Your Top 10 Movies of All Time?


Senior ODI Player
Mar 4, 2013
Post of the Week
Here you can share your favorite top 10 movies of all time...

My Top 10

1. The Godfather
2. Gladiator
3. BraveHeart
4. Man on Fire
5. American Gangster
6. 3:10 to Yuma
7. The Prestige
8. Inception
9. Pirates of the Caribbean
10. Fight Club
Your Favorite Top 10 Movies of All Time

District 9
A Prophet
Pan's Labyrinth
Fellowship of the Ring
Batman Begins
1. Kingdom Of Heaven (director's cut)
2. LoTR: Fellowship Of The Ring
3. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
4. Gangs Of Wasseypur
5. The Dark Knight
6. Snatch
7. Das Boot
8. Aliens
9. The Machinist
10. Trainspotting
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In no particular order:

The Shawshank Redemption (1994, Drama)
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974, Horror)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975, Comedy)
Toy Story (1995, Animation)
Fight Club (1999, Crime)
Groundhog Day (1993, Comedy)
Star Wars Episode IV:A New Hope (1977, Sci-Fi)
Die Hard (1988, Action)
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (1966, Western)
Matilda (1996, Fantasy)
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Some of the best movies I have seen are:
Shawshank Redemption
Schindlers List
Finding Nemo
Forrest Gump
Raiders of the Lost Ark
A Beautiful Mind
Great Escape
Cast Away
Good Will Hunting
The Bourne Identity
1. The Dark Knight
2. No Country for Old Men
3. The Prestige
4. The Godfather
5. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
6. Pulp Fiction
7. Jurassic Park
8. The Departed
9. Lord of the rings trilogy
10. Inglorious Basterds
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Shawshank Redemption
Schindlers List
Fight Club
The Prestige
The Godfather

These movies seems to be common favorites in different lists...
those I have watched

The Godfather
Good the bad and the ugly
One flew over the cukoo's nest
Das Boot
The Godfather part 2
Good fellas
Apocalypse Now
The deer hunter/Raging bull
Once upon a time in west
The great Escape
Dog Day Afternoon

Reservoir dogs

Scarface( one of my favorites, but lack in some technical aspects to be mentioned in top 10, nevertheless a cult classic)

Note: I havnt watched Citizen Kane, Gone with the wind and Casablanca
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Has anyone ever watched memento? so underated.
1. Forrest Gump
2. As good as it gets
3. One flew over cuckoo's nest
4. Pursuit of happiness
5. Gladiator
6. A beautiful mind
7. Casablanca
8. The silence of the lambs
9. Cast Away
10. Erin brockovich
in no particular order
1. Fight club
2. silence of the lambs
3. Jerry Maguire
4. The exorcist
5.Dark knight
6. Gladiator
7. Die hard
8. shawshank redemption
9. Bladerunner
10.Gangs of newyork
No particular order:

V for Vendetta
Good Will Hunting
Terminator 2
Shawshank Redemption
Forrest Gump
12 Angry Men
Pulp Fiction
The Departed
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
From my top 10

The two movies I have seen many many times and still watch them whenever I find it on TV or whereever is

Pursuit of Happiness (Brilliant human expressions from Will Smith)
Forest Gump (haven't seen a better story telling than this)
From my top 10

The two movies I have seen many many times and still watch them whenever I find it on TV or whereever is

Pursuit of Happiness (Brilliant human expressions from Will Smith)
Forest Gump (haven't seen a better story telling than this)

I love this movie too, Tom Hanks was simply awesome.
This is all based on what I like

1.(LOTR) The Return of the King
2. Pulp Fiction
3. (LOTR) The Two Towers
4. The Dark Knight
5. The King's Speech
6. The Dark Knight Rises
7. Shawshank Redemption
8. Gladiator
9. Saving Private Ryan
10. (LOTR) Fellowship of the Ring

Honorable mentions to Looper, Prisoner of Azkaban, Skyfall, Blood Diamond, Stand by Me, Cast Away, Forest Gump, The Green Mile and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
Taxi Driver
Pulp Fiction
Fight Club
District 9
The Big Lebowski
The Dark Knight
The Hangover
The Counterfeiters
those I have watched

