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Buying shares?

STGR - Appreciate graphite and graphene are 'hot' so it has some of the major elements for a good story. However chart is a bit broken and I am unsure what the funding consequences of more failures/delays will be. Also a bit of political risk with Madagascar elections ? Now might be the time to get involved though as a recovery story with such a low Mkt Cap ? Not sure about the metrics in terms of Mkt Cap/Resource value and what price they mine and sell their graphite for. Seems quite a odd market with lots of different grade types and if you have the wrong sort it can make or break you.

OSU - Copper should be hot at some point (expected to go into supply deficit 2015 ish I think, and Housing market improvement is good for Copper demand) and they have the sort of marginal project where a small move in Copper from say $3/lb to $3.50/lb could make a huge difference to their economics. However I am a bit worried about political risk in these sort of Central Asian ex Commie countries. Chart wise 3p may be a long term support area but I have no great feel for what the upside is (on Copper or their project) so can't really calibrate the risk-reward properly. Also there have been shares issued at 24p to strategic partners but the shares never trade up to the private transaction level which makes me wonder what games are being played and who is selling ?
Liking the look of XTR, PHE, REH charts going into the new year. OXS also as a high risk litigation punt.
I am invested in


FCR, I think will give me good news in about 3-4 months time
BMN, bought it on a tip
AFRI is a gut feel buy (lack of research here, but just took a punt!)
S28, what do you make of the recent raleigh with TYM? 8 million shares traded today, and the SP is pushing north.
Looks like it may be tipped in New Year tipsheets just prior to results from their recent resource drilling. If it does spike over coming days I would sell some because the Company will no doubt use any share price strength to raise money through placing or equity tap. Long term though it seems a good play on a genuinely scarce commodity fluorspar.
S28, what are your thoughts on ALO and KDR

lost of positive chat on the LSE.co.uk website
That alone would put me off. Too much positive chat on any stock. It suggests all the good news is in the price already and people will only look to sell off even good news.
I think he may have been misquoted there. If you read their Investor Presentation they have indicated $5m-10m annual cashflow potential from that one mine. Admittedly not the same as profit but I'd say cash generation is more important than 'profit'.
Bugger. MDZ gone up 12% this afternoon.

AIM is indeed a crazy place. So many 15-20% risers every day, you could make or lose a lot very quickly!

Am researching QFI, its done really well in 2013.

Am in AFRIAG, BMN and FCR right now.

With some new year cash looking to posibly go in QFI, DQE, KDR, SULA or ALO
MDZ looks interesting.

Some big hitter media chap seems to have bought a big holding. He can no doubt bring some big clients their way. It's a tech led marketing business using some sort of holographic technology. Apparently being used by some big US company in a major campaign.
I think he may have been misquoted there. If you read their Investor Presentation they have indicated $5m-10m annual cashflow potential from that one mine. Admittedly not the same as profit but I'd say cash generation is more important than 'profit'.

Thats what I thought too......

On another note - Jan Neslon on the board of any other company?
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Not that I know of. He used to be former CEO of PAF and took it from being a £5m Company to a £250m Company so he has excellent track record. I liked his presentation delivered at a recent Proactive Investors forum. No b.s. or promotion, just a straightforward pragmatic manager who will do the business.
Oxus gold and chruchil mining both have tribunal cases to be decided this year.... Any chance they can enforce the payment if they win?

Oxus gold vs gov of uzbekistan - 400 million to 1.2 billon dollar claim
Churchill mining vs gov of Indonesia - 1 billion dollars claim
CAP-XX releases prototype SMD supercapacitor for licencing evaluation

The Company announces that CAP-XX is ready to ship prototypes of its new surface mount supercapacitor to potential licencees. These surface mount devices are suited for applications for high volume devices, where re-flow solder board assembly is deployed, notably smart phones.

The Company has employed an additional sales manager to cover Asia where it is experiencing growth in demand for its devices. He is a Korean national with experience in passive component sales including supercapacitors, in Asia, North America and Europe.

Meanwhile, the Company is experiencing increasing interest from the US and India for its automotive supercapacitors and is in discussions on licensing.

CAP-XX expects to report sales in A$ for the half year to December 31st ,21% ahead of the corresponding period of 2012/13. Cash is expected to be A$2.7m as at 31st December. Together with the cost reduction programme which continues to deliver savings and improved gross margin and a weakening A$, the Company is in line to meet market expectations for the half year and views the remainder of its financial year with confidence.

