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Why is so much anti-Palestinian disinformation coming from India?

Hindus have Nepal as a homeland.

If you mean the Hindus of 'India' well that concept has only existed for a few years and perhaps can be achieved by another partition. I wish you guys success for this and hope you achieve it.
The ones who wanted a seperate homeland for them got one in 1947. Indian muslims decided that India will be their country. Now if they don't want to live with Hindus henceforth, they are more than welcome to move to the homeland that was offered to them in 1947.
Hinduism is Bharat
Bharat is Hinduism
Tell that to the Nepalese who have already established a de-facto Hindu rashtra despite Bharati aggression.

Even historically in so called Bharat the hindus were too busy fighting each other and subjecting dalits to oppression to do anything of note.

They could have estsblished a united state back then.

The Jewish people historically had a united state but it was destroyed a few times.
The ones who wanted a seperate homeland for them got one in 1947. Indian muslims decided that India will be their country. Now if they don't want to live with Hindus henceforth, they are more than welcome to move to the homeland that was offered to them in 1947.
They didnt want to stay in a Hindu rashtra nor did Hindus want one in 47. The Indian Muslims seem quite comfortable in secular India. There are of course incidents of conmunalism but thats accepted in a poor country to some extent

If the Hindus hardliners want something different now then another partition should take place or a referendum.

As I've said hindu nationalists have never had a united homeland nor did they have the ability to create one when Britain exited.
Judaism predated Islam, is a 3500 years old religion and Hinduism is 5000 years old. These are two of the oldest religions in the world whose people have impacted the world with their progressive contributions over the milleniums and yet both group of people face incredible criticisms from the Muslim populations in the world when they want to secure their homeland in the name of their God. By the people who control over 50 countries already.

Is this hypocrisy
The jews had left htose lands a long time ago. Palestine was a country for the palestinians and it does not include just muslims, but also jews and christians. The state of Israel was created after the 2nd world war just for the jews. The hyprocisy is telling the muslims and christians of the country they dont have any rights to this land anymore and making them live in camps and settlements. that is the biggest injustice in the world.

Word of advice to the newfound Hindu brethren of jews running amok on this board: educate yourselves a bit on this issue. dont just parrot the talking points of what your government policy dictates. I understand national interests but by God anybody who has an ounce of sense of justice would see how these people are being wronged for so many years now. They deserve a right to their land. They are palestinians, not Jordanians, Egyptians or any other nationality. They have a right for self determination and existence like any nation in the world. If the Europeans were so full of guilt over the holocaust of the jews, they should have accommodated them in their own land or made reservations for them with the palestinians on the disputed land, rather than handing the keys to the kingdom unilaterally to one faction and turning a blind eye to the rest.
Hinduism is Bharat
Bharat is Hinduism

We are roughly 10% of the world population hence from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, and from Rajasthan to the Northeast, all the land must belong to Hindus where we must establish a Hindu homeland. This is to secure the future of Hinduism in a polarising world where Muslims and Christians are always on the prawl to take over foreign lands in the name of their religion.

Did King Bharat rule the world?
So you want to say Muslims did not contribute to anything in Indian freedom struggle?

Israel supported India that is fine , but does that mean you will support whatever Israel does , whether it is right or wrong ?

No , I do not agree that the reason is political , yes what you are saying maybe true for certain politicians , but for general hindu public it is religious.

Hindus by nature hate Islam , this is a clear cut fact. They oppose and find faults in whatever Muslims do , even if it is illogical. I can give live examples of those insane statements which they make even an idiot see the fallacy.

What do you mean by religion is over nation ? India gives freedom of practicing religions for minorities , which Of the points of constitution are Muslims breaking in India ?

Muslims worship One God , not nation . Not worshiping does not mean that you will hate India as a country. If Hindus worship country , it is there culture , why should everyone start worshiping piece of land? And who are these RSS to distribute patriotism certificate on the basis of worshiping nations?

