls for peace

Pakistan should trade with Israeel

Instead of take down the oppressor.
[MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] [MENTION=48598]saeedhk[/MENTION]
I wonder if any of the Muslim countries will condemn the actions or stay silent?
But hey Islam calls for peace

Pakistan should trade with Israeel

Instead of take down the oppressor.

[MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] [MENTION=48598]saeedhk[/MENTION]

The Chinese state have done worse things to the Muslims in Xinjiang but Pakistan has still sold itself to China for economic and strategic reasons.

Our PM projects himself as a defender of the Muslim ummah but does not have the courage to condemn the atrocities of China against the Uyghurs Muslims.

So yes, Pakistan should trade with Palestine and establish diplomatic ties just like other Muslim countries have. In the long run, it will only benefit Pakistan.

The conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians and the atrocities that Israel commits against the Palestinians is not Pakistan’s problem.
Where is the uproar from world community? If this was a synagogue or a church, we would see hashtags and celebrities starting a support trend. This is blatant racism by Israeli forces in the occupied Palestine.

Nothing can justify these actions.

World? When countries like Morocco, UAE, Bahrain and Sudan are in the Israel camp, you have no hope for rest of world
Saudi Arabia still officially neutral...

Before anyone jumps in to say the rulers do not speak for the people, actually they do

Not so much in Sudan, but in the other 3 countries, a significant portion of the populace was ok with treating Israel as an ally against their real enemies (MB, Iran, Algeria respectively)
The Chinese state have done worse things to the Muslims in Xinjiang but Pakistan has still sold itself to China for economic and strategic reasons.

Our PM projects himself as a defender of the Muslim ummah but does not have the courage to condemn the atrocities of China against the Uyghurs Muslims.

So yes, Pakistan should trade with Palestine and establish diplomatic ties just like other Muslim countries have. In the long run, it will only benefit Pakistan.

The conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians and the atrocities that Israel commits against the Palestinians is not Pakistan’s problem.

The conflict has everything to do with the majority of population of Pakistan.

The likes of TLP need to keep pushing governments and army to speak up against the oppressors everywhere and walk the talk if needed.

Whoever the oppressor is needs to be dealt with, and pak needs to do everything it can.

To hell pleasing the west or China.
The conflict has everything to do with the majority of population of Pakistan.

The likes of TLP need to keep pushing governments and army to speak up against the oppressors everywhere and walk the talk if needed.

Whoever the oppressor is needs to be dealt with, and pak needs to do everything it can.

To hell pleasing the west or China.

Why not speak first of the systematic oppression of minorities that happens in your country on a regular basis?
Absolutely horrendous scenes from inside Al-Aqsa Mosque compound where Israeli forces attacked peaceful worshippers holding night prayers

<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 100%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/e/j0pbk2" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>
We shouldn't expect anything good from Israel anyway. Also Palestinians are the biggest fools in the world. They lost many political opportunities in gaining upper hands over Israel but threw them away due to their incompetent leadership & their obsession of destroying Israel.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">WATCH: Daughter asks her Palestinian father about her toy as he’s being arrested.<br><br>Israeli forces arrested more than a dozen Palestinians throughout occupied East <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Jerusalem?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Jerusalem</a> on Saturday, in the aftermath of Friday’s raid on al-Aqsa Mosque, which left over 200 Palestinians injured <a href="https://t.co/tFK9CDzgB2">pic.twitter.com/tFK9CDzgB2</a></p>— Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) <a href="https://twitter.com/MiddleEastEye/status/1391011249442328581?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 8, 2021</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have condemned Israel over clashes between police and worshipers at the Al-Aqsa mosque that followed days of protests over the potential eviction of Palestinians from a neighborhood in east Jerusalem.

Bahrain called on Israel to immediately stop any further provocation of the people of Jerusalem, its foreign ministry said in a statement on Twitter. Israel’s plan to evict people from Jerusalem “violates the resolutions of international legitimacy, and undermines the chances of resuming the peace process to achieve security and stability in the region.”

The Emirates expressed its “deep concern over the violence” and called on Israeli authorities to “take responsibility for the de-escalation, to end all attacks and practices that lead to continued tension,” according to a foreign ministry statement. The UAE also stressed “the need to preserve the historical identity of occupied Jerusalem, calm down and exercise utmost restraint to avoid the region drifting into new levels of instability and threatening peace.”

Dozens of people were injured in the clashes on Friday night after tens of thousands gathered at the third-holiest mosque in Islam to mark the end of Ramadan under a heavy police presence, the Associated Press reported. Clashes broke out with worshipers throwing chairs and rocks and police in riot gear firing rubber bullets and using grenades, the AP said.

Bahrain became the second Gulf nation to normalize ties with Israel last year after the United Arab Emirates announced a similar plan.

The government’s statement came after the U.S. said it’s “extremely concerned” about ongoing confrontations in Jerusalem, including on the Temple Mount and potential evictions in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighborhoods.

