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IKA testing that 60p breakout level good and proper. I suspect that more warrant holders will be converting and given warrant price of 50p the prices might converge in the 50-60 range allowing them to convert at a profit and the Company to receive funds. That's all absent any news on further developments towards commercialisation. Usually one would think given it's such a big deal they will be negotiating with several parties and it could all take some time with them presumably wanting to do their own testing in house to validate IKA claims ?
IKA testing that 60p breakout level good and proper. I suspect that more warrant holders will be converting and given warrant price of 50p the prices might converge in the 50-60 range allowing them to convert at a profit and the Company to receive funds. That's all absent any news on further developments towards commercialisation. Usually one would think given it's such a big deal they will be negotiating with several parties and it could all take some time with them presumably wanting to do their own testing in house to validate IKA claims ?

S28 - could you please run a MACD chart and let me know what you think. Im assuming SP has plateaued until licencee is allowed
Maybe just looking more positive short term as MACD goes positive on short term chart. I always expected 60p retest so bouncing off 60p is positive confirmation. I will look to add as funds become available


FCR is a good play but I don't think iron ore is doing too well at the moment ? Either way it fits the bill of a company which can advance its project and achieve good economics even in a relatively poor commodity price environment.
FCR is a good play but I don't think iron ore is doing too well at the moment ? Either way it fits the bill of a company which can advance its project and achieve good economics even in a relatively poor commodity price environment.

S28 the main driver right now is that on Feb 28th Anwar Asian are expected to buy 35% of the company for US$10, valuing the company at basically 4p / share.

Also the fact that they have agreed to pay another $3M for funding activities (thus no dilution). I have an e-mail from FCR saying that there should be no fear of dilution right now.

I am going to start top slicing once it goes over 3p

I don't have much in there, thought I told everyone I know to buy into this.

Not a bad day so far.

BMN up 10%, FCR 8% and for once SULA even going up!
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PSL could get interesting soon Photonstar LED

Directors buying recently
About to launch a new product. Looks interesting. http://www.halcyon-lighting.co.uk/

Could play into the overhyped 'Internet of Things' stuff. i.e. you control your home lighting via Wi-Fi

British Gas are advertising something similar where you can control your home heating by smartphone app


PSL looks too cheap anyway but if it gets a concept stock rating it could go up multiples

£5m Mkt Cap with annual sales of existing products of c.£8m

Tech companies are all about Product Cycles and this one from PSL was due to launch January

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19 Feb'14 - 09:06 - 556 of 560 1 0

I hope folks don't see IKA as a short term trade [though it maybe a good one] - but it is so much more than that.

If this was listed in the US imo it wd have a m cap in excess of US$1bn.

I don't want to ramp this - it will ramp itself! But if I cd make a suggestion it wd be to do a bit of research on IKA & in particular get to understand their hi throughput material sampling tech - & its significance. The new products / materials generated thus far give huge credibility to this enabling tech.

I have no idea how commercialisation will proceed but the IP by itself imo looks to have simply incredible potential value.

imo, dyor etc.
FCR and SAV both flying today.

I did not buy into SAV, but was told my someone to totally go balls out into it
FCR coming across like a proper company with the appointment of a proper professional from Worley Parsons.

SAV the last RNS wasn't that good but the CEO has £500k of his own money in the Company so expect him to work hard to sort it out eventually.
FCR coming across like a proper company with the appointment of a proper professional from Worley Parsons.

SAV the last RNS wasn't that good but the CEO has £500k of his own money in the Company so expect him to work hard to sort it out eventually.

FCR RNS not taken well by the market, down today, but overall still up.

yes SAV ceo has money in and on record saying he wants to multi bag the stock
IKA as placings go it is positive

Establishes a new 'base' price of 60p which should act as strong technical support now.
Gives some Institutions more shares which they wouldn't be able to acquire in the Market so will keep them committed and maybe ongoing supporters as the share price rises.
Potential now for the majority of warrants set at 50p to be exercised giving another boost to the balance sheet cash.
Limited dilution in terms of equity just less than 10%.
Gets the Company closer to £50m Market Cap from where more Institutions will get interested.
Numis are a quality mid cap Broker so will have lined up good supportive Institutions to fund this placing.
They should also provide after market support in terms of a new Broker note with higher share price targets in future one would expect.
AEY chart looks interesting if anyone cares. Seems to be a hated oil and gas company but will soon have more cash than it's Market Cap and still retains some decent sized field interests which could get financed due to 'hot' partner Enegi Oil and it's 'revolutionary' marginal field technology.
On the move today. On very limited volume. If this does get noticed it could really go a lot higher just on hype I think. The whole 'Internet of Things' thing is hot.

