Will you still be here in 10 years?


Local Club Star
Feb 19, 2007
On PP that is.

Do you think we'll have the same posters posting 10 years down the line as well?
I am pretty sure a lot of us will still be here. I know I will (sorry Hash). I get all my info from this site and could never think about quitting.
We might have live video broadcasts for matches by then, so yeah :p
Eventually pakpassion will be sold for $5.2 billion. Saj will keep it all. :D
When you signed up for the site there was a small print in terms & condition saying you will be here for next 13 years unless your kids take over before that
Hash said:
Eventually pakpassion will be sold for $5.2 billion. Saj will keep it all. :D
That's a lot of money. But I'd say it'd be split between all members who have been on PP for 10 years or more, and have actively posted, meaning at least 20,000 posts. Oo yea! I think I could get at least a million from that :D
The site will be merged with the newly formed South Asian Cricket board because in 23 years the tests will be played by regions as there will be no time to waste on such things. Shahid Afridi will be 32 and will be leading the Ten10 team.
12thMan said:
The site will be merged with the newly formed South Asian Cricket board because in 23 years the tests will be played by regions as there will be no time to waste on such things. Shahid Afridi will be 32 and will be leading the Ten10 team.

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iZeeshan said:
I am pretty sure a lot of us will still be here. I know I will (sorry Hash). I get all my info from this site and could never think about quitting.

nah, you're alright
well don't know abt u guyz but inshallah i will be here, if mods do not ban me :p
12thMan said:
The site will be merged with the newly formed South Asian Cricket board because in 23 years the tests will be played by regions as there will be no time to waste on such things. Shahid Afridi will be 32 and will be leading the Ten10 team.
Ten 10 year olds?
in_cutter said:
We might have live video broadcasts for matches by then, so yeah :p

and we will have oxy n saj bahi giving live commentary straight from the stadium :D so yes i will be here :)
I just realised that I joined in late 2003 so thats already 4 and a half years which puts me nearly halfway there.

Guys like Saj, Salman, the game and others have been here since 00/01 so thats 7 or 8 years already.
Zechariah said:
I'll be in my wify's arms

So you are getting Married in 10 years then? Cos give it a few months of marriage and you will be trying to get as far away as you can :( :(
Mercenary said:
I just realised that I joined in late 2003 so thats already 4 and a half years which puts me nearly halfway there.

Guys like Saj, Salman, the game and others have been here since 00/01 so thats 7 or 8 years already.
Yes GGM is another who I remember was a member of PP on the Rivals site before me, as was Muhammed.

If I type yes in this thread, I think Mrs Saj will kill me, or at least file for a divorce :p
Hopefully, will be here till my last breath. Occasionally, I might disappear for few days or a month or two, but will never leave this site. It is an honour to be here. you all are wonderful people and I would not dare leaving this site. Honestly speaking, I learn a lot from all you guys
about life, cricket and everything and that's a great experience to have. Love you all.
Long live Pakpassion.net (Don't let us quit on you as we 'll do the same) Over and out. :)
Damn...time's passed so quickly. I would have been 15 when I made this thread. Now 30! Good to see PP going from strength to strength though!

Besides Saj I wonder who's still active here for more than 10+ years?
This is year 2022 and I am almost 32.

Not sure if I will be here 10 years from now. It all depends on if it will have the same great quality or not.

If quality remains the same, I would love to be here (in sha Allah).
Damn...time's passed so quickly. I would have been 15 when I made this thread. Now 30! Good to see PP going from strength to strength though!

Besides Saj I wonder who's still active here for more than 10+ years?

There are many who are here for 10+ years.

I first came here in 2010 but I was mostly a lurker till 2019.
Well i found about PP back in 2007 through orkut.

Started lurking it around 2014 and finally joined in 2016.
Probably yes but not a regular. A millionaire has a lot to do you know!:sarf
Have been here for 10 years now!

Good to see PP battling against social media and the likes of Reddit to stay relevant as a fantastic forum in 2022.
I’ve been here 8 years now. Don’t post as much as I used to but still hang around..
Have been here for 10 years now!

Good to see PP battling against social media and the likes of Reddit to stay relevant as a fantastic forum in 2022.

That’s because social media comments are filled with junk and filth by people who know nothing about cricket. Most just post irrelevant memes or tag their friends..

