Will Taliban have any role to play in the Indo-Pak Kashmir conflict?


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
The Taliban intends to "raise its voice for Muslims" in Indian-administered Kashmir, a spokesman told the BBC.

Suhail Shaheen told the BBC's Hindi service: "As Muslims, we also have a right to raise our voice for Muslims in Kashmir, India or any other country."

India and Pakistan control different parts of the Muslim-majority territory, but both claim it as wholly theirs.

There has been violence on the Indian-run side for 30 years, because of a separatist insurgency.

The Taliban have declared victory in Afghanistan following the withdrawal of US troops in August. The Islamists are now in control and expected to announce a new government.

This is the first time the group has commented on Indian-administered Kashmir.

In an recent interview with CNN-News18 Taliban leader Anas Haqqani said: "Kashmir is not part of our jurisdiction and interference is against our policy."

In another interview with a Pakistan-based channel, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid urged Pakistan and India to sit together to resolve all issues.

What happened with Kashmir and why it matters
Mr Shaheen told the BBC the Taliban "had no policy" of launching armed operations against any country.

His remarks come at a time when India has raised concerns about Afghanistan's Hindu and Sikh minorities under the Taliban, and there are rising concerns over what critics say is the rise in hate crimes against Muslims since 2014 under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government.

Two years after India revoked nearly all of Article 370 in the constitution, stripping Jammu and Kashmir of the autonomy it had been guaranteed, the valley continues to remain tense.

With Taliban in control of Afghanistan, many in India fear that sections within the group could now set their eyes Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, egged on by anti-India elements within Pakistan.

In a widely circulated TV debate clip, Pakistan's ruling PTI leader Neelam Irshad Sheikh said: "Taliban have said they are with us and they will help us in [liberating] Kashmir."

While countries like the US, Russia, China are openly talking with the Taliban, India is taking guarded steps.

The Haqqani group has engineered and carried out attacks in the past against Indian assets, including the Indian embassy in Kabul, according to Carnegie India report on India's Afghanistan strategy following the US withdrawal.

Mr Shaheen claimed the allegations against the Haqqanis are mere claims.

"The Haqqanis are not a group. They are part of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. They are the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan," he said.

A US State Department spokesperson had recently claimed "the Taliban and Haqqani network are separate entities".

Taliban fighters near the Indian Airlines plane which was hijacked to Kandahar in December 1999

Mr Shaheen denied that the group had a role in the 1999 hijacking of an Indian plane to Afghanistan.

The state-run Indian Airlines jet was hijacked en route to Delhi from Kathmandu with 180 people on board. It was flown to Kandahar, from where the hijackers negotiated the release of militants fighting in Kashmir.

India released three Kashmiri militants in exchange for the passengers. None of the five armed hijackers was caught.

He said it had extended all help, and that the Indian government should have been "thankful" to the group.

"India had requested us [for landing in Kandahar] because the jet had insufficient fuel, and then we helped in the release of the hostages," he said.

Mr Shaheen also denied knowledge of the circumstances under which the Indian photojournalist Danish Siddiqui was killed in Afghanistan in July.

The Pulitzer prize-winning Reuters journalist was embedded with a convoy of Afghan forces that was ambushed by the Taliban militants in a town Spin Boldak bordering Pakistan.

He said he would share the details after the completion of the groups's investigation into the incident.

The role that Taliban has is indirect only, which is to prevent any Indian funded terrorist to operate against Pakistan, in Afghanistan. One Indian proxies such as ISIS-K, BLA, TTP are curved in Afghanistan, Pakistan’s undivided attention would be on Kashmir. Maybe that would eventually prompt india to sit down with Pakistan and start dialogue.

So yes, Taliban does have an indirect role.
The role that Taliban has is indirect only, which is to prevent any Indian funded terrorist to operate against Pakistan, in Afghanistan. One Indian proxies such as ISIS-K, BLA, TTP are curved in Afghanistan, Pakistan’s undivided attention would be on Kashmir. Maybe that would eventually prompt india to sit down with Pakistan and start dialogue.

So yes, Taliban does have an indirect role.

Keep dreaming.
Hope not. History has shown us again and again that when we give arms to the mullah bandwagon, they end up using the same weapons against us in the long run

Besides if kashmir problem is solved, our army men will be unemployed....

