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Buying shares?

I've fallen for the Jez spin now but would have preferred Steve Interesting Davis

CAP-XX Limited

Encouraging customer orders for sample large prismatic supercapacitors and modules

CAP-XX Limited ("CAP-XX" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that following the recently announced commissioning of its small-scale production line to manufacture the GC1 supercapacitors and GC6 modules for evaluation (announced on 14 May 2013), the Company has secured orders from a range of Global Automotive OEMs and Tier-1 component suppliers to the automotive industry for evaluation samples.

Anthony Kongats, Chief Executive commented:

"We are delighted by the initial enthusiasm shown by the automotive industry for our new range of supercapacitors. The supply of samples from our small-scale line for these evaluation products and modules will hasten the development of commercial systems which incorporate this technology into automotive stop-start and other energy intensive automotive regenerative systems."

PLMO Looks interestingly poised chart wise. AGM tomorrow not expecting anything.

Lots of shells seem to be on the move again. PLMO looks interesting. Formerly PMK and run by an associate of Lenigas with a view apparently to African oil and gas opportunities.


GON been a disaster. Put too much faith in Management having 30% and expecting them to be incentivised in line with shareholders. Flaw in reasoning was the main guy Wong was also main creditor as well as shareholder and thus first in line should he choose to call in his loans.
Not huge news today but nice incremental evidence of story building. Need to name some big auto OEM or tier 1 partners for confidence to return. Chartwise so far been little volume and no upside break of the 50 day MA

CPX - Interesting chart set up... 3 month and 3 year



Expected newsflow 1. We are drilling with 5 drill rigs. There will be drill assay results roughly every 5-6 weeks, probably starting next week. Great drill results would be very positive. We can expect at least four to five exploration updates in the next six months.2. The geotech drill results and analysis is due by the end of August. The geotech will increase the open pit resource used in the PEA of 800,000 oz gold by 25% to 50%. This should be very positive. The annual production from open pit would increase by a similar amount.3. Once the infill drilling is completed on the La India set and the assays are back SRK will produce an independent resource update for the open pit.4. Geophysics * the results should be out in circa 4 weeks.5. Interims * by 31st Sept.6. Metallurgical test results due out in Q47. Resource upgrade for the America vein set (currently 404,000 oz gold). This is still being drilled.8. Maiden Resource for the Central Breccia. The drill programme there is about 50% completed.There will be plenty of newsflow over the coming months and the chances are that it will all be very positive!!

From Chairman's Letter to Shareholders of Blue Ensign (an Australian private company which alos has Julia Creek oil shale resource like GOS).

http://www.blueensigntech.com.au/sites/default/files/Chairman's Letter 2012.pdf

International interest in oil shale development has continued to increase during 2011 – 2012 with a
number of projects in USA, China, Estonia, Jordan and Australia under development. These projects
all utilise retorting technologies which do not offer the same potential benefits in yield, resource
utilisation, scalability and environmental impact as the Rendall Process. They all of limited size and
will require multiple trains to produce oil at fully economic rates.
Nonetheless, the development of these projects is indicative of the growing interest in the
development of oil shale resources to produce synthetic crude oil as a viable alternative to the
dwindling availability of inexpensive and secure supplies of traditional crude oil. While oil prices
remain firm around $100 per barrel, this situation is not expected to change
The development of these projects has had the flow-on effect of increasing the value of in ground oil
shale resources across the world. Over the year, there have been some significant acquisitions of oil
shale resources announced including the acquisition of the OSEC deposit in Utah by Esti Energy of
Estonia for around US$40 million.
Most importantly, the successful listing of TomCo Energy plc on the London AIM effectively values its
US oil shale resources at about USD 0.30 - 0.40 per recoverable barrel. Although any such
comparisons must be treated with caution, If this were applied to the indicated resources of 850
MMbbl oil (Fischer Assay) with the company’s Julia Creek deposit in Queensland, then it would imply
values of $250-350m.
In other recent news, Red Leaf, a US based company which has developed the EcoShale retorting
technology has just announced a JV with an oil supermajor (Total, we believe) for its first commercial
plant. This could lead to existing holders of EcoShale licences gearing up to utilise their licences. This
could in turn provide the impetus for further rises in oil shale valuations.
In separate news, Questerre Energy (a small CAD 170m Calgary company specialising in
unconventional oil and gas) has invested USD 40m in Red Leaf implying a valuation for Red Leaf of
USD 667m.
Blue Ensign’s Julia Creek deposit has around 895 million barrels of JORC-compliant indicated and
inferred oil resources (Fischer Assay) following a extensive exploration by several major companies
over the past 35 years. The deposit is therefore one of the most comprehensively evaluated of any
oil shale deposits in the world.
Once the viability of the Rendall process has been established, these contingent oil resources can be
upgraded to the status of 1.5 to 2 billion barrels of probable and possible reserves, thus enabling the
monetisation of the resource. Julia Creek is located away from environmentally sensitive residential
and farming areas, is located near existing road and rail infrastructure, and can be developed at low
mining cost.
The Company advises that several parties have expressed an interest to acquire a direct interest in
the Julia Creek tenements, but to date no acceptable offer has been received.
"Shares the pros are buying and selling....."

