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Buying shares?

Eid Mubarak All

With GCM, why do you guys think it going down, from what I know Hasina hasn't opened her big gob yet
Eid Mubarak to you all.

It's a binary business: say 'yes' to open mining and it's cheap at £20; say a definitive and final 'no' and it's worth precisely nowt.

Until either position is stated by GoB, it will go up and down on investor sentiment.
Eid Mubarak.

I sometimes think I should not listen to myself when I have too high conviction. it's usually the things which you have trouble believing or where everybody has given up which have the really big short term pops e.g. likes of PHE , REH, CNEL

GCM is completely binary but if the worst comes to the worst they could actually sue the Bangladesh Government especially nowadays thanks to Litigation Funding specialists like Calunius / Burford Capital etc

Shares often perform better once Management bite the bullet and go legal on corrupt Governments e.g. CHL and OXS

So whilst it is best to view GCM as zero or £10+ there is a case to be made that for long term investors who are prepared to see it through it is more like binary outcome of 50p or £10+

That is why Richard Griffiths of ORA Capital was squirrelling away 7% of the stock at below 20p and the Malaysians bought in at 20p
Belated Eid Mubarak to all

GCM - well at some point its going to be a prime candidate for a short... If its not already.
GCM - medium/long term it's looking better than it has for a while

Locals are campaigning for the project

Technical people and politicians slowly but surely building overwhelming consensus for a move forward based on things like facts, rational enquiry, academic and field studies etc etc

Short term the irrational naysayers / leftie commie anti-progress / corrupt leaders like Hasina may still have a pop but the majority reasoned opinion is quite clear. Bangladesh have no other choice. Beggars can not be choosers as the old saying goes.
sometime a good idea to just take a step back and get some perspective... gcm is not expensive in historical terms

that long 'basing' period allowed anyone who wanted to sell to do so and should just leave 'net buyers' going forward

Let's hope so. Still too much talk of 'imported coal' which is completely unworkable given the cost and lack of supply. I hope the plan is to build the facilities and then once they are built they can say we have invested all this money in coal fired power stations , we can't import the coal due to the price/lack of availability so we will have to dig our own coal up.
A couple of AIM tiddlers up 400% (WRN) and 200% (EVO) today. Not sure if that is just August illiquidity or some risk-seeking coming back into the market.

EVO is extraordinary as they announced 0.12p placing last night and people paying as much as 0.6p today (a 400% markup). Private Investor favourite David Lenigas looks like he may use EVO as his next shell play.
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Final Results out

Could be used as a Reverse Takeover Vehicle by another Company or Sell off it's IP. Or may distribute remaining cash. Anyway should all come to a conclusion within 3 months apparently.


The directors believe that the ongoing discussions regarding the sale of the Group's technology and assets will be concluded within the next three months. The board expects to be able to make further announcements regarding this to shareholders in due course.

The Directors seem to have significant stakes so do have skin in the game.

Market Cap is £0.5m. As at July 2013 they had cash of about £0.6m. The IP and Listing should have some value as well surely.

EVO was mentioned on this thread previously as a potential RTO candidate. interesting to see how in absence of any definitive plans or way to value it the technical barrier of the 200 day Moving average line acted as resistance. Expect it may go sideways to down as the 0.12p placing sinks in but I would expect it to remain above 0.30p and it might be worth a punt at those levels if Lenigas takes over and does something with the listing.

Keeping an eye on a few other situations which may offer interesting RTO potentials

e.g. HCP

and TGL

and AVP



TGL may be interesting as the guy behind it Ilyas Khan of Stanhill Capital although having a patchy record is credited with having been behind bringing Abramovich into ZOL zoltav which was previously the failed Merchant Bank Crosby Capital. Similarly TGL is being primed as a Technology company from the shell of his failed Gold exploration company Touchstone Gold.
Buying Shares?

£11 is high.



Don't go for the cheapest rate as your only criteria. The most frustrating aspect of many cheapo brokers is the lack of liquidity of YOUR funds. You get a hot tip, don't have funds to act on it so need to sell an existing stock. You press the sale button, action the transaction... and then find out the sale proceeds won't come into your share account for 3 days. Meaning you miss out on the hot tip, while making a needless fire sale.
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The dash for trash trade is back on. Silly moves going on in likes of EVO. Announce a 0.12p placing and stock moves to a 1000% premium.
I know you're not a fan of XEL, s28, but looks like it is being held back re. Independence vote.

Currently valued at $1.80pb but NS assets should be valued minimum $15pb?
Any good advice will Be appreciated about buying shares, badically i got 50k to invest
Any good advice will Be appreciated about buying shares, badically i got 50k to invest

Lots of good advice earlier in this thread. Just remember to always be prepared to only invest what you are prepared to lose - especially on AIM.
Give a man a fish he can eat for one day
Teach a man to fish and he can feed himself and his family for a lifetime.

