What If series: In case of a war between your country of origin and residence, where will your loyalties lie?

In case of a war between your country of origin and residence, where will your loyalties lie?

  • With native country

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • With country of current residence

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • You would prefer to be neutral or does not care much about it

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters

The Bald Eagle

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 25, 2023
In this series we shall explore answer to different hypothetical questions. Fortunately, PP is rich when it comes to posters from diverse background with many living as foreign expats. Some are already well settled and some aspire to be. So in such a scenario if a war breaks out between your native country and country of current residence then where would your sympathies and loyalties lie

Especially for those people who live in a foreign country where loyalty to the state or King is considered an essential part of ones nationality. So guys please remain respectful while expressing your opinions.
In this series we shall explore answer to different hypothetical questions. Fortunately, PP is rich when it comes to posters from diverse background with many living as foreign expats. Some are already well settled and some aspire to be. So in such a scenario if a war breaks out between your native country and country of current residence then where would your sympathies and loyalties lie

Especially for those people who live in a foreign country where loyalty to the state or King is considered an essential part of ones nationality. So guys please remain respectful while expressing your opinions.
Worth specifying that this is for dual citizens

or create a 4th option for country of citizienship, the one you pledged allegiance to.
Worth specifying that this is for dual citizens

or create a 4th option for country of citizienship, the one you pledged allegiance to.
Yep from country of current residence i meant the same. You have Canada on DP so how do you see it?
My loyalty will always be with my current country USA.

Thankfully my country of birth India enjoys excellent relations with USA overall.
I have both Bangladeshi citizenship and Canadian citizenship.

It is highly unlikely that these two countries would ever be in a war. LOL.

But, if it happens (hypothetically), I am likely to be against the oppressing one.
Let us resist the lure of blind nationalism and instead direct our attention toward identifying the genuine aggressor and the true justification for any conflict. The Iraq War, for example, was launched under false pretenses, with millions of citizens vocally opposing their government's decision to go to war.

Even the Ukraine conflict, despite the narrative pushed by career politicians, lacks substantial public support.

We are no longer in the early 1900s when a government could announce war over a brief radio address and expect unquestioning compliance. In 2024, the landscape of public awareness and dissent has transformed considerably.
I have both Bangladeshi citizenship and Canadian citizenship.

It is highly unlikely that these two countries would ever be in a war. LOL.

But, if it happens (hypothetically), I am likely to be against the oppressing one.

Just to add. I am not much into nationalism.

I am more of a patriot than a nationalist. There is a difference between the two.

I see myself as a Muslim first. After that, I identify as a Bangladeshi and a Canadian. I am loyal to both Bangladesh and Canada provided they are not anti-Islam.
You can support anyone you like in your mind because the mind is free and should never recognize boundaries. This is the rule i go by and to be honest this is something i admire about Muslims. We know that Muslims are NOTORIOUS for usually putting religion over country so when a Bharatiya Muslim goes wants to pursue a global Islamist agenda while living in Bharat, i hate him as a Hindu Bharatiya aspiring to be a Mahabharatiya but as a person i respect that because he’s following his heart and choosing to ignore boundaries drawn on a map and at least in his own mind whatsoever deluded he may be (or not) he’s making a conscious choice in supporting what he considers right.
I have both Bangladeshi citizenship and Canadian citizenship.

It is highly unlikely that these two countries would ever be in a war. LOL.

But, if it happens (hypothetically), I am likely to be against the oppressing one.
In a hypothetical situation
1) Would you support implementation of Sharia law over Canadian law?
2) Would you fight for Canada or a Caliphate which is trying to establish Islam as official religion of Canada?

Would appreciate your answers.
A Hindu even if he lives in Thailand or Combodia will become loyal to them in 5 years but a Muslim even if he spends 20 years in Switzerland will not think twice before burning that beautiful country down to ashes if that is what his belief demands at the time. This is where i respect Muslims. We Hindus simply do not have this kind love towards our religion even though our religion is much older in its origin.

Looking at politics for example in west many Hindu ladies are happy to assimilate by marrying white men and changing their names to show loyalty to their new country. I guess even in Cambodia and Thailand this would be the case.

Muslim tends not to do this and have a loyalty to religion first.
My loyalty will always be with my current country USA.

Thankfully my country of birth India enjoys excellent relations with USA overall.

The point is if there was a war . USA as a nation has conducted state terror attacks , bombings , invasions , economic sanctions control etc through out the planet.