PSL could get interesting soon Photonstar LED

Directors buying recently
About to launch a new product. Looks interesting. http://www.halcyon-lighting.co.uk/

Could play into the overhyped 'Internet of Things' stuff. i.e. you control your home lighting via Wi-Fi

British Gas are advertising something similar where you can control your home heating by smartphone app


PSL looks too cheap anyway but if it gets a concept stock rating it could go up multiples

£5m Mkt Cap with annual sales of existing products of c.£8m

Tech companies are all about Product Cycles and this one from PSL was due to launch January

Good stuff from SOLG and BMN today. So this is where I am with mining stocks

KDR..still at a loss, but good comeback
SOLG...wee bit profit now
FCR....Wee bit profit was in a major profit few days back
MWA...**** stock
FRX....patiently wainting
BMN...still a loss, but very hopeful
SULA...was in a massive profitm, did not sell, and now a big loss, but hopeful again

Really AIM is a traders game in many cases.
PSL from the chart it looks like it may be breaking out above the 200 day MA but it hasn't done so on volume so I would not entirely trust this move as usually chartists look for volume confirmation of price movements for higher conviction trades. Having said that there is an old saying in the City 'Don't be a dick for a tick' so I wouldn't get too hung up about timing my entry on paying 5.5p vs 5.75p. The big news for PSL should be the launch of their Halcyon lighting system and that might be after their results due in March sometime.
Is this a member only forum, I thought i post here for some advice, cause alot of the posters look on the ball of thing, but my posts have so far been ignored.

If a brother cant ask a brother for help, who can he turn too
Is this a member only forum, I thought i post here for some advice, cause alot of the posters look on the ball of thing, but my posts have so far been ignored.

If a brother cant ask a brother for help, who can he turn too

I do not remember seeing your query.

Repeat your query and lets see if we can help you.
ACP have a gold project in DRC. That is a very dodgy jurisdiction even by African standards. From memory of the project it is quite small (sub commercial?) and low grade which is probably why ACP managed to get hold of it as nobody else wanted it ?

ACP is the old WET ? which was always a private investor favourite but never actually managed to establish their first business in South Africa so I would have reservations. It remains a Private Investor favourite because it is a sub penny share so 'Investors' can quite easily own a 'million' shares and dream about them going to £1.

The chart looks like it is setting up between 50 and 200 day MA so could be due a big move up or down. I'd think if they get re-rated on that low quality gold project it will need gold price a lot higher ?

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Ohh acp is the old wet... Never quite managed to sell the technology to south african where the need for getting rid of acid water is pretty high...

In that case, one to stay clear.

Youtube video explaining how their LED lighting works

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/CoKEhqAdD6A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Buying Shares?

WET... That's a blast from the past! If it is WET in new clothes, I'd personally leave well alone.

Youtube video explaining how their LED lighting works

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/CoKEhqAdD6A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

very interesting...my initial thought was that there are many providers of app control systems already. It does have a few extra features.

S28 - you are keen on this..and have mentioned the march launch too. Is that of Halcyon - global or UK only? And have you already bought in? What price did you go in?
Think I paid 5.25p. Just got a small holding at present.They claim to have patents which makes me think they have something worth having and unique so even if they can't sell worldwide at first they could get royalties?

March is results. Halcyon they are a bit vague on launch.
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That PSL youtube video above has had almost 100 views in the last day or so !
Chart has retested well, news continued positive and now a Golden Cross forming

I keep hearing really positive commentary on VOG. Commonly known as VOG the DOG.

the chart though is shaping positive.


