2005 Kashmir earthquake


Test Debutant
Mar 3, 2004
A strong earthquake has struck parts of Pakistan, northern India and Afghanistan, causing panicked residents to pour out into the streets. In Islamabad, buildings shook and walls swayed for about a minute shortly before 0900 (0400 GMT).

Residents in the Afghan capital, Kabul, and in the Indian capital, Delhi, are also reported to have felt the tremor.

The US Geological Survey said the quake had a magnitude of at least 7.6 and the epicentre was northeast of Islamabad.

Japan's Meteorological Agency put the magnitude at 7.8.

"We can say that it was one of the strongest earthquakes [ever] felt in Islamabad," Mohammad Hanif, an official at the Pakistan Meteorological Department, told the Reuters news agency.

Police in the Pakistani city of Lahore told the Associated Press news agency that at least eight people were injured and four shops were damaged.

Part of a 19-storey building collapsed in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, reports say.

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i know got family in Lahore,Islamabad....

but we get a better picture over the next 24hrs. 7.8 is strong. its kinda equivalent to a cat 4 hurricane being unleashed in terms of damage it may of done.. rockslides etc. although for just a minute.
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Just heard an interview with Pak Info minister on CNN - he doesnt seem too informed ! ( his English is disgraceful for an Information minister !)

Anyways, he says that there are some casualites in Pindi in a school and we dont have any reports (yet) from the villages.

Lets pray for everyone effected.
breaking news on sky- a village in pakistan-kashmir has been "wiped out"...

epicenter was in kashmir region just north east of Islamabad.

Casualties in jallalabad in Afghansitan...initial reports just coming through...they have said.

considering the earthquake was only 90 mins ago.
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Allah ka lakh lakh shukar he me and my family are still somewhat safe, the earth quake went on for over a minute and you could literally see people crying around. 7.8 for a minute a high rise apartment building in Pakistan here collapsed (a part of it) my mother's school is just besides the building (she teaches there) today was a parent teacher meeting. Anyways the earth quake is still not over by any means we are still feeling tremors after tremors from time to time, just thought I would give you guys an insiders view from Islamabad before I rush out again. Keep praying for us guys :)
Inna lillahi Wa Inna ilahi Rajiyoon - May ALLAH forgive the sins of departed and provide solace to the survivors, Ameen
Nauman said:
Allah ka lakh lakh shukar he me and my family are still somewhat safe, the earth quake went on for over a minute and you could literally see people crying around. 7.8 for a minute a high rise apartment building in Pakistan here collapsed (a part of it) my mother's school is just besides the building (she teaches there) today was a parent teacher meeting. Anyways the earth quake is still not over by any means we are still feeling tremors after tremors from time to time, just thought I would give you guys an insiders view from Islamabad before I rush out again. Keep praying for us guys :)

They say a Railway School in Pindi has suffered a lot of damage as well.

Nauman - stay safe, Inshallah you will be fine. Are you guys staying indoors ? how about sitting in the garden or something, until the tremors have subsided ?
MenInGreen said:
Anyways, he says that there are some casualites in Pindi in a school and we dont have any reports (yet) from the villages.

They say a school collapsed children are still inside I hope there arent any major casualties.
I have seen some news and some of the scenes were unbelieveable, buildings were shaking like trees in strong wind. It was extremely severe and i really hope people are safe but news are not encouraging at all:( :( :(
MenInGreen said:
Nauman - stay safe, Inshallah you will be fine. Are you guys staying indoors ? how about sitting in the garden or something, until the tremors have subsided ?

We were outside for most part just came inside a couple of minutes back to get some latest on the amount of damage done through news came on PP and saw this topic. Still pretty shaken up, dont think I can feel my legs right now.
This is important news - will move it to the cricket forum so that people dont miss it !
Nauman said:
Allah ka lakh lakh shukar he me and my family are still somewhat safe, the earth quake went on for over a minute and you could literally see people crying around. 7.8 for a minute a high rise apartment building in Pakistan here collapsed (a part of it) my mother's school is just besides the building (she teaches there) today was a parent teacher meeting. Anyways the earth quake is still not over by any means we are still feeling tremors after tremors from time to time, just thought I would give you guys an insiders view from Islamabad before I rush out again. Keep praying for us guys :)

good to know u & ur family is safe Nauman
keep updates coming plz
Any people from Lahore ? Whats the situation there ? Any news ?
Just on the phone to my family in Islamabad. A strong one, strongest they have ever experienced.
i was sleeping whn tht earth quake struck me ...and i remained unaware of it ...until i was awakened by the loud recitation of quran by my mom

any ways ...Allah ka shukar hai jis ne meri aur mere ghar waloon ke hifazat ki ...aur hum ko kisi kisam ki pareshani main nahi dala

BTW.. i ve heard tht Margalla Tower in (F-10 ) has been badly damaged ..and some 100 + ppl are trapped in the rubbles of that building at the moment
My family says there are non-stop after shocks, every few minutes or so.