I didn't say anything. I just told you the opinion of two of the tallest independence leaders of my country.

They must have known something. No?

Israel supported India when India was under sanctions. Without them India would have lost 1000s of soldiers and who knows what would have happened.

Golda Meir got nothing by supporting India in 1971. India didn't even recognise Israel till 1992. Yet they helped India.

At their time of need when 100s of their citizens have been killed, its time to repay that debt.

Hindus and Jews have no religious connection. There is nothing in common. Its more about political and strategic alliance.

Hindus may hate certain Muslims, like the invaders who killed millions of hindus, forcibly converted many and destroyed Hindu temples, the hate is not for Islam.

Problem arises when Muslims insist on glorifying these invaders and try to rub it in the faces of other religions.

Another problem arises when Muslims in certain places try to declare a neighborhood as "muslim" neighbourhood because they are in majority and try to stop practices of other religions.

Muslims Hindus or anyone else, it doesn't matter what their religion says, if anyone tries to act in a manner that harms the country's interests because their religion says so, then there is a problem.

If xyz muslim wanted to follow Islamic laws they were given a land in 1947, by agreeing to live in a secular, hindu majority nation, they also agreed to abide by secular laws.

Hindus made a huge sacrifice in 1950 by agreeing to a secular nation, despite what had happened in 1946-47, because they didn't want to alienate anyone.
Israeli defence official targets Indian news anchor’s ‘Palestinian’ sari

An Israeli panellist has targeted the Indian news anchor Shreya Dhoundial’s ‘Palestinian’ sari instead of answering a question about the Gaza hospital bombing during a TV show.

Israeli defence official targets Indian news anchor’s ‘Palestinian’ sari

An Israeli panellist has targeted the Indian news anchor Shreya Dhoundial’s ‘Palestinian’ sari instead of answering a question about the Gaza hospital bombing during a TV show.

Shreya Doundiyal knew what she was trying. She wore the exact colour combination of the Palestine flag and when questioned, tried to pass it off saying bits her grandmother's.

Then pics appeared of her wearing a similar saree with a different blouse.

When netizens asked her the reason to change her blouse to match the Palestinian flag, she did a runner.
If xyz muslim wanted to follow Islamic laws they were given a land in 1947, by agreeing to live in a secular, hindu majority nation, they also agreed to abide by secular laws.

Hindus made a huge sacrifice in 1950 by agreeing to a secular nation, despite what had happened in 1946-47, because they didn't want to alienate anyone.

How did a hindutva govt rise to power in a secular nation? That too led by a minister who oversaw the massacre of 1000+ Muslims in his own state, culminating in the a sword-wieldin mob chopping former politician Ehsan Jafri to pieces in his own home?
Shreya Doundiyal knew what she was trying. She wore the exact colour combination of the Palestine flag and when questioned, tried to pass it off saying bits her grandmother's.

Then pics appeared of her wearing a similar saree with a different blouse.

When netizens asked her the reason to change her blouse to match the Palestinian flag, she did a runner.
This is India. Flipping Bharat man, nuclear power and space power. You're really gonna let an Israeli tell your women what to wear????
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I didn't say anything. I just told you the opinion of two of the tallest independence leaders of my country.

They must have known something. No?

Israel supported India when India was under sanctions. Without them India would have lost 1000s of soldiers and who knows what would have happened.

Golda Meir got nothing by supporting India in 1971. India didn't even recognise Israel till 1992. Yet they helped India.

At their time of need when 100s of their citizens have been killed, its time to repay that debt.

Hindus and Jews have no religious connection. There is nothing in common. Its more about political and strategic alliance.

Hindus may hate certain Muslims, like the invaders who killed millions of hindus, forcibly converted many and destroyed Hindu temples, the hate is not for Islam.

Problem arises when Muslims insist on glorifying these invaders and try to rub it in the faces of other religions.

