Any Programmers here?


Local Club Star
Nov 8, 2011
Does anyone here program, if so what language do you use

I am taking a Programming class in school, and we are learning Visual Basic language
Does anyone here program, if so what language do you use

I am taking a Programming class in school, and we are learning Visual Basic language

Learn OO fundamentals, RDBMS, Architecture...don't go for leaning languages.

If you basics are correct, then any language is not tough to master. But I come from old school of there can be people here, who can guide you with latest trend.
c, Java mainly........... and a bit of scheme

various other "fun" languages
Working as Oracle HRMS Tech-Func consultant + Oracle ADF Architect/Developer. So I end up using Java a lot. Besides, I also have to use PL/SQL, Unix Shell scripting etc.

As someone said above, OOPS and RDBMS concepts would get you further. Picking up a language isnt difficult. But VB is neither classified as an OO language nor as a procedural one. Its an event-driven programming language and structurally and syntactically very different from the C-based languages (C++, Java, C#). The languages of choice for the two competiting platforms (.NET and J2EE) today are C# and Java. With VB, you would largely be confined to maintenance and enhancement of legacy systems.
Visual Basic isn't exactly a programing language. When I was at college it was quite a relief working on visual basic from pascal, c and c++. Although I'm an IT graduate and have done my MSc in the same field. I totally hate programming, I have programmingphobia. I prefer the system analyst / Project Management side of IT.
Not really. Isn't J++ really old or something?

Not even invented till now. The story goes something like this -

"I was interviewing a potential candidate for a developer, and under the section languages he had C, C++, JAVA, JAVA++. The moment I saw JAVA++, I knew he needs to be shown the door. But to make him understand his mistake, I drilled him on JAVA++, like asking question where did you learned the language, what academic projects have you done in JAVA++. After some time, he confessed, he thought if there is C++ after C, then there should be JAVA++ after JAVA."

Just attended my programming class yesterday.Introduction to C.

Im new to the field of IT.
Just attended my programming class yesterday.Introduction to C.

Im new to the field of IT.

C is awesome.You learn C,you can master pretty much every language under the sun.Plus some system level and embedded projects still use C.
Java, C,C#, just started learning R for my research projects. Seems fun
Not even invented till now. The story goes something like this -

"I was interviewing a potential candidate for a developer, and under the section languages he had C, C++, JAVA, JAVA++. The moment I saw JAVA++, I knew he needs to be shown the door. But to make him understand his mistake, I drilled him on JAVA++, like asking question where did you learned the language, what academic projects have you done in JAVA++. After some time, he confessed, he thought if there is C++ after C, then there should be JAVA++ after JAVA."


there did exist an offshoot of Java called Visual J++ developed by MS but they discontinued it.
anyone can learn a programming language, it's not rocket science. The trick is, what all you can do with it. Essentials like design patterns, architecture and algorithms. those are must!
if you know C its more than enough , you can learn any language within 2 or 3 weeks..

and visual basic is for kids :facepalm:
I used to be one till 2002-2003. I started doing programming in MFC (VC++) and then moved to Java.

But like many posters have mentioned, the first things to learn is the concept of programming instead of language.

If you can program in seudo code, you can be a good programmer too.

Basically, you should be clear on corner stones of programming (OOPS). They are more or less same in all languages.

Secondly, one more tip for potential IT career seekers. The days are gone when most IT services companies were looking for good programers with language skills. Now its the age of packaged softwares. No customer wants to develop anything from scratch. It's costly and not effective.

So it's a good idea to know and align yourself to some good product with base language skill which will take you long in today's IT market.
Did some programming during university(lots of programming modules in Electrical Engineering). Started off with Matlab which I had no prior experience with and fell in love with it immediately(I love math), then moved on to C++ which I had plenty of experience with from back in Pakistan. Then came the biggest pain in the ass of them all, assembly language, spanning a bunch of mandatory modules over an entire year, and I thoroughly despised every second of it. Also worked with VB 6 back in high school in Pakistan and then in a soft course in LUMS to boost my GPA, another language I like.
For those who have experience programming in C, what are the key differences between it and C++ and what advantages, if any, does one offer over the other? What I do know is that they're mutually intelligible(don't know the programming term for it.. lol) and that C++ was developed from C. A friend of mine outsourced a major project back in college for a C++ module to another friend of his who made the whole thing in C and he got into a lot of trouble for it.
For those who have experience programming in C, what are the key differences between it and C++ and what advantages, if any, does one offer over the other? What I do know is that they're mutually intelligible(don't know the programming term for it.. lol) and that C++ was developed from C. A friend of mine outsourced a major project back in college for a C++ module to another friend of his who made the whole thing in C and he got into a lot of trouble for it.