Israel’s foreign ministry said Friday that some Palestinians were presenting a private real estate dispute as a national cause in order to incite violence in Jerusalem.


Israel said it was beefing up security forces on Saturday in anticipation of more confrontations with Palestinian protesters, a day after fierce clashes at Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Tensions have mounted in the city, the occupied West Bank and Gaza throughout the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, amid growing anger over the potential eviction of Palestinians from Jerusalem homes on land claimed by Jewish settlers.

On Friday, police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades towards rock-hurling Palestinian youths at the mosque in the walled Old City on the Noble Sanctuary/Temple Mount plaza sacred to both Muslims and Jews. At least 205 Palestinians and 18 Israeli officers were injured in Friday's confrontations, which drew international condemnations and calls for calm.

Police Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai said more officers were heading to Jerusalem on Saturday, in the build-up to the sacred Muslim night of Laylat al-Qadr.

"The right to protest will be preserved, but riots will be answered firmly and with zero tolerance. I call on everyone to act responsibly and with restraint," Shabtai said in a statement.

Clashes have erupted nightly in East Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah - a neighbourhood where numerous Palestinian families face eviction in a long-running legal case. The Israeli military said it was boosting troops in the West Bank and near the Gaza Strip, where Palestinians have sent incendiary balloons over the border, igniting brushfires in Israeli territory. A military spokesman said extra forces there would largely be firefighting ones.

Gaza groups issued a call for protests along the border with Israel. "We salute the ppl. of Al-Aqsa, who oppose the arrogance of the Zionists & we call on our ppl. in Palestine to support their brothers by all means," Moussa Abu Marzouk, a leader of the Hamas, the armed Islamist group Hamas that rules Gaza, said on Twitter.

Tension was expected to remain high over the next few days. Israel's Supreme Court will hold a hearing on the Sheikh Jarrah evictions on Monday, the same day that Israel marks Jerusalem Day - its annual celebration of its capture of East Jerusalem during the 1967 Middle East war.

Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state. Israel claims the entire city as its eternal, indivisible capital. Its annexation of the eastern section was not recognised internationally.
Sure, the youths shouldn't have thrown rocks, but riot police don't need to shoot them with rubber bullets, either. Seems like needless escalation. Was that was caused the storming of al-Aqsa? Regardless, it's no secret that the Israeli forces are known to escalate.

That being said, Pakistan needs to choose its battles. All the other Muslims countries don't care about Kashmir, so why do Pakistanis have such bleeding hearts for Palestine (for the sole purpose of them being Muslim, that is)? Though, it's pretty telling that the one saying to completely cease trade with Israel is a TLP supporter.
What was the reason for the arrests? Were the worshippers prohibited from offering prayers?
Sickening stuff.

May Allah (SWT) protect and liberate these vulnerable people.
Pakistan on Saturday strongly condemned the “attacks on innocent worshippers in Al-Aqsa Mosque by Israeli occupation forces.”

A Foreign Office (FO) statement said that such attacks, particularly during the Islamic holy month of Ramazan, are against all humanitarian norms and human rights laws.

“We pray for the speedy recovery of the injured, reiterate our steadfast support to the Palestinian cause, and once again urge the international community to take prompt action to protect the Palestinian people,” it said.

The FO statement said that for lasting peace, it is essential to have a two-state solution in accordance with the relevant resolutions by the UN and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, with the pre-1967 borders and Jerusalem as the capital of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian state.

Israeli forces fired stun grenades, tear gas, and rubber-coated bullets to disperse Muslim worshippers inside the Haram al-Sharif area of Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday evening.

At least 205 people have been injured in Israeli attacks on Al-Aqsa and in other parts of occupied East Jerusalem, including the Damascus gate of the Old City and the Sheikh Jarrah district, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent.

Tensions have run high in the Sheikh Jarrah area all through the week as Israeli settlers swarmed in after an Israeli court ordered the eviction of Palestinian families.

Al-Aqsa is the third-holiest site for Muslims. Jews call the area the “Temple Mount” and claim it was the site of two Jewish temples in ancient times.

Israel occupied East Jerusalem, where Al-Aqsa is located, during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. It annexed the entire city in 1980, a move that has never been recognised by the international community.

Express Tribune
Pakistan should use this opportunity to get close to Israel.
Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police broke out for a second night in Jerusalem on Saturday.

Protesters hurled stones at the police and lit fires at Damascus Gate in the Old City, and officers responded by firing stun grenades and water cannon.

Palestinian medics said 90 Palestinians were wounded. Israeli police said at least one officer was hurt.

It follows days of simmering unrest over possible evictions of Palestinians from land claimed by Jewish settlers.

On Friday, more than 200 Palestinians and at least 17 Israeli police were wounded in skirmishes near Al-Aqsa mosque, emergency workers and police said.

Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque complex is one of Islam's most revered sites, but its location is also the holiest site in Judaism, known as the Temple Mount. The complex is a frequent flashpoint for violence, but Friday's was among the worst in years.