Quite an informative header on this advfn thread :-

Looks like it's about to really ramp up the profit from here having hit the 'sweet spot'


3) Revenues:
- VOG recently said (25/10/2013):
a) 4.8 mmscf/d = $1.84m per month net revenue = $22.08m per year net revenue
b) Cash burn = $1.1m per month = $13.2m per year

- Thus in theory (excluding revenues from condensate):
4.8 mmscf/d = $1.84m per month net revenue = $22.08m per year net revenue (Q1 2014)
12 mmscf/d = $4.6m per month net revenue = $55.2m per year net revenue (Q2 2014)
13.26 mmscf/d = $5.08m per month net revenue = $61m per year net revenue (Q2 2014)
15 mmscf/d = $5.7m per month net revenue = $68.8m per year net revenue (mid 2014)
20 mmscf/d = $7.66m per month net revenue = $92m per year net revenue (H2 2014)

- And:
4.8 mmscf/d = $22.08m per yr net revenue - $13.2m per year burn = $8.88m per yr profit
12 mmscf/d = $55.2m per yr net revenue - $13.2m per year burn = $42m per yr profit
13.26 mmscf/d = $61m per yr net revenue - $13.2m per year burn = $47.8m per yr profit
15 mmscf/d = $68.8m per yr revenue - $13.2m per year burn = $55.6 per yr profit
20 mmscf/d = $92m per yr revenue - $13.2m per year burn = $78m per yr profit

- VOG entitled to recoup $65m drilling costs before RSM can claim its share of profits (reported to be in late 2016) until when almost all net revenues will go to VOG (VOG, 13/12/2013).

Quite an informative header on this advfn thread :-

Looks like it's about to really ramp up the profit from here having hit the 'sweet spot'


3) Revenues:
- VOG recently said (25/10/2013):
a) 4.8 mmscf/d = $1.84m per month net revenue = $22.08m per year net revenue
b) Cash burn = $1.1m per month = $13.2m per year

- Thus in theory (excluding revenues from condensate):
4.8 mmscf/d = $1.84m per month net revenue = $22.08m per year net revenue (Q1 2014)
12 mmscf/d = $4.6m per month net revenue = $55.2m per year net revenue (Q2 2014)
13.26 mmscf/d = $5.08m per month net revenue = $61m per year net revenue (Q2 2014)
15 mmscf/d = $5.7m per month net revenue = $68.8m per year net revenue (mid 2014)
20 mmscf/d = $7.66m per month net revenue = $92m per year net revenue (H2 2014)

- And:
4.8 mmscf/d = $22.08m per yr net revenue - $13.2m per year burn = $8.88m per yr profit
12 mmscf/d = $55.2m per yr net revenue - $13.2m per year burn = $42m per yr profit
13.26 mmscf/d = $61m per yr net revenue - $13.2m per year burn = $47.8m per yr profit
15 mmscf/d = $68.8m per yr revenue - $13.2m per year burn = $55.6 per yr profit
20 mmscf/d = $92m per yr revenue - $13.2m per year burn = $78m per yr profit

- VOG entitled to recoup $65m drilling costs before RSM can claim its share of profits (reported to be in late 2016) until when almost all net revenues will go to VOG (VOG, 13/12/2013).

Victoria Oil and Gas BB members are not as optimistic as you...
BLNX maybe a high risk dead cat bounce but I don't trust any of that Autonomy/Blinkx stable and chart suggesting potential for a Death Cross if the dead cat bounce doesn't eventuate.

The Prof. Ben Edelman critique seems to be well argued and accurate.

QPP and COMS losing some momentum.

Anyone here see Wolf on Wall Street?

How many of those people exist in real life. Pump and Dump!
Some of the biggest boiler room operations are actually run by the big boys - hiding behind a blue-chip logo and a Valentino suits.

Just came across this interview with CPX it's from last year but gives some insight into the tech potential. I like the bit about them developing hybrid batteries thus marrying the energy storage potential of batteries and the pulse power capability of capacitors. All the new upcoming developments in Battery/Hybrid/Fuel Cell vehicles should require these solutions in some form.

Had mentioend SAV a while back, did not dive in myself, but the stock has been ticking up nicely.

70% up in the last 30 days
SAV is the old AME which was mentioned here many times

2p to 10p in about 6 months
Lots of false dawns recently but I think Lenigas having got his mates in at 0.40p is preparing the ground for a major go on this one. Chartwise it could easily break 200 day MA and has recently shown ability to go to 3p intraday. That coal project looked like it might have the power to generate earnings to justify a 3p+ share price. Churchills recent win in Indonesia should calm any nerves about investing in Indonesian coal projects as well.


I am warming to this one. I don't think its Welsh Gold aspirations were likely to be met so they have switched to Indonesian Coal. I reckon Lenigas and his mates have been getting in in recent 0.4p and 0.5p fundraisings. He can't pump all his vehicles at the same time and as he quietens down on the likes of REM I think he has been getting ready to start banging the drum on his other vehicles. STG seems primed for being the next one he will bring to prominence. Keep an eye on the chart there. It has formed a base at the fundraising level and the upside if he delivers on the coal project could be huge. I like the idea of small mining projects where they are ready to go with little upfront capex and can bootstrap using cashflow rather than have interminable studies Scoping/PFS/DFS/BFS etc etc etc all needed to attract big capex funders.