The Godfather
Good the bad and the ugly
One flew over the cukoo's nest
Das Boot
The Godfather part 2
Good fellas
Apocalypse Now
The deer hunter/Raging bull
Once upon a time in west
The great Escape
Dog Day Afternoon

Reservoir dogs

Scarface( one of my favorites, but lack in some technical aspects to be mentioned in top 10, nevertheless a cult classic)

Note: I havnt watched Citizen Kane, Gone with the wind and Casablanca

You look like another fan of Robert De Niro and Al Pacino so i am not alone here...
you mean ghazini?:afridi

It was a superb movie but unfortunately watched it after Ghazini :( , so the thrill was missing.

lol the guys at bollywood basically urinated all over christopher nolans masterpeice, but even then i don't think gajini would prevent the original from being so entertaining. It was brilliantly done with some unique directing skills on display.
no particular order and i'm not counting sequels as a separate entry

1. God father
2. Matrix
3. Fight Club
4. A Beautiful Mind
5. The dark knight
6. The prestige
7. The Departed
8. Inception
9. Crash
10. Blood diamond
Among the ones I've seen, these are my favorites:

Inglorious Basterds
The Usual Suspects
LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Dark Knight
Reservoir Dogs
12 Angry Men
Forrest Gump
Slumdog Millionaire
No particular order

Godfather 1 and 2
Shawshank Redemption
Silence of the Lambs
Forrest Gump
Sound of Music
Finding Nemo
Spirited Away
The Dark Knight
1. Once Upon a Time in America
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Lost in Translation
4. The Godfather
5. Kingdom of Heaven
6. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
7. Gladiator
8. Groundhog Day
9. Forrest Gump
10. Léon: The Professional

Others that could have been in the list

Dances with Wolves
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Once Upon a Time in America is so underrated.
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To truly appreciate the elegance and beauty of a great movie, one should watch a terrible movie or two in between. You cannot appreciate the best if you don't wade through the muck. So I sneak in Troll 2 or Birdemic or The Room and movies like them in between the good movies that I watch.

5 terrible movies (cause watching ten in a row might kill you :p )

Troll 2
The Room
Birdemic : Shock and terror
Manos: The Hands of Fate
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Top 10 in no particular order:

La Haine (French)
The Godfather 2
The Dark Knight
Fellowship of The Ring
Reservoir Dogs
The Usual Suspects
Malcolm X (pretty powerful stuff, but was it the movie, or the man it was based on?)

Honorable mentions: Friday (only comedy to make the cut) and City of God

All of the above movies I can sit in on no matter what stage they're at.
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The Silence of the Lambs
The Matrix
The Right Stuff
The Great Escape
True Grit (1963)
Pulp Fiction
It's a Wonderful Life
A few others to add

American History X - A real eye-opener for me. Helped me understand how easily people can be misguided, direct their anger to the wrong people as its easier to blame others for your misfortunes.
Training Day - Denzel was pure bad-ass
1. The Good, the Bad and the ugly
2. The Shawshank Redemption
3.Pulp Fiction
4. American History X
5. Godfather
6.Once upon a time in the west
7. Goodfellas
8. Se7en
9. Terminator 2: Judgment day
10. Godfather 2
now suggest me i have to choose one from these three to watch
fight club
dark night
Dark Knight
Taxi Driver
Fight Club
The Departed
Inglorious ********
Forest Gump
V for Vendetta
Shawshank Redemption
Scent of a woman.
The Dark Knight
The prestige
The Pursuit of Happyness.
A Beautiful Mind
Cast Away
Catch me if you can
It seems that we have a lot of Shawshank fans. I think it might be the best movie ever.

It's the one of the best movie i have ever seen it's #1 at IMDB charts where millions of users vote for different movies....
Actually Shawshank has a section of truly pathetic fans who voted 1 for Godfather so it goes down and Shawshank becomes #1. I am a fan of both and although I found Shawshank > Godfather, I wouldn't give it 1 like an insecure boy living in his momma's basement and ogling chicks through the window.
I struggle to see how Shawshank is better than The Godfather.
I struggle to see how Shawshank is better than The Godfather.