Funny, how posters here discuss about the might of pak army and isi yet we have to rely on the kalashankov talibans for kashmirs freedom
Getting burned ? ��

The only thing burning is the delusions of generations of Pakistanis who think J&K would ever get liberated. The time has come for us to accept the reality and move on.

Unfortunately, it would have been easy for us if we weren’t the most delusional nation on earth.
Hope not. History has shown us again and again that when we give arms to the mullah bandwagon, they end up using the same weapons against us in the long run

Besides if kashmir problem is solved, our army men will be unemployed....

Funny, how posters here discuss about the might of pak army and isi yet we have to rely on the kalashankov talibans for kashmirs freedom

If Kashmir issue is resolved, how will we publish such books?

No bullets and bombs here: Union minister Naqvi asks Taliban to ‘spare’ Muslims of India

Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, the Union minister of minority affairs, said that worshippers in mosques in India are not killed by bullets and bombs, nor are girls stopped from going to the school.

Hours after a Taliban spokesperson claimed that the group has the “right” to raise its voice for the Muslims of Kashmir, Union minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi asked the insurgents to “spare” Muslims of India, saying there are no instances of extremist atrocities in the name of religion in this country. In an interview with ANI news agency, the minority affairs minister said that the only scripture that is followed in India is that of the Constitution, and that worshippers in mosques here are not killed by bullets and bombs, nor are girls stopped from going to the school.

Naqvi indicated that there is a marked difference between the way India and Afghanistan are governed and thus the Taliban would do better than to speak for the Muslims in this country.

“I appeal to them (the Taliban) with folded hands that spare the Muslims of India,” the minister told ANI. “Here worshipers praying in mosques are not attacked with bullets and bombs. Here girls are not stopped from going to school, their heads and legs are not cut off.”

“The scripture of the governments of this country is the Constitution and the country functions following it,” Naqvi added.

Notably, in an interview with BBC Urdu this week, Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen had said, “As Muslims, we also have a right to raise our voice for Muslims in Kashmir, India or any other country.” The statement came as a marked contrast to what another Taliban leader, Anas Haqqani, had said in a recent interview with the CNN-News18 network: “Kashmir is not part of our jurisdiction and interference is against our policy."

Zabiullah Mujahid, yet another Taliban spokesperson, had also not brought up any mention of direct interference in Kashmir and instead told a Pakistan-based channel that India and Pakistan ought to sit together to resolve all issues. Although Taliban leader Shaheen's comments raised concerns within certain sections in India that the group could now set their eyes on Jammu and Kashmir, foreign secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla said on Friday that in the limited engagement that India has had with the Taliban, the new Afghan rulers have indicated that they would be “reasonable” in addressing New Delhi’s concerns.

“Obviously, like us, they're also watching carefully and we have to watch Pakistan’s actions with a fine-tooth comb,” he told a group of Indian reporters at the end of his three-day official visit to Washington DC, indicating that India will adopt a wait-and-watch policy with regard to how the situation evolves in Afghanistan.

I hope not. The taliban should focus solely on afghanistan. Any role they have in the Kashmir issue will only be detrimental to both Pakistan and kashmiris.
The role that Taliban has is indirect only, which is to prevent any Indian funded terrorist to operate against Pakistan, in Afghanistan. One Indian proxies such as ISIS-K, BLA, TTP are curved in Afghanistan, Pakistan’s undivided attention would be on Kashmir. Maybe that would eventually prompt india to sit down with Pakistan and start dialogue.

So yes, Taliban does have an indirect role.

Its better to retaliate to any pakistani provocation than start a useless dialogue.
Afghan Talibans generally do not get involved outside of Afghanistan. So, I don't expect them to play any role in Kashmir conflict.
The only thing burning is the delusions of generations of Pakistanis who think J&K would ever get liberated. The time has come for us to accept the reality and move on.

Unfortunately, it would have been easy for us if we weren’t the most delusional nation on earth.

They said that about the Soviets in Afg, how did that turn out, they said that about the might of the Americans and they got crushed in both Vietnam and Afg and got humiliated. People like you think that future will always reflect the past, it doesnt. Things can change quickly and IA they will be liberated.
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They said that about the Soviets in Afg, how did that turn out, they said that about the might of the Americans and they got crushed in both Vietnam and Afg and got humiliated. Simpletons like you think that future will always reflect the past, it doesnt. Things can change quickly and IA they will be liberated.

