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Buying shares?

DV did you ever invest ?
In a few years I think I will be in the same boat I have all ready got a few bob saved .

Yep I did and still have some holdings. I ****** a bit of money away though but did ok, mainly thanks to the advice in this thread.

I realised quite quickly though that it was a lot more time intensive than I was prepared for and quite difficult to do the research before looking to invest.

These guys here are a valuable resource, make the most of their posts, you won't get similar advice for free.

Currently I put all of my spare money into a company share scheme.
Buying Shares?

D-Day re. court case for GKP tomorrow. Difficult to ascertain any leaked news from trading patterns today. Those who claim that bad news is already factored into SP don't understand the importance of sentiment and momentum on AIM.

+/- 30% I reckon. GULP.

Fingers crossed...
Never been a big fan of GKP but chartwise it looks set to do well almost regardless of the Result in Court.

I guess could be rationalised as just having the distraction out of the way and a resolution one way or the other will allow Management and Investment community to re-focus on the Fundamentals.

I think they are also holding back on good news as there hasnt been updates in months. I am hoping for a large cash award as a worst case scenario, rather than a share of future revenues.
Great news for GKP...

From advfn:

Collaboration agreement does NOT entail Excalibur to any part of the PSC
Excalibur has NO claim to any part of GKP Yes!!!!!!!
Excalibur was not ready to operate its obligations & as a result TKI are discarded from any obligations
TKI & GKP are not liable to any part to Excalibur
New York law does not apply
Neither TKI or GKP was guilty of any fraud
No damages for Excalibur
Excalibur has no valid claim
That's is the Judges outline Judgment

Read more: http://gkpinvestor.proboards.com/page/excalibur#ixzz2eTyI58Pb
Buying Shares?

Yep I did and still have some holdings. I ****** a bit of money away though but did ok, mainly thanks to the advice in this thread.

I realised quite quickly though that it was a lot more time intensive than I was prepared for and quite difficult to do the research before looking to invest.

These guys here are a valuable resource, make the most of their posts, you won't get similar advice for free.

Currently I put all of my spare money into a company share scheme.

That's good to hear and yeah these guys really do know their stuff .
Interesting news. The volume is relatively high but no comment from the company. Given potential for a 'false market' they really should have said something by now. The Times is hardly a small circulation minority interest newspaper ! Someone in the office or at their NOMAD must have read the story surely ?

AGL yes still in. Can't be out the potential is too good. Bought it in my mom's account as well so hell to pay if that goes wrong. :-p
Jasper/S28 - don't mind my ask, but what did you guys get in at? I do remember AGL from some pages back (might be a few!) but wondered what your entry was.

Ps not that my little input will have been missed, but not been on here for a while. I'd kind of left my portfolio alone for a bit, and its kind of 'rotted' - not the best idea, but started to find it extremely difficult to maintain the time and effort required.

How you guys been keeping anyway? Last time I was on here there was discussion of GKP amongst a few others.
On the day of the big news months ago i put it on here I think. Bought in myself at 30-40p on that day. It ended as high as 80-90p within a few days. Been a long hard slog since then but I recently added some at 60p and some at 80p.

The whole market has taken a battering so leaving things alone sometimes can be a good idea rather than overtrading in a bear market and ending up just paying out on commission and stamp duty to Brokers/Government.

Now is a good time to return to the market seasonally as September to March tends to have some strong months albeit higher volatility as well. The old market adage is 'Sell in May go away, Come again St Ledgers day (September)'

Some risk-seeking is returning to market participants. Long forgotten shares having huge 100%+ moves in one day recently. e.g. CRND and NYO this week. A few weeks ago REH and PHE had huge intraday moves. Not to forget the 'daddy' move from REM up almost 50x in the space of a few weeks recently.
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Keeping an eye on this one. I think Half Year results due soon. It's been a bad stock and I don't trust Chinese companies so ultra high risk. But 'second generation biofuels' that don't use and thus inflate the price of food crops is going to be a big thing so if this Company can successfully move from being a EPC to a Refiner it could be a big value added player and get re-rated.

Our primary goal remains to commercialise second-generation biochemical technology platforms that produce biofuel using the biological conversion of sustainable and low-cost cellulosic biomass.