The Quartet of Middle East negotiators - the US, the EU, Russia and the UN - on Saturday expressed "deep concern" over the spiralling violence.

"In response, our aircraft just struck a Hamas military post in southern Gaza," the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tweeted.

The IDF did not provide any more details, but Israeli media reported that the rocket landed in an open field causing no injuries or damage.

World? When countries like Morocco, UAE, Bahrain and Sudan are in the Israel camp, you have no hope for rest of world
Saudi Arabia still officially neutral...

Before anyone jumps in to say the rulers do not speak for the people, actually they do

Not so much in Sudan, but in the other 3 countries, a significant portion of the populace was ok with treating Israel as an ally against their real enemies (MB, Iran, Algeria respectively)

Recognizing Israel doesn’t mean Unrecognize my Palestine. Those countries did what they hd to do, but that doesn’t mean not to condemn these fascist actions.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Strongly condemn Israeli Forces' attack esp during Ramazan on Palestinians in Qibla-e-Awaal, Al-Aqsa Mosque, violating all norms of humanity & int law. We reiterate support for Palestinian ppl. Int community must take immed action to protect Palestinians & their legitimate rights</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1391345952976424962?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 9, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
How the Arabs must rue choking in 48 and 67. Some semblance of unified military leadership and setting of common goals, when the military playing field was far more even between themselves and Israel than it is now, and perhaps the Palestinians would've claimed more than the 20-odd percent of Mandatory Palestine that they're pleading for now.

No Israeli politician will agree to the division of Jerusalem now, so the only hope Palestinians have is for custodianship of Al-Aqsa after a two state solution/confederation, which itself is a remote possibility.
Guess what's trending at #1 in India today?


It's a pity hashtags aren't going to help that failed state.
In Dubai, the govt controls social media very strictly, so any twitter account is only allowed if they repeat the official stance on foreign policy. You wont find a single active tweeter in Dubai saying stuff in favor of Erdogan for this reason

1)H Sajwani is a famous pro-govt twitter

2) He constantly praises Israel and attacks Palestinians calling them failed

3) His comment section now is a battleground between many Indians and Israelis getting together and attacking Pakistanis and pro-Palestinian Arabs
A lot of nations and their leaders still silent over this.

Biden very quiet too.

Dozens of Palestinians have been injured in Israeli police crackdown on protesters outside the Old City of Jerusalem as tens of thousands of Muslim worshippers prayed at the nearby Al-Aqsa Mosque on Islam’s holy night of Laylat al-Qadr.

At least 90 people were injured on Saturday, the Palestine Red Crescent said, a day after Israeli forces stormed Al-Aqsa and injured more than 200 Palestinians. Israeli police said at least one officer was hurt.

Israeli security forces on horseback and in riot gear deployed stun grenades and water cannon against Palestinian youth who threw stones, lit fires and tore down police barricades in the streets leading to the walled Old City gates. Tensions have mounted in the city, the occupied West Bank and Gaza throughout the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, amid growing anger about the potential eviction of Palestinians from East Jerusalem homes on land claimed by Jewish settlers.

Israeli border guards have, during the past few days, used skunk water, tear gas, rubber-coated bullets and shock grenades to disperse sit-ins held in support of the families facing eviction in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood.

At least 205 Palestinians and 18 Israeli officers were injured in Friday’s confrontations, which drew international condemnations and calls for calm.
Sad that even in 2021 this conflict goes on. The plight of the Palestinian people is truly heart-rending.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is what Al Aqsa looks like right now. This is the nightmare Israeli forces are subjecting Palestinians to. <a href="https://t.co/T2qrHXzvSC">pic.twitter.com/T2qrHXzvSC</a></p>— IMEU (@theIMEU) <a href="https://twitter.com/theIMEU/status/1390776067078643713?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 7, 2021</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">To the brothers & sisters dealing with oppression at Al- Aqsa Musjid. <br>You continue to inspire us with your courage and perseverance. May Allah keep you steadfast & content in knowing the oppressors will have to answer for their actions one day. Allah Akbar &#55358;&#56626;&#55356;&#57341;❤️ <a href="https://t.co/TKb7loonyJ">pic.twitter.com/TKb7loonyJ</a></p>— Sonny Bill Williams (@SonnyBWilliams) <a href="https://twitter.com/SonnyBWilliams/status/1391318317349052419?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 9, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
A lot of nations and their leaders still silent over this.

Biden very quiet too.

If this had happened to worshippers in a Church, do you think they would have been silent then?
If this had happened to worshippers in a Church, do you think they would have been silent then?

It's all too obvious what the state of play is. It begs the question, how did some farmers disputing a law change become worldwide news and such human rights abuses are not even heard of in mainstream???
If this had happened to worshippers in a Church, do you think they would have been silent then?

I dont think that worshippers in a church would be throwing rocks, lighting fires and tearing down police barricades.