Another problem arises when Muslims in certain places try to declare a neighborhood as "muslim" neighbourhood because they are in majority and try to stop practices of other religions.

Muslims Hindus or anyone else, it doesn't matter what their religion says, if anyone tries to act in a manner that harms the country's interests because their religion says so, then there is a problem.

If xyz muslim wanted to follow Islamic laws they were given a land in 1947, by agreeing to live in a secular, hindu majority nation, they also agreed to abide by secular laws.

Hindus made a huge sacrifice in 1950 by agreeing to a secular nation, despite what had happened in 1946-47, because they didn't want to alienate anyone.
I didn't say anything. I just told you the opinion of two of the tallest independence leaders of my country.

They must have known something. No?

Israel supported India when India was under sanctions. Without them India would have lost 1000s of soldiers and who knows what would have happened.

Golda Meir got nothing by supporting India in 1971. India didn't even recognise Israel till 1992. Yet they helped India.

At their time of need when 100s of their citizens have been killed, its time to repay that debt.

Hindus and Jews have no religious connection. There is nothing in common. Its more about political and strategic alliance.

Hindus may hate certain Muslims, like the invaders who killed millions of hindus, forcibly converted many and destroyed Hindu temples, the hate is not for Islam.

Problem arises when Muslims insist on glorifying these invaders and try to rub it in the faces of other religions.

Another problem arises when Muslims in certain places try to declare a neighborhood as "muslim" neighbourhood because they are in majority and try to stop practices of other religions.

Muslims Hindus or anyone else, it doesn't matter what their religion says, if anyone tries to act in a manner that harms the country's interests because their religion says so, then there is a problem.

If xyz muslim wanted to follow Islamic laws they were given a land in 1947, by agreeing to live in a secular, hindu majority nation, they also agreed to abide by secular laws.

Hindus made a huge sacrifice in 1950 by agreeing to a secular nation, despite what had happened in 1946-47, because they didn't want to alienate anyone.

What did they know , you need to tell that here. Making statements does not make that fact , to make statement facts you need evidence.

Israel helped India , so India will support whatever Israel does? If tomorrow Israel starts supporting the Khalistan movement will India accept that ?

If Hindus hate the invaders and keep that to the invaders , why bring Islam into everything ? Those invaders were themselves doing things against Islam , how were they representing Islam? Even when you are criticizing you need to state facts , not just random allegations.

The ones who get killed by mob lynching are not those who invaded. Look we need to have balanced view , Mughal rulers stayed back in India and died in India.
Those who went away , should not be glorified , but if someone does that , answer them , is that a crime enough to kill and beat up someone?

If for example someone supports Pakistan in cricket , how is he a traitor ? Many Indians abroad also support Other India from outside.

What aspect of Islam is hurting India?

Indian Muslims also contributed to India freedom , how can you alienate them?
This is India brah. Flipping Bharat man, nuclear power and space power. You're really gonna let an Israeli tell your women what to wear????

An Israeli when called to a show by
What did they know , you need to tell that here. Making statements does not make that fact , to make statement facts you need evidence.

Israel helped India , so India will support whatever Israel does? If tomorrow Israel starts supporting the Khalistan movement will India accept that ?

If Hindus hate the invaders and keep that to the invaders , why bring Islam into everything ? Those invaders were themselves doing things against Islam , how were they representing Islam? Even when you are criticizing you need to state facts , not just random allegations.

The ones who get killed by mob lynching are not those who invaded. Look we need to have balanced view , Mughal rulers stayed back in India and died in India.
Those who went away , should not be glorified , but if someone does that , answer them , is that a crime enough to kill and beat up someone?

If for example someone supports Pakistan in cricket , how is he a traitor ? Many Indians abroad also support Other India from outside.

What aspect of Islam is hurting India?

Indian Muslims also contributed to India freedom , how can you alienate them?

What did they know, how can i know?

Sardar Patel made his Statement in January 1948 in Calcutta. The speech can be found online.