"Henry Dixon lifts PV Crystalox exposure

Henry Dixon, manager of the Matterley Undervalued Assets fund, has upped his exposure to solar panel manufacturer PV Crystalox.

The fund manager bought an additional 500,000 shares in PV Crystalox, taking the Matterley Undervalued Assets fund’s total position to over 10 million shares.

Dixon said he had opted to top up the fund’s position in the company because it is trading at a fraction of its peak profits, achieved in 2008. With this in mind he says there is a possibility of a significant uplift in value.

‘The company trades at a meaningful discount to its net cash balance and has recently announced its intention to return a significant portion of this next month. A number of high profile corporate failures in the space also means that competition is easing and pricing is starting to improve,’ Dixon added."

EOG Europa's CEO Hugh Mackay said: "Wressle-1 is the first of up to five wells to
be drilled across our asset base over the next eighteen months, each of which
has the potential to transform our existing production profile and reserves.
With mean gross un-risked prospective resources of 2. 1 mmbo, Wressle is small
compared to our Mullen and Kiernan prospects in the South Porcupine Basin,
offshore Ireland, and Berenx, the deep gas appraisal project in onshore France.
Nevertheless, drilling success at Wressle would generate considerable near term
cash flow that we would reinvest into proving up and monetising other highly
prospective exploration and appraisal projects in our portfolio. With this in
mind, I look forward to providing further updates on our progress in due
Michael Tang of Mettiz Capital/Polo Resources a Malaysian 'player' is basically in charge now pretty much ALL the old guard British guys out.

There is a middle ground between the reserved understated British way and the Asian under the counter backhander one which hopefully he will be better placed to navigate.
Bengalis are looking for bigger piece of the pie.... whichever way, give it to them. Wasted enough years waiting for this to get off the ground.
Laughing stock that is PXS is now setting up Science in Sport as a separate company to raise funds.

Can investors be fooled again?
Buying Shares?

Still makes me weep how they took a world class innovation and strangled it to death through ineptitude, negligence, incompetence and greed.
[QUOTE=s28;5774312]XTR 3 month and 2 year charts

This move could be a big one judging by MACD turn
CCE - chart seems to be building nicely

Share price 1.4p. A few months ago there was idle chatter on BB's that they had 8p/share of cash. That may have depleted somewhat but they had a disposal recently to a major shareholder/partner suggesting that they retain faith in the business model and current management to deliver.


If this clears the 200 day MA the upside could be immense
AGL good news today re potential to use their diagnostic for liquid biopsies.
How important is phosphate? Every living thing needs it at the cellular level. If farmers don’t have it, crops will be stunted. Without plentiful supplies, the wheels will come off modern agriculture, with its bountiful harvests and ability to feed a teeming planet.

There are no substitutes for phosphate and there isn’t any practical way of recycling the compound. Farmers could maintain phosphate levels in soil if they have access to manure, but that isn’t practical for most growers without livestock, except perhaps for small-time operators on the organic fringe.

Adding to the rich tapestry of bullish details is that nearly 75 per cent of world reserves are located in just one country: Morocco and the disputed territory it is occupying in the western Sahara.

Just as Saudi Arabia does with oil, Morocco acts as the swing producer of phosphate, adjusting its output to stabilize the market at relatively high prices. Its domination creates concerns about security of supply.

Other countries with major reserves are in North Africa and the Middle East, including Algeria, Syria, and Jordan, where most investors quite sensibly fear to tread.

So taking a position in phosphate is a potentially brilliant, long-term investment concept, with one glaring problem: There are hardly any direct ways to play the compound.

The big, integrated fertilizer producers, such as Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. and Agrium Inc., offer some exposure. But their phosphate production is embedded in sprawling companies where the upside is diluted by the potentially less promising outlooks for their large sales of potash and nitrogen. Of the majors, Mosaic Co. offers the best exposure.

The big companies have been struggling to maintain production, another negative. In the U.S., output has been on a down slope for the past two decades. In Canada, Agrium announced last year that it was shutting its nearly depleted open pit mine near Kapuskasing, Ont., replacing the output with supplies from Morocco.