The main difference is C is driven by functions and C++ is driven by objects....
Have tried some very old languages like GW Basic, DBase, Foxpro, Clipper, Cobol.

Nowadays my most work is in Java, C# and PowerBuilder.
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Have tried some very old languages like GW Basic, DBase, Foxpro, Clipper, Cobol.

Nowadays my most work is in Java, C# and PowerBuilder.

COBOL - The best of the lot, if you know english and can read it, you can code !!
@Velu and @Garuda

From your posts you seem like oldies in this field.For some time I am in a serious dilema. Few questions.
How does Android fare when it comes to availability of jobs and salary?
How easy is switching technology?Can I change from Android to J2EE or any other technology while changing my job without prior experience? experience being the key word..If that is possible is J2EE a good choice?What is its future?
@Velu and @Garuda

From your posts you seem like oldies in this field.For some time I am in a serious dilema. Few questions.
How does Android fare when it comes to availability of jobs and salary?
How easy is switching technology?Can I change from Android to J2EE or any other technology while changing my job without prior experience? experience being the key word..If that is possible is J2EE a good choice?What is its future?

i am not a oldie

in my first company i worked in protocol stack ( we used mostly C and little C++ ) and then i moved to storage ( C and little PERL) , so i never got a chance to work in other language..

anyway C is a must for all system programmers but i find language is irrelevant for any good programmer :afridi

switching between platforms is different from switchung domains which shld be avoided..
ex:- moving between symbian , iOS or Android is ok , but moving between diff domains like banking , mobiles , n.wking is not a good thing for someone who is interested in technical side
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@Velu and @Garuda

From your posts you seem like oldies in this field.For some time I am in a serious dilema. Few questions.
How does Android fare when it comes to availability of jobs and salary?
How easy is switching technology?Can I change from Android to J2EE or any other technology while changing my job without prior experience? experience being the key word..If that is possible is J2EE a good choice?What is its future?
First of all Technology is transient. You do not make a career on a technology, rather you do it on a domain or business.

People who were J2EE experts were in demand once and now not so much. There were time when SAP experts were able to demand salary much higher than other techies but time changed.

So, instead of being an Android expert, you should be an mobile apps expert (with the knowledge of current technology used). Which is to expand in the direction of

1. How mobile apps are evolving and how the business is using/planning to use mobile apps.
2. The use of mobile apps to different kind of business i.e. Banking, retail or telecom etc.

The mobile/tablet industry will keep on changing and evolving to newer levels each month and with your experience, you would need to provide more value to this industry rather than writing an application on a particular OS.

So, bottomline, yes, technology is easy and you can change from one to other sooner. But your domain expertise is what will move you faster towards higher roles.

I have been in e-commerce for last 13 years and this industry is changing every year. Also the technology. I get hired for my e-commerce domain expertise than which technology I used.
Worked with C++ at college...boy is it DIFFICULT or what. I couldn't get to grips with it. From then on I knew programming is not for me.
Visual Basic is fun. You can write very powerful excel macros knowing this language.

But as mentioned before , start with C learn the programming basics like functions , loops etc. before move to high level languages , master oops in and out. Identifyin the proper design patterns are all that matters. Then you can learn any language. It's just the syntax which changes. C# and java are some very powerful languages out there with so many options available in Jsp j2ee mvc frameworks to name a few.

Having worked with various programming languages , I'd have to say JavaScript is my favourite. It's not as simple as people think. Prototype pattern , mvvm , closures , node , mustache , backbone are some of the coolest things ever.
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Java, C, C++, C#, Python, PHP.

As some others mentioned, you want to learn to fundamentals of programming first, such as OOP, architecture, design patterns etc. Once you learn those, learning a new programming language is easy.
i work as a web developer, and use PHP, javascript and SQL in the office (Android work has also started). my final year project and another project have been developed in JAVA and the target platform was Android. I developed a search spider in a mix of C and C++. I developed a gpa calculator in JAVA so that i could learn it.
i have programmed in assembly in the uni and even used it later on my own when i was learning about how to develop an operating system.

if you want to learn programming, the most important part is to be able to come up with the logic of the program ie, how will the program work, and what the flow of execution will be. you may be able to code, but if you can not make the logic then that is of no use. you must be able to come up with logic on the fly, and that requires alot of practice. so i say practice alot and train your mind to think like a programmer.
Anyone used Matlab before? I need to generate a 3Hz sine wave and plot the freq spectrum

First thing to do was generate a 3Hz sine wave for a 5 sec duration so I did this (1024 being the freq sample):


Next thing to do is apply the FFT and plot freq spectrum but not sure how to do that, any help much appreciated
How does one program?? I am taking an introductory computer course and it all looks gibberish.

