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Buying shares?

It looks like DES may actually have struck oil afterall.

Good luck to 'em, I say. Very high risk punt, but they should now get their rewards.
the funny thing is that DES shares are lower now when they have discovered oil than they were before they discovered oil !
Breakout on XEL too.

Jaspa bro, what is the latest with PXS ? any news expected soon?

The news is expected at any time mate. They have proprietary protection for five years, of which 12 months have already lapsed. So you would expect it to be in PXS and DSM's interest to commercially launch Fruitflow ASAP.

Unfortunately, while PXS has a world class product, the management are all still boffins at heart, meaning they have poor investor relations and little commercial awareness.

I still expect this to come good before Q2 next year.
Sheba Exploration SHE

Bought some yesterday when the spread was 1.00/1.25

Now it is 1.55/1.85 !

Ridiculous spread but should deter 'traders'. Only long term risk-aware risk-seeking investors need apply. The stock has traded between 0p and 2p for 10 years ! About time they did something.

Mkt Cap now £1.5-2.0m

Raise maybe £1m to fund exploration ? Mkt Cap will go to £2.5m-3.0m

Some AIM quoted explorers with no resources but in prospective areas tend to trade between £10-20m so I see potential for decent upside IF these guys do move to AIM from PLUS.

Hugely risky but given (King) Solomon Gold has done so well recently I think there is poetic symmetry ? to (Queen of ) Sheba Gold having a run at some point.

This is the PLUS Markets web page for Sheba Exploration. It sort of gives a good indication what a shambolic and third-rate platform PLUS is...

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In the end, Wall Street has to wait until the most compelling small caps become mid caps or even large caps in order to profit. So they don’t spend much (if any) time researching such opportunities.

But we have no limitations. And if we’re willing to get our hands dirty, we can dig up these companies early and capitalize on the growth immediately.

Exploiting such an advantage almost always translates into bigger profits. Or as famous mutual fund manager, Peter Lynch, said: “If you find a stock with little or no institutional ownership, you’ve found a potential winner. Find a company that no analyst would admit to knowing about, and you’ve got a double winner.”

An email from Tom Bulford who writes the Red Hot Penny Shares newsletter :-

How to spot a penny mining tearaway

2nd December 2010

The hottest spots in the world right now for miners

Why I think the penny mining bull will run and run

Dear Reader,

The great mining investor Julian Baring used to have a bit of advice for small miners. ‘Whatever you do’, he would say, ‘don’t try to get anything out of the ground!’

Strange advice for a mining company, you might think. But his point was this: small mining companies are explorers. They consist of geologists, adventurers and chancers who like nothing better than peering at maps, striding over sandy plains, picking up soil samples and drilling exploratory holes. This is what they enjoy. This is what they are good at. And it is the dream that the drill will encounter a ten metre slab of solid gold that sends them happily to sleep each night.

The problems start when they actually find something. Then they have to work out how they are going to get it out of the ground. They have to talk to slick financiers and negotiate with hard-nosed machinery salesmen. If the mine is actually built - and the chance of this happening on time and budget is virtually nil – then they have to cope with breakdowns, with workers who go home each night with their pockets full of gold, and with government officials who think that they might like a bigger slice of the pie.

It’s much better to prove up a resource, sell it on to a major miner with experience of doing the dirty work of extraction, and swiftly move on to the next exploration project.

Where are the hottest mining regions right now?

This was one of the messages that came from this week’s Mines & Money conference in London, and this is great news for penny share investors. You see it is these bold explorers that can make investors the most money. This type of company is, according to leading Canadian resource investor Peter Grosskopf, ‘small and hard to find.’ And there is no guarantee of success.

The most important thing is to ‘look at the size of the deposit.’ The world’s big miners, just like the world’s big oil companies, have a voracious appetite for new resources. Unless they find some new sources of supply, they literally mine themselves to extinction. They need to find new reserves - and not small, bite-sized mines. They need to find big new mines, with the chance of extending reserves in the locality through further exploration.

