My guess is the curator is to blame.
Pakistan likely asked for a similar pitch to the 2nd/3rd Tests vs England. To guarantee turning conditions, the curator exaggerated the drying effect using fans and that greenhouse-type setup. Was that because of the weather in January? They can answer that better. Regardless, this is why the 1st Test had a brutal turning pitch that was almost unplayable at points.
Of course, since Pakistan won, they probably didn't get any criticism from the people above them. Instead, they were probably told to keep doing what they're doing.
However, the curator did realize it was too much and for the 2nd Test they toned it down. It wasn't spinning as much as the 1st Test. But it still was excessive and the batsmen played terrible cricket too.
I don't know if all of this is because of the existing conditions or them not being able to get it right. After all, they did also handle the 2nd Test pitch in Multan against England.