It happened at around 8:40am Paksitan time, so about 4:40 am London time.
Alhamdolillah Hussain! Be safe Bhai, Inshallah, you will be safe, Ameen
just spoke to my relatives and family in Pindi, they are safe. and they saying most damage been done in ISL
Good to hear that people here from the area are safe. Hope casualties arent too high though
Well the tower I was talking about has been severely damaged a whole 10 story tower came down taking down with it two stories of neighbouring tower. Things are not looking good on that front.
My brother-in-law said he looked at his watch and the initial tremor lasted at least 2 minutes.

Every few minutes they have to rush out of the building because of the continuing after shocks.
BTW.. i ve heard tht Margalla Tower in (F-10 ) has been badly damaged ..and some 100 + ppl are trapped in the rubbles of that building at the moment

I have just seen that yaar and the whole area looks like a mess, there were hundreds of people trap in that area and they are expecting very few survisors:( . Ther eis another 19 storey building that collapsed in islamabad, quite a few shops in Lahore have been affected, quite alot of damage in Muzaffarabad.
fair_play said:
My brother-in-law said he looked at his watch and the initial tremor lasted at least 2 minutes.

Every few minutes they have to rush out of the building because of the continuing after shocks.

True that, been a very stressfull morning. BTW Waseem you in Islamabad?
Nahi Nauman, i m watching it all on PTV. I am not in Pakistan.
Maj Gen Shaukat Sultan, Pakistan's chief military spokesman, told the AFP news agency: "We have reports that an entire village has been wiped out in Bagh district in Kashmir.

"In Kashmir and the northern areas we are receiving reports of severe damage."
Oct 8, 2005 — NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A major earthquake with a magnitude of at least 7.6 struck Pakistan on Saturday and was felt across the Indian subcontinent, sending people fleeing from their homes into the streets.

There was no immediate word of any serious casualties.

Pakistan's private Geo TV channel reported that the top floors of a 12-storey apartment block in Islamabad had collapsed and an unknown number of people were trapped inside.

The quake was also felt in the Pakistani and Afghan capitals.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) highlighted a large earthquake on its Website between Indian- and Pakistani-controlled Kashmir with a magnitude of 7.6.

It described the quake as "major," saying it took place at 0350 GMT at a depth of 10km (6.2 miles). It was centered 95 km (60 miles) northeast of Islamabad and 125 km (75 miles) northwest of Srinagar.

The USGS's David Applegate told CNN that because the epicenter was relatively close to the surface, the quake was likely to have been felt over a large area.

Japanese quake experts put the magnitude at 7.8. Tokyo measures earthquakes according to a technique similar to the Richter scale but adjusted for Japan's geological characteristics.

"We can say that it was one of the strongest earthquakes (ever) felt in Islamabad," said Mohammad Hanif, an official at the Pakistan Meteorological Department.


Witnesses and Reuters correspondents could hear people screaming in fear inside their houses in Islamabad during the quake — which lasted for about a minute — and car and house alarms were set off by the shaking.

Minutes later sirens could be heard as the emergency services began racing through Islamabad, a city of close to a million people.

The situation was still tense, witnesses said, with residents listening and watching the crows — which are believed to fall silent immediately before an earthquake.

In Lahore, closer to the epicenter, at least nine people were injured, including eight officials of the paramilitary rangers, who were caught when the roof of their office collapsed, police said.

Screaming people rushed out of apartment buildings in the Indian capital, New Delhi, as the tremors began, a Reuters reporter said.

Indian government officials and the meteorological office said earlier that the quake measured 6.8, and was centered west of Muzaffarabad in Pakistani Kashmir.

Reuters reporters in the Afghan capital, Kabul, also felt the tremors.

Indian officials said the quake was felt throughout northern and central India.

"People are still gathered outside their homes and buildings," a resident of Delhi told Reuters. "They are a bit scared to go back into their homes at the moment.

The area where the quake took place is known for its frequent seismic activity and experts have long predicted an imminent major earthquake in the Himalayan region.
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another tremor as we speak - 7:20 am here in London. My family just rushed out.
Scores of people were feared killed or trapped in two apartment blocks reduced to rubble in Islamabad by a major earthquake on Saturday centered 95 km (60 miles) northeast of the Pakistani capital. Private television station Geo TV broadcast pictures of residents and rescue workers clambering over heaps of rubble, while officials told Reuters the two tower blocks had contained 75 apartments.