The Board believes that CNE's business can radically improve the way commercial ethanol producers use and source their raw feedstock and in-turn the economics of the biofuel industry. We believe we can leverage our local customer base, and achieve our goal to become a leading supplier of second-generation cellulosic biofuel technology to ethanol and butanol producers in China and around the world. The Board's ambitions include building our own second-generation biofuel refinery, as well as to seek strategic acquisitions and mergers that will facilitate the rapid scale-up and rollout of second-generation technology to global markets.

According to the International Energy Agency ("IEA"), biofuels could provide 27% of total transport fuel by 2050; worldwide biofuel consumption could rise from 55 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) today, to 750Mtoe by 2050. Ambitious biofuel support policies have been adopted in both the United States (with 60 billion litres of second-generation biofuel by 2022) and the European Union (with 10% renewable energy in the transport sector by 2020). On Jan. 8 2013, the U.S. Energy Information Administration released the January issue of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, which is the first to include forecasts for 2014. The EIA's analysis predicts that ethanol production will rebound, beginning in the second half of 2013.

The Board believes the Company is poised to capture profitable opportunities from the growing demand for second-generation biofuel technology. Specifically EPC contracts to build second-generation refineries, as well as value added services across the bioethanol and biobutanol production cycle. In the meantime, the company will continue to develop pragmatic complementary revenue generating services, which help existing first-generation biofuel operators improve production efficiency and generate further cost savings through the efficient use of energy.

Furthermore R&D efforts, along with collaboration with other world-class organisations, shall enable the Company to develop and commercialise second-generation biofuel technology, and to scale-up of future biofuel and biochemical technology platforms quickly and cost efficiently.


In general, I am optimistic about the Group's prospects in 2013 and beyond. We continue to expect challenges due to the global economic climate, but the general outlook for our industry is very exciting as it transitions to second-generation technology. The Board and Management are feeling energized and committed to deliver growth this year, and build a strong foundation for sustainable growth in the future.

On behalf of the board, I would like to extend my appreciation to our valued shareholders, supportive business partners and associates, insightful management and dedicated staff for all their contribution and commitment towards the Company. I would also like to thank the Board of Directors for their invaluable counsel in steering the Group through this exciting time.


Jasper/S28 - don't mind my ask, but what did you guys get in at? I do remember AGL from some pages back (might be a few!) but wondered what your entry was.

Ps not that my little input will have been missed, but not been on here for a while. I'd kind of left my portfolio alone for a bit, and its kind of 'rotted' - not the best idea, but started to find it extremely difficult to maintain the time and effort required.

How you guys been keeping anyway? Last time I was on here there was discussion of GKP amongst a few others.

I sold out of AGL months ago mate.

Most of my holding has been in GKP over the last couple of months, though Im getting seriously excited by XEL now GKP court case has been won. Will shift some more over to XEL as takeover/farm-in rumours get stronger.

PLE looks interesting. Massive thumbs up on Friday by getting the positive opinion from the human trials, and 100% up on the news so far. Certainly worth a small punt if it does fly from here, IMO.

Had a look at this, and it does sound interesting indeed. What's your take on the SP though Jaspa? do you not feel the anticipated result is factored in?
The outcome is obviously priced in, but the upside is based on approval in different territories (waiting). The big game changer would be a takeover from a pharm giant.

The SP has been as high 265p, albeit on far fewer shares. This will be entirely news-driven from now.
Do you have a position in this already? I'm considering it - if not for any other reason then because it seems like it would definitely be appealing to the market as a product. And if the uptake of it is anything like his previous medical innovation then the 'upshot' could really be quite something.
I have a smallish position in my ISA and will probably not trade it because of the undoubted potential.
Jim Mellon has made about £50m buying into SUMM and PLE at the bottom and supporting them. It does show how funding is one of the biggest drivers for success of these Companies.
Virtually all AIM shares are now ISA-able since August, presumably to encourage investment rather than speculative trading.

CCE - chart seems to be building nicely

Share price 1.4p. A few months ago there was idle chatter on BB's that they had 8p/share of cash. That may have depleted somewhat but they had a disposal recently to a major shareholder/partner suggesting that they retain faith in the business model and current management to deliver.

I'm getting annoyed missing your many nuggets, and picking your occasional dogs instead. I think you should give a star rating out of 5 for each suggestion.
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Problem is the dogs are the ones I'd probably give 5 to and the nuggets I'd give 1 to.