Actually Shawshank has a section of truly pathetic fans who voted 1 for Godfather so it goes down and Shawshank becomes #1. I am a fan of both and although I found Shawshank > Godfather, I wouldn't give it 1 like an insecure boy living in his momma's basement and ogling chicks through the window.

I am personally a fan of both movies too and it's really hard for me to pick one out of them...
V For Vandetta
Green Mile
One Flew Over the Kuckoos Nest
The Lords of the Rings
The Silence Of Lambs
The Shawshank Redemption
The Dark Knight
American Beauty
The Bourne Ultimatum
Fight Club
The Departed

I just can't pick 10 out of these :)
Actually Shawshank has a section of truly pathetic fans who voted 1 for Godfather so it goes down and Shawshank becomes #1. I am a fan of both and although I found Shawshank > Godfather, I wouldn't give it 1 like an insecure boy living in his momma's basement and ogling chicks through the window.

More people voted 1 for shawshank compared to Godfather.
Has anyone watched Blade Runner.I think it is very underrated and a classic in itself.
1. Once Upon a Time in America
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Lost in Translation
4. The Godfather
5. Kingdom of Heaven
6. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
7. Gladiator
8. Groundhog Day
9. Forrest Gump
10. Léon: The Professional

Others that could have been in the list

Dances with Wolves
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

This list makes into my top10 list of best lists in this thread. And not because it has lost in translation.

The Godfather
Once Upon a time in the west
The discreet charm of the bourgeoisie
The aviator
The Big Lebowski
Usual Suspects
Black Swan-The Wrestler
The Prestige
There Will be Blood
In the Mood for Love or the trilogy Before Sunset, - Sunrise and - Midnight
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No particular order
Rush Hour 1,2,3
21 Jump Street
Public Enemies
Ip Man
Rocky 1-5
Die hard
Tango & Cash
Beverly Hills Cop

I'm a sucker for 80/90s action or comedies.
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No particular order
Rush Hour 1,2,3
21 Jump Street
Public Enemies
Ip Man
Rocky 1-5
Die hard
Tango & Cash
Beverly Hills Cop

I'm a sucker for 80/90s action or comedies.

thought you were a bollywood fan:kami
I struggle to see how Shawshank is better than The Godfather.

I loved Shawshank but didn't like The Godfather.

The latter is one of those films which I find more interesting to talk about that to watch.
thought you were a bollywood fan:kami
When I was a kid I use to watch a lot of them but I eventually got sick of all the stupid songs every 10-20 mins. I liked Ghajini and 3 Idiots but I haven't really watched a bollywood movie since then.
No particular order
Rush Hour 1,2,3
21 Jump Street
Public Enemies
Ip Man
Rocky 1-5
Die hard
Tango & Cash
Beverly Hills Cop

I'm a sucker for 80/90s action or comedies.

What a list :))
V for Vendetta
How to Train Your Dragon
Drag me to Hell
Pink Panther
Source Code

11th: Wreck it Ralph
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Unofficial redux of Goodfellas. Pesci was practically the same guy in both movies. Quality movie though.

Yea that's true i found them quite similar specially the Pesci role but both were good movies to watch...
Not necessarily the greatest but probably the 10 that left the greatest impression on me.

10. Apocalypto
9. No country for Old Men
8. I saw the devil
7. The Chaser
6. Leon
5. The Usual suspects
4. The Matrix
3. Brotherhood of War
2. The Shawshank redemption
1. A moment to remember

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I have seen so many films, so making a top 10 is quite difficult.
Sholay(Kitne Aadmi teh? Best dialog ever, lol)
The Dark night movies
Lord of the Ring movies
Kick Ass
Munna bhai Films
Man of Steel
Iron man 3
The good the bad and the ugly
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1. Goodfellas
2. LOTR trilogy
3. Se7en
4. Inception
5. Pulp Fiction
6. Godfather
7. Usual Suspects
8. Gladiator
9. Good, band and the ugly
10. Star Wars
Movies I think that are overrated:

Godfather ll
Silence of the lambs (still don't understand what's so special)
Shawshank redemption
Dark Knight

Mind you I love Shawshank but it shouldn't be anywhere near IMDb top 10 let alone be no 1
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Movies I think that are overrated:

Godfather ll
Silence of the lambs (still don't understand what's so special)
Shawshank redemption
Dark Knight

Mind you I love Shawshank but it shouldn't be anywhere near IMDb top 10 let alone be no 1

The 4 movies you mentioned are among 4 of the best of all time. Except maybe silence of the lambs which is still amazing. The other 3 are perfect :facepalm:
1) The Dark Knight (whoever cries about this masterpiece gets no respect from me)
2) Godfather 1 and 2 (I actually prefer the 2nd but I consider them one)
3) Pulp Fiction
4) The Departed
5) Goodfellas
6) The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
7) Django Unchained
8) Se7en
9) Shawshank Redenption
10) The Prestige/The Usual Suspects/Once Upon a Time in America/Airplane
The 4 movies you mentioned are among 4 of the best of all time. Except maybe silence of the lambs which is still amazing. The other 3 are perfect :facepalm:

To me only Goodfellas meets the requirement of perfection..

Goes on to show you the difference of subjective taste and opinions, doesn't it?

Just like I never found Breaking Bad to be appealing. And just like I LOLed at your inclusion of The Departed and Django unchained
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In no particular order I love the following movies. I most like action and adventure where as romance mostly bores the crap outta me!

1) Jaws
2) Speed
3) Unlawful Entry
4) Ghost
5) Rush Hour
6) The Omen (Gregory Peck)
7) Back To The Future
8) Indiana Jones and the last crusade.
9) First Blood
10) Ransom
Extra one for the road! Fatal Attraction.
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To me only Goodfellas meets the requirement of perfection..

Goes on to show you the difference of subjective taste and opinions, doesn't it?

Just like I never found Breaking Bad to be appealing. And just like I LOLed at your inclusion of The Departed and Django unchained

The 5th time I watched Goodfellas I noticed that it started to drag near the end. Still a near perfect movie. I just love the departed no matter how many times I watch it. Probably my 2nd most watched movie after Dark Knight
Objectively speaking, Godfather is a Hollywood landmark and can be classified as a perfect piece of film making..

The only reason I would take Goodfellas over Godfather is because of humor.. There are hardly if any light-heated moments in Godfather.. Goodfellas on the other hand is even more brutal and yet you still laugh like hell watching it. The same reason for my fondness of the Sopranos..

I find it personally embarrassing that Scorsese won his Oscar for the Departed out of all his movies.
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Not sure about all-time but my top ten faves would probably be

LOTR and The Hobbit 3D
Jurassic Park
Star Wars
The Terminator
Alien and Predator
Fast and the Furious

Yes I have a thing for film series :))
Here are my 10 favorite pics, from the POV of an Indian Fan of Hollywood Movies . They are not judged solely on artistic merit . Also an attempt has been made to make the genres non repetitive in the list . Its more about how I felt about those movies and the impact they have made on my mind at various stages of my life.

1) The Godfather Part1 & 2 (tied)

I see them as one movie itself. Too good to separate and put either of them anywhere else .

Part one may have had the best cast and some of the greatest characters ever put on film (Don Corleone, Sonny, Luca etc etc ) and some of the greatest ever moments in cinema(the assasination scene, the baptism sequence) ! But part two as a whole was the better film.

Perfection in acting , casting and direction.

2) The Dark Knight

The absolute peak of comic book cinema ! May not be bettered ever !

Perfectly captures the essence of the Batman universe characters , especially the Joker, Harvey and Gordon . All the adjectives used for no.1 stand here as well . Greatness in acting , scripting. Amazing score and incredible moments. One of cinemas greatest villainous acts by Heath Ledger .!

Nolan is truly the most significant filmmaker of the 2K generation.