A number of exploration companies made brief presentations at the conference, and one that seemed to tick the right boxes was POLAR STAR MINING (TSX:PSR). They are developing the Montezuma copper project in Chile, slap bang between massive mines run by Antofagasta and Codelco.

Another that is ‘elephant hunting’, this time in the Arabian Nubian shield of Saudi Arabia, is KEFI MINERALS (AIM: KEFI). ‘This looks like Western Australia in the 1890s,’ says Deputy Chairman Ian Plimer.

The size and quality of the deposit is the most important thing. As the Irish miner John Teeling has said, ‘politicians come and go but natural resources stay for ever.’ In terms of the political climate today, Henderson was wary of Russia, Venezuela, Ecuador, the Congo and Tanzania.

But he said that the Colombian government had treated foreign miners ‘remarkably well’ and believes that Kurdistan, where oil companies such as GULF KEYSTONE (GKP) have taken a chance, was a country to watch.

Why I think the penny mining bull will run and run

The world is certainly not about to run out of natural resources, but they are getting harder to find. Costs are inexorably rising as miners go to increasingly remote locations, dig deeper and tolerate lower grade resources, according to Professor Magnus Ericcson of the Raw Materials Group. The discovery cost of copper and nickel has trebled in recent years. The average grade of gold from the world’s mines, around 2g/t ten years ago is now just 1.4g/t and heading lower.

So a penny miner that manages to scope out a big deposit will soon attract a swarm of big mining bidders. In this month’s issue of Red Hot Penny Shares, I look at a miner that is sitting on what could be exactly the kind of deposit that the majors need.

And with rising industrial demand for metals, coupled with a loss of faith in paper currencies and government-backed debt, this is a superb environment for penny mining shares.

If you’d like to read about exactly how I am investing in penny mining boom, then simply click here.

Until next time, happy investing!

Tom Bulford
For The Penny Sleuth
Interesting he mentions KEFI minerals which is looking for gold in Saudi Arabia as that is part of the Nubian-Arabian shield and across the Red Sea in Ethiopia is where Sheba Exploration are on the hunt.

KEFI is valued at £14m and actually is not even exploring in earnest as far as i know as the Saudi's have not granted licences yet ?

SHE is valued at only £2m at the moment.

Not a detailed comparison but I think I have convinced myself to buy even more SHE tomorrow.

It was 1.00/1.25 (bid/offer) a couple of days ago. 1.55/1.85 for most of today. Quite happy to pay 2p for another slug tomorrow.
Desire finds petrol but not sure if its viable yet.

I have been skeptical and kept away from them... Maybe worth a punt?
Go on pia786, you have convinced me to have a little stab at SHE. :)

EE - DES is not for me. Massively over-valued as oil strike is already factored into the SP IMO. And they still havent found oil yet.

I would rather put my dough into a stock with a proven resource (GKP, XEL), or an explorer where there are quality assets, but no oil yet (RRL, AST), and the SP is not over-heated to reflect this reality.
I have tried getting a quote in x-o, sharecentre and tdw. But no cigar.

Where is the best place to get SHE shares?
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I trade online via TDW mainly but had to ring them up and get them to place the order (it is more expensive telephone dealing but i think given the risk reward potential 'worth it')
Still no joy with tdw. They say that the stock cant be traded electronically, so they will have to place an order via PLUS themselves.
geez dude how much you trying to buy ! :-D

i called them Wednesday and got 50k @ 1.23 when the spread was 1.00/1.25

called them yesterday and got 50k @ 1.82 when the spread was 1.55/1.85

I think i must have caught a seller it does tend to be a 'matched bargain'/trade by appointment type of stock

Might be worth just holding off and waiting for the next time a seller emerges ? (although i'm toying with the idea of getting another 50k in here because i've gone and convinced myself with all my incessant ramblings...that's usually a bad sign ;-) ... nah will wait...maybe just 25k then?)

