Azhar Ali's fitness thread!


First Class Captain
Feb 20, 2009
Who's with me who believe that Azhar Ali's fitness level is not good considering his age?
yeah he's playing good but he's bit chubby... i mean u can't see him making quick moves.. if this goes on then we will have another MoYo in the end :(
yeah he's playing good but he's bit chubby... i mean u can't see him making quick moves.. if this goes on then we will have another MoYo in the end :(

You don't want him to be another MoYo?
haha just forget about it man..this is diet no fitness..we just produce incredibly talented players..none of this fitness and muscle stuff
He played 175 balls..Give the man a break if he does look a little tired.
You don't want him to be another MoYo?

No, I want him to be a Hussy, Ponting or Sachin. MoYo is unfit kind of a player.. A batting Shoaib Akhtar..

It's muscle. Azhar Ali is all man baby.

muscle wont stop u from moving quickly..

He played 175 balls..Give the man a break if he does look a little tired.

No, I noticed it very early in the innings.. whenever he came on front-foot against Bishoo, he couldn't got back smoothly..
No, I noticed it very early in the innings.. whenever he came on front-foot against Bishoo, he couldn't got back smoothly..

Maybe theres a problem with his technique and how he approaches Spinners? :S
He's not even fat, he's seems pretty ripped tbh
lol, as far as I know Azhar has worked very hard on his fitness and continues todo so. Just because he looks sorta big, doesn't mean he isn't fit.
his fitness is fine, he's just very broad.

his throwing arm is weak though.
sahi to bhaag raha tha, need a proper partner for that as well :umarakmal
it's not weight issues, he just isn't that efficient against spin.

needs to work on it.
Azhar has got pecs ... I don't know what you're talking about unless you want everyone to look like Amir did. Fitness does not equal being slightly built.
Azhar has got pecs ... I don't know what you're talking about unless you want everyone to look like Amir did. Fitness does not equal being slightly built.
Shane Watson, Andrew Symonds, Mitchell and Tremlett have pecs. If Azhar does have pecs he also has a layer of fat on them aswell.
Azhar Ali - Model of fitness?

I'm not complaining about Azhar Ali being captain. He is sane, sensible, somewhat better groomed than Akmal and co and has a solid defense. However what does it say about our priorities for fitness when our captain is carrying an extra 15 Kgs, has a double chin, and way too much flab? Is this the kind of role models we want? Young guys in the prime of their lives who don't have the dedication to shape up for international sports? Just compare this fitness with that of the Aussies who were all looking lean and really up for it in the world cup.
He's one of the fittest cricketers in Pakistan cricket.

In better shape than several of the squad who went to the World Cup.
He's not even overweight though?
He's average, not slim, not fat.
A good fielder though who moves well, and as mentioned above me has a safe pair of hands.
If he passes the fitness test, doesn't matter what his body shape is like.

Jacque Kallis was always chubby, but was fit most of the time in his career.

Now if you're body is fit looking but you're still failing fitness tests like some of our youngsters, then we have a problem.
My point was that barely passing the fitness should not be the example being set. Modern day cricketers are becoming supreme athletes but some our players look like they will run 100m in 16 seconds.
Other than playing cricket the two concerns I have come across so far are:
1. does he pack an extra 15 kgs
2. can he speak english

any others? :inti
He seems quite fit to me? It might just be his build - not everyone is tall / lanky, but he's not out of shape
I'm not complaining about Azhar Ali being captain. He is sane, sensible, somewhat better groomed than Akmal and co and has a solid defense. However what does it say about our priorities for fitness when our captain is carrying an extra 15 Kgs, has a double chin, and way too much flab? Is this the kind of role models we want? Young guys in the prime of their lives who don't have the dedication to shape up for international sports? Just compare this fitness with that of the Aussies who were all looking lean and really up for it in the world cup.

I think that you are mistaken about fitness. Azhar is pretty fit and safe fielder
hey misbah ul haq was phenomenally fit and a safe fielder and we still had the likes of nasir jamshed on the team who said crap like they lost strength and batting form because they improved fitness :facepalm:

No Azhar Ali is not out of shape OP is exaggerating making him seem like a combination of :inzi and how Shane Warne looked this morning after consuming 100s of "drinks". Average shape. No need to overthink this.
2. can he speak english

This sure is inferiority complex. I wounder you elect your MNA based on this criteria.

When is speaking English is prerequisite of playing cricket? We should be proud of what we are not what we speak, we are from Pakistan and English is not our language and not speaking it should not be any embarrassment for anyone.
This sure is inferiority complex. I wounder you elect your MNA based on this criteria.

When is speaking English is prerequisite of playing cricket? We should be proud of what we are not what we speak, we are from Pakistan and English is not our language and not speaking it should not be any embarrassment for anyone.

I think he was kidding man but yea this inferiority complex has gone too far.

It's especially annoying because no SC player will EVER have passable English according to English speakers until unless he lived outside the SC. The only SC player in the history of the game who could pass and be respected for his English was Imran Khan and even he now has an accent.
Will go down as a Pakistan great. I'm firmly behind him.

Plenty of humble pies will be served.
not the worst fielder but he has to improve his game TREMENDOUSLY now as he is going to be in prime focus.
He's playing cricket not modelling. He does not have to have washboard abs. A lot goes into a persona appearance than just fitness ie genetics. And abs and muscles don't mean fitness. He has good mobility and is a good archer
Ppl finding different ways to target azhar ali just because their fanboy favourite are not even in the frame running for captaincy as contenders.. Must be stomach burning... He has maintained his physique and fitness despite playing only test cricket.. And we how many tests pak play per year .... Haters gonna hate I'm sure he will evolve as amla of too firmly behind kuptaan....Sums it all..
I think he was kidding man but yea this inferiority complex has gone too far.