If USA invaded India to occupy , you’d still side with America ?
A Hindu even if he lives in Thailand or Combodia will become loyal to them in 5 years but a Muslim even if he spends 20 years in Switzerland will not think twice before burning that beautiful country down to ashes if that is what his belief demands at the time. This is where i respect Muslims. We Hindus simply do not have this kind love towards our religion even though our religion is much older in its origin.

You’re confusing standing up for your rights with subservient response .

Many Indians are ashamed for some reason so will want to throw their morals , culture & identity to like those who they see as superior. If you were living in Europe, I don’t think you’d care too much for brown Indians or worry if Europe invaded.
In a hypothetical situation
1) Would you support implementation of Sharia law over Canadian law?
2) Would you fight for Canada or a Caliphate which is trying to establish Islam as official religion of Canada?

Would appreciate your answers.

sweepshot would fight for a Caliphate for sure, he is a loyal footsoldier of islam.
The point is if there was a war . USA as a nation has conducted state terror attacks , bombings , invasions , economic sanctions control etc through out the planet.

If USA invaded India to occupy , you’d still side with America ?
Good question, USA is most unreliable country. Henry Kissinger said the same
A Hindu even if he lives in Thailand or Combodia will become loyal to them in 5 years but a Muslim even if he spends 20 years in Switzerland will not think twice before burning that beautiful country down to ashes if that is what his belief demands at the time. This is where i respect Muslims. We Hindus simply do not have this kind love towards our religion even though our religion is much older in its origin.
You may get riled up but its my personal opinion that they would side with Pakistan in a potential future war as Modi and BJP has antagonized them upto infinite proportions

Looking at politics for example in west many Hindu ladies are happy to assimilate by marrying white men and changing their names to show loyalty to their new country. I guess even in Cambodia and Thailand this would be the case.

Muslim tends not to do this and have a loyalty to religion first.

Exactly and this is what must be respected about Muslims.

With Hindus, i hope things will change in time. Last few years have been very good for a small reawakening , but to reach where Muslims have reached remains distant dream for us.
You may get riled up but its my personal opinion that they would side with Pakistan in a potential future war as Modi and BJP has antagonized them upto infinite proportions
A certain percentage probably would because of the rampant hate they have received from BJP and Hindus since 2014. But I don't believe all of them would.
The point is if there was a war . USA as a nation has conducted state terror attacks , bombings , invasions , economic sanctions control etc through out the planet.

If USA invaded India to occupy , you’d still side with America ?
Below is the Oath I have taken.

The principles embodied in the Oath are codified in Section 337(a) in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which provides that all applicants shall take an oath that incorporates the substance of the following:

  1. Support the Constitution;
  2. Renounce and abjure absolutely and entirely all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which the applicant was before a subject or citizen;
  3. Support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
  4. Bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and
  5. A. Bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; or
    B. Perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; or
    C. Perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law.

In case of war, irrespective of which country USA is fighting, it is my duty and every US citizen's duty to bear arms and fight for the country.
The Anti-muslim and Islamophobic agenda is on full display yet again on another PP thread.

Islam demands all Muslims of loyalty to states they live in, provided the state is not conducting unjust policies that target Muslims and Islam. PERIOD.

Most of these hypothetical scenarios designed by Hindus are meant to entrap Muslim posters into providing idiotic answers to lengthen the debate. Please avoid doing so.

The war on Islam and Muslims continues on PP.
A certain percentage probably would because of the rampant hate they have received from BJP and Hindus since 2014. But I don't believe all of them would.

Majority will as bjp in any war within
Below is the Oath I have taken.

The principles embodied in the Oath are codified in Section 337(a) in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which provides that all applicants shall take an oath that incorporates the substance of the following:

  1. Support the Constitution;
  2. Renounce and abjure absolutely and entirely all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which the applicant was before a subject or citizen;
  3. Support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
  4. Bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and
  5. A. Bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; or
    B. Perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; or
    C. Perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law.

In case of war, irrespective of which country USA is fighting, it is my duty and every US citizen's duty to bear arms and fight for the country.

We have a similar oath in the UK but it’s only has to be taken by immigrants wanting citizenship, I assume you took it for the same reason, which is understandable.

However if you knew for sure your country is illegally , immorally invading & killing Hindus , you’d would help if asked too ?
Below is the Oath I have taken.