That leaves the juniors, of which there are slim pickings. Unlike gold, where there are thousands of development stage companies to choose from, phosphate exploration is in its earlier days. Last month, Paradigm Capital put out a list of all the juniors in the world with exposure to phosphate deposits. The list contained only 16 names, since shortened by one, when Toronto listed Rio Verde Minerals, with assets in Brazil, was acquired by B&A Minercao SA.
Absolute carnage in SXX over last two days.

Dirty politics at their finest. Holding on but signs not looking great for first time planning approval.

After a strong start, on the Daily Telegraph ramp, Sirius fell yesterday as the negative North York Moors National Park Authority consultant’s report provoked profit taking. It may rally today on the company’s positive summary of the position this morning.

The consultant’s technical review of the company’s Environmental Statement and its case for its minehead location “contains a number of negative statements which require careful consideration” by Sirius. The company now has a couple of days to provide a robust response to arguments that their baseline environmental information was inadequate and they will struggle with the amount of spoil generated at their minehead. However, a number of other issues raised do appear to have been sorted by the Environment Agency’s recent discussion and suggestion of conditions to be imposed.

If the Director of Planning’s report and recommendations due out on Friday is equally negative, this may provide a short term buying opportunity, as we still believe that approval will be given at the public planning meeting on Monday 29th July.

If planning approval is not given on 29th July, Sirius is not finished, as we believe Governmental approval will be forthcoming on appeal, but with an estimated £8m of cash left, they will either have to raise funds at a low level, or significantly reduce their £3m a month cash outflow.

An alternative scenario of planning approval, with conditions, will temper any share price rally, particularly as they will still face a potentially tight cash position.

Shortly after planning approval, the company has already predicted that they will look to raise around £100-130m of fresh equity to undertake early mine development, followed next year by a much larger raise of US$1-1.5bn for the balance of the construction cost. This will come as project finance, offtake finance, or high yield bond finance.

For the Director of Planning’s announcement, the market will be dependent on whoever is lucky enough to refresh the North York Moors National Park at the right time. It would be useful if this document could be released after hours on Friday, such that the company can issue an RNS on Monday.

It would also be useful if the NYMNP planning meeting was televised, as otherwise all sorts of false markets will be generated.

Fundamentally we are not fans of Sirius, as estimated project returns do not meet our criteria for excitement. Assuming production of 5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of polyhalite from 2017, sold at US$150 per tonne (/t) and capital cost to first production of $1.7bn, they have estimated an after tax Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 22% and a $2,557m after-tax Net Present Value (NPV), assuming a 10% discount rate. Their calculation is non-standard, as they have sheltered tax with assumed interest rate payments. On a clean 100% equity basis, we forecast the after-tax IRR reduces to around 20% and a $2,300m after-tax NPV, assuming a 10% discount rate. This number is estimated before any capital cost escalation, which is likely owing to various changes in scope, as the planning process has evolved. As with all other projects we look for a 25% after-tax IRR before getting excited.

Although they have signed an offtake for 1 Mtpa of polyhalite from 2017 at $150/t, we are still not convinced that they can sell 5 Mtpa of this new fertiliser into a potentially oversupplied potash market.

At 26.5 pence per share, Sirius has a market capitalisation of around £350m and has been one of the best performing AIM shares in the year to date and has significantly outperformed almost every other London listed mine development company in the recent rout. Valued at about 22.5% of after-tax project NPV, we think their shares are up with events. The current share price doesn’t take into account the possibility of rejection of its planning application, or onerous planning conditions that might delay progress.

In the middle of May 2013, they had £14m of cash left and had reduced monthly cash burn to £3m; hence at mid-July 2013 they have around £8m of cash left. HOLD and await developments
Not sure how you'd become a Millionaire following the tips in that article. Maybe by starting as a Billionaire ?

Otherwise if you were say investing £10k you'd need something to go up 100 times.

It's hard to see how a large Company such as Danone would achieve that it would become larger than some entire economies with a Market Cap of over 40 Trillion !

Fastjet the Stelios vehicle to take low cost Ryanair/Easyjet model to African market looks on the face of it a 'growth' market as well but it is so capital intensive a business that it will require lots of funding as it grows and thus investors are unlikely to enjoy much in the way of returns in the short to medium term. Furthermore it is such a cyclical business you'd want to be buying the story when it was on the verge of bankruptcy or coming out of one rather than now when it is in the sweet spot of the cycle.
Decision is due in a couple of weeks isnt it? An adverse decision is apparently worth 30% of the company. From the outside, it seems that Excalibur are mere chancers, but my friend (who attended several days of court hearings) has a bad feeling that the judge seemed to be buying their arguments.