see the spread now is 1.80/2.00 and they've only done 50k vol today

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DES traded as high as 160p prior to having found oil but now 130p after an oil discovery ; sort of does make you wonder. apparently the analysts are saying it is about 50m barrels and that is borderline 'commercial' so flow test etc will be crucial
apols for monopolising this thread but this is the SHE statement from last week, some interesting stuff with regards to the Una Deriam licence where they reckon they have a 12km strike length which may have interesting prospects (1000ppb gold in soil anamoly is good i think) but also the last paragraph about funding/partnerships is what got me interested as some big players have been looking into these areas and if they did get the 'imprimatur' of a major gold company investing alongside them the stock could indeed rocket

Operational Highlights

The main event of the half-year under review was the issue of the Una Deriam Exclusive Exploration
Licence on the 19th March, 2010. Covering approximately 100 square kilometres, the concession encompasses
the Werii River gold belt, which the Company has traced for at least 12 kilometres from north to south.
Exploration re-commenced in April, with soil sampling and trenching.

On the Shehagne Exclusive Exploration Licence, option holders Stratex International Plc continued channel
sampling the Tsemetti primary gold zone and announced further encouraging gold intersections including
one of 9 metres at 2.49 g/t gold. Stratex announced a primary gold target extending for at least 1340
metres and is reviewing its option to drill this target in 2011.

Applications were submitted for exploration licences at Finarwa and Winibo Exclusive Prospecting Licences
in March as the Company intends to follow up gold and copper mineralization encountered on both licence
areas. Licence approval has been obtained and issue of the licence is expected imminently.

Una Deriam Exclusive Exploration Licence

Exploration re-commenced in April. The licence is a consolidation of previously held prospecting and
exploration licences and the work programme consists of infill soil sampling to link previously defined
gold soil anomalies. Soil sample results from the south end of the concession area (Inda Shetan) were
announced late April, which included a gold soil anomaly peaking at 560 ppb gold, associated with quartz
veins in fine-grained intermediate intrusive rocks. A sample of quartz assayed 5.3 g/t gold at this
locality. These results demonstrate that the gold belt extends for a distance of at least 12 kilometres
from north to south. During May soil sampling continued northwards to link the Inda Shetan gold anomaly
with the Inda Talian gold anomaly. During May and June trenching commenced at Inda Talian, an old mining
camp dating to 1903. Three trenches were completed, each appromixately 100 metres long. Detailed infill
soil sampling was also done at the site to define a strong gold soil anomaly which exceeds 1000 ppb gold.

Shehagne Exclusive Exploration Licence

Further channel sampling was carried out by the Stratex exploration team at Tsemetti, a gold soil anomaly
discovered by Sheba Exploration in 2006 and subsequently drilled in 2008. The strong soil anomaly
(exceeding 1000ppb in places) extends almost three kilometres in length, the northern end of which is
currently under investigation by Stratex. In addition to other impressive intercepts reported by both
companies in the past, a further excellent intercept of 9 metres grading 2.49 g/t was reported by
Stratex. Follow-up drilling and a geophysical survey is planned for the prospect in 2011.

Finarwa and Winibo Exclusive Prospecting Licences

An application has been submitted for an exploration licence covering these two concession areas,
following encouraging early prospecting results by the Company. Alluvial gold is now being recovered from
streams and rivers at Finarwa by local panners and the primary source has yet to be located - judging by
the amount of panning going on in the area, the primary gold source must be significant. Meanwhile at
Winibo, more detailed work is planned on the 4.5 kilometre long bedded copper trend, particularly at the
south end, where a grab sample assayed 4.3% copper.

Financial Results

The Group reported an un-audited loss of £61,982 for the six months ended 31 August 2010 an increase from
£46,315 for the six months to 31 August 2009 mainly due to an increase in marketing expenses. The loss
per share for the period was 0.065p.

Subsequent to the period under review the Company has made two small private placements amounting to
GBP28,750 to assist with short term working capital requirements. Before year end the Company hopes to
complete further financing to enable the Company to explore its very promising gold and copper projects
in a more aggressive fashion.


