Whats the fastest delivery you have faced?


Senior T20I Player
May 2, 2010
I was wondering what sort of speeds fellow members on here have faced while batting and what was the quickest whether it was in a match or on a bowling machine :akhtar

I have faced bowlers up to 70mph in match conditions and have faced the bowling machine at up to 75mph. After 70mph it gets very difficult.

I have faced a tape ball at speeds in excess of 90mph. That was bloody quick. Just about saw it never mind playing it
One for the my cricket section.

Will be moved there soon :)
75 in bowling machine

80odd one of my friends (left arm fast)-speed measured
I am not sure...I play club cricket and Fast bowlers seem very fast. And if they are in the 70's range(Spinners range in intl cricket)..then it is really hard for me to even imagine playing 85+...
Sometimes I struggle when my club bowlers bowl fast...
170 kph+ back in the day while playing with Atul Sharma.
I have faced tape ball at very high speeds against people that can't bowl so they chuck as fast as they can.
I have faced tape ball at very high speeds against people that can't bowl so they chuck as fast as they can.
Yep I have faced a few chuckers who threw tape balls at speeds in the range of 90+
130-135km/hr (80 mi/hr) just once or twice per over and that to be from only one bowler from whole league season. Rest were around < 125 km/hr. But with tape ball many bowlers constant speed of > 125 km/hr around (70 mi/hr).

Let me tell you from my experience, 75-80 mi/hr is still very very fast. 90 mi/hr would be hard to even see for sure!!
70-74mph from a close friend to be honest it gets easier if you regularly face fast balls

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I hope people do realizes (know) that in real match, when these balls are bowled, they don't come at this speed when ball come near to batsman (if ball hit ground).

The speed is calculated like release from hand and time it takes before it hit ground. If it hit the ground, then when batsman faces ball, speed is reduced considerably, whereas in baseball when ball is 90 m/hr, IT IS 90 m/hr.
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I hope people do realizes (know) that in real match, when these balls are bowled, they don't come at this speed when ball come near to batsman (if ball hit ground).

The speed is calculated like release from hand and time it takes before it hit ground. If it hit the ground, then when batsman faces ball, speed is reduced considerably, whereas in baseball when ball is 90 m/hr, IT IS 90 m/hr.
Unless if its a yorker or a full toss of course
I have faced tape ball at very high speeds against people that can't bowl so they chuck as fast as they can.

Chucking that fast is actually very hard as well. We had this ex baseball pitcher on our team, and he used to pitch to us in practice, and that was 75mph, and let me tell you it was lightning quick, quicker than anyone could bowl or chuck. I think only one other guy could bowl around 70-75mph, but he couldn't chuck that fast.
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Its very difficult facing anything over 75mph. I know people take the mick out of international bowlers who bowl that speed but for example I am certain that vast majority in here would not handle that speed.

I remember a mate of mine saw Paul collingwood bowl in the nets a few years ago - he was just astonished how quick he was bowling compared to the normal club fast bowlers. There is a big difference - Its just when you see these bowlers on TV it does not look quick.
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Its very difficult facing anything over 75mph. I know people take the mick out of international bowlers who bowl that speed but for example I am certain that vast majority in here would not handle that speed.

I remember a mate of mine saw Paul collingwood bowl in the nets a few years ago - he was just astonished how quick he was bowling compared to the normal club fast bowlers. There is a big difference - Its just when you see these bowlers on TV it does not look quick.
Very true indeed. When you see dibly dobbers bowling 70 -75mph on TV it looks very slow indeed and makes you think that you can play those deliveries with ease but in reality its very difficult. Yes 75mph + to face is very very difficult indeed.
I would say around 75 mph or just below that.....

I have a friend who has been clocked at over 80 mph, he is playing for Lancashire second team I think, but I have never faced him at full speed......
bowling machine I start with 75mph and by the end of session its 85mph...... and have faced mohammed sami, rameez aziz and talha on 3 to 4 occasions.

Out of these 3 I say Talha is the fastest, followed by sami and then rameez aziz who i believe plays for rawalpindi.
Its very difficult facing anything over 75mph. I know people take the mick out of international bowlers who bowl that speed but for example I am certain that vast majority in here would not handle that speed.

I remember a mate of mine saw Paul collingwood bowl in the nets a few years ago - he was just astonished how quick he was bowling compared to the normal club fast bowlers. There is a big difference - Its just when you see these bowlers on TV it does not look quick.