3) Terminator 2 : Judgement Day

Terminator one is critically the superior film. But the lack of a big budget may have hampered that one from reaching its max. potential. If you thought a movie about warring machines and cyborgs , full of gunfights and acted by one of the most wooden faced actors in Hollywood, would have zero emotional quotient or humanity , James Cameron could prove you wrong !! The final pain you feel when T600 dips into the molten metal will bring tears to most peoples eyes.. Absolute science fiction masterpiece from Cameron

4) The Lion King

My favourite movie as kid. Animated cinema may have scaled further peaks via the Toy Story movies or the Incredibles. But this movies shows why Disney still rules the animated universe. Beautifully crafted movie with some incredible emotional moments (Mufasa's death for eg.) . Great animation (not much help from computers back then ) and incredible music.

5) The Empire Strikes Back

Hollywood's greatest ever popcorn flick.
"A new Hope" may have prototyped the hollywood blockbuster formula (fantastical locations, special effects, endearing characters and vast worlds ), but "empire.." did it to perfection . Still remains the gold standard of what popular cinema is expected to do . Special mention to the great and memorable characters and perhaps cinemas greatest villain in Darth Vader.

6) Saving Private Ryan

Helmed by arguably Hollywood's most versatile and successful filmmaker (only Stanley Kubric and Scorcese come close in terms of versatility and Cameron in terms of sheer success ) ,Saving Private Ryan is arguably the greatest war movie ever. The opening 30 mins, is generally considered the greatest opening in cinema .

Amazing cast, especially the lead performance by Tom hanks. No war movie could put you into the middle of the battlefield and its emotions like this one did.

The film-making brilliance of Spielberg is in full flow throughout, aided by masterful cinematography and a haunting score by John Williams.

7) Memento

Christopher Nolan Appears once again in the list with his earlier (less mainstream) masterpiece and arguably his best film ! I consider this as a spiritual predecessor to the brand of cinema he took mainstream with Inception and Prestige . Not as "big" a movie like Inception in terms of concept or scale. But is an absolutely brilliant and confusing piece of cinema.

8) Raiders of the Lost Arc

Spielberg Makes the list again with a completely different genre of film. Showcases his talent as a filmamker in ample, in a time when CGI wasn't available to bail filmamkers out .The story , action and settings have had countless imitators in film and video games as well(

George Lucas's greatest work outside his original Star war's Trilogy (he wrote it ).

Nominated for Best picture , among the top 3 Action films ever and Indiana Jones is considered one of fictions greatest characters alongside Sherlock holmes and Harry Potter..

9) The Matrix

May surprise some of the posters from the west here , but "The Matrix" has influenced modern cinema like very few movies could. It showed the world (us desis) what "next level" means in hollywood film-making. It also ushered a new era in terms of Action movies and effects.

The action sequences and characterizations have been imitated and referenced in far too many movies across the globe. So are some of the lines . As a movie it was as far ahead and futuristic as a hollywood movie could be.

10) Forest Gump :

One of the greatest feel good cinema's ever. Brilliant movie with humanity at heart. Such an endearing character in Forest, played by Tom Hanks. Brings a smile to your face every time.

Notable mentions :

11) Psycho
12) Titanic
12) Goodfellas
13) Alien
14) Pulp Fiction
15) 2001 a Space Odyssey

PS: I have not seen Shwashank Redemption or the LOTR trilogy to give an assessment on them. So they don't make my list. Many great crime films have been left out to avoid repetition. Did not add all time classics like "Gone with The wind " and "Casablanca" for not having seen them .
Here are my 10 favorite pics, from the POV of an Indian Fan of Hollywood Movies . They are not judged solely on artistic merit . Also an attempt has been made to make the genres non repetitive in the list . Its more about how I felt about those movies and the impact they have made on my mind at various stages of my life.

1) The Godfather Part1 & 2 (tied)

I see them as one movie itself. Too good to separate and put either of them anywhere else .

Part one may have had the best cast and some of the greatest characters ever put on film (Don Corleone, Sonny, Luca etc etc ) and some of the greatest ever moments in cinema(the assasination scene, the baptism sequence) ! But part two as a whole was the better film.