During the half year under review the Company has made a come-back operationally despite very tight
financial constraints. Una Deriam is set to become an important gold project that may soon feature among
the leading gold projects in the country and within the Arabian-Nubian Shield. New gold mines are
currently being developed in Eritrea and Egypt in analogous terrains to northern Ethiopia and the
exploration industry has at last woken up to the fact.

The Directors are currently talking to various parties interested in the long term potential of our
licences and are confident of acquiring the funding necessary to bring these to fruition.
Question regarding share isa's, is it a max of one per life or one per year that you are allowed to have?
One per year with an annual limit of £10,200 if you don't suscribe to a cash ISA also.
Thanks dblock and Jaspa.

I wish i opened one up April this year and stuck it all into XEL!
You can still sell your XEL shares to the value of £5.1k and then purchase them through your ISA instead.

Just make sure the flow results arent announced in between :)
Im not anymore, after tdw quoted me £42 (£12 dealing cost + one-off £30 paper-trading fee), as well as a 20% spread. Greedy wankers.

probably wise to hold off, plenty of other opportunities in this market where you don't get gouged on dealing and retain liquidity and visibility that you don't get with these PLUS stocks
A dilution RNS for FDI, though it will give them the necessary dough to exploit the Liqhobong mine. Should move to 30p+.
Any RHPS subscribers here ?

May put up a sample if anyone interested over the weekend
Yes WTI interesting. Not got in cos waiting for other positions to pay off. It looks a decent prospect but despite talk of 20-30p targets for 2012 could not get the numbers to add up to it being more compelling than my existing stocks. Chart is stinking so may wait for pullback and wave 2 move

Copper is interesting as should be some genuine shortage a few years down the line and that is an industrial metal that can really spike.

Not sure short term what will happen though :-

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Bulford is a former Fund Manager who used to work for Schroders a pukka UK Investment Management company so he is probably quite a good analyst. He seems to do some decent research and I subscribe to his service more to get insight into the companies he looks at and how he analyzes them rather than just for the tips as they tend to get marked up by the market makers on the Monday anyway.

He has occassional big winners like recently BPC, AFC, TRP but he also has his fair share of losers as well but I definitely think his newsletter is worth subscribing for because it is educational for non-specialists to see how a specialist investor goes about picking shares and building a portfolio. You could probably make up the subscription cost (£100 odd quid) on one investment really.

I think some people do not like him because he has 'dissed' one of their shares in some way or other. Others don't like him because his analysis and approach is more suited to long term patient 'buy and hold' investing rather than spivvy short term trading so they take out their frustrations on him and blame him for losses rather than address their own lack of trading/investment discipline.

I usually only buy the stocks he tips which after my own research I feel can be 5-10 baggers, and I usually wait until the short term trading herd have lost interest.

There is some other guy called Tom Winnifrith who I understand used to run RHPS before Bulford but having heard Winnifrith speak I think he has a well earned reputation for being a lightweight spivvy idiot compared to the more cerebral Bulford. I don't think I've ever made money on a Winnifrith stock tip. He is an ex-journo who doesn't have the same level of professional training and discipline that Bulford has, IMO.
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Agree with your appraisal of TB's analytical skills. My biggest criticism of him is that he seems to advocate selling the shares too soon if anything. Perhaps it is to make room for his new tips, or is that me being cynical?

My mate tipped me SNRP this afternoon. Dont know much except that he says it is an under-valued coal project. Views?
A lot of South African coal stocks are cheap. Key issue is the transport bottlenecks on railways and at the ports which means a lot are restricted to selling cheaply into domestic market. Furthermore SA government is a bit too socialist wanting to nationalise or tax assets and enforce BEE. Otherwise you could come up with huge:in-situ resource valuations for SNRP and CZA.