Even when muslim women wanted to tear down a church and force christians to convert to islam there was no violent protest.
If this had happened to worshippers in a Church, do you think they would have been silent then?

how many nations spoke up about the recently forced conversions of christian nurses in pakistan or the muslim conversion factories in sindh for hindus?
Palestinians have clashed with Israeli police for a third night in Jerusalem, and there are fears of more violence later on Monday over a planned Jewish nationalist march in the city.

The annual Jerusalem Day Flag March usually sees young Zionists walk through Muslim areas.

The event marks Israel's capture of East Jerusalem - home to the Old City and its holy sites - in 1967.

It is regarded by many Palestinians as a deliberate provocation.

A former high-ranking Israeli defence official, Amos Gilad, called for the march to be cancelled or re-routed, warning Army Radio: "The powder keg is burning and can explode at any time."

Tensions have been high in the city over the threatened eviction of Palestinian families from parts of East Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah district.

Hundreds of Palestinians and more than 20 Israeli police officers have been injured in clashes over the past three days, according to medics and police.

A court hearing had been expected on Monday in the years-long case of the Palestinian families. More than 70 people are appealing against an eviction order that would drive them from their homes in favour of Jewish settlers.

But the hearing was cancelled on Sunday at the request of Israel's attorney-general. A new date will be set within the next 30 days.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Sunday expressed “serious concerns” to his Israeli counterpart about violent clashes in Jerusalem sparked by planned evictions of Palestinians from East Jerusalem, the White House said in a statement.

Sullivan in a phone call with Israeli National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat "encouraged the Israeli government to pursue appropriate measures to ensure calm during Jerusalem Day commemorations."

New confrontations broke out between Palestinians and Israeli police in parts of East Jerusalem on Sunday, including in Sheikh Jarrah and outside the walled Old City, as well as in Haifa, a mixed Arab-Jewish city in northern Israel at the height of the Muslim holy month of Ramazan.

The clashes have been sparked by the planned evictions of several Palestinian families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem, an area captured by Israel in a 1967 war.

Israel's attorney-general secured a deferment on Sunday of an Israeli Supreme Court hearing on the evictions, a session that had threatened to stoke more violence in the holy city and heighten international concern.

"Mr. Sullivan also reiterated the United States’ serious concerns about the potential evictions of Palestinian families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood," the White House statement said.

Sullivan and Ben-Shabbat "agreed that the launching of rocket attacks and incendiary balloons from Gaza towards Israel is unacceptable and must be condemned," the White House added.

It said Sullivan also expressed the Biden administration's commitment to Israel's security and to supporting peace and stability throughout the Middle East and would remain fully engaged in the days ahead to promote calm in Jerusalem.

Express Tribune
Jerusalem violence: More clashes ahead of nationalist march

Fresh clashes have broken out between Israeli police and Palestinians at the Al-Aqsa mosque site in Jerusalem, ahead of a planned Jewish nationalist march.

Palestinians threw stones at Israeli security forces, who fired stun grenades, according to reports.

Hundreds of Palestinians and more than 20 Israeli police have been injured in clashes over the past three days.

There are fears of more violence on Monday over the annual Jerusalem Day Flag March.

The event marks Israel's capture of East Jerusalem - home to the Old City and its holy sites - in 1967, and usually sees young Zionists walk through Muslim areas.

It is regarded by many Palestinians as a deliberate provocation.The latest violence follows a month of tensions, with the threatened eviction of Palestinian families a focal point.

Israel's Supreme Court had been due to hold a hearing on Monday in the appeal of more than 70 people against an eviction order in favour of a Jewish settler organisation in East Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah district, but the session was postponed due to the unrest.

“Snipers went on the roof of the gate at [Al-Aqsa] mosque compound and began to shoot rubber bullets at everyone ... At the same time a huge number of police forces invaded from different directions.”- Nour Mtour, Palestinian witness tells Al Jazeera
No they didn't "clash" it was one sided oppression by Israelis who want to take over Palestinian lands and do an ethnic cleansing of the Muslims in those lands. That is part of their Greater Israel strategy they don't even make it secret anymore.
Over 300 hurt as Palestinians, Israeli police clash at al-Aqsa mosque

Palestinian protesters threw rocks and Israeli police fired stun grenades and rubber bullets in clashes outside al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Monday, as Israel marked the anniversary of its capture of parts of the city in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said at least 305 Palestinians were injured in the violence, and 228 of them were taken to hospital. Several of the Palestinians were in critical condition and police said 21 officers were injured.

Al-Aqsa, which is Islam's third-holiest site, has been a focal point of violence in Jerusalem throughout the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and the clashes have raised international concern about wider conflict.

The White House had called on Israel to ensure calm during "Jerusalem Day", its annual celebration of the capture of East Jerusalem and the walled Old City that is home to Muslim, Jewish and Christian holy sites.

In an effort to ease the situation, Israeli police banned Jewish groups from paying Jerusalem Day visits to the holy plaza that houses al-Aqsa, and which Jews revere as the site of biblical Jewish temples.