Ain't that the truth. I'm still waiting for XTR, SOLO and GCM to come good, and missed out some of the big wins. Bugger.
GCM last Bangle elections 13p to 110p in about a day so I'm hopeful now they got funding sorted for a while longer and with elections due soon we can have a repeat. Polls suggest current bunch of muppets will get kicked out which should be seen as a good thing them having failed to move the Country forward after 5 years in power.

XTR Jan Nelson CEO presenting at a Shares Magazine forum Oct 3rd in Brum so hopefully raise the profile there.

SOLO Been inordinate delay in selling off/farming down Ruvuma Basin acreage but when it comes shoul dbe good and they are already repositioning with some other assets in west africa which could provide early cashflow.
You don't have to justify yourself, certainly not to me or anyone else on this board, with your track record.

I went in having researched the stocks, and understanding the risks and benefits. All I was bemoaning was that I have managed to pick your only three dogs instead of your many gems - the odds must be staggering!

Looks like a major part of the BNP Manifesto for next election will be to start mining the Country's rich reserves of coal.


"According to the draft charter, BNP believes that a substantial and accessible reserve of coal could be a long-term and sustainable solution to the raging power shortage in the country. It says the party will raise mass awareness and build a national consensus in order to ensure the best use of the existing coal reserves in the country.

The think-tank initially proposed the title “Rupkalpa 2030,” roughly translated as “Vision 2030” in English.

BNP Acting Secretary-General Mirza Fakrul Islam Alamgir, among others, was present during the presentation."

You don't have to justify yourself, certainly not to me or anyone else on this board, with your track record.

I went in having researched the stocks, and understanding the risks and benefits. All I was bemoaning was that I have managed to pick your only three dogs instead of your many gems - the odds must be staggering!

I'll second that. As a newish member to this forum and as an investor, I have to say S28's posts have been invaluable. Shame I didn't pick the good ones too!

I remember one of my first buys was LRL, and with all the hype it shot up - I was £2k up.. of course I didn't sell and I lost out. But its all a learning experience and I have to say I watch this thread regularly in order to benefit from S28, Casper and EE's posts.

thanks guys!
I'll second that. As a newish member to this forum and as an investor, I have to say S28's posts have been invaluable. Shame I didn't pick the good ones too!

I remember one of my first buys was LRL, and with all the hype it shot up - I was £2k up.. of course I didn't sell and I lost out. But its all a learning experience and I have to say I watch this thread regularly in order to benefit from S28, Casper and EE's posts.

thanks guys!

We have all done that. Like everything else in life, you learn the most from your mistakes.
GCM last Bangle elections 13p to 110p in about a day so I'm hopeful now they got funding sorted for a while longer and with elections due soon we can have a repeat. Polls suggest current bunch of muppets will get kicked out which should be seen as a good thing them having failed to move the Country forward after 5 years in power.

Speaking of which I note they've recently carried out a placing.. the 52 week low was 15.72p - would you say 20p is a good buy given the fundamentals and what you have said about GCM in your posts? :21:

Well they did the placing in August at about 20p to their Malaysian friends...so yes I think it's a good price to get in now

GCM Resources plc ('GCM' or the 'Company'), a resource exploration and development company, is pleased to advise that the Company has agreed an equity placement of 11,700,007 shares at 19.8p per share, raising £2,316,601. The placing is subject to funds being received. The placement price is equal to the 30 day Volume Weighted Average Closing Price.

Upon completion 9,427,280 shares will be issued to MEG Global Ventures Pte Ltd, equivalent to 15% of the enlarged issued capital of the Company. MEG Global Ventures Pte Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Magnus Energy Group Limited ("Magnus"), an energy resource business listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. Restrictions have been put in place on the subsequent sale of shares by Magnus.

Michael Tang, the Executive Chairman commented: "I would like to welcome Magnus as a new major shareholder of the Company and look forward to their contribution in pursuing shareholder value. The monies raised will be used to continue the operations of the Company in pursuing approval of the Phulbari Coal Project in Bangladesh. I would also like to thank Polo Resources Limited which has contributed to the share subscription and for the confidence placed in the Company."
S28 - search some low mcap graphene companies.... Lets look to the future.

I think it's a bit too early for graphene stocks much of the research is still in university research departments. Some of the major beneficiaries should be companies with existing products who can transition them to the new super-material.

CPX could be a good example. Its supercapacitors are going into stuff now but would be x times lighter/stronger with the new wonder material.