My friend who bowls around the 75 mph mark is very tough to face at times and the fact that he is very tall makes it even more difficult to face his bowling.......
Over 75mph becomes hard to see for any reasonable club cricketer. The fastest I've probably maxed out against was an early 80mph bowler (based on previously measured speeds). This guy was also quite tall so it was very uncomfortable and difficul to face. I've never faced a bowling machine, would like to experience the 99mph setting. :akhtar

In terms of pure reaction time, I'm sure most of us have faced up to equivalent speeds of 170mph as that tape ball just cuts through the air ridiculously fast, you can tell why even someone like Sohail Tanvir has such a beasty reputation in tape ball cricket. :zahid
Wow didn't know there were so many speed guns around. I have no idea what the fastest ball I've faced but I would guess at around 80mph but usually it's 60mph dibbly dobblies.
Wow didn't know there were so many speed guns around. I have no idea what the fastest ball I've faced but I would guess at around 80mph but usually it's 60mph dibbly dobblies.

second that, Im very supprised that there are so many 75+ bowlers out there....how come we havnt seen them or heard of any.

Im pretty sure at club level 75-80mph must be fastest a bowler gets.

I played against a ex pakistani pro called Mohammed Ali back in the days who everyone said bowled at 80+ but he was ex pro.
faced some 2nd team guy, from gloucestershire or some other team like that.
speeds were around 82-86 mph.
the guy was fat but built and was scary when he ran in. lol
140 kph by my Aussie friend, hit him over his head for a six, he was pretty fast. They were all talking about the new brown kid with awesome reflexes the next day, I scored 18 off 5 balls, I remember that time, but then my slump continued, people figured out my weakness, bouncers :( Six Ducks in a row and once retired hurt :facepalm:

This hit my career mentally, and I was depressed and later a coach advised me and said try bowling son, and the first delivery I bowled was a leg spinner, and he said we have a :warne in the making. I was over the moon :butt

My last match bowling figures in a T20 match 4overs for 5 run and 2 wickets, IPL should put me in auction, I :warne>>>>> Jaddu
Faced a 80mph bouncer. Got hit on the head, thanks to helmet, no brain damage (I think :p)

Not too impressive as a batsman, but I mainly bowl so its all good :D
I think that the leagues we play in around the world have bowlers over 75 mph in my honest opinion. I don't think that 75 mph or 80 mph is quick. I have faced the bowling machine at over 90 mph and also a bowler over 85 mph, i can tell you its not easy. I could see the ball clearly, its not like the ball was hardly seen. You get used to it after a while. Your reflexes have to be at their best when facing anything over 85 mph.
Those that play club cricket regularly will know that the fastest club bowlers are around 70-75 mph.
How do I know this ? Because I have experienced 75mph and above on a Bola bowling machine so I roughly know what speed they are bowling.

I doubt hardly anyone has faced 80mph bowling in here because anyone capable of bowling that speed has a good chance of getting into county cricket.

Its easy to talk but facing 75mph bowling and above is very difficult, anything over 80 MPH most of us will hardly see the ball to react.
Those that play club cricket regularly will know that the fastest club bowlers are around 70-75 mph.
How do I know this ? Because I have experienced 75mph and above on a Bola bowling machine so I roughly know what speed they are bowling.

I doubt hardly anyone has faced 80mph bowling in here because anyone capable of bowling that speed has a good chance of getting into county cricket.

Its easy to talk but facing 75mph bowling and above is very difficult, anything over 80 MPH most of us will hardly see the ball to react.

To be honest with you i disagree with you on that. I have faced 80 mph bowlers on a regular basis and its not that fast. I have also faced the bowling machine of 90 mph and thats real quick...
I think all those who have faced 70mph+ will agree with me that the ball starts to get fuzzy at that point. I don't understand how international cricketers do it.
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70mph is really quick for a club cricketer. Most of the bowlers are in between 60 and 70 and then you run into a 70 mph bowler every now and then and its quick. I have faced Fazal e Akbar and hes the quickest i ever faced, i barely saw the ball and then i saw him on TV after couple of years and he looked so slow compared to other bowlers so i can only imagine how quick INTL bowlers are.
I think bowling in the nets or facing a bowling machine indoors is way different than in a real game or outside in the field. Indoors, bowling seems very fast even if it is at 70mph, when that same bowler is outside, it doesnt seem as quick to the batsman anymore.

I would say that anything above 80mph is quick, but anything below that isn't really that quick.

And 90mph or above is definitely very quick, hence why we don't even see that many bowlers bowling at that speed.
I bowl pretty quick. i have never used a speed gun or seen someone bowling live very fast with a speed gun so i can never guess how fast a bowl is, but from what others tell me, They say my bowling is somewhere between 80-85mph and even then if i bowl anything over pitched, i get hit pretty good by my team's batsmen.
My friend won a speed competition at lords called the natwest speedstar in 2009. He clocked in at 86mph when he was 19, he's 22 now and plays for a club in Birmingham, says that he probably hits close to 90mph now. I have faced him in nets and he is lightening. I remember watching him play one club game and he destroyed the team and took 9 wickets.