The principles embodied in the Oath are codified in Section 337(a) in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which provides that all applicants shall take an oath that incorporates the substance of the following:

  1. Support the Constitution;
  2. Renounce and abjure absolutely and entirely all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which the applicant was before a subject or citizen;
  3. Support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
  4. Bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and
  5. A. Bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; or
    B. Perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; or
    C. Perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law.

In case of war, irrespective of which country USA is fighting, it is my duty and every US citizen's duty to bear arms and fight for the country.

You are probaby past the age for conscription so you can heave a sigh of relief. I hear not many young people are joining the US army anymore like before. Won't be long before the Draft is reintroduced.
However if you knew for sure your country is illegally , immorally invading & killing Hindus , you’d would help if asked too ?

This kind of behaviour doesn't happen anymore. It's the 21st century. If it does happen, it will always be as a response to another incident likely some act of terrorism. Then it becomes a question of whether the response is disproprtionate or not.
You are probaby past the age for conscription so you can heave a sigh of relief. I hear not many young people are joining the US army anymore like before. Won't be long before the Draft is reintroduced.
We are thankfully moving away from conducting wars in foreign lands. I think since 2001, having burnt trillions on operations for bringing freedom to other countries, we have learnt its not sustainable, who would have thought!? meanwhile the Halliburtons of their world and their execs got rich of these war for freedom efforts, leaving millions dead and millions at home in debt. The people have finally realized the jokes has been on them, and they will hopefully continue to object to any additional wars in the future.

And because of that, Hopefully, no draft sort of situation will arise either.
You are probaby past the age for conscription so you can heave a sigh of relief. I hear not many young people are joining the US army anymore like before. Won't be long before the Draft is reintroduced.

The draft is coming to all western nations . To add to the discussion, if I get a letter forcing me to join the armed forces, I’d refuse & rather go jail or leave the country. Dying & killing for others agenda is pathetic.
This kind of behaviour doesn't happen anymore. It's the 21st century. If it does happen, it will always be as a response to another incident likely some act of terrorism. Then it becomes a question of whether the response is disproprtionate or not.
Do you know what is going on in Ukraine and what prompted the whole war? I am just curious.

There are a million other ways to enforce your hegemony in this world without outright war. Terrorism was an excuse and there can be a million others as well. I think the biggest deterrent is that the people themselves would want to avoid it because of the overall impact it has on the economy and the debt.
This kind of behaviour doesn't happen anymore. It's the 21st century. If it does happen, it will always be as a response to another incident likely some act of terrorism. Then it becomes a question of whether the response is disproprtionate or not.

Anybody can become any enemy but yes it’s hypothetical. His oath says you have to go if asked , they can make any lie up as they have many times.
Islam demands all Muslims of loyalty to states they live in, provided the state is not conducting unjust policies that target Muslims and Islam. PERIOD.
Hmm, I've heard the same before. The New Testament of the Bible asks us to do the same.
You are probaby past the age for conscription so you can heave a sigh of relief. I hear not many young people are joining the US army anymore like before. Won't be long before the Draft is reintroduced.
I know I am well past that age. It is a hypothetical scenario. Being loyal to the country that is feeding me.
How does one determine country of origin? I was born in the UK for example, does that mean my country of origin is England?
Majority will as bjp in any war within

We have a similar oath in the UK but it’s only has to be taken by immigrants wanting citizenship, I assume you took it for the same reason, which is understandable.

However if you knew for sure your country is illegally , immorally invading & killing Hindus , you’d would help if asked too ?
How many times will you frame the same question? You have to defend the country and if the law and oath says it, you perform the duty.
Forget wars for a minute.

Would the posters here support the existing secular laws or your God given law to be the law of the land?
How many times will you frame the same question? You have to defend the country and if the law and oath says it, you perform the duty.

You don’t have to pick up a gun & use it on whomever they order you too . You can be charged for war crimes even if ordered to do so
Forget wars for a minute.

Would the posters here support the existing secular laws or your God given law to be the law of the land?
I have seen you pose the same question in different threads. You are trying to put words in people's mouths.

I am going to say it again, and I hope this would be the last of it for this question: a Muslim has to follow the laws of the land wherein he lives. If the law of the land follows a democratic process and there is a poll on whether Sharia laws should be implemented in the country, a Muslim WILL most likely vote for it as is his democratic right.

This is how I view the usage of the term "support" in this question. Does this mean a Muslim wants Sharia law enforced in that land by hook or by crook, I would say NO, that is not something Islam allows.
I hope THIS MUCH is now clear to you.
In that case, if Great Britain went to war with a foreign nation, for example India, I would support my country of origin provided the cause was just.
Islam demands that Muslims at the bare minimum think bad or raise voice of any unjust policies of their country.