Babasaheb's opinion on Muslims can be found in his collected works.

One was the deputy PM of India and the other the law minister. They said these things.

Israel isn't supporting khalistan. Is it?

Because certain Muslims use the name of these invaders to proclaim superiority of Islam over other religions. Bigoted tyrannical Invaders are praised by Muslims as heroes and attempts to criticize them is called against Islam and Muslims.

I am yet to meet a Christian who thinks criticism of the British rule is against Christianity and christians.

Mughals or rather timurids didn't assimilate into India. Their court language and household language remained Persian. Majority of courtiers were of Central Asian origin and they continued to attack Hindus and other Indian religions.

Pakistan has been responsible for the death of how many Indians?

Muslims formed their own Islamic republic, Hindus could have formed and had every chance to form s Hindu republic, yet they sacrificed it.
Sardar Patel made his Statement in January 1948 in Calcutta. The speech can be found online.

Babasaheb's opinion on Muslims can be found in his collected works.

One was the deputy PM of India and the other the law minister. They said these things.

Israel isn't supporting khalistan. Is it?

Because certain Muslims use the name of these invaders to proclaim superiority of Islam over other religions. Bigoted tyrannical Invaders are praised by Muslims as heroes and attempts to criticize them is called against Islam and Muslims.

I am yet to meet a Christian who thinks criticism of the British rule is against Christianity and christians.

Mughals or rather timurids didn't assimilate into India. Their court language and household language remained Persian. Majority of courtiers were of Central Asian origin and they continued to attack Hindus and other Indian religions.

Pakistan has been responsible for the death of how many Indians?

Muslims formed their own Islamic republic, Hindus could have formed and had every chance to form s Hindu republic, yet they sacrificed it.
You are not getting my point , the statement is not evidence. Does their statement mean that Muslims did not contribute to the freedom struggle ? During any point of that struggle , did any of these statements say that we do not need support of Indian Muslims? They took their contributions , later after Independence they made such statements. Now anyone who reads this can arrive at their own conclusions.

No Israel is NOT supporting , but I am asked if they do , then India will not support them , WHY ? Because it is wrong. So , supporting someone cannot be unconditional and absolute. You need to see what exactly someone is supporting. You cannot paint everything with same brush.

I am yet to meet a Christian who thinks criticism of the British rule is against Christianity and christians.

Sorry I did not understand this statement.

Mughals did not leave India . Babar came from outside , all the rest were born and died in India. They did have a positive influence over India. India was economically sound at that time. Yes , I myself will not agree with everything they did.

If for example you want to form Hindu republic what do you want to do with that ? You will throw away constitution and make Manu Smiriti as rule of law? You think Hindus would be able to follow that ?
Pro-Palestine: India's Maryan Apparel quits Israeli police uniform contract over Gaza war crimes
Maryan Apparel has supplied around 100,000 uniforms to Israel's police force every year since 2015

An Indian company has decided to end a long-standing agreement to produce uniforms for the Israeli police, telling AFP on Friday that it had done so after reaching a "moral decision" in light of the conflict in Gaza.

Maryan Apparel in the southern state of Kerala said it had supplied around 100,000 uniforms to Israel's police force for every year since 2015.

"It is a moral decision," the company´s managing director Thomas Olickal told AFP.

Olickal said in a Wednesday statement that a strike on a hospital and the "loss of thousands of innocent lives" in the conflict had prompted the decision.

Israelis and Palestinians have traded blame for Tuesday's deadly strike on the Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza City.

Global leaders have condemned the strike and protests have erupted across the Muslim world with stark disagreement over the toll and who is responsible.

Palestinian group Hamas accused Israel of hitting the hospital during its massive bombing campaign, and the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza has put the death toll at 471, though that number is contested.

Israel's military has blamed a misfired rocket on another group, Islamic Jihad — a version of events backed by the United States, whose intelligence community has estimated between 100 and 300 people were killed.