As I said, keep dreaming keep giving irrelevant examples that have nothing to do with this conflict. It is an apples-oranges comparison.

It would take someone with a few brain-cells to realize that the fact that J&K is physically a part of India is the single biggest reason why India will never lose control of the region.

Neither Russia (although it had close proximity) nor USA share a border with Afghanistan. They were occupying forces, just like USA in Vietnam.

The geographic barrier was the same reason why Pakistan was humiliated in East Pakistan.

Pakistan has no international credibility, its pleas to the international community to stand up to India has been met with silence.

Kashmir itself is a weak nation. It is small valley that is overpopulated with most of the youth unproductive. They are fighting a lost war and their pride has muddled their thinking.

They are destroying their futures for a war they will never win. Kashmir has the potential to be one of the richest Indian states.

They are not capable of being self-sufficient and they will be even worse off if they join the basket case that is Pakistan.

Accepting their status as an Indian state is the only way forward for a prosperous future. If not, they will continue to die and perish in vain.
As I said, keep dreaming keep giving irrelevant examples that have nothing to do with this conflict. It is an apples-oranges comparison.

It would take someone with a few brain-cells to realize that the fact that J&K is physically a part of India is the single biggest reason why India will never lose control of the region.

Neither Russia (although it had close proximity) nor USA share a border with Afghanistan. They were occupying forces, just like USA in Vietnam.

The geographic barrier was the same reason why Pakistan was humiliated in East Pakistan.

Pakistan has no international credibility, its pleas to the international community to stand up to India has been met with silence.

Kashmir itself is a weak nation. It is small valley that is overpopulated with most of the youth unproductive. They are fighting a lost war and their pride has muddled their thinking.

They are destroying their futures for a war they will never win. Kashmir has the potential to be one of the richest Indian states.

They are not capable of being self-sufficient and they will be even worse off if they join the basket case that is Pakistan.

Accepting their status as an Indian state is the only way forward for a prosperous future. If not, they will continue to die and perish in vain.

Throughout history people have made predictions and Throughout history people like you have been wrong. Empires rise and empires fall and events that cause these vary from weather and climate to economics and to decline within. But illiterates like you think that it can't happen again.
Your a born Ghulam, not everyone thinks like you. Based on your logic we should all be living under your Wadera friends in Sindh and freedom and dignity isn't worth anything.
It's not PK that has 800mn on the breadline.
The only thing burning is the delusions of generations of Pakistanis who think J&K would ever get liberated. The time has come for us to accept the reality and move on.

Unfortunately, it would have been easy for us if we weren’t the most delusional nation on earth.

See, there is only one type of people who would actually say “keep dreaming” to a post where I mention that india is behind all anti-Pak proxies in Afghanistan, and those are the people who would support any anti-Pak narrative.
Now there is nothing wrong in why I said, it is absolutely proven india is behind those activities in Afghanistan. If pakistan is busy on it’s western border, how will it counter India’s hostile ceasefire violation in kashmir? That was the idea that india had, which is now looking bleak.

So once again, enemies of Pakistan, or traitors would be the only ones who may say “keep dreaming” to the fact above. It’s alright to get burned once in a while. Sending you virtual hugs.
Its better to retaliate to any pakistani provocation than start a useless dialogue.

What provocation? India is the one killing Pakistani children through its paid proxies in Afghanistan. If that is dismantled by Taliban, then that has to be good for Pakistan, who is seeing constant ceasefire violation form you since 2003, in Kashmir.
See, there is only one type of people who would actually say “keep dreaming” to a post where I mention that india is behind all anti-Pak proxies in Afghanistan, and those are the people who would support any anti-Pak narrative.
Now there is nothing wrong in why I said, it is absolutely proven india is behind those activities in Afghanistan. If pakistan is busy on it’s western border, how will it counter India’s hostile ceasefire violation in kashmir? That was the idea that india had, which is now looking bleak.

So once again, enemies of Pakistan, or traitors would be the only ones who may say “keep dreaming” to the fact above. It’s alright to get burned once in a while. Sending you virtual hugs.

