Between 30 and 70 per cent of Canadians could get infected with Coronavirus - Health Minister


Tape Ball Regular
Nov 26, 2007

Between 30 and 70 per cent of Canadians could become infected with coronavirus, Patty Hajdu says

Between 30 per cent and 70 per cent of Canadians could become infected with the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19, federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu said Wednesday, but that number will depend on the scope and scale of the response to combat transmission.

The COVID-19 outbreak is a “national emergency and crisis," Ms. Hajdu told the House of Commons health committee, but public health officials say they won’t prohibit mass gatherings until the virus spreads more widely.

“There are a range of estimates, but I would say that it is safe to assume that it could be between 30 per cent of the population that acquire COVID-19 and 70 per cent of the population,” she said.

While most will recover, she said Canadians must work together to protect seniors, people with underlying conditions and other vulnerable groups.

Calls for limits on public gatherings intensified Wednesday amid news a Sudbury man who attended a major Toronto conference held by the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada tested positive for COVID-19. Unlike every other case identified in Ontario to this point, officials don’t know how or when the man became infected, but believe it was at the conference, meaning someone there was likely spreading the virus.

“What we are saying is that each case, it’s a case-by-case basis. It will depend on the kinds of risks in your community. It will depend on the number of cases in your community,” Ms. Hajdu told reporters Wednesday.

Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott said the province had no immediate plans to bring in tougher measures, such as banning large gatherings, closing schools or putting students returning from travel in isolation – at least until cases that cannot be linked to international travel or visitors emerge.

“We’re not at that stage yet,” Ms. Elliott said. “… We’re watching this very, very closely.”

David Fisman, an epidemiologist at the University of Toronto’s ***** Lana School of Public Health, said waiting to act before more cases pop up could put Canada in a situation similar to Italy, where the number of infections and deaths have spiralled out of control and forced the government to lock down the entire country.

Dr. Fisman said evidence shows countries that have adopted policies to keep people apart have been able to control the COVID-19 spread, while others, such as Iran, Italy and China, have faced massive outbreaks because of inaction.

“We have seen this play out,” Dr. Fisman said in an e-mail. “I am not sure why we need to reinvent the wheel.”

British epidemiologist Roy Anderson and colleagues wrote a commentary in the Lancet journal last week that highlighted how Singapore and Hong Kong, which both experienced the SARS epidemic in 2003, have done well this time despite their proximity and connections to mainland China.

Part of it comes down to swift action and clear messaging from authorities, Dr. Anderson said – but also to the fact that in both locations, people voluntarily and quickly changed their behaviour. He added that while governments must take the lead, “how individuals react to this is going to be more important. All of us have got to [keep our distance] … to try to flatten this epidemic.”

Bonnie Henry, B.C.'s Provincial Health Officer, said officials there are not ruling out anything, such as the cancellation of Easter church services or a delayed return to school after March break. It will all depend on what happens in the province in the next few weeks, she said.

“It’s not easy to say across the board everything should be cancelled because we want to continue with life as well,” Dr. Henry said.

Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, on Wednesday recommended all those who travel outside of Canada to limit their attendance at large public gatherings upon their return, and to self-monitor for symptoms. She said older people and people with underlying health conditions should think about the risks associated with mass gatherings, stopping short of advising against them.

The number of COVID-19 cases has increased dramatically in Canada in recent days, reaching more than 100 as of Wednesday. Those include the first cases on Vancouver Island and in New Brunswick.

Hamilton health officials said an oncologist tested positive for the virus after returning from a trip to Hawaii. The physician saw patients on the afternoon of March 9 at the Juravinski Cancer Centre before going to the emergency department to be tested. The hospital said public health officials are trying to contact all patients who were seen by the doctor.

The news that a man who attended the massive PDAC conference tested positive for the virus sent alarm bells across the country. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Doug Ford and several political and business leaders were at the conference. Health officials say attendees should monitor themselves for symptoms for the next two weeks.

Ontario Energy Minister Greg Rickford confirmed Wednesday the man’s entire office in Sudbury has shut down. Laurentian University also announced it is immediately suspending all in-person classes and will hold them online for the foreseeable future.

Janine McCready, an infectious diseases physician at Toronto’s Michael Garron Hospital, said the man’s case is concerning because officials have no idea how many others were potentially exposed.

Mr. Ford said Wednesday the province had put $100-million aside for the health system to deal with COVID-19.

“We have a plan for every scenario,” said Mr. Ford, who is scheduled to meet his fellow premiers in Ottawa on Thursday and Friday. “As I think we all agree … this isn’t a time for politics. This is a time that we stick together as a province, we stick together as a country.”
30% to 70% are staggering numbers, infact even 15% of the population getting infected is extremely high.

I request Admins to keep this as a separate thread for Canada-related news about the pandemic
OMG that's a large number but why don't they screen people aggressively ?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I am back in Canada, thank u all for the concern. I was troubled by the lack of screening <a href="">@TorontoPearson</a>. Only 1 Q on kiosk about travelling to high risk countries. No messaging about self-isolation. As <a href="">#CoronavirusOutbreak</a> continues we all need to be vigilant, stay safe all! <a href=""></a></p>— Travis Dhanraj (@Travisdhanraj) <a href="">March 16, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
This is absurd. You don't say these things until it happens. You do what you have to do but don't say in public to create a panic.
Unnecessary Chaos he is creating , his choice of words addressing to public is wrong.
Unnecessary Chaos he is creating , his choice of words addressing to public is wrong.

It's almost as if they want chaos and want a recession. You need 2 consecutive quarters with negative growth for recession, but this is a close to a confirmed recession as there is. Sad because the recession will probably do more damage to our population than Covid-19 ever would.
Thankfully the situation so far has been nowhere near as bad as the prediction by Patty Hajdu

Is the second wave inevitable in fall and winter?
One year has gone since then, and less than 5% of Canada's population had been infected at some point. More than 90% of those infected have recovered.