Anthony Kongats, CAP-XX Chief Executive said:
"We are pleased to start sampling our SMD supercapacitor which addresses a clear industry demand for devices suitable for high volume reflow manufacturing techniques. We are now actively seeking licensees for this SMD technology. We remain pleased with the level of interest the Global automotive industry has been expressing in our large prismatic supercapacitors and are in negotiations with multiple parties.
very disappointing response to the CPX news release

£5m Market Cap for a Company with revenue run rate of over A$3m p.a. and net cash of $2.7m and two potentially huge licensing opportunities in two massive markets Automotive and Smartphones addressing one of the biggest banes of those products the poor battery performance.

Supercapacitors in cars seems like an idea whose time has certainly come...

Product How-to: Extending battery life in transportation and mobile applications with supercapacitors

Jason P Lee, Global Product Manager, Eaton Bussmann
December 11, 2013

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I keep hearing really positive commentary on VOG. Commonly known as VOG the DOG.

the chart though is shaping positive.

STG a Lenigas stock so caveat emptor etc

but possibly interesting like XTR

from LSE


Mcap £4.8million at 0.65p

360,000tonnes /annum at $90/tonne high quality coal = $30million/year or £18.3million/year

20% (£3.7million to STG per year), option to increase a further 10% to £5.5million

Up to £4million cash in the bank - correct me if i'm wrong
Welsh gold venture currently has no value keyed in = Exciting times ahead ;)
S28- ypu got holding in stellar?

First look at the grades from wales....that is astronomical! Unless I am not reading right.

Anything above 4 g/t is considered good... They have multiples of this from what they sampled so far. If they do mine, capex will be very low.
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STG - ultra small holding based on Lenigas ability to ramp only. I don't have any faith in the underlying assets which seem of highly dubious worth. Those welsh gold grades are just grab samples and the experts view seems to be there is zero chance of any welsh gold mine being successful.
Re: Buying Shares?

I keep hearing really positive commentary on VOG. Commonly known as VOG the DOG.

the chart though is shaping positive.


Every dog has its day.

There isn't a shortage of supply nor demand, just need to hook up the customers.

They should be cash positive now.

The SP has been crippled due to endless dilutions but with them being cash generative, this should be a thing of the past.

Once the market sees continuous increase in sales, the confidence will grow and this could/should be the start of the long road back.
stgr going well....

stg - well lennigas is the master of pumping shares... maybe one due in stg soon?

Some very encouraging info shared by someone who claims to have had communication with XTR CEO


Hi guys, I actually emailed XTR and got an email back from Jan Nelson regarding this - ''> 1. Without raising this money, Xtract would not be able to continue as a viable business and timing was critical in securing the Chepica Mine > 2. Chepica provides near-term cash flow and we believe acquiring a business that will generate cash in the current market is critical as there is little money available for exploration juniors > 3. I think that exploration companies have their stocks "shorted" when they arrange financing as a result of the fact that they never generate cash-flow and keep on coming back for more cash (Xtract is not in this position) > 4. Xtract is different as we will use the cash once to capitalise the Mine (and Group) and then we will generate cash which is very different from the companies your refer to - this puts Xtract in a unique position and as a result I do not believe that YA Global will short our stock as the prospect of cash-flow and the upside presents more value to them to hold > 5. Even if YA Global sell we believe it will be on the back of good volume (as the market recognises the growth and cash generation ability of the company) that will not depress the share price > > So I believe the Board has taken the necessary precautions and we have discussed the issue with YA Global and talk to them on a daily basis. > > My job is to create value for shareholders (and this I did at Pan African Resources - which we grew in a similar way from a stock with a price of 1.45p to 20p) and as such I need to take decisions that will be in the best interest for the company in the medium to long term (I do not manage the company for short term gains as it is destructive and no proper business can be viable in such a scenario). ''
S28, I recall you making fun of me for suggesting NOK at around 1.

It's at 8.18 now :)

OTC - switching from gold in europe to copper in africa?

Ortac Resources Buys into Andiamo - every cloud has a copper lining

Monday 13 January 2014

The misery of the junior mining markets has caused pain for many but it also gives an opportunity to those with cash…step forward Ortac Resources (OTC) which has today announced a very interesting little deal which could be a real winner.

At 0.24p Ortac is capitalised at just £5.4 million. Its main focus was and – having chatted to Ortac boss Vassilios Carellas over the weekend - still is Slovakia. In that country it has – at Sturec- a JORC compliant gold resource of 873,000 oz. and has completed a PFS. Progress on developing a clearly commercial mine has been delayed by bearded eco-loons who prefer trees to jobs but I am led to believe that progress is being made on that front and we will have news in 2014.