1. Pakistan is its own biggest enemy. Always was and always will be, and that is the real tragedy.

2. Is India behind anti-Pakistan proxies? Of course, but it is a two way street. Pakistan has been funding proxies and insurgencies in J&K since 1947 and let’s not pretend that it was not behind Delhi attacks 2001 and Mumbai attacks 2008.

Pakistan is not a victim here; it has reaped what it has sown. Playing mercenary to USA since the 1950s and interfering in J&K has come at a cost.

3. The real traitors are the “Pakistanis” who left Pakistan at the first opportunity that they got and now make a billion embarrassing excuses when you ask them why they are unwilling to return to Pakistan. These people sit in Canada, USA, UK, Europe etc. and pretend that they care about Pakistan and Kashmir. How funny is that.
Throughout history people have made predictions and Throughout history people like you have been wrong. Empires rise and empires fall and events that cause these vary from weather and climate to economics and to decline within. But illiterates like you think that it can't happen again.
Your a born Ghulam, not everyone thinks like you. Based on your logic we should all be living under your Wadera friends in Sindh and freedom and dignity isn't worth anything.
It's not PK that has 800mn on the breadline.

As I said, keep dreaming and keep coming up with awkward analogies and comparisons to feed your delusions.

Pakistan does not 800 million on the breadline because it’s population headcount is just a fraction of India’s. It is simple math and logic.

Pakistan is surviving on loans and handouts and China is holding us by our balls, and here we are “showing eyes” to India and dreaming about liberating J&K. It is pure comedy.

J&K is nothing but a tool for the establishment to maintain control over the federal government and remain the central power. If the Kashmir issue is resolved and there is peace with India, they will be the real losers in this arrangement.
Soviets and US in a foreign country is entirely different from the Taliban entering India. If they do then the Indian Army will give them such a thrashing that they will surrender even faster than Niazi.
Hope not. History has shown us again and again that when we give arms to the mullah bandwagon, they end up using the same weapons against us in the long run

Besides if kashmir problem is solved, our army men will be unemployed....

Funny, how posters here discuss about the might of pak army and isi yet we have to rely on the kalashankov talibans for kashmirs freedom

They will only use weapons against Pakistan if they stop them from entering Kashmir. Surely critics of the army like yourself should rejoice if they step back and become "unemployed"?
Taliban are not interested in fighting for any land outside of Afghanistan. They have also said they wont let their territory be used to fight against any other country.

So as long as they are not sending fighters their is nothing wrong with them raising their voice for Kashmiris. And if they choose not to say anything on Kashmir that's also fine. They will do what they think is best for the Afghan people.
His remarks come at a time when India has raised concerns about Afghanistan's Hindu and Sikh minorities under the Taliban, and there are rising concerns over what critics say is the rise in hate crimes against Muslims since 2014 under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government.

If India does not want Taliban to give statements in support for Kashmiris, then they also need to mind their own business when it comes to Afghan Sikhs and Hindus. Its a too way street.
It's wishful thinking hoping taliban will get involved in kashmir.

There is absolutely no reason for taliban to get involved. They don't share border, don't have any past history of enemity with India and Afghanistan has only benefited by Indian infrastructure aids.

If only reason for struggle is muslim identity, then also raise voice in China and uighur genocides. Why acquaintance with China now?
Your a born ghulam. Fortunately not all of us think like you. Nothing lasts forever, it's the reason we are where we are today. Great empires rise and fall and the Kashmiris will be free from oppression. It already takes a million to keep them down.
PK is not the only one that needs loans, most countries are borrowing to the hilt and your friends in Ind borrowed billions recently, and despite all the bluster and hype, and the lies about the GDP, they still have 800mn on the breadline.

800mn on the breadline? Can you post a credible source for this?

Any credible world report puts India's GDP at around $3tn and has been putting India among the fastest growing economies.

Pakistan is on a IMF bailout. It has taken bailouts from China, UAE and Saudi. Half of your forex reserves are made up of money taken from loans or bailouts. Without bailouts pakistan will be defaulting on its loans. Breadline and all.

Empires rise and fall, that applies to pakistan too.

Pakistan doesn't have the economic, diplomatic or military means to take j and k. Thats the hard truth. Digest it. India took out art 370, what could pakistan do?
1. The full article is behind pay wall. World Bank or IMF or CIA lists come out with annual and regular lists of GDP numbers of all countries.