So if a move is just but against Muslim state: you have to support it
If a move is unjust but against a non Muslim state: you have to fight against it.

This is called Jihad. and you can do it a number of ways, at the bare minimum by thinking over the action and considering it unjust.
The Anti-muslim and Islamophobic agenda is on full display yet again on another PP thread.

Islam demands all Muslims of loyalty to states they live in, provided the state is not conducting unjust policies that target Muslims and Islam. PERIOD.

Most of these hypothetical scenarios designed by Hindus are meant to entrap Muslim posters into providing idiotic answers to lengthen the debate. Please avoid doing so.

The war on Islam and Muslims continues on PP.

I have seen you pose the same question in different threads. You are trying to put words in people's mouths.

I am going to say it again, and I hope this would be the last of it for this question: a Muslim has to follow the laws of the land wherein he lives. If the law of the land follows a democratic process and there is a poll on whether Sharia laws should be implemented in the country, a Muslim WILL most likely vote for it as is his democratic right.

This is how I view the usage of the term "support" in this question. Does this mean a Muslim wants Sharia law enforced in that land by hook or by crook, I would say NO, that is not something Islam allows.
I hope THIS MUCH is now clear to you.

The good old boogeyman trap, created to justify the Iraq war, which, let's be honest, was denounced by some back then and is now regretted by pretty much everyone, even the people who came up with the idea.

And every time an Indian asks a question like this, it’s like a scene straight out of a Sacha Baron Cohen movie. You know, the ones where he brilliantly captures the blissful ignorance of folks from places like Alabama. Classic.
In that case, if Great Britain went to war with a foreign nation, for example India, I would support my country of origin provided the cause was just.
What would you do if Britain went to war against any country regardless of the majority faith there but the cause was unjust?
What would you do if Britain went to war against a Muslim country but the cause was just? Let us say, and this is a purely hypothetical situation that the monarch of some Arab Muslim nations decides unilaterally to invade a country like India, or China or Brazil, etc just to take over their natural resources, or to open up their trade routes.. basically unjustified, and not done in defense?
Anyways, I don't understand why some people fantasise wars. Haven't we had enough yet? For us 80's kids, we have seen so much that I just pray my country never, ever gets involved in any conflict, let alone wars again.

The good old boogeyman trap, created to justify the Iraq war, which, let's be honest, was denounced by some back then and is now regretted by pretty much everyone, even the people who came up with the idea.

And every time an Indian asks a question like this, it’s like a scene straight out of a Sacha Baron Cohen movie. You know, the ones where he brilliantly captures the blissful ignorance of folks from places like Alabama. Classic.
this is getting ridiculous, its the same damn posters, same damn jahil and loaded questions to bait us into giving them something provocative to chew on.

I strongly urge all Pakistanis and Muslims to beware of the nasty BHARATI elements here. You will be spending or wasting a lot of time being forced to defend yourself if you walk into that trap. Most of these guys don't feel like they are wasting their time, they probably feel its their national Bharati duty to do this sort of stuff.

the highest posts/day ratios on this forum belongs to Bharatis. Some of them have multiple accounts and still average higher than the average Pakistani posters.
Anyways, I don't understand why some people fantasise wars. Haven't we had enough yet? For us 80's kids, we have seen so much that I just pray my country never, ever gets involved in any conflict, let alone wars again.
Humanity has evolved and hopefully learnt enough in the last twenty odd years that no war is good no matter how they try to justify it. Its a lose lose for everyone.

Just look at the US debt before 2001 and now. The corporations who supported the wars made trillions out of it thought but the average American Joe pays for them through taxes. It is ridiculous.
Do you know what is going on in Ukraine and what prompted the whole war? I am just curious.

China and Russia are autocracies, they don't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as democracies .. the latter atleast are accountable on some level to their people when making decisions like going to war.
So if a move is just but against Muslim state: you have to support it
If a move is unjust but against a non Muslim state: you have to fight against it.

So if non-muslims are targetted unjustly by the US, you couldn't care less. Nice to know. :facepalm:
Anyways, I don't understand why some people fantasise wars. Haven't we had enough yet? For us 80's kids, we have seen so much that I just pray my country never, ever gets involved in any conflict, let alone wars again.
If you were born in the '80s, then why are you pretending like you just rolled off the assembly line yesterday?
China and Russia are autocracies, they don't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as democracies .. the latter atleast are accountable on some level to their people when making decisions like going to war.
If you were born in the '80s, then why are you pretending like you just rolled off the assembly line yesterday?
And that's coming from someone who can't complete a post without yapping BJP/RSS/Hindutva.
And that's coming from someone who can't complete a post without yapping BJP/RSS/Hindutva.

