Bradford Asian homes hit by gold thieves


ODI Debutant
Aug 16, 2006
Post of the Week
Bradford Asian homes hit by gold thieves

A spate of gold and jewellery thefts from Asian families in Bradford has prompted detectives to set up a special investigations unit.

Police in the city say criminals know many Asian households keep valuables in their homes for special occasions.

Rising gold prices are believed to be behind the thefts. Six men from Bradford have been arrested in the past month in connection with such offences.

The new police team has urged families to put valuables in safe storage.

Family heirlooms

Det Ch Insp Steve Thomas, the senior investigating officer in command of the team, said: "We have experienced a recent trend of offences across Bradford where jewellery has been targeted.

"An increase in the value of gold is suspected to be behind this type of criminality.

"Understandably, these crimes are causing some consternation within our communities as many families possess jewellery, often as heirlooms.

"To combat the issue, we have created a team of specialist officers who will concentrate solely on investigating offences and acting on any information they receive.

"Ensuring you do not advertise the fact that you have high value jewellery in your home and considering the secure storage of your belongings is also extremely important."

Police said they would also be targeting "unscrupulous jewellers who are prepared to accept stolen items".

Rashid Khan told BBC News how his home was recently burgled by thieves who took his wife's wedding jewellery, which was valued at about £5,000.

"The first thing I checked was the jewellery and it wasn't there," he recalled.

"I thought 'Oh my god, that is it, my life's finished'.

"You can say it has a value of £5,000 or £6,000 but that is just the monetary value. Really there is no value you can put on it, it's priceless."

Fortunately for Mr Khan, the police recovered the stolen valuables which he has now stored in a safe place.

'Horrific offences'

Police said they had joined forces with Bradford council to "respond to any community concerns" relating to the recent thefts.

The council's deputy leader, Imran Hussain, said: "These horrific offences simply will not be tolerated.

"We welcome the establishment of a specialist unit and will be working very closely with the police to ensure offenders are brought to justice using the full force of the law.

"Families with high value jewellery should carefully consider security measures including safety deposit boxes."
Six men from Bradford have been arrested in the past month in connection with such offences.

Once these thieving scum get convicted and there photos released they will be getting what they deserve both in side and outside prison.
word of advice to desis
if you have a family wedding always leave someone at home because i have heard of many robberies that occur when there is a wedding in the family and the robbers know no one is gonna be home at that time .
word of advice to desis
if you have a family wedding always leave someone at home because i have heard of many robberies that occur when there is a wedding in the family and the robbers know no one is gonna be home at that time .

that's true has happened to someone i know! and try not to tell any outsiders!
With images like these on the Internet, everyone knows that South Asians homes are full of Jewelry

I still don't understand what's the point of gold jewelry. Stupid concept. Keep faux gold jewelry. and if you really want investment in gold, buy gold bars and keep them in the bank locker, or buy gold etf.
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umm, is it just me or do you think it is an inside job when getting robbed. Its as if they know where everything is in the house, when we are going out etc, i wouldn't be surprised if it was someone we knew (maybe not close friends but yeah)
I still don't understand what's the point of gold jewelry. Stupid concept. Keep faux gold jewelry. and if you really want investment in gold, buy gold bars and keep them in the bank locker, or buy gold etf.


It looks absolutely hideous. Most of it so outlandish that it ends up looking cheap and tacky.

It folks really want to wear it then buy the fake stuff and keep the bullions and bars in the bank/locker.
LOL! Bullion in the bank/locker. This is worse than wearing Mickey Mouse Jewellery. :facepalm:
LOL! Bullion in the bank/locker. This is worse than wearing Mickey Mouse Jewellery. :facepalm:

it is still better than having it in jewelry form and exposed to such theft. for people who require investing in the physical form, gold bullion in the bank is the best option.
yeah, that'd be hectic/inefficient

u recommend buy gold stocks or whatever u call em ???

in the US market theres an etf called GLD, which represents price of gold. I too have that in my portfolio, in fact I will be buying more next week inshallah. The fiscal cliff and the US debt issues dont bode well for the USD.
Anyone who thinks buying and storing bullion at the bank/locker is a great idea has never bought proper bullion, moreover, doesn't understand the basics of wealth preservation.