2.NGOs are not news outlets. Post a proper source.

They are proper sources and if you don't like them, then challenge them not me.
The entire western world sees Taliban as a backward and evil regime (as it really is one), along the lines of N-Korea. So if Taliban associates itself with Kashmir cause, then it will be difficult to champion the cause of Independent Kashmir by its supporters in Europe, USA, Canada etc.
The entire western world sees Taliban as a backward and evil regime (as it really is one), along the lines of N-Korea. So if Taliban associates itself with Kashmir cause, then it will be difficult to champion the cause of Independent Kashmir by its supporters in Europe, USA, Canada etc.

The Taliban does not have much support in Europe, USA, Canada etc anyway, neither do any of those countries do much for Kashmir prior to Taliban. It won't be a major factor.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I meant that the supporters of Independent Kashmir living in US, Canada and Europe will have a tough time to champion their cause when you have Taliban also supporting Kashmir freedom movement, because of the image that Taliban carries in the western media.

However, you're right, none of this image thing matters. At the end of the day, countries do what is in their best interest.

The Taliban does not have much support in Europe, USA, Canada etc anyway, neither do any of those countries do much for Kashmir prior to Taliban. It won't be a major factor.
While it is a good fantasy to have two terrorist organizations, Taliban and the Indian Arny, kill each other off, the reality is that taliban will have their hands full enforcing savagery on women and children. They won’t dare take on the Indian army, they will get destroyed and it’s not their fight.
While it is a good fantasy to have two terrorist organizations, Taliban and the Indian Arny, kill each other off, the reality is that taliban will have their hands full enforcing savagery on women and children. They won’t dare take on the Indian army, they will get destroyed and it’s not their fight.

Interesting that you describe the Indian army as a terrorist organisation. How do you come to such a conclusion considering they are actually an official army wearing their national uniform?
Interesting that you describe the Indian army as a terrorist organisation. How do you come to such a conclusion considering they are actually an official army wearing their national uniform?

Doesn’t matter what uniform they are wearing. They commit genocide in Kashmir, and their government persecutes Muslims throughout their country. They are terrorists.
Neither Pak or India wants the Kashmir dispute resolved. Fighting over it like two dog's over a bone suits both governments and militaries. Taliban could get involved to even up Indian terrorism in Afghanistan more then siding with Pak.
Kashmir is in the domain of TTP, (afgan taliban has already accepted them which ruffed some feathers of pakistani taliban keyboard supporters) and they have made there stance clear on the issue.
Taliban is a rag-tag militia whether its TTP or Afghan Taliban. They don’t have the wherewithal to attack even Myanmar Army let alone professional Armies like India in their territories traveling thousands of kilometers away and against well-fortified positions armed with mortars, LMGs and even artillery. They could supply Mujahideens but that would mean more radical idiots inside Pakistan and in effect cause more harm to Pakistan than India.
Kashmir issue could only be resolved by bilateral talks between India and Pakistan and not by violence. Its sad that two third-world countries waste their resources over fighting over an issue they should have resolved decades ago.
The entire western world sees Taliban as a backward and evil regime (as it really is one), along the lines of N-Korea. So if Taliban associates itself with Kashmir cause, then it will be difficult to champion the cause of Independent Kashmir by its supporters in Europe, USA, Canada etc.

it doesn't have to do it openly like India never claims usage of Afghanistan against Pakistan
Taliban is a rag-tag militia whether its TTP or Afghan Taliban. They don’t have the wherewithal to attack even Myanmar Army let alone professional Armies like India in their territories traveling thousands of kilometers away and against well-fortified positions armed with mortars, LMGs and even artillery. They could supply Mujahideens but that would mean more radical idiots inside Pakistan and in effect cause more harm to Pakistan than India.
Kashmir issue could only be resolved by bilateral talks between India and Pakistan and not by violence. Its sad that two third-world countries waste their resources over fighting over an issue they should have resolved decades ago.

This! Infact everybody should thank Pak army for their services. Without them the mullas will get their hands on nukes. Precisely why Pak army is given it's due recognition world wide. A Taliban government is one missile away on its presidential palace from going to hiding for another 20 years. The best they can do is send some of those Uzbek militants India's way but we all know how the worms in Kashmir have been fed quite well with terrorist corpses for decades.
Hope not. History has shown us again and again that when we give arms to the mullah bandwagon, they end up using the same weapons against us in the long run

Besides if kashmir problem is solved, our army men will be unemployed....