CPX results tomorrow and about time it had a go on back of some newsflow.

GON is coming back on October 2nd

Quite a result having seemingly looking as though it was going bankrupt but they've placed the problem division in a CVA, hived off the good gaming business into a private entity in which existing shareholders maintain their holdings. The remaining entity which returns will be a heavily diluted shell with a bit of cash and a new guy in charge (Ashar Qureshi) who seems to have an interesting CV, decent contact list and good 'previous' in the shell game.

Having exited at 0.65p the stock should come back at something equivalent to 0.1p in old terms but the New shares will list at around 9p (100 for 1 consolidation)

Ashar Qureshi, aged 48

Ashar graduated from Harvard College with a B.A. in 1987 with high honours and received a J.D. with honours from Harvard Law School in 1990. Ashar is a member of the bar of the state of New York. From 1990 to 2010, Ashar was with the international law firm of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP. Ashar became a partner of the firm in 1998 and was a leader of its sovereign and cross-border transactional practices and has been consistently named as one of the leading corporate lawyers in the world by publications such as Who's Who, Legal 500 and Chambers.

In early 2010, Ashar joined Renaissance Group as its Executive Vice Chairman and CEO of Renaissance Asset Managers. Ashar left Renaissance Group in October 2011 and since then has been active as an investor and non-executive director in various companies.
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Buying Shares?

Do you have a position in this already? I'm considering it - if not for any other reason then because it seems like it would definitely be appealing to the market as a product. And if the uptake of it is anything like his previous medical innovation then the 'upshot' could really be quite something.

Jaspa, S28

Could I kindly ask you to review PLE and in particular the posts of certain individuals on the Iii board? I get the whole concept of tampers and de-tampers however on this particular one I'm a little stumped (no pun intended!).

There is a lot of talk of loan notes and future placing etc and I will profess that I understand little of it.

From having been a newish member of this forum I've followed posts from yourselves for a while and found them to be impartial and most informative. Henceforth the request. I note Jaspa that you have a position in PLE and you're holding and though I understand fully the term DYOR; your clarification on this one would prove most valuable.

I've been watching this stock since you first posted the DM article. I've researched the company somewhat, had a look at the EMA website, read the opinion issued on the 19th September and understand the key concepts of how this should come to market - that's as far as I got.

Part of the (positive) opinion issued by the CHMP seems, to me, almost a giveaway of the future result (unless of course I'm missing the point entirely here or have the wrong end of the stick); i quote "it will only be obtained with a doctor's prescription". Does that preempt the fact that market authorisation for this product will indeed be issued by the European Commission?

Hope the above makes sense - I look forward to your detailed responses.

As always, your thoughts and posts are much anticipated and appreciated.


No expert on PLE.

i'd be wary of what bulletin board posters post as they will no doubt have positions already and will talk based on their existing position rather than care about what advice might be more appropriate for new investors.

PLE has already had a big move and if i was looking to get involved I'd at least wait for some of the overbought technical indicators to work off their current strength.
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this looks like very good news after some delays in many of their drilling projects

PCI status granted to Islandmagee Gas Storage Project

InfraStrata plc (AIM:INFA), the independent petroleum exploration and gas storage company, is pleased to announce its gas storage project under development at Islandmagee in County Antrim has been given 'Project of Common Interest' status by the European Commission. The full text of the announcement made by its subsidiary Islandmagee Storage Limited today is provided below.

"A £400million gas storage project at Islandmagee in County Antrim has just been given a major boost by the European Union. The project, which involves the creation of underground caverns in salt to store up to two months' worth of Northern Ireland's total gas requirement, has been given 'Project of Common Interest' (PCI) status by the European Commission and included on a Europe-wide list of the most important energy projects.

'Project of Common Interest' status means recognition by the European authorities that the Islandmagee gas storage project brings benefits not only to the Member State in which it is located, but to a much wider area. It means confirmation that the project is important at a European level.

PCI status is not just a well-earned accolade. PCI status means that the project must be given priority and quick passage by relevant Member States in the permitting process, and cooperation in its development. It also means the project is eligible to apply for significant financial support from the European Union - this may be in the form of direct grant or other forms of financial backing from institutions such as the European Investment Bank.

The Islandmagee project is being developed in a joint venture between lead partner, UK independent oil and gas company InfraStrata plc and local energy infrastructure company Mutual Energy."