If anyone has a spare minute could you just click on here


and vote for my nieces's school

August entry 'Dunstall Hill Primary School' picture by Iman Sajid


they might win a minibus !

it is a seventeen seater so if they go to gymnastics they won't have to hire a bus from outside and stuff
Thanks guys, really appreciate that. She is only 9 but really passionate about getting this minibus for the school.

Hoping even if they don't win my SHE shares will go up enough to donate some cash their way. :-p
DES - another duster.

Last duster took SP down to 70p, so will be much worse today.
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Dire Petroleum

surprised it is holding up at the current level 67/68

Sheba Exploration

i can't help myself, gonna buy more today (i was gonna hold off but then i saw the RNS from NYO today and looked at their market cap £100m ! they are another Ethiopian gold explorer)
Added another 50k Sheba with the gold price attempting a breakout to all time highs in dollar terms today (albeit not yet in real inflation adjusted terms) http://www.kitco.com


Bought at 2.3p today (when spread was 2.0/2.3) after paying 1.23 and 1.82 last week ! Looks like I've been pushing the price myself. The spread now is apparently (2.0/2.5p)

Expecting them to do a placing at some point maybe at as low as 1p but once they have that out of the way and if they move to AIM I think they have opportunity to do quite well so happy to get some at what in the short term is probably a 'high' price.

By the way for comparison : other Ethiopian gold explorers quoted on AIM

NYO Nyota Minerals : Market Cap £100m
STI Stratex International : Market Cap £22m
SHE Sheba Exploration : Market Cap £2m
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From FT Alphaville today : re XEL

NH here's the sector watcher on Muppet Stock 4.0
NH XEL announces that it has had to delay the testing of its Bentley oilfield in the Northern North Sea due to the extreme weather conditions. However all the required equipment and personnel for the test are now on board the rig, hence it sounds as though it could commence any day.
NH The test is certainly a crucial one as it will determine whether or not the heavy viscous crude is able to flow to surface. With P50 and P10 estimated reserves of 160m and 235m barrels respectively, and a much larger oil column than originally prognosed, a successful well-test suggests there is still material upside for the group.

NH At an NPV of $5-6/barrel and assuming the P10 reserves case, the company could be worth $1.4bn best case, or around 600p/share, vs a current price of 300p. However the converse doesn't bear thinking about - a failure to flow and a non-commercial outcome suggests the group is worth next to nothing. This is as binary as the E&P sector gets.

NH This is as binary as the E&P sector gets.

Im currently holding GKP, XEL, DES, RKH, SXX & RRL.

Can you lot list your current holdings?
RBS, BP, Kazakmys, IFL, PXS, RPT

Previously not looked into AIM much except ofcourse for PXS and that was mainly due to Jaspa's information.

I hope you are not nursing too bigger a loss with Desire, unless you bought it in last 24 hours :)
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RBS, BP, Kazakmys, IFL, PXS

Previously not looked into AIM much except ofcourse for PXS and that was mainly due to Jaspa's information.

I hope you are not nursing too bigger a loss with Desire, unless you bought it in last 24 hours :)

Rbs and llyods, whats the crack with these?

How long should you be expecting to hold to see a decent return, 3 years?
Been interested in xel for a while.. Just can't seem to buy it on my Hsbc share dealing account. I wonder if anyone else has encountered this.

I wrote to HSBC and asked why I could'nt buy XEL, here is why:

"We are unable to trade in Xcite Energy as this is a Crest
Depository Interest (CDI) stock. This stock does not settle into
certificate form and as a nominee service we require all our
stocks to settle this way. "
Rbs and llyods, whats the crack with these?

How long should you be expecting to hold to see a decent return, 3 years?

I am holding on because I am nursing bit of a loss because of the crash as I was a share holder prior to 2008. Bought in several times to just about make it worthwhile once and IF they start to recover. I think 3- 5 years more like. And if you can avoid these stocks, you should.
SXX has had a stonking couple of weeks. Still much more to go though, and fully expect to be 30p by March 2011.
From FT Alphaville today : re XEL

NH here's the sector watcher on Muppet Stock 4.0
NH XEL announces that it has had to delay the testing of its Bentley oilfield in the Northern North Sea due to the extreme weather conditions. However all the required equipment and personnel for the test are now on board the rig, hence it sounds as though it could commence any day.
NH The test is certainly a crucial one as it will determine whether or not the heavy viscous crude is able to flow to surface. With P50 and P10 estimated reserves of 160m and 235m barrels respectively, and a much larger oil column than originally prognosed, a successful well-test suggests there is still material upside for the group.