Lots of false dawns recently but I think Lenigas having got his mates in at 0.40p is preparing the ground for a major go on this one. Chartwise it could easily break 200 day MA and has recently shown ability to go to 3p intraday. That coal project looked like it might have the power to generate earnings to justify a 3p+ share price. Churchills recent win in Indonesia should calm any nerves about investing in Indonesian coal projects as well.

have you bought a stake yet?
STG I have a small stake. (If it goes up as much as I expect you only need a small stake anyway for it to make a difference).

Do you know what the latest position with XTR, cause there been some big sells today.

Was think why are they selling with so much to come from XTR
The financiers who financed the acquisition are probably selling some of their newly admitted shares. The strike price for them was about 0.23p so that may act as an overhang for a while as they are cleared out. I think 1 billion issued so given normal XTR volume it could take a few months to clear out.

XTR in return for accepting that dilution has increased its asset base. At the moment the dilution is impacting but positive asset appreciation and cashflow will last well into the future. Overall it should be good for XTR shareholders.

XTR may put out some news in coming weeks to 'finesse' the process of the financiers selling their shares whilst increasing interest amongst long term investors to take those shares off the financiers.

Financiers provide finance. They want limited risk and short term return of capital, that is their business. They aren't long term business stakeholders.
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STG interesting

as well as welsh gold and indonesia coal they also have 7.5% in this english oil play Horse Hill

several Lenigas related companies (DOR, SOLO, UKOG, STG ) own 7.5 - 10% interests each in Horse Hill

STG seems the cheapest by far with a Mkt Cap of only £4m

So if Horse Hill drill comes off you want STG I reckon

87m barrels ? 7.5% is 6.6m barrels so IF successful at $10-20EV per barrel it could be worth $66-132m.

Gas shouldn't be a let down as its near Gatwick/existing gas pipelines so should be easy to tie in and monetise.

Applying 10% Chance of Success probability then STG interest should be valued at $6.6 - 13.2m so makes STG look good value as you get welsh gold and indonesia coal for 'free'
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FTE chartwise could be the star

50m lb of uranium although Inferred mainly that's a potential resource in-situ value of $2000m and the Company is valued at just £4m

Dodgy and crap but just look at all the other trash that is getting a second life at the moment.
STG nice technical pressure allowing one to build a decent position before it really goes.
FTE well fancy that the FTE chart was looking well poised for a breakout and they have an article out on Proactive pumping the Company

Good promoters are the FTE bunch


Forte Energy (LON:FTE, ASX:FTE) should be well positioned to take advantage of a revival in the uranium market following a cost-cutting programme and recent fundraising.

Uranium companies have had a tough time since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March 2011 and Japan’s announcement last week that it plans to restart some of its idled reactors has provided some comfort.

However, those within the sector were never in doubt about the long-term necessity of nuclear power and the need for energy-grade uranium.
“Though the uranium sector received a boost from the commitment of Japan towards its nuclear energy policy, our long-term view of uranium has not changed at all – there remains a clear shortage of options for sufficient power generation to meet future global demand – if you factor in efficiency and environmental concerns nuclear power is the only economically viable solution, and Japan waking up this fact only underlines this,” Forte Energy’s Managing Director Mark Reilly told Proactive Investors.