According to some buying gold bullion and then paying someone else to look after it is the way forward, pathetic joke. Not to say anything of the annual costs to store bullion will eat into the profits every year, if not, cause a loss on your 'investment'.

Cardinal rule: If you cannot touch it you do not own it.
yeah, that'd be hectic/inefficient

u recommend buy gold stocks or whatever u call em ???

Why invest in paper Gold? This is worse than Jewellery. Just buy Bullion and hide it yourself.

There is not enough Physical Gold to back ETFs/ Comex - over subscribed - meaning paper Gold will plummet while physical Gold will go through the roof.
PS: Paper Gold witnessed a $400 drop from its peak (1921) now recovered to 1660. Guess what? In the same period Physical Bullion has set new records in China, India, Japan, Brazil, and Europe. Go figure.
Why invest in paper Gold? This is worse than Jewellery. Just buy Bullion and hide it yourself.

There is not enough Physical Gold to back ETFs/ Comex - over subscribed - meaning paper Gold will plummet while physical Gold will go through the roof.

hide it yourself? are you kidding ? what if you get robbed? or do you mean to hide it under a tree in your backyard?

Our neighbors back in Lahore, had gold bars/ jewelry "hidden" at home, around > 1crore, all it took was a coordinated robbery attempt sometime in 2011 and they were cleaned. It is common sense to avoid storing such valuables at your residence.

btw where I bank, they offer free locker for members with > certain amount in checking, and if not, then locker fee is around $100/yr which is less than $10/mo.
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Do any of you guys own gold bars? I have been thinking about it for a while now..
hide it yourself? are you kidding ? what if you get robbed? or do you mean to hide it under a tree in your backyard?

Our neighbors back in Lahore, had gold bars/ jewelry "hidden" at home, around > 1crore, all it took was a coordinated robbery attempt sometime in 2011 and they were cleaned. It is common sense to avoid storing such valuables at your residence.

btw where I bank, they offer free locker for members with > certain amount in checking, and if not, then locker fee is around $100/yr which is less than $10/mo.

Your neighbours probably had a big mouth too.

Yes you can hide it under your tree deep in the ground, you could hide the Bullion in the cavities of your home. Thanks to the chemical properties of Gold, Gold is impervious to Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. This is why a Roman Gold Coin is still a Roman Gold Coin after 2500 years.

Go buy a Kilo Bullion of Gold then hold it in your hand, yes it will fit in the palm of your hand. You cannot hide something so small in a house in Pakistan?

By the way, banks and lockers get robbed too.
Its the same story across Britain....Leicester was reported some time back with similar issue. Thieves use metal detectors too.... They dig exact spot... Its definitely not safe at home
I still don't understand what's the point of gold jewelry. Stupid concept. Keep faux gold jewelry. and if you really want investment in gold, buy gold bars and keep them in the bank locker, or buy gold etf.

Agree...It cant be logically explained.... Its just the Missus wants it. Mum want it... Now daughter wants it
maybe they melt down the gold and build orphanages in the third world from the proceedings
This practice is still as rife as ever.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Asian gold: More than £140m stolen in UK in last five years <a href=""></a></p>— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) <a href="">23 March 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"At night when I lock all the doors and windows and go to bed, still I don't feel safe" - A retired couple were victims of a violent robbery in their own home.<br><br>A BBC investigation has found that over £140m worth of Asian gold has been stolen in the UK since 2013. <a href=""></a></p>— BBC Asian Network (@bbcasiannetwork) <a href="">26 March 2019</a></blockquote>
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And with the price of gold at a multi year high I imagine the problem will only get worse.
This is a major issue in UK. Maybe people can start having guard dogs.

One thief in South Africa got mauled by a house dog fatally.
It used to happen in America too, Desi houses would be targeted for gold.

Y'all should invest in surveillance cameras.
It used to happen in America too, Desi houses would be targeted for gold.

Y'all should invest in surveillance cameras.

If you live in a house, surveillance camera is a must. If you live in an apartment, then no need for camera (building should have camera).