Chief Executive of Mutual Energy, Paddy Larkin said,

"We are delighted that the outstanding benefits of this gas storage project have been recognised by way of PCI designation. This shows that the contribution this project can make to energy security of supply and system flexibility in Ireland North and South, and in Britain, has been recognised objectively by Europe. Essentially Europe is saying that this project will benefit energy consumers on these islands and national authorities should ensure that it goes ahead."

Mr Larkin continued,

"This direct message from Europe is timely as perhaps the biggest challenge facing Islandmagee Gas Storage is getting the regulatory environment right for a project that crosses a number of jurisdictions. Europe's support can only help with creating transparent, fair inter-jurisdictional regulation for gas storage. These issues were first consulted on in June 2011 and it is essential that the Regulatory Authorities in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland finally bring this process to a conclusion."

Chief Executive of InfraStrata plc, Andrew Hindle said,

"It is worth noting that this is the only gas storage project in the UK to have been designated a 'Project of Common Interest'. This reflects the very advantageous location at Islandmagee which offers a uniquely favourable geology for gas storage, as well as close proximity to strong points on the gas and electricity networks. PCI status tells us that we have a very worthwhile project and that national authorities should provide all reasonable assistance in its development."
XTR related news from ASX-listed GRV


Appointment of Executive Director to Drive Strategy

Greenvale Mining NL (ASX: GRV) is pleased to announce that it has appointed Mr Stephen Baird as an
Executive Director, effective from 14 October 2013.

Mr Baird joins Greenvale with over twelve years’ experience in energy and heavy industry. Stephen worked for seven years with Heritage Oil PLC where he was VP of Special Projects during a period when the company developed from a microcap into a GBP500 million capitalised company listed on the London Stock Exchange.
He then spun a deep-water rig concept out of Heritage Oil, creating the UDW drilling contractor, SeaDragon Offshore Ltd, of which he served as Chairman and Chief Executive. The company completed two of the largest drilling units in the world with a total asset value of in excess of $2 billion. Stephen has a proven track record of delivering project finance, technical project delivery and long term commercial contracts for emerging and progressive energy sector technologies.

Stephen is based in the UK and approached Greenvale following an extensive review of global oil shale
opportunities. He has a mandate from the Greenvale Board to commercialise the Company’s current oil shale projects, which contain in-situ oil shale resources of approximately 2 billion barrels(1), and expand the Company’s oil shale portfolio with a view to transforming Greenvale into a significant oil shale company.

The Board of Greenvale is delighted to have attracted an executive of the calibre of Stephen, whose skills and global experience are ideal for Greenvale’s next phase of growth.

Subject to shareholder approval, Mr Baird has been offered the following performance rights plan, with the maximum 5 years allowable to reach all performance hurdles:

(i) 2 million shares – upon GRV achieving a market capitalisation in excess of A$30 million for a consecutive
period 1 month;
(ii) 2 million shares – upon GRV achieving a market capitalisation in excess of A$50 million for a consecutive
period 1 month;
(iii) 2 million shares – upon GRV achieving a market capitalisation in excess of A$100 million for a
consecutive period 1 month; and
(iv) 2 million shares – upon GRV achieving a market capitalisation in excess of A$200 million for a
consecutive period 1 month.
i'm a student just wanna ask you investors how important is the role of diversification in your portfolios because bookish knowledge says you need 50-60 securities for proper diversification which is too much so share your practical knowledge please also a thought about international securities currently to what extent is the correlation among international stocks mainly b/w USA and Asian markets :13:
You should be able to gain adequate diversification with a portfolio of just 8-10 shares.

In times of a crash correlations tend to go towards 1.


Hmmm thank you for the answer do you consider analysis tool like P/E sharpe ratio or just rely on your inside/market information also i've heard investors artificially hike the prices of certain stocks and then some times also pledge them to take loan
PE ratio is just one simple metric of valuing/comparing a Company. Many prefer other valuation metrics and methods such as EV/EBITDA or DCF's. I wouldn't just use one valuation tool. Better to understand what influences the core valuation and the key determinants of that valuation formula. Then you can apply it to any stock. I try to think about things in a Porter Analysis framework to work out how that will impact the PV formula.



