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What was the last film you watched? (V2.0)

Suggest the best horror movies with actual scary jump scares, available on Netflix or Amazon Prime?
Suggest the best horror movies with actual scary jump scares, available on Netflix or Amazon Prime?


These are more psychologic horror but defo very creepy:

The Babadook

There’s Smile as well which probably has more of the traditional scares I think from the top of my head which are executed well

But more then these movies, I’d watch the Haunting Of Hill House TV series if you’ve not seen it before

Amazon Prime

Drag me to hell
Let The Right One In - This movie it just so bleak and depressing on so many levels
@shaz619 I recently saw The Toolbox Murders. I had no idea this film existed or that it was directed by the late, great Tobe Hooper but it was freaking awesome. Would heavily recommend and I have a feeling you will like it. It came out in 2004 and is a remake of a film by the same name that came out in the 1970's. It's definitely one of the more underrated slashers I have come across in recent times.

I will add it to my list, I will look for this, though the 70’s one appears to be all loaded up on YT!
The availability of new horror content seems to be very poor across the streaming platforms though I’ve not tried Shudder yet.

Still waiting on Mike Flanagan to make his debut on Amazon, he was literally carrying the horror genre on Netflix and you always looked forward to what he’d put out in the Autumn/Winter. There were rumours he was going to be adapting The Dark Tower novels for Amazon, but the latest noise is around him creating a series on Carrie which I think could be very interesting.
Heretic - 7/10, I wont say it was amazing, but it wasn’t terrible either. Maybe am not overly fond of it due to my own spiritual beliefs, but it is interesting that the horror genre was used to discuss the subject of faith & a lack of faith.
These are going back the last 2-3 years. Sorry if a bit long winded:

Moon - Don't recall too much of the plot but remember it was fairly moving as the main character gradually learns about his real identity. There's a few shows/films playing on similar themes involving dopplegangers, dual identities and so on. However Moon executes them impressively on a small budget. You don't need a million special effects or elaborate sets to tell a compelling story ! Kevin Spacey provides a voiceover in this hidden gem. 7.5/10.

Mike Bassett: England Manager - Still the ultimate football film, and certainly the most quotable. Ricky Tomlinson is brilliant in the lead role. Good for what it is, harmless fun. 6.5/10.

The Talented Mr Ripley - Was strangely conflicted between wanting the main character (played by Matt Damon) to get away with his ruse and being outed. The film dragged slightly in the first half but the plot is compelling with some intense scenes in the second half. 8/10.

The Stepfather (1987) - Based on a real murderer. A mediocre film. 5/10.

Platoon -
One of many Vietnam War based films of the era. Excellent and especially resonates today. Okay the characters are somewhat cartoon caricatures with the idealistic soldier vs the hardnosed realist. However the acting is superb and it sounded like they went through hell filming this. 8/10.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Loved this. There's so much silliness and hilarity, but when John Candy's character admits the truth about his situation, I was floored and genuinely shed a tear. 9/10.

Deliverance - Genuinely unsettling and of course THAT scene is shocking even today. Fantastic acting. 8/10.

Snowpiercer - Decent thriller with an intriguing premise but don't think I'll rewatch it. 6/10.

The Host - After Memories of Murder, I became a massive Bong Joon-Ho fan and although this isn't as good, it's one of the best monster movies I've seen. I LOVE the climactic battle with the hapless underdog fighting with what little he has against a vicious behemoth, accompanied by a wonderful musical score. 8/10.

They Live - Starring the late Roddy Piper who looked fairly healthy here compared to the indecipherable, babbling wreck he'd become. Intense fight scenes including one that went on for an eternity. Theme of the film certainly resonates today. 6.5/10.

Parasite - Returning to Bong Joon-Ho. Like most of his films, it features commentary on class divisions and is such an intense, well told story. 9/10.

Joint Security Area - A poignant film about a group of North and South Korean soldiers stationed on the DMZ who secretly befriend each other. Features the brilliant Song Kang-ho of Memories of Murder, Snowpiercer, The Host and Parasite. 7.5/10.

Beetlejuice (1988) - Enjoyed this and again falls into the category of harmless fun if not necessarily a film I'd rewatch. Features a young Alec Baldwin. 7/10.

Mate if you liked the Ripley movie, I can’t recommend the TV series enough on Netflix. It’s in black/white but I wouldn’t let the noir element put you off, it enhances the sinister themed and adds to the weighty atmosphere. It really digs deep into the relationship between Rizwan (Ripley) & Babar (Dickie), not to mention Marge (Fakhar) who is the innocent victim in the whole set-up.
I don’t think so, is it a new movie? what’s the premise 🤔
'A couple stuck at a secluded motel see that several video cameras are attached to their room. They realise that unless they flee, they will become the next victims of a snuff film'.