How do Canadian posters feel about the situation in Canada compared to USA?
One year has gone since then, and less than 5% of Canada's population had been infected at some point. More than 90% of those infected have recovered.

How do Canadian posters feel about the situation in Canada compared to USA?

Terrible. In Ontario, we're led by a couple of self-serving morons who are more keen on optics and political point-scoring than they are on actually overcoming this.

Theresa Tam is so out of her depth it's laughable. All the public gets is a lot fear-mongering and pessimism spread by this doctor, the fat man and the pretty boy

The first mistake was not setting up local manufacturing for the vaccine. Now we're out there begging looking like a third world country.

The second mistake was not picking a side. Sweden chose an approach and stayed true to it. Australia picked the opposite approach and stayed true to that.

In Ontario, we were neither here nor there. We had some of the most brainless lockdowns you will ever seen. We were in lockdown when cases were low early last summer. We were open when cases were high in November. Then December when businesses do well, we went into lockdown before Christmas to further destroy businesses and ruin people's morales.

Half the country lives in a 2 hour radius. Within that radius you had pockets that were on lockdown and pockets that were open. This approach made no sense because someone 5-10 minutes away from you could go on with their lives while you were told to remain under lockdown or to shut your business.

All we've gotten here is a lot of fear mongering and the two political parties playing the optics games. Doug Ford will tell us we had lower cases than America but the Liberals couldn't get us vaccines. Trudeau will tell us we had lower deaths than America. Meanwhile we barely have any vaccines and are supposedly in the 3rd wave with ridiculous lockdown rules.

This is why "Thank you Modi" billboards are up. Because we look like a 3rd world country now.
Terrible. In Ontario, we're led by a couple of self-serving morons who are more keen on optics and political point-scoring than they are on actually overcoming this.

Theresa Tam is so out of her depth it's laughable. All the public gets is a lot fear-mongering and pessimism spread by this doctor, the fat man and the pretty boy

The first mistake was not setting up local manufacturing for the vaccine. Now we're out there begging looking like a third world country.

The second mistake was not picking a side. Sweden chose an approach and stayed true to it. Australia picked the opposite approach and stayed true to that.

In Ontario, we were neither here nor there. We had some of the most brainless lockdowns you will ever seen. We were in lockdown when cases were low early last summer. We were open when cases were high in November. Then December when businesses do well, we went into lockdown before Christmas to further destroy businesses and ruin people's morales.

Half the country lives in a 2 hour radius. Within that radius you had pockets that were on lockdown and pockets that were open. This approach made no sense because someone 5-10 minutes away from you could go on with their lives while you were told to remain under lockdown or to shut your business.

All we've gotten here is a lot of fear mongering and the two political parties playing the optics games. Doug Ford will tell us we had lower cases than America but the Liberals couldn't get us vaccines. Trudeau will tell us we had lower deaths than America. Meanwhile we barely have any vaccines and are supposedly in the 3rd wave with ridiculous lockdown rules.

This is why "Thank you Modi" billboards are up. Because we look like a 3rd world country now.

By the end of June, Canada should have enough supply to vaccinate everyone. Vaccine supply is an issue everywhere. Canada did order more than any other country in advance. I think it was 4 times what was needed and they did it from different sources.

Gavi supply from India and JNJ from the US is likely to come before other supplies. I won't blame the government too much when it comes to not doing enough to get the vaccine.
By the end of June, Canada should have enough supply to vaccinate everyone. Vaccine supply is an issue everywhere. Canada did order more than any other country in advance. I think it was 4 times what was needed and they did it from different sources.

Gavi supply from India and JNJ from the US is likely to come before other supplies. I won't blame the government too much when it comes to not doing enough to get the vaccine.

Vaccine is only part of it. But there is no chance of everyone being vaccinated by June. I think we may average 1m doses coming in per week. That's not even going to be enough doses. The second problem is our rollout in Ontario is pretty terrible too. It's not a steady number of people getting vaccinated. It varies so much from day to day.

But Canada should've looked into local manufacturing months and months ago. Trudeau expected big brother will look out for them while continuously talking down to Trump. Trump put Trudeau in his place by signing an executive order banning the exports of Pfizer and Moderna into Canada.

Trudeau thought Biden will play nice. Nope cancelled the pipeline first and maintained the executive order. I don't know if Trudeau is naive or just oblivious.

It doesn't matter how many vaccines you buy. What matters is how quickly you get them.
Vaccine is only part of it. But there is no chance of everyone being vaccinated by June. I think we may average 1m doses coming in per week. That's not even going to be enough doses. The second problem is our rollout in Ontario is pretty terrible too. It's not a steady number of people getting vaccinated. It varies so much from day to day.

But Canada should've looked into local manufacturing months and months ago. Trudeau expected big brother will look out for them while continuously talking down to Trump. Trump put Trudeau in his place by signing an executive order banning the exports of Pfizer and Moderna into Canada.

Trudeau thought Biden will play nice. Nope cancelled the pipeline first and maintained the executive order. I don't know if Trudeau is naive or just oblivious.

It doesn't matter how many vaccines you buy. What matters is how quickly you get them.

The rollout was not good in the US initially as well. It improved with time.

I am 100% sure that situation will look far better in Canada in the next 1-2 months. I won't take the current rollout and project it for the next 5 months.

Once the supply is there, it shouldn't be hard to roll it out because the majority of the population lives in few cities.
Vaccine rollout in Canada has really ramped in the last week or so. It's now at about 200k doses per day. We are about 1.5 months behind the US, but catching up.