Funny, how posters here discuss about the might of pak army and isi yet we have to rely on the kalashankov talibans for kashmirs freedom

If you hear that Pakistan army is relying on Taliban for kashmir's freedom, you probably read some fake news and nothing much.
Also if there was no Pak army, we would be like Syria, Iraq or Libya. Look at their condition. Army is the only one that is not prompting india to directly attack us. You would be a slave to an RSS if there was no Pak army right now, since Pakistan would've been taken over already.

From your posts, I always feel that you are saying:
Pak Army = Bad, should not exist
india army = good, protectors of freedom, etc.

Harsh reality for anti-Pakistan posters, but this is the truth, Pak army is the only reason we are not destroyed.
Why is everyone always extolling the warriors of Afghanistan, while conveniently ignoring that the only reason that this mullah brigade of dimwits is around is because they managed to escape into Pakistan during the 2001-2002 offensive where they had some local support. And chasing them there would have been a geo political nightmare. Also we seem to be quick to forget that these chumps only repulsed the soviets thanks to hand over fist assistance from America. And it also seems rather convenient to dismiss that the kingdom of Punjab handily defeated this lot twice.

I am tired of these so called ‘brave warriors of Afghanistan’… wait till a few predators light up those poppy fields and all that illicit drug money dries up.
President Dr Arif Alvi said on Friday the Afghan Taliban had assured that their land would not be used for terrorism against any other country and indicated that the government would consider an amnesty for those who were willing to accept the Constitution of Pakistan and shun terrorism.

In an interview to a private television, he said if Afghanistan remained peaceful and without Indian interference it would be bonanza for Pakistan. He added peace in Afghanistan would set the region on the path to economic prosperity and especially Pakistan would attract more investment.

Responding to a question, he said that the Taliban had assured that their land would not be used for terrorism against any other country. Taliban, he added had also expressed their support to the Kashmir cause.

Alvi hinted at a conditional amnesty for the members of the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) provided they were not involved in any criminal activity and that they surrendered their arms and accepted the Constitution of Pakistan.

The president emphasised that the TTP still posed a threat to Pakistan. In response to a question, he clarified that he would not be taking any names, rather he was “talking about the people who, before anything, have not remained involved in criminal activities”.

The president stated that uncertainty in Afghanistan suited India. He added that India had been trying to creating chaos in Pakistan by interfering in the matters of Balochistan. “India is doing politics of hate and causing regional instability and in the process is also weakening itself,” he said.

He said that Pakistan benefited from the fence put up at the Afghan border and stressed that Pakistan would benefit if Afghanistan was made part of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). He added that the Central Asian countries were eager for opportunities for trade and investment in Pakistan.

The president said he could see that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) would form the next government. “The focus of the government should be on development, fulfilling needs of the people and keeping inflation and price hikes under control,” he said.

Dr Alvi said that the economy of the country was moving in the right direction and all the economic indicators were trending positive. He supported the use of electronic voting machines in the elections and said opposition was acting irresponsibly by opposing the use of voting machines.

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As Prime Minister Narendra Modi set out his Taliban worries to world leaders this week, Indian forces staged raids and battled freedom fighters, who he fears could be emboldened by Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan.

About 40 people have been killed in shootings and clashes in the two months in the Himalayan region since the Taliban overran Kabul on August 15.

Occupied valley's Sikh and Hindu communities have been targeted in the gun battles in which many soldiers and separatists were also left dead.

India has not openly blamed the Taliban takeover for the uptick in violence, but it has intensified patrols near Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and fortified some army camps, according to residents and security officials who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity.

Modi told a G-20 summit in Rome earlier this week that international efforts were needed to make sure Afghanistan does not become a safe haven for "radicalisation and terrorism".

He has also raised India's concerns with US President Joe Biden.

In September, he told the UN General Assembly that no country must be allowed to use Afghanistan "as a tool for its own selfish interests" – a comment widely seen as a reference to Pakistan, the chief backer of the Taliban's 1996-2001 regime.

This time, Islamabad has not yet recognised the new Taliban government.

India was a backer of the Soviet-puppet government in Kabul that was overthrown by Mujahideen forces in 1992.