Try to stick to the context. If you were actually presenting a case in support of your argument on Hindutva bigotry, I would've certainly pointed it out. But since that’s clearly not the case, let’s stay focused, shall we?
Was it David Cameron's party who lost a vote in UK's parliament to join the war against Syria in 2016 ? UK didn't join the US .. if memory serves me right.
Did that stop subsequent wars after the change of PM? Or was it just a brief intermission before the same old show resumed?
So if non-muslims are targetted unjustly by the US, you couldn't care less. Nice to know. :facepalm:
dude what the heck is wrong with your comprehension skills? is that what you gleaned from that statement? read again.
China and Russia are autocracies, they don't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as democracies .. the latter atleast are accountable on some level to their people when making decisions like going to war.
no, no and no. that's not what I meant. How did the Ukraine war start? I suggest you look into this and then maybe you will understand what I am trying to say.
Hint: Dont assume its just plain Russian aggression.

Try to stick to the context. If you were actually presenting a case in support of your argument on Hindutva bigotry, I would've certainly pointed it out. But since that’s clearly not the case, let’s stay focused, shall we?
Neither I'm a Hindu, nor do I have anything to do with Hindutva. But then again Islamists like you believe anyone speaking up for India is a Hindu.
dude what the heck is wrong with your comprehension skills? is that what you gleaned from that statement? read again.

Wrong quote from me. That's pretty much what you said in post #24.
Neither I'm a Hindu, nor do I have anything to do with Hindutva. But then again Islamists like you believe anyone speaking up for India is a Hindu.
Everybody speaking up for India and against Pakistan believes all Pakistanis are Islamists except they have a warped sense and definition of Islamists.
no, no and no. that's not what I meant. How did the Ukraine war start? I suggest you look into this and then maybe you will understand what I am trying to say.
Hint: Dont assume its just plain Russian aggression.

So you accept Russia's narrative of why they started the war, great.
Wrong quote from me. That's pretty much what you said in post #24.
once again, the post that you quoted actually was the right one because it answered your question and yet you wanted to simply poke holes in what I am trying to explain here. This is yet another example of how you guys are just on an agenda here and nothing else.

Perhaps read again and better yet, read the Quran if you feel so threatened by it. You might learn a thing or two. Don't just believe us pseudo religious experts.
Everybody speaking up for India and against Pakistan believes all Pakistanis are Islamists except they have a warped sense and definition of Islamists.
No, it's the ones who yap like a goose about BJP/RSS/Hindutva in anything related to India.
Neither I'm a Hindu, nor do I have anything to do with Hindutva. But then again Islamists like you believe anyone speaking up for India is a Hindu.

You definitely side with Hindutva/BJP/Modi.

What do you mean by the term "Islamist"? Are all Muslims Islamists to you? I am yet to understand what BJP Indians mean by this term.
No, it's the ones who yap like a goose about BJP/RSS/Hindutva in anything related to India.
Well they are ruling the roost in India in case you have not noticed or have you been living under a rock?
Neither I'm a Hindu, nor do I have anything to do with Hindutva. But then again Islamists like you believe anyone speaking up for India is a Hindu.
Never claimed you were Hindutva, I specifically said you were in support of Hindutva bigotry.

And here it comes, the classic, overused comeback: 'Islamist.' It’s like clockwork.

But let's not make this thread about yourself.

You definitely side with Hindutva/BJP/Modi.

What do you mean by the term "Islamist"? Are all Muslims Islamists to you? I am yet to understand what BJP Indians mean by this term.
like I said theyt have warped understanding and definitions
You definitely side with Hindutva/BJP/Modi.

What do you mean by the term "Islamist"? Are all Muslims Islamists to you? I am yet to understand what BJP Indians mean by this term.
I've openly confessed in the past that I'm a BJP voter. Doesn't mean I agree with anything they say or do. My country means way more to me than any politician or political party.
This is yet another example of how you guys are just on an agenda here and nothing else.