Reddit is better but too generalized as it covers a lot of topics so he’s to find cricket related posts. PP is mostly focused on cricket.
Damn...time's passed so quickly. I would have been 15 when I made this thread. Now 30! Good to see PP going from strength to strength though!

Besides Saj I wonder who's still active here for more than 10+ years?

[MENTION=110712]Captain[/MENTION] Rishwat
[MENTION=4795]amjid[/MENTION] Jawed
[MENTION=2095]london[/MENTION] Lahori

These have all been here for 10+ years
That’s because social media comments are filled with junk and filth by people who know nothing about cricket. Most just post irrelevant memes or tag their friends..

Reddit is better but too generalized as it covers a lot of topics so he’s to find cricket related posts. PP is mostly focused on cricket.

Yeah. Facebook and Twitter are simply insane. Comments are filthy and can get very ugly.

Reddit is okay. Discord is okay. PP is excellent.
[MENTION=110712]Captain[/MENTION] Rishwat
[MENTION=4795]amjid[/MENTION] Jawed
[MENTION=2095]london[/MENTION] Lahori

These have all been here for 10+ years

still here . I think its been over 17 years, nearly half my life
On PP that is.

Do you think we'll have the same posters posting 10 years down the line as well?

Good gracious. I have been here thirteen years.

Like the Hotel California, there is no way to leave. No way to delete your account,

Like Michael Corleone, just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in…..
Still around and about..but, circumstances making me less active then a decade ago.
Toony™®;11564652 said:
Still around and about..but, circumstances making me less active then a decade ago.

Lol, that's a real veteran veteran.

I am also getting old here lol
Good gracious. I have been here thirteen years.

Like the Hotel California, there is no way to leave. No way to delete your account,

Like Michael Corleone, just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in…..

I believe maths wasn't your favourite subject?
No, probably English literature. Why?

You said you have been here for 13 years but looking at your debut date you have been here for almost 15 years.
Damn...time's passed so quickly. I would have been 15 when I made this thread. Now 30! Good to see PP going from strength to strength though!

Besides Saj I wonder who's still active here for more than 10+ years?

Here since 2003. Remember also when PP moved to the new forum in 2005. I am not so active but its the only internet related app / website i am a member of.

PP is amazing!
You’re god damn right I will be adding another decade or two :afridi

I would have at least 500k posts by now but most have been deleted :yk
Best forum for sports on the net among other things
Eventually pakpassion will be sold for $5.2 billion. Saj will keep it all. :D

The way inflation is going through the roof, you will probably get a cup of tea for $5.2 Billion in 10 years from now.
Completed 10 years in August 2022. Pretty sure over the past 10 years I have made more enemies than friends by just calling spade a spade and ofcourse I made :inti popular here. :inti
To all your surprise. I have been on Pakpassion I would say before 2003. 2001 maybe??? Went offline for a few years, changed emails, changed names came back had a kid became inactive again , changed emails, changed user name again. I remember When there was a noddy bhai on here. I was on this forum way before that even. Anyway I am back here again. Lets see for how long. We should have cell log ins or something. My cell has been the same since 2001. Easier to log in like that. Anyway....:wahab2
Completed 10 years in August 2022. Pretty sure over the past 10 years I have made more enemies than friends by just calling spade a spade and ofcourse I made :inti popular here. :inti

Yes and you gave Inti uncle plenty of free publicity. :inti
Joined in 2011 (had to create a new account in 2018 as I had shared too much info through my previous one) right before the World Cup after lurking for 2 years and still here in 2022. Life has changed a lot and I don’t get enough time to post here but it’s been a good journey nonetheless.
12 years next month, was super active for the first 5 years, kinda disappeared for a few years in the middle, then became a semi active poster for last 4 or 5 years.

its really strange that so many ppl who signed up with me are still here, miss this guy called namal_halal though, he kept on talking about gold lol.

[MENTION=48620]Cpt. Rishwat[/MENTION] [MENTION=1842]James[/MENTION] [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=51465]DeadlyVenom[/MENTION] [MENTION=7774]Robert[/MENTION] [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION] [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] are pbly the most recognisable ppl to me on this forum, would love to watch a cricket game for real with all of em.
I intend to pay homage to Bradman and retire on 99,999 posts, but my post count will not stay on that figure because the moderators often clean up the archives and delete some older posts.