"I just cannot say how many people are still under there and we are trying to evacuate them. Over 75 apartments were affected so the number of people is in the hundreds," said Mohammad Ali, a government official in Islamabad.
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According to latest news ther has been extensive damage in Mansehra dst. Lots of people are still trapped there and lots of children in schools are affected by this.
My thoughts are with all those in distress.

Pak is a relatively poorer country, and the casualties are bound to be high. May Allah protect those trapped in the rubble.

Are Mushy and shaukat aziz there as well?
There is very little they cna do to rescue people in Margalla towers because the place is in total mess and it looks extremely hard to reach people trapped inside:(
Yes and you need experts techniques to remove rubble as shifting the rubble can have an effect on neighbouring towers which are also evacuated by the police, there is expected to be another major earth quake in the next 48 hours, guess it just goes to show man is useless when confronted with wrath of nature.
According to the news Skardu has been at the wrorst end of this Earth quake
extensive damage to both life and property has been caused there
Nauman said:
Yes and you need experts techniques to remove rubble as shifting the rubble can have an effect on neighbouring towers which are also evacuated by the police, there is expected to be another major earth quake in the next 48 hours, guess it just goes to show man is useless when confronted with wrath of nature.

how is every one at ure end Nauman
they just said on news 25 ppl killed in pakistani kashmir on sky news and as the clip from ptv was running on it - there was a list of places like gilgit, jhelum - am not sure if that list was a list of places effected
Hussain said:
how is every one at ure end Nauman

Alhamdulillah every one is ok. Things have calmed down but my mother is still distressed, she was quite close to that tower. Watching news channels right now.
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But the surprising thing is that even after this earthwuake, reports say that traffic in Islamabad is moving smoothly and there is very minimal disruption to telephone lines, internet service, tv etc. This is a good thing, an indication of a strong infrastructure, at least in the capital.
Quetta(Balochistan), Sindh are pretty much safe (shukar hia Allah ka), Multan, Lahore, Faisalabad, Toba Tek singh, Jhang etc suffered very minimal damage but Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Kashmir, Mansehra, Skardu, other parts of NWFP suffered heavy losses.
May allah keep everyone safe in the areas affected. ameen.
Massive loss of lives feared in tremors
(Updated at 1140 PST)
ISLAMABAD: Large-scale loss of lives being feared in a major earthquake hit large parts of Pakistan on Saturday morning.

In Azad Kashmir several buildings collapsed in this morning tremors, while four people were killed and 50 reportedly injured in Mansehra city of NWFP.

Three villages in Balakot wiped out in the quake, measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale and losses of life and property being poured in. Several roofs of houses in Peshawar have been collapsed, while there were reports of 30 deaths in Shangla.

According to reports nine schoolgirls feared dead in Mansehra as their school building crumpled in the quake.

An Egyptian diplomat was killed in Islamabad, as a part of the Margalla Towers apartment block collapsed.

Stampede after quake injured several women in Faisalabad
(Updated at 1140 PST)
FAISALABAD: At least dozens of women workers of a textile mill wounded in stampede created when a strong quake hits Kharianwala, Faisalabad.

The injured were rushed to Kharianwala social security hospital where a woman reported in critical state. People still gathering in open areas and grounds due to quake fear.

Quake inflicts heavy losses in Northern Areas, Azad Kashmir: ISPR
(Updated at 1100 PST)
ISLAMABAD: Director General, Inter-services Public Relations (ISPR) and Military spokesman, Major General Shaukat Sultan has said that Rawalakot, Azad Kashmir and other cities of country have been severely hit by the earthquake this morning, while in some outskirt areas of Azad Kashmir several villages have totally disappeared.

He told that Pakistan Army has already started the relief work in affected areas and its scores of teams along with helicopters were in operation.

Besides, he said one 19 storied building in Islamabad has been partially damaged by the earthquake and the people trapped therein were being rescued.

Six school girls hurt in Rawalpindi school wall collapse

(Updated at 1100 PST)
ISLAMABAD: Federal Information Minister Shaikh Rashid Ahmad said that six girls sustained injuries when a school wall collapsed in Rawalpindi after quake.

Talking to Geo TV, Shaikh Rashid said that rescue operations underway and life is as per routine in Rawalpindi.

Meanwhile, five aftershocks have been reported in Peshawar. Federal Interior Minister visited sector F-10 and quake affected areas.