Perfection in acting , casting and direction.

2) The Dark Knight

The absolute peak of comic book cinema ! May not be bettered ever !

Perfectly captures the essence of the Batman universe characters , especially the Joker, Harvey and Gordon . All the adjectives used for no.1 stand here as well . Greatness in acting , scripting. Amazing score and incredible moments. One of cinemas greatest villainous acts by Heath Ledger .!

Nolan is truly the most significant filmmaker of the 2K generation.

3) Terminator 2 : Judgement Day

Terminator one is critically the superior film. But the lack of a big budget may have hampered that one from reaching its max. potential. If you thought a movie about warring machines and cyborgs , full of gunfights and acted by one of the most wooden faced actors in Hollywood, would have zero emotional quotient or humanity , James Cameron could prove you wrong !! The final pain you feel when T600 dips into the molten metal will bring tears to most peoples eyes.. Absolute science fiction masterpiece from Cameron

4) The Lion King

My favourite movie as kid. Animated cinema may have scaled further peaks via the Toy Story movies or the Incredibles. But this movies shows why Disney still rules the animated universe. Beautifully crafted movie with some incredible emotional moments (Mufasa's death for eg.) . Great animation (not much help from computers back then ) and incredible music.

5) The Empire Strikes Back

Hollywood's greatest ever popcorn flick.
"A new Hope" may have prototyped the hollywood blockbuster formula (fantastical locations, special effects, endearing characters and vast worlds ), but "empire.." did it to perfection . Still remains the gold standard of what popular cinema is expected to do . Special mention to the great and memorable characters and perhaps cinemas greatest villain in Darth Vader.

6) Saving Private Ryan

Helmed by arguably Hollywood's most versatile and successful filmmaker (only Stanley Kubric and Scorcese come close in terms of versatility and Cameron in terms of sheer success ) ,Saving Private Ryan is arguably the greatest war movie ever. The opening 30 mins, is generally considered the greatest opening in cinema .

Amazing cast, especially the lead performance by Tom hanks. No war movie could put you into the middle of the battlefield and its emotions like this one did.

The film-making brilliance of Spielberg is in full flow throughout, aided by masterful cinematography and a haunting score by John Williams.

7) Memento

Christopher Nolan Appears once again in the list with his earlier (less mainstream) masterpiece and arguably his best film ! I consider this as a spiritual predecessor to the brand of cinema he took mainstream with Inception and Prestige . Not as "big" a movie like Inception in terms of concept or scale. But is an absolutely brilliant and confusing piece of cinema.

8) Raiders of the Lost Arc

Spielberg Makes the list again with a completely different genre of film. Showcases his talent as a filmamker in ample, in a time when CGI wasn't available to bail filmamkers out .The story , action and settings have had countless imitators in film and video games as well(

George Lucas's greatest work outside his original Star war's Trilogy (he wrote it ).

Nominated for Best picture , among the top 3 Action films ever and Indiana Jones is considered one of fictions greatest characters alongside Sherlock holmes and Harry Potter..

9) The Matrix

May surprise some of the posters from the west here , but "The Matrix" has influenced modern cinema like very few movies could. It showed the world (us desis) what "next level" means in hollywood film-making. It also ushered a new era in terms of Action movies and effects.

The action sequences and characterizations have been imitated and referenced in far too many movies across the globe. So are some of the lines . As a movie it was as far ahead and futuristic as a hollywood movie could be.

10) Forest Gump :

One of the greatest feel good cinema's ever. Brilliant movie with humanity at heart. Such an endearing character in Forest, played by Tom Hanks. Brings a smile to your face every time.

Notable mentions :

11) Psycho
12) Titanic
12) Goodfellas
13) Alien
14) Pulp Fiction
15) 2001 a Space Odyssey

PS: I have not seen Shwashank Redemption or the LOTR trilogy to give an assessment on them. So they don't make my list. Many great crime films have been left out to avoid repetition. Did not add all time classics like "Gone with The wind " and "Casablanca" for not having seen them .