I was really impressed by how good it was. Very Hitchcockian, very minimalist and fairly well-executed.
Watched Sudden Death starring JCVD last night. Such a fun movie with such a ludicrous plot. I think there is an entire sub-genre of Die Hard-inspired action movies that came out in the 90's. And most of them are highly entertaining.

They just don't make action movies like they used to. These days everything is green screen and an endless amount of camera cuts. Practical effects are so much better.
Deep Cover starring Laurence Fishburne and Jeff Goldblum. Can't recommend this movie enough. It is one of the most awesome cop movies/undercover movies you'll ever see, that is actually very realistic interms of some of the ideas it explores, such as the thin line that separates the cops from the criminals.
'A couple stuck at a secluded motel see that several video cameras are attached to their room. They realise that unless they flee, they will become the next victims of a snuff film'.

I was really impressed by how good it was. Very Hitchcockian, very minimalist and fairly well-executed.

Mah gawd that sounds perfect for the season and it got Kate Beckinsale in it as well, another one for my winter list
Wow saw the latest Bad Boys on netflix absolutely terrible, they ruined the series for me completely, joke of a movie.

I was forced to see it in the Cinema, consider yourself lucky, I mean some of it was funny but not worthy of the theatre lol I’ve actually not watched the others in the series, just clips.
I was forced to see it in the Cinema, consider yourself lucky, I mean some of it was funny but not worthy of the theatre lol I’ve actually not watched the others in the series, just clips.
One and two are amazing, 3 is ok this was a disaster.

One was copied into Hindi as Bade miyaan Chote Miyaan (the mixed Bad boys and Comedy of Errors).
One and two are amazing, 3 is ok this was a disaster.

One was copied into Hindi as Bade miyaan Chote Miyaan (the mixed Bad boys and Comedy of Errors).

What do you think is the best hollywood adaptation in bollywood?

I reckon Gajini, it was based on Memento, not as edgy lol but good for Bollywood and 🔥 music.
What do you think is the best hollywood adaptation in bollywood?

I reckon Gajini, it was based on Memento, not as edgy lol but good for Bollywood and 🔥 music.
Ghajini Tamil original one actually not only copied memento but also copied Prestige as in the end the reason hero was confused was coz Ghajini were twins, not sure why Amir didn’t go with that which he comes to know in the end like Prestige movie lol.(He copied that in Dhoom 3 though lol)

Yeah right now that’s what is coming to my mind, unpopular opinion but i liked Baadshah of Srk too which copied Rush Hour, Mr. Nice guy a bunch of Jackie Chan movies.
Ghajini Tamil original one actually not only copied memento but also copied Prestige as in the end the reason hero was confused was coz Ghajini were twins, not sure why Amir didn’t go with that which he comes to know in the end like Prestige movie lol.(He copied that in Dhoom 3 though lol)

Yeah right now that’s what is coming to my mind, unpopular opinion but i liked Baadshah of Srk too which copied Rush Hour, Mr. Nice guy a bunch of Jackie Chan movies.

Majority if the stuff he made in the 90’s and 2000’s were all acceptable to amazing, nothing was really poor. Duplicate was amazing as well, to go from that to making subpar work now.
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Ghajini Tamil original one actually not only copied memento but also copied Prestige as in the end the reason hero was confused was coz Ghajini were twins, not sure why Amir didn’t go with that which he comes to know in the end like Prestige movie lol.(He copied that in Dhoom 3 though lol)

Yeah right now that’s what is coming to my mind, unpopular opinion but i liked Baadshah of Srk too which copied Rush Hour, Mr. Nice guy a bunch of Jackie Chan movies.
I haven't watched a bollywood movie since darna zaroori hai but i remember watching Badshah during my childhood and later on watched Johnny Depp's Nick Of Time to figure out Badshah was an amalgam of Rush Hour and Nick Of Time.
I haven't watched a bollywood movie since darna zaroori hai but i remember watching Badshah during my childhood and later on watched Johnny Depp's Nick Of Time to figure out Badshah was an amalgam of Rush Hour and Nick Of Time.
Also Mr. Nice guy of Jackie Chan lol but i still found it entertaining
Majority if the stuff he made in the 90’s and 2000’s were all acceptable to amazing, nothing was really poor. Duplicate was amazing as well, to go from that to making subpar work now.
Yeah worst is his humor in movies is gone down too but happens to everyone before they reinvent themselves, Amitabh did it too, Dilip Kumar as well, so lets see he definitely the better actor among the three khans.
Alien (1979) - Tense and horrifying in equal measures. Thought the special effects stands up well even today. 7.5/10.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) - If you watch this as a kid, the main character probably comes off as a rebellious anti-hero figure.