This thread is more about learning than tipping.
GCM I think some people getting bored waiting for this OECD report which some expected last quarter even though Company said next quarter. More important is the IWM hydrological study though and that is a open ended 'few months' in Bangladeshi terms.
Thanks jaspa888 & s28 for the info.

ITV could become interesting, was listening to talksport, they were talking about takeover, partnership deal, ITV will have to invest to compete with the big guns
Horse Hill posse announce spud today on potentially UK's biggest potential onshore drill for years. It could be the start of a run for some of them but I wonder if with so many involved the impact may be diluted. Just flicking through the charts UKOG and SOLO seem to be in the most 'constructive' phase i.e. MACD is already in positive territory even before this news. But others look poised (whether to go up or down who knows) in relation to respective key resistance levels and Moving Averages.

Personally I would usually look to de-risk on spud announcement as it becomes a totally binary event with the odds on downside. Could this time be different ? With so many promoters ramping this drill should be plenty of press and private investor risk appetite seems to be up going into seasonally strong year end ?
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does Anyone now anything about Alibaba IPO, it's a Chinese e-trade company, and will be Floating on New York stock exchange on 18 or 19 Sept 2014
it's going to be a massive IPO and massively overhyped so i would avoid it personally but will be interesting how it gets priced as a Chinese company listing on the US markets

"The Company was successful in launching a prototype of its first automotive product and commenced sales in very low volumes for the purposes of third party evaluation. This action has assisted the Company in responding to the increasing interest in the use of CAP-XX technology in the automotive market sector with interest being led by both OEM' s and tier 1 suppliers. In launching the prototype, CAP-XX's capability and performance is able to be tested and reviewed against competitor's products and we are pleased to report that the results are encouraging. As a direct result of these actions we can report that discussions on licensing of CAP-XX's supercapacitor technology for automotive applications are now at an advanced stage with detailed negotiations currently underway. The Board expects these to result in the securing of licensing revenues during the current financial year. "

very interesting. they usually announce final results in October. a quick glance shows 8th,9th and 17th October as results days for last few years.

they seem confident of Murata royalties increasing. always seemed a bit odd Murata would build them a factory for $50m or whatever it was if the tech wasn't proven and production ready. but they might do it for a valued end customer who wanted the tech.

Murata are a major supplier of capacitors to Apple. Apple due to release iWatch tomorrow. Major gating factor for iWatch has been questions of how you charge something that most people are used to not charging at all. There has been suggestions that some sort of energy-harvesting device may be used and that would certainly have to include supercapacitor technology from my understanding.

May be adding 2+2 to make 500 but i'll be glued to any Apple announcements and tear-downs over coming days. Also lets see if Management / Board award themselves a ton of options today or tomorrow :-p

all that is even before the confidence in licensing for automotive applications which would take CPX into a new league in terms of revenues and mass market acceptance as auto companies will have done serious testing before licensing

CPX has over the last 20 odd years had $100m of cash spent developing its technology and current position in the market. That investment should be valued at more than the current £4m Market Cap given that its closest comparitor MXWL is a $300m entity.
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CPX - had another read through of the Results RNS.

Some interesting snippets :-

"Numerous automotive OEMs and battery manufacturers have purchased samples and are currently evaluating CAP-XX's automotive products. The feedback to date has been pleasing."

Like the comment about 'numerous' auto companies evaluating the product. Also emphasises OEM's rather than just Tier 1 suppliers so this is the big wig end customers making the decisions by looks of things. Also interesting that they are talking to battery manufacturers. Supercapacitors in some circles seen as competitors for batteries but if they can be seen as complementary to some battery solutions they could be pushed more easily through existing routes to market.

Under the heading 'Strategies for Growth' :-

The Company continues to engage in discussions aimed at securing business with a number of global OEM's active in portable consumer electronics. We are strengthening relationships with these organisations and have regular engineering meetings together with their integrated board providers and design teams. We are unable to comment on specific clients...

(Apple or Samsung immediately spring to mind.)

The Company will continue to explore additional opportunities to increase the product offering both through the current distributors and direct to customers. These offerings may take the form of complementary energy storage devices and modules.

(Interesting to think that they could offer products direct to consumers?)

Separately, the Company is exploring the opportunities in several new markets to leverage its strong intellectual property and engineering expertise through new license agreements or joint ventures.

(A whole lot of interesting stuff going on!)
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Interesting stuff s28, thanks for the tip.

A re-rating should come on firm news, but I always worry that tiddlers with huge potential can be taken out for a fraction of their true value.

