4 Pakistani players that refused Mazhar Majeed


Local Club Captain
Feb 21, 2012
According a representative of Afridi, he had voiced his concerns about Mazhar Majeed – who had approached Pakistan's players – in June.[46] Majeed also confirmed that he approached Afridi, Abdul Razzaq, Younis Khan and Saeed Ajmal but all off them refused to be affiliated with him of his fixing menace. Worth mentioning is that the four names given above were not associated in the original scandal and that no disciplinary action have been taken against them by the sports governing body the International Cricket Council.[

What I want to know is why didn't any of the 4 go to PCB or the police and complain that Mazhar Majeed is doing this?

I'm actually feeling angry at these 4 because let's face it if the trio didn't get caught than Mazhar would have gotten away easily.

Afridi could have gone to Police or whatever when Mazhar apporached him, why didn't he?

Where do you stand on this?
What I want to know is why didn't any of the 4 go to PCB or the police and complain that Mazhar Majeed is doing this?

I'm actually feeling angry at these 4 because let's face it if the trio didn't get caught than Mazhar would have gotten away easily.

Afridi could have gone to Police or whatever when Mazhar apporached him, why didn't he?

Where do you stand on this?

as butt mafia is blaming afridi for the leaking to the media, so i think afridi did the right thing, they had to be caught red handed.
Sometimes it's not as easy as going to the police or the officials/management without genuine and proper evidence. Maybe the 4 just didn't trust him but couldn't do anything else as they didn't have proof he was a fixer.
as butt mafia is blaming afridi for the leaking to the media, so i think afridi did the right thing, they had to be caught red handed.

Afridi didn't leak anything, it was the video evidence of the no balls and the mazhar video with him dealing with money, that got the trio jailed.
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Afridi , Younis are veterans of this dirty game.they are playing for a decade and half. They knew everything about fixing.how it happens and who are responsible for it like mazhar majeed
I think players from SC get these offers quite frequently,so they might've thought abt him that he is just a wanna be fixer 'no big deal!
I'm assuming one of them leaked all this to NOTW. Do you think they approached Mazhar Majeed without even the slightest idea of him being a fixer?
I'm assuming one of them leaked all this to NOTW. Do you think they approached Mazhar Majeed without even the slightest idea of him being a fixer?

well the video of him dealing the money was first leaked, u totally forgot about that?
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What I want to know is why didn't any of the 4 go to PCB or the police and complain that Mazhar Majeed is doing this?

I'm actually feeling angry at these 4 because let's face it if the trio didn't get caught than Mazhar would have gotten away easily.

Afridi could have gone to Police or whatever when Mazhar apporached him, why didn't he?

Where do you stand on this?

These bookie scoundrels are heavily connected.

To the point where lives are at state *thinks cronge*
Why do you guys think given up the captaincy while the whole team going the other way of make money ?
@Legend Ali. Whomever leaked the info regarding Mazhar and the trio to the media, NOTW then went undercover and the Mazhar Majeed infamous video was broadcast.

Leak > Evidence > Broadcast > Sentenced!
u dont know how islam works? well afridi in the interview stated that his brothers and dad sat down with him and told him thats not the way we live life, his dad was very religious, i dont think afridi turned religious over night, but the incident was a start to him becoming a religious man.

None of us know how hinduism works, why the harsh tone :ahmed

Anyway, I'm glad Afridi found his way back but we're getting very offtopic here. I dont think the players contacted the authorities because the Mafia behind these bookies is really strong, and none of the players wanted to be the ones to bite the bullet. These guys can haunt you and your family until you die, think Cronje
Lets be clear - pls only state that has been proven etc

Have deleted a whole bunch of rubbish posts
I think players from SC get these offers quite frequently,so they might've thought abt him that he is just a wanna be fixer 'no big deal!

No. I'm pretty sure that the four mentioned are pretty honourable, just like the rest of the Pakistan team, which is why they rejected the offer. Younis and Afridi might be average players but I wouldn't doubt their integrity, Ajmal, well this guy has an amazing character.
You are basing the question on the assumption that we are talking about a functional Cricket Board and Team Management.
what happened to rashid latif when he tried to blew the whistle? he was dropped and missed much of his prime. Why would Younis or Afridi want to destroy their carrears?

If i was in their place, i would keep my mouth shut too. I do not want anyone threatning my family or destroying my carrear. The problem is PCB is a corrupt board and its THEIR FAULT.
Afridi didn't leak anything, it was the video evidence of the no balls and the mazhar video with him dealing with money, that got the trio jailed.

I think he informed Jang`s Majid Bhatti who notified the guy who did the sting operation working for NOTW or something .

And I agree with the post above me . Maybe they had their reasons , who are we to judge ? At least , they were honest enough to not get involved .
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Former cricket agent Mazhar Majeed walking in with Amir Khan ahead of his fight yesterday with Kell Brook <a href="https://t.co/Ps1i3t3AtU">pic.twitter.com/Ps1i3t3AtU</a></p>— Saj Sadiq (@SajSadiqCricket) <a href="https://twitter.com/SajSadiqCricket/status/1495340492376182784?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 20, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
This is so weird. Why is this guy even allowed to be near any professional athlete?
Credit to Mazhar, despite being a convicted criminal he still has access to the front lines of multi million pound sporting events.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Former cricket agent Mazhar Majeed walking in with Amir Khan ahead of his fight yesterday with Kell Brook <a href="https://t.co/Ps1i3t3AtU">pic.twitter.com/Ps1i3t3AtU</a></p>— Saj Sadiq (@SajSadiqCricket) <a href="https://twitter.com/SajSadiqCricket/status/1495340492376182784?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 20, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

What a strange plot twist this was.

Incredible that he's still getting about at such a high level.