Hamas militants stormed into Israel from the Gaza Strip on October 7, and killed at least 1,400 people, mostly civilians who were shot, mutilated or burnt to death on the first day of the raid, according to Israeli officials.

Israel says around 1,500 Hamas fighters were killed in clashes before its army regained control of the area under attack.

At least 4,137 Palestinians, mainly civilians, have been killed across Gaza in relentless Israeli bombardments in retaliation for the attacks by Hamas, according to the latest toll from its health ministry in Gaza.

Olickal told AFP his firm will fulfill its existing commitments to Israel, which end in December but will not take new orders.

"We are okay resuming business with them after peace is restored," added Olickal, who employs around 1,500 people at his firm.

The company has also supplied uniforms to the Philippine Army and to government officials in Saudi Arabia.

In my circle, most of the grown up educated folk support a separate Palestine homeland. Just like me, they support Palestine, but against Hamas and their activities.
The misinformation comes from the extremist RSS brigade. Their bitter hatred towards Muslims and all minorities is obvious.
In my circle, most of the grown up educated folk support a separate Palestine homeland. Just like me, they support Palestine, but against Hamas and their activities.

What about the zionest extremists who have been brutally killing children and innocent civilians for best past of 50 years
Hinduism is Bharat
Bharat is Hinduism

We are roughly 10% of the world population hence from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, and from Rajasthan to the Northeast, all the land must belong to Hindus where we must establish a Hindu homeland. This is to secure the future of Hinduism in a polarising world where Muslims and Christians are always on the prawl to take over foreign lands in the name of their religion.
Where is it written that Hinduism is Bharat? In his 10 year term, chaiwala has given birth to these jaahils who will keep spreading hate and nonsense for another 25 years. What a waste of life. :inti
In my circle, most of the grown up educated folk support a separate Palestine homeland. Just like me, they support Palestine, but against Hamas and their activities.

Just be honest, how do you expect millions will react to land grabbing and genocide of their people for over 75 years? Don't you expect any sort of resistance and retaliation? How do you expect people would react who have been contained in open prison for decades?

When there is inhumane Occupation and people getting thrown out of their homes, there will be resistance which is bound to commit war crimes, you can't even call it a war as its just been an occupation against people who are not sovereign and have no army to defend themselves. Hamas wasn't even there before 2007 so what was happening before that? How were Palestinians supposed to defend themselves from genocide and land grabbing? Put aside hate for Muslims for a second and try to connect the dots, the simplest of example if I throw you and your family out of your home, and if I offer you just bathroom in return where your family ll get food, water, medicine all from my permission in that bathroom, along with kidnapping, checkpoints, torture and every few years bombardment how would you react? If you fight back would it be okay to label you as terrorists? A lot of hate and bias over this is simply through islamophobia and nothing else. History is right in front of us, that too not an old one and people disregard those.

Four detained for waving Palestinian flag during Pakistan vs Bangladesh match in Kolkata, let off later​

In a dramatic incident during the Pakistan vs Bangladesh World Cup cricket match held at the iconic Eden Gardens in Kolkata, four individuals were temporarily detained by the local authorities for waving a Palestinian flag. However, they were later released after preliminary questioning.

According to the police, the incident occurred near Gate 6 and Block G1 of the stadium, where the four individuals waved the Palestinian flag. Initial reports suggest that the police stationed at Eden Gardens were initially unsure of the protesters' intentions, but the waving of the flag led to their temporary detention.

"Policemen posted at Eden Gardens initially could not understand what the protesters were up to. Then they waved the Palestine flag before being detained. They, however, did not raise any slogan," a senior police officer told PTI.

The four detainees, all in their mid-twenties, were identified as residents of the Bally, Ekbalpore, and Karaya PS areas. Sources within the Kolkata Police revealed to PTI that their protest was related to the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza, and they chose the high-profile international cricket match as the platform for their demonstration.