Mud houses collapse in Azad Kashmir’s Rawla Kot
(Updated at 1050 PST)
ISLAMABAD: Large-scale collapse of mud houses was reported in Rawla Kot area of Azad Kashmir, while a village entirely wiped out in Bagh in a major earthquake.

Several school, college and residential buildings also caved in in various towns of the territory.

Meanwhile, Gilgit-Chitral highway was closed after land-slidings triggered by tremors. Several houses were razed in Kohistan and Buttgram districts. People injured in quake incidents being transferred to hospitals for medical aid.

According to reports a mosque minaret and wall collapsed in Mirpur. A schools building in Texila also collapsed.

Tremor causes land sliding in Skardu
(Updated at 1030 PST)
SKARDU: Intense quake felt in Northern areas of Pakistan causing land sliding in Skardu. No casualties have been reported so far.

Strong quake collapses buildings in Islamabad, Lahore

(Updated at 1020 PST)
LAHORE: The two top storeys of a residential building collapsed in Islamabad due to massive earthquake causing an unknown of number of casualties, witnesses said.

Hundreds of terrified onlookers watched as people tried to rescue those trapped and ambulances were seen rushing to the Margalla towers.

There were also reports of houses and structures collapsing in other northern cities and towns.

The quake, measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale hit Pakistan early on Saturday, causing widespread damage, officials and witnesses said.

"The earthquake measured 7.6 on the open ended Richter scale and its epicenter lay 100 kilometers (62 miles) north of Islamabad," Meteorological department official Mohammad Iqbal told foreign news agency.

The first tremor rumbled through the country at around 8:55 (4:55 GMT), followed by another after a few minutes.

Several shops reportedly collapsed in Shah Alami market and a market situated near Gora Pul area here followed by the strong quake.

Tremor hits Peshawar
(Updated at 0955 PST)
PESHAWAR: Strong tremor also hits Peshawar followed by Islamabad and Rawalpindi quake.

According to Geo correspondent from Peshawar, strong quake jolted Peshawar at 08:45 and 09:05 on Saturday morning. Potohar, Kashmir and Afghanistan also affected by the quake that lasts for 2 minutes.

Quake shakes parts of country including Islamabad
(Updated at 0930 PST)
ISLAMABAD: Strong intensity quake jolts Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta and other parts of country. No casualty has been reported so far.

Quake jolted Islamabad and Rawalpindi at 08: 53 am that lasts for 23 seconds followed by several aftershocks. Officials are colleting data.Intensity of the tremor measured 7.6 at Richter scale. According to reports, people running out of their homes in panic.

Waseem said:
Quetta(Balochistan), Sindh are pretty much safe (shukar hia Allah ka), Multan, Lahore, Faisalabad, Toba Tek singh, Jhang etc suffered very minimal damage but Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Kashmir, Mansehra, Skardu, other parts of NWFP suffered heavy losses.

from CNN news reports it seems that some parts of Islamabad are majorly affected and others are ok.
pic from BBC

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AstragfruAllah I had lots of Family in Pakistan, I am trying to call but the lines dont work over there. Does anyone has contact in Pakistan via the phone.
GEO is showing distressing pictures of people being brought out from the rubble. Also showing office workers and student etc standing on the roads as they are too afriad to go back to buildings.

May ALLAH alleviate the suffering of these people - most of whom are fasting as well.
im trying to ring pakistan aswell, but i cant get through. most of my family are in jhelum and my uncle whos in the army, is in shinkiari, which is right next to mansehra, so im hoping hes fine
7.6 is categorized a major earthquake. The one in turkey a couple of years ago (killed about 20,000) was around that mark. So far it appears we've been relatively lucky though there have been losses. Another thing is that the aftershocks can result in another earthquake of some intensity at a later date.
Just recieved an email from Lahore - Mashallah, Alhmadolillah, all my relatives are fine and Lahore seems to have escaped the brunt of the earthquake.
I have just seen this pictures on the BBC. Looks like rubble everywhere. 7.6 is a huge earthquake (big as the one in kobe). Lets all hope casulites are to a minimum.:59:
Ok one question to advocates of Pakistan getting developed. The ass of a government sucks at crisis management. Police came 40 minutes after the tower collapsed, when they came they started to panic and coulent regain their composure for like one hour. Fire brigade no where in sight even 5 hours after the tragedy. The police and crisis management cell doesnt have bulldozers, cranes and cutters to dig up the rubble so what they do is appeal to the local businessmen who are into construction government to come and help them. Is this how common man is treated? When Musharaff is supposed to tour somewhere we see police 24 hours before he even arives and over here an hour passed and no sign of help from government to the people. Truely disgracefull.
We managed to contact our family in Lahore and they are all fine, i thought it wasn't that bad in Lahore but according to them lots of buildings have been collapsed and it was clearly felt in Lahore and it was pretty bad.
Nauman it's not a hidden fact that aurhorities are slow to respond in Pakistan but trust me it's not as bad as you have mentioned. I was watching it LIVE just 30 minutes after it happened and response was relatively quick, i saw army, civil defence, ambulances etc arriving there pretty quickly. You cna't expect everyone to be there within 10-15 minutes but they have excellent setup at least in Islamabad (maragalla towers location) with field hospitals, about 40 ambulances ready, helicopters, cranes, army and thousands of civilians carrying out relief efforts.
I can't say too much about remote areas and villages though.
SkyNews claims upto a 1000 dead in the Earthquake today! Not sure if all casualties are in Pakistan but great tragedy whatsoever
MenInGreen said:
Inna lillahi Wa Inna ilahi Rajiyoon - May ALLAH forgive the sins of departed and provide solace to the survivors, Ameen
this is terrible
in jhelum ive just rang my rellys and fmaily they show building sshaking some single sotreys have collapsed but is ok
Bhaiyo, as they say, bus Dua Ka Waqt hai! Allah Khair Karay, Ameen!
i dont want to jump on the bandwagoon here