Global uranium demand dropped about 12% after Fukushima, but consumption has since picked up and is expected to continue to grow thanks mainly to China, Russia and India.
Cameco, one of the world's largest uranium producers, estimates annual world uranium consumption will increase from 170 million pounds currently to about 260 million pounds by 2023 as more nuclear reactors are built worldwide.
Signs of an improving sentiment in the uranium market were noted by Reilly at the end of January.
“Forte Energy continues to investigate potential corporate opportunities which may complement the company's strategic positioning,” he said. “We believe that we are well positioned, with adequate financing facilities available, to take advantage of any suitable value-accretive opportunities as they arise."
Many exploration companies have been strapped for cash as funding has dried up, but Forte is an exception. The company ended 2013 with A$303,000 in cash after receiving A$100,000 in settlement for the sale of its Millenium mining leases in Queensland and raising about A$1.2 million via a placing. The company also implemented a cost-cutting programme that will save it about A$750,000 a year.
After Fukushima, spot uranium prices for U3O8, or yellowcake, fell from almost US$60 a pound (lb) to a low of US$35/lb in the second half of last year. U3O8 is currently trading around US$35.5/lb.
Even though most uranium is sold under long-term contracts, which are higher than spot prices, producers have been feeling the pinch and a number of new mines and development projects have been scrapped or delayed.
“Clearly, exploration for uranium has been severely impacted by the aftermath of Fukushima – however, Forte has continued to invest in its assets and today has a strong portfolio of assets in Mauritania and Guinea with approximately 50mln lb of U3O8 of resources, which we intend to add to over the next few years,” said Reilly.
“As supply falls below the requirements of global demand, due to happen in 2016, as well as the completion of the 90 or so nuclear reactors which are currently in construction, we believe that Forte Energy is well positioned to benefit from this market paradigm,” he added.
Fitch Ratings said it expects spot prices to rise to about US$40-US$45/lb in 2014 following Japan’s announcement. UBS anticipates uranium prices will reach US$50/lb next year, while RFC Ambrian is even more positive, predicting prices will touch US$60/lb.
“The re-opening of Japan’s reactors should result in a significant increase in demand for uranium and we remain optimistic that long-term and spot uranium prices will rise from their current subdued levels,” said analysts at RFC Ambrian.
Corporate activity has increased alongside the positive outlook for prices.
“Another indication of the uranium sector potentially reaching the bottom of the current supply-demand and price cycle is the recent high level of M&A activity as companies take advantage of attractive market valuations,” said analysts at Edison.
Earlier this year, Forte said it was “exploring a number of strategic opportunities that have become available in the current depressed uranium environment”.
“The board believes that this provisional strategic shift from further exploration to corporate activity is in the best interests of all stakeholders, given the current market conditions.”
STG just seems a huge anomaly. Decently cashed up and three projects which by themselves could each be worth a multiple of the current Market Value. IF Lenigas delivers of course.

MXWL is a US company which operates in similar markets supercapacitors/ultracapacitors.

It has gone ballistic last couple of sessions and is a $400m+ Company. Compares with £4m CPX !


Why Maxwell Technologies Inc. Shares Skyrocketed Today

By Steve Symington |

March 5, 2014 |

Although we don't believe in timing the market or panicking over market movements, we do like to keep an eye on big changes -- just in case they're material to our investing thesis.

What: Shares of Maxwell Technologies (NASDAQ: MXWL ) jumped nearly 23% Wednesday following after the company announced the expansion of its ultracapacitor-based Engine Start Module to medium-duty trucks. Maxwell also enjoyed a positive analyst note from Piper Jaffray.

So what: Previously, Maxwell offered the same technology for heavy-duty diesel trucks, so today's announcement represents a significant expansion.

And though Piper analyst Alexander Potter indicated he couldn't "trace the performance to any one catalyst," he did suggest automotive design wins could be "at least a $1.5 billion annual opportunity" for Maxwell. Potter also reiterated a supply deal with Tesla Motors could be at play given CEO Elon Musk's "affinity for ultracapacitors," so maintained his "Outperform" rating on Maxwell shares and nearly doubled his per share price target from $11 to $21.

Now what: As it stands, shares of Maxwell have risen more than 70% over the past five trading days alone, and on what appears mostly to be speculation given its prospects far down the road. I'm all for long-term thinking, but this run has happened far too quickly for me to be comfortable it won't reverse course just as fast. For now, I think investors would be wise to let the dust settle before diving in further.
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Recent market announcements

IDTechEx has noticed increasing traction of the adoption of supercapacitors in smartphones. With devices becoming increasingly thinner, of course components need to follow suit.

CAP-XX, one of the leading supercapacitor companies, announced early this year that it is ready to ship prototypes of its new 1mm thick surface-mount supercapacitor to potential licencees. These are suitable for high volume devices, where re-flow solder board assembly is deployed - notably smartphones. This is not the company's first experience with mobile phones since they have previously worked with Nokia to develop a supercapacitor solution for high-power mobile phone camera flashes.

It's about to drill a potential multi-billion oil prospect but risk-reward not favourable. I would usually sell at spud.

say it's a 1 billion prospect, they have 30% so potential 300m barrels

at $10 ev per barrel potential upside is $3000m

such wildcat wells are 1 in 20 to 1 in 13 prospects

So to account for 'statistical probablility' you could say 'fair value' is $3000/20 = $150m

I think it is already way above that ?