You are a legend! FINALLY there's a PPer besides me who gives a bit of credit to Memento and acknowledges that it is Nolan's best work it is not arguable at all for me you probably said it so the vultures don't come out :yk2, it's my all time favourite film.

Fantastic list by the way!

No love for City of God, Rear Window, LOTR , Seven Samurai and One Flew Over Cuckoo's nest? perhaps they just missed out. Anyhow I believe that it is easier to rank movies based on how much you enjoyed them rather then how well you think they were made, we're the fans and not the critics with their rose tinted glasses.
1. Back to the Future & Tremors
2. Lion King
3. Insidious (1&2)
4. Die Hard
5. Blood Sport
6. Inception
7. Child`s Play (1&2)
8. Dark Night
9. Iron Man (All parts)
10. Rush Hour
11. Police Story.
12. Ong Bak
You are a legend! FINALLY there's a PPer besides me who gives a bit of credit to Memento and acknowledges that it is Nolan's best work it is not arguable at all for me you probably said it so the vultures don't come out :yk2, it's my all time favourite film.

I too think it is Nolan's best ! Just played it safe here.. ;-)

I believe Memento is underrated by many because its a small movie and the story is confusing for many . It's got none of the features of what the outer world (non-US/western audience) associates with "Hollywood", like the grand scale ,CGI or sophisticated concepts....

But Memento is the finest expression of Nolan's ability as a "storyteller" . But in terms of impact as a "filmmaker" I would put Inception on top. He had taken Hollywood movies to a whole new plane with it . In a long time I had seen a movie that just made you go WOW ! Did hollywood just pull that off. ?. The last time a movie had put me in that kind of awe was the Matrix. But it was a more flawed product .

To pull off a movie of that scale take tremendous guts and self-belief from the part of the filmmaker. I remember Nolan saying in an Interview that The first 2 Batman movies of his , were an attempt to test the waters of big hollywood cinema , but "inception" was what he had always Aimed for.

The Dark Knight may be considered a better film by many , but it had the backing of decades of mythology and stories and some of the greatest fictional characters (Batman I think is the greatest hero , with the greatest villians in comics)
already out there for him to tap into !. But "Inception" he built out from the ground up! That took huge guts .

And he, unlike his contemporaries, does his movies by giving full justice to his vision. There is little proof of corporate interference (see Avengers 2 and Joss whedon ) or being flummoxed by the scale/material (as in most Zack Snyder films) or too much pandering to the bottom line (Michael Bay ! ) in Nolans films (although TDKR had a bit of the last ).

This is why Nolan is the only modern filmmakers who now sits in the pantheon of the Kubrick's and Spielberg's and Cameron's. These people have single-handedly pushed the envelope of hollywood and its capabilities (not just in the traditional acting-scripting-direction sense, otherwise Tarantino and many others make it ) time and time again, and cleared the path for many others to follow..

Now coming back to TDK VS Memento VS Inception

TDK is the most popular ,most acclaimed and most memorable of the 3 . But as I said above it was not all Nolan. But the other two were. Inception had many twists and turns added intentionally to it with the sole aim of confusing /convoluting the film. But Memento on the other hand has a near perfect explanantion for everything in the film . There are very few holes in the plot and the climax is an absolute stunner . ! So as a film you could put TDK above but Memento is "NOlan's" best .
Insomnia and Prestige are remakes and interstellar fell short of what it aimed for. I'm expecting a lot from Dunkirk. If it can be Nolans "Saving Private Ryan" he'll consolidate his position on top.

Fantastic list by the way!

No love for City of God
Its brazilian , not hollywood to be exact
, Rear Window, LOTR , Seven Samurai and One Flew Over Cuckoo's nest ?
Havent seen these 3
perhaps they just missed out. Anyhow I believe that it is easier to rank movies based on how much you enjoyed them rather then how well you think they were made, we're the fans and not the critics with their rose tinted glasses.

That's pretty much what I tried to do.
The 4 movies you mentioned are among 4 of the best of all time. Except maybe silence of the lambs which is still amazing. The other 3 are perfect :facepalm:

TDK is far from perfect..the more I watch it, the more overrated it is. Batman Begins is THE Batman movie.