Ive come to the conclusion that successful programers are only made if they start out young.
Anyone used Matlab before? I need to generate a 3Hz sine wave and plot the freq spectrum

First thing to do was generate a 3Hz sine wave for a 5 sec duration so I did this (1024 being the freq sample):


Next thing to do is apply the FFT and plot freq spectrum but not sure how to do that, any help much appreciated

I've worked with Neural and Image Processing kits of MATLAB but you are supposed to pass your signal through something like Answer=fft(Y); for having Fourier Transformation.

For more help:
How does one program?? I am taking an introductory computer course and it all looks gibberish.

Ive come to the conclusion that successful programers are only made if they start out young.

Start learning C++ through any speed-tutorial like this one:

You wont be able to program a modern day windows application using such C++ alone, but that will give you a fair bit of programming basics. However, you can code on few programmable boards (like Arduino Uno).

But if you are actually determined to create windows applications, you should cover this speedy-tutorial of Object-Oriented Programming, the pattern that nearly most of modern-day languages follows (Java, C# etc)

After that, you are ready to learn platform-specific languages.

If you are willing to create cross platform applications then you should start learning java in depth.
You'll review few of basic programming and OOP constructs again but from java point-of-view, and as you'll proceed further, you'll learn advanced concepts like creating windows, placing buttons, loading images etc.
This tutorial can take you through the java course:

You can also learn android programming after java (as its mostly java based) but I would skip it for now as there are much complications learning that.

another route that you can take after learning OOP is to learn C# (Which is super-easy, but only limited to windows PC/phones).
You can start from here, Keep in mind that although its easy, learning such a huge language is time-consuming as it covers most aspects of programming (Old Windows, Modern Windows Metro UI, Mobile, Web etc)
OR here's the basic one not covering much except the basics and bit of windows programming

OR if you are interested in creating websites after OOP, you can learn following languages in order
HTML->CSS->JavaScript (Got nothing to do Java except for few cosmetics reasons)->PHP->MySQL
This book can cover such topics in a moderate way (with addition of jQuery, an extended type of javascript you can say):

This should cover your basic web development. But web is a real real large field and new things coming almost every month. So in order to be atleast a decent web developer, you need to learn following add-ons along with those basics.

jQuery, AJAX, JSON, AngulrJS etc <- Big bros of javascripts, let you not re-invent the wheels in javascript.
Bootstrap, Material Design <- Big bros of CSS, same as above for css.
CodeIgniter, Laravel etc <- Big bros of Php, same as above for php.
Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Vbulliten (the one this forum is made of) <- Few very large readymade tools to kickstart your common sites.
Phaser, MelonJs etc <- To create web-based games.
and more..

I am not giving links of these because they vary alot. But once you are done with your basic web, you will know your way.

And as far as age is concerned, you are right. Most of the programming basics that I learnt was pre 10 grade. I had so much free time back then that I used to sit and read programming books whole day. Its much difficult to find time when you get old. But as long as you got a strong will, nothing is impossible..
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Anyone used Matlab before? I need to generate a 3Hz sine wave and plot the freq spectrum

First thing to do was generate a 3Hz sine wave for a 5 sec duration so I did this (1024 being the freq sample):


Next thing to do is apply the FFT and plot freq spectrum but not sure how to do that, any help much appreciated

bro please teach me matlab. I don't know how I got trapped into this coding shoding as I thought my major has nothing to do with it, but all the grad students keep scaring us that if you don't know matlab by final year then good luck.
bro please teach me matlab. I don't know how I got trapped into this coding shoding as I thought my major has nothing to do with it, but all the grad students keep scaring us that if you don't know matlab by final year then good luck.

Am a jobber me self, only know a few basics but post any question in this thread and we'll try our best to answer. But the best resource to learn it is from the mathswork website/forum, they tend to answer questions swiftly and help tackle specific issues; other then that just use the software to code, practice and watch videos etc the course material u get should be more then enough
Am a jobber me self, only know a few basics but post any question in this thread and we'll try our best to answer. But the best resource to learn it is from the mathswork website/forum, they tend to answer questions swiftly and help tackle specific issues; other then that just use the software to code, practice and watch videos etc the course material u get should be more then enough

Yeah i used mathswork and the like, but for this one module any questions you try and google you can't find on that site, you have to pay or some bs.