You in EE?
CCE - chart seems to be building nicely

Share price 1.4p. A few months ago there was idle chatter on BB's that they had 8p/share of cash. That may have depleted somewhat but they had a disposal recently to a major shareholder/partner suggesting that they retain faith in the business model and current management to deliver.


Decision is due in a couple of weeks isnt it? An adverse decision is apparently worth 30% of the company. From the outside, it seems that Excalibur are mere chancers, but my friend (who attended several days of court hearings) has a bad feeling that the judge seemed to be buying their arguments.

You in EE?

Not yet jaspa... Waiting for one last raid.
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Buying Shares?

I finally sold SXX on Friday for 23p after 4 long years and went into GKP. Will be back but not for a few months.
INFA had a reasonable update today although they seem to be guiding to more 2014 wells than 2013
Buying Shares?

Lucky more like. Local politics always makes me nervous - give me the KRG over some little power crazy bureaucrat in North Yorkshire.

How you been?
Good thanks looking forward to a repeat of the Cook, Dennison, Thommo climb back

PHE looks like unbelievably good news to me

The deal which caused collapse from 20p to 1p is back on so 1p to 20p ?
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Buying Shares?

Will look at PHE. Thanks.

KJ simply looks like Mick-Lite with his hoofball tactics. I wish we could have done a Swansea and tried a new approach for once.
Lloyds are making huge profits at the moment, mainly due to reducing complaint frequency in comparison to the other major UK banks. The Chancellor is also interested in gradually selling his 41% stake back to the private sector. Their share price has recently increased from barely 60p to over 70p and it is currently 74p. Might be worth a look.
Will look at PHE. Thanks.

KJ simply looks like Mick-Lite with his hoofball tactics. I wish we could have done a Swansea and tried a new approach for once.

I don't think our fellow fans are willing to give patient football a chance so he is probably doing the right thing look what happened under SS.
There's carnage at SXX after planning permission was rejected initially and their in-house broker has downgraded SXX to 9p.

Think a lot of people will sell out waiting for the winter spike that usually occurs.
There's carnage at SXX after planning permission was rejected initially and their in-house broker has downgraded SXX to 9p.

Think a lot of people will sell out waiting for the winter spike that usually occurs.

A few inaccuracies in your post:

1. Planning permission was never rejected as no decision was actually made at all.

2. The decision would have gone to committee but the authority's project manager (Chris France) started making negative noises about SXX. The committee could still have over-ruled him though.

3. The authorities 'independent' advisor - AMEC - gave a damning report about the project. AMEC also happens to have some strong links to SXX's giant rivals. Hmmm.

4 Rather then risk rejection at first hurdle, SXX asked for planning decision to be delayed themselves so they could attempt to counter AMEC's objections.

5. Potash prices are supposed to drop long-term due to Uralkali pulling out of market, making project feasibility for SXX potentially weaker http://business.financialpost.com/2013/07/30/potash-uralkali-prices/

6. This is a binary decision now. Either planning is given, or not. Even rejection at local level could mean that Central Govt may approve due to jobs issue, but it is a risk if local support is not forthcoming.

7. There has been no date mentioned by the company as to how long the extension they seek. They have less than £10m in the bank, meaning the chances of a share issue increase with every day of delay. This also has had an impact on SP.

8. It subsequently turned out that the in-house broker had been given their three months notice of termination by SXX 8 weeks before their 9p re-rating. Again hmmm.

9. The share was oversold at 11p, but I wouldnt bank on a winter spike so close to decision time. This will only rise on news now rather than seasonal factors, IMO.

Still a great investment, but the increased risk meant I took my profit.
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Could be interesting ?

Market Cap is about £1m. It owns 8.5% of A$70m Australian renewable energy company Carnegie Wave (ASX:CWE) and it's Net Assets at last accounting date were supposedly a multiple of the current share price anyway since when CWE has gone up significantly.

Seems to be some supportive large shareholders who are also creditors which means they would be first in line if the Company enter Administration which may explain the bargepole treatment from the rest of the market.

The real potential upside could come from selling their 30MW Polish windfarm or their interest in planning stage proposed 80MW Welsh windfarm project. Talk there of potentially selling it for £37.5m+ if it all comes to fruition. Creditors would get first cut having provided working capital facility to progress that.

Chart does look interesting with potential to break out above 200 day Moving Average.

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REH I make their interest in ASX:CWE to be worth over $5m (100m shares at 5.2c) or about £3m compared with REH current Market Cap of £1.3m @ 2p

Buying Shares?