In 2001, it helped the US-led forces that toppled the Taliban. And it was a major donor to the government that the Taliban crushed in August.

India worries that weapons and fighters could reach the occupied Jammu and Kashmir region.

"What we can say and learn from the past is that when the previous Taliban regime was in power, that time definitely we had foreign terrorists of Afghan origin in Jammu and Kashmir," said India's military chief of staff General MM Naravane.

Also read: India urged to resume dialogue with Pakistan 'amid threat of regional isolation'

"So there are reasons to believe that the same thing might happen once again."

Protests are virtually impossible in IIOJK because of restrictions imposed by New Delhi since the region's semi-autonomous status was revoked in 2019.

But some in the region have quietly welcomed the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan as a victory against the odds that they too can aspire to one day.

"If they can defeat the world's largest military power, we see a possibility that we too can win our freedom," one businessman in Srinagar told AFP, declining to be named.

A former separatist who trained in Afghanistan in the 1990s and fought alongside Afghan mujahideen in Kashmir added: "The Taliban victory has already supplied oxygen to our movement."

Given India's inhumane clampdown on IIOJK, Naravane and other military chiefs are confident that Delhi can cope with any surge.

But speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior security official in IIOJK said: "there is some panic" inside the security establishment.

Michael Kugelman, a South Asia specialist at the Wilson Centre in Washington, said Afghanistan's new rulers could inspire "stepped up unrest" in IIOJK.

Taliban officials have said they want to maintain trade and other ties with India, meaning that some kind of contact will have to be maintained.

"The Taliban itself won't agitate for unrest in IIOJK, but those it is aligned with likely will do so," he said.

Mosharraf Zaidi, a columnist and security analyst in Pakistan, said he saw no reason the Taliban would want to "deliberately agitate the Indian authorities".

Their victory, he believes, is more important for the signal it sends to "young Kashmiri boys and girls watching the images from Afghanistan".

Of course the Taliban will be here in India. They’re a somewhat disorganised machine dedicated to Jihad, with young and not so young men who’ve been brought up on the ideology of martyrdom. Kashmir is probably a natural battle ground in their minds

It stands to reason that even if the Taliban government decrees a policy of non- interference in Kashmir, they will either not want, or will be unable, to enforce such policy on the ground. I believe the lure of action and a ‘chance at martyrdom’ will be too strong for at least some folk.

And that’s not even counting Pakistan Army’s expected use of these fighters to keep the pot boiling in J&K.

We’re going to see increased number of Afghan men turning up in Jammu and Kashmir pretty soon. More attacks and more violent attacks at that.

I also expect it to have a negative impact inside Pakistan, as it’s always difficult to control the rabid religious types once you get them started - they tend to lag out in all directions, not just the one you want. But that’s another story.
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Engulfed in fear that the Taliban's resounding victory in Afghanistan could reignite the freedom movement in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), India has proposed to host an in-person meeting of the National Security Advisors (NSAs) on Afghanistan issue in New Delhi next month, inviting "key stakeholders" including Russia and archrivals Pakistan and China, Indian media reported on Saturday.

According to India Today, India has suggested two dates – November 10 and 11 –for the meeting in its capital.

The invitation has been extended to Pakistan’s NSA Moeed Yusuf amid increased tensions in IIOJK. The report quoted sources privy to the development as saying that all stakeholders have to be engaged to defuse the impending humanitarian and security crises in Afghanistan following the Taliban's takeover of Kabul.

India is also due to participate in the Moscow Format meeting on the Afghan situation on October 20.

On any humanitarian assistance India is extending or has extended to Afghanistan, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said that India's policy towards Afghanistan is "guided by its friendship with the Afghan people."

The development comes at a time when fears were growing in New Delhi that the Taliban's victory in Afghanistan could ignite the freedom movement in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

About 40 people have been killed in shootings and clashes in the two months in the Himalayan region since the Taliban overran Kabul on August 15.

Occupied valley's Sikh and Hindu communities have been targeted in the gun battles in which many soldiers and separatists were also left dead.

India has not openly blamed the Taliban takeover for the uptick in violence, but it has intensified patrols near Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and fortified some army camps, according to residents and security officials who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity.