Does he play in the Birmingham league and what team if you dont mind me asking?
Faced 5 balls at 90 mph from the bowling machine... missed first one, edged the second one, fairly middled the 3rd and 4th one... got hit on the thigh on the fifth one and limped out of the nets.

It was literally like... see ball hit ball... You have to trust your instincts facing those sort of speeds.
This guy in my school who was the best batsmen in our school cricket team. He went to the UK to play some club cricket for 2 months. Claims he faced one bowler who was bowling b/w 88-92 mph. Apparently he initially started shitting himself given that he had never seen such pace before but then he started talking positively to himself "Fine il get out but i am going to get in line, i am not going to be scared and i am going to keep my eye on the ball no matter what".

The early jitters went away, in fact you get used to the pace later on, its all about aclimitizing and knowing what the baller is trying to do, the hand eye cordination takes over. Thats how he explained it to me. That its not impossible to adjust. And yes he claims he smacked him for 4 boundries too. The quicker it comes the quicker it goes.
Around 65-70mph..even thatI found it 'super-fast' lol.

A guy I know since school was so quick, that he was not allowed to represent the school team- because of unfair advantage.

He briefly went on to play for Worcester's first team in 1997 after his brother, who also played for Worcester, passed away in 1995 at the age of 24. I see him in the area alot. He is no longer interested in cricket, but deen.

Here is his profile on cricinfo:

His brother's profile on cricinfo:
outdoors around 85mphs. A west Indian called Dain Maynard, played in the Birmingham league for a few years and was pretty pacy.

Indoors have faced a similar speed, esp in the Essex indoor school, where Danny Law used to bowl of 18yards. He broke my helmet once, cracked it open like an egg. He was a complete nutcase. Mark Illot beat me outside the off stump for fun indoors.

On a bowling machine at school, we cranked it up to 100mph once, and i managed to play it with no back lift. basically had enough time to bring my bat in the way.
90 wow. That is quick. That is county/international standards. I guess you faced those kind of bowlers.

How did you fare against the 90mph deliveries?

we always had exchange players playing with us, like Jason , Mike Smith, Andre Adams, ect ect. :) plus in the nets with bowling machine mostly on 80-85.
we always had exchange players playing with us, like Jason , Mike Smith, Andre Adams, ect ect. :) plus in the nets with bowling machine mostly on 80-85.
How was it facing them? How did you play those very quick deliveries?
How was it facing them? How did you play those very quick deliveries?

its more of playing regularly then you get used to it get a good eye on the ball and you wont miss it.. , like last week i went on batting after 4 months could not face a bowler bowling at some 60mph.. but after 2 training's it was much better, we have this year playing with us few dutch internationals and Grant Elliot is coming so will be fun playing him he bowls at some 140 aswell.. oh and new Sa a keeper is also in our team:D and http://www.espncricinfo.com/australia/content/player/4936.html this guy:D
About 75 mph I think. Could see it but that's all. No chance of even getting into line.
anyone ever tried late cutting anything above 65 mph without snicking it to the keeper, lols, i found it to be nigh on impossible, cant believe the likes of bell and anwar late cut bowlers in the 80s.
Playing a bowling machine is 10mph slower than what it would be when playing a match. Fastest I've faced on a bowling machine is 70mph which means I faced 80mph. I just basically let the ball hit the bat.
65 mph on bowling machine is pretty normal, not too quick. 70 very hard to play and anything onwards it gets way too quick (i'm 14).
Tried to go as far as 85 with the bowling machine with swing. At 85, even if you know its going to pitch exactly there for the next sixth balls, its still hard to middle them all. I can only imagine how hard it is when you don't know what length the bowler is going to bowl at 85 M/hr.
A few people over exaggerating in here i think. 130kmph is really quick and on the rare occasion Ive faced it i was far from comfortable. I've actually been hit in a forehead at that speed (thankfully) by an indoor cricket ball.

I've faced some future pro cricketers(none that have made it past domestic) in my school days that were very quick even at 16-17. I was found out very quickly with the bat.