But a traditional Jerusalem Day march in which thousands of Israeli flag-waving Jewish youth walk through the Old City's Damascus Gate and the Muslim Quarter looked set to go ahead.

At al-Aqsa, police fired tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets at hundreds of Palestinians who hurled rocks at them in the morning, witnesses said.

The violence at the holy compound abated several hours later and witnesses said Israeli police pulled back and began allowing Palestinians over the age of 40, deemed less likely to take part in confrontations, to enter.

Read more: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-...mosque-israel-marks-jerusalem-day-2021-05-10/
Palestinians at Al-Aqsa brace for nationalist march

Dawood Afifi, who was still inside Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, told Al Jazeera that people were worried following the intense violence earlier on Monday.

“I’m hoping that things will calm down and there will be peace as we are staying inside the mosque tonight,” Afifi told Al Jazeera’s Mel Frykberg.

“But I’m worried that although the settler March has been re-routed, it will still come into the Muslim quarter,” Afifi said.


Israeli military suspends drill to focus on possible escalation

The Israeli military said it was suspending for a day a major drill in order to focus efforts on preparing for a possible escalation as tensions simmer in Jerusalem.

Israel’s armed forces had planned to begin their biggest exercise in 30 years, codenamed “Chariots of Fire”.

But following a situational assessment, Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Aviv Kohavi decided to suspend the exercise for the coming day and has instructed forces “to focus all efforts on preparations and readiness for escalation scenarios”, a military statement said.

Israel has also been beefing up forces in the occupied West Bank and around the Gaza Strip.


‘Israeli forces failed’

Speaking from Jerusalem, Sheikh Najeh Bkerat, the deputy director of Muslim Endowments and Al-Aqsa Affairs told Al Jazeera that Israeli forces had tried to empty Al-Aqsa this morning, but failed.

“Israeli occupation forces were trying to empty Al-Aqsa compound and for the first time failed.

“They failed to secure a route for the extreme settlers, who try every year to invade Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. What happened today is a turning point.

Bkerat explained however that the Israeli forces had caused a lot of damage to the mosque’s infrastructure, which he said will need months to repair.
The zionists are known to escalate

Its funny how its seen as a clash when peaceful worshippers are attacked with rubber bullets and full army like assault on civilians without weapons

These animals target kids fgs too What morality can you expect from them?

Hamas said it fired rockets at Israel on Monday, triggering warning sirens in Jerusalem and near the Gaza border, in an apparent response by the militant group to the injury of more than 300 Palestinians in clashes with Israeli police outside al Aqsa mosque.

Hamas, an Islamist group that controls the Gaza Strip, had given Israel an ultimatum to stand down its forces at al Aqsa and another Jerusalem flashpoint by 6 p.m. (1500 GMT).

Minutes after the deadline passed, sirens blared in Jerusalem and several explosions were heard. Hamas claimed responsibility, and there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. After Hamas, which last fought a war with Israel in 2014, issued the ultimatum, Israel's military announced it was suspending for a day a major exercise, citing possible "escalation scenarios".

Earlier, as Israel marked the anniversary of its capture of parts of Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war, police fired tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets at hundreds of Palestinians who hurled rocks at them at al Aqsa. The violence had died down by the time Hamas issued the ultimatum.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said at least 305 Palestinians were injured, and 228 of them were taken to hospital, in the skirmishes at al Aqsa, situated in a compound holy to Muslims, Jews and Christians. It said several were in critical condition. Police said 21 officers were injured.

Recent clashes in Jerusalem have raised international concern about wider conflict, and the White House called on Israel to ensure calm during “Jerusalem Day”.
The zionists are known to escalate

Its funny how its seen as a clash when peaceful worshippers are attacked with rubber bullets and full army like assault on civilians without weapons

These animals target kids fgs too What morality can you expect from them?

IDF & the Zionist entity are worse than animals. Animals only defend themselves, these are terrorists who attack people in a place of worship.

Al Aqsa doesnt belong to the Zionist entity even in International law. They have no right to enter Islam's 3rd holiest mosque. Cowardly army invading has caused major anger around the world, esp when they attack, hurt the elderly ,women, children and even babies.

Zionists are desperate for the extremism ideology to come to fruitition, wanting their 3rd temple to built so need the holy complex to be taken down before this can happen.

I wouldnt use stories from BBC, Sky or American media to inform us, they are Zionist terrorism apologists, claiming somehow this is an equal conflict.

Muslims will never give up Al-Aqsa, they can continue praying to a wall, which wasnt even part of any temple.
There are reports Zionists have now set fire to hundreds of years old trees within the Al-Aqsa compound.

Meanwhile Keir Starmer has finally spoken on the issue. He has asked Israel to adhere to Int law, perhaps he should then demand settlements on occupied land inc East Jerusalem are stopped & removed.

Excellent interview.