PE ratio is just one simple metric of valuing/comparing a Company. Many prefer other valuation metrics and methods such as EV/EBITDA or DCF's. I wouldn't just use one valuation tool. Better to understand what influences the core valuation and the key determinants of that valuation formula. Then you can apply it to any stock. I try to think about things in a Porter Analysis framework to work out how that will impact the PV formula.




ok so overall the inside information is the key thing and symmetric information is important
Xtract Resources chief Jan Nelson says Chépica mine acquisition is likely

By Jamie Ashcroft October 23 2013, 9:16am

The Chépica copper-gold mine in Chile is precisely the sort of project that newly re-launched Xtract Resources (LON:XTR) was looking for, according to chief executive Jan Nelson.
Nelson, the former Pan African Resources boss, joined the shell of a failed oil business back in May, and last week revealed what is expected to be the new company‘s first major acquisition.
It paid a US$250,000 fee to secure an exclusive four month due diligence period to assess the mine and, based on early findings, a subsequent share-based deal is considered likely.
With meaningful near-term cash flows coming from an ongoing ramp-up, Chépica is an asset that Nelson and his team can start building the new companyaround.
“The basic thing, for Xtract, is that we wanted to target assets that were in production, an asset with cash flow,” he told Proactive Investors.
“In all likelihood we will structure a deal where we will issue shares for a 100% stake in the mine and we’ll have to raise some money (between £1mln and £3mln) to capitalise the mine properly.
“The mine is in production now, we will have cash flow, so we won’t have to come back to investors again to raise capital.
“That really is the rationale for the acquisition.
“This is the project that I think will generate very good cash flows in six months' time for Xtract. It will provide the base of our operations, allowing us to pursue other projects.”
Nelson added that, as well as carrying out due diligence on Chépica, Xtract is weighing up other projects to add to its cash flows in the near term.
The cash may, among other things, be put to work on the neighbouring Mejillones phosphate project.
Mejillones was the project that initially drew Xtract to this part of Chile, before the team became aware of the Chépica opportunity.
Xtract can secure its interest in Mejillones via the Chépica transaction, or alternatively though a prior arrangement with the vendor.
It is a much larger and longer term venture compared with Chépica; by Nelson’s reckoning it is potentially a 200mln tonne or US$2-3bn project.
As such, he explains, it will be necessary for the newly refocused firm to bring in a development partner and take more of a backseat.
“We have been talking to a number of parties that are interested in co-developing the project for us.
“We will run for some free carry, and then can decide at some stage whether we’ll participate [in the development] or not. So, as we see results coming out we’ll be able to opt whether to co-fund [the project], retain some equity free carry or agree a royalty.”
Clearly the potential here is huge, though as Xtract currently stands – with a micro-cap valuation of just £5.5mln and no substantial assets – there is not the financial wherewithal to see such a project through.
This is why, strategically, Chépica is such a significant company building deal.
the drill that dare not speak its name...

Xtract has a 5% royalty interest in the P2 Licence offshore Netherlands operated by Chevron. Chevron drilled an exploration well on the licence which already hosted a ‘gas discovery’ in 2012. This was designated a ‘tight hole’ and no information has been shared with partners.


“An appraisal well drilled by Chevron in the Dutch sector of the North Sea with tight status has discovered gas. Although operator Chevron classed the P2-10 well as a tight hole and was not releasing any information about the outcome of the drilling operation, Xtract Energy, which has a royalty interest in the block, has disclosed that the well has in fact made a gas discovery. ” The CPR for the P2 Licence suggested potential gas resource of c.750bcf or c.100m barrels in oil equivalent terms. Thus a 5% royalty interest in a successful commercial well could be worth 5% of 100m barrels. Given ‘typical’ North Sea oil and gas reserve valuations of the order of $10-15 per barrel that could translate into a value for the Royalty interest of $50-75m. A quite significant sum given that XTR’s current Market Value is only c.£6m
That was 2 years ago.... What the hell is chevron doing? They must have same drill crew as Range resources in Trinidad - cannot finish 6000 ft onshore drill in one year.
Greenland just lifted uranium mining ban...... GGG on Australian Stock exchange worth keeping an eye on.
CNEL 4p today, mentioned the chart was looking interesting a few weeks back at 0.7p


keeping an eye on this one. I think half year results due soon. It's been a bad stock and i don't trust chinese companies so ultra high risk. But 'second generation biofuels' that don't use and thus inflate the price of food crops is going to be a big thing so if this company can successfully move from being a epc to a refiner it could be a big value added player and get re-rated.