From Western capitals to Muslim states, protest rallies over the Israel-Hamas war have made headlines. But one place known for its vocal pro-Palestinian stance has been conspicuously quiet: the federal territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

Indian authorities have barred any solidarity protest in Muslim-majority Kashmir and asked Muslim preachers not to mention the conflict in their sermons, residents and religious leaders told The Associated Press.

The restrictions are part of India’s efforts to curb any form of protest that could turn into demands for ending New Delhi’s rule in the disputed region. They also reflect a shift in India’s foreign policy under populist prime minister Narendra Modi away from its long-held support for the Palestinians, analysts say.
India has long walked a tightrope between the warring sides, with historically close ties to both. While India strongly condemned the 7 October attack by the militant group Hamas and expressed solidarity with Israel, it urged that international humanitarian law be upheld in Gaza amid rising civilian deaths.

But in Kashmir, being quiet is painful for many.

“From the Muslim perspective, Palestine is very dear to us, and we essentially have to raise our voice against the oppression there. But we are forced to be silent,” said Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, a key separatist leader and a Muslim cleric. He said he has been put under house arrest each Friday since the start of the war and that Friday prayers have been disallowed at the region’s biggest mosque in Srinagar, the main city in Kashmir.

Anti-India sentiment runs deep in the Himalayan region which is divided between India and Pakistan and claimed by both in its entirety. In 2019, New Delhi removed the region’s semi-autonomy, drastically curbing any form of dissent, civil liberties, and media freedoms.

Kashmiris have long shown strong solidarity with the Palestinians and often staged large anti-Israel protests during previous fighting in Gaza. Those protests often turned into street clashes, with demands for an end of India’s rule and dozens of casualties.

Mr Modi, a staunch Hindu nationalist, was one of the first global leaders to swiftly express solidarity with Israel and call the Hamas attack “terrorism”. However, on 12 October, India’s foreign ministry issued a statement reiterating New Delhi’s position in support of establishing a “sovereign, independent and viable state of Palestine, living within secure and recognized borders, side by side at peace with Israel”.

Two weeks later, India abstained during the UN General Assembly vote that called for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, a departure from its usual voting record. New Delhi said the vote did not condemn the 7 October assault by Hamas.

“This is unusual,” said Michael Kugelman, director of the Wilson Center’s South Asia Institute.

India “views Israel’s assault on Gaza as a counterterrorism operation meant to eliminate Hamas and not directly target Palestinian civilians, exactly the way Israel views the conflict,” Mr Kugelman said. He added that from New Delhi’s perspective, “such operations don’t pause for humanitarian truces”.

India’s foreign minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, sought to justify India’s abstention.

“It is not just a government view. If you ask any average Indian, terrorism is an issue which is very close to people’s heart, because very few countries and societies have suffered terrorism as much as we have,” he told a media event in New Delhi on Saturday.

Even though Mr Modi’s government has sent humanitarian assistance for Gaza’s besieged residents, many observers viewed its ideological alignment with Israel as potentially rewarding at a time when the ruling party in New Delhi is preparing for multiple state elections this month and crucial national polls next year.

The government’s shift aligns with widespread support for Israel among India’s Hindu nationalists who form a core vote bank for Mr Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party. It also resonates with the coverage by Indian TV channels of the war from Israel. The reportage has been seen as largely in line with commentary used by Hindu nationalists on social media to stoke anti-Muslim sentiment that in the past helped the ascendance of Mr Modi’s party.

Praveen Donthi, senior analyst with the International Crisis Group, said the war could have a domestic impact in India, unlike other global conflicts, due to its large Muslim population. India is home to some 200 million Muslims who make up the predominantly Hindu country’s largest minority group.

“India’s foreign policy and domestic politics come together in this issue,” Mr Donthi said. “New Delhi’s pro-Israel shift gives a new reason to the country’s right-wing ecosystem that routinely targets Muslims.”

India’s foreign policy has historically supported the Palestinian cause.