But Carellas is an opportunist. A year ago he was presented with the chance to invest in Andiamo, an exploration company operating in Eritrea in the horn of Africa. Today, with Andiamo unable to fund much on the ground and unable to secure finance, Ortac has bought a 26.7% stake for $1.5 million which is a much lower valuation than a year ago. It has an option to buy another 21% for an additional $2 million.

Eritrea sounds like the sort of place you’d send your mother in law on holiday. I should note that my mother-in-law is very much in my good books right now and so those brochures I had ordered for holidays in Puntland, Kurdistan, Helmund Province, South Sudan and Eritrea have now all been binned. But it is a region which is attracting a lot of mining interest right now and as Alecto (ALO) has shown in recent months you can spark real investor interest if you get it right.

Andiamo is targeting a series of gold-copper plays and at Yacob Dewar last year it did deliver some pretty spectacular copper results. With the Ortac cash a new drilling campaign starts this quarter.

Andiamo has a credible management team headed by Tim Williams as CEO with Mark Parker also on board. Parker may not have delivered as CEO of African eagle (AFE) but in his days as an exploration fellow in African when African was Twigg he did add massive shareholder value. As a lead Geo he is not bad at all.

How will Ortac add value for its shareholders? Two ways. With £2m still in the kitty it is well funded to get Sturec past the bathing averse eco loons and so ready to do a BFS at which stage it should easily be able to raise finance at a higher price. Secondly, if and when _ and it is the latter – sentiment towards mining juniors turns than Andiamo will float on AIM and so Ortac will trouser it as an early investor. My sense is that if Q1 drilling is positive you could see Andiamo listed in 2014 and that could make Ortac look very cheap indeed, with Sturec potentially in for less than nothing.

- See more at: http://www.shareprophets.advfn.com/...loud-has-a-copper-lining#sthash.qx8Spz01.dpuf
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some interest being shown in GBR after TOTAL investment in UK shale licences

GBR sub £1m mkt cap but limited finances and not sure exactly what shale licences they own
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VOG rising on 'bad news' that would be a radical change in sentiment

I don't follow it closely so no idea of valuation or potential upside.
Look at SULA. Invested quite a bit into it, this week has been amazing!

Going to the proactive investors thing tonight. Want to hear what MWA has to say!
Anything interesting at Proactive forum yesterday ?

not really.

I was there mainly for Edge Resources and MWA

MWA said what we already know. His overall message was Zimb and Congo are not as bad as you think. Kept on saying stock is under valued

Edge was very impressed by their CEO. Spoke clearly and knew what he was doing.

Focussed a lot on their low cost practices. They need $650K all in to start drilling within a matter of weeks. Also 95% success rates with their drills.

I need to read more about EDGE, but it is a company worth looking into
CPX looks to be setting up again.

Presenting at Conferences soon, so could be newsflow around that maybe. Decent volume recently suggests maybe an overhang coming to an end ?


I am warming to this one. I don't think its Welsh Gold aspirations were likely to be met so they have switched to Indonesian Coal. I reckon Lenigas and his mates have been getting in in recent 0.4p and 0.5p fundraisings. He can't pump all his vehicles at the same time and as he quietens down on the likes of REM I think he has been getting ready to start banging the drum on his other vehicles. STG seems primed for being the next one he will bring to prominence. Keep an eye on the chart there. It has formed a base at the fundraising level and the upside if he delivers on the coal project could be huge. I like the idea of small mining projects where they are ready to go with little upfront capex and can bootstrap using cashflow rather than have interminable studies Scoping/PFS/DFS/BFS etc etc etc all needed to attract big capex funders.

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Another to keep an eye on ?

Market Cap about £7m. Peter Jones of Dragons Den fame owns about 50% and making half hearted bid for the rest. Company turnsover £100m odd but can't seem to make a profit. But might be some nice tax losses. Could Peter Jones reverse in his private company Jessops ?

EVO possibly interesting just judging by chart set up. Planning a reverse takeover as well so potentially transformational and do have some cash to hand so some downside protection for a Market Cap of just £0.5m

CAP-XX releases prototype SMD supercapacitor for licencing evaluation

The Company announces that CAP-XX is ready to ship prototypes of its new surface mount supercapacitor to potential licencees. These surface mount devices are suited for applications for high volume devices, where re-flow solder board assembly is deployed, notably smart phones.