As an adult, he's a cocky, selfish little sh!t who never gets his comeuppance. The film sums up the creed of Reagan's America, worshipping at the altar of hedonistic individualism, where lying and cheating in the pursuit of self-indulgence is celebrated.

I found Cameron's character arc the most interesting with a heartwarming story of overcoming his fear of his father who offers him no love or understanding. Was this Ferris's plan all along or a convenient excuse for Ferris's fratboy antics ?

Ferris's sister is fairly interesting but his girlfriend was a waste of screentime. I liked Broderick's fourth wall breaking and entertaining performance, but the film has a troubling creed. 6/10.
Any good recommendation for espionage action/thrillers? Either movies on OTT or the big screen ones
Saw The Penguin. 9/10
Much better than The Batman 2022.
Colin Farrell is amazing in it.
One and two are amazing, 3 is ok this was a disaster.

One was copied into Hindi as Bade miyaan Chote Miyaan (the mixed Bad boys and Comedy of Errors).
Yes Bad Boys 2 is outstanding. 1 is good but a little rough around the edges. The latest one was absolutely awful. Hollywood has completely gone bankrupt when it comes to ideas.
@shaz619 Have you see Salem's Lot? The original Tobe Hooper one that came out in 1979. I believe it was released as a two-part mini-series though it basically runs like a 3-hour movie. If so, what do you think about it?
Yes Bad Boys 2 is outstanding. 1 is good but a little rough around the edges. The latest one was absolutely awful. Hollywood has completely gone bankrupt when it comes to ideas.
Agree so many sequels and what not ,so annoying.
Having said that Twister was amazing , ofcourse some issues but good entertainment overall.

Top Gun was probably the last good big shot hollywood movie since Pandemic.
@shaz619 Have you see Salem's Lot? The original Tobe Hooper one that came out in 1979. I believe it was released as a two-part mini-series though it basically runs like a 3-hour movie. If so, what do you think about it?

Unfortunately not, but I did watch the new one which came out a few months back; as a casual horror flick it wasn’t too bad, though I can see why it was primarily made for streaming. Big fan of the novel, I read it last year and that mini series has always been on my list, I think it’s generally regarded as the best adaptation?
Having said that Twister was amazing , ofcourse some issues but good entertainment overall.

Top Gun was probably the last good big shot hollywood movie since Pandemic.

Kosinski came up with the story for Twisters as well, definitely, both Top Gun & Twisters were probably the more classic blockbusters from Hollywood and a throwback to plot driven movies without the soul missing for once.
Agree so many sequels and what not ,so annoying.
Having said that Twister was amazing , ofcourse some issues but good entertainment overall.

Top Gun was probably the last good big shot hollywood movie since Pandemic.
I didn't really care much for Twisters. The characters just felt too corny and poorly written to me. I get that the point of a movie like this is something else. But still I was disappointed at the general lack of chemistry between Glenn Powell and Daisy Edgar-Jones, though some of the action set pieces were definitely fun to watch on the big screen.

Yes, Top Gun Maverick was absolutely fantastic. As far as action movies are concerned I only look forward to the Mission Impossible movies these days. Because they only seem to get better and better. And personally, I believe the biggest reason why is Tom Cruise who besides being the lead star also has an outsized role behind the scenes. And he is someone who genuinely loves movies and has great instincts.

Though I will say I was really disappointed when they decided to cut the last Mission Impossible movie into two parts. That is such a frustrating thing for you as a moviegoer. A movie is not a TV show that you can just leave at a cliffhanger.
Kosinski came up with the story for Twisters as well, definitely, both Top Gun & Twisters were probably the more classic blockbusters from Hollywood and a throwback to plot driven movies without the soul missing for once.
Kosinski is a fairly solid action director. He is directing the upcoming F1 film starring Brad Pitt too. And then after that he is directing another racing film starring Pitt and Cruise.
Unfortunately not, but I did watch the new one which came out a few months back; as a casual horror flick it wasn’t too bad, though I can see why it was primarily made for streaming. Big fan of the novel, I read it last year and that mini series has always been on my list, I think it’s generally regarded as the best adaptation?
Ah I see.

Yes that's what I've heard too. Gonna see (some of it atleast) tonight. Will report back with my thoughts.