Time certainly flies by - I still remember my early days on this forum - 2014-19 was the peak of my posting career here and probably the best period on PP that I have witnessed during my time here. So many brilliant posters.
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12 years next month, was super active for the first 5 years, kinda disappeared for a few years in the middle, then became a semi active poster for last 4 or 5 years.

its really strange that so many ppl who signed up with me are still here, miss this guy called namal_halal though, he kept on talking about gold lol.

[MENTION=48620]Cpt. Rishwat[/MENTION] [MENTION=1842]James[/MENTION] [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=51465]DeadlyVenom[/MENTION] [MENTION=7774]Robert[/MENTION] [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION] [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] are pbly the most recognisable ppl to me on this forum, would love to watch a cricket game for real with all of em.

Only at Lords my dear chap. :wg

Its been 12 years for me! [MENTION=8]MIG[/MENTION] wont let me leave :)))

Its a great forum, really appreciate the work [MENTION=8]MIG[/MENTION] and [MENTION=9]Saj[/MENTION] and the team put in. :pk
I’ve been around since 2012 ish.

It’s been a real honor and I check PP multiple times a day. I don’t get the ability to post as much as I should but I can’t imagine life without PP.

Look forward to another 30 years here lol
12 years next month, was super active for the first 5 years, kinda disappeared for a few years in the middle, then became a semi active poster for last 4 or 5 years.

its really strange that so many ppl who signed up with me are still here, miss this guy called namal_halal though, he kept on talking about gold lol.

[MENTION=48620]Cpt. Rishwat[/MENTION] [MENTION=1842]James[/MENTION] [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=51465]DeadlyVenom[/MENTION] [MENTION=7774]Robert[/MENTION] [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION] [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] are pbly the most recognisable ppl to me on this forum, would love to watch a cricket game for real with all of em.

Its interesting how addictive the forum has become over the years. The quality of contributions from the majority of PPers is very high, and the trolls also contribute by getting under the skin of others. Many of the names like yours, and others have become features on here and long may it continue
The mods are excellent and they must have the patience of a monk when they have to deal with temperamental posters like me.

Forever lurker. Cannot believe I joined when I was a damn kid in the year 2000 and now heading towards middle age (23 years!) Still the best Pakistani cricket forum around after ALL these years.
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This is year 2022 and I am almost 32.

Not sure if I will be here 10 years from now. It all depends on if it will have the same great quality or not.

If quality remains the same, I would love to be here (in sha Allah).

Been here since 2007

Forever lurker. Cannot believe I joined when I was a damn kid in the year 2000 and now heading towards middle age (23 years!) Still the best Pakistani cricket forum around after ALL these years.

Holyyy. This has to be the oldest poster around here
Been here since 2010s. Used to live in canada and wanted to discuss cricket but had no one that was interested in the sport. Those were the days when i had no money to buy cricket channels on rogers box so had to look for online free streams which had xat chatrooms to discuss cricket.

Than eventually would find pakpassion. I initially joined because i loved the hype there used to be on the ppl leagues. People used to be soo crazy on them, playing simulation games.
My favourite part was waking up early in the morning, being a saturday, off from school, and watching pakistan play in australia and england. Uff that pace attack. I loved watching test cricket where asif and amir were getting wickets.

Anyways was still a kid back than and i wouldnt last long. After going around other forums, learned the rules and came back in 2013.

Man used to partake in the misbah discussions and after 2015, i just gave up on cricket once the kaptaan retired. I though i would never able to watch the game without him. I ended up missing alot of series uptil 2019.

Now i watch psl and icc tournaments. I only enjoy t20 games.

i really miss the old days.... You would drop one reply and three more posts would appear. Alot of the canadian and american posters left that had a great sense of humour.

I would love to be a part of this forum for the next 10 years. There arnt many forums nowadays as everyone is on social media.
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Have been one of the best forum, very few toxic posters but it ha it's own taste lol. Love PTI supporters here who always come up with solid proofs . Discussion on cricket has been great.
Moved to USA two months ago, logged in just yesty since I came here. Would continue to be part of PP family.

Forever lurker. Cannot believe I joined when I was a damn kid in the year 2000 and now heading towards middle age (23 years!) Still the best Pakistani cricket forum around after ALL these years.

Really? Did you joined as 1 year old kid..
Time flies quickly. Was a mere teenager when joined the forum.Mostly like to lurk these days.
still here . I think its been over 17 years, nearly half my life

It has been long time , my activity has decreased , but still make a point to come here now and then , even if it is for few minutes. I just want to keep going ... :)