Its nice to see there are a few who grew up in the Zionist state, who understand the oppression very well. Must watch.
There are reports Zionists have now set fire to hundreds of years old trees within the Al-Aqsa compound.

Meanwhile Keir Starmer has finally spoken on the issue. He has asked Israel to adhere to Int law, perhaps he should then demand settlements on occupied land inc East Jerusalem are stopped & removed.

Not a chance , these puppets won't anger their paymasters.
Not a chance , these puppets won't anger their paymasters.

Agree. He only tweeted this due to the huge losses for Labour & dozens of Labour MP's demanding he say something on the issue. Starmer refused to attend a Ramadan fast breaking because Zionists told him to not attend.

Boris the Buffoon is also very quiet. UK , most of Europe & the US have Zionist puppet leaders. But their foolish populations think they live in some sort of democracy.

The only way is to remove these puppet Arab rulers, they just as worse as the blue eyed puppets.
Agree. He only tweeted this due to the huge losses for Labour & dozens of Labour MP's demanding he say something on the issue. Starmer refused to attend a Ramadan fast breaking because Zionists told him to not attend.

Boris the Buffoon is also very quiet. UK , most of Europe & the US have Zionist puppet leaders. But their foolish populations think they live in some sort of democracy.

The only way is to remove these puppet Arab rulers, they just as worse as the blue eyed puppets.

That's the biggest concern, saudis, uae, Qatar, their Zionist sympathisers are the worst of kind.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Strongly condemn Israeli Forces' attack esp during Ramazan on Palestinians in Qibla-e-Awaal, Al-Aqsa Mosque, violating all norms of humanity & int law. We reiterate support for Palestinian ppl. Int community must take immed action to protect Palestinians & their legitimate rights</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1391345952976424962?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 9, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

That’s it? Just a tweet?
The only fact that matters is Arab's are weak and Israel is so powerful. The usual condemnation means nothing at all. Now let Pak not get involved in all of this when we are drowned in our own problems. Israel is an extended state of the USA too mighty for sold out Arab's to even think of taking on. Saudi is too busy killing Yemeni and the rest of the Arab world doesn't care. Oh c'mon even Muslim countries like Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia don't scratch their head over the killing of Palestinians. I don't remember these Palestinians ever siding with us on the Kashmir issue. It is a dog eat dog world with each country on it's own.
The only fact that matters is Arab's are weak and Israel is so powerful. The usual condemnation means nothing at all. Now let Pak not get involved in all of this when we are drowned in our own problems. Israel is an extended state of the USA too mighty for sold out Arab's to even think of taking on. Saudi is too busy killing Yemeni and the rest of the Arab world doesn't care. Oh c'mon even Muslim countries like Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia don't scratch their head over the killing of Palestinians. I don't remember these Palestinians ever siding with us on the Kashmir issue. It is a dog eat dog world with each country on it's own.

Indonesia are committing a genocide of their own on the people of West Papau slaughtering them by the thousands and taking their lands and not a peep from any of the muslim countries because they dont care. No one here has ever condemned the Indonesian slaughter of West Papauns becuase they think its OK to slaughter non muslims. Double standards by muslims just like the west.
Muslims will never give up Al-Aqsa, they can continue praying to a wall, which wasnt even part of any temple.

Arabs are too busy building gudwaras and signing accords with Israel. There is no Ummah and the Palestinians. Syrians and Yemenis have been left to fend for themselves and Uighurs are not even a passing thought. These are end times.
Indonesia are committing a genocide of their own on the people of West Papau slaughtering them by the thousands and taking their lands and not a peep from any of the muslim countries because they dont care. No one here has ever condemned the Indonesian slaughter of West Papauns becuase they think its OK to slaughter non muslims. Double standards by muslims just like the west.

Start a thread on Indonesia then?

Its disgusting you dont have it in you to condemn the brutality of the Israelis but instead look to divert.

Do you agree with your Israeli friends entering a holy place in occupied land and assaulting eldlery, women and children?
The only fact that matters is Arab's are weak and Israel is so powerful. The usual condemnation means nothing at all. Now let Pak not get involved in all of this when we are drowned in our own problems. Israel is an extended state of the USA too mighty for sold out Arab's to even think of taking on. Saudi is too busy killing Yemeni and the rest of the Arab world doesn't care. Oh c'mon even Muslim countries like Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia don't scratch their head over the killing of Palestinians. I don't remember these Palestinians ever siding with us on the Kashmir issue. It is a dog eat dog world with each country on it's own.

The Palestinian position on Kashmir is truly bizarre. Of all the nations to effect change, Pakistan is least likely but doesn't mean it can't condemn the inhuman acts of transgression. That said, rockets ought to stop. Why invite a massacre
Start a thread on Indonesia then?

Its disgusting you dont have it in you to condemn the brutality of the Israelis but instead look to divert.

Do you agree with your Israeli friends entering a holy place in occupied land and assaulting eldlery, women and children?