Chart is nicely poised now. I think there is a seller at this level which is keeping things contained for the moment but that overhang lifting added to news could have a huge impact on the share price.
Watch 'unveiled' but mystery surrounds battery and 'power management' at the moment


Watch 'unveiled' today but not going on sale until 2015 so no teardowns until then. I would speculate with my CPX tinted glasses on that Apple want to keep any supercapacitor strategy underwraps if they are going to include one so their competition don't copy and/or the product is still not deemed production ready yet ?
Interesting stuff s28, thanks for the tip.

A re-rating should come on firm news, but I always worry that tiddlers with huge potential can be taken out for a fraction of their true value.

Hi jaspa, is there any safe and profitable shares in aim that i could invest in and treble the 50 k i got to invest
Hi jaspa, is there any safe and profitable shares in aim that i could invest in and treble the 50 k i got to invest

Risk and rewards have an inverse relationship. If they didn't, everyone would be a squillionaire.

This thread is mostly advice on investing in risky AIM shares. And the tips on here are highly speculative but potentially lucrative

AIM can potentially multiply your money, but even with the soundest research there is a greater chance of reducing it to a fraction - especially looking at AIM over the last 6 years. I would never encourage anyone to invest £50k in AIM, unless that was your play money.

If you wish to enjoy safety and growth, you need to split your portfolio with the majority in FTSE, and a small percentage in AIM and tech stocks (several have been tipped on here by s28).

Good luck :)

moving up on almost no volume, suspect there is a large buy order in background and it is being 'warehoused' by the broker for the institutional client

SOLO mainly going up on Tanzania but all these HH plays coming to previous recent highs and look to have ability to break through in coming weeks as no doubt with likes of Lenigas in charge they will either ramp a dryish hole as a success or ramp them prior to the make or break drill to get some cash raised as its game over for many of them without cash if HH is a duster










CPX related ... hopefully

from a 2012 Apple iphone 5 teardown

Minatake Kashio of Fomalhaut Techno Solutions, an expert in dismantling and analyzing electronic devices, bought an iPhone 5 at a SoftBank Mobile Corp. outlet and inspected its 1,000 or so components.

He identified the manufacturers on the basis of each component's markings and shape, or by speaking to knowledgeable sources.

The iPhone 5 uses about 5 percent more parts than its predecessor, the iPhone 4S, Kashio said.

Murata Manufacturing Co. accounted for the largest number of components, including more than 400 capacitors. Murata has more than a 30-percent global share in capacitors.

One of the Murata items used is a cutting-edge capacitor that fits a stack of 100 ceramic films into a tiny, 0.2-millimeter body.

The iPhone 5 also contains the world's smallest power coils and transistors, which were manufactured by TDK Corp. and Rohm Co. especially for it.


and some iphone 6 teardowns out in the last few hours

Dissembling the device in a Mac repair shop after lining up overnight to buy a phone, iFixit technicians also discovered a Murata (6981.T) wifi module, a Broadcom (BRCM.O) touchscreen controller, and chips from Skyworks, Avago and TriQuint (TQNT.O).

News that a supplier has been chosen - or rejected - for one of Apple's products can sometimes cause drastic swings in stock prices. Apple doesn't disclose which companiesmake the components that go into its smartphones. It also imposes strict rules forbidding its suppliers from discussing Apple-related business with investors and the media.


Still nothing definitive for CPX but it shows the potential route to market
North Sea oilies should see an upswing in the next few days now the uncertainty of Independence has gone. Im back into XEL and Hurricane this morning.
TGL highlighted here recently had a big move today

Note the move was stopped by overhead resistance in form of the 200 day moving average line. So unless there is real news and it breaks that on volume i'd expect next move to be down / consolidation within the 50 to 200 day moving average area.
Keeping an eye on a few other situations which may offer interesting RTO potentials

e.g. HCP

and TGL

and AVP



Good news for IKA regarding the new factory. Also good to see they have hit the milestone on time.
IKA are doing a good job of hitting the incremental milestones and keeping shareholders informed. you get the sense they are building up to a big announcement which could 'blow the doors off'. I have long expected once the chart is above it's all time highs then there will be limited resistance apart from 'big round numbers' like 100p level etc so it could really move as it appears to be held by investors who know the real long term potential.
Battery technology

Navigant Research expects global battery demand to grow from 66.2GWh to 225.3GWh in 2023

• Latest research from Navigant not only highlights the overall grow expected in the market but also the potential growth in advanced battery technologies.

• The research house sees new chemistries surpassing Lithium-ion technology and leading to an increase in new applications.

• Technology advancements are expected to overcome limiting factors for Lithium-ion including: costs, safety and materials scarcity.

• Technologies mentioned in the Navigant report include: lithium sulfur, magnesium ion, solid electrolyte (mentioned in our morning note yesterday) and metal-air.

Ultracapacitors (also called Supercapacitors) are also mentioned in the report. These are solid material devices hold charge electrostatically on a material, rather than by it being produced chemically as it is in a battery.