In 1947, India voted against the UN resolution to create the state of Israel. It was the first non-Arab country to recognise the Palestinian Liberation Organization as the representative of the Palestinians in the 1970s, and it gave the group full diplomatic status in the 1980s.

After the PLO began a dialogue with Israel, India finally established full diplomatic ties with Israel in 1992.

Those ties widened into a security relationship after 1999, when India fought a limited war with Pakistan over Kashmir and Israel helped New Delhi with arms and ammunition. The relationship has grown steadily over the years, with Israel becoming India’s second largest arms supplier after Russia.

After Mr Modi won his first term in 2014, he became the first Indian prime minister to visit Israel in 2017. Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, travelled to New Delhi the following year and called the relationship between New Delhi and Tel Aviv a “marriage made in heaven”.

Weeks after Mr Netanyahu’s visit, Mr Modi visited the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, a first by an Indian prime minister, and held talks with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas. “India hopes that Palestine soon becomes a sovereign and independent country in a peaceful atmosphere,” Mr Modi said.

Mr Modi’s critics, however, now draw comparisons between his government and Israel’s, saying it has adopted certain measures, like demolishing homes and properties, as a form of “collective punishment” against minority Muslims.

Even beyond Kashmir, Indian authorities have largely stopped protests expressing solidarity with Palestinians since the war began, claiming the need to maintain communal harmony and law and order.

Some people have been briefly detained by police for taking part in pro-Palestinian protests even in states ruled by opposition parties. The only state where massive pro-Palestinian protests have taken place is southern Kerala, which is ruled by a leftist government.

But in Kashmir, enforced silence is seen not only as violating freedom of expression but also as impinging on religious duty.

Aga Syed Mohammad Hadi, a Kashmiri religious leader, was not able to lead the past three Friday prayers because he was under house arrest on those days. He said he had wanted to stage a protest rally against “the naked aggression of Israel”. Authorities did not comment on such house arrests.

“Police initially allowed us to condemn Israel’s atrocities inside the mosques. But last Friday they said even speaking (about Palestinians) inside the mosques is not allowed,” Mr Hadi said. “They said we can only pray for Palestine – that too in Arabic, not in local Kashmiri language.”

Source: The Independent
It seems there was a Palestine supporter spotted during the ICC ODI World Cup 2023 final between Australia and India in Modi Stadium Ahmedabad.

Modi himself turned up at the ground in israeli colours yesterday? Or am I over-thinking?
So people can't pray for the victims. I also find the Inds in the West desperate to join the right wing movements, although to your average native, they are as,if not more brown than us. Look at that odious Toad Ramaslimy in America

I agree with this assessment.

This is definitely true in Canada and USA. I don't know about UK.

They try too hard. It is funny at times.
No embassy staff hurt in blast near Israeli mission in Delhi

An explosion near the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi on Tuesday did not kill or wound any staff members, authorities said, adding that investigations into its cause were ongoing.

Officials were still inspecting the area but it had been reopened to the general public. There was no information suggesting anyone on the street had been hurt.

Israeli missions around the world have been on alert amid a rise in antisemitic attacks since Israel launched its counteroffensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.

"We can confirm that around 5:20 pm there was a blast at close proximity to the embassy," Israeli Embassy spokesperson Guy Nir told Reuters, adding that local police and security teams were investigating.

Nothing had been found in the search operation three hours after the blast, an official involved in the investigation told Reuters.

In January 2021, a small bomb went off near the Israeli embassy in New Delhi without harming anyone. An Israeli official said at the time that Israel was treating the blast as a terrorist incident.

Source: Reuters
"Loud Blast" Near Israel Embassy, Delhi Police Finds Letter Addressed To Envoy

The Delhi Police received a call about a "blast" being heard near the Israeli embassy this evening.

A team of the Delhi Police along with the dog squad, crime team, and the bomb disposal squad reached the spot. Soon, experts from the forensic laboratory also reached the spot.