What do you expect, the creation of Australia was on the back of the genocide of indigenous people of that land, so getting a convict to condemn torture and brutality is a non starter.
Indonesia are committing a genocide of their own on the people of West Papau slaughtering them by the thousands and taking their lands and not a peep from any of the muslim countries because they dont care. No one here has ever condemned the Indonesian slaughter of West Papauns becuase they think its OK to slaughter non muslims. Double standards by muslims just like the west.

That is the way off the world I am afraid where might is right. Why go far when even IK never condemns how Pak minorities are treated? I will never hesitate to condemn Muslim's when they are in the wrong and killing innocents. Pak in no position to condemn Israel when we can't protest our own Christian and minorities. Palestinians are not our people culturally or by blood where as Pak minorities are. Just s few days no Pak politicians including the PM said a word when Christian nurses in Lahore were attacked yet we dream of being saviours of Palestinians who don't even care about Pakistanis. Indonesia too will be doing this because they are powerful, join the club.
The Palestinian position on Kashmir is truly bizarre. Of all the nations to effect change, Pakistan is least likely but doesn't mean it can't condemn the inhuman acts of transgression. That said, rockets ought to stop. Why invite a massacre

Coz Israel is powerful fully backed by the powerful west. Even Arab's don't care about Palestinians. For what it's worth I condemn Israel killing Palestinians. Lets face it most Pakistanis don't care about Palestinians at all. Let us worry about Pakistan.
I do not care about any Arab country at all or it's citizens. Pak should only get involved if our holy places are in danger. It is hard to criticise Israel when the Arab world is full of discrimination and racism towards non Arab Muslims and other poor people who work there. Allah is just, Allah is impartial. All forms of punishment comes from Allah too through other channels. No Arab country has ever unconditionally supported Pakistan. It is hilarious to see Arab's call Israel racists when Arab's are the most racist people on the planet.
What do you expect, the creation of Australia was on the back of the genocide of indigenous people of that land, so getting a convict to condemn torture and brutality is a non starter.

Its just as funny as a terrorist condemning the israeli's.
Countries worldwide have appealed for calm after days of unrest spiralled into retaliatory attacks by Israel and Palestinians.

The US, the European Union and the UK have urged Israel and the Palestinians to lower tensions as soon as possible.

The violence escalated on Monday night after Palestinian militants fired rockets toward Jerusalem.

In response, the Israeli military launched air strikes against militant targets in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian health officials in Gaza said 22 people, including children, had died in the strikes. Israel's military said at least three members of the Hamas group that rules Gaza were among those killed.

Hamas had threatened to strike after hundreds of Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli police at a holy site in Jerusalem on Monday.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Hamas had "crossed a red line" and that Israel would respond "with great force".

The past few days have seen the worst violence in Jerusalem for years.

Increasingly violent confrontations between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters at a compound in Jerusalem's Old City have threatened to trigger a wider conflict.

Palestinians have been angered about restrictions on access to the compound, where the al-Aqsa mosque - the third holiest site in Islam - is housed, along with the Temple Mount - the holiest site in Judaism.

Early on Tuesday, the Palestinian Red Crescent, a humanitarian group, said more than 700 Palestinians had been injured in clashes with Israeli security forces in Jerusalem and across the West Bank.

Violent clashes over Jerusalem escalated dramatically on Monday with Gaza health officials saying at least 20 people, including nine children, were killed by Israeli air strikes launched after Palestinian militant groups fired rockets close to Jerusalem

Israel’s military said it carried out strikes against armed groups, rocket launchers and military posts in Gaza after militants there crossed what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called a “red line” by firing on the Jerusalem area for the first time since a 2014 war.

The rocket fire and Israeli air strikes continued late into the night, with Palestinians reporting loud explosions close to Gaza City and across the coastal strip. Shortly before midnight local time, Israel’s military said Palestinian militants had fired around 150 rockets into Israel, of which dozens were intercepted by its missile defence systems.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the rocket attacks from Gaza against Israel should stop “immediately.” He urged all sides to take steps to reduce tensions.

Monday began with early-morning confrontations at Al-Aqsa Mosque in the heart of Jerusalem’s walled Old City on the compound known to Jews as Temple Mount and to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary - the most sensitive site in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society said more than 300 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli police, who fired rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear gas in the compound. Police said 21 officers were hurt in the skirmishes.

The upsurge in violence came as Israel celebrated “Jerusalem Day”, marking its capture of East Jerusalem in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

In an effort to defuse tensions, police changed the route of a traditional Jerusalem Day march, in which thousands of Israeli flag-waving Jewish youth were due to walk through the Old City near Damascus Gate, a flashpoint in recent weeks.

But although the trouble had died down by mid-morning, there were other focal points of tension, including the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem just north of the Old City where several Palestinian families face eviction from homes claimed by Jewish settlers in a long-running legal case.

Demanding that Israel remove its police from Al-Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah, Hamas, the Islamist militant group that controls Gaza, set a 6 p.m. (1500 GMT) deadline for the forces to be withdrawn.