• However, although supercapacitors can store a large amount of charge they have low energy density, produce low voltages and discharge quickly.

• Batteries provide slow steady energy supply for high energy demands. Several supercapacitors would be required to power a smartphones, size would therefore be an issue, material costs are higher to produce high-performance supercapacitors (source University of California Berkeley) and the devices wouldn’t hold charge long enough to power a smartphone over a practical time period. They can potentially be used for the phone flash though!

• Supercapacitors need to be developed to be smaller and hold more energy for longer to address really high volume markets . Researchers at Berkeley are developing new electrolytes to increase energy storage in supercapacitors whilst enabling millions of, within minutes, recharge/discharge cycles times.

• Berkeley sees supercapacitors devices as complementary devices for batteries for example using them in an electric vehicle discharging for acceleration bursts, recharging on braking, would decrease the amount of batteries required, and therefore vehicle weight – this would extend the electric vehicle range and increase the market for electric vehicles.

• The current market for supercapacitors the devices is circa $1bn and applications include hybrid and electric buses, energy storage for metro transport,trams and trains. Wider spread adoption of these devices, new materials being developed by Universities such as Berkeley to improve both their performance and that of batteries, may indeed help to support the type of exciting growth that Navigant is forecasting.

IKA broken through the psychological 100p barrier with ease. I thought there'd have been more resistance.
CPX is mad.

But stocks like KLG going up 400% in a day tells you the market is very inefficient at valuing small companies properly. Some of these valuation are out by 1-10x
Hello. I'd like someone to briefly shed some light on how stock market point system works and what does it essentially symbolizes, especially what should I make of dow jones standing at presumably at 8800 points and also Increase of 200 point and its meaning?.

Although, I have studied about other technicalities such as calculation of some of its ibdicator as part of my course, but I have yet to study this aspect of markets.
Hello. I'd like someone to briefly shed some light on how stock market point system works and what does it essentially symbolizes, especially what should I make of dow jones standing at presumably at 8800 points and also Increase of 200 point and its meaning?.

Although, I have studied about other technicalities such as calculation of some of its ibdicator as part of my course, but I have yet to study this aspect of markets.

I don't know how familiar you are with different weighting schemes for indexes, but the Dow Jones is a price-weighted index of 30 stocks.

What that basically means is the they take the sum of the prices of the 30 stocks, and divide it by a number called the Dow Divisor, to arrive at the "points" which you hear about.

The divisor is changed in certain scenarios. For example, in case of a 2-for-1 stock split, the price of the company's stock will roughly half. The divisor will be adjusted so that the total points of the index do not change.

An increase in 200 points would then just mean that between yesterday and today, the NET sum price of the 30 stocks/divisor has gone up by 200 points.

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XTR - why all of a sudden its going down, i thought the half year account would have increased the price
They have over-promised and under-delivered a cardinal sin for any Company. In addition they have used SEDA/EFF financing which has been a constant source of equity dilution and usually attracts shorting institutions.

I'm sure that once they start delivering they will have some story to shout about but it may take longer for the market to give them the benefit of the doubt second time round.
From EK Diaries today

I bought Ilika (IKA) in a placing at 60p about seven months ago. This has 30% or 18p knocked off for EIS relief. The stock is now trading at 117p. This could be a real ten bagger in that Ilika purports to be on the cusp of revolutionising lithium batteries for mobile phones - amongst other projects. I cannot even begin to think how to assess whether Ilika is gaining traction but the market clearly dreams that it is.
I'm still very much a subscriber to his website. He does occasionally come up with some good ideas but I tend to be wary of his long tips because I know now the source for many of his long tips especially in the oil and gas sector.
He certainly has a legion of fans - enough to perhaps even move the small-cap market.
I don't know how familiar you are with different weighting schemes for indexes, but the Dow Jones is a price-weighted index of 30 stocks.

What that basically means is the they take the sum of the prices of the 30 stocks, and divide it by a number called the Dow Divisor, to arrive at the "points" which you hear about.

The divisor is changed in certain scenarios. For example, in case of a 2-for-1 stock split, the price of the company's stock will roughly half. The divisor will be adjusted so that the total points of the index do not change.

An increase in 200 points would then just mean that between yesterday and today, the NET sum price of the 30 stocks/divisor has gone up by 200 points.

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Thank you for giving a explanation. I would certainly ask more questions in this regard.
Is it possible for you to recommend something from which I can get significant knowledge about Exchanges etc? Website etc?
Thank you for giving a explanation. I would certainly ask more questions in this regard.
Is it possible for you to recommend something from which I can get significant knowledge about Exchanges etc? Website etc?

Here's a couple of pages on the basics of how stock exchange works, and what different kinds of weighting mechanisms they use.

Let me know if you find the material too easy/complex. Is there any particular purpose behing studying them?

Investopedia is a very good general resource.

Eid mubarak to all by the way.