Basically you have to write a nested loop for a double summation. From i = 1 to a user input number s, and then from j = 1 to a user input number t.

This is the info they give you:

function summationResult = DoubleSum(s, t)
% s: First summation limit (i = 1 to s)
% t: Second summation limit (j = 1 to t)

summationResult = 0;

% Write two nested for loops to calculate the double summation
% summationResult = summationResult + (i * j);


The last comment throws me off, like if you put that at the end of the first loop, how the hell did you get i and summationResult
Yeah i used mathswork and the like, but for this one module any questions you try and google you can't find on that site, you have to pay or some bs.

Basically you have to write a nested loop for a double summation. From i = 1 to a user input number s, and then from j = 1 to a user input number t.

This is the info they give you:

function summationResult = DoubleSum(s, t)
% s: First summation limit (i = 1 to s)
% t: Second summation limit (j = 1 to t)

summationResult = 0;

% Write two nested for loops to calculate the double summation
% summationResult = summationResult + (i * j);


The last comment throws me off, like if you put that at the end of the first loop, how the hell did you get i and summationResult

what in the blue hell is that :))) sorry buddy am not sure very bad at the loops to, have you posted it on mathswork? they always know the answer 9 times out of 10.

[MENTION=139108]Sachin136[/MENTION] is good at coding he might be able to help you
Yeah i used mathswork and the like, but for this one module any questions you try and google you can't find on that site, you have to pay or some bs.

Basically you have to write a nested loop for a double summation. From i = 1 to a user input number s, and then from j = 1 to a user input number t.

This is the info they give you:

function summationResult = DoubleSum(s, t)
% s: First summation limit (i = 1 to s)
% t: Second summation limit (j = 1 to t)

summationResult = 0;

% Write two nested for loops to calculate the double summation
% summationResult = summationResult + (i * j);


The last comment throws me off, like if you put that at the end of the first loop, how the hell did you get i and summationResult

Don't know MATLAB but if I understand your question correctly, your function should look like this:

summationResult = 0;
for i = 1:s
for j = 1:t
summationResult = summationResult + (i * j);
Yeah i used mathswork and the like, but for this one module any questions you try and google you can't find on that site, you have to pay or some bs.

Basically you have to write a nested loop for a double summation. From i = 1 to a user input number s, and then from j = 1 to a user input number t.

This is the info they give you:

function summationResult = DoubleSum(s, t)
% s: First summation limit (i = 1 to s)
% t: Second summation limit (j = 1 to t)

summationResult = 0;

% Write two nested for loops to calculate the double summation
% summationResult = summationResult + (i * j);


The last comment throws me off, like if you put that at the end of the first loop, how the hell did you get i and summationResult

what in the blue hell is that :))) sorry buddy am not sure very bad at the loops to, have you posted it on mathswork? they always know the answer 9 times out of 10.

[MENTION=139108]Sachin136[/MENTION] is good at coding he might be able to help you

s = input('Please enter the first summation limit');
t = input('Please enter the second summation limit');

result = DoubleSum(s,t)

function summationResult = DoubleSum(s, t)
summationResult= 0;

for i=1:s
for j=1:t
summationResult = summationResult + (i * j);
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[MENTION=139108]Sachin136[/MENTION] and [MENTION=139682]LastManstanding[/MENTION] have u tried giving machine learning a try ?
what in the blue hell is that :))) sorry buddy am not sure very bad at the loops to, have you posted it on mathswork? they always know the answer 9 times out of 10.

[MENTION=139108]Sachin136[/MENTION] is good at coding he might be able to help you

lmao same reaction :))

thankfully it's a completion grade, so doesn't matter if I botch it.

[MENTION=139682]LastManstanding[/MENTION] [MENTION=139108]Sachin136[/MENTION]

Thanks guys, both of your codes worked, answer was supposed to be 18 when you plug in (2, 3) and I was getting something else.

I had this:

summationResult = 0;
for (i = 1:s)
summationResult + (i * j)
for (j = 1:t)

When I should've had the statement at the end of the 2nd loop.

Please take this class for me.
This question is a little out of place here but since this is mostly programmer talk so some of you may know the answer

I want to know how much is the browsing/streaming affected by the latency of the Internet connection?

Option 1) 8mb Internet but pings are 280–300ms to Google and Facebook (vdsl)
Option 2) 6mb Internet but pings to Facebook and Google are 2–4ms (fiber)
I'm currently on option 1 but will switching to options 2 improve the Internet surfing and browsing? Is the trade off of bandwidth for ping worth it?
C, C++ during college days.

Java and Python mainly at work.

Started using Go language recently.