It's especially annoying because no SC player will EVER have passable English according to English speakers until unless he lived outside the SC. The only SC player in the history of the game who could pass and be respected for his English was Imran Khan and even he now has an accent.

Lots of peopke with inferioriority complexes on pp, always point to inzi but id take 5 inzis again every day of the week english or no. We dont care weather the can give correct interviews or not as long as he wins us matches, and if u care abt English so much support England
He's one of the fittest cricketers in Pakistan cricket.

In better shape than several of the squad who went to the World Cup.

[MENTION=9]Saj[/MENTION] bhai, please maaf kardai. Sometimes you start defending unnecessary.

It is fact that Azhar does not possess athletic body and he is slow runner/sprinter. In test Matches he usually positioned at short leg/silly point/slip which hide his particular weakness but he will have to improve for ODIs.
If we can get NJ to play for Pakistan, I don't think Azhar will have any problems. :)
[MENTION=9]Saj[/MENTION] bhai, please maaf kardai. Sometimes you start defending unnecessary.

It is fact that Azhar does not possess athletic body and he is slow runner/sprinter. In test Matches he usually positioned at short leg/silly point/slip which hide his particular weakness but he will have to improve for ODIs.

Maybe because he is the only one with quick enough reflexes to actually catch at those positions?

Azhar is right up there with the best fielders playing for us. Certainly better than Ahmed 'dive over the ball' Shehzad.
Its hilarious how Azhar's haters are clutching at straws, that supposedly he cannot field well. :facepalm:
who's gonna field at short leg with him being captain. Asad Shafiq and who else?
who's gonna field at short leg with him being captain. Asad Shafiq and who else?

He is not a test captain yet, and short leg is not a common position in ODIs.
Dont think he is chubby or unfit. You can find faul with his ODI game and all but lets us not get into the fitness debate. We all know what high standards we have for fitness in our team. Azhar easily slips in the top ten percent, in my opinion.
Is it just me or is Asad looking much fitter in this series as well
Looks to have gained muscle mass. His arms are looking bigger.

How far about were these photos taken? It might just be a bad angle, but he looks fitter in the first one.
Dench Azhar Ali - Six off Ashwin in the final just an illustration that he has more power. Has improved in ODIs

Having said all that would have preference for Sharjeel in place of him.
How far about were these photos taken? It might just be a bad angle, but he looks fitter in the first one.

He posted the first one on his Instagram account 2 days ago and the second one was taken today at the Ronaldinho event.

I agree with you that it's probably just the angle in the second picture.
I rate Azhar as an extreme hard worker,These runs over the past year hasn't come from nothing,it's due to his fitness levels and how he works hard on his fitness which has given him sucsess
lmao some people here have no idea what fitness is. Bechara Azhar being labelled as chubby, fat etc.

Also it's hilarious that some of the same people who would jump to Amir's rescue in the other Essex pictures thread where his stomach is sticking out a bit defending him to be the next Mr. Olympia, are taking shots at Azhar here. Both are fine, Amir just needs to add a bit of muscle to his frame, Azhar seems to be going down that path, has posted vids before.

This team, with few exceptions, is way better than the 2012-2015 casual cricketer physiques we were carrying.

Think only Imad needs work. Fakhar, Babar, Azhar, Shobby, Shadab, Hasan, Rumman being prime examples.
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His fitness has improved a lot. He has the correct attitude and work ethic. Pakistans next generation of players can learn a lot from Azhar's attitude.
Azhar has worked hard on his fitness. Azhar has always idolize Misbah and Younis they were the fittest players
He's in fantastic shape now. His workout videos are very impressive too.
He posted the first one on his Instagram account 2 days ago and the second one was taken today at the Ronaldinho event.

I agree with you that it's probably just the angle in the second picture.

He's worked on his fitness and it shows- he has never been one to shy away from hard work and now he is reaping the rewards. Great to see. Mickey's no-nonsense approach to fitness also deserves praise.
lmao some people here have no idea what fitness is. Bechara Azhar being labelled as chubby, fat etc.

Also it's hilarious that some of the same people who would jump to Amir's rescue in the other Essex pictures thread where his stomach is sticking out a bit defending him to be the next Mr. Olympia, are taking shots at Azhar here. Both are fine, Amir just needs to add a bit of muscle to his frame, Azhar seems to be going down that path, has posted vids before.

This team, with few exceptions, is way better than the 2012-2015 casual cricketer physiques we were carrying.

Think only Imad needs work. Fakhar, Babar, Azhar, Shobby, Shadab, Hasan, Rumman being prime examples.

A lot of the credit for this goes to Mickey- he made fitness a big priority.
Azhar, despite his limitations in the shorter formats, is a world-class Test batsman and is the man to idolize. Hope the kids are watching.
Amazing fitness. When you have older men like Younis, Misbah, Shoaib and Afridi giving such importance to fitness, the younger lot surely follow.
Azhar learnt a lot from Younis. He imbibed his work ethics beautifully and that's why he is much leaner now and is a better player of spin now than when he started playing Test cricket.
Only if one Umar Akmal and similar mindless folks are observing this true gentleman's keenness to improve at any cost inspite of his own limitations and performing beyond those limitations then it will serve Pak cricket a long way.