Modi told a G-20 summit in Rome earlier this week that international efforts were needed to make sure Afghanistan does not become a safe haven for "radicalisation and terrorism".

He has also raised India's concerns with US President Joe Biden.

In September, he told the UN General Assembly that no country must be allowed to use Afghanistan "as a tool for its own selfish interests" – a comment widely seen as a reference to Pakistan, the chief backer of the Taliban's 1996-2001 regime.

India worries that weapons and fighters could reach the occupied Jammu and Kashmir region.

"What we can say and learn from the past is that when the previous Taliban regime was in power, that time definitely we had foreign terrorists of Afghan origin in Jammu and Kashmir," said India's military chief of staff General MM Naravane.

"So there are reasons to believe that the same thing might happen once again."

Protests are virtually impossible in IIOJK because of restrictions imposed by New Delhi since the region's semi-autonomous status was revoked in 2019.

But some in the region have quietly welcomed the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan as a victory against the odds that they too can aspire to one day.

"If they can defeat the world's largest military power, we see a possibility that we too can win our freedom," one businessman in Srinagar told AFP, declining to be named.

A former separatist who trained in Afghanistan in the 1990s and fought alongside Afghan mujahideen in Kashmir added: "The Taliban victory has already supplied oxygen to our movement."

Given India's inhumane clampdown on IIOJK, Naravane and other military chiefs are confident that Delhi can cope with any surge.

But speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior security official in IIOJK said: "there is some panic" inside the security establishment.

Michael Kugelman, a South Asia specialist at the Wilson Centre in Washington, said Afghanistan's new rulers could inspire "stepped up unrest" in IIOJK.

Taliban officials have said they want to maintain trade and other ties with India, meaning that some kind of contact will have to be maintained.

"The Taliban itself won't agitate for unrest in IIOJK, but those it is aligned with likely will do so," he said.

Mosharraf Zaidi, a columnist and security analyst in Pakistan, said he saw no reason the Taliban would want to "deliberately agitate the Indian authorities".

Their victory, he believes, is more important for the signal it sends to "young Kashmiri boys and girls watching the images from Afghanistan".

(With additional input from AFP)
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Afghanistan’s all-powerful Defence Minister Mullah Yaqub, son of Taliban founder Mullah Omar, has expressed willingness to send Afghan army personnel to India for military training, saying they “don’t have any issue with it”.

He made these comments in an exclusive interview with India’s News 18 TV channel when asked would Taliban be willing to send their army officers to India for military training.

“Yes, we don’t see any issue with it. Afghan-India relations get strengthened and set the ground for this. There will be no issues with it,” he remarked.

When asked would current regime in Afghanistan wish to have a close defence ties with India, Mullah Yaqub said first they wanted to establish strong diplomatic relations with all countries including India. “When we will together have cordial political and diplomatic relations, then only we would be ready for defence relations. Neither there will be any problem with it nor do we see any issue with it,” he added.

Speaking about country’s ties with other countries, Mullah Yaqub said they want cordial relations with all countries of the world, especially the neighbouring countries including India. “We want good and cordial relations with India and we hope that India would reciprocate and maintain good relations in many aspects with us.”

The defence minister also urged India and Pakistan to resolve their issues through dialogue, saying that Taliban administration did not want to intervene in the bilateral matters of arch-rival neighbours.

“We will not allow Pakistan to use Afghanistan’s soil against India and we will not allow India to use Afghanistan’s soil against Pakistan,” he said while responding to a question over the alleged presence of terror outfits on Afghan soil.

“We want cordial relations with both countries and do not want to interfere or get involved in the issues of the two countries. We are an independent country and our foreign policy is guided by our national interests.”

Express Tribune
In September IK and a lot of PPers here were operating on the assumption that the Taliban would be beholden to Pakistan out of gratitude for years of support. Instead what is actually happening is Pakistan's biggest security concern in decades. Taliban has openly challenged the status of the Afghan-Pakistan border and is providing a haven to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan who in turn is attacking Pakistan security forces like never before. And then last month finally Pakistan mustered the courage to send fighter jets to attack TTP but instead ended up killing civilians including 20 kids, which would mean inviting further wrath of Taliban. This is IK's and Pakistan's own comeuppance, you kept feeding milk to snakes but that didn't make them loyal to you.
This is exactly why its hard to trust Afghans in general.