Club cricket over in Aussie is where you will see alot of quick guys on those hard pitches. Here the club wickets keep a bit low and slow.
faced an 80 mph bowler, it was lighting quick, edging everything for the 3 overs i faced of him. But you do get the hang of it in time, i did but got my self out after doing the hard work :(, i quickly realised that i had to get right in line of the ball, no room for hiding at this pace.
My cousin can hit just over 80 once or twice an over. He once balled at full pelt to me it was scary as hell.
p.s. I'm only 14
If Shoaib can bowl 100 MPH im pretty sure i can CHUCK atleast 90 MPH:p
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I used work in the summer at the New Zealand Cricket high proformance center as an assistance groundsman. Often there would be NZ players working with specialist coaches or even touring teams staying there. Standing behind the nets with the likes of Shane Bond bowling was a real eye opener to how fast 95mph really is.
Played 1st grade here in sydney last year

Most bowlers are around 125-130

Quickest i have faced is 135-140 many times and thats my captain in the nets, his yorkers are quick and bouncers are dead straight near the neck area so u really have to be quick and get underneath75 it.

He LBW's me quite alot with that pace and im a opening batsman

usually faced 75-80 miles on the bowling machine last year and i found it hard at first but u get use to the pace

The fastest i have bowled measured is 128 km and thats when i gave everything

usually my speed was 120-125 lol
I have faced a formal minor-counties pace bowler and wow he was quick. I was struggling to play him off 2 paces, when he went to his full run-up I didn't have a chance, I would say he was probably bowling around 75-80 mph.

Off 2 paces he could probably bowl as quick as most club bowlers, and international bowlers can bowl a similar speed off a few paces that he can bowl off his full run up. Just shows how good international players really are!
the fastest delivery i have faced is by a bowling machine at 60 mph with a hard ball
I've been told the pace on a bowling machine is at the bat as opposed to bowlers being measured out of the hand .. can someone clarify?

I dunno how quick the quickest I've faced is ... probably in the range of 120kmh, and that was an ex-NSW rep. Initially when you don't pick the ball up because of the pace it naturally worries you. Once you cop one and realise it actually doesn't hurt as much as you think it would (except on the thigh, always wear a goddamn thigh guard), it becomes a lot easier.

Recently I've started actually concentrating on the ball in the hand of the bowler as opposed to watching the whole bowler as he runs in ... also helps a lot.
I've been told the pace on a bowling machine is at the bat as opposed to bowlers being measured out of the hand .. can someone clarify?

I dunno how quick the quickest I've faced is ... probably in the range of 120kmh, and that was an ex-NSW rep. Initially when you don't pick the ball up because of the pace it naturally worries you. Once you cop one and realise it actually doesn't hurt as much as you think it would (except on the thigh, always wear a goddamn thigh guard), it becomes a lot easier.

Recently I've started actually concentrating on the ball in the hand of the bowler as opposed to watching the whole bowler as he runs in ... also helps a lot.

Nope whoever told you that is wrong. The bowling machine has no way of telling how far away it has been placed from the batsmen and what surface is being used therefore it can't tell the speed of the ball when it arrives at the batsmen. The speed it shows is the speed that it is being released from the machine.
I want to know how can I play the quickest? Like how can I play 90mph? It seems impossible. What do I have to do for me to be able to play the ball and have enough time to even pick my bat up?
I want to know how can I play the quickest? Like how can I play 90mph? It seems impossible. What do I have to do for me to be able to play the ball and have enough time to even pick my bat up?

It doesn't just happen. Practice is always the key. You have to grow into it. The quicker, the bowling you face, the quicker you'll get accustomed to it. Yes, it will trouble you initially but take it in your stride and remember, it's not about how hard you hit the ball, it's all about timing.
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It doesn't just happen. Practice is always the key. You have to grow into it. The quicker, the bowling you face, the quicker you'll get accustomed to it. Yes, it will trouble you initially but take it in your side and remember, it's not about how hard you hit the ball, it's all about timing.

Thanks. Every thing for me is fine really. I can play bowling well from speeds of around 75 mph max. I have a good solid technique. Can defend all day long and then can attack when required.

Only problem is I don't know how the hell to play that type of pace. Would love to face 90mph+ though. Going to keep working hard through the 75s to 80s and so on. Hopefully will master it all.
I have faced Brett Schultz, Mfuneko Ngam, Mornantau "Wayward" Hayward and a few other quicks.

Dunno about the actual speeds that I faced because we did not have speed guns at club games!!
Dont know the speed, but all i know was the bowler threw in an uncontrolled full toss and i was on the floor, he was bowling Malinga style(tape ball), it hit my shoulder and i fell over the wicket
Is the pace coming from the bowling machine measured the same way it is when a bowler releases the ball? In my honest opinion, i think that the bowling machine isn't accurate compared to when a bowler releases the ball. Can someone explain to me please? Thank you
I think it was about 88 to 90 MPH and a yorker to boot. my two stumps were gone.
Tried 90 miles an hour off of bowling machine, and it was just so depressing knowing i didnt have the reflexes to handle it. At 75, I can still hold my own. Anything faster, and i am an easy wicket.