but why hasnt musharraf made a statment neither haa aukat aziz,
I am always reminded of the following Surah from The Quraan Majeed:


Total Verses: 8
Revealed At: MAKKA

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

YUSUFALI: When the earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion,
PICKTHAL: When Earth is shaken with her (final) earthquake
SHAKIR: When the earth is shaken with her (violent) shaking,

YUSUFALI: And the earth throws up her burdens (from within),
PICKTHAL: And Earth yieldeth up her burdens,
SHAKIR: And the earth brings forth her burdens,

YUSUFALI: And man cries (distressed): 'What is the matter with her?'-
PICKTHAL: And man saith: What aileth her?
SHAKIR: And man says: What has befallen her?

YUSUFALI: On that Day will she declare her tidings:
PICKTHAL: That day she will relate her chronicles,
SHAKIR: On that day she shall tell her news,

YUSUFALI: For that thy Lord will have given her inspiration.
PICKTHAL: Because thy Lord inspireth her.
SHAKIR: Because your Lord had inspired her.

YUSUFALI: On that Day will men proceed in companies sorted out, to be shown the deeds that they (had done).
PICKTHAL: That day mankind will issue forth in scattered groups to be shown their deeds.
SHAKIR: On that day men shall come forth in sundry bodies that they may be shown their works.

YUSUFALI: Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it!
PICKTHAL: And whoso doeth good an atom's weight will see it then,
SHAKIR: So. he who has done an atom's weight of good shall see it

YUSUFALI: And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it.
PICKTHAL: And whoso doeth ill an atom's weight will see it then.
SHAKIR: And he who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it.


May Allah have his mercy on our people, Ameen!
May our country rise to the occasion and overcome this great tragedy. My prayers are with everyone and wish sabr to all affected.
It is the worst natural disaster in the history of Pakistan. Time to show unity despite our differences. May Allah keep us safe as there are predictions of further shocks within next 48 hours
phone lines all swamped now.

the death toll is a major under-estimate. earth quakes are not localised - all populated areas within a certai radius will be affected.

lets say that is a population of 10 million maximum. all things equal, at a very small fraction of those effected, the numbers will be higher than those mooted about.

a real tragedy, enough to give the most self centered person, some perspective
just heard the news :(
hope my relatives in pak are ok :(
According to ary, many many villages have been wiped out. Death toll will rise drastically.
Adeel786 said:
According to ary, many many villages have been wiped out. Death toll will rise drastically.

oh no most my family live in villages in AK:(
Northern area is the most effected area. approximately 75 villages have been wiped out(according to dr shahid on ary). Margala building in islamabad has been disolved into earth. Only top floors are appearing on the earth.
Nauman said:
All communication links to northern areas and kashmir are down.

Nauman, are you in Islamabad, and if so, which sector?

Now phone lines are swamped - but it seems email is still working?
fair_play said:
Nauman, are you in Islamabad, and if so, which sector?

Now phone lines are swamped - but it seems email is still working?

I live in F-7/3 Islamabad, phone lines around seem to be fine but mobile network seems to be jammed because of high traffic.
is water supply disrupted etc?

just thinking of those thousands of miles of underground pipes.....
just seen it on bbc

i like one comment with each rescue the rescuers come with more enthusaism

(that wat the apksiatni spirits about)

not like musharraf hide away till its safer