Even as the marchers were diverted toward Jaffa Gate, sirens sounded alerting Israelis to incoming rockets from Gaza, forcing the marchers and other Israelis to flee for cover in Jerusalem, nearby towns and in Israeli communities near Gaza.

Israel views all of Jerusalem as its capital, including the eastern part that it annexed after the 1967 war in a move that has not won international recognition. Palestinians want East Jerusalem for the capital of a state they seek in Gaza and the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Tension had been building for weeks during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, amid clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters prompting international concern that events could spiral out of control.

Hamas and the smaller Islamic Jihad militant group claimed responsibility for the rocket fire on Jerusalem.

Abu Ubaida, a spokesman for Hamas’s armed wing, said it had launched “a rocket strike against the enemy in the occupied Jerusalem in response to their crimes and aggression against the holy city and its aggression against our people in Sheikh Jarrah and Al-Aqsa mosque.”

In response, Netanyahu said: “The terrorist organisations crossed a red line on Jerusalem Day and attacked us, on the outskirts of Jerusalem.”

He added: “Israel will respond very forcefully. We will not tolerate attacks on our territory, our capital, our citizens and our soldiers. Whoever strikes us will pay a heavy price.”

For Hamas, some commentators said, its challenge to Israel was a sign to Palestinians that it rather than Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was now calling the shots in holding Israel accountable for events in Jerusalem.

Israeli military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Conricus said that at least six of the rockets fired from Gaza were launched towards Jerusalem’s outskirts, where a house was hit. No casualties were reported.

“We have started to attack Hamas military targets,” Conricus said in a briefing to reporters, putting no timeframe on any Israeli offensive. “Hamas will pay a heavy price.”

He said the military was looking into reports that children had been killed.

“We had multiple events of rockets fired by Gaza terrorists falling short. This might be the same,” Conricus said.

Along the fortified Gaza-Israeli border, a Palestinian anti-tank missile fired from the tiny coastal territory struck a civilian vehicle, injuring one Israeli, he said.

After learning of the deaths in Gaza, President Abbas decided to cancel celebrations of the upcoming Eid El-Fitr that marks the end of Ramadan, and limit them to religious rituals only, according to a statement published by the official WAFA news agency.

The report said he also decided to lower flags to half-mast “to mourn the souls of the martyrs of our people who were killed in the Israeli bombardment on Gaza Strip.”

International efforts to stem the violence appeared to have already begun. A Palestinian official told Reuters that Egypt, Qatar and the United Nations, which have mediated truces between Israel and Hamas in the past, were in contact with the group’s leader Ismail Haniyeh.

White nationalists have the nerve to call Muslims terrorists when they literally wiped out indigenous people across continents
Its sad. The israelis and the Palestinians both have the right to exist. A border with status quo is the best solution.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The violence in Jerusalem – especially against children – is unbearable. This long conflict has cost many children their lives and their futures. Leaders must act immediately – there is no peace when children and civilians are not safe. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AlAqsa?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AlAqsa</a> <a href="https://t.co/bLv3XyA1OV">https://t.co/bLv3XyA1OV</a></p>— Malala (@Malala) <a href="https://twitter.com/Malala/status/1391790074774310914?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 10, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
No peace is possible when a terror group like Hamas is present in that region.
No peace is possible when a terror group like Hamas is present in that region.

Hamas weren't present when the Zionist forces bombarded civilians who were peacefully praying at Al Aqsa mosque . Your sheer ignorance is of no surprise as your RSS extremist leader Mohdi also has blood on his hands. Perhaps what currently is occurring in India is a wake up call for all the tyrants of the world, and sooner or later this zionest state that calls itself Israel will pay for it.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It is shocking to see that Israel has always been armed to the teeth but Palestinians are using Stones for decades. Where does all the Palestine support money go? Why can’t they buy a single gun to defend themselves. Being bombed and shot - 2021 still using stones???</p>— Murad Raas (@DrMuradPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/DrMuradPTI/status/1391997847499857921?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 11, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

There is no shortage of idiots in the PTI government. This ignoramus is a minister for school education in Punjab, which adds to the irony.

You have to admire the confidence of the dimwits in the PTI government.
Hamas needs to de-escalate and stop this madness.
They know they cant win and are just exposing Palestine civilians in the Gaza.
Hamas needs to de-escalate and stop this madness.
They know they cant win and are just exposing Palestine civilians in the Gaza.

If you think de escalating Hamas will improve the situation then your in la la land, the Zionists aim is to wipe out the existence of the Palestinians so they can house their ever growing population
Hamas weren't present when the Zionist forces bombarded civilians who were peacefully praying at Al Aqsa mosque .

Read the news. The israeli police forces had rocks thrown on them from the Al-Aqsa crowd which is why the former then tried to disperse the people from the mossque. Then Hamas fired rockets into Israeli territory in retaliation killing a couple of women.
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