At an empty plot of land, just a few metres away from the embassy, the police found a letter addressed to the Israeli Ambassador.

They also found a flag wrapped with the letter. The letter has been seized by the police

The teams, after a thorough search of the area, collected exhibits as evidence and sent them for forensic examination, the police said.

Israel's deputy envoy Ohad Nakash Kaynar, in a video statement, said, "This evening, several minutes after 5 pm, an explosion occurred in close proximity with the embassy. All our workers are safe. Our diplomats are safe. Our security teams are working in full cooperation with the local Delhi security."

The police have increased security at the Chabad House in central Delhi's Paharganj area. A security cordon has been created around the Jewish community center. The cops are monitoring the area through CCTV cameras.

Source: NDTV
Israel Says Blast Near Delhi Embassy Possibly "An Attack", Issues Advisory

New Delhi: It is possible that the explosion near the Israeli embassy in New Delhi is an attack, Tel Aviv has said, putting out an advisory for Israelis living in India and particularly in New Delhi. The advisory asks Israelis to avoid visiting crowded places such as malls and markets, particularly areas frequented by people from the community. It also asks them to stay alert and "avoid externalizing Israeli symbols".

"Avoid participating in events with many participants that are not secure. Avoid posting trip details on social networks and posting photos and visit details before the trip and in real time," the advisory says.

A blast took place last evening near the Israel embassy in Chanakyapuri. Officials said nobody was injured in the incident. An "abusive" letter addressed to the Israeli ambassador was found near the site, they added.

Soon after the explosion, teams from Delhi Police crime branch, a bomb disposal squad, a dog squad and the forensic department were rushed to the spot.

The site was also examined by a team from National Investigation Agency.

Israeli embassy spokesperson Guy Nir has said the blast took place around 5.48 pm. "Delhi Police and the security team are still investigating the situation," he said.

Deputy Chief of Mission (Israel) Ohad Nakash Kaynar said, "All our diplomats and workers are safe. Our security teams are working in full cooperation with local Delhi security and they will investigate the matter further."

The one-page letter was reportedly sent for forensic examination to check for fingerprints.
India’s port workers’ union refuses to load ships carrying weapons to Israel

A trade union representing employees at 11 major Indian ports has announced its refusal to handle shipments containing weapons for Israel during the ongoing war against the Gaza Strip.

This decision follows recent reports of Indian-manufactured drones being transported to Tel Aviv.

The Water Transport Workers Federation of India (WTWFI) issued a statement on 14 February declaring their stance to “refuse to load or unload weaponised cargoes” from Israel or any other country involved in the “war in Palestine”.

“We, the Port workers, part of labour unions, would always stand against the war and killing of innocent people like women and children,” a statement by the Union said. “Women and children have been blown to pieces in the war. Parents were unable to recognise their children killed in bombings that were exploding everywhere,” it added.

The Union, comprising over 3,500 employees at 11 government-owned ports in India, called for an “immediate ceasefire”, while adding, “Loading and unloading these weapons helps provide organisations with the ability to kill innocent people.”

Moreover, WTWFI’s General Secretary, Narendra Rao, affirmed that the resolution aligns with the World Federation of Trade Unions and the collective choice was made during a meeting with international trade unions in Athens at the onset of the war.

Rao stated, “We decided then that we would do our bit and not handle any weapon-laden cargo, which will go on to assist Israel to kill more women and children as we are seeing and reading every day in the news.”

He said the statement was issued ‘to express solidarity with Palestine’.

Since 7 October, Israel has been waging a devastating war on the Gaza Strip, resulting in tens of thousands of casualties, most of whom are children and women, in addition to an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe and a noticeable deterioration in infrastructure and properties, according to Palestinian and international data. This has led to Israel facing charges of violations of the Genocide Convention before the International Court of Justice.

I think it's commendable that Indian dockworkers are refusing to handle cargo with weapons for Israel. It shows their commitment to peace, and I believe we should recognize and support their principled stance.