If you think I have an agenda (lol), stop quoting or replying to my posts and I will do likewise.
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Well they are ruling the roost in India in case you have not noticed or have you been living under a rock?
So? You'll blame them for everything wrong in India? I certainly have never liked the anti Muslim speeches by them since 2014, or the bulldozer justice they have adopted. Plenty of things I don't like about them. But I hate Congress even more, so much that I can't even put into words. I reluctantly voted for BJP in the last election.​
Never claimed you were Hindutva, I specifically said you were in support of Hindutva bigotry.

And here it comes, the classic, overused comeback: 'Islamist.' It’s like clockwork.

But let's not make this thread about yourself.

Yea, you have all the rights to label us all as Hindutva extremists. But I can't use the word Islamist for you.

Yea, you have all the rights to label us all as Hindutva extremists. But I can't use the word Islamist for you.

Go right ahead, but have you noticed that the only time any and every Pakistani gets labeled 'Islamist' is when they dare to point out Hindutva bigotry, conveniently disguised as some kind of birthright to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing? Or when that same bigotry is wrapped up in a neat little package called 'India First'?

And please, stop making this about yourself. The thread title clearly points elsewhere.
Did that stop subsequent wars after the change of PM? Or was it just a brief intermission before the same old show resumed?

I was referring to this ..

MPs have rejected possible UK military action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government to deter the use of chemical weapons.

David Cameron said he would respect the defeat of a government motion by 285-272, ruling out joining US-led strikes.

The US said it would "continue to consult" with the UK, "one of our closest allies and friends".

France said the UK's vote does not change its resolve on the need to act in Syria.

Russia - which has close ties with the Assad government - welcomed Britain's rejection of a military strike.

The prime minister's call for a military response in Syria followed a suspected chemical weapons attack on the outskirts of the capital Damascus on 21 August, in which hundreds of people are reported to have died.

The US and UK say the Assad government was behind the attack - a claim denied by Damascus, which blames the rebels.

Assad said Syria would defend itself against any aggression.

I have seen you pose the same question in different threads. You are trying to put words in people's mouths.

I am going to say it again, and I hope this would be the last of it for this question: a Muslim has to follow the laws of the land wherein he lives. If the law of the land follows a democratic process and there is a poll on whether Sharia laws should be implemented in the country, a Muslim WILL most likely vote for it as is his democratic right.

This is how I view the usage of the term "support" in this question. Does this mean a Muslim wants Sharia law enforced in that land by hook or by crook, I would say NO, that is not something Islam allows.
I hope THIS MUCH is now clear to you.
So if the secular law provides an option to undermine itself, you would do it and vote secular law out in favor of Sharia law.

Good to know.
In that case, if Great Britain went to war with a foreign nation, for example India, I would support my country of origin provided the cause was just.
If Great Britain went to war with India I'd support this blessed endeavor too.
So if the secular law provides an option to undermine itself, you would do it and vote secular law out in favor of Sharia law.

Good to know.
What makes him different to say someone who is a left wing commie, or a right wing fascist, or a soft socialist, any other shade of political spectrum or religious beliefs who do the exact same thing at election time?

I don't follow American politics too much but it seems to be a heavily focused on bringing in allegedly Christian policies for example anti abortion. Aren't they doing the same thing basically?
What would you do if Britain went to war against any country regardless of the majority faith there but the cause was unjust?
What would you do if Britain went to war against a Muslim country but the cause was just? Let us say, and this is a purely hypothetical situation that the monarch of some Arab Muslim nations decides unilaterally to invade a country like India, or China or Brazil, etc just to take over their natural resources, or to open up their trade routes.. basically unjustified, and not done in defense?

I would be a conscientous objector and refuse to enlist.
You don’t have to pick up a gun & use it on whomever they order you too . You can be charged for war crimes even if ordered to do so
We have taken an oath to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the nation even if it means taking up arms.
What makes him different to say someone who is a left wing commie, or a right wing fascist, or a soft socialist, any other shade of political spectrum or religious beliefs who do the exact same thing at election time?

I don't follow American politics too much but it seems to be a heavily focused on bringing in allegedly Christian policies for example anti abortion. Aren't they doing the same thing basically?
modifying laws here and there to suit their religious beliefs is different to overthrowing the entire law and putting a new order in place.

If Hindus demand tomorrow in the west that cow meat should be banned, they should do it in a democratic way.

But if Hindus demand that western secular law should be replaced by Manu Smriti or some other religious law it becomes really problematic.
I was referring to this ..

Great, the one time an elected official actually listened to the people who voted for them. Democracy, checks and balances are alive and kicking… I guess?