Compare with STG it is trading below prospective 'fair value' of its statistical chance of success on its potential upside

GBP is a sister company of TRP and owns licences next door to TRP. IF TRP have success GBP should see a big upside move and it is backed by cash so the risk reward is more favourable.
It's about to drill a potential multi-billion oil prospect but risk-reward not favourable. I would usually sell at spud.

say it's a 1 billion prospect, they have 30% so potential 300m barrels

at $10 ev per barrel potential upside is $3000m

such wildcat wells are 1 in 20 to 1 in 13 prospects

So to account for 'statistical probablility' you could say 'fair value' is $3000/20 = $150m

I think it is already way above that ?

Compare with STG it is trading below prospective 'fair value' of its statistical chance of success on its potential upside

GBP is a sister company of TRP and owns licences next door to TRP. IF TRP have success GBP should see a big upside move and it is backed by cash so the risk reward is more favourable.

thanks - very informative. I have bought in today...can you tell me what is "spud"? thanks
I was in TRP about 3 years ago. Always miss their deadlines.

Heard a rumour today re. XEL from the usual source. StatOil have been the heavily linked suitor, but the Chinese have allegedly been paying MMs to depress the price for a few months, readying investors for a low-ball offer. Those pesky Chinese oilers, eh?

I cant see the UK Govt allowing any foreign purchase for a field as big and important as Bentley. The Budget will also be interesting as NS incentives have been heaviliy touted.
But getting back to the uranium market, this announcement by the Japanese is huge news. It was anticipated by the big money.* The Russians have also just banned uranium exports through Ukraine.* So Ukraine has only about a month’s supply left to fuel its reactors.

Eastern Europe is going to be in a bit of trouble because everyone who buys from Kazakhstan and Russia will not be getting uranium for the time being.* It is still winter in Eastern Europe, so it is very important that these countries can receive uranium to power their nuclear reactors so they can produce electricity.* On top of that, we already know there is a international uranium supply crunch coming this year.

Two days ago I spoke to the man who is the world’s greatest authority on uranium deposits.* This man does a great deal of work for the large French uranium company, Areva.* He told me, ‘There is not going to be any forward development of any uranium projects worldwide until the price of uranium gets to $70.’* That was incredibly bullish news he gave to me regarding the price of uranium, which is currently still below $40!

So I expect the price of uranium to go up incredibly fast, and I am extremely bullish on the stocks for that reason.* People were also worried about a so-called overhang of Japanese uranium that may hit the market.* Well, it seems that the Chinese have taken 49 million pounds of that excess inventory.* This will only exacerbate the tightness in the uranium market later this year.”

Very positive article on Uranium that.

FTE is my favourite play on it at the moment as you can still buy below the last 0.4p placing
can someone explain rights issues - I think I get it but will like a layman's definition...I am particularly keen to know what happens to SP if they are exercised?
You as a shareholder have pre-emption rights so if the Company issue more shares you have right to participate to preserve your percentage holding. That right has a value so even if you don't participate in a rights issue you should be able to sell your 'nil paid rights' to other investors if you wish to.

The price after a rights issue is simply a mathematical calculation allowing for the dilution so the theoretical ex-right price. A good rights issue should see price rise above rights issue price because presumably dilution was for good reason. A bad rights issue may see price below rights issue price because maybe the rights issue has been mishandled. Overall it should be positive otherwise would be no point doing it.
Unfortunately they have recently had a bad name because they were done by bad Management to recover from problems they had caused/pay down debt they had taken on. Should be judged on case by case basis though.
I've convinced myself I need to buy more FTE !

Sector out of favour but serious fundamental reasons why it should come back and overseas uranium stocks rising very strongly.

FTE have reduced operating expenses, trading at slight discount to last placing so no need for any major fundraising soon. Looking for Corporate Action i.e. Reverse Takeover of some other entity.

Lots of potential catalysts and it has ability to move quickly once it comes back on traders radars.
FTE and PSL charts building.

Long term investor has bought FTE so good news.
FTE 0.30 to 0.45 in a week is great but this does have tendency to go on big runs

Hoping for a pull back at the 0.50 level back to 0.40 level so I can add more

0.40 seems a good floor price given that is where long term Institutions are buying and the last major placing took place there