Probably need to get to reading the book too one of these days.
Kosinski is a fairly solid action director. He is directing the upcoming F1 film starring Brad Pitt too. And then after that he is directing another racing film starring Pitt and Cruise.

Ah that’s one of my most anticipated movies ever, am a bit of a petrol head lol and the enthusiast passion is seldom replicated in car movies besides a few exceptions such as Ford vs Ferrari, I guess it’s also a reflection of changing times, superficial craze for hyper vehicles and the misguided investment in EV’s. But maybe the F1 movie will be the final ‘proper’ car movie? I didn’t know there’s another racing film to?! had enough of the FNF franchise 🤢
Not going into great detail as it needs to be seen for yourself, but watched in my opinion one of the greatest modern horror films of all time, it was my most anticipated film from the past 12 months or so; Nosferatu, the best adaptation of Stoker’s Dracula as it captured the terror better then any other movie in over century and it was a cinematic masterpiece. I had hight expectations from Eggers & he exceeded them - 10/10.

@BunnyRabbit @RedwoodOriginal You guys will love this.
Not going into great detail as it needs to be seen for yourself, but watched in my opinion one of the greatest modern horror films of all time, it was my most anticipated film from the past 12 months or so; Nosferatu, the best adaptation of Stoker’s Dracula as it captured the terror better then any other movie in over century and it was a cinematic masterpiece. I had hight expectations from Eggers & he exceeded them - 10/10.

@BunnyRabbit @RedwoodOriginal You guys will love this.
I have been really looking forward to this one. Glad to hear it has received a ringing endorsement from you. Right off the bat, it sounded like a match made in heaven. If there is any director that would have come to my mind if someone told me they were doing a remake of this movie, it would have to be Eggers. Will definitely check out as soon as I can. Sadly, it has not received a cinema-wide release here in Pakistan so will have to wait till it hits streaming.
I have been really looking forward to this one. Glad to hear it has received a ringing endorsement from you. Right off the bat, it sounded like a match made in heaven. If there is any director that would have come to my mind if someone told me they were doing a remake of this movie, it would have to be Eggers. Will definitely check out as soon as I can. Sadly, it has not received a cinema-wide release here in Pakistan so will have to wait till it hits streaming.

I will still say that Long Legs was a little more disturbing, so edge more towards it but it’s hard to ignore the greatness of Nosferatu; knowing what you prefer as well technically speaking, I am certain you will love it a great deal. Interestingly, the 1922 silent film had the biggest influence on Eggers directorial style and you see it in all his movies, he always wanted to make this when he got into the movie making business. Ah that’s a shame, hopefully you get to see it soon, maybe some theatres will pick it up after the box office success but am not sure given the Rated R content lol
I will still say that Long Legs was a little more disturbing, so edge more towards it but it’s hard to ignore the greatness of Nosferatu; knowing what you prefer as well technically speaking, I am certain you will love it a great deal. Interestingly, the 1922 silent film had the biggest influence on Eggers directorial style and you see it in all his movies, he always wanted to make this when he got into the movie making business. Ah that’s a shame, hopefully you get to see it soon, maybe some theatres will pick it up after the box office success but am not sure given the Rated R content lol
That's great to hear. The 1922 Nosferatu is a seminal horror film that I think every film buff should see. For me, it holds the same reverence as Metropolis, Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton's best films of any of the other great films from the silent era. This film had been in the works for a very long time...at one point I had even heard that it was dead in the water because Eggers was struggling to get funding. Glad to see it has been successful at the box-office too. Because his last film did not do so well, but he is a gifted filmmaker who should be making more movies.
National Treasure 1 & 2, Both movies were amazing & I am eagerly waiting for part 3. I don't think part 3 is planned or in production. Fingers crossed, though!
Yes they are. I have been hearing about part 3 since 2010 and it's been 15 years. Don't think it's happening. If it does, it might be straight to netflix.
I'm a big fan of National Treasure. The plot of both movies is pretty out there, but they are really fun. In a way they are like the poor man's Indiana Jones. I heard there are plans to revive the franchise with a third film.
Yes they are. Sorcerer's Apprentice is similar and is like a poor man's harry potter in a good way.
Cage's Fun popcorn flicks all of them.
Not going into great detail as it needs to be seen for yourself, but watched in my opinion one of the greatest modern horror films of all time, it was my most anticipated film from the past 12 months or so; Nosferatu, the best adaptation of Stoker’s Dracula as it captured the terror better then any other movie in over century and it was a cinematic masterpiece. I had hight expectations from Eggers & he exceeded them - 10/10.