our primary goal remains to commercialise second-generation biochemical technology platforms that produce biofuel using the biological conversion of sustainable and low-cost cellulosic biomass.


the board believes that cne's business can radically improve the way commercial ethanol producers use and source their raw feedstock and in-turn the economics of the biofuel industry. We believe we can leverage our local customer base, and achieve our goal to become a leading supplier of second-generation cellulosic biofuel technology to ethanol and butanol producers in china and around the world. The board's ambitions include building our own second-generation biofuel refinery, as well as to seek strategic acquisitions and mergers that will facilitate the rapid scale-up and rollout of second-generation technology to global markets.

According to the international energy agency ("iea"), biofuels could provide 27% of total transport fuel by 2050; worldwide biofuel consumption could rise from 55 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe) today, to 750mtoe by 2050. Ambitious biofuel support policies have been adopted in both the united states (with 60 billion litres of second-generation biofuel by 2022) and the european union (with 10% renewable energy in the transport sector by 2020). On jan. 8 2013, the u.s. Energy information administration released the january issue of its short-term energy outlook, which is the first to include forecasts for 2014. The eia's analysis predicts that ethanol production will rebound, beginning in the second half of 2013.

The board believes the company is poised to capture profitable opportunities from the growing demand for second-generation biofuel technology. Specifically epc contracts to build second-generation refineries, as well as value added services across the bioethanol and biobutanol production cycle. In the meantime, the company will continue to develop pragmatic complementary revenue generating services, which help existing first-generation biofuel operators improve production efficiency and generate further cost savings through the efficient use of energy.

Furthermore r&d efforts, along with collaboration with other world-class organisations, shall enable the company to develop and commercialise second-generation biofuel technology, and to scale-up of future biofuel and biochemical technology platforms quickly and cost efficiently.


in general, i am optimistic about the group's prospects in 2013 and beyond. We continue to expect challenges due to the global economic climate, but the general outlook for our industry is very exciting as it transitions to second-generation technology. The board and management are feeling energized and committed to deliver growth this year, and build a strong foundation for sustainable growth in the future.

On behalf of the board, i would like to extend my appreciation to our valued shareholders, supportive business partners and associates, insightful management and dedicated staff for all their contribution and commitment towards the company. I would also like to thank the board of directors for their invaluable counsel in steering the group through this exciting time.


Maybe some early momentum depending on overnight press coverage.
Personally experience shows it is best to sell these sort of spikes and look for the next stock which has not been discovered yet.
The players who were in at start of CNEL seem to be looking at KED, NEOS, PPIX, BLU amongst others
Maybe some early momentum depending on overnight press coverage.
Personally experience shows it is best to sell these sort of spikes and look for the next stock which has not been discovered yet.

S28 - Did you manage to take up a position in CNEL before the boom?

Well that's put a smile on my face :-)

In other news, i'm still looking at PLE, GCM, BHR and TYM.

Wondering if PLE is all factored in or whether it has legs with not many days to go for the decision.

GCM seems to not be doing much, still.

BHR has nearly hit 52 week low. Got in at 4p - thinking of averaging down.

TYM - desperately hoping that some good news is en route for this mineral!

Your thoughts much sought after!
TYM - should be fine long term because Fluorspar is such an important strategic mineral for US.

GCM - Had final results today, bit of a non event. Key thing is how they raise the profile of the project in local communities of Bangladesh and get Government to sign up for go ahead. New elections soon should see Phulbari as a major talking point and I think if BNP get in with big majority as they deserve to after 5 years of failure and corruption from Awami League then GCM should spike just like it did 5 years ago when Awami League got in and people thought at last a new Government who will have the mandate to push this project through despite protests.

PLE and BHR - I have no great insight into them.
Jazka'Allah S28.

Much appreciated. Interestingly enough, what is the methodology for finding the next stock which has not been discovered yet?

I try to keep and eye on charts of individual names and anticipate if there will be a positive change in the momentum/sentiment from the chart. Then you also need to be aware of what is floating investors boats at a particular time. There was big interest in Mining and Energy firms a few years ago. Now the big interest seems to be Alternative Energy/Renewables. Another time it might be biotech. What a lot of these stocks have in common is little in the way of fundamental underpinnings to their valuation so they can go up or down a lot simply on sentiment.

e.g. with CNEL the chart showed after a big sharp fall the stock had gone sideways creating a 'base' this suggested anyone who wanted to sell had already sold and any good news should see buyers return at a time when sellers had been 'exhausted'.