NH At an NPV of $5-6/barrel and assuming the P10 reserves case, the company could be worth $1.4bn best case, or around 600p/share, vs a current price of 300p. However the converse doesn't bear thinking about - a failure to flow and a non-commercial outcome suggests the group is worth next to nothing. This is as binary as the E&P sector gets.

NH This is as binary as the E&P sector gets.


Indeed I am shiting myself on XEL result because i am in heavy for a short-term punt. I dont think it will be doomsday (see pi loyalty/blindness in DES as an example), but could take a long time to recover confidence.
Im currently holding GKP, XEL, DES, RKH, SXX & RRL.

Can you lot list your current holdings?


I am also looking to get back into WTI on a drop.

- Short-term (1-2 months), I expect WTI, AST and AST to be big gains.

- **** or bust movements (based on news) from XEL and GCM.

- Re-rating by the market should double FDI.

- Long-term growth - with little risk - from GKP and PXS.

- Small punts in high risk/high reward stock in ATC, TYM and LPX.

Why did DES jump the gun and prematurely gave news about oil find only to have egg on face few days later? Never been comfortable with hype around DES.
Good time to buy GCM now with the price drop?

It looks like a retrace.

Material movement in GCM will be based on their chances of success in exploiting the coal resources in the Phulbari mine in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh currently has a 20% shortfall in power in the country, and that includes buying in poor-calorific coal from India. With GDP growth of 6% per year, the power shortages will only get worse.

Bangladesh does have high quality coal itself, but the only way to economically exploit Phulbari mine is to open mine, which is considered socially and environmentally unfriendy. In addition, GCM would only pay 6% royalties to GoB for this.

There is an anti-GCM lobby - some say backed by people receiving kick-backs from the Indian coal companies - and they have organised big demonstartions against open ming.

But the country needs to utilise the coal, so something will have to give eventually.

As ever, DYOR.
ANGM - companies which change their names (as they did from Angus & Ross) usually do so because they didn't have a great reputation under the old name ; but name changing is not good enough in and of itself, one would hope there has been management change preferably of a root & branch variety ; ANGM seem to have had trouble ramping up production and have had to get financing from pretty much lenders of last resort which is always worrying as they might thus be partying with the devil

GCM - jaspa i was at the GCM AGM yesterday, it is the most positive I have ever heard the management and although in public they did the usual 'we are waiting on the Bangladesh Govt' shtick the message I came away with from private one-to-one's with management was 'things are progressing in the background, we are being asked to look at 'other projects' as well' which begs the question why would they be being asked to look at other projects if not to 'tie in' with their principal one which is crucial to Bangladesh meeting it's Millenium Development Goals and make contribution to GDP of 1% p.a.

one final thing on GCM, the GCM CEO recently went to Germany to see a coal mine and mine-mouth power plant in operation with a 17 member parliamentary committee (including big hitting ministers)...The Bangla Govt paid for that trip themselves... so not just a GCM organised junket and some real progress seems to be occurring now
my major positions


minor positions


pretty much coal/gold/oil
Why did DES jump the gun and prematurely gave news about oil find only to have egg on face few days later? Never been comfortable with hype around DES.

DES is run by clowns. Simple as.

Personally, I wouldnt invest in an overheated oil company which has yet to find oil.