@BunnyRabbit @RedwoodOriginal You guys will love this.
Aahhhh man. I don't know why but I just haven't found Bram Stoker's adaptations that appealing. 1992 Dracula was fine. But I don't know vampires and transylvania isn't just my cup of tea. Although I have seen the trailer and it looks beautiful.
Aahhhh man. I don't know why but I just haven't found Bram Stoker's adaptations that appealing. 1992 Dracula was fine. But I don't know vampires and transylvania isn't just my cup of tea. Although I have seen the trailer and it looks beautiful.

The original silent film Nosferatu from 1922 was essentially an adaptation of Stoker’s novel, but as Dracula wasn’t in the public domain at the time, they changed the names of the characters; the 1922 film is defo worth watching for any enthusiast of movies to see how it shaped the Horror genre, but the Nosferatu remake from 1979 is one of the best adaptations out there, it truly captures the dread from the book and I would say it’s a must watch. This Eggers movie which is an adaptation of the 1922 film is on another level when it comes to the capturing the terror & unadulterated evil of a maniacal, manipulative inhuman force which hasn’t been captured well enough previously. Have a watch when you’re able to for sure, unlike anything else you’d have seen imo
Yes they are. I have been hearing about part 3 since 2010 and it's been 15 years. Don't think it's happening. If it does, it might be straight to netflix.

Thought the same about National Treasure 3. There is no sign of it, nor any production update! I thought back in 2010, when I watched National treasure 2 for the first time that in the 3rd part they will explore about aliens, area41 or may be the Pyramids how they all are interconnected. But it was just a fantasy for me! No wonder the recent indiana jones movie is not upto mark! I didn't like that movie.
Thought the same about National Treasure 3. There is no sign of it, nor any production update! I thought back in 2010, when I watched National treasure 2 for the first time that in the 3rd part they will explore about aliens, area41 or may be the Pyramids how they all are interconnected. But it was just a fantasy for me! No wonder the recent indiana jones movie is not upto mark! I didn't like that movie.
I don't watch bollywood movies as it is quite obvious.

They always portray us in their movies as bad guys, even good directors such as Rohit shetty in his last Akki stared movie has obvious muslim villians who are speaking urdu, always wear a topi & a scarf on their shoulder & surma in his eyes & a taweez around the neck. I always find this funny as I have never seen a person like this here. Only saw a trailer on YouTube, of that movie.

Not to mention, they say "Adaab, bhaijaan etc" . It is so streotype & quite boring. Yet that movie did good business on the box office & proved to be a hit. It is like the same thing here in Punjabi movies where Shaan used to attack 50 persons all allone, using a handgun or something else! Rip Logic

On the other hand, I regularly watch Hollywood movies as they have story & proper characters stories revolved around the main story. Let me know your opinion as well.
@shaz619 I was rewatching Event Horizon last night after a long time, and it just struck me what a bloody awesome movie it is. And how much more awesome it could have been had all that footage not been cut out.

Pls tell me you have seen this highly underrated space-horror classic, and share the same love for it as I do.
@shaz619 I was rewatching Event Horizon last night after a long time, and it just struck me what a bloody awesome movie it is. And how much more awesome it could have been had all that footage not been cut out.

Pls tell me you have seen this highly underrated space-horror classic, and share the same love for it as I do.

Ah it’s on my list for some time! I will try seeing it asap and get back to you! nothing can top a quality space horror!

Have you seen Highlife 2018 another space horror, it’s so weird I stopped half way, still need to finish it lol
Ah it’s on my list for some time! I will try seeing it asap and get back to you! nothing can top a quality space horror!

Have you seen Highlife 2018 another space horror, it’s so weird I stopped half way, still need to finish it lol
Ooh I think this might be right up your alley. I'm actually super interested to see what you think of it.

I have. I saw it when it came out. Can't say I particularly liked it though. I'm not big on the director Claire Denis. Her films just don't resonate with me.
Not going into great detail as it needs to be seen for yourself, but watched in my opinion one of the greatest modern horror films of all time, it was my most anticipated film from the past 12 months or so; Nosferatu, the best adaptation of Stoker’s Dracula as it captured the terror better then any other movie in over century and it was a cinematic masterpiece. I had hight expectations from Eggers & he exceeded them - 10/10.

@BunnyRabbit @RedwoodOriginal You guys will love this.
I thought it was awesome. Eggers did a bang-up job with this. He both remade the movie while also giving us a film that felt uniquely his own. I think it's one of the best films of 2024.
@RedwoodOriginal you aren't going to believe it. I ran into Christopher Nowinski today. He's in the faculty where I am currently doing my masters at. Lol i really tried to be professional while not marking out. Hopefully will be seeing him from time to time.