I'm still hoping either/both GKP and XEL will be bought out before Christmas.
A lot of the shares which have gone up have been abandoned by many but then come out with news which has hint of potential big upside.

From the stocks I look at XTR seems to fit the bill
If they can manage to brng regime change in syria..... Worth keeping an eye out for gulf sands petroleum (gpx). It had to stop producing oil in syria due to western sanctions
Will look at GPX thanks. Not one I've looked at before. My initial worry would be that if there is regime change will they renegotiate past contracts / tear them up ? What happened in Iraq ?

May benefit from new Management team at AEX

Jay Bhattacherjee commented:
"Philip and I are very enthusiastic at the prospect of joining Aminex. We consider Aminex to have a world class portfolio of development and exploration assets in an exciting region of Africa. Our team has a record of building value in such situations and we foresee significant upside for Aminex's shareholders with the commercialisation of existing discoveries, development opportunities, progress on the Company's portfolio of assets and further expansion in the region."
lots of shady trading on Nokia options before the MSFT buyout.

People made 10 times their money in a matter of days.
GON back today ?

Some interesting fellow coming on Board may make it an interesting play from a new lower base ?

It is proposed that immediately following the General Meeting, all of the Directors will resign and Mr Ashar Qureshi and Mr Hamish Harris will join the Board as Non-Executive Directors.

Ashar Qureshi, aged 48

Ashar graduated from Harvard College with a B.A. in 1987 with high honours and received a J.D. with honours from Harvard Law School in 1990. Ashar is a member of the bar of the state of New York. From 1990 to 2010, Ashar was with the international law firm of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP. Ashar became a partner of the firm in 1998 and was a leader of its sovereign and cross-border transactional practices and has been consistently named as one of the leading corporate lawyers in the world by publications such as Who's Who, Legal 500 and Chambers.

In early 2010, Ashar joined Renaissance Group as its Executive Vice Chairman and CEO of Renaissance Asset Managers. Ashar left Renaissance Group in October 2011 and since then has been active as an investor and non-executive director in various companies.

should be improvement in newsflow here soon

Anyone near Birmingham should try to go to this :-

Jan Nelson, CEO to present at an Investor Evening in Birmingham 3rd October

Shares Magazine and Redmayne-Bentley Investor Evening - Birmingham - 3rd October 2013

Following the resounding success of our previous evening events, Shares Magazine is pleased to be working with Redmayne-Bentley in Birmingham to offer another chance for investors to meet, hear from and ask questions of key senior management figures from carefully selected companies.

This event offers an unique opportunity not only to hear about the latest plans from some of the most exciting companies in the sector, but also to put your questions to the people that matter. What is more, there is a free drinks and canapés reception where you can mingle with industry leaders and your fellow investors. Make sure you don't miss this unique opportunity to get the answers you need from the people who make the market.

Tickets are completely free but places are strictly limited so register now.

Date: Thursday 03 October 2013

Venue: thestudio, Cannon Street, Birmingham B2 5EP

Registration: 6.00pm


Presentations: 6.30pm followed by a drinks/canapés reception

Companies Presenting:

Sound Oil Plc (AIM:SOU)

Trinity Exploration and Production (AIM:TRIN)

Xtract Resources (AIM:XTR)

Xtract Resources (XTR) identifies and invests in a portfolio of early stage resource assets and business interests with significant growth potential. We aim to engage closely with the associate management teams to achieve project milestones, finance early stage asset and business development activity, and then finance the asset development phase, or if appropriate, crystallise value for all shareholders at a suitable exit point. We aim to achieve returns for our shareholders through access to the significant upside rewards associated with our investments.

The principal assets of Xtract are its holdings in Elko Energy Inc, Zhibek Resources Ltd and its joint ventured Oil Shale deposits in Queensland, Australia.
Speaker: Jan Nelson, CEO


Dress code: business attire

Disclaimer: Please remember investments and the income from them can do down, as well as up, in value and therefore capital may be at risk.

Please note the views of Shares Magazine and the listed companies do not constitute a recommendation from Redmayne-Bentley.

Buying Shares?

DV did you ever invest ?
In a few years I think I will be in the same boat I have all ready got a few bob saved .
AME could be interesting ? Guy in charge put his own money in and now talking about a 'World Class' project. not often you get that sort of conviction.

AME didn't break out above the 200 day MA today

However it does look a good deal and £3m for an explorer with a 'World Class' project next door to a massive Rio Tinto project looks exceptional.

One might ask how they got hold of such a great asset at such a knockdown price...