DES could still be an excellent trading opportunity as the pi's seems to have blind loyalty to it. It fell to 70p on the last duster, but recovered to 130p within a couple of months in anticipation.
GCM - jaspa i was at the GCM AGM yesterday, it is the most positive I have ever heard the management and although in public they did the usual 'we are waiting on the Bangladesh Govt' shtick the message I came away with from private one-to-one's with management was 'things are progressing in the background, we are being asked to look at 'other projects' as well' which begs the question why would they be being asked to look at other projects if not to 'tie in' with their principal one which is crucial to Bangladesh meeting it's Millenium Development Goals and make contribution to GDP of 1% p.a.

one final thing on GCM, the GCM CEO recently went to Germany to see a coal mine and mine-mouth power plant in operation with a 17 member parliamentary committee (including big hitting ministers)...The Bangla Govt paid for that trip themselves... so not just a GCM organised junket and some real progress seems to be occurring now

That sounds really promising mate, cheers for that. I am big into GCM, and at quite a high price so does calm my fears somewhat.

I am surprised you arent in SXX, given your background and sector knowledge.
never really got involved in potash in the last spike (2007) and just missed SXX on the first and second runs so now waiting for the elusive 'perfect entry point'

much more comfortable with gold/coal/oil sectors
never really got involved in potash in the last spike (2007) and just missed SXX on the first and second runs so now waiting for the elusive 'perfect entry point'

much more comfortable with gold/coal/oil sectors

Mining is mining. :)

Potash demand - and prices - expected to increase, not many producers in the market, multiple projects being developed in multiple locations, world class Chairman, MOU with a CHinese potash giant.

Looks like a no-brainer to me.
Currently holding XEL, EnCore, ENEG, SXX and VOG

XEL (short term, flow rate RNS)
VOG (long term, providing the licence comes through)
SXX (medium to long term)
ENEG (depends on the frac result)
EnCore (medium to long term)
you are right just fully loaded on stuff i've got more conviction/history in and it's a bit like selling your kid to buy a new car or something ;-)
pia786 - what are your views on Minco? Just been tipped it by someone who works with traders.
I have only been invested for a few weeks, and do read the iii board occasionally.

I take it you met 'phulbari' yesterday?

Did not actually meet him (there were about 30 odd people at the AGM) but from his comments at the AGM where he asked a number of questions (actually monopolised Q&A session) and then the feedback he left on the iii board afterwards quite easy to put two and two together.

Am not gonna 'out' him on iii board though as he is entitled to his anonymity. Guess the 'take-away' is he clearly has some history with the company and thus speaks from some in depth knowledge on the project but he was part of the discredited 'Lenigas' regime which treated the Bangladesh Ministers and people with 'colonial' contempt so I'd take his bearish stance with a pinch of salt as he was probably part of the problem back in the day.
Minco have traded it before (badly - so probably clouds my judgement) have not done any analysis/research on it. But the headline stuff suggested it had potential to do well as partnership with Xstrata on it's main project I believe. (Off top of my head it was a Zinc/Lead ? project so again not really in my favoured gold/coal/oil sweetspot)

Will take another look.
not me, having worked in the industry i'd never trust anyone else to run my money :-p

prefer the flexibility and leverage of stocks
My main holdings: fres, kaz, av, oml, bpi, gkp, xel, sqz, sxx.

Looking at bmr and think I may have missed the boat with pxs.
SHE 2.5/3.0

bought little bits in other really low quality microcap gold plays (ECR and THR)

ECR due to present in front of some HNWI retail PI's next week so could have a run if they tell a good story


Also partly positioning now for New Year share tips, after a good year for the stock market people will be looking for some runners and what better than spivvy microcap gold stocks
Looking at bmr and think I may have missed the boat with pxs.

You havent missed the boat with PXS at 4p IMO.

Future SP is dependent on the commercial deals that PXS/DSM sign for the use of Fruitflow. The present SP wont go down below 3p IMO, but the first deal will see SP past 10p, and so on.

It all depends on how long you are prepared to wait. There are 4 years left for the EFSA proprietary protection of the product, so you would think there will be a deal sooner rather than later.
PXS announcing unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2010 on 16 December 2010.

Could be an opportunity for a buy in then.