The Company has employed an additional sales manager to cover Asia where it is experiencing growth in demand for its devices. He is a Korean national with experience in passive component sales including supercapacitors, in Asia, North America and Europe.

Meanwhile, the Company is experiencing increasing interest from the US and India for its automotive supercapacitors and is in discussions on licensing.

CAP-XX expects to report sales in A$ for the half year to December 31st ,21% ahead of the corresponding period of 2012/13. Cash is expected to be A$2.7m as at 31st December. Together with the cost reduction programme which continues to deliver savings and improved gross margin and a weakening A$, the Company is in line to meet market expectations for the half year and views the remainder of its financial year with confidence.

Anthony Kongats, CAP-XX Chief Executive said:
"We are pleased to start sampling our SMD supercapacitor which addresses a clear industry demand for devices suitable for high volume reflow manufacturing techniques. We are now actively seeking licensees for this SMD technology. We remain pleased with the level of interest the Global automotive industry has been expressing in our large prismatic supercapacitors and are in negotiations with multiple parties.

Had to go back and re-read this RNS from a few weeks ago. Seems like a great heads up about potential commercial contracts and you would assume any design wins in mobile phones or automotives would mean multi-million dollar orders. Only question really is when will these negotiations turn into actual contracts ? I'd have thought 3-6 months ? Worth keeping an eye on especially with the chart looking to have based at 4p. There was a recent fundraising at 5.5p and Management issued options at 8.5p...

July 2013 Placing at 5.5p http://www.investegate.co.uk/cap-xx...otice-of-general-meeting/201307221300028426J/
October 2013 Options with 8.5p exercise price http://www.investegate.co.uk/cap-xx-limited--cpx-/rns/granting-of-share-options/201310141240584353Q/

The hints seem pretty heavy ... shipping prototypes targeting smartphones, hired a Korean national with experience selling into Asian market ... Samsung ? LG ?
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Final Results out

Could be used as a Reverse Takeover Vehicle by another Company or Sell off it's IP. Or may distribute remaining cash. Anyway should all come to a conclusion within 3 months apparently.


The directors believe that the ongoing discussions regarding the sale of the Group's technology and assets will be concluded within the next three months. The board expects to be able to make further announcements regarding this to shareholders in due course.

The Directors seem to have significant stakes so do have skin in the game.

Market Cap is £0.5m. As at July 2013 they had cash of about £0.6m. The IP and Listing should have some value as well surely.
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IKA floated about 3 years ago at about 60p.

This news could see it breakout well above that level in coming weeks/months. Just had a Golden Cross technical signal as well.

IKA is one to just buy the dips now I reckon. IT should just ramp and ramp due to lack of liquidity and amazing news ripples through the market. Tomorrow could be the real massive day after some press coverage overnight.

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Buying the dips didn't particularly work on IKA today. But seems to have been a large seller being cleared.

I've got an average around 50 and happy to hold it for the future as can see this as a potential Billion pound technology licensing company like ARM.

Makes CPX look interesting because that seems much further down the line in their own tech development and just a £4m Mkt Cap vs IKA's £20m+

An IKA presentation from middle of last year. None the wiser.


Some press coverage

S28 - I bought IKA yesterday but it has gone down...so you think it is a long term punt now...what price you envisaging holding out till?
IKA - Yes I paid around 50p and quite happy to hold. The Company floated at around 55-60p just two odd years ago. Last year specifically to drive this programme forward they raised more money at 55p. I'm quite convinced that given that they work with the leading major Electric/Hybrid Vehicle company Toyota that they have some real technological lead in this area and that their claims are merited.

It then becomes a case of if this really is the real deal and it can improve smartphone batteries performance so radically that Companies like Apple and Samsung will be beating a path to their door. Then do some basic maths how many batteries a year are made for smartphones ? Let's say 200m ? And say the batteries sell at $5-10 and IKA can command a 10% royalty/licensing fee for the technology. You could have annual revenue of 200m x $10 x 10% = $200m p.a.

As a royalty company the Stock would be valued very highly so this could easily be a Billion or Multi-Billion pound stock which suggests potential for the stock to go up 10,20,50x in the next few years potentially if they can deliver on the promise.

I'm quite happy to have overpaid for an initial position because I expect to pay 60,70,80,90,100p over coming months as I build my position and as the story develops.
IKA going a bit nuts today. Judging by the chart if it breaks 60 odd it will probably go to 100p+ quite quickly
thanks S28 - that makes sense. Am I right in thinking that when you mention "build my position" you mean the act of buying more shares as the price rises?