That is partly what interests me about GCM and XTR. Charts have formed big bases. My valuation analysis suggests there has been no great deterioration in their resource assets size/value or potential during the periods of these charts. So all we need is some positive catalysts to change sentiment.

In case of GCM historically Bangladesh elections were such a catalyst. 5 years ago GCM went from 13p to 130p in a month after last election.

In case of XTR they have new Management who are going to do deals and are due to present to investors 'marketing'/promoting their story in December.


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A bit irrelevant, but anyone have any insight/tips for gold? Declining in price rapidly, wondering if I should put my money into it?
Interesting to read this on investegate today. Especially given that Dubai has a bid for candidate city for the 2020 world expo.

DAMAC Real Estate Development Limited


DAMAC Properties Development Co. LLC, together with its group of companies ("DAMAC" or the "Group"), today announces its intention, subject to market conditions, to proceed with an initial public offering (the "IPO" or the "Offer") of ordinary shares ("Ordinary Shares") in the form of global depositary receipts ("GDRs") of DAMAC Real Estate Development Limited (the "Company"). It is intended that the Company will seek admission of the GDRs to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and for all such GDRs to be admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange plc's main market for listed securities through its International Order Book (regulated market segment) ("Admission"). One GDR represents an interest in 3 Ordinary Shares of the Company.

The GDRs are being offered by Al Firdous Holding Limited and Sahira Company Limited each of which are controlled by Mr Hussain Sajwani, the chairman and founder of DAMAC (the "Selling Shareholders). The Offer will be made to UK institutional, UK professional and other investors in qualifying geographies. Subject to market conditions, the Selling Shareholders expect to sell approximately US$500 million of GDRs pursuant to the Offer before the exercise of any over-allotment option.

Citigroup Global Markets Limited ("Citigroup")and Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch ("Deutsche Bank") are acting as Joint Global Co-ordinators and Joint Bookrunners. Samba Capital and Investment Management Company ("Samba Capital") and VTB Capital plc ("VTB Capital") are acting as Co-Lead Managers.
PLE - another decent rise today. Talk on the BBs of likely EC approval leak.

Been watching this to establish the right time to jump in, as was under the impression that the positive opinion was already factored in at the price of c13p - now not so sure.

If they get the marketing approval then how much more is this likely to shift?

Jaspa - Request for comment.
OXS - might be worth keeping an eye on. Broken out above key MAs. They are in arbitration at International Court against Uzbeks who have taken their main project a highly prospective goldmine. Looks like the Dictator's daughter who had been implicated may be about to get her comeuppance which would open the way perhaps to a big legal win for OXS. I don't follow it but chart bore comment.


24th October 2013 - Uzbekistan: Gulnara TV Mysteriously Slips Off Air

27th October 2013 - Uzbekistan: First Daughter’s Charity Network Reportedly Under Fire

28th October 2013 - Is Gulnara Karimova in the doghouse?

29th October 2013 - Bank Accounts Of Holding Group Linked To Karimova Frozen

1st November 2013 - Uzbekistan's first daughter Gulnara Karimova troubled by 'corruption links'

1st November 2013 - Scandal brings down dictator's daughter

2nd November 2013 -The first daughter is in a spot of bother

3rd November 2013 - Could semi-naked pictures of the 'Uzbek Princess' put paid
to her dream of inheriting power from dictator father?

4th November 2013 - Will Googoosha Be Uzbekistan's Next Dictator?

4th November 2013 - Gulnara Karimova is penniless
PLE - another decent rise today. Talk on the BBs of likely EC approval leak.

Been watching this to establish the right time to jump in, as was under the impression that the positive opinion was already factored in at the price of c13p - now not so sure.

If they get the marketing approval then how much more is this likely to shift?

Jaspa - Request for comment.

Ive seen short-term forecasts of 50p mentioned. Its all about investor sentiment, rather than any fundamentals.

There is talk about City leaks re. EU approval, but some good press coverage (like 6 weeks ago) can see this motor. The fact that the guy who helped deliver it was also involved with Viagra makes this even more newsworthy. I'm staying for a while.